I’ve been doing a lot of work on Ure’s personal taxes this week. It’s the time of year when a collection of red folders come out and various tax forms go into the folder after being entered in the “tax working directories” with backups, data dumps, and the odd spreadsheet.
The best single tool anyone can have is a first-rate scanner set up in such a way that everything crossing the desk is almost automatically scanned into the right folder.
To the point? I think a lot about taxes this time of year.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about crypto currencies (and taxes) ever since the Fed and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the F.D.I.C. issued their statement a week ago on how the Crypto’s pose a threat to Central Banks.
Which (fast-forward to this morning in Europe) is likely why Jerome Powell decided to appear at a forum on Central Bank Independence.
Sure, everyone is looking for Powell to say something Market-Moving. But we’re really much more interested in any mentions about Crypto because (as three agencies have just warned) that fast craps game in the alley out back poses an existential threat to traditional Nation Banks.
We try to “connect the dots” and our thinking point this week has been on “Tax Leakage.”
Specifically, the Federal Governments of the world, don’t hate Crypto except for a handful of reasons:
- Cryptos attempt to enable “secret transactions.” For example, when that Russian merchant ship made an unscheduled drop-in at a South African naval bases this week, was there a one-for-one trade (in something bad) going on? Or – as would be expected if values weren’t nearly pound-for-pound equal, might there have been a Crypto side deal? Hard knowing who the bad guys are, if you don’t know what they are spending their money on.
- Cryptos wreck National monetary agendas in several specific ways.
- First. they neuter a nation’s ability to “make up its own money” and thereby influence (in very specific ways) the direction of relative international currency values.
- Second, they have a much different “turnover” function. Just as in electronics, where power is stated in Watts as a function of Volts times current in Amps, the analog in economics goes like this: Power in economics equals Number of Currency Units times their annual Turnover Frequency. In other words, a $1-trillion turnover (units/turned over per year) may run well on a money supply of $1-trillion which is “turned over” a single time annually. But, a $1-trillion valued competing “currency” turned over 10-times a year is a wildly different kettle of fish. Highly inflationary.
- But the BIG issue even above these is that Crypto transaction – given a multiplicity of ledgers and clearing schemes – is far more prone to Tax Leakage. Which Central Banksters feel is important because governments want their “vig.“
This is all pre-Powell speculation, but now that governments are considering their own ledgers and their own crypto schemes, what we are likely in the beginning stages of is the Official War on Cryptos.
Updated: Powell’s remarks might as well have been delivered by Caspar Milquetoast. Said the Fed would not be a climate policymaker and how they needed to be independent. Blah, blah, blah. Such as:
“But without explicit congressional legislation, it would be inappropriate for us to use our monetary policy or supervisory tools to promote a greener economy or to achieve other climate-based goals.7 We are not, and will not be, a “climate policymaker.”
Way to go, Caspar.
Which (don’t look now) is likely one item I.R.S. was planning to be involved with having planned a massive hiring program. As of this morning, the republicans have made good on a campaign promise to attempt to stop the hiring plans (House Republicans pass legislation trying to block new IRS funding).
But as so often happens in this journo-scribbling space, there is the matter of tax avoidance (leakage) and the illicit businesses (drugs, sex trafficking, arms sales, bioweapons) that came along with Cryptos. Which were, you’ll remember, a reaction to tightening of tightening offshore tax haven rules including the line of lawsuits that required banks with a branch in the U.S. to open records of offshore subsidiaries to American authorities.
You can read some first-rate detail, about (among other things) how the Cayman Islands would return to being a small country with a few fishing villages were it not for offshore domiciled private banking. Read the 2001 Role of U.S. Correspondent banking in International Money Laundering (circa 2000) for some useful insights.
Then, a nickel’s worth of Ure perspective.
The problem of Cryptos is that they are specifically non-state Actor’s money. And in global politics, individual nations are expected to keep their own citizens somewhat in check. That is, the Russian mob is tracked and used by the Russian government. Duh. Just as the Triads in Asia…but you know all that.
The problem is what happens when large segments of a society go rogue and beyond simple tax tracking; sinking ever deeper into the morass of illegal and immoral activities (like human trafficking and fentanyl) that are on the rise?
Crooks hate taxes. However, we don’t mind them at all. Keeps the riffraff in line. And gives governments something useful to do.
Al Capone was a 1920’s populist in Chicago. Who, surrounding himself with the best accountants and lawyers that money could find, was only eventually removed from his role as the leading criminal scourge in America by a tax evasion conviction. We rather think, when comes time to clean up a rhyming period of history, that forcing government money back into its sole role as “money” will go a long way toward cleaning up America.
Both gold and silver were “called” by Executive Orders in the Great Depression and what’s you’re seeing now will likely be a set-up to a “calling” (and culling) of the modern Crypto secret money analog.
News organizations may not emphasize this larger game but losing Crypto could be a killer in The Swamp.
We’re still astounded at BTC holding $17,260 again today. But the front lines are feeling the preheat. Coinbase to cut another 20% of its workforce in the second wave of layoffs.
National Federation of Independent Business report is out. The press release, please?
“Inflation remains top business problem for small employers
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan. 10, 2023) – The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index declined 2.1 points in December to 89.8, marking the 12th consecutive month below the 49-year average of 98. Owners expecting better business conditions over the next six months worsened by eight points from November to a net negative 51%. Inflation remains the single most important business problem with 32% of owners reporting it as their top problem in operating their business.
“Overall, small business owners are not optimistic about 2023 as sales and business conditions are expected to deteriorate,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “Owners are managing several economic uncertainties and persistent inflation and they continue to make business and operational changes to compensate.”
Rather unsurprisingly, the markets don’t like this kind of thing. Dow futures were down 130 early with more jitters to come with the open and J. Powell remarks pending.
The Cynic’s News Grinder
With all the recent Trump bashing on classified materials at Mar a Lago, this is cute: Classified documents from Biden’s vice presidency found at think tank. Be prepared for an onslaught of “This is different because…” stories.
Passings: Diamond of Diamond and Silk dies at 51 at her home in North Carolina. She was a huge DJT supporter.
No, despite the massive hype about the 2020 election being set aside, it’s not happening: Supreme Court Rejects Case Seeking to Overturn 2020 Election. Color us unsurprised. The system will always save itself, first.
Another election not being overturned is Brazil’s. Former Brazilian President Bolsonaro in US hospital; 1,500 supporters detained after Brasilia riots.
Student Loan flim-flam, anyone? Education Department announces plan for ‘transforming’ student loan repayment. The real issue (with regard to student loans) is that runaway costs in higher education have been a suckling teat of the liberal establishment. See, I ran accredited schools and know how the “jacked up tuition” game is played. It costs more for a degree now (by a long shot) than before “money-saving” teaching methods (like computers and online content) came along. The government is getting this all totally wrong as we see it. It’s not about forgiving the Debts on the back-end. It’s about reducing the costs on the front-end. But, the reason you don’t read about that is that it’s a liberal monetization. What’s needed is a program to challenge degrees directly using self-study and online learning tools. We need to take the bullshit about “accreditation” out back to the concrete wall and bring a pack of smokes. It’s a sham and a shame. People either “know the material” or they don’t. But there I go, again, being logical in the face of a massive monetization. Kids and parents ALL fall into the crooked “hallowed halls” and reverse sales techniques (“Why should we accept Jimmy into this grand institution, Mrs. Jimmy’s Mom?”) which (sadly) I taught to “admissions officers” (who are just salespeople). There have been a number of people who’ve tried to get rid of, or change, the Accreditation Game. Read up on Dr. John Bear’s work, sometime.
Regional Communist Summit Conference? Well, not quite: Leaders of US, Mexico and Canada to Hold Mexico City Summit. Functionally similar.
Let’s Visit the Propaganda Front!
Ure is still running around with welding glasses in his shirt pocket, waiting for the nukes to fly. As the Propaganda War could escalate any old time:
The low adjectives version of events may be Live: Russia’s Wagner Group fighting ‘heavy, bloody battles’ in east Ukraine, founder says.
The Zelensky give us support or give us death side claims “Over 110,000 troops lost by Russia Ukraine war and a Russian ship sunk.
And the pressurized Putin is dealing with Putin ally Patrushev says Russia is now fighting NATO in Ukraine.
Still raining:
Move over, Seattle, huh?
To-Do Tuesday
And if you thought Cortana was a PITA: Microsoft has a new text-to-speech AI tool to wow and annoy us.
Don’t mind me, I’m stuck back at trying to figure out why there’s so little Xeon support in Win11. (If you say because Zeon didn’t have TPM 2.0 I’ll have to slap you.) There are some Xeon processors supported (list is here, scroll down). But so far, none of those Big RAM, refurbs on Amazon seem to fit. Damn. Guess my media server will be Linux-based, huh?
Almost down to the 30-day window ahead of my 74th B-Day! Yee-haw. If you think having a “workstation for each hobby” is strange (let alone an old geezer building a media server) you may have skipped over the Washington Post article How hobbies may help gird against dementia a few weeks back.
Things like grown-up computing, writing, 3D printing and CNC, high-speed Morse code, and too much yard (and greenhouse) work along with several supplement stacks a day can’t hurt, can it?
90-minutes to the open. Dow futures down 160…
Write when you get rich,
Bashing bitcoin as criminal while standing behind, taking part in and supporting the CRIMINAL govmint student loan business is to this reader the height of hypocrisy. Nothing worse, less worthy than a hypocrite, nothing.
Billions of dolllars..neigh make that trillions of dollars – tax dollars go into supporting WAR -WAR making..Killing our perceived enemies, while poverty reigns in our inner cities, a countyr where Ure precious govmint is in the business of raping our Children& Families for educational purposes (charging interest on loans for EDUCATION) ?!!!!?
Twisted and sick Ure mind seems to be, but hey seems like fun trying bash, incriminate Bitcoin and Blockchain, while working families around the World continue to suffer under the yoke of the BIS/CB/wef’rs. We obviously know what side of “the bread” Ures is buttered on…
So enjoy and keep bashing..its comical.
Gonna enroll you in remedial thinking course.
“Bashing bitcoin as criminal while standing behind, taking part in and supporting the CRIMINAL govmint student loan business is to this reader the height of hypocrisy. “Where did you get the idea I was “taking part in and supporting the CRIMINAL govmint student loan business”?
Bashing BTC as making up money and taking from the statistically ignorant? Guilty as charged!
Like watching greedy yeast cells gobble up all the sugar water in ever increasing amounts without fail until the acidic by product kills them all off.
Same analog applies here.
Yep, SCOTUS decided not to hear the Brunson case but the brothers are planning to file a request to reconsider. So goes the “civilized” society we all love and adore. There are 2 identical cases, though.
It’s really kind of funny in a sick way – remember when the criminal class was distinguished by $100 bills – now it’s crypto and the Gov’t is gonna get their pint of blood but don’t look over here while we skim the Ukraine billions back to the US through FTX. My guess is someone is gonna die or someones ……..
We would not want to be underwriters of the SBF life policy, for sure.
Right there with ya on the February birthdays, George. The only good thing I can see coming from 66 is MAYbe I can see about squeezing SS for a little bit at 66.5. Enough to pay for Medicare Part B or something. The wife bugged me for a month to look in to putting her on TRS Active Care or whatever they call it so I called in to see what it would cost. Bottom line is I told her to just see what she could get through her work insurance. Things transpired that she could work a much better deal so that was a good outcome. I’m still out here doing the Freebird, though. Going to get my first blood test in a decade-plus next month or, they say, they won’t renew the BP Rx. The vial contents may turn out to be Grinch Green with purple specks. I’m more worried about the fasting beforehand, though. Perhaps all the Christmas goodies will be gone by then.
I thought W7 support was over and done with long ago. I still get the daily updates for M$ Security Essentials but I thought that was just a sop to everyone. Need to pull my laptop apart and reset the hard drive interface as it tends to get stuck at the BIOS start up in the morning when it’s cold. They didn’t make this Inspiron model as easy to get into as the previous models were so that new laptop may be coming sooner than later.
What is “the Freebird”? An airplane, a song, or other? Just curious.
The song was White Bird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cin0QzuEss
Freebird is either unencumbered by one’s past: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/free+birds
or “A term commonly shouted by concert patrons in an attempt to mock the band’s ability to play their own music” from https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=freebird
Commonly used by hipsters slightly out of context in geezerspeak of how-hip-I-amese
Thanks George. I actually looked it up, but got different results.
Yes, it depends on where you hear it from. It varies from place to place but generally means what George indicated – free and unencumbered.
Money used to be anonymous, fungible, portable, durable, etc. Today we deal with a small subset of real money and call it OK. It seems to me that an honest government should be able to rein in the bad actors in society without resorting to stealing, or at least holding a sword over their assets. Without assurance that the fruits of your labor remain available to you once earned, why bother? I don’t fancy the idea of spending “money” immediately just to assure that I’ll retain some of the value that I earned.
This is not to say that crypto is good or bad. I never got involved since I tend to overthink things and want to understand reality as much as possible at the bare metal level, so I missed the fun days of mining for hashes. Today it seems that BTC and its little sisters are all swept through outfits such as Coinbase, which are collectively similar to a central bank, though not as obvious. I dread the idea of a CBDC since being forced trust a linked account, and possibly to spend or lose value is more akin to a game show than a real economy. The idea that I don’t have money – only credits in an “account” is just awful. Even PM’s don’t fully meet the requirements of real money since they are not easily portable beyond our borders, and are certainly not easily tradeable at the local corner store or Walmart.
Best to just not play more than necessary.
Mike, since you are a longtime PN subscriber, please go reread https://peoplenomics.com/inside/nl20071118.htm
For the Great Unwashed, I don’t do this often, but my 2007 paper on the transition (which we’re now in) may offer some insights. Remember, this is from 2007!
he Switch to Digital Money
November 18, 2007
George A. Ure, MBA
Money, as a means of storing value, has evolved through three major stages. Beginning with the ‘tangible assets” phase, consisting of land, crops, livestock, fruits of labor (housing), and natural resources (level 1), and progressing through the precious/monetary metals stage (level 2), the world is presently in what may be the final phase of several paper currencies (level 3). Chief among these is the U.S. (level 3) dollar, which has seen purchasing power fall from an absolute dollar since the 1913 implementation of the Federal Reserve to what is now less than 5-cents of purchasing power (e.g. PPP) through expansion of the monetary base out of relation to value produced. In light of this, an alternative fourth generation of value storage is proposed: Digital Currency. Highlighted are the anti-crime, tax avoidance, two-tiered currency aspects, banker/corporate control of governance (PAC’s, et al), and privacy issues related to a true National Digital Currency (NDC) as an alternative to the conventional fiat (level 3) currencies. A method of implementation is inferred along with one big ugly social impact.
Functions of Money
In the earliest of times, there was no need for money, per se. Humans were largely hunter-gatherers, and as nomads, enjoyed excess when it happened, stored what they could through basic preservation techniques, and then moved on when times became lean. Over time, the agrarian cultures took root (pun intended) and excesses were stored at a community levels in granaries and a basic system of account evolved denoting ownership in grains stored in what were essentially community warehouses dating back as early at 10,000 years ago. [i]
Concurrently, other systems of trade were in place, largely barter in nature. If someone had a spare cow, ox, or goat, this might be traded for spices, labor, or what have you. There was close linkage between the transacting parties, both in time and location.
For the purposes of design pattern[ii] analysis, I propose that this more basic kind of exchange be termed a “Level 1” economic system: Direct contact between parties, and agreement on the values being exchanged.
One can suppose that as the complexity of trade evolved, as it did in the ancient Middle East with spice routes[iii] and such, that a natural progression to another level of exchange took place. It was in this level of trading, where the parties were no longer local to one-another that the first monetary systems developed; principally gold and silver. By the Year 0, history was replete with stories of vast fortunes, although such stories as King Solomon’s Mines[iv] were to come later, in the late 1800’s.
The key evolution of the metal monetary system was that they facilitated a kind of standard valuation method, or if you will, a uniform system of stored wealth which could not be eaten by the rats, but which was certainly the object of conquest, as the Spanish, French, and English proved to Native Americans from South America, through Central America, and to the Arctic with their natural resource and metal exploitation efforts lasting into the 1900’s.
Again, going to the design pattern concept, this is what I’d call “Level 2” monetary culture. Things still had value in place, but between distant parties, there was a method of exchange called “gold” or ‘silver” that of a certain weight, could be traded for most goods and services. It had been evolving for centuries, with coins back in Augustus’ times through the third century bearing fancy names like the Aureus (single and the Double Aureus) which was 25 Denari, and the quinarius (1/2 an Aureus) which was 12.5 Denari.[v] The companion silver coins of the era were of lower value with the Cistophorus equaling about 3 Denari.
The “Level 3” money emerged many times in history, but never with the kind of persistence or impact as since the so-0called Federal Reserve, a consortium of banking interests took over issuance of paper money in the United States in 1913[vi].
As initially formed, and lobbied through Congress, the Federal Reserve was initially about maintaining a viable currency free from the periodic runs that had plagued fiat moneys in the past. However, as the fiat empire grew, and certain fundamental changes in the nature of work and stored value occurred, the role of the Federal Reserve, and by direct extension, the role of money was changed from a somewhat pure storage of value mission to an explicitly political agenda.
Specifically, Section 2A Monetary Policy Objectives of the Federal Reserve Act was revised in 1977 as follows (emphasis added):
SECTION 2A—Monetary Policy Objectives
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee shall maintain long run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy’s long run potential to increase production, so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.
[12 USC 225a. As added by act of November 16, 1977 (91 Stat. 1387) and amended by acts of October 27, 1978 (92 Stat. 1897); Aug. 23, 1988 (102 Stat. 1375); and Dec. 27, 2000 (114 Stat. 3028).] [vii]
It may not be entirely coincidental that the entire world was going through drastic social and economic change during this period, and almost certainly the then recent oil embargo of 1973[viii] provided plenty of impetus for lawmakers to attempt to legislate “stability.”
What I would characterize as the “Level 4” money system began to emerge concurrently with the internet. It’s the backbone of the mass marketed electronic monetary system. Although it’s not easy to see clearly just yet, we can make out some of its major features by looking at the turmoil in the end stage of the present Level 3/fiat system which has now depleted (as of late 2007) 95.2% of the original 1913 dollar’s purchasing power[ix], such that Goods that cost $100 in 1913 would have cost $2,083.84 by the beginning of 2007, and assuming an additional 6% inflation in the cost of goods (basis the October BLS PPI report, which shows 6.1% inflation compared with year earlier levels[x]), we might reasonably project a 2007 year-end inflation of the 1913 $100 goods to $2,210.98, meaning the fiat dollar has been hollowed out to just 4.52 percent of its original 1913 purchasing power.
Bankers may need a way out, and rather soon. A National Digital Currency may be viewed as a banker’s exit strategy.
The Arrival of “Level 4” Money
This brief introduction to the history of money is important because since the evolution and widespread acceptance of the Internet, another level of money has arrived. It’s the electronic version.
Although electronic funds transfers began almost immediately after the implementation of telegraph lines, profiting companies such as Western Union, one of the earliest adopters of the technology[xi], it was not until the DARPA Net transitioned into the Internet that electronic trading and monetary transactions between regular humans took hold, largely due online auctioneer eBay and online transaction clearing firm PayPal. Prior to their arrival, wire transfers were almost entirely institution to institution level events carried out by telegraphs, then teletypes, and then faxes, depending on country and local banking customs. By storing money and issuing ‘credit’ cards, PayPal begins to look very much like a traditional bank in a new paradigm.
Even today, the arrival and propagation of the new “Level 4” money has been slow to take off. Part of the reason is much attention has been paid to Internet thievery carried out by unethical Internet users who deliberately go ‘phishing’[xii] for personal information which can unlock banking information and so forth. Yet, online retailers playing almost exclusively with Level 4 money are flourishing, witness Amazon.
Like the earlier forms of “money” adoption has been slowed by market factors and imperfect technology roll-outs as well. PayPal has now upset enough people with its service that some once customers have taken the power of the Internet to widely disperse their dislike of PayPal; include disparaging names like http://www.paypalsucks.com.[xiii]
Another illustration of how “Level 4” money is propagating into consciousness may be seen in the almost monthly attempts by many utilities and services to get consumers to automate their bill-paying through the Automated Clearing House (ACH)[xiv]. To be sure, as a recent Bankrate.com story (at MSN MoneyCentral) notes, there are still plenty of perils left.[xv] Not the least of which is security, although it seems that biometric second-factor security systems are beginning to be accepted.[xvi] In such a system, the user augments something they know (like an account number) with ‘something they have’ (like a fingerprint) to dramatically increase security.
A simple way to add two-factor security to a home computer system is to add a thumbprint recognition device. Although not yet cheap, the price for a fingerprint recognition system is down to about $170 including a multi-factor token, as of this writing.[xvii]
The Fiat Crisis and Digital Solution
The current (Level 3) fiat system is undergoing a moment of crisis which, while it could maximally result in the “death of the dollar” it will almost certainly result minimally in a several devaluation of the US dollar relative to other currencies.
While it is said that in Chinese “crisis equals crisis plus opportunity” (something that’s not true, by the way[xviii]) the dollar crisis may provide an opportunity for a forward-looking country to transition to a 100% digital currency.
As I noted in a recent writing on http://www.urbansurvival.com, the major export of America recently seems to have been financial debt paper, and much of that debt now appears to be in danger of ‘blowing up’ which leaves open the way for a flood of US dollars to be repatriated, a move which would swell the money supply and likely induce the kind of inflation that occurred in Weimar Germany in the 1920’s.
For the sake of discussion, I’d proposed to call the new currency “National Digital Currency” stored as “credits”. The specific operation of such a digital currency deserves some elaboration, but let’s first consider a very few of the immediate policy impacts which can be easily envisioned by going to a 100% cashless society:
· At the highest level, a The US Government would be able to implement a two-tier currency system where a distinction could be readily made between the old ‘cash/fiat’ money and the new ‘credits’. The spread between the two currencies, old and new would be managed over time to incent users to adopt the cashless option.
· If one of the requirements for participation in the cashless society was proof of US Citizenship, then the issue of illegal immigration to the US becomes self limiting over time, as there would be an employer requirement that all payments made be in the digital currency and into digital accounts.
· Such a digital currency would also stomp out a lot of crime. Because over time, the criminal element would no longer be able to fence stolen merchandise, nor would they be able to exact cash from activities such as drug sales, prostitution, and illegal gambling. You’ll note that the transition to digital currency has already occurred at most casinos.
· The cumbersome and abusive tax system could be completely simplified into an easy to figure Valued-Added Tax (VAT), a sort of national sales tax.
· Electronic transactions, such as those on the internet, which presently escape taxation to some extent, could also be taxed.
· Because a person’s entire net worth information could also be assessed, a consumer watchdog agency, such as the Federal Trade Commission could regulate maximum debt levels of consumers, and the banking industry could look at a more complete financial picture of each person when making credit worthiness decisions.
· From a security standpoint, the donation of any ‘credits’ to terrorist organizations could also be readily tracked back to source, and purchase of ‘odd’ materials would stand out in individual banking transaction records.
· From the consumer standpoint, managing monthly bills and staying within a budget becomes simple as pie.
· A deterrent to crime is always surety of capture and punishment, and turning computer crime into a capital offense might make sense.
Opposition to a Digital Currency
To be fair, there are many reasons not to fully implement a National Digital Currency, even though the implementation could be fast and effective.
The two obvious issues are privacy and crime.
While it’s true that privacy concerns are widely voiced, few consumers ever think of just how much personal information about them is already available. Websites exist that are designed just to dig up every possible bit of dirt on people, including divorces, property owed, unlisted phone numbers and the like. Moreover, a computer’s offer to “Remember this password?” means information stored on your personal computer can be stolen in an almost unlimited number of ways.
More to the point, though, the nature of privacy has changed. In the 1930’s era in the Great Depression, people were very discrete about the amount of money they had. A good thing, likely, as having money at that time, or having great wealth more recently in Argentina, made people objects of criminal pursuits. Theft, blackmail, it was all part of the crime system then, and more recently too, as evidenced in the Argentina and earlier Soviet collapse.
Privacy today, however, has morphed due to the all pervasive nature of electronic communication. You can go to almost any shopping center in America, listen to intimate details of people’s lives and relationships that would have been spoken in only hushed tone behind closed doors just a few short years ago.
For certain individuals, annual financial statements have become the norm. Farmers, for example, are required by many Land Banks to produce annual financial statements as a condition of continuing their loans for another year. So, there’s plenty of personal information floating about and the things previously considered “private” have been morphing at warp nine speed.
Opposition to a cashless society can naturally be expected from the criminal element, and related, the political action committees and power brokers that funnel cash and in-kind contributions to people in power in order to get ‘access’. That’s another way of saying ‘buying a friendly/sympathetic ear’ for a price. All that would come out in the open. While recent linguistic projections[xix] point to some disclosures along that line in the January-March 2008 period that will impact several of the presidential hopefuls, that will only touch the very tip of what’s a huge cash-based relationship between corporations and their proxy government. The illusion of political choice would take a beating, along with the ability for criminals to get their transactions done.
Curiously, there would also likely be widespread political opposition to a National Digital Numerous professions have a vested interest in cash. Accountants would freak out at the simplicity of a national sales tax, be shortly thereafter unemployed, and that would decimate their profession. No need to worry about all those individual tax returns, because the money in, money out, and VAT charges would all be recorded. TIN’s and SSN’s – easy to do in SQL.
Similarly, the legal profession would predictably object. Fiat money facilitates crime (at all levels ;0) ). Each criminal proceeding in America employs at least three lawyers, layers of assistants, and locking people up as become a Big Business on its own in many southern states, including Texas, where the prison counts may exceed the civilian population of certain counties. No cash means less crime. Less crime means more people out of prison and less work for the ‘authority complex.” And that ripples into the auto companies that manufacture police cruisers, radios, the construction firms building prisons, and all the rest. Crime is good for and big, business.
Almost paradoxically, as mentioned earlier, the gambling industry seems to have embraced electronic money for the very reasons outlined here: Ease of administration, resistance to fraud, and less likelihood of crimes against persons. You can win big in a casino and wire the money home. It eliminates ‘dark parking lot’ risk.
Consequential Risk
Although there is preliminary infrastructure to support, and a substantial public relations effort underway on the part of large banks and others who could benefit from the quick emergence of digital money as a replacement for quickly depreciating fiat (paper) money, there is substantial risk for the general public, e.g. those who do not wield large political and economic influence.
These risks may be generalized as:
· Risk to the “free” political system, which has been sequentially maimed by banking interests subsequent to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, in order to promote a depreciating currency scheme.
· Risk to political and economic opposition to such a scheme by people who are more comfortable with earlier forms of money, such as represented by Level 1 (working goods) and Level 2 (specie).
Under the digital money paradigm, politically ‘inconvenient’ persons could simply be denied participation in the economic system by a faceless bureaucracy, in much the same way that present “No Fly Lists” are above challenge and judicial review.
Specifically, the [some claim] artificially induced War on Terror (WOT) and threatened expansions to gain additional resources, have served as an initiator of a systematic corporate undoing of the US Constitution. A transition to digital money, with an equally (or more so) faceless bureaucracy would enable additional dictatorial abuses, including but not limited to punishment of non-compliant individuals who believe in more transparent/less pliable currency regimens.
On the other hand, a combination of digital money and aspects of the “Rechargeable Money” aspects I proposed in a short subscriber note in 2001[xx] would make some progress for the banking system in eliminating one variable in the economic equation: the problem of money at rest (the ‘reciprocal of velocity’ problem) which has vexed economists: How does a government provide incentive to keep money moving and producing appropriate investments?
Clearly, the present sequence of malinvestment, which has reached new pinnacles of financial excess, focusing on ‘taking money from other participants/agents in the system’ rather than encouraging appropriate investment is problematic. Rather than dealing with such issues with well-thought out policies, it’s easier to simply marginalize non-compliant economics groups. If that happens to include people in a blue or red state, this racial/ethnic/religious affinity group, oh well.
An ugly fact that bankers don’t wish to address is that when credit is ‘created’ on behalf of a banking customer, it is never ‘retired.’ Fortunately (at least for bankers), the digital money regimen provides a logical extension of current banking trends and secondly, because the medium is pure digital, access to oversight groups can be limited on the basis of ‘need to know’, or worse, a parallel/above review system of banking could be implemented. Who would know?
If there is a design fault to the idea of digital money, it is that opposition by electronic freedoms groups would likely appear. As you may be aware, although the US Government ostensibly controls the ‘federal’ reserve, the member banks keep it a closed club:
11. Voting Rights
Stock not held by member banks shall not be entitled to voting power.
[12 USC 285. Part of original Federal Reserve Act; not amended.][xxi]
Thus, having no control of the member banks, the US Government is pretty much unable to derail any decision which bankers feel is in their best interests, which may not coincide with the requirements of the Constitution when it comes to money.
While clearly spelled out in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, the Congress reserves the right:
“To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;” [xxii]
Congress, as presently constituted has abrogated its Constitutional responsibility to bankers via the Federal Reserve Act (although it might be challenged, if a nonpartisan court could be found) and has delegated its lawful money making role to the very people who can profit from its subordination and perversion through excessive debt creation resulting in what is now predominately unbacked fiat debt paper.
One could ask, with the banking interests already in control, what’s to stop them from implementing a digital currency completely removed from public/judicial/legislative review?
The odds of this last seem infinitesimally small given the economic weight of the promoters of such scheme and the lack of interest on the public’s behalf.
Pending Bank Runs
Not to be too alarmist about such things, but you may recall that in Peoplenomics #307 (August 26, 2007) I pointed out that there was a lot of recent work behind the scenes and in academic circles discussing bank runs.[xxiii]
More recently, I pointed out in an UrbanSurvival report on Friday that Citibank has just unilaterally lowered its inter institution wire transfer amounts and, as Jim Sinclair noted on his site Saturday, yes “Transfer Limits Have Potential to Block Run on Bank.”[xxiv]
However, Citibank is not the only group becoming more aggressive in managing withdrawals of fiat money. A subscriber to this newsletter describes her recent experience with Wells Fargo:
“I want to give my input concerning money transfers with Wells Fargo.
Several weeks ago I wanted to transfer some 8K+ from savings to checking
AND 2k cash from the 8K. I noticed something very strange with the teller.
1) I was asked IF I needed the amount ‘today’. Stupid question “of course, it’s
my money is’nt it”.
2) Teller called in 2 more ‘tellers’ or supervisors to discuss MY issue. I overheard
one of them say “she wants this much money”. — Ooops!
3) I got my transaction; at least I thought I was. I got the cash, my money orders etc.
4) The next day checking my account I noticed that $1,000.00 was transferred
back into my savings account.
About a week later I received a letter from Headquarters informing me that I
can ONLY withdraw $210 per day (ATM) or $2,100.00 withdrawals from my account.
That explained the ongoings at the Bank when I was withdrawing money. My
daily ATM withdrawals was $300 which was now cut down to $210. But the daily
withdrawal is now $2,100.00 and not $3,000.00 as it still shows on the Banks
I had my ‘heads up’ so to speak already months prior but, it did not register until
now, that every month when my rent check is being cashed that I would get a
call from a teller at Wells Fargo inquiring if I had written the check to person XYZ.
Everytime they would call they had a different “excuse’ when I asked them “WHY”.
Finally 3 mo ago I got unglued over the phone and told them to quit botherin me.
And that was the last time I was called by Wells Fargo to verify the amount.
Another Assessment
I asked a well-traveled friend of mine to bounce back his impressions of the National Digital Currency concept and he made several good points:
“The fundamental difference between a digital currency and a level 2 or 3 currency is the ability to link the currency with the holder. A shiny gold shekel and a crumpled bill are not intrinsically linked to the hand that holds them.
A digital deposit is, and in just about every scenario I can imagine, must be. The digits live some place, and the someplace is linked to a holder thereof. But, money is about fungible power. And for many, the anonymity of those coins and bills is exactly one of the keys to their power. Link them, and yes, “crime” and “tax avoidance” become more difficult.
But you can kiss the privacy good bye. And I find it very, very hard to believe that those who are accustomed to calling the shots behind the scenes will in any way willingly give up their privacy. The serfs? Yes, you can try to stick us with the stuff. But there will always be gold or SDRs for the big guys. They simply don’t trust each other enough to go fully digital. And, of course, they are right.
Digital money is about much more than just the power to buy and sell. It is about data pattern aggregation. Know the holder’s digital ID, and you can build a perfect model of what the holder buys and sells. Perfect knowledge of the activities of an individual is close to total power over that individual. Plus, it’s too easy to turn the digits off.
I have managed to zero out too many MTR and Metro rail cards in my life, both of which are current digital money. MTR (in Hong Kong) you didn’t register who you were…but your card had a number, and the system could track its movements.
The Metro rail system here in DC WANTS you to register your card on line…gee, I wonder why? “So that if your card should lose its charge, the system can restore that money to you…” That’s what they claim. And it may work that way, too. But that’s not all it does, is it? Sorry, George, I’ve lived in digital money worlds…and I’ll take the coins and bills any day. Digital money is way to “fishy” for this brain.”
There remain several major obstacles to rolling out a National Digital Currency which become evident in the research:
· Such a system is inherently dependent on a robust internet, which implies robust infrastructure. This is likely solvable over two or three years.
· Such a system would also require trust in government to do something right, which might be a stretch given recent performance.
· There is presently no adequate system in place to prevent banker or governmental abuses of digital money as recently evolving limitations of wire transfers and cash withdrawals largely ignores the fact that it is not the bank’s money: It’s the depositors.
· Opposition from numerous professions and interest groups can be anticipated.
· Two factor security would be a minimal requirement and it’s not widely available, and especially not implemented in the home banking arena by major institutions. This lack of two-factor security aids and abets the identity theft problem.
Concurrently, we see television commercials designed to ‘soften up” (pre-conditioning) the consumer mindset toward acceptance now being aired. You may have recently seen the credit card commercial where a line of people ordering food is moving swiftly as each swipes a card, and then the line seizes up as someone hauls out that antique Level 3 cash and wants change.
Additionally, the National Digital Currency would also pave the way to an easy solution to the two-tier currency problem, and unlike the rumored “Amero” to unite the US, Canada, and Mexico under a single government not directly elected by the citizens of the individual countries, A North American Digital Currency would be a simple solution which would provide for a banker-grab of the last vestiges of fiat money and forced conversion to an infinitely inflatable digital regimen.
Most importantly, as Citizens and individuals, we’re in a political window where following another terrorist attack, a final bank’s attack on privacy and a resetting of the financial inflation with a new currency could be accomplished with a minimum of opposition, effectively ending most Constitutional guarantees under the pretense of “national security.” One argument will no doubt be “If you’re not doing anything wrong, what do you have to hide?”
While I would never advise anyone to do anything illegal, a prudent person may wish to accumulate several months of operating capital outside of banks, as the law allows, because in the upcoming period of financial distress, we may see briefly that cash is king, before the banking industry implements a fully digital system. For as such a crisis deepens, a full on press for a National Digital Currency seems almost assured for a multiplicity of reasons including a de facto two-tiered currency as the dollar is attacked, and, following the next terror attack, “national security” is a nice all-purpose cry.
I don’t see this as an “If.” The only question today is timing, who controls it, and whether you will be able to maintain personal autonomy through the transition, which promises to be an incredibly stressful time as such outlandish power grabs have in the past been the stuff of revolutions.
End Notes
[i] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granary
[ii] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_Patterns
[iii] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spice_trade#Ancient_spice_trade
[iv] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Solomon's_Mines
[v] http://www.romancoins.info/Denominations-Early.html
[vi] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Federal_Reserve
[vii] http://www.federalreserve.gov/GeneralInfo/fract/sect02a.htm
[viii] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_oil_crisis
[ix] http://www.minneapolisfed.org/Research/data/us/calc/index.cfm
[x] http://www.bls.gov/news.release/ppi.toc.htm
[xi] http://corporate.westernunion.com/history.html
[xii] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing
[xiii] http://www.paypalsucks.com/
[xiv] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_Clearing_House
[xv] http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Banking/BetterBanking/ThePerilsOfAutomaticBillPay.aspx
[xvi] http://www.tech-faq.com/two-factor-authentication.shtml
[xvii] http://www.gcn.com/print/21_8/18382-1.html
[xviii] http://www.pinyin.info/chinese/crisis.html
[xix] http://www.halfpasthuman.com
[xx] http://www.urbansurvival.com/rechmny.htm
[xxi] http://www.federalreserve.gov/GeneralInfo/fract/sect02.htm
[xxii] http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.articlei.html#section8
[xxiii] http://www.peoplenomics.com/inside/nl20070826.htm
[xxiv] http://www.jsmineset.com/
One other contexting note: This was my view going into the Housing Bubble Peak in 2007 which lead to a significant bottoming in House and financial markets in 2009 (March). Much has changed – and BTC came along shortly thereafter (2009) but many of the structural issues and adoption dynamics, not to mention regulatory challenges still remain.
And there’s there is the horrific energy waste and lack of convertibility to a sham/consensus notional digital money.
i find it interesting that they can run hiden negative interest rates with digital currency.
on the topic of Wells Fargo: durring covid shut downs Wells Fargo reported to my credit report late on a house payment that I had sold 6 years prior. late payment on a zero balance for 9 straight months. until I had it finally removed. Wells finally admitted that it was an error. they said due to a computer error, we wrongly reported you being late on a house you didn’t own and was paid completely off. for 9 months when DC was handing out subsidy relief to banks for those who couldn’t pay their mortgages. as soon as the relief was done and received by Wells Fargo they changed their story and said opps!! sorry bout that. stupid computers! ya know?
to wit I replied. yeah…
Thank you George! That was an excellent review from 15 years ago and is even more salient with today’s level of machine learning inference engines and wholesale data aggregation. I trust that the internet will survive at some level, though data center losses are conceivable – especially in a potential war environment. What happens in case of a solar Carrington-like event is unknown.
There will always be a role for legitimate anonymous transactions, and eliminating tax returns is just bureaucratically unlikely. If cash were outlawed, thievery would revert to physical goods or perhaps some devious digital fraud. I can envision cutouts of some sort to anonymize otherwise tracked transactions such as BTC currently does. We can minimize crime, but I can’t imagine eliminating it. I do believe that privacy is a legitimate right – with perhaps some necessary limitations. I suppose we need to be somewhat flexible with regard to change – even though most of us don’t like it.
ESG and Halal approved[no usurious interest charged]. Premined fixed issuance [deflationary from the banksters lens which equals expansion of value with the passage of time and user uptake for the Holders].
When you think about tankers sitting idle at anchorage for up to two weeks before SWIFT settlement is confirmed to receive product and fuel up. XRP settelmnt using a bank in WY settles in 4 seconds. That saves $50,000.00 a day in idle operating expenses. Thats just one use case and also qualifies as a petro$ replacement. Show me an oil major setting up shop in WY and Ill show you the players that stand to gain bigly.
Don’t read the words watch with your eyes.
Soros threw you all a huge clue back in 1988.
Jackson Hole falls within the Federal Reserve’s district “10” footprint.
Some say Stellar is represented by the Phoenix medallion. You’re only half right. Stellar’s iconography came after the fact. [a distraction?]
Look for the double entrendre and think deeper. Look at Newton’s laws and the helical motion that a bead makes moving down a slanted wire. Viewed on a 2 dimensional plane we see a sine wave or ripple.
Own both, not advice do your own homework.
I certainly hope you have all read the ripple white paper? If you had, you would of seen this all from miles away and CHEAPLY, EARLY with lunch money.
If its all vapor? Well it was just for lunch.
Andy –
WF has got to be the most crooked bank we’ve ever dealt with. My wife tried to close out her dad’s account when he passed but no matter what, death certificates, even our attorney accompanying her to vouch for the death, they wouldn’t allow her to close the account. They did let her take all but a few cents out so that’s the way we left it. This was back in 2011 if I remember correctly.
My Mom had an account there, too, and wanted to take a few thousand out in cash once, too, and almost had to get into an ugly argument with the officer she was dealing with to get it. She moved her accounts shortly after that.
They deserve all the bad press they have coming to them.
We were asset stripped. Look around. Many folks contributed to a pension plan their entire lives. All the pension plans are busted out. The pensioners openly strap their kids/grand kids/great grand kids with their bills through patriotic sounding rescue schemes.
Ask on house brand eggs @ $WMT is 39.3 cent each. Just under 12 for $5.00. “That’s just because…” is what’s always said.
The new car lots were empty. We were told, “chip shortages”.
Five days ago Samsung said, “Quarter on quarter, its operating profit would be down 60.4%, with revenue lower by 8.8%.”
Car lots around here are still empty. We’re told, “Oh, Samsung doesn’t make those chips…”
They have us chasing our tails. The lies no longer match-up.
Wells Fargo … or as I call them “Wells FUCK-YOU”
I never had Wells Fargo as my bank … they don’t even have any branches in my state, BUT, apparently “somebody” opened some sort of account or credit card with them in MY name.
Who is that somebody?
Well remember Well’s branch bankers were opening fake accounts left and right so as to keep from getting fired – they had MONTHLY QUOTA’S, a practice ENCOURAGED, and instructed on how to do, by management going all the way to the very top person who ran the Banking Divison!! (and when they forced her out she got a $120 million dollar severance package!)
My betting is that it was somebody INSIDE Wells who opened whatever account it was so as to make their monthy REQUIRED performance requirements since I have NEVER had any issues anywhere else in my entire life with any other financial institution of any sort. (remember … I have NEVER lived in a state that has a Wells Branch) Shoot I have NEVER even received a check from someone with a Wells account in my life – either personal or business (every check coming is gets photocopied for the accountant, and I checked going back 12 years!), my business is all East Coast and Midwest clients, mostly Fortune 1000 type businesses, and have never dealt with a Wells Fargo credit card – think UPS or Costco is going to pay me with a Credit Card? LOL
Wells Fargo, as everyone should know by now, was ripping off it’s customers in EVERY WAY it could … so it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they were also trying to rip off as many NON-customers as it could also.
It took me a few months last year to get the mess cleaned up, still need to do a final review of all the credit reporting agencies records, but for the life of me with “Wells FUCK-YOU” history of ILLEGALLY ripping off their customers in scheme after different scheme I can’t believe regular person would still want to do business with them.
“Wells FUCK-YOU” … the bank EVERYBODY should try to avoid like the plague!!
But, but, don’t you remember the 1950’s TV show, “Tales of Wells Fargo” starring Dale Robertson?
Seems Bill is out and about trying to sell his nuclear ideas. After the fiasco in West Virginia: pipelines, votes, holdouts and a good screwing, seems Bill thinks he’s got a market there.
Keep thinking though, Bill can’t run his toys until Sanctions against Russia are lifted. – I hear he’s saying that in about 2 years, everything will be cool and it all can move foreword.
In the meantime around here (near WVA), electric companies want a rate increase, “to insure reliability” No shit. Hell, didn’t know they weren’t reliable. Imagine that.
Btw, if increase passes and my power ever goes off for any reason, I’ll be sure to call to remind them, I’m paying for reliability. Doubt I’ll be nice about it.
50% of the fuel for our exising nuclear power plants come from Russia.
About 25% is actual fuel rods made in Russia and then Russia provides about 40% of the processed fuel that is used in fabricating fuel rods here (here being the US and Canada).
Just as I doubt those in the US Government who were pusing the conflict with Russia in Ukraine even thought about the secondary effects of the natural gas and oil that Russia supplied to the world (including about 40% of the diesel fuel used in the NE of the US) I doubt that it even crossed their minds that 50% of the nuclear fuel used by US nuclear plants came from Russia too.
Idiots … IDIOTS ALL. Neocon thinking at it’s best. Whoops sorry I repeated myself.
Sad , I see that the killing of coal is impacting WV residents in many ways.
Ive spent some time in WV and the people there are Salt of the Earth patriots. When Oh Bummer killed coal, I would be eating my lunch at the local establishments [bar food = road meals] and overhearing the gut wrenching conversations about how XYZ lost their job and no one knew how they were going to pay their bills or makes ends meet. Retofits with small reactors tech would be a cheap way to to eliminate the cost of new turbines and generators. And Im sure the Utilities would sell for pennies on the dollar now that coal has been killed. Do you all see a design pattern here too???
Re: Penn Biden Center Docs
feat: File 13
No problem. “Almost” 10 classified documents have allegedly been found in Mr. Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center (think tank) at the University of Pennsylvania. I’m no Columbo, but may I ask some questions?
Are media reports telling us that the documents were kept there between 2017 and 2020 with an inference that the materials were of the Obama-Biden administration that ended in 2016 and not the subsequent administration? Was the new Penn Biden Center office complex operational prior to its February 2018 official opening?
The Penn Biden Center website mission statement was updated sometime in early 2021 to reflect that Mr. Biden had been elected as the US president. The final sentence of the mission statement reads as follows: “The Penn Biden Center does not accept any contributions or gifts”. An April 9, 2022 news report from Fox attempts to decipher some $60+ million of funding in 2018 and 2019 received by the Penn Biden Center. The Fox report alleges $22 million came from anonymous Chinese sources.
reminiscent of Clinton’s server prior to the election.
echos in time? or distraction from Hunters laptop?
Re: propaganda front
Western msm is sure going at it with the Wagner Group in Donbas story. Wasn’t it Putin who sent in Chechen strongman Kadyrov to Syria a few years back to gather up the wmd materials on schedule for the Brits and Americans waiting on ships out in the Mediterranean? Mr. Kadyrov has a recent video up on his Telegram channel of a Russian Air Force Il-76 planeload of his Chechyn fighters going off for a couple weeks training prior to deployment in Donbas. Mr. K. was quoted figuring they with the help of Allah can dislodge “the nazis” and complete Putin’s special military objectives by the end of 2023. Mr. K. also noted he has been helping with Russia’s “demographic problem”. His first wife has had 12 children so far. I don’t know how many his second wife has if any. Apparently Chechen laws allow him 4 wives as long as he supports them.
Speaking of global overpopulation, Mr. Gates blog holiday update bore the happy news that his first grandchild is on the way. As George so kindly pointed out to us a while back, a new global corps might be breaking out. Lo and behold, Bill is hoping that his pandemic-watching Global Health Corps will be fully up and running by 2024. A twin daughter of 43 was a co-founder a few years back. Unless apron strings get chopped, the GHC appears to be a pawn of the Aspen Institute controlled by the likes of the Rockefeller, Ford, Gates, and Crown foundations. Anyhow according to him with Bill’s eldest offspring graduating med school this year, a GHC gig appointment could be a mighty fine career launch would it not? Sure would be helpful thing to pay off some tuition fees, right?
Btw, I’ve picked up a copy of “Making Sense – the glamorous story of english grammar” by David Crystal. The author follows the use and development of english language skills by his daughter from ages 18 months to teenage years. FYI, the signature Canadian “eh” appears at page 205. He does get bent out of shape when people end a sentence with a preposition. I’ll try not to.
I have noted before, I swapped some dollars for bitcoin (through Binance) and I hold the BC in a public wallet. I have no intention of using those BC in illegal transactions. Though I have “paid” a carpenter in BC, how he declares his income is on him. If I were to trade back the BC for dollars I fully intend to pay taxes on any gains. If people have it in them to cheat or take advantage of others, they will do so using anything at their disposal. People use cars, knives, cash, checks etc in their commissions of crimes, banning items of use because they can be used in crime is a cop out. It is the person, not the objects. This is part of how we get into these morally bankrupt civil forfeiture rules where government seizes cash and other assets and the owner must prove the asset was received as part of criminal activities and they must prove this to an organization that has a financial interest in keeping your assets.
Aye – the crack in human nature!
But governments no longer prove much of anything. They jury pick and stack the deck for theirs is the only allowable view.
interesting, you mentioned the triads. before i went to Alaska which my time Here may get cut short. at times, I have difficulty navigating life.
I recently was introduced to a triad enforcer. who was looking for a legitimate security job. I kept his number but I told him I don’t think I can do much for you. I don’t that type of security work.
idk. you work. you pay taxes and that is part of life here. it’s no different than a puppy shits on the floor. because that is what puppies do, until they are taught something different.
sometimes I think people think, you meditate so much and have an amazing relationship with DUDE, your life is easy. it is not. I think the saying the road narrows, is often true. I find life very hard to navigate at times. I know in my head I’m in the right place at the right time all the time. even when life seems messy and confusing. which it does right now. rarely doest it seem easy. I think people ofte confuse the word simple with easy. a simple life with little to no attachments doesn’t mean it is an easy life. the more you enter the realm of not sure the name for it. it seems the more difficult it is. I don’t have all the answers and I’m consistently letting go of what I think I know to understand what i didn’t know, that I didn’t know. reading it and living the story is entirely different.
inspiration, idea and intuitive action.
I actually cried last night. and I don’t do that often when someone dies. I cried several times yesterday. there was this kid a little over 2 years ago that came up to me at a gas station and asked me if I could help him. he was homeless as you could be. I figured he just wanted a few bucks. I said how can I help? he said I been on the streets for 10 years. I have 2 days completely off drugs. I don’t know how to stay clean and sober. so I took him where I know how to do it.
he hadn’t seen his mother in 10 years and had no place to stay. hadn’t showered in a long time. I told him. well you can’t stay with me, let’s go to your mother’s. he said last time I saw her was 10 years ago and she said she never wanted to see me again. I said well let’s go talk to her together. when we got to her house I said wait in the car. I will go talk to her. I’m not going to tell you all how that conversation went with his mother. but she let him back in the house, cooked him dinner and laid out a towel so he could shower. I told her because I wasn’t working, I’d be here every morning to pick him up and help him figure his shit out. she said as long he stays clean and sober he can stay here.
when I met that kid, he weighed about 120lbs. on his one year anniversary of being sober he was the same size as me. we got his teeth fixed, I helped him get a job, his drivers license back, a car and for a while he even had a girlfriend. he said I can never repay you for your all you have done for me. I told him for all he had done for me.
his mother said when he 1 year sober. you are an angel. you took my son out of the pits of drug induced insanity and hell and restored him. I said you have me confused with THE DUDE, I just am the extended hand of grace HE gave to me.
she Said you are an angel. I know it. I just said okay. I am an angel.
last time I saw him was 3 or 4 months ago. big old smile on his face. you wouldn’t even remotely know he was the same person I met that in gas station parking lot that day.
His mother called me yesterday and said Gordan died in his sleep. when I went in his room. he laid there with a smile on his face and he looked so peaceful. she said I know he loved you Andy more than probably than any person in this world because you saved his life. I thought you would want to know Gordon went home to be with THE DUDE. thank you for giving me my son back for the last 2 years of his life.
and I cried. I cried. alot yesterday. It was an honor to be part of his story.
I have done things such as this, more times than I can count. more times, that I can remember. honestly I don’t know at times, why I’m still here. and others who are better at life are not.
see I live a very unconventional life. and that doest make it easy. I don’t know If my time in Alaska is up and I’ve done what I was supposed to do up here and may leave next week. I didn’t plan on coming up here. infact I had totally other plans. but I’m here and I’m sure there is a reason for it. I could be Arizona next week. or back in Seattle or California or Idaho or still be in Alaska. or end up on the haul road up in prudo bay working. I’m not privy to all that part of everything. like the day I met that kid, who asked me for help. I didn’t know, that was on the list of stuff to do that day. I was just at the right place at the right time for him. and his mother and everyone he helped, because he passed it forward in many ways to others and did what I did for him for many people.
so I got up early this morning and I thank DUDE for another day of life. I did tell DUDE, truly I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate. I’m excited to see what HE has planned for the day. because I don’t know. i don’t have all the answers. and it seems that what I want doesn’t seem to matter much. it seems that eveyone around me tells me I’m doing life all wrong. and sometimes I think so too. because I keep hearing. the life of your dreams is right around the corner. and I think this is the longest corner I’ve ever been on.
hope you all have an amazing year. so far, so good. even though at this moment. it’s doest feel like it.
Andy, people like you and LOOB make me feel wholly inadequate. Thank you.
namaste brother.
Sorry, Andy…
Sorry Andy about your loss. “The Dude is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
thank you. you know, I wasn’t always like how I am. I really much interested in any of this when I was younger.
I have a had a great many of teachers. the one who introduced me to DUDE is still very much a close friend and would fit right in on urbansurvival.
when i was in my early 20s he mentioned I need to get close to God. I said fuck that guy. then he said what do you personally know about God? then better yet, here is a note book. write it all down. write everything you ever heard, thought, read or any other theory about God you have yourself. then come back and see me and we will read it all together.
so I did. I wrote 54 pages about the asshole in the sky who would strike us all down with lighting for having a cigarette and looking at a girly magazine.
I called him when I was done. he said come on over I’m excited to hear about what you know about God.
so I went over to his house. he said come out back i have a bonfire going. you want a cup of coffee. I said yes sir.
we sat close to the bonfire and he said read what you wrote. so I did and he remained quiet.
at the end of reading what I wrote he said is that it? I said yeah. that is all I know about God. he said good. now throw it in the fire. I said what? he said throw the whole notebook in the bonfire. so I did. he handed me a cigarette and we smoked and watched it burn.
after he handed me a pen and new note book. said open it up. I did and said take that pen and write these three words. God is love. so I took the pen and I wrote God is love. he looked over at it. then said, for the next 30 days when you are out and about. everytime you see an example of love in the world write it down under those three words.
we sat for a while longer. just chit chatting by the fire. then I left.
the next day I went to work with new note book. and I saw a person holding thr door of a convenient store for a Stanger and I thought. that is love. so I wrote it down. then I saw a kid throwing a ball for a dog and the dog going and getting it and coming back and licking the kids face while wagging it’s tail. I thought. that too is love and I wrote it down. then I saw an elderly couple holding hands on a park bench. that too is love. so I wrote that down as well.
30 days later he called me and said. bring your note book over. I can’t wait to hear all about what you know about God.
when I got to his house and sat down. I had over 200 examples of love I’d personally seen. actually it got to the point that is all I could see in the world around me was love. I read then all to him. He said, would you agree that Love is all around you and is greater than you? I said yes.
He said, you sir. have just seen God at work in the world around you. because God is love. He said would you agree that God is at work in the world all the time? I said yes. he said, Do you think that God can use a fellow like you, to be his hands and eyes and ears and body? to be a man of his work like all the other things you seen? I said yes. yes I do.
he said what else is God? I didn’t know what to say. I was blown away. everything I was ever told about God, everything I read about God, all my theory about God went up in smoke like the say I burned that other notebook. I said what is God’s name? he looked at me and laughed and said what do you think it is. I shrugged and said dude. he said i like that. I think God will answer you when you call him that. I said call him what? he said what you said his name was. I said DUDE? he said yeah laughed and said it’s the best name I’ve ever heard for God. I laughed pretty good.
and that is how I came to Know DUDE a little over 26 or 27 years ago. and over these last 26 or 27 years my understanding and relationship with DUDE has grown to be what it is today.
last time I talk to that guy who taught me about God at the bonfire. he said how is it going? I said shit idk. I’m doing pretty good. help alot of people. always about THE DUDE work. I said im tired of working my ass off and being poor.
he laughed and said. did you swear an oath of poverty to THE DUDE like those catholic monks do? I said no, why? he said then stop acting like you did. DUDE said Life and Life Abundantly. not life and life just enough. you calling DUDE a liar? I said no sir. far from it. he said you Remember when I had you writte those three words then look for examples? I said yes I do. it got me where I am today.
same principle applies here Mister. you already know what to do.
DUDE is Abundance.
#1. Found a pen the same exact pen I forgot in my Volkswagen coming up to Alaska on the floor of the Garage. that is Abundance.
have a wonderful year. I will be back when I’m back. you know me.
Enjoy your visit with your Mom, Andy. Condolences for the loss of your friend.
Every time you take a trip to Alaska, I wonder why Discovery hasn’t started a new Ice Road Andy series. The open roads and frozen lakes of the far North would suit you, I think.
All sorts of journey quotes are misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson; here is a real one: “To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.”
yeah, I don’t want to be an ice road trucker. not sure what to do at the moment. it seems I’m in conflict with eveyone around me and trying to not be. I have other Opertunities where I am most useful elsewhere. and I’m not usually on conflict with the world around me.
I am completely out of my comfort zone and navating different personalities, foreign to me as best I can through principal action.
I am open to suggestion by DUDE. so I wait, pause and let the direction I am to take, present itself.
It has been my experience, your whole life can turn on a dime. in an instant, be going a new direction.
thank you. I appreciate you. you are most certainly i
written in my little book of life.
Thanks for this story Andy. I got some difficult medical news yesterday and was feeling sorry for myself. Reading your post this morning helped put it in perspective.
Be well.
Said a prayer for you,
you know BIC, my uncle went to the doctor right after he had his first son because he wasn’t feeling good. they ran some texts and the doctor came in and said you have late stage cancer. you have 6 weeks to live. he looked at the doctor and said no I don’t. ya see I just got married and had a baby boy and I told my baby boy I will walk with you until your wedding. the doctor said im sorry you have late stage cancer and the test results don’t lie. my uncle looked at the doctor and you are mistaken. i don’t have cancer. I have a little cold and I will be okay.
24 years later at my cousins wedding. he was marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. my uncle stood up and made a toast to his son. after that moment he fell to the ground. shortly after he died from cancer.
at his funeral the Father of the Bride went to the podium and said I met this man in my office 24 years ago. we ran tests on him and I told him he had late stage cancer had maybe 6 weeks to live. he said no I don’t. I promised my son I’d walk with him and be at his wedding day. I didn’t even know his son was the boy he mentioned to me in my office that say would eventually become the Husband of my Daughter. I didn’t remember him until a few days after the wedding.
my uncle never missed a day of work in 24 years. never called in sick a single. he was told he had late stage cancer and only had 6 weeks to live. and he told the doctor. you are mistaken. and lived 24 more years.
that is a true story.
so I don’t know about what the test results said BIC. but when I read what you wrote? it reminded me of my Uncle.
Student loans. Shocking I say when government takes over a service (student loans) the service breaks down and everything gets worse. That is the rule not the exception. At least when private entities did loans, they had incentives to ensure the student would have a good chance to pay the loan back. Yes the price of the “normal” college education is expensive, but I also blame much of that for government getting into this business by providing money to anyone that asks, making the pile of money much larger to institutions. Most people have the opportunity to go to community colleges (at far lower rates) for much of their general content, and if successful, then can focus on education for the major subject. But many students and parents want the “college” experience, and are willing to pay through the nose to get it. To me unless you are some very specific STEM fields or law, people are wasting their time and money. As you say the accreditation requirements from companies are silly and defeating in them getting self motivated hard workers. These HR departments have done so much harm in making these requirements for education and DEI, front and center, instead of finding the best, highly motivated employees. Some of this may be because companies risked discrimination suit when using testing, so tried to go with accreditation instead to try to get a minimal level of employee. https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/employment-tests-and-selection-procedures
Media server – I have used a 2 bay Synology for many years and recently just upgraded its two disks from 3TB to 6TB and was a painless transition using Raid0. The synology is very easy to live with though with your own effort in Linux machine can be more powerful, at this point in my life, one less thing to think about is good. So if you just want file, storage, backup etc, you might consider that route. If you are actually looking to serve video content and want to transcode it real time, you want to look else where. I use VLC media players on my client streaming devices and it plays almost everything on my server in its native format so no transcoding is necessary. Synology has built in tools to backup its own data to external USB drive and I also use its ability to talk to one drive to replicated out some folders to cloud storage.
The British stock market – the FTSE100 – very quietly in the background of all the recent international noise – yesterday closed at a three year high., and just a few points short of an all time closing high. With all the bad news and turmoil the Brits have gone through lately it has not affected their stock market. Has anyone done an Elliott Wave count on the FTSE100 ?
Interest Rates:
Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic said the central bank should raise interest rates into a 5% to 5.25% range to squeeze excess demand out of the economy by early in the second quarter and then go on hold for “a long time.” “I’m not a pivot kind of guy. I believe we should let the policies work.”
From the Smartest Guy in The Room
– “Recession is likely to bump inflation out of the driver’s seat for the economy — so investors should brace for uncertainty”, Mohamed El-Erian.
First … Andy and Loob also make me feel inadequate. I try to help people but I am not in even close to being in the same league as both of them. My hat’s off to them
George … thanks for the heads up on the Windows 7 support issue. My three main office machines (towers) are all Windows 7 machines so I am in the process today of updating them with the last of MS’s updates.
I do try to stay right on top of technology which is why I am running those modern machines, Windows 95 was finally going too slow for me a few years back so I spent the money to get the latest and greatest (with the cheapest machines I could find) after it had gone through it’s teething issues, about 4 years after it came out, which at the time was Windows 7. I tried Windows 10 on an office laptop a couple of years ago, hated it since it was more complicated to do everyday shit on, so decided there was no need to move on … and haven’t. I figure Windows 7 will be good for me at the office for another 3 to 5 years.
OH … the other thing about MS and software. We still use MS Office 2007 in the office since we own that (multiple licenses owned outright) and it works great, at least for those in the office who like Word. Personally I am a died in the wool Word Perfect guy and HATE Word.
Word Perfect is and always has been MUCH more powerful imo and for me, an old typesetting printer, more intuitive . Have a bunch of station licenses for the NEWER Word Perfect family of software that I bought CHEAP a few years back, $50 for every 3 licenses, bought several of the packages with those multiple licenses and have installed them on all of our machines, but on my personal office machine I personally still use the older WP 8.0 version which came out about 1998 or so. YEP we are still running several programs from the late 90’s very early ’00’s for certain functions and they still do the job with no fuss no muss … and NO continuing yearly renewal payments!!
If you like Windows Office and want a MS Office Clone that works just as well (imo that is) go download the FREE “Libre Office” Suite.
Larry Ellison HATED (and still HATES) Bill Gates so he had his software company, Oracle (which does mostly business vs personal product software), design a competing MS Office program that he gave away FOR FREE so as to drain money from Bill Gate’s coffers. He eventually spit that product off from Oracle and today that competing product has split into two lines, the main one being “Libre Office” which Larry still funds as a Non-Profit so as match the latest refinements to MS Office … and to continue to drain money from Microsoft. Great Product … and still FREE since Larry Ellison STILL HATES Bill Gates!! (we have “Libre Office” on all of our office machines too and I have it on all my personal machines).
Anyway, thanks for the info on the Windows 7 updates ending. I thought they had already ended but apparently 2 of my machines so far have found a couple of updates that they could install.
If you ever let those machines connect to the Internet, for your security, you should migrate them to Linux (I use mint for the familiar desktop). They are likely kind of old for modern windows. Those of use that are older don’t really like the idea of “renting” software, but then we expect those manufacturers to keep updating and patching. There never will be perfect code written for complex applications so they will always need some maint. So use Linux and open source apps that still have an active eco systems. Old version of Word or excel again are filled with potential exploits. I buy a family version of o365 for this reason, I can load the suite of apps on my windows machines, they stay updated, and I get some cloud storage as a tertiary backup for some of my NAS storage, and I understand I am making a trade with MS to keep their apps patched and keep my storage alive and each year I will pay them their due. After working in IT for a while you understand the necessity for any software or hardware (including home routers/switches/printers) that ever attach to the Internet to be regularly maintained. If you don’t want to do this dance, with updates, isolate them from the Internet.
‘Thing is, when software becomes archaic, the kiddies stop writing exploits for it. “Programmers” are lazy. They write calls to Microsoft libraries instead of building their own subroutines. Archaic operating systems have archaic versions of libraries, many of which are incapable of passing the call, and many more of which simply don’t exist in the old version. There were Win95 calls I could fix by importing (and sometimes re-compiling) Win98 *.DLLs, and Win98 or DOS-7 calls I could fix by filching Vista files, but I could not patch *.EXEs, (okay, I probably could, but I also had preteen kids who required a father, and this convoluted M$ crap takes forever to do ANYTHING with), only the dynamic link libraries, and when I moved my builds to XP I stopped trying to rewrite or shoehorn NT calls into oldversions. The code is too sloppy and the recode patches, too laborious for old farts to mess with.
I first noticed this with Win98. When XPSP-2 came out, there were exactly 4 viruses in the wild, according to KAV, which could infect Win98. Microsoft is out with Win11.1. In 3 months we’ll have to open an infected archive with a Win7 box to be infected by a virus. Many Imbedded Windows scripts in webpages and E-Mail attachments will still be potent, because they’re written in java and are completely portable (don’t make any system calls) but existing AV software (which will shortly cease being updated, also) will catch the vast majority of these. For Win7, keep your AV software updated as long as you can, then take the computer offline or exercise proper caution all the time (which people should do, anyway…)
Personally, I’d just load Mint or Debian and fuggedaboutit…
Will Linux run my legacy software needed for the office that runs on Windows 7 (already tried will NOT run on Windows 10, so doubt will run on Windows 11 either) … or will I be forced to buy new versions of that specialized software at a cost of several THOUSAND dollars?
Windows Office for Business applications cost SEVERAL HUNDRED dollars per licensed copy last time I got a quote from Micro-Center ($550 / machine as I recall – just checked and one Amazon store is quoting $429/license for MS Office Professional – Lifetime, maybe Microcenter would match that). I need several if I update Office (which I hate anyway) … so several thousand dollars in cost there.
In the business world to switch over to NEW LICENSED software on multiple machines the direct costs can be several times what the computers themselves cost. For a small office like ours that can easily add up to close to $15,000 to $20,000 for the upgrade … and that investment does NOT generate any extra revenue to pay for that cost.
In addition to those direct up front costs you also have the software installation costs (ie: have an expert come it to set up the specialized software at $150 to $200/hour since I can’t do it and nobody else in our suite can), PLUS everybody has to be retrained on the new software (whatever the hour cost is for each of them plus their lost productivity in the interim).
Ripping off small businesses with constant Computer Upgrades, where the computer cost itself is only about 15% to 20% of the overall cost to upgrade, has become the defacto standard of the computer industry … and why “I” don’t want to do it.
Maybe you can fill me in on how well Linux does in running specialty NON-Microsoft software that was originally created to run on Windows 95 and where I might find someone to hire to do that change over and what THEIR cost would be … ie: how many hours, I already know it will be in the $150 to $200 per hour range? (and if it doesn’t work can we go back to running Windows 7?)
@Stephen 2
“Will Linux run my legacy software needed for the office that runs on Windows 7”
Possibly. For some software, there is even a *.NIX port (software written for one operating system, which is then rewritten or “ported” to another) so you don’t have to run an emulator.
Virtually all flavors of Debian and Ubuntu (including “Mint”) allow you to download the entire system onto a bootable DVD or thumbdrive. This is a “Live” working sample. You can boot your current computer on this “live image” and run LINUX, and *.NIX applications, without screwing with (or screwing up) your computer’s files or settings. The “live image” creates a virtual computer which keeps whatever you do when you’re running it, completely insulated from your physical computer, and your computer, completely insulated from the “live image.”
if china takes tiwan , what about all our bonds they have.
Good question.
Tax files… Ugh! Even though mine is much simpler now that I am retired, I still abhor the paper shuffle. I think it will wait for the end of the month when the statements come in.
Today is a beautiful clear day. Mountains are clear and still have snow caps on the summits. Now that I’m clear of Covid, I think an outdoor day of putting back up my buckmaster antenna is in order. Took it down last month for clearance for the tree trimmers… which led to covid… which led to quarantine. Oh, yeah… there’s Christmas lights to take down, too. Sunshine vitamin day today.
” “jacked up tuition” game is played. It costs more for a degree now (by a long shot) than before “money-saving””
lol.. a friend went to further her education..went to nursing school..became a nurse practitioner… after the school loan she lost 25 cents an hour in income.
it’s all about control .. if someone from a lower social class can get and afford to change the social class they are presently in..the economic social structure of the present business model would be upset.
a woman that I worked with back during the middle eighties told me this. when I said it didn’t look that bad there from what was on television..
she said..that’s what they want you to see..there was a section for each social class.. ( similar to the hood) the view was of the section that was prosperous.. in each section there was an acceptable amount that each section was able to learn..keeping the lower class ignorant..they posted guards in the classroom to make sure that teachers didn’t teach something that that particular social class was allowed to learn..punishable by death..
here it’s the same way..the only difference is they use the school loan system..to keep the oppressed oppressed..
a poor man has very little chance at pulling himself out of the path set for him..and those that do.. pay the price keeping them in that social structure they grew up in..
what’s that old saying.. it’s not what you know… but who you know..
you sure didn’t see BLM and Antifa destroying wealthy neighborhoods..
they destroyed poor neighborhoods..
damage in billions to people that can’t pay their rent.. pillaging from small mom and pop stores, raping of poor women from a neglected portion of the city and violence..the worst terrorist activities all positioned in poor portions of the cities.
I wonder what would happen if those same things happened in let’s say Martha’s Vinyard.. or Beverly hills..
I bieve it would not be heralded as such a glorious act if it had happened..
And again, the stupid media shills never thought to ask the Willie Sutton question: Why didn’t you go where the money was (and still is?). Ure’ figures they were instructed what to hit and when and that’s where the cameras went.
“the stupid media shills never thought to ask the Willie Sutton question: Why didn’t you go where the money was (and still is?). Ure’ figures they were instructed what to hit and when and that’s where the cameras went.”
It was the acceptable area to hit.. no one cares about those living in a high crime area.. that is also why they are sending illegal refugees to those very same high crime area’s.. doesn’t matter what they do as long as they stay in their place..
that is why I tell kids to go to the UK, germany etc.. to get a higher education.. it is easier to get a higher education and afford it there.. than here.. “Germany has been heading towards free higher education since 2006, but conservative-led state governments in the west of the nation had so far resisted the changes, opting to charge €1,000 (US$1,261) a year. ”
in the UK…
“Report Highlights. The average cost of college* in the United States is $35,551 per student per year, ”
there is a difference there.. a thousand dollars.. or thirty five thousand.. plus books.. LOL LOL and school loans are ten percent interest
Plus living expenses.. in germany those are included
But you don’t just “go to college” in Urepeein or Asian countries. Every university in every country in Eurasia has standards and a very thorough, and difficult entrance exam. Your secondary, academy, or finishing school grades determine the colleges for whose admissions you qualify. The entrance exam is given once per quarter or semester, or for some schools, once per year. There are no make-up days or retests. If you pass the entrance exam, you get in. If you don’t, you go study intensely until the next exam. Some countries even limit exams with a three strikes rule (if you don’t qualify for admission after three entrance exams, you are forever banned from taking another).
So yes, Urepeein and Asian countries provide nearly free higher education, but only for those who qualify, and I pity the fool who writes his or her entrance essay and ends a sentence with a preposition, even if they’re applying to an art or science school…
Unless you’re in DC and then it’s “who you blow.”
In the 1980s I interviewed approximately 75 parolees newly released from prison as they tried to find work and housing. I was astounded at how little they knew about areas outside their immediate neighborhoods. I was interviewing mainly in New York City and as a grad student on a tight budget I had to negotiate public transit in some very dangerous neighborhoods. I’d go in for a couple of days at a time well-stocked with canned sardines and raisins to minimize the cost of restaurant food. I remember even now the response from one young man whom I asked why he hadn’t gone for a job interview a few miles away from his house: “Man, I can’t afford the cab fare and I’d have to eat lunch out.” The bulk of the ex-cons would have felt uneasy making a trip to New Jersey.
Such experiences help me interpret urban riots. Rather than attacking Martha’s Vineyard (which would be logical if you wanted to start a revolution or get even with “oppressors”) most riots seem to be rage over specific incidents. What is at hand is attacked without much, if any, consideration about justice or what might conceivably produce change that could prevent future police brutality. When seeing pictures of flaming Portland, I don’t think of cunning agents provocateur paid by George Soros but rather people all fired up by real abuses who sense power and anonymity by clustering with the like minded who then lash out at whatever is closest. Lynch mobs, BLM, Charlottesville, and January 6: sure, there can be leaders but once the fire is set it doesn’t take much to turn it to a firestorm that devours everything nearby.
In short, LOOB, I expect Martha’s Vineyard to remain safe and tuition and student loan apartheid to endure until The Great Reset — and probably beyond.
Politicians.. gotta give em credit.. they do know how to party… get another badly needed day off next week LOL LOL LOL LOL..
Have they even come back from thanksgiving yet LOL LOL LOL
One of my last positions in a Govt. facility.. I was in charge of a department.. anyway the rummor was going around about if you were a young girl right out of high school and wanted a good position.. that was what you had to do.. blow the boss.. if you did that you could have any position in the building..
One day I walked in the breakroom to get a cup of coffee and that was what was going on.. I quit because of that.. and it was about the worst mistake I ever made.. the position in ten years was paying way over six digits.. today I would just walk over sit next to him and say NEXT lol lol.. actually I think my eithics would probably have me do exactly what I did the last time.. the golden goose healthcare and retirement.. go to school and it would be paid for.. work only a thousand hours a year.. and if you did it right instead of eight weeks of vacation.. you could weasle out twenty four five day vacation periods.. and BE ONE OF THE GOLDEN CHILDS… not as good as being in Congress.. but heck it would be a nice thing anyway..
knowing what I know now I probably would have turned a blind eye and just left.. then again.. if I hadn’t.. I would never have gone through half or better of the events I have had to deal with.. which helped to create the person I am today.. so was it a bad thing for me to leave that position.. or wasn’t it..
” When seeing pictures of flaming Portland, I don’t think of cunning agents provocateur paid by George Soros”
…Which is how he “gets away” with it, over and over again. Soros doesn’t hire a crowd, he hires a few dozen to a few hundred thugs. Humans are stupid creatures. We see a crowd moving in some direction and without knowing the where or the why, fall in and tag along. He had about 150 in Ferguson, about 700 in Minneapolis and for the “Confederate statue protests”),* and from 20 to 300 for other “Floyd riots” in other places (He had nearly 3000 in Kiev for our manufactured neocon exercise in 2014). Soros doesn’t leave all those provocateurs laying around for the duration of the local celebrations. The lieutenants are on payroll at $1500/wk + unlimited expense stipends (or were for the “Floyd riots”). Everybody else gets $200/day for 3-6 days. After 4-6 days, the rioting either burns itself out, or becomes self-sustaining (like Portland).
Soros has used this same formula to destabilize whole countries, since the 1990s, and the hell of it is he’s often allied with the U.S. Government through USAID, thanks to the efforts of Victoria Nuland and other fascists and commies at our Department of State. Soros is the “civilian backing” for the “color revolutions” and it is he, through “educational” resources and organizations set up on college campuses by “Open Society,” who has laid the groundwork for these revolutions.
*The “Confederate statue protests” were a tactically neat op. George Soros funded BLM, Antifa, the KKK, and the NeoNazis. Anyone who paid attention in Charlottesville should have realized Blacks and Youth were being played. Unfortunately, nobody was…
Ray- Soros and FF provided seed money for staff to apply for DOJ grants, but most of the money going to extremists in that era came from the DOJ lawsuit war chest. Supposedly that stream of money was cut off early in Trump’s administration, but I have my doubts. The important point here is: Most of the street level political violence in this country has been routinely funded by the taxpayers, with no real public oversight. Soros and FF were just as much a pawns as perps.
“it’s not what you know… but who you know..”
I checked into cricket farming and many of the current up-start cricket farms are getting grants, one example below. Compete against a person who gets a free 100K? Not worth the risk.
Ames cricket farmer stretches her legs with expansion
“Gym-N-Eat Crickets is poised for expansion. Smith and her boyfriend, Willie Beeler, bought an 140-year old building in Collins they plan to renovate into a distribution center and a home base for Beeler’s lawn care business. The Iowa Economic Development Authority awarded Collins $100,000 toward the project.”
“I checked into cricket farming and many of the current up-start cricket farms are getting grants, one example below. Compete against a person who gets a free 100K? Not worth the risk.’
waIT A MINUTE.. why crickets..
think about this..
a cat farm…..
a good mexican cat skinner can skin two hundred cats an hour at three cents a cat..
the fur sold as Lapin fur.. ( yup cat and rabbit) sells for up to 8 Dollars per prime pelts..
a female breeder can breed five liters a year at between four and six kittens..
the meat can be harvested and sold to the asian market place..
each male cat can maintain twenty four females..
NOW for a Hundred and fifty thousand dollar down payment on the business plan you can receive all the operating instructions and procedures to maintain and license this operation.. ( congressmen need something for their approval ) and get your name and photo published in the news on your new venture LOL LOL LOL LOL…
Just kidding.. we actually made up a really good sales pitch way back.. and had a friend that was running and advertising firm write up the cat farm idea.. because another friend had gone into rabbit and mink farming LOL LOL.. to feed the men and women incarcerated in the prison system.. LOL LOL LOL LOL
the other one we did was a banker.. ( one of the wealthiest in the wastelands ) was also a coffee clutch guy.. and so was so many more.. anyway he was bragging about this really really expensive golf club set he had.. one of the guys that was there.. was always commenting at church about the set of clubs this one guy had.. which looked worse than my set that I dragged out of the trash.. LOL LOL LOL it was pittiful.. anyway.. the banker has a luxury cabin at a lake.. so we were talking about his guys clubs.. and how he loved em so much.. and the plan was hatched.. we would give him the other set of clubs that looked like old bent pry bars LOL LOL so one day when the banker was at coffee with the rest of us.. he ran to his cabin and left the set in the entrance.. with a note saying here my husband borrowed your set of clubs I am just leaving them for you..
so .. the next week the banker came in and was saying.. you should see this set of golf clubs that someone left at my cabin.. on and on..
a couple weeks later my friend stopped by and grabbed his good set of clubs and left a note.. I am so sorry my mother left a set of golf clubs my father had borrowed at the wrong house.. sorry for the inconvenience. I am going to return them to the rightful owner.. and took his good set of golf clubs.. LOL LOL the next week.. the banker was beside himself because someone took his gold plated golf clubs.. LOL LOL LOL which is when everyone was saying oh my goodness that is horrible.. and my friend said.. your in a good shape though I have an extra set in the trunk I was going to go down and pawn off..
He opened the trunk to show the banker the clubs.. LOL LOL LOL LOL .. today he would have been arrested.. back then it was just horsing around..
After reading about the pedo having top secret papers as v.p. I am looking for something that they don’t want you to see. Don’t look over there. Garland isn’t going to swat the pedo in the middle of the night . He might not like what he would find at the pedo’s houses , young children for diddling. Something bigger is just over the horizon that they don’t want you to see.
The Pedo walks.. that is so buried.. that nothing will ever do.. they spend what over a thousand a day rent just on his protection team and I am pretty sure he just didn’t quit his decrepit lifestyle so that will be new pimps and pushers that maintain his disgusting habits that need to be taken care of.. OH wait they have an evidence locker.. LOL LOL or it costs something to let the cartels haul over human bodies to traffic and drugs laced with who knows what.. ( its not like some farmer that raises it as a crop that had to maintain its quality.. the money that the govt. could be getting is gotten from the ones paying the legislators to keep it illegal..
the really sad part is those that are using it for recreation. will no matter what.. legal or illegal..
Um, I believe he was referring to Creepy Joe, not Creeper Hunter…
I don’t know how much it costs to train a human solder. I guess the cost of recruitment through transporting a civilian from hometown to base for training exceeds $2,700.
These ‘base’ robots are the way. Attach cameras or tank killers onto them and at end of mission they suicide/explode on a target.
Meet Unitree B1, $2700 Robot Dog.. AI Super Soldier Coming To A Police Force Near You!
(If someone else posted and I missed it many apologies.)
Gold deserves a rest . Rest time the next part is logical . Use your imagination
Here we go. Going to start seeing these articles every day – and not just on TGP.
“Air Force Football Player, 21, Dies From Medical Emergency”
They’ll never say anything about blood clots or any of the other symptoms associated with the clot shot but they’re going to run out of alternative names pretty soon.
Has everyone seen the movie “Died Suddenly” on Rumble yet?
Dr. John Campbell explores the “Excess Deaths” issue in Australia and GB. I’ve been wondering about the most recent results of this since we were told about the 40% increase in all forms of deaths in America back in 2021. These are new stats but for countries outside of America. 16% seems to be the figure for excess deaths up until September of last year. And, as always, the comments below the video are interesting, too.