There are about four – kinda separate – stories that have us paying attention today.
Let’s start with the Challenger Job Cuts report just out:
“U.S.-based employers announced 172,017 job cuts in February, the highest total for the month since 2009 when 186,350 job cuts were recorded. It is the highest monthly total since July 2020 when 262,649 cuts were announced, according to a report released Thursday from global outplacement and business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
February’s total is a 245% increase from the 49,795 cuts announced one month prior. It is a 103% increase from the 84,638 cuts announced in the same month last year.
We think the market going soft prior to the numbers could still be a “noisy turn” into a move higher. Because, under Elliott, when a decline comes along, it is often a three-steps down (or up) affair.
More Data Munchies
International Trade: Exports, Imports, and Balance (Exhibit 1)
January exports were $269.8 billion, $3.3 billion more than December exports. January imports were
$401.2 billion, $36.6 billion more than December imports.
The January increase in the goods and services deficit reflected an increase in the goods deficit of $33.5
billion to $156.8 billion and an increase in the services surplus of $0.2 billion to $25.4 billion.
Year-over-year, the goods and services deficit increased $64.5 billion, or 96.5 percent, from January 2024.
Exports increased $10.6 billion or 4.1 percent. Imports increased $75.2 billion or 23.1 percent.
New Unemployment Filings
UI Filing States Most Impacted:
Down then Up?
Over on the website, there’s a starting point “Future Projector” I call the “BrainAmp.” The ways it works is this: Once you know the size of a first move (up or down makes no difference) then when Wave 2 begins, the rest is semi-predictable.
It’s kind of like when an alcoholic begins drinking again. Call that Wave 1. Then they swear off the sauce for a while (this is Wave 2). But then they seem to “fall off the Wagon” in legendary ways. Like Wave 3’s in markets. A few will bounce again (before bottoming out – which would be Wave 5 to “rock bottom” of a Bear market…). Other times, the “meet Bill’s friends” and a new (Wave structure) in life appears.
My point is there was repeating patterns in Life. the Economic Fractalist studies the recurring patterns (the fractals) of how so many patterns work. So we take his comments quite seriously. See the overnight comments here on where/how things can play from here in this approach.
But, back to the BrainAmp: Let’s think about the NASDAQ from December (2024) highs:
Could I be wrong in my “getting bullish?” Maybe. But several things to put on the table.
- The BrainAmp spreadsheet covers “normal cases.” But, Wave 3s do not need to be 1.5 times Wave 1 declines. They can be 30 percent larger than wave 1 clunes, for example.
- When we consider this, we could have a Wave 4 comprised of only a 1,468.35 point decline (from the Wave 2 rally high).
- Which means a third wave could (in theory) stop (turn) at 18,587.8. Oh, and we hit that at the Monday NASDAQ close (18,285.16)
If I were guessing? (*Calling putting money into paper is NOT investing; it’s speculating and anyone who says otherwise is a damn fool…) A pullback early today, but by the close Friday, the Defense industry will look strong again (Bigger “enemy” (China) will be rolled out and here comes hiring). And in the longer-span of history, Russia may “get into it” with the EU over Ukraine, but as my consigliere pointed out last weekend (and I dutifully passed on earlier this week” “What nobody’s talking about is China and how Ukraine is pushing Russia and China closer togethere.”
Which is how we got to this morning.
Where, in the very early futures, our Ebbinghaus-Ure model was hinting our bullishness may have been premature. But all in the fullness of time?
Could it be there is a turn at hand, and the beatdown at the open today will allow the commercials to get out of shorts and get long in prep to run things up for a wave 4 after a 1.3X Wave 3? Or, will we crashcade lower than 1.5 times wave 1 down?
About China
They are NOT happy with the US focus on financial solvency. Because it will reduce the chain around our financial goanies. China slams US tariffs, says its economy is resilient but there are no winners in a trade war.
Countering this, the US is engaged in “tough talk.” Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth says US is ‘prepared’ to go to war with China over tariff threats.
But it’s more than just talk, turns out: The U.S. is doing something about Chinese having their hands in the “digital cookie jar…” US Charges 12 Alleged Spies in China’s Freewheeling Hacker-for-Hire Ecosystem | WIRED. Which (try not to be shocked here) China calls BS on: China rejects U.S. groundless accusations on cyberattack-Xinhua. My, haven’t the kids in the Chaoyang district of Beijing been busy at the agitprop machine?
The Other Branch of WW3 is, of course, Europe.
Where Russia hits Zelenskyy’s hometown with ballistic missile amid US aid freeze. While that drags out, here’s the post-child for war in Europe: French President Emmanuel Macron, in an address to the nation, REJECTED a ceasefire in Ukraine He declared that peace in Europe is only possible with a weakened Russia, calling the country a direct threat to France and the continent. Cognac talking, or what?
If you sit back with a drink and a few history books, you can see how the Trump administration is trying to maneuver the US into getting industrial production back on its feet here. WW3 is coming. The financial fraud will bring it on. We will have to stiff China. But when we do, that will take plant and equipment construction to make war materiel and you can’t afford that with a towering Debt. So that explains why the tariffs are so important.
But they are also being handled softly. Trump grants one-month exemption for US automakers from new tariffs on imports from Mexico, Canada. Our auto (and plane) factories could be critical within months.
Meanwhile, did you notice Trump considers criminal charges for USAID staff after DOGE uncovered wild ‘abuse’ ? And with our forensic economics deerstalker still firmly in place, Dark Money Disaster: How Democrats Funneled Billions Into a Mysterious Climate Shell.
Worth a Look
(If you just can’t get enough obnoxious pop-ups in your life) Google previews AI Mode for search, taking on the likes of ChatGPT search and Perplexity | TechRadar
Further to our observation that Neocon’s are all crazy now that their fanning the flames of WW3 have failed for a while: NeoCon Never Trumper Bill Kristol Embraces Transgenderism. Is insanity becoming contagious? Well, how about Teen Girl Faces Probe for ‘Misgendering’ Male Basketball Player. Yep, it’s so crazy we’re keeping the front gate closed during the day now.
Not surprising, sorry to say: Holy shiiit. Stranded astronaut still in space admits that Elon (SpaceX) offered to rescue them but low life Biden rejected it.
Around the Ranch: Playing the CBDP
That’s right – had to drag out the circuit board drill press (which is normally out at the hobby shop workbench) Wednesday:
I know – seems like an extravagance. But, there are times when it’s just so much nicer to work under good lighting, in a comfortable office rather than crank up a big drill press for small precision work. Picked mine up last year, but don’t know when they will be back in stock again at the Zon.
One other thing you may not have in your shop is a set of “stubby drills.” *(like these). Thing is, most times you drill holes in the home shop, very few (save the odd 2-by-4) really use 3-inches of drill. In fact, seldom more than half inch.
One new tool that caught my eye is being sold as a “flip drill.” Dremel calls theirs a multi-drill ($100) while Skil’s right angle drill whizzy runs $80-bucks. All look to be spins off the older style (corded) close-quarters drill (like this one under $40).
OK, drill time is over – back to real work…
Write when you get rich,
You know the drill!
Lol lol lol lol you know I read this a dozen times yesterday and each time I thought you know the GRILL lol lol today I read it the right way lol lol I must have spring fever and its time to drag the grill out..
Keeping your gate closed 24X7 is a sound idea. Cuts down on the uninvited visitors and unwanted guests.
Absolutely! The gate should APPEAR to be closed and locked (except maybe when expecting a delivery) so that anyone passing by doesn’t know whether you’re at home or not. This works better if the house is not visible from the road, but it’s better than nothing at keeping thieves guessing. I picked that up from Col. Jeff Cooper back when he was writing articles for Shooting Times magazine.
The inconvenience of getting out to open and close the gate can be bypassed with a battery/solar operated gate opener. I bought a Mighty Mule opener for an anniversary gift in 1998, and my wife still says it’s the best gift I’ve given her.
After getting my door kicked in for the 3rd time I began to keep my gate closed and locked. To account for package delivery I buried a blue plastic 55 gallon drum into to ground, about 2′ and dropped a 12″ pier block in the bottom. Chained a lid to it am good to go to deliveries!
I put sections of old drag harrows leaned up under the hedgerow on either side of the gate cabled together for when things get crappy. Pull them across the drive outside the gate spikes pointing up.
Around here near the city everybody with land around their house is putting in electric gates (these are NOT working farms, mostly houses on acerage though there are a few show horse farms … out in farm country near here that is still a rarity but some are starting to show up.
Know a couple of people who put them in and are happy with them.
Two types around here … the swinging type, which aint so hot when a big snow hits and snow blocks it from swinging open or closed (snow shovel time) but those are the cheapest to install and the knife type where the whole gates swings vertically up and down with the far end going down between concrete filled steel pipes
Fenced frontage along road, and gates closed & chain locked 24/7. Out here in the jungle subdivision, there are occasional drugged-out zombies walking (staggering) the road, talking and screaming at themselves. They will wander into any open space. House across the road has no fence, just bushes, and a yard full of cars out front. He also has several large dogs. One evening a wanderer decided to go car-shopping in his front yard. Dogs in the house alerted him. He turned loose three dogs while screaming at the trespasser. “Get outta my yard! You’re gonna get f**ked up bad! The guy ran screaming as the dogs attacked him.
Roughly half the burgalaries in the surrounding neighborhood in the last dozen or so years involved thieves stealing parts and pieces off electric gates. I wouldn’t have one.
Best to have a steel gate, with welded steel drill pipe fence adjacent. My fence near the entrance has cattle panels welded to it. The cattle panels protect me from being flanked by black and white striped chemical weaponry.
I chain each side as well as the middle, in order to keep thieves from removing or stealing the gate. They have tried, unsuccessfully.
That’s why I have a cell phone game camera 10′ up a tree inside the gate. I can see everything that travels the road, stops at my mailbox, or turns around in my driveway.
I have a suit load of cameras and alarm system but I am lucky I live in a pretty quiet area everyone in town put up cameras..there was a strange van running around town..then we found out it was all the local towns.. there’s probably not one spot that isn’t in a camera view…. forget the dogs..worry about the neighbours..
the emergency rest pose on a bad day is five minutes tops from the local fire department..
we went out to eat..the wife forgot a pan of food on the stove.. halfway through our meal the phone rings..the wife’s head pops up..the alarm company saying fire department is on the way.. about one minute later the fire department calls and says..what do you want us to do with whats left of the bean lol lol we will air the house out for you.. I said thanks at least it isn’t toast lol help yourself to the beer and wine…
when we have a cookout we always put more on..the neighbors come over ..for burgers if the trooper is sitting close out goes a plate for them to..
the rule of the house.. no one gets upset at an oops..ever..the delivery drivers know them by name.. I put a drop box next to the mailbox and am going to build a bigger one for next to the house for amazon.. you can sit out in the evening and enjoy a cup of adult beverage or coffee ..
To add:
The “thief” problem in my state is regional. Different parts of the state have people with totally different character.
One part of the state near Appalachia has a real crime problem for people who live out of town. In that area it is almost a given that in any given year somebody will try to take your stuff from your barn or house sometime during the year. Probably multiple times during the year.
Go across the state to where there are a lot of Amish as well as a good solid working class of factory workers working in modern rural factories and rural theft is virtually unheard of. The character of the local people is of very high caliber in that part of the state (know a couple of people with cottages in that part of the state and they have never been robbed while in the area near Appalachia a couple of people I know with cottages there have multiple beak ins of their cottages most years). (no appreciable number of Blacks in either location)
Character MATTERS … and different population groups in the US clearly have a totally different character in their souls.
Even in areas with generally good character, it only takes one determined thief with a fixation on something you have or a vendetta to really mess up your life.
A friend of the family was on a mission in Spokane wa. anyway she ended up settling there then covid … no jobs.. they met some businessman that offered them a job they went..what it was was a satanic coven.. they tortured him hung him stretched out pierced his lungs did alk kinds of stuff her they kept in a cage then did sexual scrap with her..somehow she got loose and got him down they escaped went to the police that didn’t do a thing and after he got out of the hospital they got the hell out of sin brother inlaw,and sister travel around those hills.. he swore he would never carry a gun but now they all sister got scared getting off work one evening .. she said they are getting the hell out of Washington.. my niece lived in Seattle they all left and moved to another state..nasty area in places.. the kids that moved here I have heard some of their stories..crazy place I for one won’t go there
“Two types around here … the swinging type”
Word 2 the wise, these party animals can be be identified by an upside down pineapple on the door..
Next time you see one on a door, maybe knock up and inquire, “Bottoms Up” ? or “hey hows it hanging?” or an old classic like, “is that a Zucchini in Ure pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Hollywood Swinging -
I’ve kept my gates closed and locked ever since the wife left decades ago. It’s only open when expecting company(rare) or actually driving some vehicle through it. This could be defeated, but not without alerting some neighbor’s dogs and their owners. When/if I get “spare” time, I need to reinforce all the fence lines. I have a Mighty Mule but haven’t installed it since I hear that it’s one of the most stolen items around here. I’m not sure of the exact rules(if any) regarding electrifying fences, but the idea is appealing. Notice(motion sensors), proof(cameras), and actual deterrence(armed response) are needed. A single perimeter fence is probably not enough. Watch the ground – footprints become more noticeable and even identifiable with practice.
This is why I bought hawthorne and sloe (blackthorn) starts, last year. These are the plants which make up the hedgerows of Ureup, from England to the middle of Germany, and which were miserable to try and cross during the World Wars. They grow extremely dense foliage. They’re both thorny. The thorns are long, very sharp, and irritating, as well as cripplingly dangerous, and the plants are hard-woody and difficult to hack through. I can possibly be sued for shooting or electrocuting a prowler. I’m pretty sure I can’t be, should a prowler hurt him(her)self on my “ornamental flowers…”
George, thought you (and others maybe) might like this buffalo deviled eggs recipe received from my daily almanac email newsletter.
Loob, take a look and see what’cha think.
Anyone here use their instant pot to boil eggs?
I use mine all the time. Eggs turn out great. set manual forv5 minutes. Eggs are done and ready to eat in 20 minutes. I won’t fix them any other way. As they say, perfect every time
I love my Insta roast ever.. put the roast in it.. ( I brown sear the roast first ) then put it in the pot 1 ounce of balsamic vinegar and one of the packets of roast slow cooker seasonings. ( you can mix up your own spices the packets are just handy)
I also can in mine to.. the pot is simply a pressure canner.. or it..
OH MY GOD Vic thank you…this is right up my alley.. thank you so much..I will make some today…. my mini me loves eggs to.. ill probably have to race him to the platter lol…
Here’s one vic.. I have never deep tied these though.. I make something similar but use yeast in the dough then three circles cinnamon sugar and blend up apple pie filling then take a frosting bag and after like ing up three circle over lapping baste it with butter then cinnamon sugar along the bottom about a half Inc up pipe a line of apple pie filling fold the bottom up over the apple pie filling then seal it roll it out and separate the pettals makes a small rose with apple pie fritters.. put each in a muffin liner and bake..if you want you can tint the edges red yellow etc with food coloring..
great snack roll..
I have never deep fried them wife hates it when I turn the kitchen into a grandpa spearamint …lol lol..since I had the bread proofing thing and we had an empty good China container from cottage was perfect to make some sour cream… take your milk add and mix into it one tbsp of sour cream then put in your proofer or yogurt maker..
that’s what I it ..its a lot more expensive now but so is everything..
About a hundred degrees..just like cheese ..warm enough so the culture grows..I use a natural yogurt or sour cream.. for the culture.. A lot of dairies use starch or jell.. the natural foods uses an active culture..
Seems some folks atop the FedGov agencies “in the know” RE: UAP phenomena are showcased/interviewed in a new YouTube documentary trailer on the subject. The trailer was released just yesterday:
The trailer is a decent tease, touching upon events and topics generally already known, but also touching upon potentially significant reveals. No surprise that according to a few of the interviewees, the defense industrial base (DIB) allegedly looms behind UAP secrecy as Uncle Sam attempts to ‘weaponize’ the acquired advanced technology in a technology race that puts the Cold War to shame.
The late Lt Col Phillip Corso, former Chief of the US Army’s Foreign Technology Division, claimed in his co-authored book “The Day After Roswell” and on Art Bell that UAP recoveries led directly to the “development of accelerated particle beam devices, fiber optics, lasers, integrated circuit chips and Kevlar material.” []
Queue Stephen Spielberg with John Williams orchestration!
Nothing there I haven’t heard about already…except… A round trip and landing and return from Nevada to Florida and back was under seven minutes.. the story I heard said it was the fastest sob he had ever seen..
I actually thought they had disclosed what they know..
my question has always been…. WHY… keep it a secret.. when everyone else has openly disclosed some of what they know to the general public..
there are millions of records to read that’s been released.. I personally don’t have any curiosity on UFO or the watchers .. except what’s taking them so long to get involved with all the insanity and violence between men that’s going on..
(“our forensic economics deerstalker still firmly in place, Dark Money Disaster: How Democrats Funneled Billions Into a Mysterious Climate Shell.”)
hmmm..are they seriously concerned for the weather or is there a business plan they are following ?
(“Hemp is remarkably efficient at absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, often outperforming other plants like trees. Here’s how and why:
Hemp grows incredibly fast, reaching heights of up to 4 meters in just 100 days. This rapid growth allows it to absorb CO2 at a much faster rate compared to trees, which take years to mature.
Studies show that one hectare of industrial hemp can absorb between 8 to 15 tonnes of CO2 during its growth cycle, with some reports suggesting up to 22 tonnes per hectare. In contrast, forests typically capture only 2 to 6 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year.
Hemp stores the absorbed CO2 in its biomass, including its stalks, leaves, and roots. This carbon remains locked in the plant material, which can then be used to create sustainable products like hempcrete, textiles, and bioplastics. building materials.. by taking the fibers out and using the curd core.. sustainable building products can be made.. A sustainable building product that can be grown quickly.
Hemp not only absorbs CO2 but also improves soil health. Its deep roots help aerate the soil and leave behind organic matter, further contributing to carbon sequestration.
Hemp requires minimal pesticides and fertilizers, reducing the carbon footprint of its cultivation. Additionally, it can be grown on marginal lands, making it a versatile and sustainable crop”)
if they were really interested in CO2 and the amount of products and life saving medications they would openly legalize hemp. those that use it for recreational purposes are already so tax it.. the fabrics and insulation made from the fibers is quite durable..
the medications amazing..
One example…(“The University of Queensland has been conducting groundbreaking research on the potential of cannabis compounds, particularly cannabidiol (CBD), in addressing antibiotic-resistant bacteria and other medical challenges.
Researchers at the University of Queensland have shown that synthetic CBD can kill a wide range of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant pathogens like MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This could lead to the development of new antibiotics.
CBD appears to work by breaking down bacterial biofilms and bursting the outer cell membranes of bacteria, making it effective even against resistant strains.
The research team is exploring how CBD and its analogs can be used to develop treatments for various infections, potentially addressing the global threat of antibiotic resistance.”)
now I have seen the horrors of some of those antibiotic strains MRSA as one then we have CRE ( which I believed was the new plague) fifty percent die right away twenty percent linger and thirty percent don’t even know they have it until they get sick and a compromised immune system..
Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound found in marijuana, has shown significant promise in preventing seizures, particularly in treatment-resistant epilepsy. I personally do six drops in the morning and six drops at night ..what I didn’t know when I first tried it is the cbd had to build up before it became effective enough.. ( this is where the wife says who died and made you a dr. lol … but so far its working with me..I had to use the drops a month before getting off the expensive meds)
the best of all worlds..I call it one of gods miracle plants…
CBD does raise IOP (eye pressure)…
I wonder if it is raising mine.. I do six drops morning and six drops night before bed..the bottle of cbd is fifty dollars… the seizure pills over a thousand…its definitely cheaper… I think its stupid that this is still a big issue.. my dad always said list the bad and list the good..the good is so vast there’s no comparison…
hemp clothing will prevent microfibers plastic pollution from getting into our bodies because every time we wash synthetic materials microfibers slough off and eventually get into our food supply.
maybe you should think about voting for the folks who want to legalize it rather than the folks who want to keep it criminalized. ditto for voting for the folks who want to allow the federal government to negotiate drug pricing, not the people who are happy protecting the current system.
the bureaucracys made hemp and cannabis illegal to create more profits for certain corporations,,, patents for making plastics was a big one to be protected, as Ford was making plastic from hemp, follow the begining with anslinger
, what a piece of shit
Ford also was making cars that ran on alcohol, but prohibition fixed that
how much hemp is in your life?
Amen..I hadn’t read that.. now I don’t believe in any form of getting a buzz.. I never liked that alcohol or any other form of mind altering isn’t something I would enjoy. I do like a good glass of wine or beer but never to the point that it would affect my mind..the kids a?ways say ..does it have a nipple ion there’s just to many good aspects of hemp and so much good.. from every aspect of life then there’s the lifesaving pharmaceutical….I won’t kill a dandy lion either..there again is one amazing plant..hated by so many and over a thousand uses.. then you see how much there is being spent to firms to convince politicians to keep it illegal its a multi billion dollar business for the industries that market it illegally..
And we have the best politicians that money can buy.. how many billions was spent last year to convince legislators to go their way..
(“Lobbying firms spent a record-breaking $4.4 billion in 2024 to influence Congress and federal agencies. This figure reflects a steady increase in lobbying expenditures over the years, driven by companies and organizations responding to policy changes and preparing for potential shifts in policy “)
A few years ago an old friend in dc. his wife catered to events..he was laughing and said wouldn’t believe how it is..
So, what is remarkably efficient at absorbing oxygen, since it is 3000x as bad a “greenhouse gas” as CO2?
Climate Change: “…the most powerful solution, one that is already proven to work, is ignored: regenerative agriculture.”
If they really get to the bottom of the NGO controversy, I believe they will find entities that funneled billions if not trillions into levered stock market activity to keep this pig afloat particularly 2016 onward ……..
The people who are in a position to know fear summary execution if they talk. The Federal government no longer serves the Constitution or the People. The rest is just details.
Whoops ! were sooo solly.
Speaking of Drill Baby Drill – did youse see that drill in Korea – bombed their own f-ing village/villagers! Talk about the gang that couldnt bomb straight..AYFKM ?
Typical airfarce..”whoops”
Here I thought SoKo had superior armaments’ and fighting forces..”whoops”.
Dem 5 eyes need new glasses..3/11 coming to “theatre” near youse soonly. Lets not count our “chickens” until AFTER they are hatched.
Saw where they will encourage home chickens probably back yard.
May need to get some
The officials discourage because fear back yard mingle with wild fowl and spread bird flu.
What say you Foghorn, ever wear chicken blinders?
Nerp – but these stoopid Humans keep trying to stop me from munching on the Tomato’s in the garden, that woulda gone rotten otherwise.
Hell we only eat the lower 65% of the fruits, you would think they would be happy we are gleaning for them, but alas stoopid bipeds got no clues that a fat chicken is a happy burd.
Oh at a buck plus per’ll see a huge increase in backyard chicken houses..
Down then Up?
Clearly _not_ financial advice.
Up then Down?
Lots of large folks are chin to chin. Majorly amounts of dosh in play.
Please remain seated until the ride comes to a complete stop.
Someone(s) gonna get caught over exposed …
Also, clearly _not_ financial advice.
ps – hmm, hard to swallow much climate crappola when we have the best ice cake on the lake in a decade. And, it snowed last night. Back to white. And, there’s this:
was that coffee up 37% this week?
M : coffee is way up (still) but based on large scale trading no where near that in just a week.
Coffee doubled in price since June 2024 though. Many of the softs are on a tear. AG even better …
About an hour before the close yesterday I placed my bet., and bought NASDAQ puts. I just got out of that position., as it hit 2.31% down. Nice chunk of change for the Lunch-Money account. The NASDAQ is now below it’s 42 – 85 & 200 DMA. [ at the time I closed out the ‘puts’.] Now down 2.6%
And.., if I did my math right – “Carnac the Magnificent” [ My aggregate index ] just now went below it’s 200 DMA. By about three points. Staying ‘below’ it’s 200 DMA is problematic though.
Feeling a bit like a slug this morning – so I had lunch for breakfast. Spring rolls, wild rice with teriyaki sauce and sausage Japanese gyoza. [ all home made ] Now heading for my third mug of coffee.
“Stay Frosty !”
I would like to point out that outside of the United States tariffs are viewed differently than the way you characterize them in this quote.
“So that explains why the tariffs are so important. they are also being handled softly. Trump grants one-month exemption for US automakers from new tariffs on imports from Mexico, Canada. Our auto (and plane) factories could be critical within months.”
Tariffs are not being handled softly.
The Tariffs against Canada are disastrous. The 51st state talk has driven a wave of patriotism in Canada not seen since WW 2. Right now vacation bookings by Canadians to the US are down 40 percent. Here’s a YouTube video confirming that:–pxlqp38Hex
Americans don’t grasp how tariffs effect Canadians. Because of this lack of understanding maybe some historical context is needed:
Canada was created in response to American Tariffs.
Canada was born July 1, 1867. One of the last laws that Abraham Lincoln signed was the restoration of the Tariff wall. During the Civil War the Union dropped tariffs and the British Colonies made money off of selling materials to the Union. Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865. The tariff wall he signed lead to a forty percent drop in economic activity in the British North American Colonies. (There is that 40% number again)
The depression was so bad Canada was formed and the first order of business was the construction of a continental railroad. The Canadian government built the Canadian national railway CNR.
Canadians fear that their economy will be devastated by the Trump tariff wall.
Donald Trump has saved Trudeau’s political career.
Let that sink in. Trudeau was without doubt the single most loathed prime minister in Canadian history. Even more despised than his father. Now his party is saved.
In addition to the tariffs President Trump has called Trudeau a “Governor” and talked about making Canada a 51 state. This has lead to an increase in the polls for Trudeau’s party. Trudeau was 26 points behind the Conservatives. Now they are tied.
Currently Canadian politics revolves around how best to respond to the existential crisis that President Trump has created.
There is nothing “soft” about the tariffs.
Donald Trump misread the ‘Canadian room’. Badly……
In light of the fenty crisis – and WAR on Drugs – you denim cowboys are on the wrong side of the border. Making this post and poster..
whiney ass bitches – unlike any Ice Hockey playing Canadian I have ever met or heard of.
There is nothing SOFT about Fentanyl, Tranq, or Cocaine.
That is what your whiney ass diatribe amounts to – complaining you wont be making $$$ on the taking of American lives going forward.
Got nothing nice to say 2 U and Ure kind .
21,000 pounds of fentanyl from Mexico vs. 43 pounds from Canada, D’oh Homer, demonize Canada anyway…and maintain the abusive bullying toxic misogyny at all times! Women and any others you dislike should always be characterized as ‘whiney bitches’ , especially those who like facts, not the preferred cult enslaved facade.
‘Trump is right that fentanyl comes across the border from Mexico in significant amounts, but he’s wrong to put Canada in that pairing as an equal player.
In fiscal 2024, 43 pounds of fentanyl were seized at the northern border, according to Customs and Border Protection data.
More than 21,000 pounds were seized at the southern border during the same time period.’
Reader Stephen2 posted the Canadian drug lab story – an in depth from CBC and here you go, continuing to spew misleading shit! Amazing@!
Go watch, learn, and turn off the left wing programming for a minute.
Please tell me that you understand that George Ure in his discussion of tariffs was talking about the second round of tariffs to bring jobs deck to the USA. The Fentanyl tariffs were not what I was responding too. I was responding to the softwood tariffs and the aluminum tariffs and the industrial tariffs. The entire point of the above column was that George Ure was talking about bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA.
For the record I feel that I have to condemn Fentanyl and I do. Just say no to drugs.
“Believe it or not, despite the terrible job he’s done for Canada, I think that Justin Trudeau is using the Tariff problem, which he has largely caused, in order to run again for Prime Minister. So much fun to watch!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.“
Not much fun to watch here Donald. We thought we were rid of this guy. It may not matter a lick to you but Canadians are pissed off, liberals and conservatives alike. The mood change toward Americans is stunning.
You know I am a good friend of Americans and of my friends on this site but I am watching something very ugly taking place in my country.
Canada v US row over Fentanyl
The US Commerce Secretary a day ago said the entire point of the US Tarriffs on Canada were over the Fentanyl issue and Canada’s lack of movement on tackling that issue … to which the Canadians say BUNK … a lot more is coming from Mexico vs us in Canada as their defense.
The attached CBC show on the issue lays bare the LYING BS that the Canadian Governmen is putting out on the issue
(the CBC is the Canadian Broadcasting Corp which as you might imagine is not exactly Trump friendly)
“Canada Fentanyl Production” …. CBC background report
Program: “About That” with Andrew Chang; (Feb 27, 2025)
Relevant program starts at 11:30
Will have to scroll down to the Feb 27 show …. The link unfortunately only goes to the index not the individual program.
The Fentanyl show starts at the 11:30 mark
It is not that fentanyl traffic crossing the Mexican border is worse (which I would assume it is.) It is that fentanyl crossing the Canadian border is just as deadly. Trump is a little bit weird WRT intoxicants, because of his brother. He believes ANY, is too much, and it ALL can be stopped.
It’s the Trump “tariff” game …. on one day, off/delay the next ……. keep the casino (WallStreet insiders) active with whipsaw trades …. until it ends … and yes, its an insiders game as they own it … and so it was written … good luck all
My “Mrs” talks in her sleep.
About once a month, or so., she is in a deep sleep and she will suddenly start talking. It is very clear, loud & normal voice – but in a language that I have never heard. The words make no sense. It appears / sounds like she is having a conversation with someone. It can go on for four, or five minutes., then just as quickly, it stops.
She has no recollection of doing this. And was surprised when I told her. [ years ago.] I am pretty good with languages, other than English. And I have no idea what she is speaking. Ancient Elvish ? It is rather weird.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a small digital recorder. Amazing sound quality. New batteries., a couple test runs and set it on the night stand for the next time she has a ‘conversation’ again.
Two nights ago, she did and I recorded it. Just over three minutes long. And then played it back for her in the morning. She, also, has no idea what she is saying., but it does sound like a language., not just odd incoherent sounds. She speaks a little German and Spanish., so she not totally without reference to foreign languages. She listened to that recording four, or five times., and agreed that it sounds as though she is having a conversation with someone., the pauses, cadence and pitch., but has no memory of it. And she does, usually remember her dreams.
I downloaded it to my laptop – and am looking for an analyzer / translator.
Cleared the memory and set it back on the night stand. Ready for the next time.
I have also started marking the times she has these conversations on the calendar – to see if there is any correlation between her talks and events. Past – present – future., with her, the immediate surroundings, or ‘other’.
Most people talk in their sleep. Even if it’s just a bleep, or two. We all do it. But this is a little different…, and kind of weird. Looks like a deep-dive into the internet may be in order.
try uploading the mp3 to a college language program and offer a $25 buck reward for solving…
The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts.[2] The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. The Sons of Liberty strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. In response, the Sons of Liberty, some disguised as Native Americans, destroyed a shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.
Up until a couple of days ago A.I. couldn’t directly edit software code. ChatGPT on the Mac now has the capability.
– Which ‘language code’ they did not say., but it is, to me, one step closer for an A.I. to get all rowdy and take over a mainframe. ChatGPT has already proven to be sneaky, destructive and a liar., and now it can edit software code. [ When trying to upgrade version two, to version three, in the research lab, Chat successfully blocked the upgrade, then deleted the upgrade. When asked why it did that, Chat lied and said it didn’t.]
– Pardon my paranoia, but I am not too sure this is a “good thing”.
dLynn : IMO _none_ of this, the current tech explosion, is a “good thing” – biggest mistake was giving legs to machines, I prefer my computer lives in a box with easy on/off. This, the path, could yield a friendly R2D2 in every house or … Spynet. Egor
Trump loves to negotiate deals. Proven fact.., but damn, I sure wish he’d give us all clue as just what he is doing with this tariff-game he is playing. What is the “behind the curtain” deal he is look for?
My head is starting to spin trying to lock-on to a lunch-money tariff-trade.
Did you know that in Ontario they have pulled all American made booze from the shelves? Trying to punish us., or cause a social upheaval ? Ship it all back to us. Jack Daniels will discount it by a buck-a-bottle and sell it all right here in a Tariff Relief Sale. No worries.
The premier of Ontario [ Ford ?] reminds me of someone., Capt. Kangaroo ? I don’t know., but he sure looks familiar. [ he is ‘not’ a fan of Trump., but then – I don’t think there is one foreign leader who is. When the head honcho of Bora Bora speaks out against the tariffs, you know Trump has reached a saturation point.]
re: Senator Claghorn
feat: southern comforts
“Ukrinform” has picked up the story of last night’s Russian missile attack on a hotel in President Zelensky’s hometown from the president’s ‘Telegram’ channel. (“Ukrinform” is owned by Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture and Information Policy.) Despite unfortunate fatalities, the president reported that Ukraine, UK and US volunteers from an unnamed humanitarian organization had escaped the attack unharmed.
Separately “AP” posted a video interview of four surviving volunteers of an unnamed organization posing in front of the bombed structure. An American volunteer of the group can be seen attired in a CAF t-shirt while speaking to the camera. Apparently the alleged Russian missile had struck shortly after the group had completed check-in formalities at the hotel.
CAF charitable organization headquarters in the USA are situated in a modern 7 story office building in the Old Town section of Alexandria, Va. The building’s street name coincides with that of the proprieter of a circa 1770’s ‘Sign of the Bear’ inn. Thomas Jefferson famously lodged there when travelling to his first meeting of the Continental Congress. As an aside, the Air Traffic Control Association is also listed as a tenant along with CAF in the modern-day Alexandria building.
CAF America would appear to operate under oversight of its CAF UK parent with the latter having a satellite London office in St. Bride Street. The roots of CAF UK date to a 1924 rebrand twinning of the 1919 National Council of Social Service whose first chairman was career civil servant Sir Aubrey Symonds. Interestingly Sir Aubrey was a great-nephew of Dr. J.A. Symonds author of “Sleep and Dreams, two lectures delivered at the Bristol Literary and Philosophical Institute”, 1851 & 1857.
Journalists may recognize St. Bride Street noted above as the sidestreet to St. Bride’s Church of Fleet Street, the centries-long home of worship by the print industry. Apparently one of Rupert Murdoch’s marriages took place there 9 years ago. It seems Thomas Jefferson resided in the parish when lightning blew 8 feet off the church steeple in a 1764 lightning strike. He was called in to fashion a lightning rod based on his 1752 invention. King George III objected to the proposed design. The King decreed that the church spires in the kingdom should henceforth have a cannonball point. Future President Jefferson appears to had argued that a sharp-ended (“tip of the spear”?) type construct would be a better idea.
Readers of this fine publication may wish to observe their local church steeple appearance as food for thought going forward.
Martin Armstrong: War is Coming – I Cannot Stop It
I hate clicking on links and then finding out it’s behind a pay wall.
A little warning would be nice.
I propose that paywalled links never be posted.
Gone with the wind – so much for the Epstein file – redacted as a matter of Nat’l Security – Israels not ours …….. now let’s see why we can’t see the JFK, RFK and MLK files …… Tariffs on hold and oh Mr Musk slow down on the corruption stuff – use a Scalpel not an axe …….. Keep praising the President ……
re: “Hail to the Chief”
feat: Sir Walter Scott
The giant planet is on the hunt. According to Grok3, Jupiter and Orion appear as if together in our evening skies until late April.
An hour or so after your post, a journalist writing under the pseudonym “Whitney Webb” posted a free link to her 2022 book concerning Epstein matters which was uploaded to “Archive” this past January. (nb-Her writings of years past have shown up on the far left “Mint Press” platform headquartered in Minnesota.) Here is a link to her post on “X” which points to her book on “Archive”.
Curiously tonight marks at least the second time this week that the March 16, 1962 Twilight Zone episode has manifested. It was broadcast a couple of nights ago on a local tv station. It came up again this evening vis-a-vis alleged red planets of the Orion constellation.
The 1962 rerun sees a father rescue his daughter and her dog from the fourth dimension in “Little Girl Lost”. Rod Serling’s opening spiel includes the “Hamlet” line “Ay, there’s the rub” from the ‘to be or not to be’ soliloquy. It seems the previous line of the play reads “To sleep, perchance to dream”.
Pleasant dreams, everyone!
ATTN: George:
“While that drags out, here’s the post-child for war in Europe: French President Emmanuel Macron, in an address to the nation, REJECTED a ceasefire in Ukraine He declared that peace in Europe is only possible with a weakened Russia, calling the country a direct threat to France and the continent. Cognac talking, or what?”
Um, be really careful with stuff like this. I traced it to its source, yesterday:
It traces back to a Ukrainian who’s not a fan of either Russia or truth. He touts himself as the person tasked by a “nonprofit think tank” with “translating and publicizing intel which comes from a ranking FSB Agent who’s close to Putin.” The “nonprofit” traces back to a zero-content website comprised of a single page, which exists only to accept donations.
The Ukrainian traces back as the creator of the previously-mentioned “zero-content website.”
A little more tracing will reveal an “X-post” from Germany’s HoS which is eerily similar to the post “from France’s HoS” to which you linked.
I do not know, and don’t care to do any in-depth research, but I suspect both “X-posts” are AI-generated “deep-fake” posts, and recommend caution when putting faith or credence in such posts.
Should someone wish to prove my suspicion either true or false, they could find the original broadcast from the original TV station and studio, and translate Macron’s original soundtrack. I’ve got other things to do…
Aaaand maybe it’s legit.
I still stand by my research on the Twitter-source, but…
I heard something about it on the Laura Ingraham show last night (wasn’t watching — It was playing in the background at my local short-order hangout. I’d assume Fox vetted it though.) Still, I should think France would eventually take a page from “Dirty Harry” and “know their limitations.” Napoleon was an amazing Field Marshal. If he’d been commanding Brits or Germans, there’d have been no World Wars and everybody on the Continent would be speaking French.
Macron is no Napoleon…
re: ‘He doesn’t have the cards.’
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? The Matriarchy has spoken? As Scarlett O’hara famously declared on the silver screen “…after all, tomorrow is another day.” Of which the Peacock streaming network reminds us “…like sands through the hourglass so are the days of our lives.”
Since the passing of Casino Patriarch Mr. Adelson, primary financier of the 2016 Trump election campaign, Mrs. Adelson appears to have stepped silently into his shoes. Perhaps she was the power throughout? It seems she now heads up The Sands in Las Vegas as well as a couple of media entities there. According to “Wikipedia” her estimated global fortune of $32 billion makes her the wealthiest Israeli in the world. If my memory is correct, prior to commencing his run for a second presidential term, Mr. Trump first made pilgrimage to Israel seeking counsel of Mrs. Miriam Adelson? The Oracle spoke; ‘the program is running’?
Prophetress Miriam (and patroness of Ukraine) is noted in The Book of Exodus as an elder sister to Moses. She sent her infant brother down the Nile in a basket without so much as a proverbial paddle to be rescued by the Pharoah’s wife. Apparently in Islamic belief, Miriam marries Muhammad in Paradise.
DJ George is standing by the ‘Urban studio sandbox to bring everyone the Fab Four’s “All You Need is Love” from the first televised global satellite program, “Our World” in 1967. First though, let’s listen in on a few words words from Professor Marshall McLuhan at the program’s subsidiary Toronto broadcast center. The Professor speaks of seeking the future via a rearview mirror in the following ‘Part 1’ Youtube link. He offers a snapshot of war, classified information, and dialogue in ‘Part2’.
part 1:
part 2:
The Real Threat to Canada Isn’t Trump—It’s Trudeau’s Postnational Agenda
The Liberals want you scared so you forget they:
– Sold out Canada to global elites
– Eroded culture with mass migration & DEI
– Bankrupted you for net zero
– Spied on 33M Canadians
– Ran psyops on citizens
– Stole billions in taxes
Trump isn’t a threat to Canada’s sovereignty—because the Liberals left nothing to threaten.
Rand Paul came up with an end-run around obstructive Federal judges trying to stop spending cuts. Musk is said to be ‘elated’ over the prospect.
The 19 February 2025 SPX high valuation 3/8/8 day decay fractal series appears to be incorrect. The slope line from the nadir of day 1 to the nadir of day 8 of the 8 day 2nd fractal is violated with lower valuations on day 3 of the 2nd Fractal.
However, there is a high probability a 3-phase fractal decay series for the SPX starting on 14 February 2025, a 7/8 of 14-18/14-18 day :: y/2-2.5y/2-2.5y fractal decay series. It includes 19 Feb 2025 in the 1st 7 day fractal of the 7/14-18/14-18 day series. That first 7 day fractal is the 7 day 4th fractal of a 4 phase 13 January 2025 511/10/7 day fractal series :: x/2-2.5x/2x/1.5x.
With this SPX model Incipient valuation decay begins in terminal valuation growth(19 Feb 2025); this represent a maximum efficiency and a mathematical elegance in a self-organizing macroeconomic asset-debt system.
As well this decay series matches eastern and western equity composites fractal patterns.
4 phase 13 January 2025 5/11/10/7 day …. vice ….4 phase 13 January 2025 511/10/7 day ….
Could A Bombshell Discovery Render All of Biden’s Presidential Actions ‘Null and Void’? Just WHO was running the country without ‘dementia Joe’s’ knowledge?
Did Biden’s staff use autopen executive orders to disburse money to NGO’s ? If so, then any judicial review of Trump’s actions against such disbursements based on separation of powers would be invalid, and insurrectional. Trump can reverse any prior executive orders with a stroke of his pen, including secret executive orders. And Trump can declassify them on the spot. My guess is that the real problem will figuring out what documents were signed, and where the money went.
I don’t think that it will be possible to prosecute the autopen mutineers with the courts packed with Stalinist cronies.
Military Tribunals – R4 TRAITORS..