This is complicated:

George Ure, his bio, and how the UrbanSurvival website was born is more like a modern adventure film than a history.
Oh, and who’s the lady, lucky dog!
From the beginning, then…
How many people’s first stock trade was a convertible, subordinated debenture? (1969) Who helped invent radio data broadcasting of software in 1982? He’s that guy.
George Ure is an expert in many fields. Such as: Turning around companies, optimizing sales processes, flying airplanes, electronics & communications systems expert, Seattle radio station news director, international airline VP, and vocational college president.
Few writers wield his first-hand knowledge in broadcasting, education, transportation, or electronics. Now in his 70’s, he’s on another path, leaving the corporate world to develop an off-grid capable home and lifestyle away from large population centers.
His education includes a BA and MBA, plus he has been an instructor in broadcast journalism (UofW). He developed a financial modeling system for airline management, and designed a computer database (remember dBase IV?) to manage college financial aid and student tracking. George has also written several books; see the books tab above.
Peoplenomics, a subscription newsletter offering more depth than the UrbanSurvival site, delivers his hard-earned experience and deeper thinking.
There aren’t too many people who can build a house, too, but George is that kind of person. Renaissance Tech Guy. Being “hands-on” his articles cut across boundaries between personal finance and woodworking, the joys of homesteading, and website development and even cyber insurance. To him, it’s all cost/benefit balance; in finance and in life.
Motto: Everything is a Business Model!
George is married to Elaine Petersen and they live in what they affectionately call the “Outback” of East Texas. Between ’em, they have nine (somewhat) grown children and are grandparents. Neither looks the worse for wear…
- “Broken Web: The coming collapse of the Internet” (2012)
- “11-Steps to a Strategic Life” 2012 (with Gaye Levy)
- “MyGroPonics I” and ‘MyGroPonics II” (with J.B. Slear) (2013)
- “Best Book EVER About Sales” (2003)
- “Web Site Construction Basics.” (2004,)
- “Set Theory and Search Engines” (2002),
- “How to Live on $10,000 a Year (or less!) 2013 (4th edition)
- “RC Video Surveillance Platforms” Video (2005)
- “The Millennial’s Missing Manual” (2017)
- “DreamOver” a David Shannon Adventure (2017 – fiction)
- “Dimensions Next Door – Hacking space-time” (2017)
- “Psychocartography: Mapping the Human Dream” (2018)
- “Power in the Second Depression” (2023)
- “The 100-Year Toaster” on planned obsolescence (2024)
Not to mention about 1,000 in-depth articles on the website, many with market charts and discussions…
- “Hierarchical Instrumentation”, (PowerSystems World, San Jose, CA 1998, man-machine interface design paper)
- “Electrical System Readiness” (M1A2 – US Army Power Sources Conference, Cherry Hill, NJ 1998, wide temp range battery charging algorithms )
- “Periodic Economic Depressions: When does empirical evidence become sufficient proof?” (Contributed paper World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, 1998) (Member Research Committee 51 on cybernetics)
- Contributing Editor – Marketing (broadcast issues: 1989-1993, web graphic production and layout issues: 1997)
- “FS-1045 A.L.E. — Alternative to HF-DSC? “ (Journal of the National Marine Electronics Association, 1993)
- “Future of Home Information Systems” (West Coast Computer Faire Panel, 1985)
- Regional correspondent, AP Radio Network, also for KMET-FM and KIQQ-FM, Los Angeles, CKLW, Detroit, 2SM Network, Australia, (1972-1983) Including Mt. St. Helens…
- “Tourism: All Green?” (Seattle Magazine, 1972)
- Current: National Society of Newspaper Columnists (
- Past Member: Society of American Business Editors and Writers (
- Past California State School Director License (College president compliance, accreditation training, and licensure)
- Past Vice President, Washington State Federation of Private Vocational Schools – also past Board member (1999-2000)
- Past member: Society of Broadcast Engineers, founding member Seattle Chapter
- Past Board Member: Associated Press Broadcast Association, Publications Committee
- U.S. Patent 5,895,440 Co-holder Battery monitor and cycle status indicator (primary architect.) [Battery Use Gauge – B.U.G.]
- U.S. Patent 5,675,123 Co-holder Clamshell housing [for meter] having releasable attachable wall mounting mechanism.
- U.S. Patent 5,656,919 Co-holder Accurate battery state-of-charge monitoring and indicating apparatus and method.
- Secret: (DOD/DIA) (1968, RCA Microwave field engineer, Alaska)
- White House Press: – Ford campaign (1975-76)
- Seattle & King County (WA) Police & Fire: (1970-1983)
- Live-aboard & offshore sailor – 10 Years, Canada – W. Coast -Mexico
- Pilot (ASEL, one phase of FAA WINGS program) (Sold plane 2017), including multiple single-engine transcons
- Pilot (Commercial drone)
- Ham Operator: Extra Class AC7X *Morse code fanatic SKCC 19433 QRQ
Why Peoplenomics Content is not Free
Peoplenomics is the serious content that is not shared freely via our website.
There are several reasons why we charge a modest access fee:
1. To help offset the cost of operating our web properties.
2. There’s a saying that people often don’t respect free advice – even if it is extremely valuable information.
3. Time is money. This project is a 21-year investment of time. There is an extensive library of past reports.
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Visit often and bring your friends! Hell, bring a small country with you…
George & Elaine