A couple of notes on inflation to begin the day. I have been cleaning up the office and the shop, so there were three old tube caddies – of the sort the TV repairman used to lug around. they had tubes in them, but nothing of any value there. I spent a couple of hours trying to see if any of my equipment used them. The odd compactron and typical TV tubes, but nothing of interest.
An old microwave was in the mix – it bit the dust and was waiting for a “dump ride.” In addition, there was also a medium computer (frame) with memory and drives stripped out.
Dumpe fees? Came to $35 plus tax. Gads! Less than a yard (27 cu ft) of material in all.
OK, while the nitro took effect, I wandered up to Lowe’s. Where I stacked nine 2-by-4’s in the back of the truck. That was less than $33-bucks with tax.
Got home, unloaded it all. And the rest of the day went (as it was a work day) into the typical fog of work. But I was struck with material prices being low (for wood, relatively) while dump fees have gone moonward.
Along about 4 PM the Major called. He was on his way back from the big Seattle Mic and Key (ham radio) club “swap meet” that was on at the Puyallup fair grounds. On his way back home – this is his 17th year helping with set-up for the event – he pulled into a McDonald’s for an ice cream cone. “I only splurge like this once every three of four months…” he apologized.
“How much?” he asked at the drive-through.
“That’ll be $3.51.”
He was shocked. Last year, about the same time, the price was 89-cents. I didn’t ask if it was Canadian milk, or not.
Takes about 3-4 days to really take effect, but those “ant stakes” from Terro on Amazon work very well.
I spent a while putting them around the spring’s first rash of fire ant piles.
Not terribly expensive, but they do take a few days to kill off the colony. The 12 packs work out to just over a buck a stake so can’t bitch about it. They seem to work well. We will likely put new ones in two or three times a season.
5G SmartMeter Shielding
One of the projects that will get done this weekend is installation of a “smart meter shield.” Talking to my doctor friends, they tell me that a lot of people may be having reactions to the 5G radiation but some conditions develop over time. Part of the problem is that initial work says 5G is safe, but there’s more to it: Long-term use studies are lacking because the technology is so new.
An AI of the field reveals:
“The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) have reviewed decades of research and set safety guidelines for RF exposure, which 5G networks comply with. A 2021 systematic review by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) found no substantiated evidence that low-level RF exposure (below these guidelines) affects heart rhythm or other health outcomes.
That said, some theoretical concerns exist. Extremely high RF exposure—well beyond what 5G infrastructure emits—can cause thermal effects (tissue heating), which might indirectly stress the cardiovascular system in lab settings. But real-world 5G levels are orders of magnitude lower. Another angle: patients with implanted cardiac devices (e.g., pacemakers) might worry about electromagnetic interference (EMI). Studies, like those from the FDA and Heart Rhythm Society, show modern pacemakers are designed to resist EMI from cell phones and towers, including 5G frequencies, with no significant risk under typical use.”
My friends caution me that adverse studies – when you’re dealing with a huge business lobby such as 5G – can pull the plug on most research in advance if it’s headed in an “adverse finding” direction. What’s more, populations of “RF sensitive people” ad a different deal.
And this gets us to EHS – Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) – Review of mechanisms – PubMed
From the Abstract:
” Many hypersensitive patients appear to have impaired detoxification systems that become overloaded by excessive oxidative stress. EMF can induce changes in calcium signaling cascades, significant activation of free radical processes and overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in living cells as well as altered neurological and cognitive functions and disruption of the blood-brain barrier. Magnetite crystals absorbed from combustion air pollution could have an important role in brain effects of EMF. Autonomic nervous system effects of EMF could also be expressed as symptoms in the cardiovascular system. Other common effects of EMF include effects on skin, microvasculature, immune and hematologic systems. It is concluded that the mechanisms underlying the symptoms of EHS are biologically plausible and that many organic physiologic responses occur following EMF exposure. Patients can have neurologic, neuro-hormonal and neuro-psychiatric symptoms following exposure to EMF as a consequence of neural damage and over-sensitized neural responses. More relevant diagnostic tests for EHS should be developed. Exposure limits should be lowered to safeguard against biologic effects of EMF. Spread of local and global wireless networks should be decreased, and safer wired networks should be used instead of wireless, to protect susceptible members of the public. Public places should be made accessible for electro-hypersensitive individuals.”
OK, so that’s the problem, now what to do about it?
We do have one unusual constraint being out here in the woods and having a fairly sophisticated surveillance network and mandatory smart metering for our grid-interactive solar. Simply telling the power company to remove the smart meter is not and option.
So I began with a site survey: From the meter location to our bedroom:
The black square will be the size of a pure copper mesh, which will be about 58″ inches wide and 3-feet tall and which will be attached to the house on the left and propped out from the house at the angled black line.
Once built and installed, a low resistance copper ground will be run to the common point for bedroom grounding. This ground includes things like grounded bed sheets and pillowcases.
Over at The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases – PMC we get the idea that there is more than quackery involved in this “body grounding” stuff. Especially this part.
“Grounding appears to improve sleep, normalize the day–night cortisol rhythm, reduce pain, reduce stress, shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation, increase heart rate variability, speed wound healing, and reduce blood viscosity. A summary has been published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health…
“Effects on sleep
One of the first published grounding studies examined the effects of grounding on sleep and circadian cortisol profiles.5 The study involved 12 subjects who were in pain and had problems sleeping. They slept grounded for 8 weeks using the system shown in Figure 4. During this period, their diurnal cortisol profiles normalized, and most of the subjects reported that their sleep improved and their pain and stress levels declined.”
Other than the 2-by-4’s (and an excuse to run my seldom-used Mortising Machine) the only other material besides a couple of hinges and a hook, or two, will be the copper screen. Which can be stapled onto a wood frame using stainless staples.
The screen is not free ($61 at press time) but it’s a reasonable expense given that it might pay a few dividends in better sleep.
It’s probably a better investment in good sleep than oh, a half-gallon of a good drinkable grown-up Scotch, for example. Though the Scotch has a use case, as well.
Light Crown Project, Anyone?
Long-time subscriber (to PN) whose initials are AL and who lives in Sacked-Demented California had a great idea this week. “I would sure like to have a Light Crown…could you build me one?” No, I carefully explained. That could be construed as a “medical device” and no thank you.
“BUT, on the other hand,” I told him, “As a ShopTalk Sunday project” we might be able to build such a device.” I would have to tell you that building a red light device to wear on your head is pure quackery and that the over hundreds of devices in Clinical Trials Search for: Other terms: lllt | Card Results | ClinicalTrials.gov is…um…only mentioned out of academic interests.
On the other hand, BECAUSE I AM CRAZY, pay not mind next week if there’s a parts list and some photos of what I’m assembling, got it?
Helmet form? Cheap. Like this one for under $16 bucks. Take everything out of the inside.
And a roll of red LED lights? Like this?
Well, let’s do more on that next week. Oh, a bottle of Clear UV-setting resin, $25, while you’re at it. And a UV curing light. And if you want to do pulsed light? Well, something like this? And a cheap adjustable power supply…
Subscriber AL wanted something that would be like an old Heathkit build-it-yourself. If you don’t mind having it in a couple of parts, then yeah, we can do that.
Tuning the Ham Bands
Morning wisdom from the 3806 Texas morning multitude: “They put the print to close to the paper and made it hard to read…”
I’m still thinking that one over… (Credit to Geoff on for that…)
Dimwit Savings Time
New personal best: Took me two hours to figure out that daylight time showed up last night. Still, for those 2-hours I believed I had slept in for an extra hour…
Write when you get rich,
George@Ure.net ac7x
Won’t shielding the meter interfere with its purpose?
I have used 5% silver fitted and flat sheets for years, just because I found a set relatively cheap, and they are comfortable and low maintenance. I’ve never had any reason to try grounding them.
I’m thinking a fitted grounding mattress cover underneath my regular fitted sheet might work. From what I see of the reviews, you don’t want one of those grounding thingies next to the skin. I also see a lot of kits on Amazon which involve connecting a grounding mat or sheet to a 120VAC receptacle for access to the house safety ground. I’m going to just say no to that. Aside from AC issues, all of my surge suppressors are tied to the house grounding system, and as much lightning as I get up on the ridge, I could see me getting a rather unpleasant surprise some stormy night. I suppose that I could drive a ground rod and bond to it through the wall, but that is a lot of work. I have to wonder though; I have ceramic tile floor slab in the bedroom. Would I get sufficient earthing if I just throw a piece of metal under the bed flat on the floor, and bond to that ?
Speaking of pacemakers…
Gene Hackman lived with his dead wife’s body for a full week before succumbing to complications from heart problems and advanced Alzheimer’s disease, officials said Friday as they revealed heartbreaking details of the legendary actor’s death.
His longtime love, Betsy Arakawa, died of Hantavirus, a rare flu-like disease linked to rats, likely on Feb. 11, the New Mexico officials said. The “French Connection” star, meanwhile, is believed to have died seven days later.
Hackman, 95, who had late-stage Alzheimer’s disease likely died roughly a week after his wife from hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and from Alzheimer’s, Jarrell said. He tested negative for Hantavirus.
“He was in a very poor state of health,” Jarrell said. “He was in an advanced state of Alzheimer’s disease and it was quite possible he did not know that she was deceased.”
Feb. 11: Arakawa last left her and Hackman’s home. Also the last time she sent out any communications, per sheriff
Feb. 17: Last detected activity on Hackman’s pacemaker, leading officials to believe that was likely when he died
Feb. 26: The bodies of Hackman, 95, and Arakawa, 65, were discovered by maintenance and security workers at their Santa Fe, New Mexico mansion
The medical examiner noted that Hackman was not dehydrated at the time of his death — likely on Feb. 18, the day after his last recorded pacemaker activity.
I built my own smart meter shield and yes i tested the RF before and after and since I put it on many years ago I could instantly feel a difference. If I was standing inline of it’s signal. After research I found that galvanized mesh worked food and I had that so I used it. I live in a cell dead zone so I only have to watch my wifi output now. LOL
G : “Took me two hours to figure out that daylight time showed up last night. Still, for those 2-hours I believed I had slept in for an extra hour…”
There ya go (and no matter where you go there you are).
“You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.” — The Twilight Zone
The whole “change time” thing is bonkers. I were it twere. But no. Today and tomorrow and all the tomorrows he is given my TomCat will wake at roughly the same time, stick whiskers in my face wanting to go outside (and receive his life extending supplement after). I assign numbers he, is running on infernal internal time clock.
Elkhart, IN was an industrial titan in the day, back when brass instruments were all the rage (peak Big Band). Now it’s mostly dedicated to the RV Industry. I did a summer 2nd shift at one of those plants (building refrigerators on a 30 college student line). It was hot. The whole industrial zone pushed their work time clocks ahead an hour, all summer. They didn’t try to change time they … showed up an hour early and left likewise. Easy peasy. No clock changes.
If my Padawan is suitably better after his fam. sharing a two week virus, it’s a project day here. As always, I’m trying to figure out how little I can do once the young fella shows up. It’s the least I can do. And, never let it be said I didn’t do the least I could do. It’s a mantra!
Speaking of, I have shown great skill at not trimming my beard. Tomorrow I’m going to a (sorta) nearby Burg., hit Menards and Harbor Tool and … get an estimate on my pending haircut. I have trimmers and scissors aplenty but could do crazy cuts. Nothing close cut is imagined (though I wear a stocking cap daily). Just a moderate pruning.
Film at 11.
G : “Took me two hours to figure out that daylight time showed up last night.”
Where I am in the world Daylight Time in not in effect yet. Next week.Today, I had a reverse “spring ahead fall back” experience.
I have four clocks. The one in the bedroom was at the correct time when I awoke at 7:00 AM.
I went out late morning and returned in the afternoon. Had lunch, went in the bedroom to take a nap. Strange, when I awoke it was 2:45. I thought it was later than that.
In fact it was, all other clocks and my phone were 3:45.
Very strange and disturbing Twilight Zone experience.
Nut you are in Italy – so were the trains running on time?
I don’t know, it could be, but maybe not since they were on strike Friday and Saturday!
“People travelling to, from or across Italy may face disruption on Friday, March 7th and Saturday, March 8th due to a 24-hour general strike that’s set to affect the country’s rail and air transport services, as well as the education and healthcare sectors.”
Lol they are always running on time…but the better question is…was it the wrong time or the right time lol…
Glad I wasn’t on the highway today, total madness, closed because a bomb had to be removed. Crazy detours, people nuts.
If you dig in the ground in Italy you either find remnants of the Roman Empire, or unexploded bombs from WW1 and WW2.
I reset the clock to the corrrect time, and it is keeping perfect time now for hours.
Energy : timely we discuss what’s next IMO. We live in one of the Northern states subject to a double whammy should we not mend fences with our Northern neighbor. Note: our people get along great / over governments tussle.
Here’s a good piece excerpted below from Institute for Energy Research [IER]:
2024 North American Energy Inventory
[…] In 2011, IER released the first edition of the North American Energy Inventory. At the time, the U.S. energy situation looked far different than it does today. In 2011, the United States was the third largest oil producer behind Russia and Saudi Arabia and conventional wisdom held that we were running out of oil, natural gas, and even coal.
At the time, then President Obama echoed this sentiment in numerous speeches when he claimed that because the United States only had 2 or 3 percent of the world’s oil reserves we couldn’t “simply drill our way out of our energy problems.” President Obama, it seems, did not understand what is really meant by the term “oil reserves.” In reality, “oil reserves” represent only a fraction of the total oil resources available. Consequently, we successfully addressed many of our energy challenges by tapping into this broader pool of resources. Put another way, we did drill our way to energy security and more stable prices.
The first edition of the Inventory successfully challenged the myth of energy scarcity. We demonstrated that North America has vast energy resources—far more energy resources than people thought or believed at the time.
The Inventory was released when the shale revolution was beginning to pick up steam. Since 2005, oil production in the U.S. has increased by 149 percent and natural gas production has more than doubled. […]
In 2011 I obsessed with dire forecasts published on oilprice.com thinking it was the end. It wasn’t. We have plenty of grunt in energy just need to deploy effort. Launch a Space Race to open ANWR (to benefit the Alaskan people, refill the existing paid for pipeline and (directional) drill baby.
Or, we can tussle over strategic minerals.
We sez drill (please)
Since the move, Diana and I have worked to reduce our online and cell phone time. I have noticed I am a lot less stressed about time so I am calling it a win. But it seems Diana is affected as well. DST switch? I’m the same here. I completely missed it until we drove an hour to church only to find nobody there. Before we left for church I noticed the dogs seemed to be impatient that they had not gotten their food yet. As we pulled into the parking lot Diana snatched her cell phone out of her rucksack/purse and then gave me “The Look.”
Me: What?
D: You didn’t set the clocks ahead for Daylight Savings Time.
Me: Putting on my best poker face, Since when is it my job to set the clocks? I don’t even wear a watch or carry my stupid cell phone around anymore. Besides, you are always the one who knows where and when for everything.
D: Of course, you are always off playing with your toys or working around the ranch or getting things ready for sbkjr nrogo mnfiikdjf jlll…….. Never mind!
Me: What the $%^&?
We pulled up to a stop light to get back on the highway.
D: I’m sorry, you know I don’t like to be late.
Then she climbs over the console to give me a kiss. Which gave the 2 guys in the grain truck beside us waiting to turn right a shot of her backside in those snug pants she wears. She notices them staring as she sits back down. He gave her 2 blasts on the air horn.
D: OMG!!!!!!! GO! Hurry up! Go! OMG!!!!!!!
Me: Umm, the light is still red. Calm down, I don’t think it’s anybody from church. I was not laughing. More like snickering.
D: OMG!!
After a few minutes of frosty silence, I asked if she would like to stop at this IHOP for brunch.
D: OK. I mean it, I am sorry. Love you.
Me: I know, love you too.
As we came up to the place their monument out front was a new digital screen. It displayed pictures of pancakes and waffles and at the top of the HUGE screen was the current time…….. off by an hour.
D: The Look…….Not one word Cowboy……..
Stay safe. 73
????? did daylight savings time start..I thought it was in april..
God I wish they would do away with that…as far as cell usage..I am training the kids that I am not available 24/7.. its shut off..why fork out that kind of valuable currency every month just so some scam artist can try and dwindle you out of money..with the negative funds of COLA this year some things ..well a lot of things are being put to the side.. it was nice but you have to survive..less things in the cart shut off unnecessary services limit spending.. go into poverty mode balance the budget..I am pretty certain with inflation and increasing costs across the board that 70 million people are doing the same think..scanning grocery carts in every store..its pretty obvious that the majority of the people are doing presently.. so far its not showing up in the statistics..which has me baffled..why isn’t the reduced spending showing..could it be that these people are still spending the same income they get just not on nonessential products..
DST…Da Stupid Time… has no effect down here where people are still sane and live by the rooster alarm and rise when it’s light and cool, work until it’s too hot, eat, sit under a tree and do whatever until it cools enough to work until the light fades. Same same all year long. Daylight comes, it goes, and those time keeping things we wear and watch mean nothing to it.
Lovely and quiet here with a hint of light rain that will keep it much cooler. And out floating , the normal ‘steam off’ that occurs on the dirt when the sun comes full, is a non-issue.
Floating. It’s the bestest.
Truth be told. Shale oil is a money loser. Only way to subsidize is biden debt and spending. Trump debt and spending and no subsidy. Hoping yrump learns the hard way.
Aluminum window-screen wire is a better conductor than copper, and a lot cheaper.
One could place a grounded plane of such sreen just under the mattress — a lot closer to the sleeping body than on the floor.
You might want to look into the electrophysics of “waveguides beyond cutoff.” It’s a wvelength thing that is of interet.
You could 100% line your bedroom walls with aluminum foil, and put metal screens (alumimum) on the windows. (Don’t forget the ceiling and floor…)
(If so, you’ve just re-invented the medium to low performance SCIF.) Wallpaper overtopping can make it look more conventional.
Higher-performance shielded enclosures, with proper door-edge threatments and all, (beryllium-copper fingers, in a peripheral channel), can be purchased commercially. They’re not cheap, but they are state-of-the-art effectve, attenuating impinging signals by 120dB or even more. They’re mostly an installed free-standing box, often made of steel panels.
For incoming microwave energy, the major illumination reduction mechanism is reflective, not absorbitive.
(Meaning high conductivity materials, like copper or aluminum, will beat stuff like lead. It’s electromagnetic, not penetrting nuclear particle ionization radiation that’s of interest.
Personally, I think it’s an over-wrought concern.
People today forget that the reason the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was established was because at the time the US was importing almost half of the oil it was consuming … about 7 to 8 million barrels a day. That “Reserve” was considered necessary to cover about 3 months of imports, 6 at mandatory reduced consumption levels, in the event the flow of oil by tanker coming to the US was shut off.
Since then the US has dramatically increased it’s oil (and gas) production AND we now also have Canada shipping us probably nearly 2 million barrels a day (even with the Keystone Pipeline not being completed), up from nil.
Overall we now produce slightly MORE oil than we consume, but we do import some since the refineries that were built long ago were build for a different blend of oil, heavier crude, than what the US produces. We thus also export oil again. In a crunch those refineries could be reworked and the US would be totally oil independent, something that did not exist in the 1970’s when we were building and filling the SPR
It will be nice to get the SPR filled again but unlike in the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s it is not a critical situation now unlike back then.
meter shield …………. years ago I bought and installed this, works just fine …… prices have done up, but quick and easy to put on
I bought most of my EMF gear and meters, 5-6 yrs ago, glad I did …. as with most things these days …. prices are UP
good luck
(“Talking to my doctor friends, they tell me that a lot of people may be having reactions to the 5G radiation but some conditions develop over time. Part of the problem is that initial work says 5G is safe, “)
interesting ..A microwave scaler gun directs the radio waves at 300 ghrz. while 5 g network radio waves is at 5.6 or there about..How Radio Waves Interact and What It Means for Exposure
Radio waves from technologies like 5G and satellite transmissions coexist in our environment. Here’s what happens:
Multiple Frequencies in the Air:
5G operates in various frequency bands (600 MHz to tens of GHz), depending on the deployment (low-band, mid-band, high-band/mmWave).
Satellite transmissions generally use higher frequencies, such as the Ku-band (12–18 GHz) and Ka-band (26.5–40 GHz).
These frequencies represent the wave oscillation rates (hertz, Hz), but they don’t “combine” in a biological sense. Your body perceives them as individual waves.What matters is how much energy is transferred from the waves to your body, not the sheer number of frequencies around you.
This is quantified as power density (measured in W/m²), which indicates the strength of the wave over a given area.
The human body absorbs varying amounts of energy depending on the frequency and intensity of the waves. Lower frequencies penetrate deeper into the body, while higher frequencies (like 5G mmWave) primarily affect the surface (skin and eyes).Specific Absorption Rate (SAR): The amount of RF energy absorbed by body tissues, typically capped at 1.6 W/kg in the U.S. for devices like phones.
Power Density Limits: For 5G, maximum permissible exposure in public areas is typically around 10 W/m², which is far below the levels that could cause harm through tissue heating.Your body can be exposed to multiple sources of RF energy, like satellite TV, 5G, Wi-Fi, and radio, but these energies are not additive in terms of frequency. Instead, the total exposure depends on their combined power density.
The energy received diminishes quickly with distance (based on the inverse square law), so signals from satellites are very weak when they reach Earth.Satellites transmit at high frequencies, but their signals are weak by the time they reach Earth due to the vast distance.
5G base stations transmit at higher power locally, but they are regulated to ensure safe limits for public exposure. Now lets go practical use of this air energy.. walk around an electric sub station with a fluorescent bulb and it will light up. Tesla had the thought..harvest free ions.. build towers and emit radio and television frequencies.. then harvest that energy and use it for practical use. Rectennas: A combination of an antenna and a rectifier circuit, called a “rectenna,” captures RF waves and converts them into direct current (DC) electricity. This technology is already being used in small-scale applications. Tesla idea was copper shingles then store this energy from the air into battery banks..
Wideband Antennas: These antennas can capture energy from a broad range of frequencies, maximizing the amount of ambient RF energy collected.
Graphene-Based Devices: Researchers are exploring advanced materials like graphene to improve the efficiency of energy harvesting from high-frequency waves, such as terahertz radiation.Funny if you consider the pyramids set oin grid fashion around the world that theory has that they were used for energy collection and distribution and considering the ancient legends of Atlantis or the fairy mounds that legend says were used as a protection shield .
I think its kind of funny that Congress passed a law that harvesting these free electrons is illegal to do.. so 5 g and what effects there are against the body.. well as we are bombarded from EMF frequencies from every angle. all of which are being absorbed by our organs 24/7 .. Some studies suggest prolonged exposure to EMFs may be linked to cognitive decline Alzheimer’s and dementia, fatigue, and emotional disturbances like anxiety or depression.. cities with all the emf frequencies of the cities concrete and asphalt anger issues some studies and anecdotal reports suggest that prolonged exposure to EMFs may contribute to stress, anxiety, and irritability, which could indirectly influence emotional regulation, including anger. the hood.. I suspect this is the point I Should point out that instead of asphalt and concrete..trees and plants can help reduce electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure by absorbing and scattering these waves. Here’s how they contribute:Trees and plants, particularly those with dense canopies and thick trunks, can absorb certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. The water content and organic materials in plants make them natural shields.Leaves, branches, and trunks scatter EMFs, reducing the strength of the waves before they reach the ground or nearby structures.
Urban greenscapes with dense vegetation can serve as shields, reducing the intensity of EMF exposure for residents.Numerous studies show that exposure to green spaces significantly reduces stress, anxiety, and aggression. By improving mental well-being and emotional regulation, urban greenery indirectly reduces violence and social unrest.Green spaces foster a sense of community and provide safe, neutral areas for recreation and social interaction. This can lower crime rates and promote social harmony in urban areas.
and greenscaping also replaces prime cropland that we are reducing by 55 acres an hour with urban expansion..then my fifty something year old rant about securing our national security by strengthening our power distribution. hand out grid tie solar kits to any household willing to have them installed and putting up solar towers at every substation starting at the furthest point and working backwards to the power plant..embrace the future respect and utilize the past technologies.. put air wells in arid regions..CO2 filters on every streetlamp..
that’s an oldie been told my whole life that I am F@#king Nuts for that idea..the cost of one wind turbine would be adequate to give a solar power system to every house in our state.. freeze the rates for the cost of install for ten years..depending on tower cost for the cost of one giant wind turbine could out up between thirty and three hundred solar towers to act as a mini grin in the event of storms or other catastrophic events..
from the unedjumicated idiot in the wastelands it seems like the way to go..been saying it since I first read about solar etc when I was what 14.. everyone laughed then today I get the roll of the eyes.. the day I win the lottery then I will build one.. now the reservations are planning on doing just this secure their res with power by handing out grid tie and every tenth unit will be battery backup..
Back to Tractor
Bought several from neighbors and people I knew maintained well. So much savings.
Putting horse to pasture means you have familiar backup when needed if stored correctly.
Last purchase was used and expensive from “horse Traitor” = no record of maintenance and sorry waste of dough.
Bought “living under 10G” from you many years ago when I was living (single) under 7g. If you can do it by new/warranty with front and rear PTO. Do it. Cant take it with you. But you can enjoy comforts of your spoils. B4 you go to the Spirit in The Sky.
If you have ever had ants invade outdoor electrical boxes & conduit, stuff a couple of fabric softener ‘Dryer Sheets’ inside. Keeps the insects out. They cannot stand the fumes, apparently. This worked great for a remote satellite station I used to maintain.
And the ants came out all soft and fluffy…
Woke up this and popped the news on, brush fires in NY. WTH, and in the winter. They are making things pretty hard NOT to be suspicious.
Time change is all designed to keep us off balance and off our game.
Been over it for decades. California voted to stop doing it years ago but our elected criminals said too bad, we are doing it anyway. F these basterds.
The Naked Jungle is a 1954 American adventure film directed by Byron Haskin, and starring Charlton Heston and Eleanor Parker. Telling the story of an attack of army ants on a Brazilian cocoa plantation, it was based on the 1937 short story “Leiningen Versus the Ants” by Carl Stephenson.[2]
George , a couple of questions on a meter shield. #1 , if the shield is on the meter , can the power company still read it.#2 , in your shield ,is mesh better than solid shield?