We don’t expect a lot of fireworks today. A fine day to finish writing a new chapter of my next book, Downsizing, which is being serialized on the Peoplenomics.com site for subscribers. Along with the charts and so forth and such-not.
With showers moving through Texas and a mid-week cold snap, we have a brief reprieve before real work recommences out here in the woods. A Monday of “click-to-shop” and writing. Could be worse.
SoU Countdown Rally
Bitcoin, which has nibbled at the lower end of $95,000 was back down into the $92.5k range at press time. But, then again, the U.S. Dollar was weaker, which meant Gold and Silver were up a bit. And that takes stock futures with ’em.
Because, you see, there are two parts to investing anymore. The larger part is the tidal movement of “hot money” which pushes systemic pricing.
- When the Dollar is strong:
- Takes fewer to buy imported goods, price (ex-tariffs) trend down.
- Doesn’t cost as much to “buy the Dow” so equities can fall.
- Bitcoin and the crypto con slide as Dollar faith is restored
- Gold & Silver (the PGM) drops, too.
- With the weaker Dollar, the opposite tends to happen:
- Imports go up (takes more of our paper/ply money to buy ’em)
- The Dow (and real estate) rises in response to future inflation.
- Faith in the Dollar crumbles and people will buy anything
- And this is favorable for the Gold, Silver, Platinum precious metals.
As a result, when we take a first cut through the morning headlines, it’s to see “which way the tide is running.” Today – early at least – Stock futures were up, BTC was trying to rise, gold and silver were up, and (did tariff’s really happen this weekend? No, tomorrow now.) look for groceries, gas, and goods to edge up, as well.
With the Trump State of the Train Wreck tomorrow, the market has been rising (Friday and carrying into today) ahead of events. But that’s because of Calendar Effects, as much as anything:
There’s no definitive, universal rule that stocks are always lowest or highest at a specific time of the month, because stock prices are influenced by a complex mix of factors—earnings reports, economic data, geopolitical events, and market sentiment, to name a few. However, some patterns and theories have been observed over time, often tied to investor behavior, institutional activity, or seasonal trends. But there’s a bunch of dandy theory to toss in your coffee:
- End-of-Month Strength: Stocks sometimes see a slight uptick toward the end of the month. This can be linked to portfolio rebalancing by institutional investors—think mutual funds or pension funds adjusting their holdings to match benchmarks or report performance. Cash inflows from payrolls or dividends around this time might also nudge buying activity. Monety managers want to get it deployed because (think commissions!).
- Turn-of-the-Month Effect: Research has suggested that stocks often perform better from the last few days of one month into the first few days of the next. A study by the American Economic Review (2013) found this “turn-of-the-month” period historically outperforms other days, possibly due to systematic buying from retirement contributions or fund allocations hitting the market. Some retirement funds come in (and welfare checks) so short-term prices can be up.
- Mid-Month Lulls: Some traders speculate that mid-month (around the 10th to 20th) can be quieter or see dips, as there’s less scheduled economic news or earnings activity compared to month-ends or beginnings. It’s not a hard rule, though—more of a anecdotal observation. Expect for the welfare checks on the 15th, and retailers want as much as they can grab so look for mid-month “deals.” Also, some rebalancing occurs either side of options (third Friday of the month) and alternating weeks with Bank Settlement Days.
- Seasonal Trends Over Monthly Ones: While you asked about times within a month, it’s worth noting that broader seasonal patterns like “Sell in May and go away” or the January Effect (small-cap stocks rising early in the year) often overshadow intra-month moves. October, for instance, has a reputation for volatility and occasional lows (think 1929, 1987), but that’s yearly, not monthly timing. Prices in January tend weaker (Santa shook out the wallets) and mid April people tend to “feel poor” so you might want to shop cruise prices then…
There is a ton of “Useless News” around today. People with opinions (which are like butts, right?) have to spew things like My State of the Union message: Restore separation of powers. The “my” writing ain’t the President, so JAG *just-another-guy. Similarly useless? Senator Elissa Slotkin to give Democratic rebuttal to Trump’s State of the Union. Which will be predictably critical because Trump could walk on water and the democrats would bitch about him splashing water.
In other words, a nothing burger.
Pardon us, if we just “watch the wind” a bit in order to see “which way things will blow.” One of the few (not me-me-me) versions of near-term future is Trump speech to Congress expected to key on Ukraine, national security. Which, not having your head up your ass, you probably knew anyway. But, like the old newspaper reporters would whine over drinks with us “radio guys” at the old Seattle Press Club on top of the Edgewater back in the day (when Don McGavin was driving a Mini*): News is just what fills up the pages holding ads.
[*I had had never been so scared in my life, to that point, when McGavin got his Mini airborne on one of the hills in downtown Seattle…great reporter and hell of a driver, to boot. The best.]
So, breathless SoU hysteria aside, calmer views will help your blood pressure. We’re all (statistically) likely to live till Wednesday.
Except in Ukraine
After being unable to do shit for 3+, behold Europe is now trying to Dictate again! UK, European leaders join forces to draft Ukraine peace plan to take to US. Our unabashed view is “Ya’ll had your chance and blew it so STFU and sit down. Propaganda phrases (like join forces) translates to either farces or something less polite.
Tears and Crumpets? Look what the jet dragged in! King Charles meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at Sandringham. Dandy.
EuroShit continues to reflect liberal Europe’s inability to think straight. See, near as we can figure it, a Truce is like a Pregnancy. You are, or you ain’t. But the squishy think that brought the world 54-genders has now seeped into other mental processes in France where Britain and France propose partial one-month Ukraine truce — Macron.
I’ve only been covering news for, um, 60-years now, so can the Honorable French Dude HFD please explain to the multitude on chair’s edge: Who is it OK to shoot during a partial Truce? Spray paint Bulls eye’s on people on alternating Tuesdays, for example?
Seeing why Europe is crazy? I mean, if it wasn’t obvious before. Wait. Let’s appoint a Commission. Yes, that’s it. We’ll study War to death! Ought to be able to get another decade out of it…
SBTE (the last three letters mean between the ears; we trust you can guess at the first?)
And it’s going global as here we have a Japanese media outfit whining Editorial: US, Ukraine need to repair relations after Trump-Zelenskyy row, resume talks – The Mainichi.
No we don’t. Arrogant prick. Who hasn’t bothered to hold elections and is illegally ruling. Why, it’s so obvious that even Lindsey Graham Slams Zelensky over Refusal to Resign.
Say, here’s a voice of reason speaking before the US elections: “WOW: @RobertKennedyJr gives an incredible description of the money laundering fraud that has been driving the Ukraine v Russia war If Americans understood this, they would take to the streets. Insane corruption! Oh, and should you doubt it? Zelensky admits that if Ukraine gets NATO membership, then he has “fulfilled his mission”.
And it that doesn’t sound like WW3 material? Putin unleashes Iskander-M missile attack to ‘sink container ship in Odesa carrying cargo of British weapons for Ukraine’
But it’s already in play as Study of 9 Million Confirms Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause AIDS.
And it that’s not enough of an attack on the homeland? It is unknown whether lab-grown “meat” is safe to eat and it does not meet the US legal definition of meat; yet the FDA has given it approval to be sold.
Statecraft Lesson from Our Consigliere
Feeling overwhelmed? Well, sure, you’re supposed to. Because maybe tomorrow President Trump will outlinge (for the slow people in the room – which includes most of Europe) what the “real deal” is with U.S. “end the Ukraine War efforts are all about. Our Consigliere laid it out this weekend in a conference call.
“When I was doing my economic research in 1979 it became crystal clear that in global economic cycles we are due for War with China in 2026-2028. What NO ONE is talking about is that with their (expletives deleted) European War of Expansion, NATO is driving Russia into the arms of China. Anyone who knows the global resource and economics picture can see it plain as day. We can live with or compete with Russia. But China is out to rule the world and they are building for a war to take out America and turn the US into the New China. And that war is only a couple of years out…”
So: Euro Idiots drive Russia into a tighter alliance with Russia, China (with Iran?) takes the Middle East, and then we have China taking the US West, coming up through Central America. Seeing yet why control of the Panama Canal matters? This whole Ukraine thing (and China green lighting NK troops into Russia) is all to put super glue between Moscow and Beijing. Trump needs to neutralize China’s role and detox Russian Relations, or the Rockies will be the Western Border of the U.S. in 10-years, or less.
You do remember the Japanese border in Man in the High Castle, right? The Rockies. Except that will be the Chinese instead and Clinton/Obama/Biden/Fauci selling China tech to do gain of function about ensures the end of Caucasians before 2050. WTFU, seriously. You think they’re making dim sum at Wuhan these days?
Only question is whether the US got moving on epicanthal-targeting gene work before Biden passed out dresses and high heels to everyone in the military.
Elon Musk on X: “The reality of war. It’s a picture and says it all.
Cretin Crawlers
The leftwing coup still hasn’t resulted in charges – but we live in hope. MIND-BLOWING: Just 7,000 Leftist politically connected NGOs are hoarding 90% of all taxpayer money meant for nonprofits. Roughly $300 billion in government money flows to nonprofits every year—with zero transparency on where that money actually goes.
Wait, isn’t it still winter? More than 175 wildfires across South and North Carolina force evacuations.
Once in a Blue Moon? Firefly’s Blue Ghost becomes second private spacecraft with moon landing
And as common sense continues to “smoke the woke joke” Pepsi Drops DEI But Remains Key Player in Push for Social Change. Do American companies understand what the f**k a “lane” is? Like you don’t see Ford mnaking HFCS poison pop, do you? Ford stays in its lane. If you think Poopsi can make better social change than elected government, you need to get into counseling. Like today…
Around the Ranch: US Postal and Storage
As we explained last week, I ordered a sleeve of five radio tubes from a fellow just 50-miles away. He dropped it off in Fairfield, Texas on February 21. And from there, things are still going to shit:
So: Ordered Feb 20, Post office has had it since Feb 21, the package has been to Arizona for a vacation and now no one can find it. I ordered another batch from the supplier (good dude, good prices) but if you want a poster-child for incompetence (and the SDNY or EU seems too distant) look no further than the USPS distro center in Coppell, Texas.
(Disclusure: This is actually somewhat entertaining and it’s an easy part of the column to write. Reminds people that incomptence is still alive and well and…makes writing really easy, doesn’t it?)
Guide Pines?
OK, why did I wake up this morning from a dream where I was told “You need to look up Guide Pines” and everything will become clear…
What the hell are guide pines?
- Forestry & Land Navigation – In some logging and forestry operations, guide pines are specific trees left standing to help orient workers or machinery in navigating through a forest. They might also mark property boundaries, trails, or hazard zones.
- Woodworking & Milling – In sawmills, “guide pines” could refer to guide trees or logs used to keep cuts straight or maintain alignment during processing.
- Military & Hunting Use – In some military or survival contexts, guide pines might be used as natural landmarks to navigate through dense forests.
- Metaphorical or Cultural Use – Some writers or philosophers might use “guide pines” metaphorically, referring to individuals or principles that help direct others, similar to how guideposts function.
Great! Now, what’s the point? (stay tuned – or there may not be one…)
Write when the mail shows up…
I simply Dont believe in ghosts ..Casper can kiss my ass.
I certainly dont believe blue ghost landed on the Moon..BULLSCHEISSE !
smacked ass, lame brained, zombies will believe ANYTHING they are told in the media. See past 4 years – pure bullscheisse, prior to that tRUMP draining the swamp with worst neocons in the SWAMP !?!?! SURE .
U bet..israHell is last…bwahahahahah
-That should read israHELL is FIRST, before American citizens.
Chynah & Mexico are killing more Americans every year than all the recent “wars” combined. Or are they Killing themselves.
Write when you figure out how to -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcSlcNfThUA&pp=ygUYdGlwdG9lIHRocm91Z2ggdGhlIHR1bGlw
Well.. time to restart the cacao wine..I am using coconut water!
from discussing how to make it..with other vintners both professional and home brewing enthusiasts.. it was almost unanimous that besides the raw cacao that another juice be added like pineapple or quava..?????
the last batch failed miserably.. I learned of a vintners that for a magazine article on cacao wine had made it. so I contacted the winery and they put me in touch with the master vintner.. he told me..I used to much cacao in my first batch and to cut back then use a comparable juice to compliment the Cacao.. hopefully this batch will turn out as a good wine..worthy of drinking..
I believe Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption. However as far as having elections in a live war zone, I am not sure of how that even gets arranged. It would seem to present good targets (polling locations). Is it common in “democracies” that are under live attack of their homeland, not like US having a couple of oceans between us and our adversaries, to be able to go to the polls and have a transfer of government power?
How do they end up with a bad comedian as their head of state? Almost as strange as the US having a community organizer as ours when Obama was elected.
We held elections in ww2 – if we can do it, so can anyone. IF they believe in freedom, that is.
(“I believe Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption. “)
actually that has been wee known for years and years..
there wasn’t any questions about that ..the bigger question is how in the hell did they justify supporting such a country with as deviant and corrupt vile evil corruption in the first place.. they did it for the enrichment for the puppeteers that wanted those corrupt business models continuation and gain control of the vast amount of raw resources..
Who is going to place the “Votes” for all the uke Soldiers who have died in battle and been “mass graved” into oblivion?
Estimates are thousands of DEAD uke soldiers bodies have been “vanished” and the $100,000 death bennies there Families were DUE are going to the zelenkys and friends. One small fraud amongst THOUSANDS in ukraine.
Where did the vile lil troll go after getting a smack down in DC ? Into the waiting arms of bloody king charles, and and mr macron = “the darkness” that is the R&R zio cesspit.
We, and the South, held elections in the middle of the Civil War. Rolling forward the death count in that war to today’s population that would be a war in which 10 million American MEN died … and we, and the South, STILL had elections.
Better get in line for this deal.
Lol..that actually reminded me of an old boss..we got into a conversation in the early eighties and he told me about zero growth bonds.. at that time I could buy ten thousand for a hundred dollars with a thirty year matchurity date..but the coupon had zero value until that date.
the binds that foreign countries own now they can sell..that would cause a catastrophic event immediately.. so I get it..trade those debts for one a hundred years from now..a country owning a significant amount of our debt couldn’t destroy the country for that time period..
can he pull it off..the pros and cons are huge on both sides..like bitcoin the oh wait I think they sell a comparable product let me see if I can find it.Lol lol lol..
Guide Pines can be any old tree with enough orange marking tape on it.
Without that tape I might end up living the last few years (Days?) I have in the woods.
Just curious. Have you added daily spices to your longevity program? I have been hearing about the benefits of coconut oil, turmeric, ginger, maple syrup or honey, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and ginger to reduce inflammation and help prevent cognitive loss.
We use a ton of fresh ginger juice in our spin on Asian cooking (Ginger People organic quarts on Amazon) along with no sulfit lemon juice, turmeric/curcumin alt days with baby aspirin, coconut oil (for some asian cooking or sesame) maple syrud when the belly looks only part Michelin Mn, and honey? Well I squeeze her every chance I get…
State of the Union Address and rebuttal or movie.. a walk in the Clouds…let me see which one will when heads the state of the union tails a walk in the clouds ( my favorite go to movie starring a favorite actor)
A walk in the clouds won.. ill follow up wth the star of the union later..
“ And it that doesn’t sound like WW3 material? Putin unleashes Iskander-M missile attack to ‘sink container ship in Odesa carrying cargo of British weapons for Ukraine’”.
How’s Turkey feeling about that Montreux convention? I’m sure it’s being followed just like Geneva conventions, ask Doctor Foul Chi he will tell you. Nope he’s been pardoned. LOL.
G.A. STEWART: The Great Scandal that I have been writing about for 18-years is coming. The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal will not go away. This is why I just completed my third AI video; The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal is only part of the equation.
re: “King Ralph”, 1991
feat: Lancaster House
The setting of “King’s Ralph’s” palace, Lancaster House, was host to Sir Keir’s “Securing Our Future: London Summit”. The Grade1 edifice was donated to the National Trust in 1913 by a Viscount co-founder the multinational now known as Unilever. Building construction began in 1825 for the second son of King GeorgeIII.
The cordial visit to the White House last week by Sir Keir may come to mind. Didn’t he tell President Trump that the UK and Europe had given Ukraine war materials, not loans? Yesterday the UK tucked a £1.5 billion loan into President Z.’s Oscar swag bag from the Summit. The loan is purposed to pay for UK missiles to be built in Belfast. The summit family photo op placed President Zelensky between Sir Keir and Poland’s PM Duda. The latter cutback Ukrainian refugees benefits in January. President Z. received support from behind by outgoing PM Trudeau as well as the interim leader of Romania whose name escapes me.
(DJ George, please cue “Ride of the Valkryies”.)
A motorcade of not less than 10 vehicles and phalanx of motorcycles ferried President Zelensky to a nearby helipad. From there a military chopper lifted off with the visiting Head of State aboard to go and see the King. The cargo door was left open no doubt to offer the esteemed guest an unobstructed birdseye view of central London.
One element could be deciphered from the whirlwind 70 minute groundstop at the King’s Sandringham Estate. His suits would be a close fit for President Z. Perhaps the King saw fit to loan his guest a couple along with matching shirts and ties? I bet President Trump would be over the moon if someone showed up topped off with a red tie.
War with China.
If it happens and they correct for the mistakes of the Japanese and take and occupy Anchorage and part of Hawaii, don’t have to take Oahu, just an outlying island for their air force to use leaving Oahu to starve, plus neutralize the Panama Canal the US is then HOSED. If they can take out the existing ships in port in San Diego and Bremerton voila the US is no longer a Pacific Power. At that point in time the Pacific, except for the Japanese naval forces and what we have stationed there, would become a Chinese Lake except for our remaining limited submarine capabilities.
We have NO civilian merchant marine anymore … excluding our Carriers and LHD’s from our Navy’s total tonage the Chinese navy already is is about 4x the size of the US Navy (they are already somewhat bigger even if we include our carriers and LHD’s). How long in a major war will Carriers remain a force, or even float? How long in a major war will LHD’s remain a force or even float (and remember we lack the oilers to keep the LHD’s and their support ships at sea if just a couple are sunk)?
China is going FOR THE WIN … and we are distracted by the sideshow shitstorm in Ukraine which WE actually started! W have been forcing Russia into China’s clutches, which is 180 opposite of the reason why Nixon went to China to begin with! Nixon went to china so as to keep those two away from each other. Sheesh …
China would like nothing more than for us to remain totally distracted by Ukraine and to continue to force Russia into it’s clutches.
First- I don’t see any reason for anyone to be getting the Covid vaccine at this point in time, unless they are an adult volunteer. I am personally not volunteering. Involuntary testing of candidate experimental vaccines on children is reprehensible.
I would have to question the source on “Study of 9 Million Confirms Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause AIDS” article. Why would the vaccine be any more like to cause the problem then Covid itself, which is an AIDS hybridized Chimera? There are a lot of questionable research papers out there.
(“The leftwing coup still hasn’t resulted in charges – but we live in hope. MIND-BLOWING: Just 7,000 Leftist politically connected NGOs are hoarding 90% of all taxpayer money meant for nonprofits. Roughly $300 billion in government money flows to nonprofits every year—with zero transparency on where that money actually goes.”)
what is a non profit?
the local hospitals are considered… NON PROFIT….best the hand out multi million dollars worth of property to doctors they want to gain and bonuses to executives.. and still are able to buy whole city blocks of prime realstate!
A coworkers son in law got a million dollar home..he got guaranteed a half million a year and five million dollars bonus to get him to come here..that wasn’t enough..his father inlaw told me they couldn’t live on that.. not counting g the lucrative benefit packages that don’t pertain to the regular staff..and he still overcharged for his services..because he had to pump so many through his infection rate was out of this world high.. ( check that ratio any time you choose a surgeon)
insurance industry..well they still must be making decent profits..the daughter told us that in June a two week company cruise for their whole family..the kids wanted us to babysit dogs.. one is on vacation in Cancun as a company perk now..
so what justify the government to hand over money gotten from tbe citizens to give away that hard earned money to non profit industries that can take advantage of the tax paying citizens .. do away from the non profit statuses unless they truly are non profit.. they accept everyone that comes to them..
that’s one of the things I swore I would do if I won the lottery.. open a free cancer center and no Ile clinics to outreach to areas where medical services are limited.. Put Brock from Remote area medical out of having to drop emergency medical services in the usa..let him take that to remote areas in underdeveloped countries instead..
Every week., some billionaire.., or well known fund manager steps up to the mike and proclaims we are all gonna die in the next year, or two., or three., because of _______________________ [ fill in the blank ] They are never right. They are never even ‘close’ to right. Yet everyone sits in rapt-attention as if the “financial-god” himself is speaking.
If it wasn’t so damn annoying & time consuming it would be hilarious. But sadly, it is not.
This morning two billionaires, count ’em., “two” somehow managed to find time out of their busy schedule to warn us all of the coming collapse. One pegged the coming onslaught partially to the consumer for not buying new cars. The other? Well, he simply doesn’t like you and you should be the first one burned in the economic firestorm that is quickly approaching.
Don’t like those two reasons? Stay tuned. Another billionaire, jet-setting off to some foreign locale will give another rendition on the coming collapse of western civilization., next week at this same time / same channel.
We all know that there are serious problems with the economy and government finance. Some can be fixed., but there are few that can not., and they will, eventually bite us all, rather harshly, in the economic ass. We know this. And if you have any snap at all, you also know that there is not a damn thing you can do about it.., except prepare for it – in your own way.
When, damn it !? Ahhh.., therein lies the rub. NO ONE KNOWS !
“Stay Frosty ! “
That’s also why I will never win the lottery lol lol got to make sure someone that knows how to use it properly gets it lol..
I’d build the solar tower to..lol lol as for me just how much would make me happy..I’m already happy..take a little juggling off the books but heck.. I have more than my share of crap.. I eat good and enjoy some of the things that should only be for the wealthiest..I can enjoy a good glass of wine in the evening air..