ShopTalk Sunday: Summing of Plumbing, Theft Prevention

Where to begin?

Well, those radio tubes from 50-miles away – misdirected by the USPS Coppell mail and storage place to Arizona and God-knows where today… still isn’t here.  But 8 days now to go 50 miles is damn near walking speed.

Which left time for plumbing.

When Our Hero Last Reported…

The high-use faucet outside (back of the carport under the screen porch) had let go due to getting colder than planned.  Froze. Brass cracked.  Ordered a new one, put that on a bit too tight – so it broke the mail PVC pipe fitting.

No worries – quick trip to dig out the water shutoff (at least it wasn’t raining, so no mud….). But, first, you check your water valve shut-off tool to make sure the caked on mud (from the last POS adventure in muddy clay) has fallen off on the shop floor somewhere!

Which is then followed by the 300-foot jaunt out to the road to find the meter shutoff with your fingers in the cold dirt (which snakes love during hot weather!!!):

Now, with the broken PVC to be cut off, the question became “Which approach?”  Been talking to doctors all week (medical device project) and so the “prep for surgery” is mighty important.  The choices were a battery power saber saw, the PVC Pipe Cutters, or the battery baby Sawz-All clone.  I took the latter – had a fresh battery in it from another recent homeownership disaster, so rather than put it away, I grabbed It.

Moments later, back at the table saw (generally one of the only clear horizontal surfaces in the whole shop), I admired my nice, even handywork:

Now   (putting on some purple primer and slathering on the hot and wet set glue and the new fitting on the somewhat shorter pipe) I contemplated how not to make the “same mistake twice.”

You see, the reason I over-tightened was that bullshit teflon “joint tape” and I have never gotten along.  I had an old tub of Oatey pipe dope, but that was used for plumbing on the Mayflower so time for an update:

While the mess of glue dried outside, I hit the web to see what the current best practices are.  Really?  “Apply the pipe dope to the male fitting only, making sure it’s dry…”  (I’d heard that about personal lubricants, too…hmm..)

Back to the scene of the crimes against plumbing, the job was done in short order:

I left off  the fine points (turn off hot water heater elements so you don’t burn out an element, don’t forget to blow fresh water through the system before re-energizing.  Tell Elaine the washer may sound like it’s having a fart attack the first time she runs it from water in the lines – don’t freak – that kind of thing.

Point is, it’s not a hard thing to fix plumbing so it doesn’t leak.  Just a pain in the ass and so I bought an extra one of everything (and a new pot of hot-set glue and the cheapo fitting, too) because it something goes wrong once, it’s only a matter of time till is screws up your life again, anyway.

More Projects this Week?

Oh, hell yeah.   Elaine yelled at me Thursday there was a raccoon on the deck.  Two of ’em, turns out, had climbed an obscure part of the screen in the stairway down to the car. And the break-in was way up by the ceiling.

So I shut down the streaming video (so son G2 would not call and bitch me out for being 76 and on a ladder) and set about putting in new screwing trim (like the choice of words, lol. Sounds better than “framing 2-by’s.) and so they haven’t been back.

On the way back to the shop, I decided this will be the Spring I will do the updated railing to the BBQ deck…so took a “before” picture for that project.

Heard tell from neighbor Dan that there have been some burglaries going on when people aren’t home.  Not a concern – me and the pistol don’t go anywhere.  But I decided times were going to get sketchier so maybe I should get some 10-foot hunks of chain and secure the genset…

(Which we had to use for a 2-hour outage this week. Started right up, Total down time was less than 3-minutes.  Don’t you dare cheap out and miss electric start!)

And since the UPS driver got that $14,500 super zero-turn, I figure the shaggy lawn machine might need to be chained down, as well:

Now, to take the mower, thieves would have to take the outbuilding with ’em, in addition to planning a visit to the ER if they make it that far with a 7.62 slug through ’em.

Inside the shop, assembly was completed this week on a whole list of backed-up projects including a 30-gallon wheel-around diesel dispenser.

I am sick of hefting 5-gallong jugs of the stuff up into the tractor.  This way I can just spin the pump.  However, again, a chain and couple of padlocks there, too.  Once it gets filled, no telling what the street price of diesel will be up to.  Though we save a few bucks running farm diesel. But that meant a four point lifting sling and strapping and…oh God, does it ever slow down?

Radio Notes

buddy Doctor John is eyeing an extended end-fed end-fed half-wave antenna for 160 and 80 meters.  Which is up in the 400 foot range.  I told him I found a 49 foot fiberglass antenna pole on eBay for $157 including something for Gov. Abbott and the UPS feller’s new rider payment.

Should be along one of these days.

STILL pissed about Coppell Texas USPS misdirecting my set of 7059 vacuum tubes for the SHallicrafters Sr-400 which is actually working pretty damn well. Talked to a guy in central England on 20-meter this week and the crowd on 3806 could hear it fine.  Though it sounded a bit “tinny” to a few of the guys. Usually when that happens the audio chain is in need of fresh (and maybe slightly larger) audio coupling capacitors and fresh cathode bypass caps, as well.

When THAT is all done, then I’ll plug in an old Curtis electronic keyer (or one of my Hallicrafters (W9TO) keyers.  The Curtis is smaller snf has more fiddly-dials. The T.O.  I don’t know if you ever ran across the magazine Nuts and Volts but they had a dandy article on the return of Morse Code in 2017 and the T.O. keyer was one of the highlighted products.

eHam gives it a solid “5” out of five reviews, as well.  And a clone that I picked up from K7SZL a billion years ago got me up to 35 Words a Minute while I skipped homework throughout high school.  Didn’t open a single book the whole time.  (Later, in grad school, I discovered how to read and that led to the 4.0 GPA – but honestly, don’t know what I would have done with that kind of thing earlier in life.  Though, considering my pal (the Major) did run mostly 4 point oh and did 20- in the Army, maybe I didn’t miss as much as I thought.  We talk about things like that now and then.

At any rate, it sits on the desk, all dejected by competing “other works.”

And something for the “little lady” of the house?

Besides Raccoon Proofing, the Sequel?  Um…the new trampoline got assembled (China is getting revenge on America by instructions!) and the new “vibration plate” works very nicely.  Why, I can now compress a whole hour of exercise into about 10-minutes of vibration and jumping.

So as to get back to napping quicker!  (Just kidding. Sadly…)

Major topic on 3806 this morning was the expansion factor of ice – water gets 9 percent bigger when it freezes.  So, figures the assembled multitude, all this “melting ice caps” is crap without that  9 percent less volume of water (from ice) is figured in.  Global warming was supposed to have us all dog-paddling by now…but hey! Don’t pay no mind to the facts.

Still no sign of retirement, yet.  I must be crazier than either of us thought…

Write when you...yada, yada... and tell WmoRR to to drop by 3806 if he’s up early.  That was fun a couple of weeks back.  ac7x

34 thoughts on “ShopTalk Sunday: Summing of Plumbing, Theft Prevention”

  1. “A Plumbing We Will Go”

    The Three Stooges are destitute vagrants, engaged in larcenous activities as beggars. Subsequently, they face legal consequences and are brought to trial on charges of chicken theft. Following their acquittal, the trio endeavors to procure a live fish from an aquarium within a pet store. Officer Kelly intervenes, instigating a pursuit that compels the Stooges to adopt the guise of plumbers as a means to evade incarceration.

    Assuming their roles as “plumbers”, the Stooges secure a position in an opulent residence. Their ineptitude unfolds dramatically, resulting in the inadvertent destruction of the entire plumbing infrastructure within the residence. Curly, in attempting to address what he perceives as a bathroom leak, constructs a labyrinthine network of pipes, ensnaring himself. Simultaneously, Larry digs up the front lawn in an unsuccessful quest for the water shutoff valve. Moe and Curly, in their misguided efforts, inadvertently connect a water pipe with another conduit containing electrical wires. This leads to water inundating every electrical appliance in the mansion, subjecting the perplexed chef to endless tribulations and frustration.

    • Transparency is name of the game right now in US.
      So in the effort to achieve full transparency, please ID Moe, Larry and Curly from urban survival community.

      I think we have to name G-Pops as Moe, although Larry Fine does seem to get his Eyes double doinked alot by both Moe and Curly so there is that. I dont count Shemp as an OG Stooge, nor did/do I like his schicht very much. So picking a Shemp from amongst the cast characters here at urban is prolly a negative and not worth our consideration. Dont even with curly-joe..who ever the hell that guy was..terrible.

      Votes Please;




      1 vote G-Pops – Col. Dodge -wupwupwup -

  2. I liked your sentence “buddy Doctor John is eyeing…”

    Last night I tuned to the VN traffic net 3553, a little late, 7:09pm, just to hear and old friend.

    And the first characters I heard were net control sending B U D D Y, my friend’s name!

  3. The pump on that transfer tank will fail the second time you use it, if not the first. Crappy aluminum design.
    The heavy duty replacement I got for it worked fine until the seals got saturated. Wait till you see you see what garbage they use now for inside gaskets. Might as well stock up on five gallon plastic containers and figure out some kind of hoist to lift them up to the tractor. Sigh.

    • I fear you may be right. But then again, I play put options. But, then again, I wake up with a smile everyday. but then again, when I turn on the news, it fades. But then again, the sun’s out so there is that…

      • Kappa : amen to junk components vs. old school HQ gaskets. I keep some gasket material here (both cork sheet and thin dense neoprene sheet) knowing half of what I buy has junk seals. To be fair, old seals eventually go to crap too but …

        Worslinger : while risking dosh in aggressive plays you might do well to just re-porpoise for the next thing and next. A half arsed thief will whip out (silent) bolt cutters and find the weak link. Or, if brazen, battery grinder (noisy) and … she be gone.

        Our pole barn got robbed a couple times. Truly, the value is in boats and assorted really heavy stuff. Want the South Bend lathe? Hope you have a semi and lowboy flatbed … Luckily friends built half a dozen new (target) barns. I’m golden.

        “So I shut down the streaming video (so son G2 would not call and bitch me out for being 76 and on a ladder)”

        But, young G2 doesn’t read your site? Really? If he does, clever of you to remove video real time while doing what will get grief. And … posting same online. Tsk, tsk.

        ATL: the Kraken is noisy today. Our hi is sub freezing so the cake is growing (again) and rumbling _so_ loud it’s audible inside the house. Low thrum generated an audible hydronamic pulse which reverberated to shore and blew water vapor at edge. Way kewl.

        Drums. Drums in the deep.

        We cannot get out: we cannot get out. they have taken the bridge and second hall. Frár & Lóni & Náli fell bravely while the rest retreated to Mazarbul. We still hold but hope Óins party went 5 days ago but (today) only 4 returned: the pool is up to the wall at Westgate: the watcher in the water took Óin – we cannot get out: the end comes soon we hear drums drums in the deep. They are coming.

        Not ^ Financial Advice.
        Tolkien advice.

  4. George,

    A replay of Oct 1987 may be occurring. Friday 28 Feb was day 6 of a second fractal of a potential 3/ 6 of 7-8/ 6-8 day decay fractal series. Day 1 of the 1st 3 day fractal was 19 Feb 2025 which was the peak valuation for the SPX at 6147.43. Feb 19 completed a 27 Oct 2023 55/139/136 day :: x/2.5x/2.5x maximum growth fractal series. The 27 Oct 2023 nadir completed a March 2020 8+/24/14 month :: x/2.5x/1.6x 3-phase fractal series.

    Interestingly, on 28 Feb the Atlanta Fed revised its projected 1st Quarter 2025 GDP growth downward from 2.3 % on 19 Feb to a negative 1.5%.

    Likewise, the 3m minus 10y debt yield reinverted to a negative value a few trading days ago. It had set a record from Oct 2022 to December 2024 of over 750 days of inversion.

    You know the recent trend of US rising unemployment (McKelvey Indicator)and the longer trend of decreasing manufacturing data.

    The NATO alliance has supported the US dollar and owns about 3.5 to 4 trillion of US debt which is about twice the annual GDP of Russia and North Korea combined. NATO’s collective GDP is 15-20 times the combined GDP’s of Russia and North Korea, the two countries we voted with in the recent UN resolution against our allies who we are Smoot-Hawley-ing.

    In Oct 1987 the dominant decay fractal was a 30 Sept 1987 3/7/6 day decay series with day 6 of the 6 day 3rd fractal, 19 Oct, on which the SPX lost over 22 % and global equities 1.7 trillion in dollar equivalent worth. 34 trading days later the SPX made a slightly lower low and thereafter recovered.

    Oct 1987 is not March 2025. In 1987 our debt to GDP ratio was less than 40%. A recession did not occur in the three years following the crash. US leaders knew who we were aligned with and who our enemies were. American manufacturing might dominated the global scene. The US had 597 naval ships.

    George, this time is different in a bad way.

    • TEF : hope not irt: replay. Mkt. Mavens would assure the circuit breakers prevent the possibility of repeat. I always accept anything is possible. It _is_ different this time, in oh so many (bad) ways. But, to my astonishment, Ms. Mkt. has been able to shake off fundamental situs unimaginable in past. The next cyclic rhyme is developing. We shall watch this, hey? E

  5. Thoughts on Raccoons. If this offends well, I don’t care.
    They are rabies factories and cause more damage than they are worth. They are wild animals and should be respected as such. If they approach humans without fear something is most likely wrong with them although that should apply to nearly everyone.
    The Hoopty is up and the required utility connections will be completed this week. I was loading parts and supplies onto the quad for the project yesterday when Jeffery showed up staring at me. Usually this means Diana has sent him to fetch me. I was backing out of the shop with him in the back when he just took off at a full sprint. I looked over to see Diana standing between the house and the Hoopty with 2 huge sow coons, one standing upright with their arms outstretched about 20 feet away. Jeffrey closed the 40 yard distance in about 1 second. The scene was a lot like the old Tasmanian Devil cartoons when he hit both coons at full speed. Starsky and Hutch joined in from their posts up by the goat pens. All over in less than 10 seconds. Guess who got to clean up the mess.
    Diana said they did not seem to be afraid of her and came running up from the hedgerow. She has been leaving food over there for the little Recon look alike so no more of that. I’ve seen Coyotes all winter and there are reports of big cats nearby most likely from less than reliable resources. Besides I have done the math in my feeble head and it is very unlikely the little kitty is a Recon offspring. Nevertheless Diana has laid claim and it is only a matter of time before it becomes a member of the ranch menagerie. Thankfully the dogs all had their vaccinations updated recently.
    The weather is getting better so I’m hoping everyone is getting out to enjoy it.
    Stay safe. 73

    • The Twilight Zone – “The Hunt”

      An old man and a hound-dog named Rip, off for an evening’s pleasure in quest of raccoon. Usually, these evenings end with one tired old man, one battle-scarred hound dog, and one or more extremely dead raccoons, but as you may suspect, that will not be the case tonight. These hunters won’t be coming home from the hill. They’re headed for the backwoods — of The Twilight Zone.

  6. (“Well, those radio tubes from 50-miles away – misdirected by the USPS Coppell mail and storage place to Arizona and God-knows where today… still isn’t here. But 8 days now to go 50 miles is damn near walking speed.”)

    we have been having issues with us mail delivery.. the one we have now puts in on his two routes about 250 miles a day..mostly gravel road because of the volume and road conditions.. the cost of him driving his vehicles.. he uses roughly a tank and a half a day.. wear and tear on his tires oil changes etc. he has to replace tires every 4 weeks and delivers 6 days a week.. its the job.. But.. it looks like a good amount of money..its a number.. realistically its a barely break even job.. he makes money but he sees one figure coming in the door and another going out the window.. so he’s disheartened over the amount going out the door over the number coming in the door..the flow of cash chained to A job that he’s never going to build anything.. he doesn’t get any benefits either..he’s considered an independent contractor.. in the past they would switch out take a job in the main building and then get benefits .. anyway every new delivery person seemed to think our mail box was a post office box to mail letters in.. I would go to the post office and bring all the mail that was deposited in the box and say..can’t you let them know that the name on the box is whose box it is.. lol lol I said I am going to post a nice big sign on it.. OUT GOING MALE..
    They have fir the last 4 years been putting people from other countries in the position in the sorting plants with benefits..not all of them but more than what’s comfortable.. at the VA I went to an office to get some reevaluation papers done to adjust what I have to pay and the same thing there..I almost needed an interpreter to get the job done..

  7. I was listening on 3806 this morning, but alll signals were weqk and noisy, so I didn’t make my presence known. Only heard a few snippetts about “double bazookas–” or something. Will look in next Sunday…

    Mostly semi-local poor conditions due to approaching storm front, I figure. Statikky.


  8. What the what ! A late night Coon raid breaking into villa Ure. What did they leave behind ? What did they take ? Is this a sync wink frm Universe, Trash Pandas breaking into Ure abode is trying to tell Youse something..beside Ure wire mesh/fencing not being up to snuff.

    Thinking maybe electrifying Ure wire mesh/fencing, too much fun watching Ferals’ and what not getting lightly Zapped when their furry feet touch the wire. Ahh but I digress, as Sunday is funday and should be spent pursuing FUN. Or as I like to say..”Suns out, Bums Out” : D

    16 Methods; #7,8,9

    7) You may imagine or sense your body is cold. Those who are sick or have toxins in their systems may feel a breeze coming out of or into their body. In general, if feeling cold, shivering, or a cool breeze happen to you, know these sensations are dissolving and cleansing toxins in your system, or your body’s cold and damp energy is too strong and in need of elimination.

    8) Imagine you may feel itchy over your body as if there are ants crawling over your body or inside your organs. Those who have hives, anemia, or heart problems may experience itchiness during Qigong practice. Do not think there are insects crawling over you and do not scratch. Others may feel their skin is very smooth, do not believe it is swollen. When your face and hands are very smooth, it indicates your skin is collecting Qi successfully and giving you beautiful effects.

    9) You may also experience dizziness. Do not be afraid, this means you may have spontaneous movement soon. Follow the tendency to move your head. On the other hand, dizziness is adjusting your vertabra or anxiety. Some of you may feel sleepy, do not control yourself. It may be because you have trouble sleeping. During Qigong practice if you sleepy, you should not intentionally go to sleep; be natural, be in a state of semi-sleep. This is also a training method for your nervous system.-YX

  9. it’s he knows d’s and I were talking..they are building a chicken house.. Anyway they were talking cash and accounts..I had to remind them a number on a sheet of paper a coin in the pocket an ounce of gold or silver..copper etc.. is not wealth!!! its a symbol for wealth.. the eggs.. that’s wealth.. what you know is wealth..what you do is wealth the rest are nothing more than symbols of wealth.. with the symbols you can acquire wealth in the way of things or commodities.. but in a time when it really hits the fan its still only a number.. inflation ..when real wealth materials and labor have to be increased in price to get it.. its like the caddie or Mercedes and Bentleys etc.. they of course offer a more comfortable ride..they are extremely impractical to own the cost comparison is Just part of the cost of the was historically only a class distinguishing symbol.. if The symbols of wealth stop or slow down the economic situation becomes DIRE at the best.. if the value of the symbol is shown to be nothing then the economic situation of the entire civilized world crumbles.. shoving the Bric’s that has secured their symbols or currency with variable items..
    Chat gpt on money..

    (“Money, in its essence, is a symbol and a medium of exchange rather than a direct measure of true wealth. Here’s why:

    1. Medium of Exchange:
    Facilitates Trade: Money is used to facilitate trade by acting as an intermediary in transactions. It makes it easier to exchange goods and services without the need for bartering.

    Standardized Value: It provides a standardized value that can be universally recognized and accepted, simplifying economic exchanges.

    2. Store of Value:
    Preserves Wealth: Money can store value over time, allowing individuals to save and transfer wealth from one period to another.

    Liquidity: It offers liquidity, meaning it can be easily converted into goods and services or other forms of wealth when needed.

    3. Unit of Account:
    Measures Worth: Money serves as a unit of account, providing a common measure for valuing goods, services, and other assets.

    True Wealth
    Tangible and Intangible Assets: True wealth encompasses both tangible assets (real estate, investments, commodities) and intangible assets (knowledge, skills, relationships, health).

    Well-being and Quality of Life: True wealth also includes factors that contribute to overall well-being and quality of life, such as mental and physical health, personal fulfillment, and social connections.

    Symbolic Nature of Money
    Representation: Money represents the value of goods, services, and assets but is not the value itself. For example, a $100 bill symbolizes the purchasing power to acquire goods worth $100, but the bill itself is just a piece of paper.

    Economic Trust: The value of money is based on the trust and confidence people have in the financial system and the issuing authority. Without this trust, money would lose its significance as a symbol of wealth.

    While money is a crucial tool in modern economies, it is important to recognize that it is merely a symbol of wealth rather than wealth itself. True wealth is multifaceted, encompassing a wide range of assets and factors that contribute to an individual’s overall prosperity and well-being.”)

    what keeps it flowing is the velocity of the took Greece a few years to rebound..and realize that a plumber is still a plumber a baker is still a baker..that they could just like I did in the early 80’s trade what I know and could do to stay alive.. bartering my time labor etc. you apply for a job trade your skills and time for a measure of symbols.. how important is an ounce of gold to someone dying of hunger or thirst..when we flipped the business model from that of manufacturing to one of consumption and numbers we literally cut the true wealth of our nation..dumbing down our citizens to gain control and blind compliance of the people ..their survival totally relying on social programs gain dps the ability to blindly control the whole path of the country.. deregulation put extra stress on the people of the country by enslaving them for the basic essentials services.
    In comparison to people in other countries what percentage to us citizens pay more than any other country for healthcare services and equipment

    3 ? posts
    20 web pages
    Your question seems to ask what percentage of U.S. citizens pay more for healthcare services and equipment compared to people in other countries. However, the phrasing is a bit unclear, so I’ll interpret it as seeking insight into how U.S. healthcare costs compare to those in other countries, particularly in terms of the proportion of people affected by higher costs. Since no single statistic directly states “X% of U.S. citizens pay more than any other country,” I’ll provide a clear, evidence-based comparison using available data on healthcare spending and cost burdens.

    The U.S. spends significantly more on healthcare per person than any other country. In 2022, U.S. healthcare spending reached $4.5 trillion, averaging $13,493 per person, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). By comparison, the average healthcare cost per person in other wealthy OECD countries (like Germany, Switzerland, or Canada) is less than half that amount—around $6,850 per capita, excluding the U.S. For instance, Switzerland, the second-highest spender, averaged $9,044 per person in 2022, still far below the U.S. This means the U.S. spends roughly double or more per person than its peers, making it the highest globally.

    This Spending affects nearly all U.S. citizens because healthcare costs are distributed across the population via taxes, insurance premiums, and out-of-pocket expenses. In 2022, 91.8% of Americans had health insurance (public or private), per the U.S. Census Bureau, meaning they contribute to these costs through premiums, deductibles, or copays. The remaining 8.2% uninsured (about 27 million people) often face even higher direct costs when accessing care, as they lack negotiated rates. Across both groups, the per-capita spending reflects what citizens collectively pay—far exceeding other nations.

    Out-of-pocket costs further illustrate this burden. In 2022, Americans spent $471 billion out-of-pocket, or about $1,305 per person, according to CMS data. In contrast, even in Switzerland, where out-of-pocket costs are relatively high among peers, the average is $1,688 per person—but their total per-capita spending ($9,044) remains lower than the U.S. total ($13,493). Most other OECD countries have lower out-of-pocket costs due to universal coverage systems, often below $700 per person annually. In the U.S., 44% of working-age adults skipped or delayed care due to high out-of-pocket costs in 2021, per the Commonwealth Fund, a rate much higher than in peer nations (e.g., 9% in Germany).

    Since the U.S. has the highest per-capita healthcare spending globally, and this cost is borne by its citizens through various channels, effectively 100% of U.S. citizens pay more on average than people in any other country for healthcare services and equipment. This doesn’t mean every individual pays the maximum globally for every service, but the aggregate cost per person—reflected in taxes, premiums, and direct payments—exceeds that of any other nation. No other country’s citizens face a comparable average burden.

    To summarize: Based on per-capita spending, 100% of U.S. citizens contribute to a healthcare system that costs more per person than any other country’s, with 2022 data showing $13,493 per person versus $6,850 or less in similar wealthy nations
    insurance agencies likely take in approximately $1.6 trillion annually for healthcare insurance as of 2025, with roughly $400 billion from individuals (employees and direct buyers) and $1.2 trillion from employers. This excludes Medicare/Medicaid ($1.5 trillion in 2023) and out-of-pocket costs ($471 billion in 2023), focusing solely on private insurance premiums.”)
    that’s just one example..

    while the situation could be flipped easily..the fix is just as dangerous to do .. the amount of people that would instantly be affected would be just about as bad as the people that are affected by the insurance industries reluctance to pay on the procedures that are being done..

    • forget all that scheisse about The Illusion..”the baby”

      Here is a timely article from ZH that Clears up ALL the Historic bullscheisse about Money – and explains Exactly Why baron rothchild wanted CONTROL of US money supply..See the NOT federal reserve.-

      Slaves – face it you and I, is one, just like every other single Human being on planet Earth. So when I tell youse someone is punishing the “christian world” and all the montheists in it, and I am not talking religions, you can ponder for Ureself, deep already KNOW.

      Who was Spartacus ? Wanna live FREE ? -


    Before you break into my house
    (picture of gun}
    Stand outside and get right with Jesus,
    and tell him you’re on your way!!

    • I’m pretty sure you would be sent to prison in my state if you backed that up with action.

      I’d like to relocate outside the US, but I’m feeling more and more NEED to get out of Washington State.

  11. .My stepfather was a farmer. Even though there were usually people on the farm he had thieves steal gas from his farm tank. I don’t think he ever caught the thieves but he did add a lock. Prevention is always a wise move. There are lots of thieves in our city. I’ve had people pop over my 5 foot fence to look in my garage windows. Bicycles, lawn mowers, weed wackers, and porch decorations are frequently stolen. it’s not uncommon to see a grown man pushing a child’s bike down my street.

    • Garages should not have windows, period! If they exist, they need to be secured and covered.

      Anywhere that true valuables exist, there should be motion sensors and cameras. They might not prevent theft if you’re not home, but they can and have caught and prosecuted thieves. A loud alarm(several car horns blasting in different directions can be activated by the motion sensors if you’re not home. Try to avoid having them triggered by errant dogs and cats. Nothing’s perfect, but it’s best to be a hard target. Word gets around.

      Just my 2 cents.

      • It’s hard to believe, but I can never forget my aunt told me that when she was a young woman living in the borough of Queens, New York City 1930’s/40’s nobody even locked their doors.

        Hard to believe, right?

        Stu had a time chart on one of his posts about how crime skyrocketed along with the drug trade.


  12. (Which we had to use for a 2-hour outage this week. Started right up, Total down time was less than 3-minutes. Don’t you dare cheap out and miss electric start!)

    that’s what I have.. an outlet mounted inside to plug the matter maintainer in the shed I mounted an outlet cover and a exhaust port on the side..there’s nothing worse than to have the power go out and your outside with the appearance of sawing a log by hand trying to start it..or finding out that because it was exposed to the weather the starter doesn’t engage (ask me how I know lol lol )..the through outlay cover is for the cord going into the circuit breaker box..
    now that is just the backup to the backup generator.. I also have one solar panel hooked up to.. on a cart.. that way I can roll it out and place it wherever I want the two wheel cart acts as the solar panel ground mount with land anchors to secure an stabilize the cart wherever I move it to..I know overkill.. with the mobile generator ..
    I need extension cords its just in case the natural gas ..if I need to I can make fuel..we all need the energy we rely on energy..

  13. I like racoons. They’re cute, and a little bit anthropomorphic.

    Having said that…

    Racoons are vermin. Dangerous, often rabid — if seen by day, destructive, invasive, and persistant. And very smart. Once a fortuitous food source is discovered, they’re almost impossible to deter — aside from Termination.

    Their ONE positive attribute is their cute-ness. Sorry, that’s not enough in a Hard, Real, World. This trait endears them to women, children, and pussy men; but racoons need killin’.

    Sorry. Regrettable; but Necessary.

  14. On security locks and chains- Ure chain looks a little light for security. The Masterlock short hasp locks are OK, but they are easier to wedge open than a long hasp. I like the rotary locks with a custom high security key. They are expensive, but damn difficult to defeat. Best to have a can of Lock Saver on hand. On my gate lock, I have two locks I rotate. When one starts getting tough to open, I swap ’em, then hose the offending lock down thoroughly with Lock Saver and bring it inside to dry. Once the lock dries thoroughly, it is usually ready to go back in service. You jam a rotary lock, and the Lock Saver won’t unjam it, you will need a hacksaw with spare blades in reserve.
    On gates, I chain the middle and the two sides. As long as some of those locks on the sides have been sitting there without opening, they are likely a permanent feature. I originally tack welded the bolt nuts on the gate hinges. One day I noticed it looked like someone had beaten one of the hinges half off, which would have allowed the gate to be lifted. Apparently they were half-finished before they realized the gate was also chained on the side. I ended up putting Gorilla Glue under the hinge, to discourage it from being beaten off. I have seen Others weld ’em on. Once someone gets vehicle access to Ure property, you are completely screwed. On three sides I have good fences with enough trees to discourage casual fence cutting for access. On the road side, I have no-climb over 5-strand wire, backed up by lead. Again, not amenable to casual wire cutting.
    I finally put no trespassing signs up along with the purple stripes. I have a big loud sign at the front gate, and smaller ones around the perimeter.

  15. Trump named three crypto-currencies for his “Strategic Reserve” initiative. Bitcoin wasn’t one of them – but it spiked, within an hour of the announcement by over $8,000 -close to ten percent.

    Now at $93,145 Sunday – 9AM ]

    XRP, SOL and ADA – jumped on the announcement by 8% to 68%

    No one is sure how this Strategic Reserve will be set-up and a lot of questions remain on how it will be funded – as the original proposal was to use seized & confiscated digital coins., and bank them., but now the language has changed somewhat – and it seems the government may actually purchase these digital assets.

    No matter how it’s played, this is big boost for crypto’s.

  16. The Trump administration may exclude government spending from further GDP calculations and reports.
    Interesting. I guess that’s one way to make the GDP look better and also hide the impact of DOGE cuts.
    Did we actually vote for this?

  17. Have dealt with this problem before.
    Fortunately I have a basement that unheated stays above 60F all winter. So, all outdoor connections got a quarter turn cutoff inside the warm space. Of course this means to use them in the winter means I have to open two valves but normally they are not used. If you can I suggest inside cutoffs.
    As to the Racoons I once spied 7 on the deck outside the kitchen trying to get in the pet food barrel. When I opened the door and confronted them they did not seem concerned, even when I raised the Crossman 1322 with 7 pumps and a .22 pellet at the ready. I aimed at the head of the biggest one, heard a thwack when I fired and saw him double back flip over the porch rail.
    The other six fled him. and when I looked there were none in the back yard. None ever returned either.
    We are down to one old lady cat who stays inside with Little Anna and so food raids are no longer a problem.


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