14 thoughts on “Everyone Needs to Watch”

  1. Listened to the whole thing.

    Many (like 30) years ago my lovely and endlessly patient wife, a Profoundly Good Woman, and a poised upper-middle class Catholic girl from Greenwich Connecticut, said of the times we were then in, “We are in the grip of an Evil Force, and we will most likely never be free of it.”

    I have never doubted it, and have no reason to doubt it to this day. We were very happy, regardless, and didn’t worry about it.

    My one remaining hope is to see her again one day, and be permitted to put my arms around her.

    If there is a Heaven, it would have to be a place of endless love, complete knowledge, and forgiveness.

  2. Upon reflection, I do have one other remaining ambition: Namely, to out-live all the leftover Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, and Bidens, and all their quiet clan members, no longer significnt forces on the countryside, as they are all safely holed up in their respective small rock crevices with their small piles of irrelevent treasure, as well as as any remaining tribal members or decendants from the MJ-12 commitee — two of whom I am very distantly related to.

    When ALL this motley collection of evil bastards is finally neutral, and OFF the active playing field, the world just might even be safe for children and flowers.

    I do hope and expect to see that day.

    • WotRR.

      As a scientist, I spent most of my life as a non-believer. I thought science would tell me everything I needed to know about the universe but it didn’t. There was always something more but I never knew what it was. I couldn’t’ touch it. I couldn’t see it…. but I could sense it and feel it.

      A lot of things happened to me 20 years ago that changed my mind and I came to believe in a higher power well beyond all the science I had studied. It changed me from an egotistical a..hole to someone that genuinely cared about others, most importantly, an incredible woman that I married 60 years ago and am losing to a terrible disease today.

      I have come to know a frequent commenter on this site over the last couple of years. LOOB has seen more good and evil in his life than 10 men. He has shared many of those experiences with me. There is pure evil in the world and he has seen it. He is a believer.

      I believe you will see your loving wife again, and the reprobates you describe above will be in a far different place without their earthly treasures which is all they will ever have had. It will not be the place of endless love, complete knowledge, and forgiveness that you will share with your wife.

      Peace and blessings to you my friend.

      • Thank you. I have recently read that many, if not all, of the physics “constants” and closely related experimentally measured values for many various things, from Plank Length to lightspeed to the values for electrical charge or atomic mass or “spin” or the strength of gravity or nuclear binding forces are all ultra fine-tuned to make Universe — and indeed life itself — possible.

        The point is, if ANY of them were even a tiny but different, that matter and therefore life would not be possible.

        From what little I know of such things, this argues for a Chief designer to do this work.

        I find it a compelling argument in that it would seem to take MORE faith to be an athiest than it does to simply believe.

        And, since many, many people MUCH smarter than I am do believe, maybe I should go along with the Smart Guys.

        And I do.

        I believe therefore that Universe was built as a home for Man — NOT a cage; but a home.

        It’s simply easier than doubting all the time.. And constructung complex and shaky counter arguments, based on very litttle.

        • “I find it a compelling argument in that it would seem to take MORE faith to be an athiest than it does to simply believe.”

          I am a believer also, but I fight a daily battle
          against doubting my faith. It is certainly compelling to me that my religious faith is not as strong as that of those evil pilots who flew their airplanes into the twin towers while dreaming of meeting a covey of naked virgins as they exclaimed “Alah Akbar”!

        • @Geotheagitator.

          From the movie Conclave.

          My brothers and sisters, in the course of a long life in the service of our Mother the Church, let me tell you that the one sin I have come to fear more than any other is certainty. Certainty is the great enemy of unity. Certainty is the deadly enemy of tolerance. Even Christ was not certain at the end. ‘Eli Eli, lama sabachtani?’ He cried out in His agony at the ninth hour on the cross. ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ Our faith is a living thing precisely because it walks hand in hand with doubt. If there was only certainty, and if there was no doubt, there would be no mystery, and therefore no need for faith.”
          ? Robert Harris, Conclave

  3. Next investment. Europe 25% us market equity gone by king charles and germany and france. Usa banrup. Social security cuts 50% existing payouts.

  4. Just a heads up- extreme earthquake tires this evening.
    I am south of Olympia but the feel of this is closer to the ocean to the west.

  5. Final observation:

    It says someplace:
    ” By thier fruits, you will know them.”

    …works for me…

  6. Musk is feeling the heat. I expect that DOGE will be slinking off with tail between legs before all this is over. Those who were concerned about a Stalinist takeover are about 60 years late. The real question is whether there is a coup already in progress.
    The Stalinist rat Federales are murderous and uncontrollable, waving a flag which they mock behind closed doors. I’m starting to think that aggressive downsizing is becoming the only real long term economic alternative for most individuals.


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