Another Train Wreck for Lunch

Can someone hand the President a doobie?  Chill a minute.  Look at some history, bro!

Yes – due for a bounce.  But look at this trend package:

Fortunately, this is a “day off” and already I have a tractor repair under my belt for the day.

More on tomorrow.

But can someone mention the “Ship of State” needs a steady hand on the wheel?  Wait for the helm to respond? Come up to new heading, then do something?

See, when you land an airplane *(which I have, thousands of times) one of the hardest disciplines is to not over-correct.  If you do (get anxious) you can get into a land, over-correct-stall cycle that can break things.  If you take a hard bounce, don’t pull back!  Hold the nose steady…feel the plane, watch the horizon, adjust gradually and never jerk the controls.

Jerks are bad.  Very, very bad.

Ask any Canadian. An even, confident hand is needed.  Especially when there’s an ongoing continuing parade of True Dopes.  Don’t JERK!  Canada’s making their own.

Write when (yada, yada)…


8 thoughts on “Another Train Wreck for Lunch”

    • RV-Villes will be the name.

      RV-Villes already exist in a number of communities in California … entire subdivisions of them in fact along public roads and near public parks. Coming to an area NEAR YOU, in the near future.

  1. Business and markets can deal with bad news. Business and markets can deal with good news. Business and markets cannot deal with uncertain news.

    Our recent Province of Ontario election brought in a strong conservative government with a leader, Doug Ford, that is prepared to go head to head with Trump. He is no feminist boy like our outgoing prime minister and he has balls and solid business experience to fight.

    This is getting uglier by the day and I hope and pray that Americans can get the President to come to his senses. He can’t put tariffs on one day, take them off the next and then say they will be back on in a month, maybe. Our premier has basically said “enough.” He has already removed all US imported liquor, beer and wine from our LCBO (p.s. the largest importer of such products in the world).

    We ship 80% of our hydro to 3 northern states and he will shut it off if he has to. Not good for either country. Let’s get some level of certainty for citizens on both sides of the border. It’s either on or it’s off but no maybe.

    DJT has done more to unite Canadians in the past month than any person or situation has in our history. In a way it’s good for us to be strong and proud Canadians but it is destroying a friendship of two close nations and a lot of cross border good friends.


    • D.J. Trump …. the largest uniter of Canada since Canada’s Transcontinental Railroad was built!

      I wonder if DJ Trump will also leave a legacy of beautiful hotels stretched across Canada like the railroad did? … ( lol )

  2. I am not worried about PDJT’s hand on the tiller so much as all those computers programed to kick into sell mode when they cross the 200 DMA.
    I am kinda concerned why they have not kicked in yet already.


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