If the coming War with China and locked in to Target Zone life isn’t enough, how about a Second Depression, then? Today we have articles on all three prospects. No, not reading for the faint of heart.
We provide a very long report today comprised of three major topics.
First, a repeat of a Comments post by Reader Stephen2 on risks in the upcoming war with China. In this section, we speculate (with A.I. modeling’s) as to how much the timeline could accelerate because of Chinese losses to Covid which are not widely appreciated as a) being a U.S. intel op into Wuhan, and one that 2) may have cost China 100-million deaths.
This section explains how China is both Pissed (who wouldn’t be?) but also interested in pursuit of a “least cost war.”
The second aspect of note (with a few headlines along the way) is our ChartPack. Where the road to Depression 2 – the Greater Depression continues to resolve into view.
And third? We wrap up with how people who can’t make Big Moves in life (anticipating times going south for all) may have a few “muddle through options that might be employed now – even if addicted to Big City Medicine outlets for life sustaining treatments.
Yeah – a hard issue to write. and long, too. In fact (for nonsubscribers info) it’s north of 7,500 words today. think of it as “a 10th of a book” – NOT counting two dozen pages of charts…
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Do woo woo dreams come in pairs….
had one wild lucid dream last night…..woke up this morning and the wife that rarely has any lucid dreams started to tell me about this wild almost break dream she had…it was The exact same dream I had.
(“If the coming War with China and locked in to Target Zone life isn’t enough, how about a Second Depression, “)
I have had four sales reps from companies I buy regularly from contact me asking if I needed any supplies..
had an old friend call me to vent yesterday.. they have an aggressive skin cancer..the clinic sent a nice letter asking for their pre treatment deposit..of course they don’t have it..seriously how many wage earners that work paycheck to paycheck have 50,000 to 100,000 in their immediate grasp.. he was venting because he doesn’t have that much even in his retirement funds that he could cash in..and they are delaying him even visiting the clinic.. all I could tell him was..its the business model..
they have been delaying him now for several months.. it on the other hand is spreading.. the treatment is covered though its an almost similar story that one of the guys that lived here had..he didn’t have the fifty grand so they booted him out of the clinic it took a social worker 3 months to get him in.. I did tell him to see his social worker.. the guy that lived in our spare rokm.. he got sick again and his distant family have been dealing with getting him in again for over a year now..
then I get a bill..from the dentist I had gotten dental insurance and had a simple thing done ( cleaning ) and paid my portion of it they billed the insurance and the insurance company said suck walley to the dentist.. so I called them to bitch..with the negative effect increase and the increases of essentials do I truly want to pay that monthly premium or just drop it.. I haven’t had this insurance very long the first test.. do you keep it or just dump it.. I could scan my hand with the one finger salute and frame it but I would rather have that on their letterhead and their finger…
Looking out of the box : not long ago I had the same problem with a Medicare Advantage carrier and had to make more than one call. Without meaning to be suspicious, it’s as if there’s scoring on *is it better to pay the claim* or is it *better to keep engaging* with the insured. These things shouldn’t be hard … it’s a covered claim or it’s not.
A suggestion: think long and hard before “dumping” insurance coverage. Contemplate a change, during open enrollment period(s) first. IMO insurance is for worst case. I have carried high deductibles (on all insurance lines) for, uhm, four decades? Though reliant on a carrier to pay the big stuff we must pay small stuff.
My house has never burnt down but I pay for fire insurance. Large scale medical expenses can easily outstrip the value of a home. Just read your coverages, modify at need, and demand participation for covered ailments / accidents / occasions.
It’s Borg thinking, the Collective Hive, to insure.
You don’t miss your water …
Best Regards,
ps – NIA? [not insurance advice]
for another,,, GoodRX coupons, I don’t know if this is factual, worth a view for prescriptions
Regarding skin cancer. One might research Curaderm, a product out of Australia, initially used to treat skin cancers in bovines. Clif High used this in top of his head with successful results.
Some else said they used horse ivermectin paste on their skin cancer which resolved that but I don’t recall if Dr. Makis was reporting in that or if it was someone else.
Both Clif and Markis can be found in substack.
Whew, a lot to absorb, thanks, even though I am relatively fixed in position.
I will remember “avoid strippers” though.
(“Chinese losses to Covid which are not widely appreciated as a) being a U.S. intel op into Wuhan, and one that 2) may have cost China 100-million deaths.This section explains how China is both Pissed (who wouldn’t be?) but also interested in pursuit of a “least cost war.”)
you mean that virus developed in the USA and in Wuhan lab that got loose in the market place less than a couple weeks after the joint military drills with US two blocks away lol..I wonder if they think they were fauched and if they believe it was a deliberate release of a biological killing millions .. wouldn’t fauch be slightly concerned on his own life security…
Are we in 100 years cykle towards great depression from 1929 to 2029 ?
Immediate future holds “MASSIVE FRAUD” as entire financial systems goes poof.
See Uncle Clifs’ latest analyses of latest deep data run – it aint pretty.
Lots of vomit/vomiting scenes in connedgress/halls of connedgress. The amazing Dick Algire did a RM project on this and sketched out congress critters on flr puking brains out several years ago@ future forecasting group.
Seems there is 100 to 1000x MOAR dollars out there than on the Books at fed or treasury. Perhaps this why webee calling back the Gold that is supposed to be in fort knox.
Think maybe there is a much longer/larger Cycle in play today..think The Age of Horus/Heru/Aquarius..
Good Luck to All
(“Taiwan Flashpoint – The biggest immediate risk of war. The U.S. has pledged arms sales and possible military support for Taiwan, while China sees reunification as a non-negotiable goal. If China moves on Taiwan, U.S. intervention could spark a direct conflict.”)
????… my acupuncturist is from Taiwan… his brother is fro Beijing.. the parents live in one country the grand parents live in the other…..
neither see anything wrong both love the other.. it would be in the best interest with Taiwan to sign a similar deal like Hong Kong did…close family ties on both continents similar to Hawaiian citizens and the USA…
what would we do if China or another country was selling weapons to Hawaii and threatening war because of coffee and pineapple..
why didn’t we rush to Cuba’s situated when covid hit.. shoot that would have been a neighborly thing to do.. I always wanted to visit a coffee plantation and a pineapple plantation.. all these horrific wars are usually to follow some perverted business plan rather that benefits the power of someone that already has enough rather than negotiating for it..
would the sons want to attack the parents or grandparents.. from my simple mind it just doesn’t make any sense..
I best get off my ass and send $ to Mr Ure, for peoplenomics
thanks, you earned it, plus
sorry Mr Ure this is not inline with todays post, but, I am still on the war path against the baby fuckin pedos
click the volume button, this shit is sicking,, the one guy’s wife was in CPS, ‘child protection service’
Florida Polk County Sheriff’s Office Child Porn Sting Operation,,,
“BABIES RAPED AND TORTURED: Pedophile Disney World Employee charged with 540 counts of child pornography from newborns to 8 years of age. He had photographs and videos of babies tied up to be raped as young as weeks old. Her hands were tied up behind her back. Babies being raped.
These innocent children as young as a few weeks old are being terrified, screaming and in excruciating pain while being raped by adult men who are literally tearing the baby girls flesh apart and we sit here as a society and let this continue to happen to millions of innocent children every day. We need to rise up and defend these children. This is a war on our children.,,,”
they all are anti-Trump,,, the pedos that is
“Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
CRIMES AGAINST CHILDRENunite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
“Ure said: For now just assess to what level Chinese maneuvering in finance could already be part of a “least-cost warfare” strategy by China.”
its not a secret that the dollar and all fiat currencies are worthless.. they aren’t backed by anything and our last four years propelled us deeper than ever.. the Bric’s is set to take over.. notice how most of the main manufacturing countries have joined the Bric’s… most of our food as well.. we only sell what 36 % of our food from the USA the rest is imported..this I believe was a plan ..see the weakness then focus on their weaknesses..
The Art of War by Sun Tzu—a timeless masterpiece in strategy and tactics. The idea of focusing on an opponent’s weakness to gain the upper hand is a core principle in the text. Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of understanding both your own strengths and weaknesses as well as your adversary’s. I believe they focused on the greed of the 1 % .. there’s never enough for those that want more. never.. my wife when we met made 4.50 an hour as a nurse that was what they made per hour.. now I think its somewhere around thirty.. I know a ton of people making less than that. traveling heath tends make 15.00 an hour around here.. that’s all the post office pays to..which is why we have trouble keeping delivery people.. our last delivery driver died..he had medical issues and no insurance hmm sounds like a pattern..
My friend daughter just graduated from 4 years nursing school, started working for NYU hospital $120k per year
3 day 12 hours shift.
..The Process and Methods of Qigong Practice
16 Internal Methods:
12. Imagine your body is sinking slowly. For those who have high blood pressure, imagine you are sinking from head to toe, concentrate on exhalation, imagine from head to toe along the centre of your back that you are gradually sinking as if there is cold water being poured down. This method makes you feel you are sinking and may help to lower your blood pressure.
FOr those who do not have high blood pressure, when you feel your body is sinking, do not be afraid, under any conditions, believe you are still sitting there. FOr those who are healthy, imagine you are sinking to the deeper levels of the earth among minerals and rocks to absorb the real Qi of earth, then gradually come back. For those who have sickness, do not let your body sink too deep. As soon as you feel your feet have sunk you should intentionally let yourself rise again. These are two different training methods catering to People with and without sickness. This is a Qigong method to absorb what is called “earth Qi”- YX
The Holistic view of hypertension (High Blood Pressure) is that it’s the result of a long standing emotional problem that’s not been solved. Therefore, when practicing Qigong it is advised to recite a mantra, such as “I joyously release the past. I am at peace”
Qigong opens the bodies blockages through movement and, the mantra informs the mind (subconscious) of intention.
When the body and mind work together in a repetitive positive manner, healing begins.
I’m proof of that.
Location for living
Living location is more than just the “lowest cost”. It also entails the people you live around: their education level, their moral character, their internal values, their other interests and how those overlap with yours, and your neighbors general prosperity or lack their of.
For me I could not live in a part of the country around people who were racist to the core. Saw that growing up and it can corrupt an entire area for me if such beliefs seem to be widely held in a area. Burning crosses, and people who believe in that shit, turn me off. Talk to some RURAL blacks who are solid middle class citizens, not city dwellers, and they will get you the lo down on places in the US to avoid if you just ask and give them some time to find out (rural middle class blacks are very different from their low end city cousins).
Ditto for me on “education”. Doesn’t have to be university type education, can be anything that creates a curious people who look outside of the insular world of the specific location where they live. Some rural areas have people where their kids go all over the country and world before coming back home to settle down, many of them with no formal education after HS but their travels made them “worldly” … other places have kids who haven’t been two counties away and don’t care to go even that far away again.
Local crime, is there local rural crime? If so that may well indicate an overall “morals” problem with the character of the people that occupy that area. (and as an “outsider” moving in if it does exist YOU will be targeted first) fwiw … just because people go to church does not mean that they are honest in the core of their soul, remember the highest divorce rates in the US are in the core of the Bible Belt
For me “culture” is also something I would want nearby. Doesn’t have to be the best in the world, or even very good, but being in an area that supports that dynamic for me is important … there are some really poor areas in the US that do have “culture” as part of their local dynamic (ie: local plays, local music other than garage band type music, people who are artists of one sort or another, etc.).
Life is more than just money … it is also about how your are going to live your daily life and the people around you as you live that daily life.