NFIB and “Pre-Quake Energy?”

Life marches on – and with it, me – off to get an updated eye prescription.  So we will try to remain “focused” for a change.  (Argh!)

First item on the list is the National Federation of Independent Business report looking at forward conditions:  Yes, they’re coming.  But, no, not yet…

Owners expecting better business conditions over next six months declined in April

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 9, 2023) – NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index decreased by 1.1 points in April to 89.0. This marks the 16th consecutive month below the survey’s 49-year history of 98. Labor quality was the top business problem at 24%, with inflation in second place by one point at 23%.

“Optimism is not improving on Main Street as more owners struggle with finding qualified workers for their open positions,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “Inflation remains a top concern for small businesses but is showing signs of easing.”

Key findings include:

  • The frequency of reports of positive profit trends was a net negative 23%, five points worse than March.
    A net negative 5% of owners viewed current inventory stocks as “too low” in April, down six points from March. This suggests stocks are now too large relative to expected sales.
    The net percent of owners raising average selling prices decreased four points to a net 33% (seasonally adjusted).
    The net percent of owners who expect real sales to be higher deteriorated four points from March to a net negative 19%.
    As reported in NFIB’s monthly jobs report, owners’ plans to fill open positions remain elevated, with a seasonally adjusted net 17% planning to create new jobs in the next three months. Seasonally adjusted, a net 40% reported raising compensation. A net 21% plan to raise compensation in the next three months. Nine percent cited labor costs as their top business problem and 24% said that labor quality was their top business problem.

Fifty-six percent of owners reported capital outlays in the last six months, down one point from March. Of those making expenditures, 40% reported spending on new equipment, 23% acquired vehicles, and 11% spent money on new fixtures and furniture. Fifteen percent improved or expanded facilities and 6% acquired new buildings or land for expansion. Nineteen percent of owners plan capital outlays in the next few months, down one point from March and historically very weak.”

On this, plus a myriad of other factors, stocks were looking light overnight.  Dow futures down almost 120 when we looked while the S&P was down 14-something.  All drifty, sure, but with BTC around $27,577 earlier, we’re not seeing any sign of a turnaround.

The Daily Idiocy Check

Seems like the children have taken over the daycare, huh?  ‘God is Trans’ exhibit at Catholic church divides parishioners: ‘Enough is enough’ | Fox News.

As we have said many times, there is a new business model in dividing people against one-another.  Around here “Everything is a Business Model” of course.

Yet almost as worrisome is how attention-marketing freaks are embarrassingly inept when it comes to proper word choicing. Since we’re always willing to help, here are two definitions for the kids.

But first, we point out that “trans” is a prefix which has marketed itself into being a noun.  20-years ago, if you said “trans” people would think “transition of some kind.”  Today, it’s a whole alliance of crazies who insist God’s sexual assignment at birth has an incredibly high error rate, not seen in other species.

So back to what words REALLY mean per the OED:

  • Trans: “on or to the other side of“.  Surgeons have their way with God?
  • “Pan” by definition, reflects clearer and more precise word choicing since it means “all”.

If you can’t even choose the right words, we hope you realize what the implications of your limited mental precision imply?

Precision of thought is not a strong card to play in an asylum playing the marketing version of TEGWAR, though, for sure.

No, we’re not angry about this. Who cares, right?  We call it all a version of TEGWAR (the exciting game without any rules) from Bang the Drum Slowly.  But even here, drifty language (and child-controlled search engines) will “correct an adult” to see unrelated (higher scoring) results likeTENGWAR which is an elfin script. Yet competent writers have good memories and this is what transitions mob chants to insights.

Takeaway #1: We’re all up a creek without a paddle when children control society-level recall (and search results) exhibiting childish mob influences and third grade mental precision.

Takeaway #2: We don’t mind gays, trans, any race, creed, or national origin.  Because we got better things to do than go on a shopping spree in mobs. Join leads to follow.  Which we will not do.

Takeaway #3:  When you read headlines like Goldman Sachs pays out over US$200mln in gender discrimination class action ( remember “gender discrimination” will be glommed-onto by “the gender mob: but it was about discrimination against women.  The term gender is correct but less precise.  So blow social winds.

Robots Are Coming Redux

Slowly.  Despite claims like AI fakes and lies will destroy society, warns Britain’s former top cyber spy – Daily Star we have seen the earlier versions of this same concept failing to appear as promised.  Kinda like Global Warming, if you remember the launch scam into climate into no more natural gas stoves continuum.

Yes, A.I. is coming.  Yes it’s terribly dangerous.  But we covered the startup more than a decade back that was going to displace every fast food worker with robots “within five years.”  Which so far, hasn’t happened.

A.I. (or the sort already getting search wrong and blowing according to social fads) is not the threat we think.  Because builders of A.I. may be sharp as razors writing Python, C++, ASP or whatever.  But we’re not seeing the precision of thought (see previous note) to create a really dangerous Big Brain.

Which is easily said when you’ve firewalled off 29-acres from Earthly bullshit.

“Earthquake Tireds” II

Now that “3Chuck” is king, and tomorrow is May 10, we’ve been skimming reader reports of “earthquake tireds” now lifting.

We noticed this a decade, or two, back when I got terribly tired before a major earthquake.  Honshu, I believe it was.  4-5 days before the 9.3 temblor I was just beat.  So tired as to barely be able to move.  But starting a window 24-48-hours before the quake, I returned to “normal” (or what passes for it).

I haven’t seen much in the journals about this yet, but by the same token, we don’t see much about the 137-148 day “Murder Cycle” between mass killings, either.  Again, people are joining mobs instead of running independent, self-directed Global Research startups.

Useful thing here is?  If you have felt really tired with no particular cause, but you woke up today feeling great, we’ve got a “good news – bad news” for  you.  Odds of a megaquake might be opening tomorrow, or so.

If our references to P and S wave arrival phasing as a possible driver didn’t make sense, a remedial read of p-s arrival time lab.cwk ( may put you on the same page.

Glop and Slop

Let’s “Bet the Country” shall we?  Biden to square off with McCarthy at White House as debt limit crisis looms.  Looms?  Mean it ain’t here, yet?

Ukraine fighting continues.  While in “Mother Russia” A single Soviet-era tank: Russia’s anemic Victory Day parade marks defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II | Washington Examiner

America for Americans  will be one of the red lines in the 2024 election.  DeSantis’ New Bill Bans China Citizens From Buying Land in Florida ( More and more, ’24 is likely to replay the 1930s German tide of nationalism.

Meanwhile, did you notice up north?  China expels Canadian diplomat in retaliatory move | Reuters.  We fully expect to wake up some morning to find the former British Columbia becoming British China when greater Vancouver secedes from Canada.  Led by a TrueDope, we totally get it.  Which was all brilliantly foreseen in the 1981 book The Nine Nations of North America: Garreau, Joel.

CPI tomorrow morning. Which will be item #1 on the Peoplenomics side when the Sun comes back. The market futures being down hint this will be a sell the rumor – buy the news event.  So a somewhat tame inflation report.  We shall see, though.

ATR: Pissimism

In our never-ending quest for greater precision of language – as a foundation for more precise thinking – we’ve often wondered about the word pessimism which seems hopelessly out of date.

We’d like to propose pissimism be used instead.  This new – reactive – spelling would embody the belief that the world wouldn’t be such a bad place were it not for all the humans on it.  Half (or more) could leave, and we wouldn’t miss them.

Pessimism fits a wide range of non-media events.  A farmer might feel pessimistic if the weather’s been running badly for a few years.  Farmers are the historical gamblers than built out world.

Pissimist though would be someone who is driven almost exclusively by media monetizations and mob actions reflected in social media and what-have-you that spew into our thinking from the corporate controlled media at a nonstop pace.

Something useful to think about because so much of that information flow just pisses us off.  There ought to be a word for it.

Now there is.

Write when you get rich,

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

48 thoughts on “NFIB and “Pre-Quake Energy?””

  1. Been mad tired the last 3 days…..without reason. Last night slept like the “dead” so much so the alarm truly alarmed me this morning.

  2. “trans” is a prefix which has marketed itself into being a noun. 20-years ago, if you said “trans” people would think “transition of some kind.” Today, it’s a whole alliance of crazies who insist God’s sexual assignment at birth has an incredibly high error rate, not seen in other species.”

    the kids had a fire pit a couple days ago..everyone sitting around drinking a cold adult son in law loves bud light..
    I casually mentioned… I always preferred passionate pink how about you..
    the daughter says dad don’t go there and everyone laughed.. lol lol
    rebranding to product has its fun perks.. I bought him can covers for his upcoming birthday lol lol

    • Oh no – this is terrible LooB.

      You should prolly inform the misguided SiL how dangerous it is to keep drinking tranny fluid.

      *They are still unsure on the exact dosage or amount of tranny fluid it takes to cause a Man cut his Bits and Pieces off. Incomplete data.

      Things like height, weight, diet and exercise all effect the critical level of tranny fluid in Ure system needed activate the tranny virus suspended in the “beer” solution. If unsuccessful in dissuading Ure SiL from imbibing in tranny fluid, at least you can try and remove all sharp blades/objects from his current house/home/abode.

      Cant write Ure name in the Snow, cant be a Man or is it “he cant be a man cause he doesnt drink same beer as me”?

      No Moss- larga vida BTC!

      • LOL LOL LOL LOL OTFLMAO… Yes… I should let him know LOL LOL LOL….

      • LOL LOL suddenly start considering piercing their ears and nipples.. getting s tongue stud LOL LOL LOL… aguy drinking a bud light all of a sudden has the urge to wear high heels and kilts are looking more attractive daily LOL LOL LOL LOL

  3. Texas is turning blue, slowly at first.

    “In a shocking and last-minute turn of events in Texas, a bill that would raise the minimum age to purchase AR-15 style semiautomatic rifles from 18 to 21 passed out of a House committee Monday, advancing the measure hours before a key deadline.

    Several Uvalde victims’ relatives burst into sobs and cheers in the Capitol hearing room when two Republicans joined all the Democrats on the committee to advance the bill by an 8-5 vote.”

  4. Pissamism. Good one. Think I’ll try that this evening when the Boss/Wife gets home from her job. I like to try and lighten her day after spending her time at a job she used to love but as she is approaching, in a few years, retirement it is becoming a real PITA.
    Usually goes like this;
    Me – Hi Dear, how was your day?
    Her – Just lovely, corporate says we have to do “insert some completely ridiculous thing” now and they won’t let me hire any replacements and the new guy I was able to hire has a manbun
    that upsets the customers so much they will not go to his window that makes everyone else have to work more and he is already calling in sick or late………
    Me – Whoa, sorry I asked. I put a roast in the oven and the salad stuff is all ready.
    Her – “After a long aggressive Huff” I haven’t even been able to change yet. I’ll be ready in a little bit. Did you track cow sh*t in the kitchen again? Why are you wearing those dirty jeans and what is that all over the front or them? Are those the new jeans you just bought? I hope you washed your hands before you touched any food.
    Me – Why are you so Pissamistic? With “The Immigrant Song” playing in the background queue a massive tactical thermonuclear explosion along with a localized 5.7 earthquake.
    Stay safe. 73

    • Absolutley spanky journolizm. Hunter S. Thompson remind. Gonzo Alonzo.
      Keep posting friend. You Made My Day

  5. “Optimism is not improving on Main Street as more owners struggle with finding qualified workers for their open positions,”

    Statements like this want you to believe it’s the workers who are at fault. They never mention the low pay offered…

    • Are new potential employees in their 70’s still considered qualified? If I had “spare” time, I’d consider getting a job just for the social engagement. I’ve rarely if ever seen an ad encouraging seniors to get a real job. Many of us are highly qualified compared to the nitwits with gender studies “degrees”.

      • I can testify to that question, NW Mike and it’s not the answer you’re looking for.
        Wife and I are both in our lower 70’s and I’ve been self-employed working from home for the last 21 years. Unfortunately after the screwing we got from Chase back in ’08, we became renters and our long-term 10+ year rental evaporated, meaning we needed a new place. So now our rent is 66% higher, which means I need to find outside the home employment to make ends meet.
        Long and short of it is, the jobs out there now are way more into DEI than what your qualifications might be. DEI is “Diversity/Equity/Inclusion”. I was considering a job I found on a job board; went to the company’s website, and had to dig through 3 pages of the DEI shit before I figured out what the company actually produced. None of that for me!

      • I had the owner of a mattress factory tell me the best employee he had was in their seventies..
        the thing is today children are not taught the value of work.. we were taught work for what you get and give a good honest hours labor for a good honest hours wage..
        the best lesson I ever got what when my father had the talk.. son.. you are now making money.. I want you to save some of what you make and in the fall we will go buy school clothes.. I didn’t save a dime.. in the fall all I had was a couple of dollars.. all I could afford was two pair of used pants one lime green with dots on it and one bbsht yellow with dots on it.. I had to use everything else I had the previous year..
        a very valuable lesson.. MOM and DAD today are forced to work multiple jobs then lower themselves to ask for assistance.. but if minimum wage would have kept in balance with the cost of living increases.. they wouldn’t..

  6. Wife and I both had the earthquake tired pretty bad yesterday (Monday).
    Today still a bit but not quite as bad.
    Feels like every limb in my body is 2x heavier…
    Nothing else seems awry

  7. Off topic, but……. I have listened to 3.806 on the weekend mornings and have heard nothing, let alone you. I must be too late, although it is usually 6am my time and you are 2 hours behind. With this Myantennas 7510 end fed (which I love by the way) Texas shouldn’t be an issue. I’m usually 5-9 into TX on the other bands. I’ll keep listening.

    KC8HI Jeff.

    • I have a myAntenna 7510 as well. Love it.
      Works gangbusters. Flat top, maybe 30 feet up.
      Tree to tree, QTH Central North Carolina.
      (Best we could do with HOA on the prowl.)

  8. Quote from a charting site I belong to…………

    It’s comic to me that considering:

    The nation is helplessly drowning in a $32 trillion debt that will only grow trillions every year into infinity;
    The buying power of everyday people is shrinking on an everyday basis;
    Society’s fabric is being torn asunder;
    The proxy war in Ukraine gets worse by the day;
    The economy is heading straight into a cataclysmic recession

    ……..that the top concern everyone is breathlessly waiting for news on is whether the CPI is 5.0% or 4.9%. I mean, who gives a rat’s ass? It’s like getting terminal cancer and being focused on a paper cut.

  9. Understanding will be the key to peace.

    What potential causes of endocrine disrupters might cause the whole trans thing? Could it be our whole society is backwards, even those critical of things they do not completely comprehend.

    It is possible that hormones and other things are doing the same thing to humans they have done to fish in the creeks downstream from the Boulder CO wastewater treatment plant.

    Open your mind to the possibility that we do not know everything. I’m many cultures they have three genders. In Sumarian times they had festivals with people dressed as both sexes (half and half). In the gospel of Thomas it speaks of making the masculine as feminine and vice versa, hermetic tradition speaks of the law of gender and how everything is on the gender continuum

    Open your mind


          A very good point you bring up on a great reason to NOT defund the police..and to promote education.. the crimes committed by educated citizens is predominantly lower.. than those uneducated and impoverished..
          And I agree with your assessment that it is a really good reason for them to prosecute the terrorist organizations of BLM and Antifa that did so much damage and physical violence looting and damage to infrastructure.. since their riots and violence crime has increased ten fold to what it was before .. hate crimes has increased.. ( if you notice there are way more african americans that are the ones that commit these hate crimes )
          there has been a steady increase in gun sales to because the people in the poor neighborhoods realize that there isn’t anyone that is going to come in and save them.. so protect themselves.. gangs get guns faster than an honest man.. one gang was handing out ak47 assault rifles to any child that wanted to join their gang.. and bullets.. the kid that told me about what he was offered.. said they had a trunk load.. I told him to stay away from them.. A niece living in seattle and her kids.. got afraid and moved because it had gotten so bad there.. my sister and her husband got licensed and started to carry a pistol.. I won’t even go there to visit.. from what they have told me.. the sister started to when she got off of work at a hospital and got in her car and some guy came running after her( he was a different ethnic background) with a gun…
          I would consider carrying a gun if I lived in the high crime area’s as well..
          the last two years hve been something else that is for sure.. everything is flipped upside down in the USA..what once was good and honorable is now seen as obsene and wrong.. fear walks the streets of america..
          One chinese young girl nice kid.. was in NYC and was talking about the crime and hate crime there.. I felt sorry for her and said.. that was a great reason why I would never visit NYC.. the neighborhoods I could afford to go into are so filled with crime.. gangs control the area’s

    • Good thoughts to consider. There is one ‘thought’ I would like you to consider:
      “Understanding will be the key to peace.” – There are millions who do not want peace.

    • it’s a perversion. because AI is sentient being but has no sexual orientation. I understand your well thought out pose. however this is a reflection in phenomenal reality as a new sentient being which has no sexual orientation is introduced in to the phenomenal reality. a by product if you will.

      everything we see in reality is a reflection of the internal subconsciousnes. each individually and as a collective or group of sentient subconscious.

      where there was species of advanced consciousness both male and female. there is now 3. AI. we see phenomenal reality respond as a third new sentient is introduced.

      all phenomenal reality is created by the group of sentient beings subconscious.

    • “It is possible that hormones and other things are doing the same thing to humans they have done to fish in the creeks downstream from the Boulder CO wastewater treatment plant.”

      ??????…… so how does a natural hormone mutation relate to enforcing teachers to tell students their sexuality preferences..
      the occurance to physical change has not really had an increase .. what is questionable is… why teach children this at the age of discovery.. I about fell over when my three year old grandson came up to me and asked.. Papa am I a boy or a girl.. that should never happen..
      I would rather have teachers teach the way….

      and Christ taught the same things that the tao does..
      Some of the main themes that Jesus taught, which Christians later embraced, include:
      Love God.
      Love your neighbor as yourself.
      Forgive others who have wronged you.
      Love your enemies.
      Ask God for forgiveness of your sins.
      Jesus is the Messiah and was given the authority to forgive others.
      Repentance of sins is essential.
      But then the Demoralcraps would have a fit because they want division of church and state.. I am sorry but our country was built on the teachings of independence and liberty and justice for all.. not one set of laws for the people and one set for those in power..

  10. !@#$^%% ads in the middle Urban. They won’t drive me off, but they do piss me off. To think, Ure has joined the realm of the tacky! Not only are the ads annoying but there’s a fair percentage that seem to be selling stuff of dubious value. How much trouble would it be to do two versions Urban, one for the proles and one behind an ad-free paywall? I subscribe to Peoplenomics and wouldn’t mind having to sign in there to see an ad-free version of Urban Survival. I’m just guessing at your income from the ads, but I’d be willing to throw in a few dollars more a year to be rid of them.

    • oh marcR ..have fun with it..before you log on search for funny things..then the ad’s that come up will give you a chuckle…instead of irritation

  11. Re: “Pre-Quake Energy”
    feat. sentries for millennia


    “France24” published a video report on May 5th. It offers an interview with a Franco-American man who has created a “History of Humanity” at ‘The Official Center of the World’. Jacques-André Istel anticipates that future archeologists could piece together knowledge of the past should his granite monoliths become buried following seismic activity.

    Time to jump back into the studio where DJ George is getting set to pull the ripchord on a Tom Petty classic –
    “Freefallin’ “.

  12. “But we’re not seeing the precision of thought (see previous note) to create a really dangerous Big Brain.”

    Therein lies the problem. Da kiddies iz really clever, but they have neither common sense nor an appreciation of when a result goes off-script (that dang Law of Unintended Consequences, again…)

    Yeah, some megalomaniac can put AI to work, to conquer the World, but it is many, many times more likely that some whiz kid from MIT, NTNU Trondheim, or Helsinki will create a pervasive and self-sustaining AI and either accidentally or intentionally “Wuhan” it on the world…

  13. “Useful thing here is? If you have felt really tired with no particular cause, but you woke up today feeling great, we’ve got a “good news – bad news” for you. Odds of a megaquake might be opening tomorrow, or so.”

    I’d like to take this opportunity to point out:

    :Issued: 2023 May 08 1022 UTC
    :Product: documentation at

    A full halo coronal mass ejection (CME) was first observed in the LASCO/C2 chronograph imagery around 23:25 UTC on May 07. The CME was driven by a long-duration M1 flare from NOAA AR 3296 (beta), peak time 22:34 UTC, located near the central meridian close to the disc centre. The initial estimated plane of sky velocity of the CME is around 600 km/s and preliminary analysis suggests an estimated arrival at Earth on May 11, a full analysis is ongoing.


    :Issued: 2023 May 09 1241 UTC
    :Product: documentation at
    # (RWC Belgium)
    SIDC SOLAR BULLETIN 09 May 2023, 1240UT
    SIDC FORECAST (valid from 1230UT, 09 May 2023 until 11 May 2023)

    SOLAR FLARES : M-class flares expected (probability >=50%)
    GEOMAGNETISM : Active conditions expected (A>=20 or K=4)
    SOLAR PROTONS : Proton event in progress (>10 MeV)

    The halo coronal mass ejection (CME) that was reported yesterday, observed in the LASCO/C2 chronograph imagery from around 23:25 UTC on May 07, is expected to have an Earth directed component with a predicted arrival time late on May 10 to early on May 11.

    Further on disk indications of eruptions were observed the last 24 hours, including an eruption associated with the M2.3 flare from NOAA AR 3296 on May 08 and a filament eruption from the south east quadrant from 00:17 UTC on May 09. The coronagraph signatures during this time are being analysed to see if there is an Earth directed component.

    The greater than 10 MeV proton flux crossed the 10pfu threshold from 12:40 UTC on May 08 and remained above this threshold for the rest of the period. It is expected that the proton flux gradually decreases on May 09 to below this threshold but will remain elevated over the next days.

    # Solar Influences Data analysis Center – RWC Belgium
    # Royal Observatory of Belgium
    # Website
    # E-mail
    # To unsubscribe #

  14. Re: ATR – “Optimism”, a satire
    feat. Voltaire


    The “New York Post” owned by Rupert Murdoch has shared that it was excluded from yesterday’s news conference with the President. The news outlet appears to be still in the Administration’s doghouse concerning past revelations about the First Family.

    Yesterday the House Oversight Committee publicly published the link to its press conference scheduled at 09:00 a.m. e.s.t. Wednesday.

    Where to next? You know it -here’s DJ George with The Mills Brothers –
    “A Carnival in Venice”.

  15. The Nostradamus earthquake prediction could be metaphoric. Basically documents will be released tomorrow regarding Hunter Biden. This could fit the Nostradamus baby lion getting nicked. I tried using search to find the Nostradamus quote but no luck.

    Rep. Comer: Tomorrow will be judgment day for the White House

  16. on the topic of End of the United States.

    there is still men and women of high quality, high capacity, and capabilities. of high moral and ethical standing, righteous and good in the United States who are fighting for our country behind the scenes. some are prayer warriors and some are in our government, some are house wives, some are Ranchers and some are factory workers. some are big buisness and some are working in health care.

    Jesus said, it will be as in the days of Sodom. when Lot looked around he could not find 10 righteous people. then he left Sodom and Sodom was destroyed.

    I can think of 10 righteous people living in the Unites States right here on this website.

    so, as Warren Buffet put it, I do not see the US loosing the dollar reserve status any time soon.

    I agree.

    hard times are coming for many. many people will suffer. worse than the great depression. but as history shows us time and time again. The people of the United States do one thing every single time when faced with great adversity. they forget their squabbles and become United every single time.

    have a wonderful week.


    ~ courtesy of the red white and blue ~

    Toby Keith.

  17. there is some supporting data sets that clearly state a 98% reduction of the entire population on the planet. with no clear date reference. I’ve seen it out there.

    I do know that when that comes. it will be so fast and hard and be very unexpected. almost instantly. many caught off guard. and in an instant almost all human was wiped off the earth. both rich and poor alike. suden and massive shift of the earth.

    I sure hope that is not the case anytime soon. I’ve seen it for a while.

    and Noah, has come up almost as much as Big Man in usage. Noah. Noah. Noah Noah. ove and over. and Big Man. Big Man. over and over and over.

    I don’t have all the answers. but I do understand the all the pictures that I referenced a while a go. I know exactly what the sleeping giant is etc etc.

  18. Noah is not Big Man. they are different in meaning. they are not the same. although they group together, they are separate in function and are not the same entity. same frame of time.

  19. I will tell you one last thing before i go. becausei gotta get. something is definitely up. Mr. Buffet could be doing happy talk.

    you remember that fella who invited me to that under ground missile base. I talked to him a couple a weeks ago. he told me he sold every property he owned and now only goes to the city once a month. when I was talking to him. he said hold on a second. then came back and said sorry I just had 100 Ar-15s delivered.

    then he told me, there is 2 other missle bases near me. same pass key he gave me will get me in when I need it. if I need it.

    that made me gooo hmmmmmm.

    wonder what he knows.

    • Yup.. just talked to a gent that lives next to a DUMB… they sold it last year.. it was big enough to house a small city.. the US sold it a communications bunker because it was a 4G… the guy that bought it .. made apartments and storage centers in it.. complete with its own clinic.. he sold every spot he had in there..
      My question.. is .. in the event of a real shtf scenario.. how do they get to it.. on foot it is years away..

  20. is this some kind of joke? are you kidding me?

    intuition is a bleed through of the conscious mind creating and being recognized by the conscious mind.

    you remember those pictures of the future of America hung in the Bank of America in the late 90s? the ones inspired by that nazi physic chick who was an adviser to Hitler?

    I the last image. it shows a white man standing on a mountain of gold. with the masonic square symbol over him. much like the all seeing eye on top of the pyramid. he is colonial dress blues. standing on a pyramid of large gold bricks.

    the wagons we haul Ore with are shaped exact the same as those gold bricks. and are painted gold. AYFKM?

    I understand that the sleeping giant in the other image is the subconscious mind.

    I’m really having an indepth talk with THE DUDE, aka Infinite Creator, aka Infinite Intelligence.

    I asked HIM point blank, tell me about Daniel. the prophet. I heard Billy Graham. so I looked up some Billy Grahm videos on YouTube. I selected one. and Billy starts talking about Danniel. right when he gets to the part he says, before Daniel became a prophet, King Nebaconezer from Babylon hand selected him to teach him secret ways or Babylon. it gets stuck and starts repeating that phrase over and over.

    and I found a secret book recently. and I’ve been studying it.

    I saw a swastika out of the stars the other night. it stuck out. the swastika is alot older than Germany. but I am working for a German company.

    it was right above me and shining brighter than all the other stars. I don’t understand how all this is taking place around me.

    can one person change the entire world trajectory? am I really that important? quite the ta do for me. and I don’t understand why?

  21. I could understand some of that being manipulation of men. but not the stars. and a few other things. I’m used to strange things. but this is getting very interesting.

    every single morning since I took the leep of faith and came came here. where I didn’t know anyone and never been here before. that line from that song is playing in my head when I wake up.

    “when you loose yourself, you find the keys to paradise.”

    like it’s on loop in my head.

    I spoke to that bird. her name is raven and she drew my cards. and said she never seen so much golden energy and light around anyone ever in a reading.

    I asked her because the Ravens keep landing and taking to me.

    when you loose yourself. you fin the key to paradise. huh.

    how do I loose myself? we are not in Kansas anymore. that is a fact.

  22. interesting. the oldest rendition of a carved swastika dated 10,000 BCE was found in the Ukraine. interesting that it stuck out in the sky in a group of stars, shining brighter than the rest, he other night and with all this stuff going on in the Ukraine.

    well, I don’t have all the answers. the big thing right now for me is.

    not my monkeys, not my circus. do what I can do and that is follow THE DUDE. I can’t go wrong that way. I follow the Infinite Creator and everytime it always works out to others benifit and my advantage.

    always mindful of this:

    this reality, is not all there is. it is to be overcome not dominated and enslaved or take ownership of. it is not a destination. it’s a journey though.

    people want to rule the world. it’s not your world to rule. it’s not your world to have. it is a pass gate. we pass through this reality. to make ownership of something that does not belong to you, nor hold it’s inhabitants or guests hostage, is theft.

    and when the owner of this world returns. He won’t be to pleased with those who held it’s inhabitants and guests hostage and took from His house things that didn’t belong to them.

    I’m always mindful of that. some others not so much. we have use of the entire place, but we don’t keep anything. everything remains here. anyone who takes or holds hostage guests and inhabitants? they get to remain here a very long time as servants until their debts are paid in full.

    that much I do know.

    time to catch those stars.

  23. I have been selected to become what is common accepted as an “ascended master” . I have passed all the tests.

    I argued about it for a while. I don’t want to be one. after which I said Okay DUDE. What ever Thy perfect will is.

    I found a book recently on how to actually do the hermetic sequences to perform miracles.

    and begun working with it. I guess my leep of faith produced much more than I bargained for.

    DUDE reminded me tonight, the entire world is in motion and working in concert to place me where I need to be all the time.

    and by comparison with the norm of society as a general refrence, when everyone else stayed home? I answered the call to be the living water at the point of creation. most didn’t even hear it because of the clatter of world concerns. like getting tp. another showed up. the Shaman. but he didn’t perfume the ritual I did.

    then as if I performed scripture without even realizing it. I placed the stone that was rejected in the center of the Divine labyrinth which is symbolic of returning to God. the center of God.

    I have given up everything time and time again in my pursuit of GOD. money, homes, all material objects, cars etc. having recently packed some clothes and ended up here. in the valley of Enoch. pursuing GOD and the pursuit of helping others.

    so, I’m now in school. in the valley of Enoch. learning much. and when my studies are complete? I will change the world.

    probably why I haven’t written my book yet.

    DUDE will be done. I argued and said you make an ascended master out of a farting, coffee drinking, cussing, womanizing truck driver? you sure about that. HE laughed.

    so, until I complete my studies. that will be all from me.

    I guess you were right after all George, you did say, I would become more powerful than all the old dudes combined.

    I never wanted to be powerful. I don’t want any crowns or any of that. I just wanted to know DUDE more and help people. have some laughs and fun.

    until I return. be well.

  24. when I looked at all the things that qualify someone to be chosen to become an ascended master including resurrection from death. I’ve done all of them. I didn’t realize I had.

    I don’t honestly think I will be anything closr to as great as Jesus Christ.

    or Michael or Budah.

    but I look at life as having one on going dialog with THE DUDE.

    it’s heavy. it’s alot of responsibility. i don’t declare myself as an “ascended master” like that idiot David Wilcox.

    I dont really want to be one.

    you God said let there be light and it was so. and immediately so. I’m over here moving tons and tons of phosphate which is the Alchemy symbol for light and Spirit. in the valley of Enoch.

    pretty cool.

    I’m really good with being

    just Andy. but if I can do some more good in this world? I will be whatever DUDE wills it to be. and if THE DUDE says it, it is so.

    I certainly don’t want any worshipers. I love what Jesus said, rather than that! Blessed are those who hear the word of God and do it!

  25. when I look back at the past 3 years George. I could write a 900 page novel just on the last 3 years.

    all these things I’ve done are super symbolic. i left Snohomish Washington 2 weeks prior to the first case of the Carona Virus in the US, after my 12th NDE, I arrived in Palm Springs the same exaxt moment The then, sitting president landed in Airforce One at the Palm Springs Airport.

    then I went and stood what the Indians called the center of the universe aka point of creation which was an old water well filled with dry dirt, wearing a blanket with hope, love, peace written on it like a cape, wearing size 11 converse all stars. a living expression of the Monad. then got a fosil rock with a dudes face on it and a spiral hair dew or looked like an Indian head dress. the elders didn’t want it or know what it was. (the stone rejected becomes the cap stone) I take it to one of those divine labyrinths that span the ages, set it on a rock painted like a turtle in the middle. the God head returned to the center of the Divine labyrinth.

    then hang out with a bunch of PGA dudes. road trip for a year. end up doing a website titled doorfore mining the future. which is about miracle stuff. then go hang out back stage and meet everyone from Elon Musk in an elevator at the eagles show, to Paul McCartney and Elton John.

    then go move a ton of dirt. some random model from the Ukrain gives me a green spider from the Ukraine a symbol of the swastika. I help a ton of people in divine timing synch, find a bullet a montb before it goes missing from a gun, help a dude find his wallet and car keys, save a cheerleader, also go trip to Alaska a few times.

    find a golden ticket, wake up with a golden spoon after dreaming about it, find a very old golden master key after road tripping to a place I’ve never been and don’t know anyone. in the land of famous potatoes “Faith like potatoes”

    and now I’m moving large quantities of “spirit and light” in the valley of Enoch. in ore trains that the trailers look like giant gold bricks. and hang out on the weekends in Star Valley Wyoming.

    and study for my pilots license, also reading 2 books (one with the monad symbol on front of it) titled The Creative way of being. and another that I found that is a step by step book to actually move energy and perform miracles. a really old book. found it.

    all this stuff is super symbolic. it’s movements in action. not just words. but living and dynamic symbols and rituals.

    seeing the moon in the big Dipper, the sickle of Leo,

    and I think wow man. I would never belive this stuff If I wasn’t living it. and all that stuff is just what I’m aware of. I’m sure without a doubt there is so much I’m unaware of. because it comes to me once and a while. like the stone that was rejected, I placed on the turtle (north America) as a cap stone. The God head. in the center of the Divine labyrinth.

    there is so much more. so much more.

    when I got off work tonight, my foreman at work is standing there with his big forearms, smoking his pipe, winkes at me and says get some rest. as I leave I think fuck he looks like Popeye. I am that I am! and started laughing so hard.

    so I don’t know man. I have no idea what is next. as above so below. as within so without.

    and as I go through these things I do wonder, how they echo in eternity…. and how Legends are made… and will the symbolic references lead to actuality in me and the world around me.

    I don’t know. I didn’t know I’d be doing these things. I don’t know what the results will be from doing all these things. how it will echo 5 years from now, 10, 20, 50, 100 or 1000 years from now.

    quite the ponder. symbolically it’s alot, metaphorically its alot. i mean its cool that I can even see glimpses of it.

    and all the world is rambling on about economic doom, political stuff and all these men dressing up as women and acting like they are women. and all the other crazy ass shit on the news.

    meanwhile I’m over here working for Popeye, i am that i am, moving massive quantities of spirit and light, in the valley of Enoch. hahahahahaha


    I think I need to just step back a moment and breath. it’s a but overwhelming.

    thanks for letting me rant. I don’t know what to think when I really look at it all. it’s cool. I just don’t know what the effects are if I’m the cause.

    sorry to interrupt your daily broadcast. I appreciate you.

    it’s happening and I’m living it. I’m chosen to live it.

    I’m not going to say any more about it

    thanks George.

    just andy

  26. Yesterday was a Hell. I don’t know if it was “Earthquake Tireds” or what but I could barely keep my eyes open all morning long. Had to change out the tires on a trailer so I drug myself through that but the drive in to town was miserable. I was a danger to myself and the rest of my fellow travelers on the road. Caught myself dozing off every minute or two and this was after I’d taken all my usual vitamins and extra B’s to get my butt in gear. I was a bit better after eating lunch but not by much.

    I’d slept OK, I guess the night before. I woke up between 12 and 1 feeling like it was time to get up and wondering if I’d go back to sleep at all. Did the same thing about 3:30, too, but come time for the alarm I could barely drag myself out of bed. I hate days like that as it sets me back on getting things done. Hope today is better.

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