This is not simple and I’m sorry for the length of today’s post. We kinda, sorta, knew this was going to be happening: UFO/UAP/USOs – the whole lot of it.
We saw in coming in Clif High’s early “Alta Reports” – where the language showed in his models as “space goat farts.” (Which we may have just had in Pennsylvania, and we’ll get to that.) In more recent reports on his site, Clif’s been talking a lot about aliens coming. While some questioned whether stress was “getting to him” the apparent answer is no; looks more like a highly accurate pre-read of the Future.
Others – who look at Future (wondering what it brings) – have done their work basis other methods. While Clif’s work digests huge segments of social media (looking for tell-tale linguistic shifts) other approaches tot he future seem equally valid. G.A. Stewart’s extreme focus on Nostradamus and understanding of his Quatrains, is another example. So’s Farsight remote viewing.
My interest is in further the “triangulation” of future events. So let’s start with Stu’s work (hat tip to reader J.C. for remembering this, and I’ll paste his post for convenience):
“Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart. 2019, Page 186
It is all about, The War of the Gods.
Human history is one great Space Opera that most people refuse to accept.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:3
By the means of Satan, Infernal Prince, so many evils will be committed that the entire world will be found undone and desolate.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:3
[By the technology and weapons given to the New World Order] by the Infernal Prince, Azazyel and the Watchers, so many evils will be committed that the entire world will be found undone and desolate.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:4
Before these events many rare birds will cry in the air. Now, now, and sometime later vanish.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:4
Before these events, [Extraterrestrial Spacecraft] will appear in the skies and announce, “now, now.” [Their appearance will signify a coming nuclear attack and the opening of the Seven Seals.]
Stu’s post that this is from is here: THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL WARNING – THE AGE OF DESOLATION. For even more (based on Nostradamus) consider buying Stu’s Nostradmus Compendium books, here.
Tracking: Clif’s work has talked about SGF’s and Stu’s got a context of the Space Opera which we generalize as “question the skies.” Sound familiar?
Are the Vimana’s Back?
Were the warnings about “aliens” showing up in language work, and relateable to Stu’s research not enough, there is reasonably solid historical evidence that various “flying crafts” have been around in Earth’s history, that they indeed were works of “not from here” species, and they had remarkable physical properties.
Indian (country, not first-peoples) had a whole traditional context for these unexplainable events. Our first Wikipedia cite goes like this:
Vimana are mythological flying palaces or chariots described in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics. The “Pushpaka Vimana” of Ravana (who took it from Kubera; Rama returned it to Kubera) is the most quoted example of a vimana. Vimanas are also mentioned in Jain texts.
But more important to the framework laid out today is this part – the etymology of these crafts:
The Sanskrit word vimana literally means “measuring out, traversing” or “having been measured out”. Monier Monier-Williams defines vim?na as “a car or a chariot of the gods, any self-moving aerial car sometimes serving as a seat or throne, sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air; other descriptions make the Vimana more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be seven stories high”, and quotes the Pushpaka Vimana of Ravana as an example. It may denote any car or vehicle, especially a bier or a ship as well as a palace of an emperor, especially with seven stories.[1] Nowadays, vimana, vim?n or bim?n means “aircraft” in Indian languages, for example, the Bangladesh Biman (national flag carrier of Bangladesh) and in the town names Vimanapura (a suburb of Bangalore) and Vimannagar (a town in Pune). In another context, Vimana is a feature in Hindu temple architecture.
More to the point here is that India also has more recent *(not just ancient) references. For this, you may wish to consider the Vaimanika Shastra.
“The “shastra on the topic of Vimanas”; or “science of aeronautics”, sometimes also rendered Vimanika, Vymanika, Vyamanika) is a 20th-century text in Sanskrit. It makes the claim that the vimanas mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were advanced aerodynamic flying vehicles.
The existence of the text was revealed in 1952 by G. R. Josyer who asserted that it was written by Pandit Subbaraya Shastry (1866–1940), who dictated it during the years 1918–1923. A Hindi translation was published in 1959, while the Sanskrit text with an English translation was published in 1973. It contains 3000 shlokas in 8 chapters which Shastry claimed was psychically delivered to him by the ancient Hindu sage Bharadvaja.[1] The text has gained favour among proponents of ancient astronauts.
A study by aeronautical and mechanical engineering researchers at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in 1974 concluded that the aircraft described in the text were “poor concoctions” and that the author showed a complete lack of understanding of aeronautics.”
While it is easy to dismiss, if scientists dealing with laminar flows over airfoils insist on keeping their blinders on, it’s far more likely that aeronautics is not the fundamental principle of operation.
Indeed, in the (so far declassified) reports, it’s clear that these are “trans-medium craft.” Meaning they operate in ocean depths, where Navy sound gear operators have reported USO (unidentified submersible objects) traveling near our boomers at speeds in the vicinity of 800 knots.
As a well-informed colleague and I were discussing earlier this week, the complete lack of supersonic shockwave as such crafts regularly break the “sound barrier” in atmospheric operations, further confirms the notion of their non-aeronautic basis.
Now, Let’s Talk Farts
Specifically Clif’s Space Goat Farts. Without understanding it, at the time, I was not only privy to a SGF this week (over Pennsylvania) but I reported the entire event on the site Wednesday.
“A Major Woo?
One of my well-informed sources, who knows of my electronics background, called with an urgent question Tuesday.
“George, you’ve got to turn on – Zoom in over Pennsylvani. Now, turn on the radar layer and hit the playback button.”
“OK…” And this is what I saw:
“Looks pretty normal…real normal…”
“Let it play.”
“Holy crap, what was that?
I played the weather loop several times It began very close to the top of the hour and was dissipated within 4-6 minutes, depending on your eyes and which residuals you wanted to rope in.
“Wow! A [something] – the size of half of Pennsylvania – and not too far northwest of where the UAP sightings have been in the past week in New Jersey – created a HUGE radio polarizing event.”
An alternative explanation – that precip all over Pennsylvania just “turned on” for four minutes and then quit? I’ve never seen that kind of thing before…
It was enough energy to make “regular condensation” (in clouds) look like it was solid extreme downpour style rain to the weather radar
This friend and I kicked it around for a half hour or so Things like the Salvatore Pais research (Possibly at NAS-PAX) came to mind. Or, perhaps there’s an atmospheric heater going online – these are known to be on when all kinds of strange events have happened in the past. Odd plasmas.
Maybe there’s a malfunction in the weather radar? Could it be something glitchy in the weather radar “stitchery” that holds the digital data always ready?
Or, might it be something else Like something from [or related to] “somewhere else?” Got to wonder because of news reports: Unexplained Drone Sightings Reach Philly Area | Across Pennsylvania, PA Patch. Filed for now under “Things that make you go Hmm…”
Is something BIG about to happen in the Northeast? Remember all the big UFO sightings before the Banda Aceh quake?
Maybe there is something “Huge” and “military” in aspects of this. The kind of stuff that shows up in remote viewing work over the next couple of months Take for example? U.S. Domestic Military Engagement 2024-25 – Aziz Brown at Farsight. Getting kinda close to the timeframe.
We’ll let you know – after the fact, I’m afraid. It would be extremely rare to get a message about something in this area in one of my lucid dreams, but Tuesday sure presented an oddity for the books on the weather radar, no two ways about it!
Stitching It All Together
Two significant events have happened overnight.
First, my colleague (who is deeply immersed in research of various kinds and who’d told me about the radar anomaly) got a bead on what we most likely saw over Pennsylvania. Because he (being east of the radar event) had an experience of extreme fatigue after breakfast Tuesday. And curiously, I was compelled to “nap” for almost an hour immediately before the event. We’ve talked about “earthquake tireds” before major quakes, as you know.
“We were stricken by a bout of torpidity.
Incidentally, in the declassified Australian UFO files, one of the CIA files shared with the Aussies was a file concerning weapon effects associated with then UFOs. Extreme torpidity was a (fairly short range) confirmed beam weapon effect. One might hypothesize that a larger area affecting long range torpidity beam would impact/affect some entities more seriously than others. Perhaps if such a beam weapon existed, its effective impact would vary depending on the guna of the individuals being beamed. A sattvic being may be more or less affected than a rajas one or a tamas one.
[Explanatory note: Your “guna” is
My colleague concluded his torpidity remarks with “Dunno. But I suddenly thought of the word torpidity and knew I should share it.”
Because there seems to be an effect. But whether it’s a “beam artifact” or something more germane (like a portal/transdimensional effect) is open to conjecture. But rational thought draws me to abberations in the space-time continuum based on a (weak) report tjhat Mysterious drones are ‘changing time’ on clocks in New Jersey as locals fear they’re being targeted by UFOs. What’s interesting is that a localized time anomaly could account for radar pings being of different than expected results.
Which comes down to wondering whether Clif’s Space Goat Farts related to radar-observable, human torpidity-inducing events? Like earthquake tireds.
Origin: The word “torpid” comes from the Latin verb torp?re, which means “to be numb, lack sensation, be struck motionless, be sluggish or lethargic”.
- Having lost temporarily all or part of the power of sensation or motion
- First known use: The earliest known use of the word “torpid” was in the 15th century.
- · Meaning: “Torpid” is an adjective that means mentally or physically inactive. It can also mean:
- · Sluggish in functioning
- · Slow and dull
- · Apathetic
- · Lethargic
- · Dormant, as a hibernating or estivating animal
Key Takeaways?
- There is a non-zero possibility that Clif’s “Space Goat Farts” were an extreme early warning of what was to come. “Reality getting “Swiss-cheesy” I seem to recall as being in the constellation of his work in the period.
- Stu’s work linking this all to a Space Opera (a kind of inter-dimensional war where humans may be spectators or victims) is also intuited as being possibly correct now.
- Our many references here to my “earthquake tireds” being a physical effect (torpidity around an energy beam) is similarly non-zero now.
- Are such “beam events” causative or coincidental to large earthquakes such as the Mendocino quake recently?
- And the kicker: Are these U.S. Govt. crafts, and. if so, then where in Pennsylvania would there be sites that test operations might be based? We may find some research ideas in See where the most UFO sightings have been reported in Pennsylvania, according to data. Norming the reports to local observer population density might be a useful “sharpening” of research datum.
We would anticipate that it may be a US Govt. project because of the long history of UFO back-engineering. Wright-Pat and Area 51, for example. And the paradoxical installation of extremely bright lights that blind outward from around key military base runways in urban-adjacent places like Wright-Pat, for example.
Still plenty of gaps to fill, but at least, as of today, a rational framework for analysis has appeared. With a reasonable (but very, very small chance) that the New Jersey and Pennsylvania UAP sightings could be “messaging” to China and Russia that we (the US) now enjoy a breakthrough (trans-dimensional) operational advantage. In intel circles we’d expect this to message FAFO to interested parties.
The Alternatives, still open but making more sense, include Stu’s “Space Opera” which is only somewhat reassuring in a Twilight Zone “It’s a cookbook way…” Seems Sattvics may not eat meat. (Whew!)
There’s a lot of monitoring to do: Looking for additional radar oddities that last about five-minutes in toto. Clif’s perspective based on latest data runs, Stu’s dot-connecting as we wonder if “human wars” are mirrors of “celestial conflicts” – and of course, the news flows around hot words like UAPs.
- NJ drones are creating a ‘scary situation,’ UFO and UAP expert says.
- Is this the best UFO video to date? Are the Mystery Drones really just UFOs
- Pilot Encountered Mystery Objects ‘Moving at Extreme Speed’: FAA
- Pilots Told to ‘Maneuver’ Around Oregon ‘UFO’ in Leaked Cabin Audio
- And there was about zero chance but now officially Pentagon says mystery New Jersey drones not from Iranian ‘mothership’.
We now return to our usual rambling and again apologize for the length of these preliminary remarks.
A Few Headlines
We see the Biden handlers trying to “bury the Hunter pardon in “clutter” as: Biden provides largest single-day grant of clemency in modern history.
Putin slighted by DJT? Kremlin says Trump did not send Putin an invitation to attend his inauguration
And don’t let the door…dept: FBI director Wray says he will resign before Trump takes office
American “state media” will be in better hands: but it depends who you ask… ‘International propaganda minister’: Social media rips Kari Lake’s new Trump role . Though we note the story source here was rated “moderate to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation.” TDS lives? Gee, yah think?
Economic Data
PPI Final Demand is just out:
The Producer Price Index for final demand rose 0.4 percent in November, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Final demand prices increased 0.3 percent in October and 0.2 percent in September. On an unadjusted basis, the index for final demand advanced 3.0 percent for the 12 months ended in November, the largest rise since moving up 4.7 percent for the 12 months ended February 2023.
In November, nearly 60 percent of the broad-based rise in final demand prices can be attributed to a 0.7-percent increase in the index for final demand goods. Prices for final demand services moved up 0.2 percent.
This is an implied inflation rate of 4.9 percent were it to continue. And again, thgis butresses our view that the Fed “easy money Joe” rate drops were wrong and highly political. Powell, we figure, may be asked to leave at some point prior to end of term, but let’s see how it plays out. Trump has to make it past J20 first.
And the weekly unemployment filings look like our outing of the “big lie that jobs were up” in the last jobs report are now showing up to file for bennies:
Remember we told you employment in the latest reporting month was actually down 355-thosuand? Well, here comes the wave of new UI filers.
Early market futures were down.
Where would we love to be a fly on the wall today? China: Xi meets United Russia party chairman Medvedev-Xinhua.
Around the Ranch: Something to Chew On
Off in a second to the Denist’s office. New crowns are in and I may celebrate with a hamburger and fries for breakfast after… No “hold your pickle” jokes, please.
The drive time to and from town will not be wasted, though. There are many “thought stubs” to process based on Stu’s over-arching framework of how technology was been seeded onto the planet”
“[By the technology and weapons given to the New World Order] by the Infernal Prince, Azazyel and the Watchers, so many evils will be committed that the entire world will be found undone and desolate.”
One of the main ones is whether the neocons are an “action arm” of the NWO tech beneficiaries and whether a die-off nuke war (harvesting of souls) might be a mandatoday “tech royalty” to Azazyel?
A kind of “we (Earth via the NWO) get Tech, they get loosh” deal?
Write when you get rich (or full),
GPops – Youse guys be barking up the wrong tree with Azazel and the Watchers. The tribes scibes/priests (perverts) inverted everything with their wicked translations of ancient Greek.
Azael and the Watchers were/are GOOD GUYS, and were attached to/protected/defended the Priestesses/FEMALES of the species.
Watchers were the Iggigi = known as Nungal in Sumerian and Shemshu-Ra in ancient Egypt.
No scales like annunaki, very fine Feathers, hard to distinguish from Hair.
Thoth/Zhuti/Djehuti, ZE-HU-TI was Asar/Osiris BFF and right hand “man”.
Yahoo was the great satam-turkish satanryi, he was the “Overseer” in the garden – from canadian dude who used to translate old hebrew.
These cats are rare as Hens teeth now adays – maybe rarer.
* Everyone is telepathic and all ships are extremely sanitized, Sterile enviroments.. physical Human bodies – kinda gross and certainly not sterile. : D
not a fan of chnging clock so got my vote,
“A study by aeronautical and mechanical engineering researchers at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in 1974 concluded that the aircraft described in the text were “poor concoctions” and that the author showed a complete lack of understanding of aeronautics.”
So was the hopeless diamond:
I don t think that prevents us from believing these things fly. LOL..
Got Blockchain? I hear its other worldly ?
You might find this of interest, late summer here semi-close to large military bases in southern NM, My wife and I use walkie talkies to keep track of each other for safety, etc. etc.
A low flying military jet flew overhead, which was illegal anyway there is a altitude restriction for these mtns. when it did both of our walkies instantly had the batteries drained to ZERO, and I found out it also happened to some of the local VFD people who have radios for dispatch. nothing happened to our clocks inside the house settings but my home is a partial faraday cage construct. My smart watch on my wrist was not drained but was severely depleted. I found out from a inside source that some sort of new testing was going on and was on the jet. This is al I know and of course the base denied it all, You know how TS works LOL. hope this confirms your suspicions about the drones.
Well, George, perhaps the most classified site in the Keystone State, aka Pennsylvania, is Raven Rock, known by those familiar with its operations as ‘Site R.’ It’s official primary purpose is detailed on this wikipedia page:
Most interesting to me is Site R is approximately located where the lower ‘red blob’ is located in south central PA on Ure colorized weather map above.
Site R is one of a core series of underground bunker communication complexes which are capable of surviving a nuclear attack. It hosts the infamous ‘war room’ (actual name). As such, it also serves as an alternate national military command center as well as early warning and data fusion center for ground, sea, air and orbital military and intel assets.
Perhaps a clandestine alien invasion did happen back on the 3rd. How would we know? Maybe Trump will release the alien documents this time… but maybe not.
Copyright 2007 The Age of Desolation – page 178
All Rights Reserved G.A. Stewart
Paul Hellyer, Former Defense Minister of Canada
September 25th, 2005
UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head… I’m so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something.
The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret…
The United States military are preparing weapons, which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning…
Nick Pope, Former British Minister of Defense Chief November 10th, 2006
Aliens could attack at any time…
I’m glad you pointed out “torpidity”, as my wife has begun exhibiting those symptoms for a couple of days now. She’s normally sharp as a tack mentally. This morning she took the bacon out of the skillet, but rather than put the eggs in, she stood staring at the cabinet in front of her. I broke her spell by asking, “Are you going to put eggs in that hot grease, or just burn the grease?”. She returned to reality, but then I noticed her staring out the window during breakfast. Something is definitely amiss. If this is the result of some outside influence, I haven’t been affected.
Cognitive Enhancement ?
What timing, what a cowinkydink..
Were talking Supplements here – in fact Im talking about one of my favs – Creatine.
Please, see 4 Ure self –
I wonder if such mass quantities of creatine might be useful(along with sunlight/Vit D) to pull someone from the grip of Alzheimer’s long enough to transfer useful information(like where the good stuff is hidden) and perhaps be deemed competent to make and sign a will or other authorizing documents. I have no real idea – I’m just speculating.
William Cooper in his 80’s book, “Behold a Pale Horse,” claimed that the cabal was eventually going to stage a fake alien invasion as part of its plan to control the world. Decades earlier, Wernher Von Braun is said to have foretold basically the same thing, although I’ve read only one instance of his claim. So Project Bluebeam and other covert technologies may be ramping up for a final enslavement attempt.
Perhaps Cooper and Von Braun were some sort of original sources that have been repeatedly quoted.
Ive read the exact same thing from multiple sources.
It does make sense.
Regarding Andy’s prophetic dream… (does art imitate life, or does life imitate art?)…
“What If A Nuke Detonated In Los Angeles?”
Ask Ray Milland.
Panic in Year Zero! Official Trailer #1
Ray Milland Movie (1962) HD
“Harry Baldwin, his wife Ann, their son Rick, and daughter Karen leave suburban Los Angeles at sunrise to go on a fishing trip to the Sierra Nevada wilderness, bringing with them a small camping trailer. After a couple of hours on the road, Harry and Ann are startled by a series of unusually bright lights, accompanied by a radio station going to static. Tuning through stations, they hear a sporadic news report broadcast on CONELRAD that hint at the start of an atomic war, confirmed when the Baldwins see a large mushroom cloud from a hydrogen bomb rising over Los Angeles, now many miles away.”!
(“What If A Nuke Detonated In Los Angeles?”
?????? as bad as it is there reading about the crime hidden tunnels satanic worshiping…would anyone notice…?
Zero hedge story paints it as survivable…
then the what if.. they used a deep bunker buster would it cause the state or area to slide..
the what 1.6 million is only the initial death count..
other estimations leave but just a few million world wide left..–hrw0ix
no one guess is even as deep as the tunnels below DC and as vast as they are.. I am assuming that they also know about these..
over fifty years ago when I worked we got an aerial photo of DC and area.. god it was gorgeous..we tried to get them to allow us to hang it on the way.. it was considered confidential.. but the boss said if you guys can get a photo from anywhere else we could hang it..
one of the guys wrote one of the embassy.. they sent a huge photo ..of dc and area..and everything was listed..crap no one even knew if they had that over fifty years guess is they know everything.. shoot they spend billions to influence our politicians to get what they want..
the oddest thing is even the cartels donate money to keep their business model moving and marijuana illegal..last year was a congress pleaser more money than any time in history ..We have the best politicians that money can buy..
A nuclear bunker buster dropped on LA would kill about a million Angelinos. The fallout it generated would kill another 3-4mln in Greater Los Angeles, another million across southern and southeastern Cali, and western Arizona, and about 7mln people in the Phoenix basin. These would be the 12mln “walking dead” who would die over a period of two weeks to four months, from radiation sickness, as they watched their flesh melt off their skeletons.
Trump get’s his umteenth Time magazine cover, this one as Man of the Year for his ‘comeback’. I was immediately drawn to the cover image and the Book of Daniel, specifically Chapter 7. Trump was 45th president and now 47th, for the gematria inclined that’s 9/11 (see Rev 9:11 A bad Don). Anyway, back to Daniel and it’s significance related to Clif, Stu and Ure amazing post from today…
Trump’s cover photo, whether intentional or not, utilizes part of Time’s letter ‘M’ to create imagery of Daniel’s vision of the Little Horn. I know, just another Bible thumping weirdo lurking the pages of Ure fav website, sorry for the interruption…
Dan 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
Dan 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Wondering which 3 Kings are subdued, maybe Putin, Xi & Khamenei? How about Macron, Meloni & Merkel?
(““Reality getting “Swiss-cheesy””)
dam Swiss cheese slices… for a fast made Swiss cheese alternative.. especially if your going to need it in lets say three hours for supper…
to make it the old fashioned way six months aging.. is one way for a fast alternative is more simple..
1 gallon of whole milk ( fresh in pasteurized)
1 cup of Swiss cheese ( for cheddar or any other 1 cup)
3 tbsp.of lemon juice or vinegar or Renner tablets..
1 pkg Knox gelatin
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
pour your milk in to a sterilized pot heat it up to ninety degrees.. add the Swiss cheese… stir the cheese will melt and blend with the milk toss in your salt and sugar stir ..
add your vinegar or Lemmon juice, rennet stirring for about five minutes you can also just let it set off of the heat the curd will form .. cut the curd into smaller curds.. keep stirring when the whey gets clear and not milky then its time to strain the curds..
cheese cloth or a cheese it drain..
place it in a bowl in a separate bowl take the water and sprinkle the gelatin over it stir then let it begin to set up..
pour that into the bowl of cheese curds and blend at this point you can add about any other flavorings to the cheese poppy seeds onions peppers you decide with a blender an inversion blender is the best but you can use just about any mixer.. once this is blended up pour it into your mold ..
put the mold or molds in the refrigerator for two to three hours.. you now have cheese to slice or decorative cheese hunks for snacking on..
Herb blend cheese… well when the popcorn eating show begins why not some wine cheese and crackers.. another great recipe with out using vinegar or Renner etc.
1/2 gallon of whole milk
1 cup of sour cream
3 eggs
mix the eggs into the sour cream
heat the milk to 90 degrees pour in the egg mix..its not hot enough to cook the eggs but warm enough to activate the culture in the sour cream.. stir the whey will separate from the curd.. line a bowl with cheese cloth pour the curds and whey into the bowl.. lift and strain.. squeeze out the whey place in your mold then place an 8 to 10 lb weight on top.. let it drain for a couple hours.. slice and eat..
there’s so many variations herb blends get creative.. like cilantro peppers and parsley onions .. 1 cup of water the herbs blend it up.. strain off the blended juice add that juice into the milk..
your the boss on what you like.. after reading many recipes from all over the planet its obvious the basic recipes are the same..but ingredients varied to what was available to the areas. as nomadic tribes moved from one area to another they improvised with what is available where they were..o put the cheese curds in your Xmas tree mold ..perfect snack cheese.. bacon crumbles..get adventurous..
I listened to the air traffic control/pilots interaction of the off Oregon observation. Circular objects, not round, white center, flying at speeds never imagined, grouping, going from 10000 to 55000 feet, seen by several planes, photos and video not seen yet, from Florence to Eugene, going offshore then back inland, no radar observed by the ATC.
These are not the drones you are looking for…
Meanwhile, the demon Mark Rutte, is telling Europe to “prepare for war”. There is definitely an insanity that is spreading.
If billions of us can simply mind meld peace, perhaps these demons will just melt into the past. Like a pool of protoplasmic goo, they can be the chosen to fertilize a ZPT new world of clean water, food, and air. One can dream of things such as this too. If billions do, what then?
The game down here the last few days is to cut back on all power demands until we get sun again and the rain that is keeping our tanks full can stop so we can simply dry out.
Will Santa stop by here?
Peace is all we want.
New readers note: Stiks writes in via starlink from the south pacific where he’s sailing., tuamotus or some such
Where’s our lobster shipment????
Lots of tuna, some nice fish also caught off the back deck at midnight, manta shrimp (scary looking but delicious delicacy), but lobster not so much. Those are in the Tuamotus, for sure. Harder to get where we are hiding.
A few days a friend from ‘home’ came here to look at a nice older catamaran . Fellow is a bit naive about the life, but had all the money stuff covered. Made six figures in the market, has fat SS, inherited Mom’s house, pension from his union. He was reticent to pull the trigger on this fine boat, all set to go, for 360K. I asked him what he was going to do with ‘the rest of the money’ when he cashed out and he looked at me like, “Why worry?” . I just said, “Hyperinflation”. That big bank account could be just enough to buy a meal at some point very quickly. He absolutely had no clue that could happen.
Stored food, fuels, good batteries, strong sails, and one gold coin might be better?
Check out Aitutaki. Beautiful.
Ah, Stiks, sailors never lie. or for more pictures try
Sometimes I regret every getting off the boat. Now and then a Liberty 458 will come up. Slower by miles, and not able to beach so easily for bottom work or lagooning. Still, half the price of a Lagoon and the other “fast cats.” You’ve chosen wisely. And no passport to enter the Cooks still, is there?
Hmmm did anyone else notice that these UFO guys are not trying to remain out of sight? Stealthy recon is not their forte. So probably not hostile.
And why would the DOD acknowledge the existence of an unacknowledged Special Access Program now operational, if one did exist? So, this becomes a signal or demonstration to others that there is a new factor in play.
And did anyone notice the light colors and placement on these UFO? They seem to meet FAA standards. I’m not a pilot, so George, please address this.
Popcorn and thick lenses, please.
Mayor Melham – frm Belleville, NJ after meeting with 500 Mayors regards UFO’s
Great close on this post George.
Here is another Nostradamus clue:
Nostradamus Quatrain X-49
Garden of the world near the new city,
On the road of mountain caves,
Shall be seized and plunged in the Tank,
Drinking by force sulfurous poisoned water.
“Garden of the world near the new city” certainly sounds like the Garden State, and New Jersey is adjacent to New York City. I believe this Quatrain confirms the interpretation of “cité neufve” as New York City.
Some Nostradamus Commentators have interpreted this as a prediction of an earthquake or nuclear explosion.
One Internet rumor I read was U.S. Drones sniffing for the radioactive elements in a Dirty Bomb.
All human world events do fit into the Space Opera scenario.
I have had a strange life, and my dinner conversation with Dr. Edgar Mitchell was a life time game changer, because he was a great believer in Dr. Steven Greer’s work.
In Dr. Steven Greer’s latest documentary, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, he mentions Hans Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein.
To Dr. Steven Greer from Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
“Your efforts to affect disclosure are noble… but they will not be able to be permitted. And not for the reasons you think.
We have concluded that we have to prepare the public for Interplanetary War. And in doing so, we can then also force the return of Christ. ”
To Dr. Steven Greer from Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
“The reason they (Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein – elites) were funding these abduction groups was because they wanted to put information out to the public that would scare the public… So, the people would make the sacrifice in
blood and treasure to have an Interplanetary War.”
If you read UFO Highway, the author claims he was told that “The Global Elite” are direct descendants of the ETs who colonized planet Earth…
As the saying goes, buy the plot, buy the movie.
Many thanks George for the quotes!
Very thorough article today. Thank you. I enjoyed it. It’s amazing how nicely you made it all fit. My kids grew up in Bucks County and I forwarded the drone article to them. I will call my relatives there and see if they saw drones.
LOOB, you have the most interesting recipes. Thanks for posting.
The 50,000 of vitamin C was constipating but I feel so much better. This is my new go to thing when I get sick. Thanks. And thanks to the commenters useful site links.
You are welcome young lady..
learned how to make cheese years ago.. we couldn’t afford cheese and a lady we knew had a milk cow..
what’s funny is to learn how to make the little things that we all take for granted for a quality of life..we don’t always make it..its just easier to buy it.. but the knowledge is in my black book..
there are so many things that everyone of us just assumes we will always have access to..
home roasted coffee is one ..dam good .. cheese.. easy to make and a joy to eat..
I actually keep cultures in the freezer so I can when I need to make what ever flavor of cheese.. the harder long age cheese is a pain because you have to wait for it lol
today we use calf stomach acid for the rennet.. for thousands of years fig sap was used then lemmons or wine. citrus..
I haven’t found it yet but the records on clay tablets..
my first thought is without refrigerator.. spoiled milk.. not to lose the food quality that once milk started to turn the Nomads would scrape the curd out of it or boil it first then preserve it by coating it with salt and putting it in a bag..the same processes are used today depending on what culture they used..the cheese would age they woulsnt lose what would be a form of valuable food..
the Chinese made cheese from soybeans
the other thing is our ancestors were nomads.. they transported water and milk in containers made from bladders and stomachs.. my guess is one wasn’t cleaned good enough and some of the stomach acid was still present and curdled the milk..
to get the various cultures.. they used what was around.. one cheese was made with pine nuts.
re: In the Lights
feat: Reindeer
While last week’s National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony by a current Administration West Coast event planner featured unexpected sounds of silence, let us bridge over those troubled waters. The White House website currently offers a high production value look at the “2024 Holidays (Christmas?) at the White House”. The theme of this Yuletide season’s displays is “A Season of Peace and Light”.
The 2024 edition features an East Coast headquartered event planner with past affable ties to former First Lady Mrs. M. Obama. It seems the planner had the honour of decorating the White House at Christmas time during the Obama Administration as well as organizing 7 State Dinner events. The same event planner also oversaw arrangements for the highly successful nuptial events accompanying the wedding of the daughter of President and Mrs. Clinton.
re: Ground Forces Day
feat: loopy time
President Z announced his marking of Ground Forces Day by producing a video with the 27th Rocket Artillery Brigade at Zaporizhzhya. The President and his retinue conducted a photo-op walkabout beside a US HIMARS (?) rocket launcher vehicle beneath a canopy of trees and camoflage netting. The publicly released media item featured printed material with a QR code dangling from the vehicle. Hopefully it was nothing important.
Speaking of QR codes, as recently as 2019 the local tourist office was touting a QR code leading to the 700 year old Zaporozhye Oak, the National Tree of the Ukraine. Allegedly the Cossack nobleman Hetman Bogdan Khmelnytsky took shelter under its canopy in 1648 before subsequently signing up for protection of the Russian Tsar in 1654.
Speaking of Clif, I wonder if this interview with a survivor of the USS Liberty will add to the Mele?
Worth watching because not only does it document the Israeli attack on the Liberty but also the flagrant disregard for American Servicemen by both McNamara and in “installed” LBJ.
Reporting specifically documented behaviors is not antisemetic; it’s called Truth.
There’s more to that story (kudos to the brave Antenna person)
“During Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty, I lay in a crowded passageway trying to control the bleeding from a compound leg fracture when I was approached by one of my technicians, 23-year-old Terry Halbardier. I was the ship’s Electronic Materiel Officer and Halbardier specialized in antenna repair and maintenance. He told me that the ship was unable to call for help because all our antennas had been damaged, but that he had a plan to repair one so we could send our SOS. I sent him on his way, urging him to be careful. A few minutes later he returned, bloodied with shrapnel wounds from the aircraft fire to say that he had managed to run some cable across an open deck from the damaged antenna to the transmitter room, enabling radiomen to call for help. Moments later the Israelis called off the air attack, probably because they realized that help was on the way. Halbardier’s actions had saved the ship.”
FBI informant pleads guilty to lying about $10 million bribe from Ukrainians to Biden:
the NY Post article,
@c: so you agree? that Trump was impeached for asking Ukraine,about an investigation for the crimes that Joe gave Hunter a pardon for,,, Am I correct about that? have you changed your thinking?
Yup, Isreal has a mossad skeleton in it’s closet that needs to be dealt with,,, Q told US ‘saving isreal for last’
the secret spy agencies of 5 Eyes joined to mossad are global school yard bullies, that don’t care for the return of President Trump.
Adam Schiff’s son with mossad t-shirt w/dad
Even NY mayor Adams is coming around heard he might switch partys and is drawing attention to the missing children
where the hell did they go?
““500,000 Children… We Can’t Find!” – NYC Mayor Adams Stuns Room Full of Liberal Reporters After Meeting with Trump Border Czar”
Could the PA anomaly have been bats?
Mean like Biden or the other Halloween?
No.. I seen videos of it.. one state where Some of the Deep Underground continuity of government facilities are..
I can tell you I wished I had been a lottery lol I have a friend that lives next to A deep communication bunker.. complete with hospital,clinic,dentist ,etc. big enough to house a small city. when we went 5g ..they decommissioned it sold the whole thing with all the equipment and supplies.. ( they had restocked it prior to the change.) for a million dollars..everything included.. when the facility I worked at sold..they sold it complete all equipment everything for three hundred fifty thousand.. I was going to buy it but it sold before I could get to the bank..
the professor he tried to get the locals to buy that dumb.. but they didn’t want to invest in that for a what if scenario..
you would ha e to live there.. not jus get it to travel but hell what does an MRI machine cost or an X-Ray machine..
the thing was massive..
To my knowledge bats do not have navigational lights.
Nostradamus, UFO’s … why not Friday the 13th?
None of three above mentioned have anything to do with the deterministic workings of the universe.
We would categorizer Friday the 13th, more or less deterministic. Not UFOs (they’re 87 percent likely our own for the fffs (false flag from space) to get the funding for WW III. And due to a lack of replications, aye, Nosty may be nondeterministic as well. But he bats above the noise, nevertheless.
So we going down through year-end?
Friday the thirteenth was only bad luck for the templars..
A black cat crossing your path ..was bad luck because you can’t see it trip and fall in the days gone by could create a life threatening event..
you g under a ladder..well that’s just common sense.
it took seven years to save up enough to buy a mirror..
granted Bing a woman’s caboose in a checkout line ..well that could get you slapped..
walking up to a female clerk at a hobby shop and have a cute caboose can I see it..another bad luck move..
Every single tee vee shot of a “drone” that I saw — and, admittedly, I didn’t see them all; just the few on the newschnnels — maybe 15 – 20 shots — showed a Red & Green “NAV” light. Some also showed a central white light — like a front nosegear landing light, maybe.
i think it’s a case of misidentification and hysteria. And a badly miscoordinated idiot FedGov (mis)information pile
The developers are coming out of hibernation. Meanwhile, I’ve got the tireds this evening. And I keep making careless errors. In years past, Friday the 13th was the day that people tried to ram me with their cars, and dropped railroad ties on the road ahead of me on IH river bridges. Maybe I stay home tomorrow, and come back out on Saturday.
Ontario: Our Ally to the North
For those who haven’t seen it…
“And there was about zero chance but now officially Pentagon says mystery New Jersey drones not from Iranian ‘mothership’.”
After overnight reports of drone swarms over New York and Connecticut, John Kirby stated:
Don’t believe your eyes!
The Biden administration brushed off the baffling New Jersey drone mystery – even as top lawmakers from both New York and NJ have demanded a federal briefing — and suggested nefarious foreign meddling could be at play. During a White House briefing Thursday, White House national security council spokesman John Kirby said federal investigators have been unable to verify any of 3,000-plus of reports of car-size drones patrolling the nighttime skies in recent weeks.
And he suggested that most claims of mysterious drones are actually people mistaking them for helicopters or airplanes that are legally flying.
Kirby is another current Administration official whose countenance and body language indicate to me he’s a “serial liar.” What gets me is if you notice the smile he repeatedly tries to hide, one gets the feeling he’s pleased with himself for the level of gaslighting he’s attempting on the Press, and indirectly, us…
“Holy crap, what was that?”
I see “anomalies” like this about 1-2 times per month.
Understand, EVERY news, weather, and “meteorology” outfit uses the exact same radar map. It is broadcast across the Internet from various departments at the NOAA in near-real-time.
I use it myself, when I’m in the field.
What a meteorologist at The Weather Channel, FOX Weather, Weather Underground, Ambient, WWIS, your local radio and TV stations and newspapers, and yes, Windy, as well, do, is add the pretty colors to the fronts, cloud tops, convective winds, etc., and decide which layers to combine for consumption by the public.
Sometimes they insert the wrong layer.
Sometimes they automate the procedure and their computer inserts the wrong layer.
The “radar” reverts when the issue is discovered and the wrong layer, removed.
This anomaly looks to me like a “narrow” temperature band was accidentally inserted into a “general” radar map, and when the error was caught, the narrow band layer was removed and the proper layer, re-inserted into the stack…
I thought “Space Goat Farts” was Clif’s “dumping ground” for the stuff that didn’t fit into any of the other categories…?
Just got an email from a friend that lives in Long Beach, a town in Nassau County, NY which is not far from New Jersey.
She wrote:
“I was driving in Long Beach at 5:30am. A drone was hovering near my windshield. Hope they got a clear Pic of me flipping the bird at them!”
The .220 Swift is the fastest bullet on Earth. It hauls tail at ~4800fps on factory loads. My eldest brother owned one for years. A local deputy built custom loads for him which put MV over 5200fps. I would be very surprised if one of those drones could dodge a .22 moving at a mile a second.
Shoot one. Shoot it a lot. Drop it where news crews and lots of witnesses can find it. If it is military (ours or anybody else’s) it will likely be demoed before it hits the ground. If not, it will answer a lot of questions. Given the circumstances, even if the shooter is caught, the FAA would play hell trying to find a jury that’d convict…
I’m not sure that perforating flying secret squirrels is permissible in TX. I would think that a scattergun with a tight choke and a load of no. 4 shot would be the ticket.
There is a 1940’s precedent from northern AL in Federal court which I believe is the GUS vs Scarborough. It predates FAA rules, and if the flying squirrel is threatening or harming family or livestock, it may still apply. I found records of it once on line decades ago, but I wouldn’t know where to look now. If anyone finds it, share. Using a airborne vehicle to terrorize potentially still nullifies protections.