Woo-Woo and the Land Grab

Woo-woo in the weather and the energy impact of the near-east mess highlight today’s perspective.  Because the parties are lining up to get as much of (the former) Syria as each can That’s prime energy-transportation real estate down the road.

The woo-woo is where we start in our Focus section, though. Because something odd has been going on.

But wait! There’s more: the Consumer Price report on Inflation is out And markets are anxious for some clarity here At least if you missed our note on the Fed going political with unjustified rate drops going into the election Piper needs to be paid?

That’s where we get into the ChartPack, too. So, a lot of material and many things in motion here just 14 days until Christmas and Hanukah begins…

Put on the pot – there’s so much to go over this morning, the report runs north of 4,000 words.

How long to read it?  “Reading 4000 words can take anywhere from ;an hour to two hours depending on the individual’s reading speed, the complexity of the text, and how focused they are while reading.

Plan three cups or a fresh pot.

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24 thoughts on “Woo-Woo and the Land Grab”

  1. and so the cracks appeared, unbeknownst to this dreamer at the time. Subject we will call BCN, was blissfully slumbering away when it occurred..2 nights ago. Seems our intrepid slumberer was rudely interrupted by a flash recall of dream earlier that night. Upon waking there was a feeling of humor and camaraderie…the flash recall was BCN being introduced by clif to a small group 4-5 peeps as that “sorta German fellow” in a jovial and laughing manner. Thats it .

    Had the feeling the group was a SOC of “woosters”..though there was no recollection of group members faces..nothing just a “glow”.

    Dont know what it means besides my fucking dreams are breaking thru my “blocks” – which only means one thing in my world..natural source/QI is “growing stronger” ..as I dont possess adequate intellect/vocabulary to accurately describe whats going on NRGetically..will ponder further.

    * Post previously & often regards powerful Lasers..they are both Tools and Toys, not to mention great Signaling devices. DNF -they also see/cut right thru optical illusions/holographs..even the ones made with living plant material.


    – “its just a cold sore”..https://youtu.be/MnJrenTkGGE?si=9K3tQgFdr2XQlRPF

  2. George,

    Thank you to that link to the Farsight session. I am not a fan of Farsight, but I think this video is cause for concern, because it brings up the visions of some lesser known people that I have included in my books.

    If it involves fighting in the U.S., is it Civil War or is it an invasion? Here are some more interesting predictions:

    Alois Irlmaier, Freislassing, Bavaria. Predicted his own death in July 1959
    The Third World War will come, but I cannot predict the year. It will be preceded by signs in the skies, which will be seen by millions of people. War will begin on a rainy night, shortly before harvest time, when the ears are full.

    The Third Great War comes, when three high-ranking men will be killed.

    The “Great City” of the United States will be destroyed by rockets, and the West Coast will be invaded by Asians, but they will be beaten back…

    The Future of Israel, A dream received by Brother Dumitru Duduman June 17th and 18th,
    1996 in Tiberias, Israel
    I then saw a cloud of airplanes, in formation from the left (Golan Heights*) and a large army coming from a corner (Yarmouk River valley*) with every kind of weapon. They had horses, carriages, cars, tanks, and soldiers on foot.

    A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996
    A voice said to me, “Watch where the Russians penetrate America.”

    I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.
    Then, the man spoke again, “When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning.”

    The other two presidents spoke, “We, too, will fight for you.” Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.

    All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, “We’re sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America.”

    …“I am the protector of America. America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people.”

    As you know, I have had my own concerns about this month.
    Drones in New Jersey as big as cars also have me concerned. Are these ET craft or human controlled vehicles preparing for this attack?

    One of my readers was asking if this is our ET warning regarding nuclear war that I have been writing about since 2007.


    I am not sure.

    You mention the patents filed by Salvadore Pais for the U.S. Navy:

    “This friend and I kicked it around for a half hour or so Things like the Salvadore Pais research at NAS-PAX came to mind Or, perhaps there’s an atmospheric heater going online – these are known to be on when all kinds of strange events have happened in the past.”

    I have examined the math in one patent, and as I have shown, the energy engineering involved would point to a Type II Civilization.


    Also, I wrote about Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and ionospheric heaters in my last post.


    I think this is why Putin did a crash program on developing hypersonic missiles that can be launched from railroad containers anywhere.

    Thanks again. I have some stuff in my shopping cart on Amazon that I’m going to push the mouse button on right after I post this to your site.

    • “Drones in New Jersey as big as cars also have me concerned. Are these ET craft or human controlled vehicles preparing for this attack?”

      Showing themselves all over PENNSYLTUCKY now.. “they are HEAR !’
      Pennsyltuckians stepping outside their front doors and pointing Phones up at night time sky to record these guys” – vids all over the place now. My Daughter urgently texted last night about whether or not I was going to light a few of em up – “reach out and say HELLO!” ?

      Pterodactyls flying at night scare the living SHIT outta me, Im shooting first, consequences later..After stuffing myself on Turkey and leftovers this past week, some deep Fried Pterodacyl ought to be just the thing to spruce up the holiday dinner table..YUM.

      • The nice twenty-something female Pentagon briefer said the dronze were NOT coming from a “mothership” oerating in waters off the coast of New Jersey. (Earlier a Texas cobgressna had said he had been told of this ship. Iran was implied.)

        But the nice young lady briefer was quite clear: the dronze were most assuredly NOT coming from any ship, they were NOT American Military, and they were NOT frem any “American domestic Hobbyists, nor from any other Foreign Source.”

        Oh, Goody!

        Since all those sources were ruled out, the dronze must be coming from our Space Alien Overlords!

    • G.A. STEWART: I personally believe that there is no such thing as time; moments of time seem to be various scales of consciousness, from the micro to the macro.


      Gurdjieff’s Philosophy of Nature

      3. For systems theory, time has no characteristic which is special in relation to its usual physical properties, whereas Gurdjieff introduces a subtle distinction between time and space. For him, time is the “Ideally-Unique-Subjective-Phenomenon”:

      Time in itself does not exist; there is only the totality of the results ensuing from all the cosmic phenomena present in a given place. Time itself, no being can either understand by reason or sense by any outer or inner being-function. It cannot even be sensed by any gradation of instinct.… It is possible to judge Time only if one compares real cosmic phenomena which proceed in the same place and under the same conditions, where Time is being constated and considered.… Only Time alone has no sense of objectivity because it is not the result of the fractioning of any definite cosmic phenomena. And it does not issue from anything, but blends always with everything, and becomes self-sufficiently independent; therefore, in the whole of the Universe, it alone can be called and extolled as the “Ideally-Unique-Subjective-Phenomenon.”71


      • “G.A. STEWART: I personally believe that there is no such thing as time; moments of time seem to be various scales of consciousness, from the micro to the macro.”

        Time., as far as we know, is a human concept – a human creation. However, without this tool how would we measure the moon phases.., the tides.., radioactive decay.., bread baking in the oven..??? We would never get a rocket out of the atmosphere without time measurements.
        Calling time an enigma and dipping it in a secret sauce does not, in any way, diminish its existence.
        If you truly believe that time doesn’t exist – try cheating it.
        Let me know how that works-out for ya.

  3. “for predicting the Future.”

    I only see churn but maybe I have it wrong. Thinking about the dog track. Most betters have the sure thing in the next race while anyone can see Adam Smith’s invisible list is scattered on the floor. Is there a list of hits anywhere?

  4. Thanks guys for the advice. I will increase my D3 from 10,000 a day to 50,000 because I have it on hand. I stopped the ra drug that suppresses my immune system (standard protocol) for a week. I use a daily nasal compound that includes a small amount of anti mold, antibotic, steroid, soap, anti fungal, and something else. I think it helps.

    Daughter and granddaughter both took an antibiotic the first time and it didn’t shorten the length of the disease. I was given a broad spectrum antibacterial drug for having a toenail removed (an over cautious foot doctor due to me having RA and having had so many joints replaced) around the same time and it didn’t do anything. So it is a virus I guess.

    I thought about mold the first time because my granddaughter had it first until I learned about the kissing game while the Substitute slept. We replaced rotten flooring a couple of years ago and the mold affected everybody.

    Where can I get Ivermectin? A Pfizer representative (they kindly have given me Zeljanz for free for years because i couldn’t afford the $1600 a month copay) once asked me if I tried it because I never took the covid shot. A flu vaccine triggered my RA originally so it got me thinking but I didn’t know how much to take or how often. I can’t take Zeljanz with an antibiotic because it increases it’s efficency which means it would kill off too many white cells, so I was nervous about taking Ivermectin. Stopping Zeljanz messes with my bloodwork so it would be obvious to my Rheumatologist I was experimenting with something. I never knew who to talk to about it.

    I have used colodial silver for cuts and skin infections but I don’t currently have any on hand. That is a good idea.

    This bug seems to be widespread in the school system. Maybe Christmas break will stop the spread pattern. When there is a new plague this spring I fear that we are destined to get it. This is a military training city and people from all over the world come here. We always seem to have the weirdest diseases first. We all had Covid in February 2020 when it was still called “the flu that isn’t the flu”.

    George, I was wondering if you and Elaine might like National Geographic movies about National Parks or of other countries since you rarely travel nowadays.

    I also get a monthly subscription from Universal Yumms that delivers snacks from a different country every month. It comes with interesting facts about the country, recipes unique to the country, and a sticker. it also has a chart you can fill out to rate the items that you can later post on line if you wish. We get the medium box and there is alot of snacks to try. it’s a monthly adventure we all enjoy and the price is reasonable.

    • Also, FWI for anyone interested in stocking up on standard pharmaceutical meds including Ivermectin, you can do a quick chat with the staff MD and order entire kits of antibiotics, emergency meds, etc etc from JaseMedical.com. Allopathic medicine is not my thing, but this has become popular in the prepping community and might be of interest to some of Ure readers.

    • Eleanor, you may want to watch this 15 minute video on Vitamin D by Dr. John Campbell.


      You are probably ok at 50,000 units for a short time but unless you are severely overweight, this is quite high in my opinion. I take 10,000 units in summer and 15,000 units in winter here in the great cold north. I have practiced this now for several years and can tell you I never get a cold or many other preventable ailments.

      It is important to get blood tested for vitamin D regularly. I do it annually. As mentioned in the video, it takes a while to build a reserve and folks with higher visceral fat take longer. I am very slightly overweight and my readings have increased from 102 nmol/L 3 years ago to 187 nmol/L just taken this week. I am now well in the recommended range (75-250 nmol/L) and will continue my dosage program.

      Two other things are important. Do not forget to take a Vitamin K supplement. I take 400 mg. It helps keep the blood calcium going to the bones and not helping build arterial plaque. Also, it seems that Vitamin D levels drop when the immune system is attacked with a virus. If you are running at the low end of the recommended blood levels, you may have to build back up again.

      Hope this is helpful. With the usual caveat that I am not a doctor and I am not giving medical advice. Only providing this based on my own personal experience.

      • I assume you are referring to K2, not K1. Vitamin K2 is involved in bone deposition, whereas K1 is involved in blood clotting. These are two different molecules despite both having the designation of being “K”.

    • Remember, the FLU vaccine spreads the flu. I would expect the Covid vaccine to spread Covid.

      NOT in every case, but just think, 1 person gets the Flu vaccine and then they go to school with the flu, and spread it to 30 people, some take it home and spread it from there, then before you know it, that area makes the NEWS that it is a HOTBED for the Flu!!!!!

      And round and round it goes.

      Quit getting the FLU/COVID vaccines.

      80% of the people in the USA hospitals for ‘COVID’ were Vitamin D3 deficient.


      Take Vitamin D3, some say with K2. Do the research make your own determination.

      Get the Vitamin D3 Assay blood test to know where you stand. Normal is between 30 and 100.

      29 or lower, you are considered low.

      80 and above is optimal.

      Someone else here already posted a study out of Germany where up to 50,000 IU’s a day was NOT TOXIC.

      The range hasn’t been updated for 60 plus years.

      I wish George had a side page where plain truths could be EVIDENT so we don’t have to keep recreating the wheel in the comment section.

  5. Just say NO to the crawdads for ponds/fishfood. Those little buggerz borrow like Moles, and can breach Ure water tight pond dam/walls..Fresh water Prawns are a good substitute – Bass love em, easy to start/grow in a plastic tub, or marinate and throw em on the outback barbie..

    Careful with dem Crawpappys, they can be a real pain in the keister.

  6. The Turkish Minister, Feridun Sinirlio?lu, was appointed as the Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).This appointment was made during the 31st OSCE Ministerial Council meeting held in Malta on December 6, 2024. Basically, this Knights of Malta group which influences NATO has put Turkey in the driver seat. Who knows maybe the Levant basin will power a new Ottoman Empire with a Judea Protectorate?

  7. Elanor
    I, over years, found I only get arthritic after consuming tomato skin and seeds, overnite reaction. Pulp is fine. My Ivermec has been from vet for my long gone standardbred or local AG Store. Powermectin for past 3.5 yrs. Careful with vitamin D it has side effects. Apparently overcounter D has nothing on real sunshine or a tanning bed. Just my 70yrs talking so I know what is working for myself. Had walking pneumonia 13 yrs ago, nothing since and no injected juices. No prescriptions. Just few explored supplements.

  8. Eleanor, I would suggest getting a nebulizer. Use only distilled water or medical saline solution. First sign of a sniffle, add 2-3 drops of colloidal silver or Lugols Iodine to the distilled water. Breathe through your nose. Works like a charm — it also prevents the (whatever) from spreading to your lungs, or, if it already has, knocks it out very quickly. An excellent broad-spectrum antimicrobial you can take orally is Olive Leaf Extract; I found this to be effective even against the GMO Mycoplasma infection more commonly called Gulf War Illness. Unfortunately, at the time I knew nothing about it, was afraid of taking “too much,” so I took a break after 6 weeks and the Mycoplasma mutated to develop immunity to OLE. Basically, for a head cold, sinus infection, bronchitis, I find that one capsule 2x daily is effective — then again, I have a pretty strong immune system these days. Your results may vary.
    Not sure if it’s OK to mention another website here, but instructions for using Ivermectin can be found at Naturalnews.com; scroll down past the recent news & videos. Hope that helps. Cheers!

  9. The 323 virus samples that went missing from the Australian virology laboratory was in “2021” after a freezer storing the samples broke down.
    The security breach wasn’t discovered until August 2023 and that it has taken a year for the department to get accreditation from federal agencies to launch the investigation.
    Queensland Chief Health Officer John Gerrard told reporters that the virus samples would have degraded very rapidly if they were not kept in freezer conditions, making them no longer infectious. [ One report stated 72hours.]
    This could very easily be a simple case of very bad records keeping – and the vials have been moved to another secured freezer unit. “The problem is – we just don’t know.”


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