F-13R, Bifurcated Skies, Io-diet?

Yes.  Triskaidekaphobia fans, this is one of those rare “Friday the 13th days in Retrograde.”

The F-13 part  of our headline arises from (pick your fave) from the Wiki dope:

[Where the term dope refers to good/useful/cool data, not a drooler.]

Which gets to the Retrograde part:

“Yes, Mercury is in retrograde from November 25, 2024 to December 15, 2024…”

After Sunday, the next Retrograde will begin March 14th – a Friday. So, if you need to figure when your next F-13R will happen, figure out how to structure your own damn A.I. query.

Is it somehow significant? Other than if you’re into Templar-related fraternal organizations, or like me you hit “personal retrograde effects” about three weeks in advance of nominals,  No, probably not. But, people are fascinated with speculation. Have fun.

Bifurcated Skies

Further to our report Thursday, attempting to stitch many aspects of sky clutter into a holistic view, we can add more wood to those fires today.

If you want to believe that drones are “all a government deal” there’s a bit of support for this as recent events popping on YouTube, like this video of a submersible drone, has led to more recent speculation such as purported efforts to build an “underwater drone carrier.”

Reader Ray’s comments on which ammo to use to subdue a drone (to determine its ‘parentage’) aside from being illegal (to fire on an aircraft) the bifurcation reference relates to the latest from our SME (subject matter expert):

“Forwarded without much comment, except… OMG!

Extraterrestrial Life in the Thermosphere: Plasmas, UAP, Pre-Life, Fourth State of Matter

“Incidentally, I was totally unaware that there are such things as extraterrestrial amino acids: “Seventy-three extraterrestrial and nineteen terrestrial amino acids have so far been in identified in carbonaceous chondrites [60] [61] [62] .” [SME Comment: Carbonaceous chondrites being the material of organic meteorites…”It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it…”]

OK, the possibilities of “transmedium life forms” is out there, for sure. But, for those of us who have worked on the UFO problem for more than half a century now, let’s not forget that lore includes a lot of references to the “rods” which have been captured on high-speed cameras.

Nope. Not kidding: Air rods or rods are described as flying living organisms that showed up in photographs. Eventually analysis showed that rods were the result of an optical illusion and were usually just bugs. Despite this, some people still claim to have seen them flying- even without a camera. : r/Cryptozoology.

Which kinda makes my head hurt. Because what if these are organisms that are transmediumistic (<-new word) and the variance in behaviors over time (decades in human years) are (gulp) depending on where they are in a breeding cycle?

Ah, but enough fun for the week. Though if you felt something strange on your leg just now, was that me, pulling it? Um…not really.

Because as Experts try to solve the NJ drone mystery as anxious residents debate who — or what — is responsible for the Aircrafts, we see our core belief that Everything is a Business Model strikes Truth again: UFOHub.org Launches New Platform for UFO Research and Documentation.

And the beat goes on.

But while it does, it’s not particularly reassuring that the FBI, White House find no evidence of security threat in New Jersey drone sightings.  These were the same people unable to find the owner of the bag of blow at the White House, if I remember.  And that, what with DNA and all, should have been a slam dunk.

The Financial Beat

We ought to begin with the markets which seem to have run into “shared overhead resistance” as the week draws to an end.  As BTC remains mired in the $100,000 range, we also sense our Aggregate Index has run into a problem reaching “escape velocity”…

As should be coming clear, the market could continue on up (into early January) before the right-most of our “trading boxes” runs into the upside minimal goal (this is not trading advice, by the way).  Because as everyone knows, the markets can fail at any moment, and fifth wave failures in technical analysis is a regular-enough “thing” that it has some history and study behind it.

Instead of “going deep” on that, arguably more a Peoplenomics topic, anyway – how about we move on to:

Trade Dope

Dang it!  There’s that word “dope” again.  But this time it’s not good news.  It’s a value judgment of the wisdom of American greedsters who took too much of our manufacturing overseas to least-cost-labor-centers. Where it’s hard to beat the labor rates paid to Chinese prison workers, right?

Prices for U.S. imports increased 0.1 percent for the second consecutive month in November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Higher fuel prices led the November advance. U.S. export prices were unchanged in November following a 1.0-percent rise the previous month.

The Big Shake was in?

Fuel Imports: Import fuel prices advanced 1.0 percent in November following a 0.8-percent decline the previous month. Higher prices for natural gas and petroleum in November contributed to the increase in
import fuel prices. Despite the November rise, prices for import fuel declined 8.6 percent over the past 12 months. Import petroleum prices advanced 0.4 percent in November, after decreasing 11.6 percent from July to October. Prices for import petroleum fell 7.6 percent for the year ended in November.

Thinking people (which we’ll include you in) will note this is a land mine for interest rate policies of the Fed,.  Which uses “inflation less food and energy” as their benchmark for interest rate decisions. Like Powell’s recent (and suspiciously-timed) rate reductions.  Which we have been jumping up and down and yelling “No!” about since it happened.

Other than this?  There is not too much for the resta-triska:  The Baker Hughes rig count this afternoon and some Japanese machinery sales this evening, which we just know you’ve been on the edge of your chair waiting for.

Well fine, sit there. The rest of class is going to…

Run News Film Strips

Move over Diddy time?  Israeli-American real estate giants charged with sex trafficking, sexual assault in New York court.

Might as well do all the Israeli real estate stories as a group, then: UN General Assembly approves resolutions demanding Gaza ceasefire, more aid to Palestinian refugees. Are we the only ones to remember possession is 99 percent of the outcome?

As we have previously cast, Israel’s real estate ambitions are running up the coast, too: UN Chief Warns of Israel’s Syria Invasion and Land Seizures.

But just because Russian warships are heading to Syria, — Defense Intelligence, don’t let that ruin the weekend for you. WW III may wait until after Christmas.

Or not: Updated outage schedules issued for Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odesa oblasts after Russian strikes.

And looks to us like they call it the “bleeding edge” of tech for a reason: Russia’s Kh-69 cruise missile developer shot dead near Moscow .

Need some “dot-connecting” lessons?  See if you scan find a possible link between Belarus admits over 128,000 Ukrainian citizens since 2024 year-start and this other story: At least 10 Shahed-type drones veer into Belarus during overnight attack on Ukraine, monitoring group says.

No WW III would be complete without China.  So, while the massive naval drills seem to be winding down, there’s still high tension over those new Chinese “keep out zones” as US reconnaissance aircraft reported transiting Taiwan Strait.  We’re on “incident watch” there.

American-Made Madness

Free speech is in trouble as Congress May Empower Internet Censorship With New Bill.

After the wild swing past far left, the young may be regaining some sense: The New Cool: A Global “Vibe Shift”.  We’re not holding our breath, but where there’s hope…

Here’s another one for armchair detectives: FBI Informant Pleads Guilty to False Testimony in Biden-Burisma Bribery Case.

And who says “crime doesn’t pay?”  Board Votes to Give Indicted Democratic Former Apache County Attorney a $5,700 Monthly Pension. We’ll make a note to watch for the disposition of the indictment.

At the Ranch:  Io-diet?

After our consigliere’s Thanksgiving visit, the “stand-on, digital liar” (bathroom scale) insisted that I’d put on 5-pounds.

The monkey mind screamed “Gotta be a lie!”

Since I had been feeling sluggish lately, I decided to put a kelp pill back in my morning stack.

Didn’t happen overnight, the the combination of kelp (high in natural iodine) and cutting out most carbs every other day, seems to have dropped five pounds in a week.

It helps to understand that there are some nutrients – especially those which drive metabolic rates like iodine and DHEA – which have very distinct “sweet spots” – vary by person.

A quick AI of iodine supplementation lays it out:

Iodine deficiency:
Occurs when not enough iodine is consumed through diet.
Can lead to hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) due to the inability to produce sufficient thyroid hormone.
Symptoms may include fatigue, sensitivity to cold, weight gain, and a swollen thyroid gland (goiter).
Particularly harmful during pregnancy and early development, impacting fetal brain development.
Iodine excess:
Caused by consuming too much iodine, often through supplements or iodine-rich foods like seaweed.
Can also lead to thyroid dysfunction, including hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) in some cases.
In certain situations, excessive iodine can paradoxically cause hypothyroidism, particularly in individuals with a history of iodine deficiency.
Symptoms may include similar issues to iodine deficiency like goiter, alongside symptoms of hyperthyroidism like anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and weight loss.

Whether my putting kelp back in the diet has a role in the weight loss isn’t clear.  And it takes almost a week for any effects to show up.  There are dilutions and absorption rates (not to mention giving the gut biomed time to adjust to changes) that simply take time.

I found a useful (2021) discussion at Nutritional iodine status and obesity – PMC you might find of interest.

Do remember, though, like DHEA (which can trigger tumors and other nasties at excessively high doses, at least in the literature) iodine is not to be trifled with.

Still, if poundage and age-age are on your convo list with your PCP, remember that older adults can be more susceptible to iodine deficiency or excess.  So it’s one very inexpensive lever to pull in order to optimize your health.

Write when you get rich,


82 thoughts on “F-13R, Bifurcated Skies, Io-diet?”

  1. George,

    The 3m US Treasury minus 10y US Note, uninverted today after a record 770 days in siginificant negative territory.

  2. Ray is stretching the truth on how fast a 220 Swift cartridge launches a progectile. More like 4000-4100 fps.

    • The original factory load of the 220 Swift from Winchester provided a 48-grain (3.1 g) bullet launched at 1,200 metres per second (4,100 ft/s). Handloaders could marginally improve on this but only at maximum loads. The Swift can be loaded with light bullets to reach 1,300 m/s (4,400 ft/s)

        • yep., pretty close. – Mach 4 is equal to about 2,960 miles per hour, or – 4,501 feet per second.
          With a little honing of the action and a little TLC, my old bolt action is incredibly accurate – and can out-shoot me.

    • I think Ray is on to something.

      The gist is an everyday schlep using an inexpensive kinetic weapon to knock a UFO out of the sky.

      Brain storm –

      An alternative might be to send up a wall of DJI drones that have been converted into drone-grenades and explode them in front of the UFO tampering with its flight path. Or convert an actual gun – powder/rail/EMP style – into a drone by simply connecting propulsion and capacitors(?).

      Shine multi-color Earth/drone based lasers at the UFO possibly damaging a sensor/blinding the driver forcing the UFO down. Who would know unless the intergalactic UFO driver contacts local Earth authorities and reports the incident.

      We in the cheap seats are only allowed to watch & wonder. Hoax!

      • According to the DHS, any person who shoots down a drone could be fined up to $250,000 and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. State and local authorities also have little to no say legally regarding drone activity, since drones are FAA regulated.

        • Good thing they are not drones or any other thing under the purview of FAA..

          They are in fact Pterodactyls until proven otherwise ..lights and all.

          Thinking here .50cal should be enough to touch one at least.

          *Like tankers spraying chemies into the skies = ENEMY COMBATANTS

          But I did find G the perfect gift for someone with historical man crush on ole ben burnbank – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBKRK-n21Lg

        • Another thing is if that is a real space traveling craft…my guess is their technological advancement are a tad bit further along than ours and ..the other thing is why would anyone want to shoot down something that isn’t threatening anyone..
          Brings up a twilight zone paranoid neighborhood scene..


        • A couple of years back a father shot down a done that was hovering at his teenage daughters’ bedroom window.
          The ‘pilot’ teenage boy’s father filed a complaint with the local police. [ very expensive drone., smashed into garbage., dumped into the street.] The police chief refused to file charges as it was a very obvious invasion of privacy.
          So., or extremely socialist / liberal Attorney General jumped into the game and filed charges against the father. Pursuant to Federal Law. Federal district court judge tossed the charges, with prejudice.
          So., the now, totally irate father of the teenage boy that was spying on the teenage girl, filed a civil suit to obtain damages and emotional stress. As I remember we filed for several million dollars.
          It never made it to court. Tossed out at the first hearing. He appealed the dismissal of the suit to the Federal District Court. Appeal was denied., within days.
          – So.., there is a precedent regarding drone activity and invasion of privacy.
          Though I would not want to be the one caught popping a cap on a State, or Federal drone.

        • Curious George , any Notice to Airmen in regards to these drones ?

          ( sorry , I said MEN. Would AirTHEY’s be better ? )

        • “Brings up a twilight zone”

          That’s the assumption the UFOs are space aliens, other.

          Shooting one down calls .gov’s bluff.

      • One concern I have is that even as an experienced pilot, objects in the air can and have been deceiving. From various angles and with haze or other distractions, apparent drones or UFO/UAP/Saucers or whatever can actually be legitimate conventional or even unconventional aircraft! The FAA is quite stern about this. Even a prison near an airport may shine a searchlight on an aircraft if it seems to be misbehaving, but I’ve never heard of them shooting at it(in the USA).

    • I never stretch the truth. I do sometimes round, for brevity’s sake, when precise accuracy isn’t necessary. When I report, I report exactly what I have heard, read, or directly observed. In this case, I took the word of a deputy sheriff with a calibrated high-speed clocking device, on an 800yd FOP rifle range. He could have been wrong, or exaggerating. I assure you, I am not, other than to round 5183fps to 5200fps.

  3. E

    Homerz in this years STEAGLES Game at the Linc, Phila,PA, Sunday funday.

    WWIII is on like doneky kong no doubt – the big tell 4 moi was Pooterz gift to Japanese PM dying last week – he was called “The Peace Cat”. Seems symbolic in oh so many ways – a wink from universe as it were.

    Got Popcornz & got ticket outta dodge for kicking winter bluez ass..https://youtu.be/vJBaIUZwmTs?si=0o-NxG08ChAXZdsf

  4. well, there was Mohammad Ali,,, rope a dope
    and there is rifle scope dope
    I need to get some more 22-250 ammo and go shoot/check my dope
    Us pellet gun shooters also know dope, how much pellet drop for a known yardage
    knowing your dope is a smart thing

    when it comes to money, he or she that controls the purse has ‘control power’,,, feral reserve, global bankers
    ,,, we are ruled by evil,,, and hypnotized to believe it is good,
    I am just a Q drop tard that see the deep state is in fear of Trump doing the rope the dopes,,, Q+++ with hemp rope

    the current resident is robbing US blind via conspriracy with the CONgress, wash, rinse and repeat, send money to Ukraine and it comes back all washed and neatly folded to certain cons in gress,,, who look down on US as dopes.
    hemp is ‘Q’uite a useful material, but sometimes is refered to as ‘dope’ from the cannabis family
    but the grubermint says no cannabis for you, like a bunch of soup nazis,,, as the DC area is high on cocaine and adrenochrome,,,, they know who’s coke that was in the cubby hole, and they ain’t sharing, poof and it is gone

    most of those in the government really hate US
    Jan 20th can’t get here Quick enough
    I AM Thankful.
    I wonder what % of unelected government will D.O.G.E. eliminate. DOGE vs dope s in gov

  5. “aside from being illegal (to fire on an aircraft)”

    Funny how that works. Potentially being invaded and can’t defend ourselves even with a Second Amendment.

    Not to forget the UFOs happen to have flashing running lights in a spectrum humans see. We’re to believe the aliens have the power to get ‘here’ yet use 50 watt LEDs.

    “Air rods”

    We’re to believe when the UFO is in shared airspace the aliens flash running lights but when not they can zip around freely faster than sight.

    Two hoaxes right there, plus the Second – three.

    • Isn’t it great that those Alien Space Ships recognize the power of the FAA when they decide to enter US airspace??!!

      If they wouldn’t obey FAA regulations shoot the FAA personel might insist on them having to participate in Regulatory Capture Game by buying them dinners and hiring them when they would retire from the FAA!!

      ALL HAIL the FAA Regulations which now also keep us safe from Alien Space Ships!

    • and…..
      where are the US airforce interceptors?
      minivan sized drones and a lot of them.. all over big cities with the vast amount if the countries population.. and mo us aircraft goingnup to take a peek..
      no one from congress seeing any if it alarming enough to address it or maybe come back to work long enough to even read about it..so did they all ready knew what was going on..
      normally the air force sends an airplane up to check it all out . except this time..

  6. The first rule in covert ops ( which you know) is to DENY DENY DENY, so the sheeple just seem to forget that all the time, so I guess the vaxxed brain damage is working just as they planned, LOL as far as the White (dark) house and the FBI are concerned about the UFO’s not being a threat. LOL

  7. Gotta love love love that the misses is of a former AP newsy background. My understanding that the Drone Gaslighting is being performed using your tax dollars homegamers by one company called Reliable Robotics flying autonomous UAVs around. .


    SO WHY would the MSM be Gaslighting you home gamers ????

    Of course they arent GOVT. Its not what they tell you home gamers its what they dont tell you that you need to be discovering, and or paying attention to.


    Smells like Kabuki theater is in full force. Make sure your all not looking here………………..


    Real Estate on Block Chain Too….


    And [Steevo Theory] Say good buy to those CUSIPs as your companies will be hypothecated onto the blockchain. but whose?


    Not Advice, do your own homework. Happy Droning.

    • Not Advice, do your own homework. Happy Droning.

      Why would anyone read it when they’ll have to do their own home work? It always gets to me when I see disclaimers, because if you do your own home work you have no time to read other’s (not (worth a dime) opinion. Just my opinion! What basically counts is SUPPLY vs. DEMAND, that’s it my friends.

  8. On Friday the 13th in Mar.1959,I walked under a ladder while coming home from school and almost got hit by a falling paintbrush.
    I’ve been taking 100mg of DHEA every day for almost 40 years with no ill effects.

    • YMMV
      When I was researching my lonbgevity book, I realied on this:

      Hormonal imbalances
      DHEA can increase testosterone levels and cause masculinization in women, such as facial hair, a deeper voice, and weight gain around the waist. In men, it can cause more breast tissue, high blood pressure, and other problems.
      Liver damage
      High doses of DHEA can be toxic to liver cells and may worsen liver problems. People with liver disease should avoid DHEA.
      Mood disorders
      DHEA can worsen psychiatric disorders and increase the risk of mania in people with mood disorders.
      DHEA may increase the risk of some hormone-affected cancers, such as those of the breast, ovaries, and prostate.
      Other health problems
      DHEA can also cause high blood pressure, reduced HDL (“good”) cholesterol, oily skin, acne, hair loss, stomach upset, fatigue, nasal congestion, headache, rapid or irregular heart beat, and insomnia.
      Interactions with medications
      DHEA can interact with blood thinners, anticonvulsants, hormone therapy, and drugs for diabetes and heart or liver problems.
      DHEA supplements should not be taken long-term without consulting with a health care professional.

      So 50 is rec. max daily, but 100 may (for some people) be OK long-term. We are using 10 mg liposomal to remain well under reported effects areas

      fyi ymmv

      • That’s how excellent advice works, George, w/o disclaimers. Thank you, and remember that many of us have different tolerances.

      • I wonder if 50 DHEA and some amount of DIM(max recommended?) might work to restore T levels to those of much younger people. I’ve not tried this yet but am tempted to. The key would be to increase T and limit its conversion to Estrogen.

    • He says he is and “always will be a Proud Feminist”

      … after criticizing the US election for standing in the way, FOR A SECOND TIME, of a woman becoming President

      WOW … Canada is further gone than I even thought it was — this is the guy they have had a PM for how many years now?

      • Yeah…no.

        Trudumb is incapable of the realization that we haven’t elected a female President because we haven’t had a viable female candidate. I would vote for Condi Rice in a heartbeat. She’s a little too neocon, but she’s also hard-as-nails, brilliant, and very savvy (honestly, too savvy to ever seek the job.) I might vote for Tulsi – Jury’s out until I see what she does (and how) in her upcoming assignment. Same for Elise Stefanik (if the U.N. doesn’t eat her brain), and I could’ve voted for Kristi Noem (if she’d chosen a better editor or not shot herself in the foot.) There are several other Repubs/Independents.

        I can’t think of a single female Democrat for whom I’d vote, at this point in time. They’re all too Leftist and too “agenda-driven,” with a poor skillset and no grasp of rationality or reality.

        I’m all about capability — couldn’t care less regarding sex, race, religion, color, or creed…

        • I have wondered why she never ran.. I would vote for rice in a heart beat to.. she probably wouldn’t get it..because she is smart and wouldn’t be a get on her knees and kiss some oligarchs ass..

  9. Cracks me up how the poker tell is always in NJ, and rhymes with? Things from the 1930’s George for all the money..

    drones invading:

    Now back to what really matters. The Crypto pivot.
    Steevo predicts a gamma squeeze before this round of animal spirits is satiated.


    Where’s Larry Fink going to get his Bitcoin from?


    Got Blockchain.

  10. What happens when miner s are buying gold home gamers? outward appearances would seem to indicate that some have been selling their forward production, which ooops, unlike gold which can always have some SME calim you got more underground that cal be forward sold, not the same with Bitcoins finality of supply, with the ever increasing compute power needed to get Bitcoin block solve rewards. Well, if’n you didn’t factor that into your trade, your puts dont cover the cost to mine the BTC collateral. Epic.


    BCN you must be seeing this, LOL.


    Aqua Regia…

    • Vires Acquirit Eundo

      – It Gains Strengh as it Goes

      They are starting..
      Homegamerz Bee doing the JBug in the treetop thing, and bugging out!

      I recently put FBTC into family ofc accts..about a month ago. After having withdrawn funds from respective accts to fund each beneficiaries purchase of 2 BTC’s each, around the $42k mark. All held on Trezors, so they dont actually exist right at the moment.
      Allocation is same as for PM’s and Cash.
      Have been raising Cash levels in all accounts this week, above allocation levels..as far as stock mkt is concerned..going “Buffet” for time being.

      You know the BCNs’ been “smoking” ALOT of “Hash”, no? to which G would reply, Ha dare ya?

      – Tickle Ure ass with an Eagle feather?

      Say What?!

  11. In yesterday’s “Let’s Talk Farts” section, you showed a radar anomaly. It reminded me of the huge 20 mile long rectangle anomaly over Indiana back in September.


    And of course, the Antarctica anomaly …


    I don’t believe these are “glitches” in the system. A lot of people think they’re Motherships.

    And we have a congressman saying the drones are from an Iranian Mothership …


    Maybe some of you folks have heard the term, “Mothership” in military jargon but I have not, until this drown swarm thing. The words has always referred to a UFO by tinfoil hats.

    Ask an Alien: listen to the first 2 minutes.


    Bashar says, “The female will lead to Open Contact.” Well, she’s still VP and I doubt if aliens were traversing the cosmos at the time he spoke, that they would simply turn around and go back because Trump won.

    I think Clif had mentioned years ago, we would fly our crafts with alien craft mingle in the mix, so we would not know the difference when we saw them.

    Well, until we find out who holds the permit to hold such a Drone Expo, might as well just enjoy the show.

    Just my observation.

    • Hmm… UFO sightings have been Increasing.. just as the stupidity in government is increasing..has anyone decided the global events unfolding are serious enough for congress to come back and go to work? not to my knowledge.. so if they don’t give a shit about what’s going on..why should we be concerned?
      Heck no one even complained about the extra money that Biden is sending to Ukraine.. sanctuary cities are bracing to refuse to send illegals home.. and no one in congress cares enough to read any of the crap going before them or to do anything about the BS going on..

      • B.S. going on, loob, did you miss how the Republican’s tax cuts to the rich were triple that of lower income:
        ‘Was skewed to the rich. Households with incomes in the top 1 percent will receive an average tax cut of more than $60,000 in 2025, compared to an average tax cut of less than $500 for households in the bottom 60 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center (TPC).[1] As a share of after-tax income, tax cuts at the top — for both households in the top 1 percent and the top 5 percent — are more than triple the total value of the tax cuts received for people with incomes in the bottom 60 percent.[2]’

        • Loob is talking the money Biden is funneling to Ukraine for kick backs for slo and friends and you go off about some tax article from a chilton era advisor and a couple more with pronouns in their bios,,, that tells the bias in the story,,,wingnuts
          mean while you missed Trump’s “no tax on tips”
          who do you think that will benefit?
          I don’t see millionare waiters/waitress/bartenders
          how is meathead doing?

        • And no one in congress at all has stuck around to fix or address anything.. along with billions more going to Ukraine before this ad.in leaves office..
          the scary part..is from what I have experienced myself.. run away interest rates..we went from half a trillion a year to a trillion every three months..the country doesn’t take in enough in taxes to pay the interest on what we already owe.. Biden destroyed any hope Trump cannot turn it.. and Congress is out not paying any attention. We are closer to a war that everyone will suffer now than when I was a little boy.
          the whole shooting match is out of control.. the cash being given to keep our political leaders from paying any attention is so far out of control.. the politicians are not even paying attention to what’s happening to the politicians and their families in syria.. if this country was set up in a poison pawn trap and the morons and open borders did allow in a hidden army then this country is in a serious spot..
          either way the stress on the economic system and the threat position the idiots put us in by dragging us into wars that anyone with half a brain can see we cannot win..it doesn’t have anything to do with this country we just barge our pompous ass into wars and put the debt on the mid working at the burger joint.
          Trump cannot turn the economy tax cuts hell we cannot raise taxes high enough to pay the interest on the economic death spiral we are on..been there..its one scary event..
          if we go bankrupt on our debt then we start from square 1 and lose every thing we have now..the best we can expect is the worst depression in history.. of course that’s just my opinion and good lord knows I am at the bottom of the economic pile so what could I know and understand about high finance..

        • Ummm…. Your attack on LOOB had nothing to do with his comments, once again. Your comments look like auto-generated socialist troll talking points du jour, randomly inserted into a thread.
          I don’t think I have ever heard anyone in this forum arguing that Trump’s tax cuts weren’t a windfall for the high end tax brackets. The lower middle-class, upper lower-class tax cuts were welcome. The high end tax cuts were overdone.
          You should have started a new thread for this, instead of disrupting someone else’s rant with boilerplate socialist talking point rubbish.

        • “top 1 percent will receive an average tax cut of more than $60,000 in 2025, compared to an average tax cut of less than $500” for the bottom 60%.

          In case you hadn’t noticed, that’s how percentages work.

        • Ok Vic here’s a great recipe..easy delicious..
          2_ cups of four ( corn massa flour for corn tortillas )
          1 tsp salt
          1 cup milk ( water)
          1/4 cup of oil ( butter )
          For pocket pita mix in a packet of yeast
          mix it beat it .. then dust the press with flour.. or if you have parchment paper two pieces lay a square on the bottom.
          cut the dough in regular size pieces.. roll it into a ball… then flatten it on the center of the paper place the other square on top and press..
          on a heated pan or griddle flop the newly pressed tortilla or pocket pita and lightly fry both sides..
          there are so many variations that you can let your imagination go wild from sweet tortilla chips ..yup adding cinnamon sugar to your mix .. to onion pepper pocket pitas.taco shells or taco bowls for a delicious taco salad…always remember in making something to enjoy.. your the boss..you know what flavors you like..be creative.. hope that helps Vic.. I just pulled a loaf of bread out of the oven.. I always add an egg.. its how I like it..I get a really nice dense loaf of bread..
          the recipes are the same..you add what you like..

        • ?????
          tax cuts…
          (“did you miss how the Republican’s tax cuts to the rich were triple that of lower income:”)

          you obviously have missed the most important part..it has nothing to do with tax cuts!!! Carter had the right idea and he was tossed under the wheels of progress with the millionaire tax relief program of 78..Reagan thought industry leaders were like industry leaders of his day and trickle down..nafta treaty and outsourcing industry..sold out the taxpayer. when he realized it he gave away cheese and peanut butter and had tax stimulus to keep the economy going.. in my whole life the wealthy always oaid less in taxes. that’s why we have fifty thousand page tax law instead of a simple flat tax no deductions.. take poverty level of the wahat twenty grand then ten percent on everything else no deductions a higher tax on companies manufacturing outside or hiring out side representatives to do their phone.. and tax cuts to companies hiring us citizens and manufacturing in the usa..
          now we have millions of new people all from countries that swore vengeance coming into the country in vetted .. and hundreds of billions are being given away..
          our military out on so many fronts that we vannot win..
          destroying and giving away our strategic reserves.
          grocery costs that have trippled in the last three years..
          we are at the can we continue to survive as a country stage of the game.

          I know many in the upper income brackets..they have always paid less in taxes than those working have paid..
          big companies the higher wage earners only draw out what they use and meed..one place I worked every home of management was owned by the company..their million dollar campers owned by the company..the fuel bought and deducted by the company..
          one lady I worked with was getting a divorce from her husband that made 4 mil a year but at 4.50 an hour her income looked bigger than his. hospitals hand out million dollar homes pay for moving a new doctor from where he lived to their facility..one gent I use to go jogging and work out with graduated and traveled to facilities all over the country.. then one day we were jogging and yacking..and he brought up westvvirginia and he said the people put cars on blocks and friges on their porches.. then made a comment you cannot even find anything decent for under a half million..houses were selling for 30 grand then.. I laughed and said dam it what’s changed..you had better hope I don’t win the lottery.. I will buy the place next to yours and pit a couple cars on Blocks and a fridge on the porch just to be a smart ass..
          the sad part is your still thinking tax cuts to the wealthy all while the states like California are how much over budget..billions of dollars .. even if we cut back the trillion dollar military cost pulled back all of our military and did a national rebuild the infrastructure.. sure our budget would be drastically less.. but we don’t have the tax income to pay the interest on what we already owe..
          the oligarchs in charge of the mess are not willing to pay it down they want more.. and when they get more they want even more..there’s not enough more to satisfy those that want..
          it has nothing to do with tax cuts..those with money won’t see it..but if they aren’t doubling their money in the box now they are losing money..
          by outsourcing industry we are dependent on everyone else..
          the best we can possibly expect is the worst depression and complete collapse of the way our country operates.
          I could name civilizations of the past that went through what we will go through but wont..im guessing they must have some education there..

    • “And we have a congressman saying the drones are from an Iranian Mothership …”

      Don’t forget that body of extremely intelligent and thoughtful people also has a Congressman who made a speech where he expressed (seriously, NOT in jest) a fear that Guam would turn upside down.

      Thank goodness there is room on hill in Washington DC for Short Bus Riders to find a job. Otherwise they might be unemployable, even at the place where disabled people sometimes work

      • I believe he expressed his concern that Guam would “tip-over” due to the new Naval docks that were to be built.
        – He is still a Congressmen.

    • Years and years ago , I was at Gaye Levy’s site and she posted two weather phenomenom.

      First one was a weather system going in a straight northeat line over Arizona. It stopped , went into reverse.

      The other one was coming off of the IO headed towards Perth. Radar track showed a perfect sine wave.

      If it somehow matters.

      George , is Gaye still around ?

      • I was wondering the same thing…texted her a few times but haven’t heard back..
        loved her site.. essential oil guru

  12. Capo of SF largest criminal institution/family – “Nasty” has fallen and broken her 84yr old hip..while plotting and planning wit her Urepeein masters in Luxembourg..

    Which means there has been some some GAY ASS Soiree goings on at peloser household wit the “Gobbler”hisself sir paul of san francisco heights..begging the question ? what do Gerbils, Cocaine and Homo’s have in common ?

    Maybe ask bribem homey & ex philly newsman “Gerby” Pennicoli – he might know the answer..

    • For those who miss the Trafficante days of politics, the current bosses of the Five Families are reputed to be:
      Maranzano: Michael “The Nose” Mancuso
      Mangano: Domenico Cefalù
      Luciano: Liborio Salvatore “Barney” Bellomo
      DeCavalcante: Charles “Big Ears” Majuri, with Charles “Beeps” Stango as Underboss and Giuseppe “Pino” Schifilliti as Consigliere

      Gerby fell between the, ah, cracks.

    • Wow..I watched the video of the Pringles bread.. its to bad I didn’t see that earlier when I was mixing up a loaf of bread..
      got it rising right now.. I would have tried it.. I have some old yeast that I keep the culture alive so every week I have to bake a couple loaves of bread..

  13. (“Other than if you’re into Templar-related fraternal organizations”)

    my grandfather was in the Masonic order of the templars.. I have two of the swords and one of the feather pirates hats..his apron is long gone.. one is a really old sword the other a newer one.. my grandson went to a Halloween party there he oogled the sword in the entry for about fifteen minutes.. well everyone in the family wants to know where grandpas swords go.. I got them and no ones going to get them.. except my mini me’s he asked why I don’t have them out..because they are real not play toys and I have grandkids And i remember what happened when I was little..someone would get hurt.. but dam they are pretty..I always wondered if the jewels and stones in the handle are real or not..
    that one looks like the one I have or one of them but it looks like ruby’s in the handle..
    back in the day there wasn’t any cable television or internet..everyone was in a lodge or two it was the social gathering place..

  14. (“But while it does, it’s not particularly reassuring that the FBI, White House find no evidence of security threat in New Jersey drone sightings. These were the same people unable to find the owner of the bag of blow at the White House, “)

    they already knew whose dope that was!
    you can’t slip out a sneaky gas bubble without the security there knowing who did it..
    if you whispered honey I sharted to the wife..they have that on tape..bongino breaks it down..



  15. Loob: “and one of the feather pirates hats..” The proper name for the pirate hat is called a Chapeua! Cheers!

    • Thanks..I always wondered what they were called.. trying to get a copy of the photo of grandpa in his uniform .. then once the grandkids are old enough I am going to have a display made to hang it on the wall..
      grandpa and grandma were very proud of their invo!vement..I wanted to join when I was younger but was so busy there just wasn’t time..

    • Its about the only thing I have to remember them with..
      what I fear is the old basket.. the old family story that my great great uncle told me. as to why no one liked William is.. when Lewis was trying to get Clark to join him in his journey running around the US .. that he was to worried to tell the family. so he made up a slew of berry baskets..told everyone he was craving berry pie and while they were out gathering berries..he grabbed his stuff and left. leaving them without provisions.. back then that was almost a death sentence.. his brother George Rogers was telling his friend Daniel Boone what a crappy thing his brother did so they went and taught everyone how and helped gather provisions..
      then insult to injury when he returned home he brought a young Indian girl with him..now is that story true or not..there’s nothing in writing it was just a story my great great uncle told me when I was really little about why no one seemed to impressed when I brought his name up. when they were burning everything I begged to get it..its a couple hundred years old and when I die it will more than likely be tossed in a dumpster..
      I kept toys in it then comic books ..I have had it almost my whole life..

        • Yes that basket seems to be made out of what appears to be young willow bark.
          I have had it since I was a real little boy..
          they had a big fire and was tossing in anything and everything that related to him..I talked them into letting me have the basket and the old family story that you won’t ever read anywhere..
          when I was little I didn’t understand how fragile the basket was..playing with toys I would sit on the handle..well I broke the handle..I remember how it was made..but rather than make one I left it..
          my wife got a cabinet that her great grandparents hauled across the country homesteading.. it was just a pile of boards..so I put it together for the wife..it was their whole kitchen..and she had gotten a broken metal rocking chair.. smaller than most.. I had it fixed…
          the other thing she got is a copper coffee set..
          in the wastelands my great grandmother lived in a sod house.. she refused to leave it and after her death the state used it as a museum..I don’t know if its even around anymore..
          my mother inlaw made lace..beautiful lace..if you see old lace at a second hand store …grab it..some woman toiled a long time making that..usually for a wedding or some other special event..one the quilt my mother made.. the kids run down to the store buy it..
          the truly special things are the gifts that someone made by hand the most beautiful art are the ones a child made for you..
          those are priceless gifts..the gift of love.. your baskets should be cherished forever..

  16. DALLAS, Texas – On Thursday, Texas representative Giovanni Capriglione unveiled a new bill to create a strategic bitcoin reserve in the Lone Star state to fight “inflation and economic volatility.” The program will allow Texas to accumulate cryptocurrency in the state treasury by accepting bitcoin-denominated donations, taxes, or fees, which must remain untouched for a minimum of five years before they can be sold or moved. [Note: There is no provision in the bill to stop the State from ‘borrowing’ against this strategic reserve.]

    “The state’s financial goals are why a bitcoin reserve makes sense in the eighth-largest economy in the world,” Kadan Stadelmann, Komodo Platform’s Chief Technology Officer, told TheStreet Crypto about the proposal. “Texas is looking to become a global financial powerhouse, and towards this end, it has previously made the decision to launch the Texas Stock Exchange, which opens next year in Dallas.”

  17. I got it !

    George Carusoe ?

    Yeah it certainly fits, got a nice ring to it, thinking that will do, C-ing as how you bee stranded out there on an island all by Ure lonesome.

    All alone in the Texas outback -https://www.zerohedge.com/political/texas-lawmaker-proposes-bill-establish-strategic-bitcoin-reserve

    Barnac: Lead

    GPops: opens envelope, and reads aloud; what is a Ludd Coin?

  18. Friday December 13th … a day that I will always remember!!

    That was the day a couple of Friday the 13th cycles back when I literally shattered one leg into multiple little pieces while skiing. $130,000 later (my health insurer BCBS was PISSED but finally paid the bills) I was finally able to walk again … I was just hoping to be able to walk again … and after a full year of recovery could actually ski again, due to having been operated on by what was regarded at the time as THE BEST in the world Orthopedic Surgeons, those from Vail Colorado

    (people fly in from all over the world to Vail because they ARE the best there is in the world for certain Orthopedic surgeries, and they charge accordingly which is why BCBS was so pissed (they ended up paying 10x what they said the surgery should have cost). Those are the ones I INSISTED do my surgery knowing their reputation … thank goodness the attending physician agreed with me due to the seriousness of my injuries and authorized it withOUT BCBS concurance since he knew they would deny it.

    Today of course prices are UP UP UP in that realm for THE BEST so it would probably be in excess of $200,000 for what they did for me, probably closer to $250,000 but I have no complaints. Fabulous job, no re-surgeries, and I can do almost everything I could do before the accident.

    Friday the 13th … the day I almost cripled myself for life, but also the day that by a miracle of modern medicine, and willingness of that Best In The World surgical team to work through most of the night, providing me with a near normal life for the rest of my life.

    • I have yet to find out what my copay will be for my hip replacement surgery, but I know I’m in damn good hands. My local medical insurance just approved it. Many years back, ‘Hilo Hospital’ was a local joke, where old hack doctors hid out from prior medical transgressions. With a population base of only about 200-thousand for the island, there wasn’t much to support it. Serious operations were flown 250 miles to Honolulu to the big-city medical center.

      In recent years that has all changed, thanks to software mogul and philanthropist Marc Benioff, who has donated over $250 million to the Hilo medical center. Most recently a $50 million donation to match a Federal grant of the same amount to expand the hospital facility and nearly double the beds available. The ‘Benioff Hilo Medical Center’ has been able to attract excellent doctors and specialists far beyond what is normally available to a rural medical center with a relatively small population base. My ortho surgeon is a young guy from California who has been here only two years, is board certified, and by all reports is excellent. He could have gone anywhere in the country, but he chose here.

      I just went thru an education class ‘boot camp’ to learn what to expect and what the process involves. Infection control is a large part of patient education, as is rehabilitation. Days before surgery, I will be sterilizing myself, internally and externally, right down to my toenails. They leave nothing to chance. Bone infections are near impossible to treat, and result in complete removal of the installed hardware to clean out and treat… before doing it all over again. I call that terroristic motivation. Ugh!

  19. steevo kinda beat me to this:

    “Cracks me up how the poker tell is always in NJ, and rhymes with? Things from the 1930’s George for all the money..

    drones invading:

    This is Orson Welles’ original The War of the Worlds radio play:


    I suggest people listen to it, and note that the current spew from the government and in some cases the media, is a word-for-word plagiarism from Welles’ broadcast.

    If one listens to the archived broadcast and considers the events bracketing it, they might begin to see many, MANY historical rhymes with today…

    • The drones..if these drones are the size of cars..and with the maneuverability they have.. they are either government owned or from somewhere else.. from what I seen the drones move faster than anything we have that I know of..we will be the last to find out …

  20. Ernst Demands Biden Halt Lame Duck Spending Spree

    WASHINGTON – After Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said her goal is to spend every single dollar in the CHIPS for America program before President-elect Donald Trump takes office, Senate DOGE Caucus Chair Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is demanding the Biden administration halt its multi-billion-dollar spending spree immediately.


    Actually a multi-trillion dollar spending spree.

    Tonight (Friday) the Biden Administration released plans to drain ALL the monies budgeted and earmarked for leftist projects before Biden leaves office — roughly $2.7tln. This will not only leave the Trump Administration with nine months of zero funding in these areas, but will make it extraordinarily difficult for DOGE to cut waste & abuse. The lamestream is sitting on this story. It MAY surface today; it may not…

  21. Victims ‘shocked’ after Biden grants clemency to ‘kids-for-cash’ judge and $54 million embezzler

    Victims of major public corruption cases in Pennsylvania and Illinois are angry that President Joe Biden granted clemency this week to two convicted officials.

    The commutations were announced Thursday as part of a historic clemency package for 1,500 convicted criminals who, the White House said, “deserve a second chance.”

    Former Pennsylvania Judge Michael Conahan was convicted in 2011 in what was infamously called the “kids-for-cash” scandal, where he took kickbacks from for-profit detention centers in exchange for wrongly sending over 2500 juveniles to their facilities for long-term incarceration.


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