ShopTalk Sunday: Wood Sailboat Model Build (1)

Ever get tempted to buy one of those inexpensive Chinese model sailing ships on eBay?  Great value – way cool. The one on the right there is a good value if you want an introductory project to real model-making skills.

$11.33 each plus $3.36 for a SpeedPAK from China.  The seller is out of Shanghai.  I bought two of them (one was for a friend of mine).  Ordered June 9 and here by June 13. Good seller.

As a sucker for the dopamine rush of shopping when there’s no day trading on the weekend, I bought it in part because of the dopamine buzz.  Yes, that’s right – those of us with too many hobbies and living an adventurer’s life just LOVE dopamine – a neurotransmitter released by?  Here’s a hint: Why Retail “Therapy” Makes You Feel Happier – Cleveland Clinic.

The Model-Building Mindset

Eventually, the boats arrived from China – and after forwarding one, I set about sorting out directions.  I built a number of plastic models as a kid, but now that I’m (*supposedly) grown up, I figured it’s been over half a century since I sat down to build a model…  Maybe take things slow?

Eventually (with 3-ship models, three airplane models, and two Corvette models (the latter for wife Elaine)) I look at these all as “warm up acts” for what will be along as Ure’s coup de grace!  Revell (Germany) makes a $120 dollar model of the Cutty Sark and it’s a beaut!  It will go perfectly as a focal point in the “Trader Vic’s” themed dining room.

Revell o542 sure looks like an updated Model H-399.  36.5-inches long when built but a lot of that is bowsprit.  For $114 it can be found on Amazon if you want to “go big or go home” right off.

Why didn’t I begin with IT?

Well, um…cowardice?  The bloody thing is longer than any clean bench space in the shop.  This is a Level 5 skill model with over 700 parts.  Even at a good working clip – say 5-minutes per part – that’s basic assembly of 59-hours.  Not counting rigging and within that, not counting laying out the “ratlines” (lowest set of standing rigging stays with crosswise ropes so sail crew can jump aloft easily). I figure a hundred-hour time budget, but it’s all a rhyme off learning (and mightily respecting the amazingly detailed models made by) the late Carl Hansen of Portland.

Took him about six months of regular working at it to turn out a similar-sized ship.  Different building technique.  The Revell is a plastic model.  Most of Carl’s were hand-hewn from solid blocks of seasoned hardwood.  He’d have a set of the nautical designer’s plans (with station (rib) specs) on hand in the early going.

He showed me the ropes of rigging such things.  He had worked the latter third of the 1800’s through 1930s on ships running the lumber trade to Asia.

What was a “spanker?”  Well, it’s a gaff rigged fore-and-aft sail set from (and aft of) the aftmost mast. Almost all square rigs with more than one mast have one or two spankers, which evolved from the driver sail.  No, lubber, a spinnaker is something else.  Those hang from the pointy end. Staysails had local names.

Carl being Scandanavian was deferential to the Master who was required to never do wrong.  Carl was shipwrecked – once or twice, pardon my time fog – but his love of ship modeling was contagious.

I digress.

I opened the box.  My friend knows Chinese – which might cause a detective to question whether it makes my “generosity” a little self-serving?  Please.  Um…no, just convenient if I get into a pickle.  Especially if it looks like kimchee.

Remember, though, I lived on my sailboat from the late 80s through the 90s.  I know what a halyard is (up and downy rope) and lines and sheets.  (There’s no “rope” on real ships.  That’s lubbers and chandlery talk.  Lines, halyards, and sheets thanks.

Big buildup and too much background, so warm up the Exacto knife and let’s dig in…

What to Expect

Some things to be aware of as you go:

The boat is really cleverly made using very inexpensive thin (guessing 1 mm) plywood.  If you don’t plan to build it right away, store in a cool, dry place laying down.  Putting a book on it would make sense.  Cheap plywood does have a tendency to warp with even small amounts of moisture.

Second point is that on my “hobby shop” bench, there is a 16-inch variable speed scroll saw.  Like a damned coward, I carefully did a gross cut-out the first part out from its sheet.  The keel is the “backbone” of any ship and so it seemed prudent to cut the keel out so as to give old “double-thumbs” all the advantages he could find.

The basic outline of the ship is a long piece of keel.  On top of which you will be fitting “ribs” into matching slots.  The laser printed numbers on these ribs is not particularly clear if you have Old Eyes, so a soft lead in a 0.9 mm drafting pencil on each with its number is cheap insurance in the early going:

I discovered a simple trick to cutting out the ribs (and assume this will hold for other parts, as well):  One side of the plywood has a darker color to it, while on the reverse, the laser cut lines are noticeably lighter.

I found that by cutting on the darker side – and zeroing in on the connecting tabs (which aren’t all that big) the cutouts came out with no tear out.

A typical connecting tab is circled in white above.

Since we are/were in a record setting heatwave here in East Texas while I was starting, even with 10-tons of A/C rolling across my head, the Hobby Shop was up to 95F in the afternoon when I got this far.

Experience teaches that when there’s critical work to do, the best time of attack is before breakfast while the mind is sharp, the shop is cool, and the coffee has started to work its magic.  No markets open to trade Sunday?  We might make some real progress!

That applies in this project, too.  The critical part of this will be laying the ribs exactly in place.

For this, you’ll need your choice of glues (Gorilla for models or Bob Smith Industries – BSI).  You’ll also need a small but accurate square: (Joy of having a mini-machine shop at the ready.)

The idea is that all the ribs will come out (the numbers just got really useful, depending on your workbench organization skills!).

Then I will set the two end ribs first.  Reckon to use Gorilla on one side (it has some expansion which should hold things snugly square once aligned).  When that has dried (and I unstick my fingers, lol) then the balance of the ribs will go in with Gorilla on one side, then 30-minutes later, I will soak in Bob Smith’s from the opposing. More squaring than a Mason’s convention by the look of it.

Make sure the glue you are using has a long enough working time if you want to try the “drops and plops” approach.  This is usually way messier and sometimes wastes as much glue on the bench as on the workpiece. Don’t ask.

Eyeing the emerging outline of the hull made me think these boats might have been fairly quick on certain points of sail.  A friend of mine from back in Sailing Days had a 60-odd footer in Seattle (Die Nadel -’’the needle”) and if was very narrow like this hull seems to be.  Die Nadel was only, gosh, 7 or 8 feet of beam (width) so it was really fast at slipping through, not ploughing the waves.  Same kind of hull ratio – or near enough to make the point – is evident if you ever check out the MacGregor 65 series.  Almost bought one – once upon a time.

My MBA tripped that deal up:  Moorage on boats is by the foot, you see.  If you’re paying $50 per month per foot ($2,000 per month for a hole in the water – or more now) do you want to live in the same interior volume (maybe a tiny bit bigger) and pay another kilobuck more in water hole rent?  A wide beam 40-footer or a screaming fast sled…hmmm…

In the end, the wide hull stayed under me.  Even docking a 40 single-handed in a decent blow and driving rain a during Puget Sound winter is challenging.  Not sure what I’d do with another 20-feet and more windage aloft.  Challenging is OK – builds character – but I have made it almost to 74 by avoiding really stupid like the plague.  As Father Eastwood taught us in the movie Magnum Force, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”  Visit ‘em often. That’s where adventures live.  But do so carefully.

Sailboats of the real sort are difficult to live with unless you’re made of money and live ashore – or in – my case – you don’t have a “boat note” on top of moorage. And don’t live “on the hard.”

Notice something?  This is a “ShopTalk” project.  But you’re getting a whole sailing course out of this “model” project!

Decking Before Bottoming

The instructions were not without some challenges.  It would have been nice to have had more clear instructions with at least little hints.  Something like “Your whole model is made of thin laser cut plywood.  There are four sheets in this model labeled A, B, C, and D.”  This wasn’t apparent until some ways into the building process.  Labeled parts were hard to read and many remain undecipherable even now.

An example of inconsistencies resulted in excess vodka consumption at mid-week.  (Translation – trying to sort it out drove me to drink!).

The aft of the rudder post extension didn’t have the vertical member at X and the back piece didn’t have any holes in it at the X, either.  When in doubt, punt.

The Instructions also didn’t have a Roman Numeral IV.  Jumped from III to V which again, resulted in some research.

After the ribs cured overnight, it was time to mount the main deck:

After this, it was time to begin bending-on the bottom pieces that affixed to the keel portion of the ribs.

Trouble here:

You need to be very careful that when bending the bottom on that it doesn’t crack.  Ask me how I learned?  The hard way, of course!

My patch came out looking OK.  And since this is a model, the whole hull assembly had a lot of “gimme” in it as I super-glued my body parts together on the way to completion.  Because as every serious modeler knows, a little bit of Durham’s Rock hard Water Putty will allow you to cast an entire boat hull, if need be.

Which means no matter how poorly shit goes from here, this miracle half-brother of Bondo will be able to cover all ills!

Siding and Hair Pulling

Where the whole premise of the model began to get iffy for me was putting on the sides.  The directions call for the top of the sides to go on before the bottom.  In other words, it would be like siding your house from the top down – which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  If you have to hit a foundation line.

Still, the first side was going on Friday but already I could tell that with micro differences between kits, the bottom would have all seams – plus bow and stern, all nicely filled with Durham’s or the final product would look like crap.

This is the port side (steering platform aft from what could be made of it) and you can see it will take some “creative strip cutting.”

Fortunately, in the shop, there’s 2- pounds of Durham’s and a 1-inch by 30- inch belt sander (usually used on knives and sharps) but sacrifices will be made. Oversized die grinder at the ready, as well.

I think – and this is something I got out of the whole Disney approach to “imagineering” that has paid handsome dividends:

Remember any time you are making a (non-functioning) model, whole name of the game is what the finished version looks like.  Even with the “hull from hell,” with enough patience and putty, it could still come out OK, yet.

I bet others have run into this too – and it’s part of becoming a master Maker like reader LOOB.  I’m pretty sure that his (amazing) cardboard furniture has its flaws, here and there.  But as long as he was able to recover in a non-0apparent way (like me and my buddy Durham, right?) he gets the kudos!

Which is really not a bad metaphor for life either.  Everyone will roach this or that.  It’s the recovery and getting on with a good finish that matters. People only remember the finish line.  Not the midpoints of the race.

Apologies for such a long dissertation, but ship building is about “just keeping building and recovering” until it’s all done.

(More as this thing progresses…unravels… or sinks.)

Write when you blah, blah, blah…

46 thoughts on “ShopTalk Sunday: Wood Sailboat Model Build (1)”

  1. Mostly I have done paper models.. get the papter models of one thing or another.. wonderful airplanes ships and buildings.. and it is inexpensive.. if you screw up.. print out another sheet and go again..

    When I was working non stop day and night.. for break times I would carry what I called my shoe box projects.. one was a tiny black forest clock.. had to special order a clock works from germany to fit in it LOL.. today that clock works would break the bank..
    I did try egg carving.. cheap to.. the big issue there was traveling from one job to another the eggs would break..
    I use to make plates when I was a kid.. had a nice one of the cutty shark ship on copper plate.. interviewed for a job making newpaper plates the interviewer stold my ship when I left my portfolio LOL.. I didn’t throw a fit.. because I figured I could always make another.. (I never did) .. did some diamond wheel etching.. and for years would take glasses and etch a design in the glass pick up a glass or vase and go to town with it.. .. it was fun easy and you could do someones name, photos etc. etc…. still got the diamond etching pen in the drawer.. and skrimshaw tools in the tool box.. I will give them all to my mini me.. he almost adopted my six pound hammer the other day.. he said.. papa.. I could sure use one of these LOL.. modern day dremels.. but I liked the feel of the micro file or saw.. the micro sanding boards.. the delicacy of the egg.. and the versatility and beauty of an egg..
    Maybe I will go back to work on an egg again.. that would be fun..

    • To get as far as this morning’s work? About an hour. But remember, I am a time mgt slave.
      So I set my pomodoro timer for 25 min and work at the hobby shop for that. than a 5 min pee and water break.
      In fact, the rest of today plans out like this:

      Sunday Pomo list

      1. work on ship model
      2. cut up shipping boxes
      3. check web
      4. clear up office floor

      1. work on ship model
      2. sweep shop floor and vac.
      3. check web
      4. clear off office horiz. spaces

      1. work on ship model
      2. Put away shop bench items
      3. check web
      4. rearrange radio gear in office

      1. work on ship model
      2. Put away more bench items – preload north array rebuild box
      3. check web
      4. Move new radio workbench into office

      1. work on ship model
      2. Clean off shipping and antennas bench
      3. check web
      4. Move radio parts and tools rollaround to general shop area.

      1. work on ship model
      2. Clean off shipping and antennas bench
      3. check web
      4. Clean off radio elect bench and vac.

      1. work on ship model
      2. Clean shavings off metal vice and detail it – check centering chattering on bronze & copper
      3. check web
      4. Open new SX-100 and give initial once-over

      a. Plan weekly schedule
      b. prep steaks and BBQ
      c. Wine time and cook
      d. Movie

      2000 down for the count…

      As should be evident – most hours have 1-2 deep tasks and 1-2 lighter.

      Down at 8PM means up at 4 AM to assess markets – have a short trade on so will need to bail in the pre-open or hold for a half day or longer decline…

      maniac, or what?

        • As it turns out, about two groupings in, shit blew up – often does – but it was fine to begin the day with a plan.

          but then along comes the “improvise, adapt, and overcome” parts.

          Mosat of Sunday was adapted and improvised into wholly unrecognizable shit.

          Not on the list, the new phone system was installed, though!

  2. Do you use the same vocabulary as those old salts of long ago when fitting tiny parts get challenging?
    With your journalistic encouragement I dropped $30 smackers on a couple kits for this upcoming winter. The Wright Flyer and The Monitor and Merrimak warships from Metal Earth. They arrive as a 8″ or so metal sheet then parts are clipped and fitted. The Flyer finished is about 6″ with some of the parts not being much bigger than well teeny. And in the documentation with the kits is an advertisement for a dandy little tool kit for assembling these little kits so there goes another $24.95 and oh crap they have models of a couple civil war submarines!! Too much dopamine for this dope.
    Can’t wait to see your accomplishments with the sailing craft.

    • the coolest one I seen made from blueprints was a farmer that made a combine.. about three foot long.. with grease gun LOL…

  3. “I’m pretty sure that his (amazing) cardboard furniture has its flaws, here and there”

    It does have its flaws.. trim and paper covering it.. I think about the chinese lacquer boxes.. seen one once.. dam loved it all paper and people were in the auction asking I wonder what kind of wood that is LOL LOL LOL.. they didn’t have a clue…. and it is still going strong.. I figured the door would come off to the cooler part.. . it is after all screwed into cardboard LOL.. I think I finally figured out the NECK of the violin.. phew ponder it set it aside then ponder it some more…. then try another idea.. the neck would fold on me every time I put a stress test to it.. tough one.. then the blades.. it is cardboard and toilet paper and has to be able to withstand over two hundred pounds of pressure per square inch… if I can’t stand on it.. it won’t ever work..

    ever had potato pancakes..
    instead of making potato puffs.. I am thinking that sounds good for a snack potato waffles..
    2 cups of mashed potatoes
    1/2 cup of flour
    2 eggs..
    1/4 cup of chopped onions.. mix then put in the waffle maker.. or if you like the small chip idea.. these always kept the kids going..
    for waffles.. and of course the waffle stick maker.. one grandson came by yesterday saying that he gets a lot of use out of his that I got him.. my waffle stick boy.. says they just aren’t as good as the ones I made LOL..
    make up as many as you can with the mini waffle iron..
    or make up mini potato puffs or tots.. small is the words..
    about an inch in diameter or a half inch..
    fry them up.. set aside..
    now take
    1 pound of hamburger.
    1 onion chopped
    1 green pepper chopped
    some chives chopped ( mostly for color
    1 mushroom chopped
    1/2 cup of spagetti seasoning
    it has the right amount of oh yeah baby peppers in it..
    1 can of tomato sauce
    1 small can of tomato paste
    1 can of diced tomatoes..
    1 16 ounce can of v-8
    fry the hamburger in the v-8 along with the chopped peppers and onions.. then add the spagetti seasoning.. once the hamburger is browned and cooked.. add the can of tomatoes and the sauce.. taste it.. make sure it is to your liking..
    then after it thickens a little bit.. gently stir in your potato puffs and or your potato waffles.. sprinkle a little cheese on top and serve..

  4. I think I need to send you money. Can you repeat your address? Is the subscription rate $33 or have you increased it with inflation and all?

  5. Hey guru of gurus .hitting mainstream about the fake president. Not biden you know . Should be good for your beloved USD and gold shorting eh . Or maybe this will be your largest rear insertion . Damn I can smell cognitive decline . Der der der der blah blah blah

  6. Reading all this talk of weekend leisure activity is getting me tired. I need to head to the office tomorrow AM and rest up.

  7. “(More as this thing progresses…unravels… or sinks.)”

    Set sail with whatever floats your boat! No apologies necessary. My Cutty Sark model is a simply a small plastic example less complex than yours.

    It’s kind of one of those ironies that a ship whose start was in the Shanghai to UK tea trade now has its likenesses shipped from China to the West. I didn’t realize until surfing around today that clippers such as Cutty Sark apparently descended in design from the Baltimore Clippers.

  8. That’s the Revell Cutty kit I had when I was a kid (‘cept it was $12.95 with no sales tax, then). Aside from taking the anchor chains out of the box and playing with them a couple times, I never messed with it. I tried to get the lines and rigging looking like they were supposed to, and when I couldn’t, I decided the box would be artwork until I could figure it out. AFAIK that kit was lost when my parents’ house was demolished…

  9. Just so you know, the rigging on the Cutty is historically innacurate. I had a friend who built these for museums, and he had to re-rig a lot of the ship.

  10. “Cheap plywood does have a tendency to warp with even small amounts of moisture.”

    Not only wood. I just got a glossy-coated postcard QSL from the ISS. Two days later in this tropical humidity the paper swelled and curled the card into a nice U shape. It is under a press now, awaiting a picture frame to keep it permanently flat.

    As for the dopamine rush of shopping… yes, I have an addiction complex also. It’s name is eBay.

  11. C’mon, George…you and I both know this has a lot more to do with that repressed model airplane glue jones than anything else.

  12. Good Evening. Not to side track Ure discussion. I want to address a few things.

    In my assessment of the book the 48 laws of power. I discarded it as trash. I do not find any of it as having value. I do not subscribe to any of it as having any quality. With one single accepting. The Art of disclosure.

    On October 24th of 2001, I went and saw the movie Black Hawk down. This was shortly after the twin towers fell. I was the only one in the movie theater. That night. I got in a car, ran a tube from the exhaust and stuck it in the window of my car. I prayed a simple prayer. Maker of my soul. You did not make me to hurt people. I do not want to hurt anyone. So I give my soul back it’s maker to do with it as it sees fit. And I died for 4 and half minutes. This was my 9th NDE. Some of the story of what I saw and went through is in various places around the internet. About 10% of what I saw and went through on the other side. After I died. I did not have to come back to “life.” I was given the option of remaining in eternity on the other side. I was shown many many things, even the future here. I did a full life review, felt all the pain and joy I had caused others. I did see different forms of what people know as “heaven” and “hell” here as options in afterlife. I also saw many different “creations”. As in planes of existence. Some like earth and some very different than earth.

    I was and am also aware that Everything that has happend since I returned has created a butterfly effect. Because I shouldn’t be here. I also know that everything we do here on this plane of existence affects all other planes of existence.

    I know there some Powerful people very angry at my recent posts in a few places and comments.

    I asked a few questions and I got some answers today. One with regards to the Rockefellers in a peculiar venue. Written about in a pamphlet an unlikely source told me about that was printed in 1956. Unrelated to anything I commented on or posted. Nevertheless it directly answered my question.

    George, do you Remember the first story I published on my website when I had one. It was about how my life was a complete mess and I was running late all day. Woke up late, late for work. In middle of a divorce, late for counseling and then late to meet a friend at a meeting spot and I was so frustrated all day. Angry as hell about being late then I found that lady laying next to her jeep, dead as a door nail. I did cpr on her and she came back to life. She was balling her eyes out and saying she was sorry. I know when I brought her back to life. She was in the middle of her “life review” and feeling all the pain she caused others. I could see that look in her eyes. I knew what she had been experiencing. She clung to me like her life depended on it and cried and kept saying she was so sorry. I just kept telling her. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m right here and I’m won’t let you go. You are okay. You are okay. You are safe I have you. I bought you back. You are safe here with me.

    That is how I got the wisdom, I often say. ~ we are right on schedule ~ didn’t matter if she black or white, Christian or Muslem, good mom, bad mom. Nothing mattered except she was dead and she was Alive. I never knew her name and she never knew mine. The paramedics came and got her, I locked up her jeep and brought over her keys and purse and set them on her. And they wheeled her into the ambulance and off she went and I never saw her again.

    One of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of things on this place called life on earth I’ve done since October 24th 2001. If I had not chose to come back and stayed dead here and in eternity there that day. She would be alive today. Just the fact she is alive. Changes everything here in the future from that point. That is only one example.

    The 7 year tribulation when I asked has been pushed back a century. I don’t know what to tell you other than I got an answer to that as well. Same date as a start, just not till 2222. Instead of 2122.

    I am, muti faceted. I know that I’m very heavily monitored right now. Being studied because of my comments. And predictions. And i posted their plans. And there is strong language they want to put me in a box in the language of creation around me. How does this nobody of notoriety or any aristocratic affiliation know our plans and posted them in the open.

    All I can tell you is. I’m not being just monitored by you. I’m being monitored by the other side of life. I don’t know how I know the answer I know at times. I don’t know how I know what I know at times. I just do. I just know stuff. Some stuff in books I’ve never read. If you come after me , which is your right to do so. It will not go well for you. Of that I am certain. Not because I’m super power full and omnipotent. I just know the ONE who is. And it is HE that asked me to come back. So I don’t know what to tell you or even what to do about anything other than. I am not supposed to be in this life as it is now. I already died “HE” keeps asking me to come back. So I’m still alive and here. There is at times I don’t want to be here either. Lol

    There is only 2 ways I can get out early. And I’ve tried many many times to go through one exit door. So I remain alive. It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not. I’m just a regular guy who has THE HAND OF GOD on me. Wether you like it or not or I like it or not. Often times I don’t know. Then later end up right where I’m supposed to me even with me trying to be there in the first place. Lol.

    It’s like finding a 9mm bullet I sent George a picture too and posted on here. I just found a 9mm bullet in the parking lot at sports game. A month later we find a 9mm pistol in a storage pod an employee stashed in there on day there was rampant active shooters in other cities, when the cops hand him his gun back there is a single 9mm bullet that is missing. Now I found the bullet one month prior to it going missing from the gun. I still have the bullet. Everyone was confused where it went. Did it time travel back a month for me to find the moment it went missing from the gun? I have no idea. Certainly baffling.

    So, I don’t know what to tell you about your dilemma with me. I’m not making this shit up. These are are all facts. I found the bullet on the ground a month before it missing. I saved a woman’s life when I was late all day but I was on time to be there
    Right when she needed me.

    And the countless thousand upon thousands of other bending the laws of realty things I have been a part of. Like know your plans in advance and stating them in the open on a conspiracy forum. Me, a man of no notoriety, prestigious education and don’t really know anyone of aristocratic affiliation.

    An average dude who drives a dump truck. And ends in elevators with Elon Musk. And others.

    I totally understand you wanting to put me in a box. Hahaha. But that is not for me decide or you. Honestly. I’m just a regular Christian fella. Accepted Jesus blood as a sacrifice and atone for my sins. I’m not even a very good Christian. Just a wretch that Amazing Grace Saved.

    But ever since I came back to life on October 24th, 2001. Well, my life is much different and what i understand is probably a small part of all the stuff that I participated in since I came back. I only know a little bit.

    So it was decided by them not to give a shit load of money to buy me off. Okay I understand that too. I like money. But I get it. I bought my last lotto tickets. I doubt I will win. Havent yet. Always one number away. Even I calculate an extra number then it’s one number passed that. Been knocking on that door for a while. LOL

    Well, that is enough about all that . If you do figure out who left me the bullet that I found a month before 8it went missing from that fellas gun ? Please say thank you that nobody got hurt. Since the day before there was 8 other fellas standing In the Kill zone ” for a total of 9 Andy’s at the Paul McCartney show the day before then a 9mm round goes missing from a fellas gun at another show, but I found it a month prior. On thre ground in the parking. Lot
    So I don’t know what to tell you about being angry with me and spying on mmy every movee. Other than, you are not theonly oness . Something way bigger than humans is as well

    • The only other thing I can say is, I have had more than a thousand people since I came back to life that day after my 9th NDE say that my voice they heard or my face is what they saw when they traveled to the other side after having an NDE. I was the first person they spoke to or heard when they died.

      I don’t have any recollection of ever meeting them or talking to them on the other side. But they will swear to heaven whatever that I’m the one they saw after they died. I don’t know why that is. I’ve had people come up at a grocery store and say you are the one who spoke to me when I died in a car accident. I remember your voice. I will never forget it. And I honestly have no idea who they are or anything about it. Never seen or talked to them ever before in my life. But the look on their face says they ain’t lying. They heard my voice and spoke to me when they died.

      I don’t know what that is about. I don’t know why that is. But after over 1000 different people you don’t know say that to you? It trips me out. One is friend who grabbed me by the arm I was walking out of a 7-11 and said when she died, I told her she would see me again. And she i sent her back to life and she waited and searched for 10 years and when I walked by her when I walked out of 7-11 in San Francisco she freaked out. Said your the guy I saw when I died. You are the angel I spoke to when I died. You said I’d see you again and here you are!

      And I have no idea about ever talking to her or ever seeing her before or in my life or on the other side.

      So I’m going on with my journey Here and if those who are pissed and want to try and stop me or put me in a box or what ever. Well I don’t know what to say other than, you are not the only one watching me.

  13. All I ever wanted to do was be a normal guy, find a pretty girl, have a house on some land and live a normal life.

    But it is what it is. Wether we both like it or not. I’m the living the life I’m living.

    So, it is what it is. I don’t know what to tell you other than that. Everyone thinks I’m going to be some great person on the world stage some day. I don’t know about that either. I certainly don’t want that. I’d rather be a normal guy and live a normal life. Lol. Not understand great things and know stuff I have no idea how I know them or people tell me I’m the person they spoke to after they died. When I have no idea what they are talking about. Honesty. But you can not convince them otherwise that I’m not the guy they saw when they died on the other side.

    Have a wonderful week everyone. I know others are reading these words. Very powerful people in this world. So I just wanted to address their thoughts and concerns. Because I can read it in the world around me. And I don’t know why I can read it. I just can. Lol

    • Andy, all you ever wanted was/is so similar to all I ever wanted! I can certainly relate. We each got part of that, and then life got in the way. I don’t see the future as you do – not clearly anyway. Certainly someone/something bigger than us is moving the chess pieces.

      It seems prudent to enjoy the summer while we can, while preparing as best we might. Thanks for the insights, and the motivation to be more open-hearted. I admit to not understanding Christianity very well, though I do feel a strong connection to both our Creator and this Creation. God willing, we’ll find our way.

  14. Oh just so you all are aware. This winter will still be very hard and we are well into the next great depression. There is entirely to much inertia to stop the world economy from collapsing. It already has. The only thing keeping it going for now is 2 things. Distraction and Denial.

    It is going to be very hard for a long while for most people on earth. And there will be a drastic reduction in living standards for most people. Everyone will be affected. No matter their social status or economic status. Everyone will feel it and there is alot of people who make it through. But my understanding is that what is know as “The 7 year tribulation” won’t begin until 2222.

    I heard in meditation, they will love you and all you do for them. But in the end. They will kill you out of jealousy. And I thought. As if Death means anything. I personaly know Death well. We have an understanding Death and me. Especially After 12 NDEs. Then I heard, you don’t know what you got until it’s gone.

    And I thought. Well, I’m certain that no matter what i loose or anything I have received since I died in the car on my 9th NDE and gave my soul back to its maker, really doesn’t belong to me in the first place. And my maker, decides what I have and what I don’t have. One I will die and then I will know all that was said and done in secret to help me or stop me and why it was to the advantage of helping others not just in this creation, because everything we do in this creation affects all the other planes of existence. You Take from me here and it cost another you in another creation a loss. Something like that. Hard to describe in a limited language.

    So we will still see the collapsing of the world economy and everything will unfold as was stated. Belief has nothing to do with it. I just wanted to clarify the 7 year thing. That is not for another century.

    No man know the hour. Only the Father. Yes, unless the Father reveals it to a man. And that is what I’ve seen in the world around me. The world is becoming Sodom. In the days of Noah. It took a century for Noah to build an Ark. The day it was ready to sail and everyone aboard, the day the rain drops started to fell that day, was 100 years after he laid the first board down on the keel.

    So we are one century out. From what I see for that. The other stuff will happen…… well…. right on schedule.

    • “The only thing keeping it going for now is 2 things. Distraction and Denial.”
      The Distraction and Denial are major components of socioeconomic theories, which gets you into economic cycle theory. You left off Bravado, which generally has a way of running down the pants leg when the Sheriff serves the eviction notice.

    • “There is entirely to much inertia to stop the world economy from collapsing. It already has. The only thing keeping it going for now is 2 things. Distraction and Denial.”

      I believe that to..
      Economically.. with all the printing of those floating trillions.. ( where did they go… the usa should be in super fine shape having printed several years of budget at one time.. no one knows no one cares and no one is keeping tract of it.. instead.. didn’t you have it in the back seat of your car.. or was it ralph l;that had it last.. )
      sneaking in millions at a rate of what half a million a month all from countries that swore vengence from us no vetting involved….
      and a War that everyone wants us into and even now its at the point where.. what are you going to do next..
      all of it at a point where we will have to go through it one way or another.. by a group that doesn’t have a clue that doesn’t work and dual standard of laws keeps them safe from legal ramifications of it..

  15. You do realize that a Seattle nick name is Sodo. Meaning south of the Dome.

    Sodo is of course only one letter away from Sodom. As in Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Then again. Microsoft is here.

    I’ve been seeing alot of cars with smashed windows. Makes me think of Microsoft metaphorically.

    There is nothing that can take away the hand of THE DUDE from my life. Not even me. I’ve tried many times. Even to the point of death. And HE still puts me right where HE wants me anyways. Because HE knows more than I do. LOL.

    Good luck to you all in the future. We are all going to need it.

    Truly I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate. It is my hope you are as well.

    • Even in the wilderness….Man o man o shevitz.

      *full stop Lefty. 1st things -look up Otto Rahn, 2nd get thee a copy of Lucifers Court. You know the Light Bringer!

      The illusion is ALL Powerful, discernment becomes more difficult the longer it persists.

      Want to learn the true – listen to what Odin whispered in his Son Baldr ear just before he passed on a briarwood pyre..the solution to the “Mystery’s of Mystery’s .1 mysterious word.

      Open Ure Heart Mind – True Loyalty awaits..

      Its always kowabunga time – the harbringer is on his way, with his red brother to follow soonly..

      Tole Lege

  16. Judge orders discovery phase in social media collusion lawsuit against Biden administration

    The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri allege Biden and high-ranking members of his administration colluded with and/or coerced social media companies Meta, Twitter and YouTube to suppress “disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social medial platforms.”

    Look How Even Democrat Opinion Shifts On Abortion Laws When Polls Stop Using Leftist Framing

    A new abortion poll from the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) out Wednesday illuminates how media and abortion activists are able to skew public opinion by keeping people in the dark about the practice. Once Americans understand the grisly details and what Roe v. Wade really entailed, their opinions change dramatically.

    This is the single most prescient set of tweets published before the Ukraine conflict began…

    This is the single most prescient set of tweets I have ever read about the Ukraine conflict — notice the date it was posted: 14 January, 2022. Looks like @imetatronink nailed right to the wall — *6 weeks* before the start of hostilities!

    Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking

    In this groundbreaking feature-length film, executive producer Patrick Howley and director Ben DeLaurentis reveal the dark side of Child Protective Services, showing how CPS traffics children with the support of perverted politicians. This film is dedicated to all of the children who have been snatched from their homes by CPS, and all of their families.

    • “Look How Even Democrat Opinion Shifts On Abortion Laws When Polls Stop Using Leftist Framing”

      That has been obvious.. kind of like the 31% approval rating.. they sure and the hell didn’t ask anyone that is out in the public what they think.. walk into any coffee shop and listen to the surrounding conversations.. it becomes pretty dam obvious.. or listen to a stadium chanting lets go brandon..

      • I know.

        I have listened in a hundred different stores, markets, and restaurants, to hard-core and lifelong Democrats ask for the return of Trump, and do so with a promise to vote for him. Down here at street level, most republicans are scared but most democrats are too pissed to be [scared] yet.

  17. Nancy Pelosi Urges Support Of $50 Billion ‘CHIPS’ Bill Hours After Disclosing $8 Million Nvidia Stake

    Oh, look: Nancy Pelosi is pushing legislation that stands to benefit her significantly thanks to a couple of brand new, multi-million dollar trades she has made.This past week it hit the terminal that House Speaker Pelosi was doing a little portfolio re-jiggering, including exercising $8 million of call options in Nvidia and selling Apple and Visa calls. The data was per and was reported on by Bloomberg.

    What we know about the shooting at Greenwood Park Mall

    As the hours wound down toward closing time at Greenwood Park Mall a shooter opened fire. The shooting happened in the food court around the mall’s 6 p.m. closing time; the first emergency calls were received at 6:05 p.m. The shooter was killed by another person at the mall who was armed. Ison said the “good Samaritan” was a 22-year-old man from Bartholomew County. “The real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop the shooter almost as soon as he began,” Ison said.

    What is Adam Schiff Hiding?

    Schiff tucked an amendment into the National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit any evidence collected in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act from being used in investigations. Why?

    John Durham requesting 30 subpoenas a serious move, Kash Patel says

    Special counsel John Durham means business by requesting 30 subpoenas for testimony in the trial against the main believed to be a key source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier, according to a leading Russiagate investigator.

    Bets on how long the “Greenwood Park Shooter” story will run before it’s disappeared…?

    • How many of the potential Durham charges will become moot due to statutes of limitations? I do believe the man is investigating more and better than most, but it’s taking forever. If there’s evidence to convict, it would seem prudent to at least lock in the charges while still possible.

      I’m not sure what to do about the Pelosi machinations. She seems to have maneuvered the laws to allow her own insider trading, and she’s in a position to prevent any changes to those laws. The only possible changes under our current system of government would be if/when the dems lose their majority in the house. Unfortunately, I can’t see a majority of honest and righteous republicans or others populating it.

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