Coping: With a New Form of Art (Part 1)

Until 3:08 AM Thursday, I had no idea what was going on with my research direction.  While I had lots of reading material (plus half a million must-do projects around the ranch), the websites, investing, etc.) I kept coming back to the art book “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive, 4th Edition.”

Not that Dean Radin’s new book “Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe,” isn’t great, and a page-turned, too.  It is.  If you have a brain, Radin’s is elegant nurishment.

But, the middle-of-the-night revelation was about to show me, the two books are related and possibly in an important way:  A New Form of Art.

(Continues below)


“OK,” you’re wondering to yourself.  “How does Radin’s new book – which explores the scientific basis of many kinds of Magic – have anything to do with an Art book?”

Well, it’s all about our dream lives, an area of research which has absolutely captivated me ever since 2008 when I launched the National Dream Center what has been ably tended and growth by Chris McCleary, a multiple-master’s fellow.

What happened Thursday overnight was another series of lifelike, but totally immersive dreams.  As mentioned many times, my dreams aren’t just odd bits and pieces.  No.  They’re full-on Imax-like adventures.  And they have an amazing consistency to them.

It’s also driving a lot of my reading, lately.

You see, there’s a common thread to the reading list which I hadn’t noticed before.  While I’m busily working on writing two new books that are firmly planted in our currently-shared, here-and-now reality, the reading list has been working on other realities.

Let me see if I can explain this a bit more clearly.

The two book’s I’m writing on now are Retooling Reality – which is sort of like Radin’s book, but not limited to “magic” and all those implications.  Rather, it’s a different way of considering the evolution of human consciousness in the time-domain and it speculates as to where we’re going and the point of all this evolutionary work.  I won’t spoil the ending.

The second book I’m writing is The Maker’s Encyclopedia of Tools.  This should be simple enough to understand, but it covers the areas I’ve written about here including specialized tools, design and manufacturability of projects, the progression of workspaces and it’s a big compendium of hand, power, electronic, and other tools.  Just the ticket for young people, many of whom today have never picked up a screwdriver, or sawn a board.  We can thank the government/agenda-driven break-up of the nuclear family, and as noted in Peoplenomics this week, the agendizing of “higher priorities” (like gender studies) which are now judged as more important than actually being able to do a damn thing.  I digress, but it’s foundational to what follows.

Let’s talk about the purpose of Art, for a minute.  What’s it’s role?  In other words, what does a good piece of Art accomplish?

Elaine’s got a way of expressing the answer that’s very good – better than mine.  Because of how I’m wired, I look at Art as generalized to non-verbal communications at a distance.

Since I’m still writing Retooling Reality, and the idea is fresh in my mind, there’s what Peter Falk’s character Colombo would frame as “Der’s juss one ting bothering, me sir….”

That is the problem of just where does consciousness LIVE?

In Retooling, there’s an example I use of smashing your thumb while hammering a nail.  Anyone who has done it remembers the experience!

Here da ting…” (*he said dropping into Colombo-mode):  At the instant you smash your digit, where is your mind?

Conventionally, a psychologist would pronounce that it’s inside your skull, where it always is.  But, we know from the literature that’s not a fixed location.  In fact, in some cultures the “mind” exists in the region of the upper chest/heart area.

As you’re inventing creative string of expletives for later sale to longshoremen and frustrated real working people, you may catch a glimpse of your mind being AT THE SCENE OF THE PAIN.

Which gets us dangerously close to the content in Radin’s new book, which is all about understanding our present Reality in a different way.

Sure, we KNOW that when you smashed your thumb, you generated electrical impulses which traveled up your arm, then up the top of spine and into nominal brain where it was recognized as pain.


But, the experiential data counters with a more radical thought:  Namely that consciousness MAY itself moved down out of the brain and out to the scene of the physical pain.

Science (of the conventional sort) will have nothing to do with such offensive thinking.  BUT there’s a caveat – a terrible FACT that is lurking in all the present-day Science which is objectively collected and subsequently hidden behind by “scientists” who are only willing to go so far.

They (correctly) point to their microvolt meters and other equipment which can be used to track the electrical signal path from the injury site TO the brain.

Because they can MEASURE electricity, they argue this is the one-way street of singular inputs and everything else is illusion.

BUT:   Is it?

Let’s imagine for a moment that we have a technological analog to such a system as I’m describing.  In actuality, there are lots, but I’ll use one called BPL (broadband over power lines).  As Wikipedia describes the technology:

Broadband over power lines (BPL) is a method of power line communication (PLC) that allows relatively high-speed digital data transmission over the public electric power distribution wiring. BPL uses higher frequencies, a wider frequency range and different technologies from other forms of power-line communications to provide high-rate communication over longer distances. BPL uses frequencies which are part of the radio spectrum allocated to over-the-air communication services therefore the prevention of interference to, and from, these services is a very important factor in designing BPL systems.”

Let’s use this framework to demonstrate how science is blinded.

What we presently have, in neurosciences, is a basic analogy to understanding of how simple high voltage, alternating current moves around.  Since the power engineers can measure voltage and current reliably, they can poke a Fluke 115 Compact True-RMS Digital Multimeter into an outlet and declare with total scientific certainty:  This is a power line!

And yes, it sure is.

But, unless they also put a spectrum analyzer on that same power line, they’re going to miss the fact that there’s BPL being used.  The whole entirety of the Internet is on those lines, meaning the world’s entire digital consciousness is moving bi-directionally over those same wires.

Neurophysiology, turns out, propagates this utterly simplistic (and therefore stupid in my view) concept that energy on your nervous system isn’t STACKED.  BPL is a stacking system. But God-forbid consciousness might be similarly stacked on your body’s electrical system.

Yet, we have a working technology (which is bad, by the way, and tends to interfere with HF ham radio and other spectrum users) that does STACKS useful power transmission to keep the lights right alongside modulated waveforms that are invisible to the power engineers.

Which brings us to a major point: There is “greater-than-zero” chance that  consciousness moves around inside our bodies on our nervous system, just like the internet moves around…power lines.

Lacking a way to directly instrument Awareness, though, we do the BPL equivalent of throwing the Fluke meter on the line and proclaiming “This is all there is to the circus!”

Maybe…but then again, maybe not.

I’ve gotten long-winded explaining this, but let’s pick it up with Elaine’s definition of Art and then into the new KIND of Art when we meet up again Monday, OK?

Make something yourself this weekend and,,,

Write when you get rich,

13 thoughts on “Coping: With a New Form of Art (Part 1)”

  1. George
    I like to think of the ghost in the human machine as a Cohesive Energy Field that is our concious self. It drives the body around much like we drive our cars. It is plugged into said car,(body) at the quantom level.

    As a side note I was very fortunate to attended a group discussion with Dr. Dean Radin at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma California in 2007. It was part of a class in Meditation given by the Monroe Institute. I will treasure that two hours forever! Thanks for the notice about his new book.

  2. OK, I gotta ask a K-6 level question.

    I’m one of those people who are hardly aware that I’ve even HAD a dream, much less any coherent idea of what it was about.

    Any suggestions on improving that situation?

  3. Slightly related and I don’t know if any of your other readers do this. Whenever I hurt myself, like smashing my thumbing while hammering a nail, I mentally tell it to heal, several times. I find this lessens the pain and aids recovery.

  4. You and your online group are really on a woo-woo roll this month.
    You had multiple insights on your “Woo-Woo from the Realms” on 4/5. Then Andy interacted with “you” on 4/7 about a machine that could transfer consciousness back in time. And now on 4/13 you are talking about consciousness being ‘stacked’ on the body’s electrical system.
    In the back of my mind I am beginning to do a contrast and comparison to the gurus and spiritual groups with which I have been associated in the past. I may have to do a longish post on the results. But not today — more thought needed, and I want to be very careful in how I word it.

  5. George: Kudos to you for exploring (and seeking/sharing explanations)of human consciousness. Mind-felt [ego driven] consciousness tends to dominate and generally suppress/over-ride the inputs of the other conscious mechanisms. [However note: If you hit your thumb with a hammer… your toes know it in a split second!! via body communication/consciousness]. As we learn to quiet the mind [via meditation, spiritual activities, etc] we begin to access, explore, expand into and ultimately embrace… expanded aspects of the multiplicity of our consciousness. Very humbling, exciting and awe inspiring… [the more you learn… the more ignorant you feel… as you become aware of how much more there actually is to explore and expand into]. ~ Keep up the good work… you’re not alone!! :-)

  6. Boyhood friend and I have been ‘students of consciousness’ since our teens. He became an EEG tech, studying brains. The best model I have seen comes from Dr. Stuart Hameroff. Consciousness is distributed throughout the body in every living cell… in the superconductive tubules of the cell walls. It’s all quantum connected. This is the transmission medium that connects the spirit/soul to the physical body. You can start your research on Hameroff here:

  7. Unity church teaches children “there is no spot where God is not”. Simple and to the point. Consciousness (God) is everywhere but not evenly distributed. Each of us is a condensed node with unique properties.

    The human brain is like your ham radio equipment, it receives and transmits with the pineal gland is the antenna.

    Kudos to you on your ongoing research and thinking. It does seem as though there is little high quality thinking going on these days. I find that the more I withdraw from society, the better I feel including getting away from the city into rural areas for internal recharge. I assume that your physical location provides good insulation/isolation from the chaotic background noise of all those other humans.

  8. Hi George,

    Many occult paths and some not so understand that with training and focus, you can move your consciousness around within your head, and then your body. I’ve not gotten to the point that I can reach beyond my body, though I’m guessing that many can. When my dear departed cat was alive, I could feel a certain vibration when around her, and it persisted after she died. In fact, I could feel her presence for about nine months, and then suddenly it was gone. I don’t understand this, but presumably humans will have a similar fate. I wonder if she’s beyond reach, or just wants to be.

    I’m certain of one thing: Science is a wonderful tool, but accepting it as more than that makes it a cult/religion. It’s definitely not capable of completely understanding reality.

  9. Thanks for the book recommendation, George. I already have the Drawing book (and many others related good art books) and will now add this new one to the bedside pile.

    I love the really deep thinking. I do a lot, yet, not nearly enough.

  10. I used to rarely remember any dreams. Just recently I started taking CBD oil to help me sleep better at night and I started having vivid dreams almost everynight. The other thing I noticed was that I remember my dreams for a longer period of time after I awake. I do notice that I don’t wake up as often taking the CBD oil and get a better night sleep. The dreams are just a bonus.

  11. In the martial arts we say chi(life force) follows the mind. When you want to heal an area or send more oxygen to stretch you put your mind there , so maybe the body does it naturally. Also I studied the fourth way Gurdjieff and Ouspensky say we have several minds or I’s. If you look at it there is brain matter in the solar plexus the heart brain and, the moving brain is in the gut. The instinctive brain is at the base of the spine not sure if there is any brain matter there though. These theories seem to be connected to chakras too.
    I have also been into the right/left brain, and am quite aware that I am very right brained and my left brain is soon lazy. You should check out the fourth way quite interesting stuff on consciousness,it might help you have another insight to your experiments……..

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