Rally. CFNAI, Noise Dithering, iWAMP

No, I won’t say “Told you so!” But, um…yeah, the Future that came over the weekend was not the hyperly prognosticated one, was it?

Life on the Ol Rock seems intact; congress has joined with the war-gamblers, spending is plain nuts, and the great “halving” of BTC hasn’t resulted in the world’s first quintillionaire.  Which, if you follow this site, you were expecting anyway.  Did I, or did I not explain Saturday “…and, oh yeah, we didn’t go short over the weekend”?

I know it’s attractive to prognosticate and make pretense to “call the future.” But in our way of thinking, while there is great value in old-school scholarship of people like Nostradamus work (over on G.A. Stewart’s site), the  competing “shot-callers” with computers don’t seem to have done as well as the combo of ou r consigliere’s outlook and our own odd mashup of technical analysis, alternative indexes, and outright gambling on the future.

It is all, however, a most worthy horserace to handicap.  Which we will now explain.

Future: GMC, the Foam, and Pixelation

Which is to suppose that in order to have a decent “sense of the Future” one cannot hold to a singular reference.  Sure, sure, computers are nifty, but they are “input limited.”  And some of the cause of Future is the GMC – global mass consciousness/ Here, the winds are fickle, to say the least.

Which then gets us to the Foam – the quantum foam which was popularized in the Michael Crichton novel Timeline, among other places. Although it’s early, true enough, the best place to study the future is by watching the evolution and growth of carbonation bubbles in a beer glass.

The future is like that, don’tcha know?  Starts off with something as “small as a puff or breeze, an idea, a shift or jolt to potential information.  And this all goes on at the preconscious level.  Momentarily, the waking Mind notices the tiniest pinprick of a bubble on the very bottom.  And before long, the bubble is swimming to the surface – analogous to revealing in the waking world once it surfaces, the underlying direction of “what’s to be.”  Takes a fair bit of beer, but when you’re retired, you have time for this kind of “science project.”

Now, with a beer off gassing its fizziness, when the “bubbles of Future” break surface and become apparent to waking mind, they can seem not to make sense. At now it’s here where “pixelation” comes into view.

For our next science experiment involves sitting in my rocking, heating, vibrating recliner and watching television.  After first getting out a very strong magnifying glass and getting “nose close” to the UHD 65 display.  See, up close and personal, Glaucon, it all makes no sense.  It is only when we pull back far enough – in my case about 12.7 feet back from the screen – that the pixelation problem is solved.  I’m watching a series on Netflix.

And that’s the problem of humans in a nutshell.  Everyone wants to have a silver bullet, save a few of us who hold to “The Science of Listening” – which is what makes Stu’s work so interesting.  He’s engaged in “listening to an old bubble” and then test-fitting it’s “trajectory toward the top of the beer glass” in order to infer the (general, pixelated volley of gas that will break into consciousness next.

What I’m suggesting to you is that many “glasses of beer” thus studied (*we like the Pilsner-like technical analysis of markets, for example, while our consigliere is more a “stout” cycles man) will present a reasonably robust Gaussian distribution of the Probable Future, such as it is, will have a central tendency around its summit.

Noise dithering can help.  Which we know as:

Dither is an intentionally applied form of noise used to randomize quantization error, preventing large-scale patterns such as color banding in images. Dither is routinely used in processing of both digital audio and video data, and is often one of the last stages of mastering audio to a CD.

The question for pondering is thus “what is the intentional noise” humans use to improve quantization error when considering Future?

Market Variability

When we finished our future sensing work last week, it all had a “vibe” of no collapse over the weekend.  The Hitler birthday, not especially huge. But there’s still the Puetz window, a wildly over-priced market, and no one is discounting a coming collapse of earnings, nor has anyone written down (or deeply discounted) for the collapse of commercial real estate.  Which is game-on, despite all the happy-talk about housing of homeless and turning America’s class A office spaces into homeless shelters and 40-th floor farms.

Shit’s not making sense to us yet.

But we’re still going to have “A Future” this week, so let’s put some stakes around and see if we can’t corral it, a bit.

The Pasture Present

The old man in the woods, using his own market Aggregate Index, sees the world’s set up for this week as?

As you may see (pixelation issues aside) is that we have dropped below our 85-day moving average a fair bit.  It would be in the “nature of the snaking Future” now to rally a bit – and come back to “kiss the underside” of the trend – which sounds a bit kinky, yeah, but it “is what it is.”

This is like looking back down the railroad tracks in answer to “How the hell did we get to this Monday morning?”

Oh…free lunchers, neolibs, crooks in office, open borders,, saving a failing economy through wars, debasing the money, loss of sexual identities, and the politics of divisive racism in lieu of competency-based measures.  Problem is that no matter how many “bubble’s rising influences” we enumerate, the “moving Finger Writes…” and we’re moving on into the Next Moment.

Which Features the CFNAI

Chicago Fed National Activity Indicator was just announced.  And here’s how this “moment of nowness” looks:

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) increased to +0.15 in March from +0.09 in February. Two of the four broad categories of indicators used to construct the index increased from February, and two categories made positive contributions in March. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, increased to –0.19 in March from –0.28 in February.

The CFNAI Diffusion Index, which is also a three-month moving average, increased to –0.06 in March from –0.16 in February. Fifty of the 85 individual indicators made positive contributions to the CFNAI in March, while 35 made negative contributions. Fifty indicators improved from February to March, while 35 indicators deteriorated. Of the indicators that improved, 16 made negative contributions.”

Always getting better, comrades!

It would be easy enough for us to explain how this may weave into markets over the coming day worth of jockeying. But no point in me telling you that kind of thing.  If you are going to start owning your own Future then it’s time for you to step up and see how good you can forecast Next, your own bad self.

Other Balls in the Air

The Universe has little-to-no interest in making you rich. It’s just filling up uncountable beer glasses with innumerable bubbles.

You – and you alone – pick the ones to watch.  Want to watch Trump? Racism, Wokeness?  Have fun.  Personally, we don’t see many angles to work which can be banked, but eyeballs, whether installed in billionaires or buffoons doesn’t make any difference to the ratings and ad sales shills. In a curious way, there’s still some absolute equality left in quantitative audience measurement.

Back to point: We should click through the daily “Distraction Bubbles” I suppose.

If you are still having a hard time with the future, maybe it’s because of “high noise levels on the news bands.”

Newsy or Noisy?

I don’t suppose you understand noise-gating, do you? Here are some “sample problems” to practice on:

All wound up and nothing to do?  Um…how about we all just go back to work.

Around the Ranch: iWAMP Again

Short for “is What’s Around Me Perfect?”

Every weekend when I figure I should take a little “down time” and really do some Deep Chill, munch more on Cal Newport’s book “Slow Productivity” I find there is still so much imperfection around me that there is no way I can
un-lax” a bit.

Two people against too many projects… the week will begin on a lawnmower in a few minutes and then degrade from there.

One Oddity:   As I may (?) have mentioned, I have been doing a lot of laser light (red/NIR) pumping on the left arm because of a serious forearm sprain/pulled tendon. And I just noticed this weekend one of the most unexpected side effects: I seem to have dropped my “taste for beef.”

Mind you, I’m one of those guys who has had a life-long love of questing after the Perfect Steak.  But for Elaine’s birthday over the weekend, the perfect prime rib was somehow unappealing.  It was bizarre. Not sure why, exactly.  But tons of leftovers and they will go into an “all-day simmer” spaghetti sauce we’ll build later in the morning.

Still, has me wondering: Is there something about meat that changes based on the amount of light uptake humans engage in? More investigation to follow.

Write when you get rich,


49 thoughts on “Rally. CFNAI, Noise Dithering, iWAMP”

  1. To clarify and fill out the comments I made on Friday about the Iranian missile strike on Israel

    In that post I pointed out that per information that came out (if true) indicates that of 7 advanced missiles Iran fired at the Israeli AFB 5 managed to hits after coming in through the most missile defended piece of real estate in the world (that particular air base had the latest and greatest US systems, systems that have only been deployed at one or two locations in Israel and are manned by US crews).

    The repercussions of those results indicates that Israel’s air force is now vulnerable to be destroyed on the ground in an Iranian strike, assuming Iran has enough of those advanced missiles. (was that the threat by Iran wrt Israel’s response if such response was heavy? – reason for the Kuboke Theater aspect of the Israeli attack?).

    “IF” the information is accurate then at least for now the Balance of Power in the Middle East has been dramatically changed.

    If Israel’s air force was mostly destroyed on the ground how would Israel’s military fight without their air force covering their actions? Would the US step up to the plate substituting it’s Air Force for Israel’s during Israel’s conflicts? Would the US start bombing Gaza like Israel has been doing? Would the US also bomb Lebanon for Israel? Syria?

    Certainly last week was a week of sleepless nights at the Pentagon last week “IF” the information is accurate. You can be sure they are trying to come up with modifications to the US systems to prevent a repeat. A HUGE amount of uncertainty has now been thrown into the Middle East cauldron

    • A lot of ifs but if all true this would seem to indicate Israel has to surprise attack Iran with nuclear gear smashing them once and for all. Anything less than total destruction of Iran within a small window of hours would open Israel to total destruction in a retaliatory strike.

    • Pulsed Lasers, Masers, rail guns and drones are the future of warfare. Oh and as soon as battery tech improves or zero point energy comes then Gundam battle suit or Robotech battle armour for the individual soldier or pilot.

      Also, robots to maintain ships while underway. Now it probably won’t be the Navy who innovates that one. Rather civilian merchant ships are sailing with fewer and fewer crews. There are already experimental automated ships. But so far no maintenance bots.

      Rail guns just had a break through in Japan. If you looked at the US Navy rail gun tests the projectile would travel flat with no drop and go through steel armour like a hot knife through butter. But the tests were disappointing because the barrels would burn out and the rate of fire was very low. What the Japanese did was to reduce the size of the projectile and reduce the power and increase the rate of fire.

      MSM news reports have shown Ukrainian missiles intercepting Russian hypersonic missiles. What is interesting is that the “hypersonic” missiles visibly slow as they near the target. The missile is essentially only hypersonic when it is fired and the rocket motor is lit. Once it flames out the air which acts like a wall at that speed slows the missile down.

      So I think there has not been any change in the balance of power rather the nature of war is changing with the introduction of new technologies. Just look at Ukraine. The most important weapons are the small drone and artillery. Napoleon would have understood that.

    • In comparative studies (Jane’s, Stratfor) made before wars made accurate data a security leak, of the top 5 missile defense systems, the only one which wasn’t Russian was the Iron Dome (placing at #4 IIRC.) We (and the Israelis) have spent the last 15 years trying to hit a warhead with a bullet or a laser. While the theory is good, in practice, performance has been less than ideal, and in the real world we’ve fallen far behind the Russian “S” platforms. (2024 reports say both David’s Sling and the THAAD are top-shelf (THAAD has a recent, 100% intercept, 100% kill count), but they’re both still “in testing,” at least as far as I can discern.

      I have little doubt that if Iran isn’t using Russian anti-aircraft / anti-missile systems, they’re using Russian tech in their own systems. AFATG, so were the Ukrainians. If we didn’t swipe a couple of their S-200 and S-300 batteries for reverse-engineering and field-testing when we supplied them with Patriots, our military was criminally remiss. (Yes, I know the S-200 has been around since the ’60s. What did the Russians do to periodically update it?) The Ukes dropped a Russian Tupolev four days ago with an S-200, so it has had some kind of upgrades…

      • (“I have little doubt that if Iran isn’t using Russian anti-aircraft / anti-missile systems, they’re using Russian tech in their own systems.”)

        consider… the weapon systems and military aid that we have given the countries we have agreements with..
        does anyone think that other countries with agreements agreements with their allies wouldn’t do exactly the same thing with their allies?

  2. Doubtful, there is link to which you inquire about.

    Thinking lone Star Tick bite, as symptoms may well get progressively worse. Eventually the hives and other allergic reactions may force youse to stop eating mammal meat..

    Guessing there wont be anymore “smell ya later” goodbyes in Ure future..

    In the meantime – for Ure viewing pleasures – https://link.sbstck.com/redirect/82c7fa42-b5e6-4716-9666-294d2ec515e8?j=eyJ1IjoiMWtrNHlkIn0.fVVcJH6f1r_zprDxpYe9yhWMCY9me-zumT3TyeeDR9A

    Hitlers Birthday = israhell/ukraine/tieoneon WAR funding..WE BE fuckt with a capital T !
    ?Wonder what $90 billion could have done for Single Moms & Kids, Inner City Schools, Rural Schools?..ya know Nation only as Strong as the weaker links, that desperately need more support.

    * dont forget, speed kills, can be both right and wrong in same day as volatility rears its ugly head in market again..market will come to me in her own good time, and I will be waiting with open arms..”Come to Daddy”.

  3. https://youtu.be/ZIj4A8t1CdI?si=E7_SG6iUR0NJp77I

    now that there is some hilarious stuff there..
    all we have to do is ask someone that opposed either the Clinton’s about their testimonials or seek out the guys that had knowledge of the family business and giving testimony..lol lol
    Joe is having them all thrown under the wheels of the bus and put in jail and everyone that knew anything about the Clinton’s is dead..even their own security teams..
    everyone that hates Trump is still alive complaining and out playing golf..

  4. Once again NATO is warning it’s members that they have lost track of the Russian submarine – Belgorod.
    The Belgorod, a key asset in Russia’s naval arsenal, is reported to be equipped with six Poseidon nuclear torpedo weapons, a nuclear-powered deep diving midget submarine for seabed warfare, a rescue submarine, as well as an array of conventional torpedoes and weapons.
    According to U.S. Naval Intelligence, they are not convinced that the Belgorod is fully operational yet. [ Has the U.S. lost track?]
    I don’t like Trump. I never have. I have never liked arrogant, self-righteous, holier than thou people. Been known to bitch-slap a few.., but I did vote for him. Well, to be technically correct., I voted ‘against’ the alternative.., which scared the crap out of me.
    This time around? I will vote for him again. For the exact same reasons. The alternative is just horrendous.
    I lost my bet of $100. I really didn’t think that Biden would make it this far. Physically, mentally, politically. He just couldn’t do it. Surprise ! Yes, he did. Kamala must be heart broken., all those Presidential Executive Orders she had lined up to sign [ last count was 18.] and they are just “going to waste”. Poor girl. Must be frustrating as hell., so close, yet so far.
    .., and I am a little surprised that we made through the weekend without a “major incident” blowing-up somewhere. The pot was stirred, but it didn’t boil-over.
    So.., here we are – still kicking & screaming.
    Next ?

    • ” I really didn’t think that Biden would make it this far. Physically, mentally, politically. He just couldn’t do it.”

      Good Drugs!

      • I personally believe that He wouldn’t have.. just one peek at how many agencies and people that are holding him up.. It is pretty obvious that someone else is writing what he is going to say remember the one word that describes the usa to a tee…https://youtu.be/oqiOeiG4VNo?si=H4DI3TLr-19fYXqv .. how delaware kept him in office really speaks volumes on the people that live there..

    • (” I never have. I have never liked arrogant, self-righteous, holier than thou people. Been known to bitch-slap a few.., but I did vote for him. Well, to be technically correct., I voted ‘against’ the alternative.., which scared the crap out of me.”)

      I am right with you on that assessment…
      I was did have some admiration for kammy.. she escaped the hood and being referred to as a cheap THOT..
      then I heard her speak and cackle….that scares me..
      I really wish Ted Cruz or Rand Paul would run. I think they are being smart this time though.. with what’s been done Trying to keep the perv and company from facing the consequences..
      has placed all the worlds currencies in jeopardy..
      no one can save it now..to back away appears as a weakness.. to go forward is stupid beyond belief..we should have backed away at the beginning before it became an issue.

      • “I really wish Ted Cruz or Rand Paul would run.”

        Agreed, but I really don’t think Cruz will try that again after someone (likely) laid a grave enough threat on him to back him out of the race in 2016.

        • I didn’t hear about that one.. wow.. no wonder.. seriously I believe that the situation is so far gone now.. I had believed it was when the Obama administration was in.. then Trump got me to believing that he could flip it.. whos yard sign did I have.. Rand Paul.. I do believe that he would have gotten the same treatment that Trump did though he believes in what our founding fathers seen as a vision for our country..
          After this new release of funds ..and not doing a thing for the USA and our infrastructure or border.. we are so screwed..then our congress waving under the nose of Putin and the whole country.. Putin has been the one to restrain any further action what will that do to those that had resources.. funny though the one that gave the brand money wasn’t involved in any of that.. LOL

  5. (“congress has joined with the war-gamblers, spending is plain nuts,”)

    Hmm.. did they have a choice?
    After buydem went off on his journey.. The kid and brother sold the compliance of the office.. Joe didn’t have many choices on what he would do.. They sold the US’s obedience.. Then the money men that buy congress.. same story different salesmen… once in it.. its quite a bit like an old car.. got a car.. and your starter goes out.. do you buy another starter.. or sell the car.. take the loss.. more than likely you will buy the starter.. hundred fifty for that another two hundred in installing it give or take..
    done.. but as they are doing that.. oh hey your drive belt is weathered and cracked.. do you have a new belt put on.. it is time preventive maintenance says every fifty thousand.. so there goes another five hundred give or take.. and while you are doing that.. you should put in a new water pump and tension roller.. you now have over a thousand in the car.. so a new battery there a new door knob there.. that is what happened..
    the kid and brother sold out the USA.. they sold our obedience.. to keep the brand worth something.. we jumped in.. quick hundred billion.. but.. no one considered what Russia was.. or no one was paying attention to what china and russia had been doing.. as we have been complying to everyones wishes for wealth and acquisition of raw resources to gain more power and money.. they have been doing a hunter.. hunter says I want to screw her.. and I want this much money or else.. they have been following behind him and appologizing for their arrogance.. and setting up aggrements … building their own military.. buying out our industries.. and becoming the necessary evil.. the ones at the top make money on the products their stocks go through the roof everyone is happy.. the consumer is happy he gets a good product for less.. that dollar cup brush I got is awesome.. must have made a hundred of them for a buck.. I got it for ninty nine cents… and happy about it.. the guy that owns stock in the company is happy.. the company shows an increase in profits.. the guy that is having them made in one of those countries is happy he is quadrupling his income.. sitting in a motel sized home.. drinking the luxuries of success..
    But to seize Russia for their assets was not a snap and drag issue.. the USA is getting our asses kicked.. we cannot go into it full force because that would be an admittance that we are the bad guys.. to keep nato happy we have to appear as the good guys.. we are now like that old car commited to this to the end.. otherwise since we not only bankrupted ourselves.. the brand selling out the USA has brankrupted the planets fisa currencies.. The Bric’s got everyone to join.. the dollar , pound and euro is bankrupt.. all the trillions they took are headed towards bankruptcy.. printing our way out of debt isn’t working..
    Now I worked with a woman from Russia that came to the USA.. the annual income there for a family is 120 dollars..
    china.. same thing.. that is why they are our industrial complex same with mexico..what was it that General motors said in 2008 when the parts factories in mexico was asking for a raise in weekly income to forty dollars a week.. if your going to hold us up like criminals.. Then we will send our industry to China..
    Now the whole nato countries is committed to this.. it has to escalate or we go through the worst depression in history of modern civilizations.. We are also committed to gaza.. with the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline it put all the NATO countries in a deep freeze.. they need that oil and gas..
    Now that is just the opinion of a MORON in the middle of the wastelands speaking that has nothing but a few trinkets.. and dependent on the same system staying in tact..

    • It’s quite amazing to me that there seems to be no effort to repair the Nordstream Pipeline and get it back in service. There’s absolutely no benefit to the common man from these wars in Eastern Europe and Asia Minor!

      We had a bridge collision by the Dali in Baltimore such that it took out the entire harbor and an important bridge in a moment. The news seems to have lasted a few days and then it was no longer important. The harbor is still inaccessible to larger ships, and many are stranded in port. There are massive assets in place trying to clear a deep channel and we’re hobbled because of this disaster. Was it intentional? Most people have no idea, including me. We can plan on the federal government paying for this entire rebuild, even if there’s some minor clawback from the insurance companies. To see the current state of things, you can watch a live stream of the harbor:


      Warning, this is an incredible time sink unless you’re highly disciplined, have at least two monitors, and can multi-task!

      • (“It’s quite amazing to me that there seems to be no effort to repair the Nordstream Pipeline”)

        I believe that Joe is putting the US’s money into ukraine israel and taiwan… why would he want to rebuild it..
        and if an Arson had a construction company and burned your house down.. wouldn’t you want the arsons construction comapny to be the one to replace it..

  6. One of my bumper-sticker mottos for the emergency services people is this one: “Disasters, truly worth the name, develop far more slowly then one might think.”

    They also typically last much longer than anyone ever plans for.

    After an initial pulse event — hurricane, meteor strike, whatever — support systems breakdown from overload of over-participation. This takes some time, depending on many specific local variables. It may take weeks, or even years in extreme cases. One’s personal frustration, anger, and fatigue all increase as this drags on.

    Hollywood has taught us that all the loose ends are tied up faster then they are in Reality. Conclusion, Climax, and Resolution ae all tied up with a pretty bow before the third reel spools out. Real Life begs to differ…

    I am beginning to pick up early indications that the Leaders — P.T.B. — WEF, Masons, Illuminatti, Bohemians, etc,. etc., are beginning to realize that a societal crash and burn will inconvenience them, too. Perhaps fatally so, when “The Monsters On Main Street,”dig them up from their smug and safe palatial bunkers, kill them, and take their Stuff.

    They are subtly just beginning to understand they don’t completely command and control Mankind — and can’t, really –, but they, too, ARE Mankind, and are also subject to the Great Tides and Maelstroms of existance.

    So far, only a few; but over time this ugly realization will grow and dominate.

    Maybe we — Mankind — will catch it if there is enough time. Big “if.”

    • (“Disasters, truly worth the name, develop far more slowly then one might think.”)

      I don’t know.. the daughter gave me a bag of limes.. I love citrus water.. so I brought the can seamer in from the garage to can up some water.. the disaster ..I lost the piece that goes in the carousel and the spacers.. I did it in one swift move..don’t have a clue what I did with it.to reorder the piece is more than I paid for the whole seamer.. luckily there’s a machine shop down the street.. so not wishing to bring my stupidity to the boss.. I hauled it over to get a piece made..
      I created that disaster in seconds..

      • Wait! Timeout. Your ‘disaster’ is not yet finished! I can see some longer term effects that I won’t worry you with just yet. But in ain’t over until you have sealed cans.

        • OTFLMAO… I did tell the machinist to not talk to the wife about my stupidity.. LOL LOL LOL.. she would do that eye roll on me and shake her head back and forth.. my stupidity is beyond words.. LOL LOL LOL.. the sad part of this is.. as soon as I get it back and seal some can’s I will find that piece.. that piece and the washers.. they use washers to adjust height.. those are gone to..the piece fits in the two carousels I have so I unscrew it out of one put it in the other..so I kept them in a small zip lock bag.. once I get this.. I will find the zip lock bag..

  7. 4/22 – we are in the Red Heifer window. Moo.

    Jews Prepare to Slaughter Red Heifers at Al-Aqsa to Fulfill Prophecy

    Right-wing Israeli groups are planning to slaughter red heifers at Al Aqsa Mosque in the hope of fulfilling a Jewish prophecy. Some believe it’s where the first and second ancient Jewish temples once stood.

    If you want more info here’s a linky:


    • 3 days ago I was out walking on our gravel road.

      A Sheriff’s Deputy drove by, stopped, and rolled down his passenger window.

      I took off my hat, walked over, and he asked me: “Have you seen a red calf?

    • Thanks Perry.. all of that is well known. similarly the Texaco challenge had people getting hundreds of miles to a gallon long before I was born.. and I’m an old man now.
      its been discouraged to fit the business model. we hear all the rings of lunatics on Global warming truth be told they don’t have any intention to actually do anything constructive about climate change. its been known since the late 1800’s..
      I’ve been ranting and raving about solar towers and green scaling right about fifty years now. for a fraction Of what they are spending trying to keep the business model going.
      none of these will be allowed until there’s no other choice left to go.. until then you will be discouraged and stopped ..hell it took them twenty years to allow smaller individual inverters..power companies discourage and even stop people from getting solar all when they should be handing them out to anyone willing to get them installed.. it would strengthen our national security and give us an extremely strong grid.. instead we spend our great great great grandkids future on wars that destroy not build…

  8. Is it possible that the Big Wigs are not incompetent or evil. Just a bit personally greedy, maybe?

    If I am sensing a sea change in Oligarc Attitude as to the undesireability of a Great Financial Conflagration, then a question arises.

    “They” may be able to start a Great Money Burn — but do “they” have the power stop it, or to make a soft landing? (Assuming anyone buys my theory about the slowly-growing concern about all the boats in the harbor burning to the waterline and sinking.)

    This will make you laugh so hard. Everyone knows our despicable PM. The Conservative party here in Canada has put out a petition to have a new word added to the Oxford dictionary. Word: Trudeauing Projecting one’s own flaws, or destructive actions, on to one’s political opponents Similar to gaslighting, to manipulate [someone] using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning – Extreme gaslighting -To divide and conquer See lying See hypocrisy See gaslighting
    Here is the petition LMAO https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/add-trudeauing-to-the-oxford-english-dictionary/

    SIGN UP !!!! LOL

    • uh…do I have to cross illegally into Alberta first – and do we get credit cards, free phones, meal money, and Michelle’s phone number if we do?

    • what is extremely sad about that.. is..
      If you Put Trudeau next to Joe Biden to be compared… Trudeau looks like he is a genius in comparison… wish I could become a canadian citizen.. I hear the fishing is real good over by OAK ISLAND lol lol

      • Oh wait.. I fish at the super market LOL LOL LOL.. guess I would just have to have a peek at oak island talk to the boys there see what they have going.. maybe take a tour…

  10. “And I just noticed this weekend one of the most unexpected side effects: I seem to have dropped my “taste for beef.””

    I found this really interesting.

    Back in the early 90s, I did a lot of research into the olfactory senses. Fascinating stuff. The sense of smell and taste are very closely connected to each other and also to the memory. One thing we know is that radiation treatment for cancer can affect the olfactory senses or taste bud senses by causing damage (temporary or permanent) to the nerve brain cells that pick up signals of smells or taste.

    I can find no data on whether any similar effect takes place from Infrared radiation but just a thought for your inquiring mind.

    One thing I have noticed as I have aged is a strange feedback phenomena from the brain on smell and taste. I can be sitting in a chair in the middle of the day and all of sudden have a strong smell of smoke, or flowers, fruit or even a strong chemical smell I experienced many years ago. I have had similar experience with taste on a few occasions.

    • “One thing I have noticed as I have aged is a strange feedback phenomena from the brain on smell and taste. I can be sitting in a chair in the middle of the day and all of sudden have a strong smell”

      Ditto — Started about 6mos ago. When “smelling” smoke or burning plastic, I’ve made the rounds and noticed the nose has not picked-up what the brain was “sniffing.” I’m glad, if this is a slow descent into insanity, that at least I’m in good company…

    • I never did really get a thrill out of beef or chicken.. It sure goes in a lot of our meals steaks and roasts.. with false teeth is sometimes hard to chew..this year our half a cow will be processed like it was last year.. mostly burger a few roasts.. there isn’t any pork in our home.. maybe once a year..its like oreos.. I buy oreo’s for the grand kids but had so many as a child that just the logo makes me nauseous..
      Speaking about good food.. got wind of a new recipe that I took the grand kids to the park yesterday afternoon and was reading bread book and I read about a waffle mix.. so I had to try it..
      3 cups of flour
      1 cup of sugar
      6 eggs
      1 tsp baking powder
      1 tbsp of vanilla ( I give it one glurp)
      1/4 cup of oil
      1 cup of milk let to warm
      1 cup of heavy cream..
      1 tsp of YEAST….
      yup same recipe I always use but the yeast.. I thought I have never tried that..
      mix the yeast in the room temp milk and let set till it starts to bubble.. put the flour and sugar in the bowl make a well put your eggs in the center and everything else.. mix it up till the eggs and oil and the baking powder is mixed good into the batter.. then add the milk.. mix that in.. then the cream.. let it sit for about twenty minutes..
      WOW… what nice waffles.. big fluffy and delicious.. my new best waffle mix..

  11. When congress gives pedo joe money to bring the ILLEGALS in to the country faster, and give the Illegals more freebies, are they (congress) going to stand up and wave mexican flags? We should have gotten True Border Security first. My senators wont answer me on this question.

    • That totally depends.. the illegals don’t seem to be from mexico.. if it is the poison pawn trap.. then whichever army takes over the country.. the big thing is once the US is taken.. we then have to learn about the new laws because I am pretty sure a conquering country won’t want our laws to be in place.. take Al sharpton and his lets march chant.. march on little islam.. phew that could get ugly in a hurry.. and it would’t have anything to do with US laws.. even in china town china has been sending their police to keep order.. now we have some congressman that must have been abused by his own race when young to want to see the poorest neighborhoods destroyed like he pushes them to do.. you don’t see him saying come march in my neighborhood.. we already know how it would go over if they marched in Nancy’s neighborhood or the capital don’t they have razor wire around it.. or any other wealthy neighborhood.. go up into beverly hills the shit would hit the fan just like it did with the illegals being shipped to marthas vineyard.. that didn’t go over good at all.. it is where the people that can make a change live but…not workable … they would not be happy at all.. then to go into little islam with sharia law there might be a real race war then not just the made up shit that sharpton keeps shoveling out..

  12. Took the better part of the morning., but when they came back from lunch – lets have rally., OK guys ?
    Gold and silver are down – but that 10 year is still crawling it’s way up.
    Euro and Yen are slightly down., bitcoin up., Oil.., North Sea and Texas Tea are both down a few cents., but they have working their way up quite steadily.

  13. re: Snoopy
    feat: a spoonful of lemon

    The search for who was sent Basket #1 of 50 numbered jam jars bearing stamp of the Duchess of Sussex (lately of Montecito) continues. Strike off #6 which can be found in the current “New York Daily Post”. A ‘Suits’ co-star from a dozen years ago presents the bespoke condiment numbered 6 in a crystal dish of what appear to be lemons. All the while she cavorts about lawn turf in the company of a beagle allegedly owned by the Duke and Duchess. I expect Lucy would have some advice about this at her 5 cent lemonade stand.

    However, let’s rejoin DJ George reaching back to 1969 and Sha Na Na’s closing number at Woodstock –
    “Get a Job”.

  14. I am going to make some scones or just some rolls.. anyway why not some sweet cream spread… clotted cream..

    2 cups of cream
    now if you want flavored..
    2 tbsp. of maple syrup mixed in
    or 2 tbsp of vanilla sugar ( 1 tsp vanilla in 2 tbsp sugar)
    place in a pan and put in the oven at 175 degrees for 12 hours. then refrigerate for 8.. skim the solidified jellied cream off the top ..toss out liquid. store in fridge for up to a week.
    you can add fruit etc or just plain..an old world biscuit spread

  15. buffalo berry wine.. my grand daughter is getting married.. at a winery.. they did the taste testing and brought the wife and myself a bottle of wine.. buffalo berry grape.. NOW i was going to make one of two rare old recipes.. just because I wanted to.. but since the wife oohed and ahhhed about the buffalo berry wine so much.. that is going in to be fermented.. I had to find buffalo berries.. the Zon had them wouldn’t you know it.. from canada.. so in it goes this week..

      • LOL LOL LOL… yeah I know I had never even heard of them.. the cowboys use to use the buffalo dung for fires.. LOL LOL
        (“A smaller relative, the Canadian buffalo berry (Shepherdia canadensis), grows to about 2.5 metres (8 feet) high, has oval leaves that are silvery only on the underside, and occurs on wooded banks and hillsides from Newfoundland and New York to Alaska and Oregon and southward along the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. Its fruits are edible but not highly esteemed. Roundleaf buffalo berry (S. rotundifolia) is endemic to the Colorado Plateau of the southwestern United States.”)
        I was searching all over for them.. then found them on the zon.. wouldn’t you know it.. they have it.. from canada.. I chewed on one.. really bitter.. so my guess is its the bitter in the wine that gives it the snap … I believe it will be similar to rhubarb.. I made rhubarb wine and used rhubarb.. not one drop of that was drinkable.. tossed the whole batch out.. the thing is.. its the snap not the only content.. dandelion wine the same thing.. although the dandelion wine mellowed out after a couple of years.. I am still looking for a citron.. I will use lemon but one recipe I have calls for a citron.. I will get you a bottle of the wine to try.. I have the rasberry chocolate that you kids will enjoy.. and the appricot peach is to die for.. like the emporers first and forbidden wine.. I know what that was forbidden.. its dam delicious and better after it ages.. green wine is good.. dam that aged stuff is excellent.. I am to old to let it all age though.. LOL so green it is..

      • Like the joke I use is.. I am to old to buy green banana’s .. might not live long enough to see them ripen LOL LOL why sell twelve eggs.. not just one.. or one stick of gum.. LOL LOL LOL… a whole bag of apples.. wow.. what a waste.. the really sad part about that don’t buy green banana’s comment is.. with numb nutz running the show.. that might be closer to the truth than we realize..

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