Blended Reality

We have word today that the present general human model of death and the Afterlife may be seriously antiquated.  It’s a notion that had never struck me until one of my rare, but highly educational “Lucid Dreams” overnight.

Without telling all, let’s just say that the present model of “What happens when people die” lacks a key “missing ingredient.


See, tech isn’t only the specifics of how code, metallurgy, or electronics work.  Tech is an all-pervasive mindset.  A Way of Being that most people aren’t even aware they’ve been imprinted with.

Yet when you watch people recount their Near Death Experiences on YouTube, for example, you’ll never hear anything related to the “technology over There.”

Instead, you might hear about a hall of Akashic Records.  Most will fail to grasp or notice the obvious: Why “books?”  And “What language were these in?” Or more on track with the carryout from the overnight Lucid adventure “You still on books? What about streaming and….

Almost as interesting is the story of “The Project” in that Realm… but first a few headlines and, oh yeah, we didn’t go short over the weekend.

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65 thoughts on “Blended Reality”

    • There is no “secret”., there is no “mystery” – we just haven’t figured it out, as yet. Thus., we are “in the dark.”
      – [ See what I did there?]

  1. “Well, except: Light is deeply intermixed in the Standard Model of Afterlife already.

    “Light” is mentioned 263 times in the Bible. NIV BibleGateway – Keyword Search:

    Seems Light has some powerful friends.”

    An excellent thought provoking column again today George. The non-subscribers have no idea what they are missing. And speaking of light having some very powerful friends.

    Genesis 1:3,4

    “And God said, “Let there be light.” God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.”

  2. (“Trump’s Jury Trial Is As ‘Fair’ As The Russia Hoax And 2020 Election ( As we learned from Hollywood westerns: “First he gets a fair trial, then we hang ’em, Sheriff…”)

    I think about that a bit.. and think the decepters will do anything they can to get their way.
    Years ago my wife rented a place.. she moved out in 1980 life was good.. from time to time she would get notices on utilities.. but they would dwindle down.. she met me and we become one in I believe 94 she was served with a judgement for unpaid utility bills.. she goes to court .. its about the unpaid balance on the place she lived at in 1980.. the judge says can you prove you moved out then.. absolutely.. the wife like myself kept the documentation from that time.. so another court date was made.. she went to that court.. and the judge looked at the papers.. this obviously isn’t your bill.. and dismissed the charges.. several months later.. in the world of nobody gives a shit and the business model.. they go to garnish her wages for this past bill.. we of course head to the local court house to find out how this charge that was dismissed was reinstated and her wages garnished.. the clerk said.. oh you didn’t come to your last court date you refused to get your mail.. at that point she shows us a letter that was sent certified mail to a nearby town that no one had ever lived at..obviously since the post office didn’t have a clue who in the hell she was.. waited the ten days then sent it back.. not picked up.. the wife had refused her mail.. We petitioned the court to get another hearing.. at that hearing the judge said god haven’t i seen this one before.. and went for the plaintiff.. when I said.. isn’t it fraud when someone pretends to be you to get goods and services.. I was threatened with jail time if I said one more word.. it was up to us and the utility company.. seemed they did that with the water bill and the electric as well.. when we went to the utility company.. they had a long list of people saying they were her and posing as her or a friend of hers but even though the exceptionalists were in another country or state.. it was legal data showing that she had communication with them.. we paid the bill.. what the collections did was after the judge dismissed the debt against her.. they sent another judgement to the actual people that owed the bill.. then seeing that those people were unemployed penciled her name in at the bottom with an address that they obviously knew would never get to her..
    So.. do I think this deal with trump will end.. no way in hell it will end well.. they have spent billions and using every trick in the books to get him.. like sending the judgement to an address that no one knew of and no one there knew who in the hell it was for.. sent it back.. While at the utility company .. the collection department showed me what if it was wood would be a cord of wood.. in envelopes.. of just the billing for one month that had people that posed as other people to get utilities..
    they will use every trick in the books to sink the ex president Trump and spend all of the money we pay in in taxes to get this acheived..
    Is it right.. no.. is it fair no.. look at Hunter and Jim biden.. so they don’t arrest and try Joe.. Hunter and Jim should be in prison and they have a mountain of evidence.. from business acts that totally resemble the worst offenses in our land to deviant acts that anyone of us did would spend time in prison.. posting thousands of images and documents.. whistleblowers all telling how the agencies have been severly compromised and overtaken.. these whistle blowers will suffer more over what those two did in their business dealings and with the compromising of the agencies we all held as honorable.. than he ever will.. even if they did put them in prison his father would release them instantly with a presidential pardon.. they already said publicly that that was an option.. its a waste of time and energy.. a dead horse issue that is only going around because of the election..

  3. George
    I’m not a Holy Roller by any means. Raised a Catholic but spent most of my life as an agnostic. Being an engineering type I always look for the data.
    Well the data is showing up! In particular the finding of codes in the Old Testament aka The Torah. By using computers to perform equidistant letter sequence searches hidden codes are revealed. Skeptics say you can do this with any book but honest research says no to this.
    A book by Ed Sherman Phd in math and Nathan Jacobi Phd in physics go into the statistical evidence of the codes.
    They found that humans could not generate the codes nor advanced extraterrestrials.
    Only the hand of the Almighty could do this. On reflection of their analysis and other data such as NDE’s, ghosts and especially the Shroud Of Turin I can only come to the conclusion that the God of the Bible is real! It has taken me a life time to come to this conclusion which is based on factual evidence.
    The book is titled Bible Code Bombshell. The title does not do justice to the scholarly work it presents.
    By the way The Shroud of Turin has been redated to be 2000+ years old. A new method using X-ray comparison was used for this. The old dating was done on repair patches made to the shroud in mideval times so that was an error.
    My personal view is that any thinking person should examine the available evidence on the existence of the Divine and come to their own conclusions.
    The actual structure of the Devine realms is very difficult to ferret out as there are some inconsistencies between theology, the Bible, and observed facts.
    I continue with my efforts to learn the truth!

    • Nope.
      “Statistical Science publishes Bible Codes Refutation
      The only paper published in a refereed scientific journal that claims to find evidence for the reality of the Bible Codes is the paper Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis, by Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Yoav Rosenberg (WRR), Statistical Science, Vol. 9 (1994) 429-438.

      We are now happy to announce that, after review by four senior statisticians chosen by the journal, Statistical Science has published a thorough rebuttal: Vol. 14 (1999) 150-173.

      The new paper is Solving the Bible Code Puzzle, by Brendan McKay, Dror Bar-Natan, Maya Bar-Hillel, and Gil Kalai. Here is the abstract:

      A paper of Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg in this journal in 1994 made the extraordinary claim that the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis encodes events which did not occur until millennia after the text was written. In reply, we argue that Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg’s case is fatally defective, indeed that their result merely reflects on the choices made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it. We present extensive evidence in support of that conclusion. We also report on many new experiments of our own, all of which failed to detect the alleged phenomenon.”

      Also see the last few minutes in the Why Files discussion.
      Try 17:30 to 20:35 in this report

    • The Bible code….
      Phew that is a joke you know.. since the bible is just a few of the books and some of them altered to not show… oh how did my favorite radio host put it….
      How could there possibly be a code in a few altered books that were set up to sway mankind in the direction that was meant to drive it..
      you would need the whole story.. all the documents..
      the Old testament was put in there to teach us how not to treat others.. filled with crap that no one should do to other people..
      On easter I read the report by Pontius Pilot that was sent to the emporer of rome over the crucifixion.. a complete different account than that we are taught..

      • I took a real interest in the Bible Code and the Shroud of Turin about 25 years ago. Studied them both with a science, not a religious mind. Came to the conclusion that the Bible Code was hooey but the Shroud is a different matter.

        I jumped on a plane in September 2000, flew to Milan and then took a train to Turin to see the Shroud. It was the fifth time it was displayed since 1898. Forgot to get my ticket punched in Milan and they almost threw me off the train part way to Turin. When I left after 3 days, northern Italy had some of the worst floods in history and I got the last taxi out before all bridges were under water.

        I believe the Shroud is the burial cloth of the resurrected Christ. No one has ever been able to duplicate it with any technology known to this time. When someone does, I may change my mind.

    • Farsight Institute – have a project on Shroud of Turin..very interesting and informative.

      “They found that humans could not generate the codes nor advanced extraterrestrials.” – pure unadulterated bullscheisse.

      False statement . False premise – False. Once again talking faith.

      Dont they sheer Sheeps in the Springtime ?

    • (“Being an engineering type I always look for the data.”)

      I have a strong g faith. you would be surprised at how many of my friends question… the why…
      working the halls of hospitals and long term facilities I have seen some pretty unbelievable things.. heard people having intense conversations in rooms with nothing more than belongings of deceased loved ones..
      heard exercise bike take off peddling when no one is there..
      my thought talk lovingly with a plant or animal.. take a Leif then do a kirlian photo of the leif..see the difference from it and one hidden without communication..
      the aura of ones soul..what is it that’s said.. be careful what you wish for..well that goes further.
      “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.”
      “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”
      Thoughts, as well as physical words, cause physical energy that directs our life and the lives of those around us. Which is why I have a G rated home..your toddler can come way h what I watch.. take mom out of the home and allowed networks and movies games direct the child..we allowed them to be raised by the programming.. wonder why everything is so violent..the hate..why are cities so evil in nature. energy..EMF fields and cell phones..
      the hidden energy along with negative subliminal messages..and the lack of adult supervision.
      sounds like a successful plan in process..

  4. G-Pops,

    Really enjoying Ure “travel” writing, ton of fun to follow along with Mr. Narrator. No comment on insights and experiences from realms, not my Circus and definitely not my Monkey’s.
    Main reason I am a “midnight toker” ,
    I do not enjoy recall of dreams activities. Takes as much out of me as I can stand, and it is very distracting, Recall to go along with new aches and pains..FMRunning! NEINNEINNEIN!

    Curious how different Peeps look at same exact information, and come to completely different conclusions. Buying portfolio “insurance” thru Apr 19th turned out to be a “timely” move 4 Moi.
    Scheisse going on in World Finance (Everyone “exchanging” Treasuries for Phyz GOLD), CPC been fairly orderly in their unwind on a Monthly basis. Gold holdings are going gang busters, think Silver will finally catch a Bid as well.

    Re-entered the SPY Put trades(insurance) for May, with even tighter in tight they are already appreciating from morning execution, captured 15% in half a day. Will 4-22-2024 be a new black monday, hmmmmm
    Did you hear that ? Sounded like a Submarine klaxon alarm..down bubble ?

    Time will tell, to be In IT You need to have Phyz Gold.
    Sayz here USA dont have the Gold to back squatta, with Debt repayment greater than GDP, USA is dead ass BROKE, and everyone knows it.
    Obviously we dont have a capable military anymore, if we ever exactly what is standing behind the USD ?
    A= pedo joe and his handlers, basically the christians in action..yeah were doomed.

    ..western elites/govmints..going down in a burning ball of flames.

    Please, write if/when you see a Phoenix burd..

    • re: Party of the Year
      feat: not John Wick


      A-list birds were flocking to Oswalds, an exclusive members only club, in Mayfair on Saturday night to celebrate Posh Spice’s half-century birthday. The “Daily Mail” are calling it a ‘party of the year’. Oswald’s is situated on the street constituted of former lands purchased at deep discount by The Syndicate from a dashing 17th century aristocrat, the 2nd Duke of Albemarle. The club owner’s grandfather resided on the premises while portrait artist to the Royal Family in the 30’s and 40’s. His mother was a London socialite whose debutante ball was graced by the late QE2. She descends from a German line of the Rothschilds bankers, and is apparently named after a 1927 ragtime hit penned by two Black musicians from New York. The Royals frequent the establishment doubtless revelling as must all guests by the club owner’s trademark greeting at the door with his loyal dog alongside.

      Rather than Keanu Reeves that you may have expected, the glitzy Saturday night bash saw Mr. Tom Cruise drop in still filming the next “Mission Impossible” near junction 11 on the M25 ring road. Chef and Mrs. Ramsey arrived for well-seasoned conversation, yet not too salty one hopes. The free bar was apparently well stocked with four figure £ pricetag bottles of finer beverages.

      The Birthday Girl accompanied by Becks and their 4 children was pictured entering the venue in an eyeful sheer dress stood upon 4 inch heels. A pair of walking crutches completed the wardrobe as Posh continues recuperations from a broken foot. Her husband was pictured supplying his well-hydrated partner a piggyback ride to a waiting cab as the party wound down at 2:30am.

      The children posted a lovely social media reel from the dance floor with music curated by DJ collective Hale Zero. The five Spice Girls hit the dance floor along with guests “in droves” singing and grooving to their great hit:

      • re: “Stop!…”
        feat: Jefferson Airplane


        “…hey, what’s that sound.” The Flightradar24 site shows a n/a registered Cessna TU206G Turbo Stationair originating from Grand Forks flying symmetrical north-south patterns on the Canadian side of the border near the Pembina Valley. The publicly available US Customs and Border Protection aviation page shows one of the type based in Grand Forks. One could imagine that perhaps the recently passed US surveillance bill serves to also protect outside USA borders.

  5. re: “Blended Reality”


    The “Deutche Welle” live blog of the attack on a pro-Iranian militant base south of Baghdad is headlined by a cropped Hadi Mizban/AP picture. It’s from Baghdad’s Green Zone in 2021 associated with post-assassination Quasem Soleimani revenge attacks. The Arabic script on the pictured militiaman’s mask translates as “the old man is born”.

    Time to join DJ Ure driving forward with a look back through The Doors –
    “Break on Through (to the other side)”.

  6. I have lucid dreams. About one a week., or so.
    A few years back I got to wondering if something was triggering these dreams. Was it something I did in this world – that took me to the other worlds?
    So., whenever I had a lucid dream, I would write down the dream in as much detail as possible. [ I have notebooks full of those dreams.] I would then recount the past 48 hours activity. Things like room temperature, what did I eat., did I watch a movie., was it a bright sunny day – or a cold snowy day., did I injure myself in any way? Any and every thing I could recall.
    After nearly a year of ‘notes’ I sat down and complied them and tried to find a detectable pattern. I found absolutely nothing. Nothing was repeatable. I couldn’t find any thing, or combinations, that may have triggered those lucid dreams – and thus no way to ‘deliberately’ trigger one.
    To this day I still can not ‘force’ a lucid dream.., I can not say – “Tonight I will have a lucid dream.” Even though I have tried many techniques that are supposed to help bring one about – sadly, nothing has worked for me.
    Something., [ or someone?.,] seems to be in-charge of that part of me. Or.., there is no controlling factor and they come as they will. Completely random occurrences.
    .., and mathematically – I do not like “Completely random occurrences.”

    • I had frequent lucid dreams until I got the cpap.. now I still get them just fewer and further between

  7. May we live in interesting times.
    We do.

    Your Ureness:

    For those keeping SPX score at home (^GSPC if you prefer) the exponential thrust of late left behind a large 58 point gap closing HI 4,981 02/21/24 to opening LO 5,038 02/22/24. This, the gap, has been a magnet and … yesterday we fell hard through the gap, made numerous attempts to hang at the low line and … puked into the close at 4,967.

    Looking for bullish slant? You go girl. At least we didn’t close at the LOD (4,953) hey? Looking for support, there is juju at 4,677 to 4,818. Likely round number 4,800 will be a run for exits signal. That on long only exposure. Them shorting might be tested as the PPT applies buying power.

    Note: look at tops March ’22 and July ’23 for horizontal support.

    None of the above is FA. Just pondering patterns Preccious.

    ATL: hmm, return of winter? Effing Climate Change(d) again!
    It’s what climate does …

    • “hmm, return of winter?”


      83°F a couple days ago, snow tonight. Reminds me of Januaries, when I was a kid, before the doomporn weather squad told the world we were heading into a new ice age.

  8. A market fund manager [$82 billion ] has sent a letter to all his customers that he believes we are about to see the biggest market crash since 1929. “Several bubbles” are about to pop – according to him. He admits that he is a perma-bear.
    When asked when the crash will occur – in what quarter of the year ? – he simply smiled. And never answered the question. Question: If he is so sure of the event, how is it that he doesn’t know “when” it will occur ?
    I have often wondered – when a ‘prediction’ has no time-line., is it really a ‘prediction’? Does it hold any weight ? Can you adjust to a prediction even though you really don’t know when the asteroid will strike Earth?

    • A prediction lacking the specificity for trading is bullshit, pure and simple.
      Whioch you will notice is why we put some date ranges out in PN today? We run numbers no flimflam.
      Here’s to Monday but I may be short from noon Tuesday – we will see – and you know why now.

      • I disagree. An opinion is just that. A studied thought on direction can be enough. If correct, sooner or later it will bear fruit.

        People over trade and multiply errors based on the “when” as often as not. Direction Padawan.

        The first Vegas Pit Boss I had conversation with around the end of the table comes to mind:

        “We love people with systems. They lose their money systematically”

        Be studied, less apt to jump. To decide not to bet is equally valid as the other.

        Charts are the snapshots of moves, and collective consciousness of the mind.

        Look at charts. What’s the image tell you?
        Or heck … flip a coin.
        AG pls.

        ATL, Egor

    • I would love to go visit with Mr. Buffet to see what he is seeing.. nice guy… reminds me of my father in some ways with his humor..

        • LOL LOL I would take my chances LOL LOL
          I had thought that I would have more trouble getting by his secretary but once I did get by her he would get us coffee..

    • It is NOT a prediction for public consumption so why should HE disclose it? What does he OWE You, or George, or anybody else to disclose what his private research indicates? How much have YOU paid him?

      “IF” a MAJOR Market Fund Manager is planning on structuring his fund to take advantage of such a crash of course he WOULD NOT disclose that …. since the very disclosure would change the nature of the market due to the fact that many other BIG Mangers, and possibly the Fed Reserve Board, would change their behavior as a result.

      In his classic book on Technical Analysis (Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets), and much more so in his newsletters back when he wrote them, John Murphy and his partner (who’s name doesn’t come to mind immediately) discussed this dynamic … in their newsletter they discussed it all the time.

      Back in the days of MetaStock and Super Charts they put together a software package of about 1100 trading systems that had been developed over the years and ended up being know by the trader community, that had a past proven track record of having worked well … and then stopped working (they sold the package for only the cost of copying, about $10 as I recall – I bought it).

      John Murphy and is partner both hammered the concept that the MORE PEOPLE and FIRMS knew something or utilized a similar set of trading concepts the LESS LIKELY they were to work. With that package of 1100 proven trading system they BOTH also noted that as people and the big firms forgot about them and they laid dormant for awhile … voila many of them suddenly they would work to again.

      What they pushed was the concept that the MORE traders or firms traded on a particular set of concepts the less likely it was to work, sometimes in fact the results would go in reverse.

      If that manager has a good timing concept … yep, NO WAY is he going to tell the General Public. The GENERAL PUBLIC is NOT who he is trading for, NOT who is paying him, he is trading for HIS firm and HIS firm ONLY

      (fwiw I have a model that corresponds to what the Fund Manager mentioned … I have timing data too, very exact timing data. I personally give my model a greater than 50% chance of being accurate for the event. Statistics say such a projection, because it has very specific timing dates, would AT BEST only have a 1 in 100,000 of being correct – we shall see)

      • I had considered many of your points.., and I agree.., but my point wasn’t just specific to this one instant.., my point was for “predictions” in general. Whether it is for the money markets., economic collapse, war.., even alien invasion – doesn’t matter ‘what’ .

        • “It is NOT a prediction for public consumption so why should HE disclose it?”

          Mr. Buffet???? ever listen to him when he’s on television. he doesn’t attempt to hide anything.. he’s pretty open about everything. opinionated and loves his job. but seriously I doubt he would try to hide anything.. over coffee or a sandwich you could just about discuss anything..
          really down to earth awesome and a genuine nice guy personally.. business make money wise he’s the man..I respect him he’s smart genuine and friendly.. easy to talk to..would he talk specifics.. I believe he would.. but I believe you would have to be specific in asking him.. its sort of a game and he’s good at it..

      • “It is NOT a prediction for public consumption so why should HE disclose it? What does he OWE You, or George, or anybody else to disclose what his private research indicates?”

        Mr. Buffett is a nice guy.. NOW.. go have coffee with him.. absolutely he doesn’t owe anyone anything .. that is true.. but would he hide what he is thinking.. I don’t think he would.. lets make a comparison as an example..
        GU.. and urban survival.. we come here read the blog each day we look forward to it.. gives us all a great insight.. I believe I could go have coffee or a cold beverage with George.. and we could discuss any topic under the sun.. BUT.. if I want a detailed market analysis.. Then I would want to subscribe to peoplenomics..Mr. buffett isn’t someone to hide what he is thinking he is really down to earth and respectible.. nice guy great sense of humor.. easy to visit with.. he doesn’t have to prove himself in his job he has that already down.. But if you wanted a detailed analysis.. then subscribe to his newsletter.. as a human being he is about as genuine as your going to get..
        hell he doesn’t even charge for his newsletters.. he probably sends the newest ones out to customers LOL.. but he is pretty dam open.. nice guy.. real nice guy.. he would be welcomed in my home any day..

  9. Senate passes the $95 billion dollar aid bill for the Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
    Senate votes to ban Tik Tok – or sell it. The Chinese government has said they will not be allowed to sell it.
    FBI has issued a “Red Alert” – stating the China is about to launch a devastating cyber attack on the infrastructure of the U.S. Would that constitute an “act of war”?

    • The way the Zon site has been acting this weekend, I would wonder if it hasn’t started already.

  10. “US House gears up to pass Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan aid in unlikely bipartisan vote. Peace is the enemy of defense contractors. ”

    So, Republicans are now on-board with blanket-legalizing all the illegal aliens, and altering U.S. Code to make border-jumping legal, and codify its legality into law…?

    Frickin’ awesome…

  11. “Interdimensional development has seemingly begun. Exciting as hell. New breed of beings and a future as vast as Universe itself.”

    I read the daily quote from “The Law of Attraction”
    every day. A continuing theme of this ‘channeled’ information is that we came here to this physical realm to be creators at the cutting edge… the front edge of creation. So it only makes sense that we would bring back our new creations to the other realms.

    • Odd. I had a dream last night about working in some company for some reason. One of the memorable parts was that I lost my cellphone and never found it before I woke up. At least it was where it usually is when I came back to this reality. It seems to be unaltered.

  12. For the record, neither an atheist nor an agnostic here. But…
    God hasn’t written any books. That’s a human preoccupation.

  13. Fine report today George. And as usual, I find as many if not more thought provoking words in the comments. I too have lucid dreams on occasion. But for me anyway, they are not what I want to do or see again. Ever. They always eff up sleeping for a few days and make me not the most pleasant person in the world. I envy your adventures on that side though and thoroughly enjoy when you share them.
    I have found I can find more hope and comfort in the Bible after I stop trying to find the codes or whatever and just let the thoughts come through. I don’t want to know what is in the future beyond what I can determine for myself.

    Stay safe all. 73

  14. “Blended Reality” is Quite descriptive as I read these articles. all I can think of is “BOOMERANG”
    I do not understand how or why these two flipped but here it is,,, anti-pedo by Bill maher,,,
    and Avenatti turn pro-Trump,,,

    these will cause the Karens piss their panties

      • I never said he like liked Trump
        did ya pass reading 101?
        he was on an anti pedo rant which surprised me

        • I know.. I had heard him a few times now go after the sacred cows..Which shockes the hell out of me.. making me wonder.. is he buttering his bread on both sides of the slices to maintain his business model.. OR.. now that the illegals are settling in his neighborhood.. are they going to have those guys with the big mansions and plenty of space house the illegals.. Cali knows how to handle the people coming in.. they can afford to..

    • Maher is a flaming Liberal, but he’s not anti-American and he’s not a Marxist. He is also not a pedo, and seems to have a lower tolerance for pervs and pedos than most of the TMZ-types.

      Avenatti is not pro-Trump. He is anti-destroy-the-law. The dude is still a dirtbag who stole money from a crippled child and convinced Stormy Daniels that she could extort money from Donald Trump without going to jail.

      • I was surprised to see maher do anti-pedo after he was seen with the red shoe club.
        and who look just like hugh heifner, hummm, who’s your daddy question.

        yes , Avenatti is a dirt bag, who is still in prison,,, like I said ,,, I am surprised to see he come out with that statement.
        that’s all, it is just out of place,, a
        “blended reality” which is Mr Ure’s headline

        • Maher is freaking due the “Storm”. Knows he is going to be the new “pivot man” at “club candy” or whichever club fed he gets assigned.

          Seen all the nasty scheisse coming out on that rapping rump wrangler Puff on Ure Diddy?

          Seen ellen and harpo – got that “look” about em, and no not talking the gaunt skeletal ozempic look.

          ..rolling, rolling, rolling, get those pedos rolling..rawhide!..

          “ride em in!”

          * luv how c responded to “karen” ..still laughing at acknowledgement of that, thanks for the good laugh.

        • @c posts are 95% about her TDS and climate change scam stuff. She avoids the pedo crimes being exposed and refuses to accept that her side protects the God Damn pedos.
          Come on @c defend or condemn the pedos, pick your side,,, is Ashley’s showers with daddy ok?,,, Crickets
          the Bribem’s residency has been like ripping a scab off a big sore, it hurts and it exposes a bad wound, full of infection/corruption.
          bring on the Lone Ranger with his Hi Ho Silver,,, colloidal
          while Trump doesn’t wear the mask, he has been ambushed by the criminal element embedded in the feral government, can’t ya see?
          “The Lone Ranger, formerly known as John Reid, is a one-time Texas Ranger, and the sole survivor of a group of six Texas Rangers who were killed in an ambush. He wears a mask to conceal his identity as he travels throughout the West fighting for law and order.”
          Who killed JFK?, ambush,,, the Mossad controlled CIA.
          Remember the three movies that Q posted back in2020 ?
          1: “FisaGate”
          2: “Guardians of the Pedophiles”
          3:”Panic in DC”

          Zippity do dah zippity aye,
          my oh my what a wonderful day

      • “their Signs and Symbols will be their undoing”
        red “leather” dress shoes tells you all you will ever need to know about that Man.. for that matter any Man .

        “He is also not a pedo,” – Ure full of SHIT.

        – He IS a PEDOVORE, and member of notorious hollywood sex club..

        ELohim worship much ?

  15. Martin Armstrong has an April 19,20 top that coincides with the overseas war funding/ Hitler birthday going down I believe into May 2025.

  16. Does this happen to anyone else here?
    I have this strange oddity., an ‘ability’., that has been with me for decades. I kind of wish I didn’t have it. Let me explain.
    Two days ago I was sitting out side reading and sipping iced tea when I got a flash, it was a face and name I hadn’t seen, or heard in several years.., and I knew she had just died.
    The woman was a real force here in this area. First woman member of the City Council, first woman to open her own real estate agency.., out lived three husbands.., we were friends for years. Several massive Thanksgiving Dinners., Christmas parties., etc.., I really liked her.
    About five years ago she voluntarily moved into a special assisted living facility in southern Oregon – it was a great place. She knew she was having difficulties and dementia was diagnosed. She left the area., and over the past couple of years I never heard from her. Her son said it was due to her dementia.
    According to the phone call I got, she died about half an hour, maybe less, before i ‘felt’ it. Two months short of 100.
    This happens to me with people that I have made a personal ‘connection’ with. Not everyone. Just a select few. Even happened once with a horse that I really liked, and he really liked me – we rode together, a lot. It first happened to me in Vietnam., and has been with me ever since.
    That ‘bond’ is somehow broken and you feel it.., does this happen to any one else ?

    • I sometimes see people I have known in early morning dreams. They are usually older than when I last saw them, but not as old as they would be in real life. One guy who snaked me rather badly showed up, silent but red-faced. A childhood accomplice came to me in an office breakroom setting, we chit chatted a bit, and I said “you didn’t have any delusion that either of us were getting into heaven”; he laughed and the dream was over. I don’t bother looking for obits.

    • Yes, it does. I’ve experienced it, and I’ve heard (read) of others also. Seems it is not uncommon.

    • Yes.. I actually think that most people do have those abilities…
      they just don’t realize that is what they did.. I was talking to someone just this last weekend that said.. dam this guy I was just thinking of him.. and his funeral was sunday…I believe that everyone has this ability.. but they push it aside because they feel it is a random thought..
      the year we went without an income.. I prayed so hard.. it was so hard for me to see my wife start to cry out of futility late at night.. when she thought no one was around she would break down in tears.. I was in a wheel chair and not doing good at all.. it was so hard.. and I would pray that heavenly father would hear my prayers..
      we had depleted our savings and at the very end.. when all of a sudden a card shows up in the mail.. from a man that I had not seen in over forty years.. the last time I had seen him he was learning how to ride a tricycle.. in it he said.. after his morning prayes all he could think of was how I was doing.. it was driving him nuts.. he had to do a search to find where I lived.. and here is a check.. he had to send it to ease his mind.. he didn’t know till later just how much that meant to us.. it saved us.. it lasted till the wife got a job and got her first paycheck.. there was .24cents in the account.. Last week.. I went to the bank where I had my credit card through.. they had taken out a payment on an account that I had closed.. anyway.. talking with the loan officer .. I asked her how her kids were.. and she started talking about how futile it was.. she was trying to learn how to do pasta …. oh my god.. I said one minute.. I went out to the truck got a pasta press and brought it in.. and said I was teaching my grandkids and kids how to make it again because we use to do it and they had been asking me so I bought a bunch of them so I answered her questions and told her if they needed more help than that just call I would come over and make pasta with her and her kids.. she started to cry.. I said what is wrong.. she said I prayed that someone would come and help me answer the questions and here you are.. the answer to my prayers.. so does this happen.. all the time.. just people don’t see it.. they don’t realize it is our heavenly father sending us the subtle message.. whether or not we listen or do as he asks.. it is there.. most people just ignore it..

      • Yes, it is true, many answered prayers and heartfelt requests.

        Just Sunday, sitting on the deck thinking of an estranged sister, not estranged for a particular thing, just distant, she’s distant, we were best friends. I shed a few tears in my sadness.

        So, I miss her, but she’s quite up there in the ladder of success so I don’t have anything she needs or wants, not even friendship, so my memories carry me back to our wonderful life-long friendship from little kids to mid life, and then poof, gone.

        So, I was making a trip home and thinking of her, and going over it all once again. I had warned her about the Covid vaccine, which she took, and got sick, so has heart issues. She disregarded my warnings as I am not a professional. And that led me to wondering how long she had and if we would ever have any time together privately again. So, I say the same prayer for her, dear God, please let her live to see her Grandchildren have children.

        Well, I went into the house, and there were 2 texts, from 2 different sisters. The distant one said, “a little bird told me you were coming into town tomorrow would you like to get together?”

        The 2nd text was the other sister, “hey, heads up I told her you were coming into town she wants to meet up with you.”

        So, yeah, answered prayers just like that, I mean within seconds or minutes was it?

        So, the next day, which was yesterday, I made the 3.5 hour drive up there, saw a sister and a brother first, nice visit.

        Then drove to meet this other sister, the one that is distant, and we shared a nice meal together, and we spoke of quite a few things, funny things, then more serious including wills, estates, LLC’s, (reminding her that our Dad resisted doing a will, medical durable power of attorney, etc., fearing he would die shortly thereafter, and I convinced him to put one in place, and lo and behold he lived 22 more years, and that will was our guide map and all things went very well considering, because we got on the topic of doing things to lay a road map not a death map,) then talked about more small things, and other important things, then I drove 3.5 hours home traveling past beautiful green fields, blue sky and a lovely sunset.

        My heart was at peace and my heartfelt prayer had been answered.

        Just the other day, I read that Vitamin D3 is rat poison, or someone claimed.

        I first was shocked, as I have told as many people as I could about the good effects of VitD3 for us. Amazing effects, only one illness in almost 5 years.

        So, someone on THIS site posted about research about Lithium Orotate and had a link to a researcher.

        Guess what was one of the questions this researcher answered in his website? Yep, the rat poison question.

        He said most anything in high enough doses will kill a rat, so it would take 800,000 times the Vitamin D3 dose for a human, and yes that would kill a rat.

        So, I first read the bogus fearmongering article, and I kid you not, within 2 – 3 days, a link posted HERE led to the TRUE answer regarding Vitamin D3 and it felt like it was meant for me!!! The researcher recommends combining Vitamin D3 and Lithium Orotate together as a remedy.

        Thank YOU, GOD!

        This happens ALL of the time. Keep a journal and check for yourself.

        Have you pondered a question and received the answer?
        Do you pray for answers and receive them?
        Do you know who is calling on the phone before you answer it?
        Do you and your significant other speak of the same topic even to the same word at the same time?
        Do you dream of those that you love whether as a warning or caring or guidance?
        Do answers come to you in dreams?
        Does music, poetry, solutions, warnings, advice, guidance, ANSWERS come to you, in dreams or the Vitamin D3 solution that I mentioned above?

        Write them down in your journal, then check back in a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year, SEE the guidance, in your own life, WITH your own Eyes….then

        Every morning and most evenings, when I say my prayers, I visualize the beautiful earth, and I ask God to bless this earth and all of the people on it – all creatures great and small.

        I go to the macro and the micro. I do not know why evil exists but I do know that also good exists, and I pray for the good to duplicate itself into abundance.

        WE are that Good.

  17. FYI, the receiver on the Omni VII is useful down to very low frequencies, lower than any other I’ve had. I’ve heard signals as low as 8kc and maybe lower, and certainly ones at 18 or 20kc.

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