Political Implosions, BSD, Week to Fed

Our national fascination with the macabre continues.  While, sometimes like an old man, I wonder if I’m the only one who ever watched TV legal shows.  You know the genre, right?  Spans from Perry Mason to Suits.  And while the material was OK, at least you could pick up a few high-minded notions about law if you watched ’em off and on for half a century, as I have.  Usually in drive-by (5-minutes or less) and in the middle of a click-frenzy.

But the Truth leaks out.  And it screams to us that “NYC is holding a political kangaroo court case” against ex-president Trump.  Where it comes out is in headlines like Donald Trump ‘orchestrated criminal scheme to corrupt 2016 election’, trial opening hears – Businessday NG.

If I were a two-bit shyster, rather than “Call Saul” or our own consigliere to protect our interests, I would have stood up and sung out, loud as I could “Objection Your Honor!  This goes to intent and that’s not what’s on trial here.”

In my simplistic world, if I (the Georgeness) own controlling interest in a company, and I make a change in an accounting allocation (which seems to be the issue) it is not within American jurisprudence to quibble, unless…well, it’s here I get stuck.  Whose business is it, properly and legally?

Surely, if there were legit tax consequences, IRS or NY State Revenooers would have been all over this.  So, tax-dodging doesn’t seem to fit. And the purported party has, I seem to recall, said one way, then another as to whether she was engaged in blackmail.  (We still wonder how, since she apparently got some dough, how come the ultra-libs haven’t charged her with felonies, or as least hooking without a contribution to The Party.

But now, this whole farce is – as we have said from the get-go – about convicting Donald Trump of something – even felonious jaywalking if that’s what it takes – to keep him off the Ballot.

Then the Universe offered a lesson.

A jury summons for son, George2, showed up this week.   Took it into my office, scanned it, and emailed up to him to deal with.  Because he’s not on the ancestral estate, presently.  He’s up doing construction site medic operations in Washington (the state of disaster).

While I was out riding the (now repaired) lawn mower, a short time later, I got to thinking about Trump’s case and our family dealings with juries over the years.  Mainly about Jury Duty Summons.

I’ve had several in my lifetime. But I have never served.  On a few occasions, I think the reasons were obvious.  Who would want an MBA hearing any case involving money?  Who would want a long-time reporter who ran the “cop shop beat” with old-school legends like Corsaletti and Carson?  I felt like the ugly girl waiting for a phone call before the Big Prom.  Never rang.

Then there was the Fire Department angle.  A few times, since Ure’s is a family of first responders, it was because of Fire Department schedules, training and the like.  Now G2 is working out of state, so kinda hard to tell 500 construction workers “I’ll be back when I can….”  So, yeah, he’ll miss “the Call.”

Point is?  I think the bottom line to this insight is that all too often this lawfaring (as opposed to warfaring) the radical bullshit element runs on – and make no mistake, these are the dregs of democracy and what they are pulling off is an afront to moral and decent humans – only happens for a simple reason:  Because the “good guys” – peopled like us – don’t show up.

It was a humbling realization.  All of us who have been “too busy” for jury duty are why the stench and dregs get away with so much.

Small victory?  Actually a big win: Texas appeals court sides with Sidney Powell, rejecting attorney discipline over her Trump election lawsuits. Ever think what would happen to even this worn system if Lawyers could be attacked for just representing someone?  Not that the lefty-loons care, of course.

Not that the Bench isn’t to blame, too: Juries are kept stupid on purpose and Jury Nullification is never in any jury instructions I’ve covered.  And I’ve watched a lot of high-profile cases as a reporter.

Notwithstanding, Trump’s personality was/is terrible. But his policies were golden.  Slow Joe is trying to pretend he’s the opposite – but no cigar there.

But in the end, whispered Universe: We’re all to blame. Because whether it’s for a Jury summons or weakly attended primary votes, we’re all to blame.

The quote as we wait for the (foregone conclusion – which is a mob outcome, not solid jurisprudence – has been said many times.  In 1770, for example, Edmund Burke said it.  But John Stuart Mill’s rewrite of 1867 is my favorite:

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

A Cornerstone of News

The hijacking of freedoms, rights, and values has been a long-time fixture in news reporting.  God, being lazy, doesn’t give reporters enough of “His Acts of…” to cover.  The rest are mostly schemes.  Pretenses to power, control, and oh yeah, money.

One headline example: Pro-Palestinian protesters arrested at Yale, NYU; Columbia cancels in-person classes (newarab.com).  Who will get the tab?  Why, the innocents, of course; those who dared to attend (what they thought were top-notch) schools which close their doors and wandered off-mission when political winds come up.

Making up Protected Classes is another front in the lawfare being waged to take-down America.  Louisiana tees up legal challenges over federal government’s Title IX LGBTQ+ student protections (fox8live.com). Clearly, Equality which is fundamental is under assault.  Because there’s a long (and growing line) of people wanting to “Be the Most Special” which flies in the face of Constitutional Equality for ALL.

International lawfare is also crazy. Proving this will take a snip of history to put in context, so here it is:  “Haiti declared independence from France on January 1, 1804, two months after Jean-Jacques Dessalines defeated Napoleon Bonaparte’s colonial forces. The island was previously known as Saint-Domingue, the most profitable colony in the French empire.” 

You need to know this in order to understand the level of insanity (*and victimology) behind this story.  Haiti Seeks Reparation for Colonial Debts from France – The Rio Times.  1804? And now comes the demand?  Help a brother understand, please?

Once upon a time, the world was a reasonable place.  There were countries and they had these things called Borders. (Check with people in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California to understand how these are holding up. The bum’s rush is on foor sure.)

Now, lawfaring and specifically through fictions like the International Courts, have tried to tie-up the top of Countries with a global socialist power grab of legal systems.

Although there were roots to an internationalist legal system (Geneva Convention) countries don’t have to join.  Last week, a trial began in Sweden: War crimes trial against Syrian ex-general opens in Sweden (aa.com.tr).  Because, near as we can figure, the fellow involved was physically in Sweden.

But who says the International Criminal Court has authority outside of The Hague?  You saw last week where ICC considering arrest warrants for Netanyahu, other Israeli officials?

There is a long history and debate about the ICC.  International Criminal Court – Wikipedia is a good starting point.  But to us, the simple answer is: If you have a country, you have borders and your own legal system.


But we can clearly see “the strings” of the globalist cabal who are trying to Drag the World Under THEM.  There’s the race issue, gender, international courts, climate, and while we’re at it, let’s take a run at adjudicating wars. The financial strings are already being pulled by the IMF and the World Bank plus the cooperating (out of public view) government Central Bankers, too.

Perhaps the best thing about being an “old man” is we have, likely at best, only 20-or so more years to worry about this stuff.  Less if the flash bangs go off.

But on a slow news morning, when we have a “hot date for markets” tomorrow with Bank Settlement Day (BSD) for the month, it’s interesting to look around and see how the stage crew and directors of the global pretexts are working it.  Moving the herd just so, this way and that.

Don’t let this get you thinking too deeply about “showing up” for it.  Instead, let’s throw out some distractions, shall we?

Roll ‘Em

Our favorite commie: AOC Praises the Peaceful Pro-Hamas College Get Togethers.  We’re still up for paying for a one-way ticket for her to Caracas if that’s such a shining place.

On the Tether?  Speaking of which, did you see where How Tether (USDT) Is Helping Venezuela Navigate Around U.S. Sanctions | Cryptoglobe. Why, it’s the socialist’s dream: When one currency goes bad, make up a “Fresh con and move on…”

The real Truth: Politicians Are Not The Only Dangerous Rats In New York City | Canada Free Press.  We laugh when people in the land of TrueDope call out ‘Merica on our crazy – Big Open Farce – boff for short.

Where was our invite? Spring break turns chaotic at Orange Crush with topless brawls and trash woes.

Climate and Greenscam dept: Biden handing out HUNDREDS of millions to failed Green companies. If you think climate scams and CO2 are real, we would point you to the WhyFiles episode for this week. Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 | Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups (youtube.com)..

ATR: One Hour Deck Plan

Working on an interesting idea for all of us home handy-bastard types.  Going to try a new approach to home DIY.  From the top, we all can get great ideas from sources like Family Handyman Magazine.  They have a good book on decks here. Another great source of inspiration us the Sunset publications.  Two great sources when you’re cruising old bookstores.

Anyway, the point is no one has unlimited time.  So, I thought I’d try to do a decent project (deck) in one-hour blocks of time.  The idea is no one can take off 3-4 days to whip up a new deck.  But seriously, who can’t find a lousy one hour after dinner instead of going right to “lard-ass in front of the telly” right after dinner?

So that’s my latest approach to new, big projects.  Time slice them into edible chunks (think of it as pomodoro timers with a skil saw).

First one may be along this Sunday.  (If I can find an hour, lol…).

Oh and good luck with the sucker rally at the open today.

Write when you get rich,


41 thoughts on “Political Implosions, BSD, Week to Fed”

  1. Wars and rumors of wars…who is Pepe/besides the name of my 28 old Cockatiel ?
    -Mr Escobar -another highly respected journalist..reported soon after zionasties attacked Iran last week, that they had in fact launched an F-35 loaded with nuclear armed missile, intended for EMP causing airburst over Iran.
    Further reported that RUSSIAN airforce had shot it down as soon as it exited Jordanian airspace. Awaiting further confirms..mr hersch maybe?

    ? Does this explain all th f-ed up stories/reports/falsifications regarding the feeble zionastie response to Irans spanking israhellie iron dome/david sling illusions?

    Does the “rock” in Blackrock stand for Rockafellers, do Bears shit in the woods, are catholic priest pedophiles..?

    ..Post Disclosure:
    Does Humanity we wake up in Time ?

    *Over 8 Million PEOPLE go Missing every year, half are Children*************************************************

    Does the Human Collective really get going in 2024..ya know World Pop mentally going “ant colony” like towards a greater Collective Mentality ?

    Weekly discipline..20-30 minutes quite the mind, meditation like, regular discipline, like a daily nap, but more regenerative.
    Eye on the benefits (prize), they will come naturally and you will realize it, long after already happened..

    The Train she is a coming, will You purchase a ticket to Ride?
    tourn it up!

    • (“*Over 8 Million PEOPLE go Missing every year, half are Children*************************************************”)

      think about that one for a minute..and what our present government representative’s are doing..

      • “Over 8 Million”
        Source ???
        Only plausible if you count the disappeared under all totalitarian regimes and African / Islamic slave trade. Breakdown by country or region?

      • Well its not true, so not much to do about something that isn’t happening. Now we should do something about the 600k that do go missing, that in itself is a massive number.

      • “We are at the next stage of whatever human evolutionary cycle you care to call it, be it The End
        Times or The Fourth Turning. I do not believe that much of the United States or Great Britain will
        remain when the dust settles. This is not hyperbole.
        COVID-19, a biological weapon, was released in 2019, just as I described in my books. All readers who follow certain future forecasters should use that as their measuring standard. This book was created as a map for my use, but I hope every reader will find it helpful as global events unfold.”

        Good luck and God Bless to all!

        Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024
        Version 1.1 – page 2101
        All Rights Reserved
        G. A. Stewart LLC
        Copyright 2007-2024

    • Saw the Escobar story a few days ago and what comes to mind is how stealthy is the F35 when Russia picks it up on radar as soon as it took off. Maybe the weapons it was carrying were too big for its internal weapons bay so they were carried externally, that would fit the nuke theory.
      personally I think this story is BS and if it is true this is quite serious indeed. If Israel tried using nukes for this little tit for tat show then things are going to get sporty real soon.

    • Does this explain all th f-ed up stories/reports/falsifications regarding BCN’s post?

      Fixed that for you.

      Pepe is an FSB asset and a hardcore Palestinian sympathizer.

      Russia committed an overt act of War, created a diplomatic nightmare, and caused an international incident by shooting down an Israeli fighter-bomber without provocation, and over some other country? Really?

      Israel was going to retaliate for an impotent attack with a nuke? And they were going to launch it from an airplane?

      I am disappointed. I used to think you were less gullible than the average vaporware nazi. I guess I was wrong…

  2. “But his (Trump) policies were golden. ”

    Some kind of UBI is coming.

    The Supreme Court may outlaw homeless camps. This leaves the homed with two options for dealing with the homeless – kill them or house them.

    I don’t think the homed will go for killing them becasue a bad thing could happen to anyone so anyone could wind-up homeless. Even Trump filed BK. For whatever reason he didn’t end-up homeless but could have…. so there is a non-zero chance for anyone to live at the curb.

    Talk to people about the bailed out pensions. The convo usually ends with “people have to eat somehow”…. Talk to them about the .gov fiat and the convo will meander to “we need an economy….” And it’ll the same with UBI…. “What if an uninsured Pitbull goes rogue, bites one of our nerves…. and we can’t work.”

    • Soylent Green


      PEOPLE !

      There cured Hunger and Homeless problems in USA in one fell swoop..Why should the ELohim get to feast on the Human herd? No worries those that CHOSE 2 SELL OUT Humanity and were “passed over”..Prolly taste like fecal matta anyways..

  3. I’m wrapping up a deck project that took a lot longer than I wanted it to. In my defense, it’s fairly large and has a reinforced structure to support a hot tub. Not in my defense, but in the interest of telling the truth, I have gotten a lot lazier than I was when I was in my younger days.

    An hour a day is a good idea, but factor in time on both ends for getting all the tools/materials out and then cleaning up once you’re done. That’s 15-20 minutes on both ends if you’re looking for a full hour of productivity. Now, where is that is carpenter’s pencil?? I could’ve sworn I left it with the speed square….Damn it!

    • (“I have gotten a lot lazier than I was when I was in my younger days.”)

      AMEN…. I remember when a hundred hour work week was nothing at all.. worked two full time jobs and one part time and built a house during my off hours in three months time.. (started it six months earlier but had issues with contractors to do the plumbing and the foundation.. ).. the one board at time.. the grandkids giving me hell because I am slacking off on showing the younger ones what I showed them to inspire their imagination.. anything is possible.. we are going to finish the wicktorian lamp and the DAT solar cooker or freezer.. what I am thinking is on the DAT sized pop cooler idea is to make it using a small camp propane tank and a larger one for the expansion chamber.. easy stuff.. and once they freeze their first freezie they will be sold on it.. LOL then we can make some popsickles….
      I just have one piece on the wicktorian.. but I believe I am going to expand that and invite all the neighborhood kids to join in.. make a lamp for themselves.. bright betties are easy things.. and fun everyone should have a couple laying around anyway.. I will stop by tractor supply and get a small roll of wire.. some contact glue..
      But I do see that I procastinate way more than I use to.. use to bug the snot out of me that it was taking to long..

    • re: fit to be tied


      I believe the combusting material appears as a reportable pollution item in the Government of Canada DSL (domestic substance list) formerly governed by CEPA (Canadian Environmental Protection Act), of 1999. Apparently last year saw passage of Bill S-5: Strengthening Enviromental Protection for a Healthier Canada, which per (2) subsection 2 (1)a.2 recognizes “that every individual in Canada has a right to a healthy environment as provided under this Act subject to any reasonable limits”.

      One of numerous amendments to the 1999 legislation occurs at 3 (1) Paragraph 2(1)(a) which now includes:
      “(ii) applies the precautionary principle, which provides that the lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation if there are threats of serious or irreversible damage.”

      Money talks louder than science?

    • OH.. how do they imagine that climate change did that.. LOL LOL… oh yeah I got it.. mother nature now carries a lighter and matches LOL LOL

  4. (“There were countries and they had these things called Borders. (Check with people in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California to understand how these are holding up. The bum’s rush is on foor sure.)
    Now, lawfaring and specifically through fictions like the International Courts, have tried to tie-up the top of Countries with a global socialist power grab of legal systems.”)

    I have to wonder.. we know its the business model that runs the world and influences our congress… we put billions into UKRAINES border.. and Israels boder and Taiwans border.. so that those in our government can keep the brand working and face among their followers.. probably after hearing that we are also handing our fliers saying vote for biden harris.. in the camps before the borders.. makes me question..


    I have thought for a long time now that we were being played in a poison pawn chess trap.. give the perv some children some good drugs and MONEY.. lots of money while they undermine the global currancies of the NATO countries.. the dollar pound and euro have their days numbered.. I believe this was all anticipated.. remember when other countries that had their gold stored here demanded to get it back.. and then found out some of it was just coated tungsten …
    SO.. if it is the poison pawn trap and our political leaders all bought into it.. sold their souls for a number or a vacation an airplane ride some kids to have sex with or some other perverted whatever.. what usually happens if a country is conquered.. and what happens if it was conquered with their help and harboring the incoming army.. impeach.. shoot that has nothing at all.. that is just a campaign trail dead horse..
    AI says..
    (“If a country is overthrown by an enemy country, the fate of its political leaders can vary significantly based on the circumstances, the nature of the overthrow, and the actions taken by the invading forces. Here are some possible scenarios:

    Capture and Detention:
    In some cases, political leaders may be captured by the invading forces. They could be detained, imprisoned, or held hostage.
    The occupying forces might use them as bargaining chips or leverage in negotiations with the international community.
    Exile or Escape:
    Some leaders may manage to escape during the invasion. They might flee the country and seek asylum in other nations.
    Exiled leaders often continue to play a role in opposition politics, advocating for their cause from abroad.
    Collaboration or Puppet Leadership:
    If the invading forces establish a new government, they might install collaborators or puppet leaders who are sympathetic to their cause.
    These leaders may be allowed to retain some semblance of power, but their decisions would likely align with the occupiers’ interests.
    Trial and Punishment:
    In cases where the invading forces view the ousted leaders as responsible for the conflict or oppression, they may subject them to trial.
    Depending on the outcome, the leaders could face punishment, including imprisonment, execution, or other forms of retribution.
    International Response:
    The international community often closely monitors such situations. If the overthrow is deemed illegal or unjust, there may be calls for justice.
    International bodies like the United Nations may investigate and hold perpetrators accountable.
    Resistance and Guerrilla Movements:
    Some leaders might choose to join or lead resistance movements against the occupiers.
    These movements aim to regain control of the country and restore legitimate leadership.
    Remember that each situation is unique, and the fate of political leaders during an invasion depends on complex geopolitical factors, historical context, and the actions taken by both sides. The aftermath of an invasion can have long-lasting consequences for a nation and its people”)

    when hussein took power he just hung most of them.. while he smoked a cigar.. so if they are doing their best to undermine the dollar.. destroy it.. what good was selling their souls for the number that will be worthless.. and if the defeating army is from a country we have royally pissed off with our destroy and conquer.. open killing of their people to gain wealth and power.. would they be more leinient than the government they are taking was to them and their families..
    Reading about Zelinsky and supposedly he is selling american arms that are sent so he and others can get more wealth.. it traveling the world seeking more.. while sending the people to be killed.. now the question is did he buy a mansion in florida..

    Or make the cash haul that was said he did..


    Not bad for a guy that can play the piano with his balls..


    • To looking out of the box:
      You may as well cut down on your wordy diatribes because we all know what it’s about ;-)).
      It will NEVER change if we continue to elect “Professional Politicians.” IMHO. Case closed !!
      P.s. No hard feelings, please! It’s not about you, but about the system we all contributed to exist. ;-((

      • that is true.. but seriously I am curious if any of the sell outs.. actually considered the future ramifications of their Choices…

  5. California just amazes me lately. I’m pretty sure it’s not that they can’t do anything right – they simply don’t know what they are doing. They are a friggin’ joke.
    California’s Unemployment Fund has been declared ‘insolvent’., after a $55billion dollar fraud was discovered.

    • I am certain that elected “Professional Politicians” know very well to secure their place at the feeding
      through, courtesy of our election system.
      Case in point: Look at the UN; Sadly, they can’t do anything to preserve peace, IMHO, while living it up in their ‘opulent live styles’ at public expense.

      • HMM but what if… They think they have set their spot at the feeding trough of selling out their country for what ever is given to them…
        YET.. their present actions are what.. to fund the fight in their countries that they have family in.. to continue the atrocities to countries that IF this is a poison pawn trap and they are here as an invading hidden army.. loyal to their countries.. What happens once the flag falls and anothers is hoisted.. those that set their spot will be like the ones in Hussein’s cabinet that thought they had set their spots..

  6. First thing for any project; have useful help.
    Started the construction of my 5 cattle panel hobby greenhouse last week. Retired building inspector and retired carpenter and retired teacher and retired auto worker assisted. 14 post holes 4 feet deep and 7 bags cement mix for footings. Panels are 52 inch wide and 16 foot long. Walls used 10 8 foot pressure treated 4×4 so 4 foot out of ground. Used 4 12 foot 4×4 for ends where there will be 6 foot openings.
    Cattle panels placed along 2×4 with routed groove and some zip ties.
    Only noted miscalculation was instead of 21 foot 8 inch sides, should have measured each panel width as they are 1/8th inch wider than 52 inches so will have to put some facing on one side.
    Next will be get some plastic on it and I have a 6 foot wide 7 foot tall roll up door for the north side.
    So structure will be 10 foot wide and 21 foot 9 inch long.

  7. I hate all politicians, Wish they could only run for one political office for six years and retire.

    As to Trump. He took the $125,000 as a business expense. Which means if he is in 33% bracket. He got 42,000 refund.. He should have never received a penny. It was money spent on personal. Not deductible.

  8. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/republican-party-walked-away-from-its-promise-of-securing-the-border-rep-chip-roy/vi-AA1nwhox?ocid=socialshare

    LOL just the WSJ article that says that the speaker of the republican party made america great again by voting to send money to Ukraine LOL…


    I made a good trade.. going to trade a chamber vac for a new trash can holder.. dam wind keeps blowing the cans down the street.. I hate picking that stuff back up.. I had talked about it before.. today he wanted to know how to do retort canning .. so bring it all over I will help you.. even trade if you ask me..
    hmm they are asking a little more than when I bought mine.. I always buy a spare .. so I will give him his choice.. which one.. I have a spare of both… the garbage man will be pleased to LOL…

    • “When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”
      – Dresden James

  9. Some people just can’t get it right..,
    He stole a man’s identity.., it worked perfectly. For two years he lived under the stolen name, he got away with it.
    Then – he applied for and got a passport – planning on heading to Europe.., but he got the State Police instead., and was arrested – failure to pay child support.
    The name he stole had been ordered by the court to pay $8,200 a month in child support and hadn’t paid dime in nearly three years.
    He owes over $295,000 in back payments – a felony where he lives.
    He convinced the court that he wasn’t really “that person”., that he stole the identity – which is a felony in his state.
    The real person, who owes the back child support has not been found, in three years of searching. Believe to be in South America somewhere., probably under a stolen identity.

  10. So what have I got stuck to my file cabinet here in the ‘office’? Jury Duty summons for next week. I’ve served twice in Honolulu before I retired. Both times I ‘volunteered’ to be the foreman, just to get the morons together and get the job done quickly so we could all go home. My two prior summons here at the ranch were for Kona jury, which was more than 70 miles away, so exempt. Hilo court finally found me. Damn! No slippers or shorts allowed. I gotta ‘dress up’.

    My first case in Honolulu years ago was a drug possession case. The judge, in interviewing us before the case, prevented a jury nullification by getting us all to agree that drug laws were ‘proper’ and did anyone disagree with that? I realized after the case was over that judge got us to ‘pre-judge’ the case before we heard it, so we couldn’t nullify it. Not that I would have. Defendant was a scumbag. But I am now aware of the legal tricks the judge and system can use to guarantee a conviction. Maybe get myself dismissed from jury duty by not being ‘cooperative’.

  11. ‘Biden handing out millions to ‘failed energy companies’, Oh my, Repugs do have a big problem when the poor get helped out, Alaskan Tribes getting a large share, Tribes aka Native Americans had their borders busted long ago by the marauding Immigrant Invaders, of which Ure’s truly comes from such….

    200k jobs to be created from EPA grants to low income and disadvantaged households (hint, try finding jobs that Trump/Republicans created):

    Sidney Powell still on the hook in Smartmatic lawsuit, still in ‘discovery process’

    Trump only President since 1939 to preside over a net loss of jobs:

    • A little late replying but I do 100% agree with the Feds paying for the solar electrification of the remote corners of the reservations.

      Under FDR there was a HUGE program called “Rural Electrification” which basically paid the cost of electrifying even the most remote rural locations in the United States … EXCEPT for tribal lands. Roosevelt was a complete racist (note his love for Japanese Americans) and except for his wife would have treated Blacks the same (ala Woodrow Wilson), but she forced him to be open to them and help them (one of the few good things he did as President).

      Time for the US Government to do for rural Indians what they did for rural White Americans in the 1930’s, through the 1940’s, electrify the damn reservations at the government’s expense.

      (remember American Indians were NOT considered US Citizens until 1924, which is when they were finally granted US Citizenship)

  12. I got called for jury duty, after being on standby several times. The group I was in was being interviewed for a DUI trial, and it was clearly a he-said she-said situation. The defense lawyer filled a cup half-full of water and started asking people, “If I said she (the defendant) filled this cup half full, would you believe it?” Apparently the object was to see who was most easily swayed. Most people were swayed quite easily. It was sounding like an old-time revival meeting. Then he came to me.

    “If I said she filled the cup half full, would you believe it?”


    “Why not?”

    “Because I saw YOU fill it.”

    I was not selected, and I have not received a jury notice of any kind in the 24 years since then. Lawyers do not want critical thinkers on their juries.

    • One look at what they have spent on trying to destroy him.. tells you how fast he will take the seat of office again.. he won’t.. they spent billions on trying to destroy him the four years he was in office.. and billions trying to convict him on crimes from two hundred year old laws..
      Oklahoma and Ohio: you can’t make faces at a dog. …
      Florida: it’s illegal to sing in your swimsuit. …
      Arizona: you can’t have a donkey sleeping in your bathtub after 7 p.m. …
      Kansas: illegal to serve ice cream on cherry pie.

    • I saw this come up. Without inserting specifics, even a half baked idiot would see where it was aimed and why. These selective political targeting and lawfare tactics WILL come back to haunt those who instigated the whole shitshow. It would be a bloody miracle if the judicial system recognized that the future playback will be devastating to the whole systems integrity and public trust.

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