The Old Man’s Pain Book

Something more useful than market charts and insights today,  We do a once-over on pain.  The kind of aches and such that come with aging.  Because, well, with any luck anyway, we’re all going to do lots of aging.

If the world doesn’t blow up first.

First, though, a few of the more interesting (and potentially financially-impacting) of the headlines overnight.  Plus, the usual in our ChartPack series where we look at financial markets in a most unusual way.

Plan on two cups worth; the pain part alone is north of six-thousand words (about a book chapter worth).

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68 thoughts on “The Old Man’s Pain Book”

  1. “The kind of aches and such that come with aging.“

    For that, we use Nettle Leaf.

    Take care of inflammation, dissolves calcium deposits such as bone spurs (which my wife has) and she has fibromyalgia. Since taking the Nettle Leaf, she’s experienced much less to no pain.

    Just something to consider. Gosh knows, we wanna feel our best when the world blows up. ;)

    • nettle Leif for you get that in capsule or an ointment. I have a friend that is miserable with fibromyalgia

      • Capsules.

        Also, magnesium spray, rubbed on the feet has worked, also.

        She was trying everything. Those two worked best for her. Any pain for weeks now, has been faint.

  2. OTC pain relievers. George, you included Tylenol/ acetaminophen in non-steroidal pain relievers. It is NOT usually included in that classification. After a brain hemorrhage 9 years ago I was told never to take aspirin or NSAIDs because of their blood-thinner effects. Acetaminophen is allowed and is my go-to pain reliever (in moderation as it has liver risks.)

    Otherwise, a great and useful column today!

    • I got a somewhat opposite view from my healthcare staff. Because they want me to take a daily baby aspirin because I had a silent heart attack 20-some years ago apparently. Again, this is an area where your PCP is the boss, and talk all this over with them. Thanks for catching it.

  3. While I continue to be impressed and educated by your financial savvy today’s Peoplenomics post is the type I truly am impressed with. You just posted IMO information well worth the annual subscription fee and then some.
    Like yourself I refuse to lay down and quit. I get the same grief from my kids as you do from your son. Earlier this week I could not get one of the main shop doors closed. It is on a sliding channel, 12′ tall by 10′ wide weighing guestimate at 300+ lbs. Fortunately it was stuck open. I found that one of the trolleys had come loose and after closer inspection by binoculars because I can’t see as well as I used to it looked like a nut on the pin holding the trolleyon the bracket had come off. Easy fix except for the fact it was 12′ off the ground. So while DIana was occupied in the house I set the last 16′ ladder against the wall and blocked the bottom with the quad, grabbed a 5/8th wrench and nut then headed up the ladder. The nut went right on with a new lock washer and a squirt of locktite and I was about to head down when Starsky the rat fink Anatolian came trotting in. He came to a stop and looked up at me, whined a little then sort of a modified alert bark and took off for the house. I scurried about putting the quad back but then here comes Diana with the rat fink telling him “OK, OK, calm down.” She comes to the door just in time to see me laying the ladder down on the floor. She just stood there and started crying. By now both dogs are whining and nuzzling her. She said I can’t loose you and turned to go up to the house. I haven’t seen her cry since #2 son was diagnosed with Cancer on his second birthday 28 years ago. The rest of the evening was rather quiet.
    Thanks for another good post today. Stay safe. 73

    • I use the opposite approach to ladders. I invite my wife out to hold the ladder so she can be on hand to scoop me up with the tractor bucket and dump me in the back of the pickup and take me to the hospital. Seems to work so far.

    • Mae is a rat fink to..ratting me out.. my little lady gives me the look and shakes her head saying really your going to do this..

    • On December 4th, 2016, I fell about fourteen feet off a ladder that was inside my house while cutting back a tree in a room with an eighteen foot ceiling. Right in front of my wife and youngish son (7 at the time). Got hauled away by an ambulance to hospital unconscious. Traumatic Brain Injury, four broken ribs, concussion, etc. Took months and several doctors to recover and I’ve never really been completely the same. You should see their reactions if I bring out a ladder today. I have convinced them to some degree that the ladder I had then was lousy and now that since I have new and more robust ladders, all will be fine. They won’t buy it. They cringe every time. I’ve learned that one should keep one’s knees between the uprights on a ladder at all times. It is when you over-extend outside the operating parameters of the ladder that all the problems occur. Yeah, I know that this is somewhat obvious, but who amongst us hasn’t over-extended on a ladder before? If only a little.

      • Hubs decided to trim a tree branch. I have learned that hubs upbringing and my upbringing are quite different.

        Me, had a Dad, Mom, brothers and sisters, lots of learning experiences from watching all of them. Plus I got to do a lot of things as well.

        Sose, I say, “hey you want to cut that branch like so and so,” and he sez, “are you gonna tell me how to go about cutting this branch?” (Irritated at the unasked for advice.)

        Sose, I shuts my mouth.

        I turn my back to continue mowing, and I hear screaming like I have never heard come out of anyone’s mouth, much less his.

        The branch he cut, kicked back and knocked him off the ladder with the chain saw running, as he fell off the ladder onto his back and either hit the back of his head, or the back of his neck and shoulders.

        Yeah, it was bad. The chain saw was still running, don’t ask me how, but it didn’t cut him.

        He immediately had a concussion.

        It took all I could do to move what I could of this large branch off the driveway so I could pack everything away and get him in the truck and drive him to the hospital to try to find care.

        He repeated himself a hundred times along the way, “so, tell me again, what happened now?”

        Over and Over and Over and over….

        Concussion. Rest.

        His memory came back, thank God.

        So, do I interject now and then? Oh yes I do, and I take a tongue lashing, and the apology that comes after, in stride, cause sometimes we weemen seem to knows things that the men folk just don’t know.

        • Only suspect is this:

          Start Date: Tuesday, April 23th, 2024 EDT

          End Date: Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 EDT

          Time: 9:00 PM – 9:00 AM EDT (6:00PM – 6:00AM MST)

          Description: Our Engineering team is scheduled to perform routine maintenance at the Arizona data center. We anticipate no interruptions to your service during this time.

          Please refer to this thread for all updates related to the maintenance.

        • Long story short I’m west of Detroit and my IP geo location is Watertown, Tennessee, United States. I don’t know how AZ factors but it did.

      • George: not to twist the knife but I tried twice to email and that hit a dead end, both tries, hours apart. Email #1 had an image attached and it’s possible your email client is knocking that down. Email #2 was just text, no attachment. No joy. Egor

        ps – my cache is clear, diagnostics run between attempts. could do a restart but that’s inconvenient until > 4pm EDT

    • there’s definitely something going on….
      I had an appointment this am early.. I happen to live over one of the major aquifers. driving by three pump stations. over each of them is a military emergency power and high velocity pumping unit… locked down and grounded..
      the only time I ever seen anything close was after a major disaster … this is pretty intense looking to.. like their anticipating an emp or some huge storm.

  4. hmmmm

    Seems we still be in the dark so to speak regards NRG and the Human experience. Good stuff today GPops, out on the bleeding edge of all things Human Body, NRG and Science, loose sight of fact most dont even know what Im talking about..
    In Energy work (Child Longevity 9 step Qigong), I use 3 Colors of Light; Red, Purple and Golden Light. Whatever Ure mental image/picture/representation of those Colors are, IS correct.
    I also invoke the Sunshine of Day and The Moon light of Night, depending on what Time of the Day it is I am “working”. Hell, I invoke The internal LIGHT of the Creator on a regular basis as info divulged here, figure out How To for Ure Selves.

    Why even the Wifes” Mohs Surgeon at HospUPenn, uses a Red Light Laser, post surgery; for smoothing skin, reducing inflammation and making scar disappear..sucker is pretty loud though…Zap…Zap…Zap. Sounded like technician was slapping her face, hard.
    Worked great, better half had a tini tiny black dot- Melanoma on her face, Yes the Qi found it first and induced her to go to my Dermatologist. I had started seeing a Derm after starting work as a Waterways Conservation Ofc..on the water all the time in warm weather = heavy Sun exposure.

    Most recently had a ganglion cyst coming out from under my Thumb on underside of Wrist surgically removed a week ago. Ortho glued the incision closed, but as it under the Wrist, it bends regularly, thus harder for incision to heal. Kept weeping from tiny spot..until that is I broke out my GembaRedRex. That bad boy helped heal and seal in one session, now its just peeling old dead skin and growing new skins ..all pinky like.

    Dont know or understand the Science behind NRG work, nor do I bother to learn. Done thousand hrs study via PubMed with Dr Yan Xins published works. As for the wavelenghts and all that rigamarole, I dont question scheisse that works, just reinforce it and move on.

    Again, good stuff today GPops, please keep us posted on how Ure going to get Ure big butt and or Lady E, into barrel or claw foot tub, full of ice would be fun and sporting as well.

      • I want to get one of those for the small bathroom….
        you can get the door kits to change your existing bath.. I have thought about that to..every home should have one wheel chair accessible bath.. hand bars.. found that out the hard way LOL
        that little three inch lip is mount everest when the time comes..

    • re: “The Italian Bob”, 12.11.05
      feat: The Simpsons


      Coinkydoinks arrive in threes? On Monday UK msm was in a tizzy that Australian actress Rebel Wilson would be spending this week in the kingdom promoting her book memoir “Rebel Rising”. Allegedly she attended an LA tech billionaire’s party 10 years ago which featured a UK royal and powdered party favors being served on trays.

      On Wednesday April 24th a February 7th passing was noted by UK msm having occurred at a 4 star Miami hotel subsidiary to a Government of Singapore investment company. A wayward son of a late Italian-American entrepreneur is believed to have succumbed to a drug overdose. The decedent while a 20 something on US probation for assault downgraded from murder had been a 2005 first love interest of a then 4th in line of succession minor-aged UK princess. The relationship allegedly included consumption of an illegal substance. Current review of the media from the time indicates a red-headed duchess remained positive to the match. Apparently the Queen was not amused. The princess went on to eventual happy marriage with an Italian noble whose late step-father had been friend and advisor to a former UK PM.

      Let’s rejoin DJ George’s Night at the Opera program as cartoon Krusty the Clown embarks upon Pagliacci (The Clowns). Here he is with –
      “Vesti la Giubba” (The Show Must Go On).

  5. It took me a couple a couple of months., but I finally got a friend to see another doctor.
    He has been with current doc for over fifteen years.
    .., as he was on twelve different prescriptions meds. TWELVE ! That was outrageous to me., as I could imagine a multitude of interactions with normal body functions and chemistry. “Just what the hell are you fighting? You seem pretty healthy to me….”
    His ‘new’ doctor spent half an hour reviewing all the prescriptions and was “a little perplexed.” He refused to give any advice on the prescriptions., at that first meeting., but did a very thorough exam and two large blood draws., and urine sample. And set an appointment for one week.
    “He didn’t seem overly concerned., but I could tell he didn’t like what he was reading from my paperwork.”
    One week later. The new doctor cut right to chase.., he held up a sheet of paper.., this is your blood work printout and I have to say I have never seen one so confusing before. I had a colleague take a look also.., too much is going on here., and we need to change that. Slowly. As I really don’t know what is going on., or why all the prescriptions.
    So he laid out a schedule for my friend. They were going to eliminate two, or three of the prescription per week., do another blood panel.., then two or three more., then another blood panel.., and so on.
    “The only one I am not going to change is your blood pressure prescription, for now. But that could change also once we clean this all up.”
    Six months later my friend has never felt better. He is still on the blood pressure medication, but it is getting so close to ‘normal’ that he may go off of that also. He has also lost fifteen pounds., but did nothing to accomplish that.
    His new Doc has filed some kind of request to a State Panel [ Board?] to have his old doctor ‘reviewed’, along with his patient load and prescription writing. Something is not right there.
    His last blood work was just over two weeks ago and the new Doc can not find one reason why he was on so many prescription meds. Except the BP Meds., which was the very first prescription.
    Point Being Made: Please be careful who you trust with your health. Especially medicine that you take., prescription, or natural/herbal. Question all of it., everything. Opinions are fine., but ingesting something that is going to alter the chemistry within your body ?? Question the hell out of it !

    • AMEN… and 12 thats all..
      I have 37 but have cut that down to six now…. I remember the days that I use to be amazed at how many some old people took… then it happened ..
      Luckily though I have been using marijuana oil and gummies.. cut one gummy into four pieces and each quarter piece equals the opiates in one of my oxy.. no more oxy or hydrocodone I tossed out the hydromorphone that was PRN for when things got really bad. .. I have been reluctant to get rid of the Oxy .. keep them as a backup just in case the govt. decides to push oxycontin again and deamonize marijuana .. and the oil.. three drops in the am and three drops at bed time.. so far I haven’t had to use my seizure meds either.. It took a bit for the oil to build up.. but dam it works great.. because of that.. I haven’t had any real major flare ups and haven’t had to take the prednisone and even cut down on how many regular over the counter pain meds… I was on that all the time couldn’t even lift a cup of coffee or the big one.. peel a potato open a can etc.. the inflammation of the connective tissues has gotten much better to it was so bad that the hands would look like footballs at the end of a stump..feet and legs swollen so painful it was unbearable ( how I got on here my necessary distraction) .. I actually don’t need the cane but take it with anyway.. the red ginseng tea and capsules.. I haven’t had to use the six hundred dollar a month inhaler either for the covid caused copd… take red maeng to the rest of the day.. instead of the other pain medications.. that is so much better.. but like the marijuana oil.. it has to build up.. once I got that done two caps twice a day does real well on pain days.. other than that I don’t even take that… seems it is the barometric pressure going on.. if there are a lot of changes then things get shitty….

  6. I have been blessed with NRG helpers that know more than I can begin to consciously recognize. The comments on wonderful pain solutions here reminds me of the magic that happens here with plants and “accidental” mail delivery items. One for instance is the year we had the most horrific population of yellow jackets ever- mean suckers they are and they hunt in packs. We spent lots of outdoor time in the field and garden and wouldn’t you know the attack did occur. Best thing here for that is plantain leaves. Never seen them grow in this field ever- and I look. That year we had a plethora of them – all close to where we operate. Major pain relief in a hurry. Draws out the bad stuff.
    Then there was the year of the pneumonia where we experienced the first ever mullein plant.
    Or the mysterious shipment of arnica gel when we had sciatica.
    And I swear sometimes I see the Native American women working out in the field with me holding their baskets.
    Life is amazing and a whole lot more dimensional than I can describe.
    Thank you all for being part of my days!

  7. If I must use a ladder — something I avoid — I use a “too-tall” ladder to have something to grab onto to help maintain balance. I never use a four-step or fewer. Mostly I stick with 6 or 8 footers for two-step jobs or similar.

  8. “Use ‘em as needed and remember, your descriptions are what guides medicine, so never shade, hide, or misstate your symptomology. You aren’t going to win the World Series of Life if you don’t know how to send in the right signals.”

    Amen Dr. Ure. I promised my doctor(s) that I would never hide anything I was taking or doing to my body from them. They can sort out the wheat from the chaff but if they don’t know what you are putting inside or outside your body, they may not be able to diagnose and recommend treatment or worse, misdiagnose and recommend the wrong medicine.

    I have learned a lot from you and others on this website but I never make a major medical change without running it by my doctors. Yes, I know that assumes you have good doctors and there are lot of bad ones. Dr. Fauci comes to mind.

    • (“I promised my doctor(s) that I would never hide anything I was taking or doing to my body from them. “)

      When they told me that they thought I had pancreatic cancer after all the tests were done..I had read a bunch of research on Sweet wormwood.. and had gotten capsules.. I never told the oncologist about that.. when you get to the surgeons level.. many of them get a mindset that they are all holy gods.. some don’t.. but many do.. and if they are in the god state of mind.. you tell them your taking herbal remedy they cease to treat you.. so I kept that a secret.. I also swear by acupuncture.. I am one of the lucky twenty percent that gets relief right away..
      My great grandkids granpa has bone and pancreatic cancer.. almost three years ago my grand daughter said that he had just three weeks left to live.. his cancer was so bad.. so I gave her a bottle told her about my battle.. and she gave them to him.. told him about the research and printed it off to give to him so he could decide..
      Well his three weeks worked into three months now three years.. he still is fighting the cancer.. but he is no longer bed bound and out doing things with the kids.. still taking the sweet wormwood.. and the radiation and chemo etc..I had a friend that was the head of a couple major hospitals that passed away.. he was a really good doctor.. seen him go into professional mode once and wow was I impressed.. anyway he was battling pancreatic cancer to but I didn’t know it.. the same time I was.. If I had I would have shown him the research on it and given him a bottle.. keep that stuff around all the time now..
      I am not having troubles so I am not taking it right now.. but just in case..
      In the USA doctors for the majority go into medicine for Money not the medicine part.. there are a few that have a great love of medicine.. Like my old two doctors.. she went into it because her family had a lot of illness and her dad was a doctor.. the other.. he loved the mystery of the body.. and the desire to help.. great guy.. worked with both of those when they were going to school we walked the halls many times together.. both retired now.. one of their partners well I didn’t work with him stanford grad.. nice guy sharp sharp as a razor blade.. I love to debate him.. LOL .. get his mind to work.. the fun part is I use research that has been done at Stanford LOL LOL LOL LOL that makes him run and read up LOL LOL

  9. I try to read as much as I can to understand current economics. Reading George’s site every day certainly helps. This 45 minute video by Dr. Chris Martensen is worth a watch if you have time available. It is explains better than I have ever had explained, the upcoming financial Armageddon, along with some amazing charts.

    • that is a really good video.. he makes everything look clear as a bell.. thanks for sharing

  10. Four to six cups of green tea a day plus 30 minutes of exercise three times a week was shown to work better than a biologic in reliving Rheumatoid Arthritis pain and inflammation. Amazing results. I just added green tea to my diet. I think I will add a cup of nettle tea also. Thanks for the information.

    My rheumatologist told me I was old and that all old people have pain. Told me to take 8 hour Tylenol before bed to sleep better. I just want to get to pre surgery pain levels. An awful lot of people with Rheumatoid Arthritis die from anti inflammatory drugs with a bad bleed in their stomachs or intestines. I have read from 22% to 50% die this way. I already have a not quite ulcer on my stomach from Naproxen. I would rather have pain than take over the counter pain meds.

    I put the red light box on my Amazon shopping cart. I want to try it for my knees. Do they have to be naked?

    • Yes, the low level laser light therapy needs to be beam-direct to skin.
      However, they don’t laugh at you. If they did, ours would have died of hysterics long ago.

    • Stop taking the Naproxen!! I was taking it regularly and wound up with diverticulitis… which got infected severely… which resulted in my losing 10 inches of my colon being resected. Researching “what causes diverticulitis” I found that there is a correlation between regular users of Naproxen (trade name ‘Aleve’) and diverticulitis. I thought the stuff was safer than Tylenol or Ibuprofen. It is NOT.

      • This is not medical advise. Talk to your physician. The way Naproxen works, you shouldn’t need more than a single dose in 48 – 72 hrs. Same for devils’ claw extract and the highly restricted non-steroidal anti-inflammatory scripts. Giving your guts a chance to recover after a dose can reduce side effects.
        I would agree that Tylenol is preferable for short term use, or co-administered with one of the other anti-inflammatories. Don’t overdo the anti-inflammatories, and you can get enough relief to sleep normally without wrecking your health. Prescription pain killers are all toxic and addictive; they should be avoided except when you are waiting for a surgery slot, or recovering afterward.

        For mild food poisoning, I use this:

        Keep it in the fridge.

    • Eleanor, watch green tea with fluoridated water.

      Green tea has the most natural fluoride in it.

      When added to fluoridated water it can affect the thyroid gland as it affects uptake of iodine.

      This can cause weight gain, fatigue, foggy thinking, etc., (look up low thyroid symptoms, now you know why a high percentage of women in the USA are on anti-depressants) and when a person is diagnosed with low thyroid and takes the prescription medication, then the prescription for low thyroid takes over the thyroid’s job.

      Iodine supplementation works.

  11. I realize this is 3 consecutive posts from me today but I think this 8 minute video from Victor David Hanson is a critical watch. It summarizes my feelings exactly for the current state of Western civilization. I may have posted it before and if so, I apologize but it is that important.

    • the sad part of that.. is those that are inner connected.. all feel because of their status they are protected.. Nancy build a huge fence and security system around her property.. so did most of the others as well.. it was the thing to do.. to keep them safe..
      but they are bringing in millions from countries that swore military attacks from within the country.. while they are welcoming the incoming.. they are spending like crazy to destroy their families back home..gleefully to.. the best we can see out of all of this is a depression so bad that it will make zimbabwe appear as a major financial leader.. and the weimar depression appear as a trip to disneyland.. and if the worst happens and they did allow in the hidden army while we are all over the world playing world cop.. and they attack.. we cannot defend adequately defend the contry from within.. military hit on the big cities of the coast.. and the army taken to the interior.. and if there are Club-K systems here.. that amplifies this..
      So what do they do .. they believe in US law.. not sharia law.. or the laws of any other country.. and what would a conquering army do to people that gleefully sent money and arms to kill grandpa and grandma that little sister or brother.. or mom and dad.. The story I heard was my grandpa during WW1 was sent to germany.. to his great grandpa and grandma’s home town.. a place he had visited.. some aunts and uncles there.. to fight.. when the papers were signed the story was he was at the breakfast table eating strudel with his great grand parents.. even in the USA if they send the national guard to do something they send them from another area not from the area they are going to..

  12. The best remedy for pain is using your check book prior to potentially inflicting it upon yourself in the first place! Heal up quickly George!

  13. At a cost of $250 million, Millennium Challenge 2002 was the largest and most expensive war game in Pentagon history.

    With over 13,500 participants, the US government took over two years to design it.

    The exercise pitted Iran against the US military. Washington intended to show how the US military could defeat Iran with ease.

    Paul Van Riper, a three-star general and 41-year veteran of the Marine Corps, led Iranian forces in the war game. His mission was to take on the full force of the US military, led by an aircraft carrier battle group and a large amphibious landing force in the Persian Gulf.

    The results shocked everyone…

    G.A. STEWART: Once Iran triumphs over the United States and Western forces, and Europeans and Americans are destitute, the facade comes instantly crashing down. Quatrain VI-17 seems to predict how hard that will be; analogies to the French Revolution might understate what is going to happen.

    • Aircraft carriers are the mightiest floating arsenal there is. The lesson of MC, and it is one navies (and armies) have used for thousands of years, is: No amount of planning can make a choke-point safe or secure.

      The place for a carrier group is in the middle of nowhere, and with propeller-sniffers 40 miles out. The carrier is a transportable airfield. You don’t transport it into harm’s way, especially with a couple decks full of modern jets, and circling honey-dipper 17s. You lay off, several hundred miles, and let the Phalanx’ sink anything that moves.

      The really sad thing is our starry-shouldered military is a lot less tactically savvy than they were 20 years ago. Iran cannot “defeat” the United States in a war, but they can damn’ sure destroy one of our armies or navies, as that exercise demonstrated.

  14. yo greenshades,

    how does that UST 10yr look 2 Ure eyes ?

    I think I see an ascending triangle in recent days. Higher for longer is not what mr market wants or expected…boo hoo.

    On top of that USD is at precariously high level at the same time GOLD goes ATH ?

    Never seen that before, but like everything else in this inverted upside down World..all in all its just another Brick in the Wall.
    “If you dont eat your meat you cant have any pudding
    How can you have any pudding if you dont eat Ure meat?”


  15. “Vietnam protests,”

    Following the protests were the 1970’s gas shortages +/-.

    Biden declaring a climate emergency could put us on gas rationing. $AMZN is setting up to thrive under gas rationing conditions with their EV fleet while I’m not sure if UPS/FedEx have any electric vehicles?

    Generally all of our data is stored and authority can use Cellebrite as one example to sift through Icould data in a dashboard-like format. I’m not sure what the app is for $AMZN, Ebay, FB and the others to sift through our ‘Internet Profile’. Either way it’s just an API.

    A climate emergency would make sense to rustle us all onto the $AMZN servers to ‘save gas’ and as an added bonus authorities get the rest of our information.

    Speaking of pain most states are required to report/database who gets ‘controlled substances’. I’m a little confused becasue isn’t ‘prescription’ by nature ‘controlled’ meaning any prescription is put into the database? Anyway, that’s another dashboard for our info.

    I know people support DeSAntis and he’s all for keeping children safe, and who isn’t but he signed a bill recently that will eventualyl require us to have an Interent log-in or is it log-on?

    Governor DeSantis Signs Legislation to Protect Children and Uphold Parental Rights
    On March 25, 2024, in News Releases, by Staff

    “Specifically, this bill:

    Prevents a minor who is younger than 14 years of age from becoming a social media account holder.
    Empowers parents to decide whether 14- and 15-year-olds can have a social media account.
    Protects the ability of Floridians to remain anonymous online.”

    Isn’t remaining anonymous incongruent with preventing?

    Maybe I have it wrong.

  16. My experiences with tendon injuries also indicates immobilizing the injured parts to allow healing. Movement seems to prevent them knitting back together. I rolled over my ankle on a hike once and by the time I got home it had swollen to softball size. I went to the ER and the Doc tells me I have torn tendons and gives me pain relief. I asked about possible surgery to repair the damage. He said it would not be effective as it would be like trying to sew together a string mop that had shredded ends. That description stayed with me. Doc said immobilize the injury and it will slowly knit itself back together over six to eight weeks… as long as you don’t injure it more with movement.

    Fast forward years. Simply pulling a fitted sheet over my mattress I heard/felt a ‘pop’ from my ring finger… the ’S’ finger on the computer keyboard. No pain. But now the very tip of my finger dangled and I had no control over it at all. Obviously a completely disconnected tendon. This was amazingly crippling, and insanely irritating that I could no longer type effectively. I investigated hand/finger tendon surgery and it was available at a high price, with a lot of caveats that it might not work. So I tried the ‘immobilize it’ route. Several failed splints later I finally came up with a couple of tongue-depressor sized sticks to sandwich the finger into. These allowed air drying, and didn’t need to be removed for shower, or frequent replacement which left the finger dangling and possibly damaged more. So I endured ten weeks with wood sticks sandwiching my finger immobile before I dared take it off.

    I was left with a stiff, but straight finger now. Next came gentle stretching exercises to bend the finger tip and attempt to move it under my own muscle power. Push it up to the point of stiffness without getting into pain, and careful not to tear it again. It was a long, slow process… not for the impatient (George?), but in the end the tendon DID knit itself back together and I have full typing us of my sssss finger!

    • (“I rolled over my ankle on a hike once and by the time I got home it had swollen to softball size.”)

      I had one of those.. but how I got it was in material handling..I would drag really heavy pallets of get it to start you had to flex both feet at the same time. once it started to move then it was one small step at a time.. I didn’t flex both at the same time and sprains my Achilles balled up like a football..hurt dam..took a few weeks for them to get it back ..

  17. Wish I was flat-out Day Tading today.
    The DJIA was a day traders dream.
    .., but I was busy, wasn’t looking to trade at all today.

  18. George ,

    The SPX’s 28 March 2024 adjusted inflation high valuation failed to exceed the SPX’s Nov-Dec 2022 high. Given enough gas , anything will flame up. But burnt grass, even gassed, often doesn’t have a flame equal to its original.

    2020 Covid money creation and hand-outs and the March 2023 US bank bail-outs distorted the natural asset-debt equity fractal progression with a March 2020 low to low valuation second fractal equalling 24 months (first fractal equalling 8 months). The March 2020 third fractal is now at 2x of the 2nd fractal or 20 months. And … Jamie Dimon is optimistic.

    Most Ronald Reagan republicans, i.e., me and those Reagan-Like In Nexus Obviously, i.e., RINO’s, support the current vast USA bipartisan senate and house majority anti-Russian votes to provide funding against Reagan’s Tear-Down That Wall – Evil Russian imperialism. As a navy vet, who volunteered and contended with that Russian imperialism for 32 years and didn’t have heel spurs to obviate military service (although not interfering with his golf games), I encourage all of urban survival readers to take on some real Churchill brass ball sentiment, and let go of those eunuch Chamberlain peace-in-our-time spurious arguments that led to WW2. How about some real Reaganesque peace through strength?

    You and I, George, as my departed Uncle Ray termed it( a WW2 vet) , are in our sagging 70’s … Sorry to say … it won’t get any better from here. Pain and progressive debility from here on out … Warmest regards.

  19. but, Mr Ure, what about the old women pains with mental issues, do ya have any words of advice? Delbert wonders
    “The Batshit Crazy demographic (single women) who famously have the highest rates of mental health issues, are obviously driving the Democrat short bus.”

    but but but , Julie Kelly is right on top of the Jan 6th and the DOJ special counsel going after Trump,,,
    do ya see it, as they offer and hold as bait, a judgeship to Trump’s lawyer, to hurt Trump, as his lawyer.
    Julie is worth keeping up with,

  20. …and now for a little comic relief —

    That link takes you to a short clip — a couple minutes — of Jerry Lewis in “Errand Boy.” It’s his famous (and genius) Chairman Of The Board scene.

    It was popular to think of Lewis as a low, crass funnyman; but not take him very seriously. In fact, he was a great technical innovator and skilled director.
    There is a great article on him on Wiki, that I commend to your reading. There is healing in comedy, and sometimes a tear or two.

    But for now, enjoy the short clip.
    See The Genius at work…

  21. …another worthy one —
    Not quite as good as the first; but well worth the couple of minutes to see. (From “The Bellhop”)


  22. “My consigliere made a (typically) good point Tuesday: He’s betting college presidents in the US are happy the spring semester wraps up in a couple of weeks as Tensions Boil Over: Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations Spark Arrests at Top US Colleges. Shade of Vietnam protests, anyone?”

    I am SO looking forward to the show at (outside) the DNC this year. ‘May have to buy Con-Agra (Orville Redenbacher’s) stock for the runup.

    For those few who don’t already know, the Democratic National Convention will be in Chicago on August 19-22, 1968, er, I mean 2024. Funny thing, Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn never left Chicago, having gone from the SDS and the Weather Underground to the FBI’s “10 most wanted” list, to positions on the teaching faculty at UIC’s School of Education (Ayres) and the Northwestern University School of Law (Dorhn), and as mentors to Hillary Rodham and Barack Obama.

    Fun factoid of the day: Ayres & Dorhn’s son, Chesa Boudin, is the Soros-owned District Attorney in San Francisco who was recalled and gotten rid of, two years ago.

    Get’cher popcorn and peanuts now, before they sell out. Word under the street is the third week of August is going to be a real Windy City humdinger. There’s even a rumor that Angela Davis will stop humping the statue of Hugo Chavez long enough to fly up for a weenie roast with Huma and Soros fils…

    • The DNC Convention is only a small part of a Summer that I’m not looking forward to. I keep imagining 2020 on steroids.

      I’m out in the boonies and the Antifa/BLM crowd came over from Seattle to “protest” in the small town of Omak, WA. The locals turned out in large numbers to let them know they wouldn’t be allowed to do their “fiery but mostly peaceful” shit here.

      So, as it was ending, they started a fire in the sagebrush at the edge of town, in 20 MPH winds. The fire burned South across the Colville Reservation, jumped the Columbia River and kept going. It was so big the wildfire folks divided it into two fires at the river for management purposes.

      A young couple was badly burned and they not only lost their baby (if I remember correctly about 18 months) but the mother lost the one she was pregnant with as well.

      There were TWO fires set at the end of my road about a mile from my house, but were extinguished quickly. People reported seeing someone throwing flaming material from a car on SR 20 heading toward town. Two fires were started there as well.

      I keep reading reports that this Summer is expected to be “above normal” temperature here, so I expect the fire danger to be past “extreme.”

      • You are now forewarned and know what you likely should expect.

        I would plan on assholes starting fires, maybe even before they’re turned away, and have stuff pre-positioned — and by “stuff,” I also mean cops from the Reservation, and maybe have volunteer firefighters on stand-by and the DNR alerted ahead of time.

        Are you forested enough that DNR has Ranger Stations and watchtowers in the area? If not, I’d build or create a couple, even if I had to use radio or TV towers and PTZ cameras (if you go this route, use real ones, that feed a DVR over which your community has control — none of this “you don’t get to see Jack, until the camera sends your vid to ‘the cloud’ and ‘the cloud’ decides whether, and when to send it back — IOW “SimpliSafe,” “Honeywell,” “Blink,” and “Ring” don’t cut it…)

        Also, a couple camera drones might be a good idea, as well. They are severely time-limited and only have a few miles range but a body could watch 97 and 20, and 97 and 155, to spot issues before they become problems…

        • We are getting a lot of rain this spring, which means there will be plenty of fuel in the summer. In recent years, I have seen little piles of flammable materials being dumped by the rural roadside at intervals. I am going to start calling them in when I see them.

        • @n____

          I think I’d make a note of locations, but unless you have a friend on the Township, County, or Volunteer Fire Dept. I’d keep my trap shut until I knew who was dropping their piles everywhere. I have two local pols and one LEO I trust implicitly. The cop is an ex- SEAL and is lily-white honest. The pols are the kind of people who always try to do the right thing, even if it’s not popular. It took me years to cultivate them as people who’d not seek retribution if I took issue with a pet project.

          You don’t know who’s dropping their piles all over the place. You don’t want to alert the perp because then things will become less-obvious, and if it is a person in some kind of authority there may be retaliation. Given the issues with which you’ve been previously saddled, I suggest caution…

  23. There are lots of herbals. Most have been forgotten, except for Indian medicine men (or women, in a few tribes), Chinese holistic practitioners, and various primitive peoples (generally WRT only those herbs which grow in the regions in which they live or wander.)

    “Rochester Rainman” above, mentioned (among others) arnica gel. Arnica Montana is a baby sunfloweresque flower, the extract of which has some amazing analgesic powers. Like jimsonweed, it is a fairly dangerous poison (except in the hands of the medicine man.) It is perfectly safe for topical use; likely bad news if ingested, or if it gets in an eye or an open cut/sore. Indian lore says it makes an excellent topical analgesic. I bought some with my last purchase of essential oils, and will probably mix with lavender and aloe, with maybe a hint of menthol, to make a topical gel (but I haven’t, yet…)

  24. George … have to agree with the others. “IF” you want it to heal properly you NEED to immobilize it.

    Sure you can “say” to yourself “I won’t use it” … but unless it is immobilized with your personality YOU WILL use it and thus prevent it from not only healing properly but also potentially causing permenate harm.

    Not something someone likes you wants to hear, but that is the unvarnished truth.

    Take the sort term restriction (8 weeks? – 4 is definitely TOO short) and let the body do it’s healing.

  25. Hi, George,

    I think that I have been coming to your site for almost or about or at least 15 or so years.

    Several times I have shared the red light dream that I had.


    The red room, the red air suit with a man inside who had injured his spine, being dosed with the red healing rays. The room was lit in deep red.

    Yes, red is a healing color. And, you are on to something, and finally, the world will also find it out.

    Red heals.

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