I know – “What the hell are Ure doing working while most peeps are in their sleeps or in the deeps of four on the floor?”
OH, um, taking care of business. Which brings up the…
Jobs Data Just Out
From Labor…
“Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 206,000 in June, and the unemployment rate changed little at 4.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in government, health care, social assistance, and construction.
Every time one of these statistical (pant load) reports comes out, we always see the huge gap (headline, hype) between Establishment and Household data. What a con, right?
Here’s how the BLS database nails down the total number of people working on a month-by-month basis looks.
Thus, in the database employment was to 116,000.
Now, we could also go further and jump to the CES Birth-Death Model, which is where statisticians get to “make up” (using the loosey-goosey term “estimate”) jobs into existence. This month, 59,000 or the real 116,000 were made up (estimated).
We don’t judge, but we think the weekend of the long knives in democrat politics will be along. And maybe come Monday we will have the Patriots Paradox: A new candidate for the Oval, or the one who we think will be jailed before he’ll be allowed to come back.
We trust you know what Palus delenda est means.
Bitcoin is a shade over $55,000 having been knocked on its ass.
And the price of silver opushed over $41 an ounce before falling a bit.
New unemployment figures came out Wednesday in case you missed them – up a shade>
Quakes Alive!
Yes – off the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca – Washington-B.C., border and out west of there:
When we see swarms anywhere, we get nervous that something bigger but in the same fault complex, might be ahead. Food and water stocks in Seattle. Portland, Vancouver ready?
Putin’s Revenge
Vlad Putin must be smiling this morning. The Anti-Warmongers in the UK have slammed the Conservatives (Tories) out of off. The Liberals/Labour are back.
The American take on this has been horrifically wrong-headed. Most (corporate-government-shill) media are casting this as a “turn to the Left.”
We beg to differ. A little less (stupid) partisan view is that people in the UK are sick of their leader’s breaking faith with voters. No one voted for war in Ukraine and putting London (and the sub pens up north) even more on the targeting maps than they already were.
But the Memory Hole deal here is that the UK (intelligence apparatchik) and the US (Hunter’s daddy and Barack) put a bums run on Ukraine and threw out the democratically elected government in 2014. Which cost $6 billion (that we know of and how much under-the-table we have no disclosure on yet).
When this didn’t like up the Russian front, Ukraine began turning off services (like water) in the Crimean and Russia came in because that’s Russian-speaking lands. You are allowed to remember all this, so far, but semi-buried. This is a Biden/War Party play.
Less convenient is the US-UK attack on the gas pipelines from Russia into Europe. To refresh (while it hasn’t been scrubbed – yet): ‘It’s done’: Putin fumes after Liz Truss ‘message’ to Blinken over Nord Stream attack ‘revealed’ (youtube.com), The message? “It’s done” –
Well, Well, lookie here – the Voters seem to remember: Liz Truss – latest news on the former British prime minister.
She’s out of there. And office she held since 2010. But like we said, holding office you still have to keep the fealty with the voters. *Don’t let the door hit her on the butt while leaving.
To be sure, Putin is still a warmonger working toward Catherine the Great status, so we wouldn’t put sabotage past him. (We’ve been guiding drones into Russia, so weapons-free from his standpoint.) And sabotage ain’t that hard with open borders. One could (irresponsibly) speculate it figures in ‘It’s heartbreaking’ Locals react to explosion at General Dynamics facility near Camden,
Yes – drones are “the new game in town” in warfare. But the “old ways” haven’t changed. Especially with our heartland out of drone range. General Dynamics plant, weapons producer for Ukraine burns in the US – “Red Orchestra” expands sabotage operations.
Back to point: the UK isn’t going Marxist (any more than we have). The way we figure it, the international string-pullers will have to solidify behind a conservative in America this fall. And these stupid headlines about the UK “turning left” will not be explained for what they are. Maintaining of a kind of balance of terror at another level.
Our pick of the reads today is Putin at the SCO Congress—The risk of a repeat of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Warmongers are being kicked out. That is not likely to be allowed to continue, however.
You Know What’s Next, Right?
It’s…Slo Time! Struggling Biden faces big test with ABC interview, vows to fight on,
Not live. Canned. Why, even I could sound coherent if you give me an editing bay and send out for burgers.
Blow Us Down
Which will arrive first? Our new chainsaw or Beryl?
Our best guess puts this sucker over us about Thursday. My money is on the hurricane, so I will work on the carbide tipped Poulan and put a fresh plug in that one… Yes, the blade cost more than the saw.
American Crazies
What goes up must come down. NASA prepares for International Space Station retirement.
We don’t know whether to say “Oh rats!” or “Flee the fleas…” Colorado Has a Resident with the Plague. Looking for a pox, next…
Bid-bama Replay – Let’s make up more government! Biden & Obama Scam Reborn With Office Of Environmental Justice. I don’t remember any enabling legislation and with Joe you don’t know. But it really has a website Office of Environmental Justice. Which seeks comments on the group’s Strategic Plan. (Which we take to mean they don’t know what they are doing, yet…)
At the Ranch: Lake George II?
I don’t know if it’s legal anymore for an old man to go out and dig a hole in the ground on his own property. But it occurred to me that with 4-inches of rain coming, it would sure be a great time to jump on the tractor and put in our own wildlife pond. Should be able to fill it up in almost no time this week.
Our wine-time convo Thursday was interesting: Texas already has a Lake George – and a Lake Elaine.
Eventually we came to our senses. There’s no lake George II.
However, that’s when legal got involved. See in order to be a lake in the U.S. a lake generally needs to be a minimum of one acre in size. Anything smaller and it’s a pond.
Except in places like China – where people’s thinking is a little….um…different. As AI tells us:
Benxi Lake in Liaoning Province, China is considered the world’s smallest lake, with an area of 15 square meters. The smallest lakes and ponds can be as small as 0.001 square kilometers.
So, hand me a pencil: 15 square meters is 161.5 square feet. So, a “lake” only has to be a little under 13-feet on a side. That seems like a beatable number.
There’s also no agreement on how deep it has to be. Except in lawyer-land ‘Merica. Where a lake is more tightly defined. From TXRealEstate.com comes this useful point:
“1 acre feet of water is equal to 1 surface acre of water that is 1 foot deep. Therefore, a pond that is 20 acres on the surface and is on average 10 feet deep will hold approximately 200-acre feet of water. This is the maximum allowed without obtaining a permit from the state.”
Lots of other useful information in A Guide to Groundwater Laws in Texas, but our job this morning is only to find out where the legal land mines are.
I am not planning to make our lake terribly deep. Four to six feet ought to do it. That may be deep enough for some aquatic life, though 10-15 feet would be ideal for aquaponics. If you get too shallow, then the fish tend to poach in the hot summers here.
Oilman2 was going to put in a lake (pond) at his place, but not sure how he did on that – had a few knee issues.
Still, if I can make it just a little bigger than Lake Benxi, then we can move ahead with our other plans.
- Waterfront property is 2-10 times more spendy than “regular” property, so if we ever sold, our half mil hunk my fetch a million or two.
- Federal programs should be available – particularly if we plant some wild rice.
- We may petition the FAA for a drone seaplane designator.
- And the Coast Guard station, lighthouse, and generous operating subsides should all come into view.
- After that a small dock, with a bait shop.
- Income galore charging $20 a head to pull out all the minnows you can handle.
Yes sir, I can see this turning into a ShopTalk Sunday article. Might even be more interesting than the “mud wrestling up a deck in the rain”. Which our healthcare professionals seem to agree would be enough to get us, um, fitted for one of their special jackets..
Off to ponder why it is when a Politician lays out such grandiose bullshit it seems to make sense. When I do it, sounds plain crazy.
Ham Radio Note. Got a note on the next Schulman Auction & Realty, LLC (hibid.com) which is coming up. If you savor classic Collins, Henry, ETO, Hallicrafters, and Johnson gear as a tube radio aficionado, it’s a great time sink. Bring and arm and a leg, too.
STILL no sign of a Hallicrafters PS-500 power supply for my Cyclone.
Right when you get rich,
Silver $31, not $41.
Started Toaster, quite readable.
Make the pond smaller and deeper. If you can find a location with a natural spring, it will help. A six foot deep pond with nothing but runoff water source will go dry in August in Texas. The tree roots will find it.
My pond is 15 – 20 ft deep on one end, and the water will drop to 3 – 4 ft deep in a drought year, but no lower, due to a small spring. Not a particularly safe drinking water source, but I have the material to put in a siphon irrigation line down to a garden spot. This is a contingency for scaling the garden back up.
The neighbor put in a small lake which backs onto my property. I have bank fishing and irrigation water rights, but it requires a pump. Right now, I think the only thing there would be in the neighbor’s little lake is my pond turtles, who appear to have abandoned me. Ungrateful reptiles.
George, in regards to your pond plan,,, IMO & FWIW:
avoid all involvement with any level of government having to do with any kind of ‘help’. (I know you’re checking the TX attachment strings and some of the pipe-dreaming is–well pipe-dreaming.) What prompted me to respond is this: here in Louisiana, if one has government ‘help’ with installing & stocking a pond, it may be legally open to the public.
Just something else to think about. For anyone.
When I first put in my koi pond, the original idea was to stock it trout. I learned that the local State trout hatchery would sell ’em. I was all set.
Went down to buy around twenty to thirty when the plan exploded in my face.
The ‘hatchery guy’ was a total ass.., and proceeded to inform me, as rudely as possible., that I could buy them, but since they were State property, it would give the State the right to inspect the pond and control the numbers. With no notification. ., and then grinned.
I damn near put him in the hatchery pond., but decided that really wouldn’t help. Ergo? It has been a koi pond ever since., a couple are now very close to three feet.
In Texas, there is sometimes Federal money grants available for private impoundments. Impounding water run-off from row crop acreage used to be a big deal.
The problem with the Fed sponsorship is after an onerous approval process, you still have to pay for the lake, then they reimburse after they inspect and sign off on it. If the inspectors don’t sign off completely, you don’t get paid completely.
My late father and I had approval for a sizeable impoundment, but backed out when he got too sick to participate. The neighbor built a smaller lake just downstream, and I have no regrets. Big lakes are a maintenance headache, and attract two-legged deadbeat rats.
“… even I could sound coherent if you give me an editing bay and send out for burgers…”
said the feller forecasting AG at 41.
it will be…remain patient
Hi Ho Silver :0)
Grandling #1 is in the house.
Mrs. E has a glow on,
It’s so sweet.
Me? Ready to baptism the Lil Fella
296 acres. No waiting.
Let’s go sailin’
Have a fine news dump Friday.
Please stand by,
Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th!!, though I think for our President it was not a grand day based upon all the news reports yesterday. (nor for Crypto holders)
For George I hope that the incoming rain is not too bad, maybe you will be able to get some inside work done during your rain event.
GFD for Crypto bbbbbBuyers!
BFD homegamers, you can thank the “Fates” later…
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says that Kamala Harris is the ‘future’ of the Democratic Part.
I have quite a few come-backs for that statement – but I will restrain myself.
July 5 2024 at 10:08
…Karine Jean-Pierre says that Kamala Harris is the ‘future of the DemoCRAT Party.
Idiocracy on steroids….all the way around.
I sure hope KJP is spot on, with that statement…
No ballz
Just kidding d, luv ya Man.
(“with 4-inches of rain coming, it would sure be a great time to jump on the tractor and put in our own wildlife pond. Should be able to fill it up in almost no time this week.”)
The kids was just giving me crap about my inability to harvest fish and shrimp from the fish tanks..flipper was a ten pound tilapia lol..I gave the whole setup to a friend in another state..if you decide to build it get a good lead of clay to line it or a pond liner.. I used ..IBC TOTES . build a small nursery at one corner a simple rack with quarter inch screen on top.. then if you get fresh water prawns and red claws ( real close to you for sale cheap) above that put half inch this will protect the young.. get an aeration pump and pond filter..
I actually bought a filter rather than make one..
happy fish farming..I did it for years … the nursery is an important part.. rocks around the edge .
buy a few big ones to..
Correction: “democrat party.” I dropped the ‘y’.
Putin is a war monger, you don’t know what you are taking about.
is he????
he tried for over a year to stop this madness.. the hard line parties over in Russia are pushing him to get more agressive against those pushing the war with them.. 67 percent of Ukrainian citizens were begging him to help them.. from my spot at the bottom of the pile it’s the democratic war party pushing this whole thing..
when you read what Xi and putin are talking about Xi appears to be the adult in the room attempting to stop it all…Ukraine is lost.. we need to back away we won’t but that only has to do with their business model of ..more.. and the dual justice system..
No ballz
Just kidding d, luv ya Man.
WE started that war, in 1995.
WE aggravated the Russians by stealing the geopolitical territory of Ukraine, via a coup d’etat in 2014.
(The Western Press has always referred to the Crimean peninsula as a “Russian conquest.” When we overthrew the democratically-elected government in Kiev, in 2014, Crimea seceded from Ukraine. After their secession, an independent Crimea held a referendum. 93% of Crimeans voted to petition Moscow to accept “Crimea” as a territory of Russia. Russia did not conquer or “take” Crimea. Crimea voted to become a part of Russia.) Do you see how our “knowledge” and “ideas” can be shaped?
WE encouraged the Azov Battalion to murder ethnic Russians, and supplemented their hardcore Nazi ranks with Nazis from other countries.
WE made overtures geared toward wooing Ukraine into NATO and the EU.
I KNOW all the above to be true and factual, because I watched it happen.
Mr. Putin may be a war monger. He may have a “Catherine the Great” complex. He may even be a despot. WE DON’T KNOW ANY OF THIS, FOR A FACT, because the “Western World” in general, and the United States in particular, have been pumped full of a solid stream of anti-Soviet/anti-Russian propaganda for over 80 years now.
What I believe, from watching that part of the world for the past 20+ years, is:
Ukraine is Russia’s “Cuban missile crisis.”
Sevastopol has been Russia’s principal warm water port since before the United States existed. Accordingly, I believe “Crimea” is the “hill, upon which Russia will never retreat.”
If Putin were not in charge, you, I, and everyone we know would now be dead. There are some old bastards in positions of considerable power in the Duma, who really want to nuke the U.S., and want to do so badly. Russia will survive an unlimited nuclear war with much damage but very few casualties. We will not survive, at all.
Only Putin has stood between them and our demise.
There are a lot of people here who DO know what they’re talking about. They learned none of it from the “Evening News…”
now that there is funny… how can they say that and still let him be seen in public the mental and physical issues are very obvious..
that’s more what the people are seeing in public.. he obviously has cognitive issues.. in a nursing facility he’s almost to the point you can set him in front of a mirror to have a nice conversation with the man in the mirror.. or hand him a stack of towels to fold to keep Jim busy..
it sucks but it is a stage seen by millions of healthcare floor workers..
– I am not very good at negotiating. In fact., I am bad. I even took a three-day course _ The Art of Negotiating. I did horrible.
– It’s just not in me play all-peaceful and consistory when talking with, what I perceive as, scum.
My boot on the back of their neck and asking, oh so politely, if they agree.., is not negotiating., or reaching a mutual agreement. That usually makes the entire situation much worse. I do know that., but I can’t seem to get on the right-side of it.
When I read that one faction is in negotiations with an enemy faction, one of the first things I ask., is: Is the back door rigged?
How can two generational enemies even begin to discuss ‘terms’., or ‘reconciliation’., or ‘peace’.., How can ethnic hatred and ethic war, that has raged for thousands of years be brushed aside., when both sides know that the only thing they are interested in is who will be in charge.., who will rule. When the dust settles, who will be left standing to take control ?
All of Europe. All of the Middle East. All of Africa. All of Central Asia. They all form-fit into this scenario. They really do hate each other. To the dust of their ancestors’ bones, they hate. With an all-consuming passion for destruction of “the other”. And it has been that way for hundreds and hundreds of years – generation after generation.
Yet we, standing from a distance, expect and hope for them to “negotiate” their differences., and are constantly disappointed when they don’t, won’t, or can’t.
I do not have any answers. We have, as humans, have not evolved enough to save ourselves. And I don’t believe that we can “save ourselves.” Though our big-boy-toys have evolved and become more sophisticated – we have not. We are still the petty little war lords looking to raid a harmless village. It’s who we are. It’s what we do. And it hasn’t really changed in thousands of years of war, destruction and hatred.
Good luck to us all.
“Stay Frosty !”
Stay Berserk, too. Likely to be a useful skill – no telling when, but when the kool-aid runs out,…
Boy it scare me in the thought.. Did the brand sell entrance into the USA.. was the officer in the FSB right and he accidentally exposed that the Obama Biden port deal allowed forces to set bombs around the country..then a month ago a general slipped and said it again..
Did they really sell out the country and allow a hidden army to enter.. ignoring the countries generals repeated warnings of caution.
were we sucked in by the poison pawn trap of supporting one of the most corrupt countries on the planet.
it sure doesn’t look good.. and if we lost who would the new rulers be.. this gets uglier every day and terrifies me ..
with the what assessed half million to million enemy soldiers that they assume are here being supported by our own administration..
who is the one that’s abusing jb.. its painfully obvious that someone is abusing him. with the cognitive decline I see I almost every video of him..
you can see it in his eyes..
even though I think he was the big guy..but was right..you wouldn’t ever get a jury to convict him.. just have him admitted and give nice cream..
why is hunter now a member of the white house meetings?
someone is using in as a meat shield to remain hidden..
re: WhatsUpp
feat: ‘appy warmongers
Newly minted UK PM, Oxford graduate, and previous anti-Brexit campaigner Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC MP held his election victory evening at The Tate Modern art gallery sited in Bankside of the diverse Southwark Borough. Apparently five farmers-to-be set out from Bankside to the Thirteen Colonies circa 1693 and settled on Aboriginal land called Machamux (“Beautiful Land”). By the early 20th century, that area called Westport, Ct., had become a “creative heaven” according to Wikipedia.
The PM is a long-time supporter of the Arsenal Football Club (“The Gunners”) founded in 1886 by munitions workers of the Royal Arsenal. Their factory roots trace to the tudor-era estate of Sir Martin Bowes of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and Lord Mayor of London. Sir Martin is celebrated for increasing Crown profits at the Royal Mint by 33% in the 1540’s through “authorized debasement” (to stem foreign flight of England’s silver and food stocks?).
Pink Floyd fans must be pleased to hear that the Tate Modern is simply the refurbished Bankside Power Station. It was originally designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott same person as designed the now-repurposed condo & mall Battersea power plant featured on the “Animals” album. Anyone care for “Pigs on the Wing (Part 2)”?
The latest Wing at the Tate Modern is thanks to the “substantial” generous 2017 philanthropy of a naturalized British and American subject and 2017 knighthood originally hailing from Odesa, Ukraine, apparently with historically prosperous ties to now-sanctioned Russian oligarchs as well as the President of Russia. The UK’s richest person in 2015 according to Wikipedia also features in a May 2024 “Whatsapp” calls-with-billionaires media report concerning efforts to influence public opinion. Apparently the app remains secure but some people happened to speak with “The Washington Post”.
Remember, nothing has changed. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.
Have a great weekend!
Shabbat comes to 10 Downing Street…”the tribe is in the house” now. Quick Urbanivials look surprised…Bwahahaha
*sitting lakeside Spietz, watching endless tankers spraying aluminum & barium, flying tween AF bases in Germany to Italy, and back. Fascinating to watch such a healthy populace going about their daily activities oblivious to the sky above their heads. What is it they say-Vit E in Wheatgerm oil removes aluminum from system to Gut, citrus Pectin removes from Gut/Body..? Not advice- Information.
S&P on-trac for another record high.., yet the DJIA is going the other way since hitting just over 40,000., now at 39,270.
.., and – I meant to say, when the subject was discussed a few days back., that I can’t look at a stock-chart without automatically putting in Trend-Lines.., or a Trend Channel., whether they are present or not. I always use them., on every chart.
re: WhatsUpp
feat: h appy warmongers
Newly minted UK PM, Oxford graduate, and previous anti-Brexit campaigner Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC MP held his election victory evening at The Tate Modern art gallery sited in Bankside of the diverse Southwark Borough. Apparently five farmers-to-be set out from Bankside to the Thirteen Colonies circa 1693 and settled on Aboriginal land called Machamux (“Beautiful Land”). By the early 20th century, that area called Westport, Ct., had become a “creative heaven” according to Wikipedia.
The PM is a long-time supporter of the Arsenal Football Club (“The Gunners”) founded in 1886 by munitions workers of the Royal Arsenal. Their factory roots trace to the tudor-era estate of Sir Martin Bowes of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and Lord Mayor of London. Sir Martin is celebrated for increasing Crown profits at the Royal Mint by 33% in the 1540’s through “authorized debasement” (to stem foreign flight of England’s silver and food stocks?).
Pink Floyd fans must be pleased to hear that the Tate Modern is simply the refurbished Bankside Power Station. It was originally designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott same person as designed the now-repurposed condo & mall Battersea power plant featured on the “Animals” album. Anyone care for “Pigs on the Wing (Part 2)”?
The latest Wing at the Tate Modern is thanks to the “substantial” generous 2017 philanthropy of a naturalized British and American subject and 2017 knighthood originally hailing from Odesa, Ukraine, apparently with historically prosperous ties to now-sanctioned Russian oligarchs as well as the President of Russia. The UK’s richest person in 2015 according to Wikipedia also features in a May 2024 “Whatsapp” calls-with-billionaires media report concerning efforts to influence public opinion. Apparently the app remains secure but some people happened to speak with “The Washington Post”.
Remember, nothing has changed. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.
Have a great weekend!
re: planetary alignment
feat: June 3
We live in interesting times. The SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) Summit was held this past Wednesday and Thursday at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation in Astana, Kazakhstan. The palace was designed by a UK architect and constructed by an Abu Dhabi real estate developer owned by the UAE sovereign wealth fund.
July 3rd airport arrival video coverage was provided by Chinese state broadcaster Xinwen Lianbo imprinting the film with a date of June 3rd. The most recent 6/3 was of course the fortuitous alignment of 6 planets visible from Earth. It also was the 35th anniversary of the beginning of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
The President of Russia deplaned down (bulletproof?) canopied airstairs to be met by a 40 something year old Kazakh Prime Minister of 5 months job seniority and a sparse receiving line. A goose-stepping soldier marched Mr. Putin to his waiting car.
Lastly an Air China Boeing 747-800 with Mr. Xi aboard landed gracefully flanked by a fighter jet escort. Open airstairs in place, the plane door opened, Mr. Xi pausing a moment to acknowledge an adoring crowd, thereupon descended imperiously to the firmament below as the band began to play. A woman in ethnic attire presented flowers, and Mr. Xi was warmly welcomed by his dear friend, the President of Kazakhstan for the third time in two years. Uniformed children waving miniature Chinese flags mobbed the dignitaries.
The SCO summit recruited Belarus as its 10th and newest member. Special invited guests included the President of Turkey, the Emir of Qatar, and the Secretary General of the United Nations. President Zelensky was not present.
Chinese broadcaster CGTN devoted a two “chapter” coverage of the SCO confab anchored on its webpage above “The Taiwan Question” report. CGTN published Mr. Xi’s 5 point template for the world going forward. A video including a still image of Mr. Xi and the assembled heads of SCO delegations offered a printed warning beneath:
“As a Chinese saying goes, ‘no mountain or ocean can distance people who have shared aspirations’.”
d’Lynn’s ‘dropped’ comment triggered my ‘what if’ button,
so many Questions come to my little mind. when was the last time a part-y dropped it’s sitting president for a substitute? money talks,
Panic in DC
Is Kamala qualified to be president? birth reQuirment!
if slo joe drops out-resigns while still in office does Camel become president, who nominates her own VP? [killary or big mike] or do the patriots raise cain over birth and we have a constitutional issue to be resolved,, does the Speaker become pres, till settled?
just because a bunch of main stream propaganda news says she is, does not make it so, laws are above news stories, it matters,,, ‘natural born’ is not an ‘anchor baby’
could get real, interesting,,,, grab some popcorn and watch the show
it painfully obvious that he is being used and abused..Hur was correct.. a jury would be in tears and wouldn’t convict him on what he did while he was cognitively aware.
give him an ice cream cone and call it good..
Did not apply for obongo, why would it apply for Kam the man?
Press Rules – they will tell you how it is and how it is going to be. They are Ure masters,who owns the media companies ? Gonna criticize the Tribe? How dare You !
It’s all FAKE – everything is fake in “Falseflagland”, Everything.
PS-last great oops to get some BTC as mt gox peeps Cash Out, the rebound will be strong.
Joe Biden said in an interview he was “proud” to be the “first Black woman to serve with a Black president.”
His argument that his disastrous debate performance last week was a one-off, is seemingly falling apart quite rapidly.
Biden’s up-coming interview is high-stakes and high risk., with very little ups-side potential and a whole hell of a lot down side risk., even if it is ‘not live’., and can be tweaked. It’s a big gamble with potential disastrous, game-ending results.
I don’t understand why he pushed for this public viewing. But then, I have to admit that I don’t understand him at all.
I guess the only thing to understand is that he ‘is’ cognitive diminished and does not realize, or understand his current condition. The guy couldn’t even remember when he was Vice-President – and how many months ago was that interview?
“If the Hur audio tape of the Biden ‘interview’ is released [ into the public domain] – Biden will probably not be the Democratic candidate. It’s that bad.” White House staff member.
How far down will he drag the enter political party and other candidates on the upcoming ballot before the power-brokers and money-boys say ‘enough’.??
– But…, what exactly do they do about it ? The choices available really suck., especially this close to the Convention and Election.
My daughter has lived in the UK, Midlands in England to be precise, since 2008. We are kept appraised of politics and defense issues on a consistent basis. Now I’m a conservative Yank, so this is just my biased take on things ‘across the pond.’ Basically, Labour routed the Tory’s not over warmongering so much as failing to provide traditionally reliable ‘free’ stuff over the past decade, such as timely (and fee) National Health Service visits and uninterrupted (by strikes) train and airport services. Funds spent trying to stop the influx of ‘undocumented’ immigrants will presumably now be used for the NHS, railworkers and similar services. But what is left out of this conversation is who will be left holding the bill to pay for these things? Someone has to pay. NHS workers don’t do their jobs for free. This is where Labour fails. Free stuff is great, until the bills come due. Remember back when John Lennon moved to New York in 1974? He and Yoko moved after Labour won the UK elections. They hoped to avoid paying sky high taxes. Well, it ended badly for him in the end, for sure, but Labour consistently drained the wealthy to support the freebee programs that got them into office. No doubt Putin will try to exploit this latest development to the fullest, but I’m not expecting him to militarily invade the British Isles anytime soon. Labour will do just fine for Putin, spreading their doctrine of socialism and ‘free stuff’ for the people.
(“Someone has to pay. NHS workers don’t do their jobs for free. This is where Labour fails. Free stuff is great, until the bills come due. “)
even with the Brand.. you get a billion but we get a million..
on average.. 29 Percent of the money held out for federal taxes goes to healthcare.. another huge amount is what the wage earner pays for healthcare..
If you can get a policy or work for an employer that offers a company policy.. that percentage goes anywhere from another thirty percent to a hundred percent of the wages.. my wife was paying what ninety percent of her monthly income to health insurance.. ON top of that.. she still had to pay the co pay of fifty per visit with a clinic and up to two hundred per specialist.. Hey that is what I pay even in the VA healthcare system..
medications.. unless you have a mail in pharmacy that can negotiate prices from other countries.. then you pay thousands of percent more on medications than other countries.. that is why people make a mad dash to mexico every winter to get healthcare..
there isn’t any blue sky..
Here we pay around seventy eight percent.. THEN .. have to pay for the care and medications.. on top of it.. even though they say that canada would be better off if they did the USA method.. LOL does it add up.. in canada the odds are if you have something left when you leave it can pass on to the kids or family etc.. in the USA you won’t leave anything behind.. in all the years I worked the halls of healthcare.. only one left with it.. I asked him how he managed it.. he said he had to have someone he trusted that he gave it all to before he left.. so in his fifties he transfered everything he had.. HEY.. isn’t that what trump and many of todays big buck billies do.. they give mansions to doctors.. to entice them to move.. an industrialist has everything in the companies name so he actually doesn’t have to pay any taxes and gets a refund.. their cars campers boats.. everything in the corporate name.. a business write off hunter wrote off sex and paying to transport women for sex from one state to another.. got to love the fity thousand pages of tax laws..
Re Niacin comment yesterday–flushing, itching etc not result of poisoning, normal and healthful reactions. The more you take, the less your will flush for a certain amount.
For Niacin uses see Niacin: The Real Story (2nd Edition) Paperback – March 21, 2023
by Andrew W. Saul MS PhD (Author), Abram Hoffer MD PhD (Author), & 1 more
Many other sources, too much to list. Assists mental health, lowers eye pressure, many many uses, practically no danger taking it. I take a gram a day; I took 8 grams a day in the early 70’s after reading Hoffer’s early writings.
“Struggling Biden faces big test with ABC interview, vows to fight on,”
Not anywhere near “live,” and it is with George Stephanopoulos, which means there’s no chance of it being either “hardball” or honest. Questions and answers will be given (and rehearsed), and Joe will have an array of hanging 14′ monitors he can reed from — at least one front and one on either side.
What goes up must come down. NASA prepares for International Space Station retirement.
If they put Elon Musk in charge of decommissioning it, he’s likely to land the damn’ thing rather than incinerate it…
Let’s hope it’s empty when re-entry, like the Apollo capsule Russia got to first..was found to be EMPTY.
LOL LOL Good One, Ray!!
I suspect that it’s best if idiot Joe stays in place for another month or two so that his removal – voluntary or not, causes the greatest pain for the war party! We can only pray that there will be no glowing mushrooms along the way.
I thought he was an incompetent clown chosen by Obama in 2008 to prevent any impeachment. It’s hard to believe that FJB was legitimately voted into office in 2020. The coordinated refusal to investigate election irregularities in that year argue for an actual coup. What happens next is likely to be open warfare between the remaining intelligent people of the USA and the coupmasters. I don’t like it, but that seems necessary to preserve our republic. I imagine that the first casualty will be the free press, though much of that has happened already.
bullets don’t only fly one way. be careful what you wish for. especially if there are people in your life you love.
Example #2 – he wasn’t wishing for anything and wft are you injedting bullets into the convo for?
Mmm- I would take the “bullet” remark you flagged above as a pretty brazen partisan threat against a long time reader and contributor, and people he cares for. I believe that is a particularly serious violation of Ure longstanding rules of etiquette. I lodge a protest.
not wishing for anything????? yeah, just saying a coup is necessary.
NMM wrote “…argue for an actual coup” and “…next is likely to be open warfare” and [a coup] “seems necessary to preserve our republic.”
i pointed out during a “coup” and or “open warfare”, that NMM says is necessary, that bullets fly both ways.
and i’m the one promoting violence or making threats??? i think y’all are crazier and less oriented to reality than biden or trump are.
and that’s the Truth!
In case you hadn’t noticed, I don’t suffer fools.
When you quote, you need to consider the entire sentence. What NM wrote was “The coordinated refusal to investigate election irregularities in that year argue for an actual coup.”
Don’t try to bullshit me. Quote entire sentences and stop that commie-inspired trolling.
Or I will do it for you. We have done IP blocks before.
Oh and see about them voices in your head that are prompting. Seriously. You are on an oddly troll-like out of context snipping spree and it’s not becoming people with IQs higher than room temp.
And a final point NM’s second incompletely quote line was What happens next is likely to be open warfare between the remaining intelligent people of the USA and the coupmasters.
He did not call for a coup or any action against the govt. So why are you trying to make it sound like he’s “call for anything” when what he’s making appear to be sound observations and logically extensible outlooks.
Did you loose the staff gig with the J6 Inquistors>?
Well George, at least you have a carbide tipped chainsaw that hopefully will work after the plug replacement. I ordered the carbide chain for my little Stihl last year, and the dealer got it wrong. Didn’t fit. So I have been waiting months now for the replacement. I suppose I should bring my receipt and saw back in to have them check the status… again. Ah the supply-chain joys of living in the islands.. I am jealous of your ‘prime deliveries’ in the “lower 48”. Actually I am lower than all of you!
Now I’m wondering how my Pacific hurricane season is going to be. I’m not terribly wind-exposed, and after hurricane Lane dropped 54 inches in 24 hours I guess I can survive anything. Fingers crossed. Isn’t it fun being the lead ‘pin’ in the hurricane bowling alley??
A few disparate thoughts to ponder:
Firstly, the July 4 eruption of Mt Etna (Sicily). Spectacular video here:
I had commented a while back about the ancient Greek theatre in Taormina as a possible candidate for one of Nostradamus’s predictions. Taormina is only 22 miles from Mt Etna. Nearby towns and cities have been covered in volcanic ash from the eruption. The Stromboli volcano has also erupted.
Secondly, I saw that the indigenous tribes celebrated the birth of the white (leucistic) buffalo calf on June 26. I thought that was the date given in Andy’s apocalyptic dream? In which case the dream may have a more spiritual, rather than literal, interpretation. I’ve also seen mention here of dates in July. Is there any way to search the comments section to read the original comment?
Apparently the next 6 planet parade alignment will be on August 28th.