The Tractorback Dervish Holiday Notes

Ready to rock the block from about 6:30 AM local time. It will be light enough by then I should be able to avoid running into the big things (trees, vehicles, buildings).  The rest will have to fend for themselves.

An odd title for today, but I am back to using the “Speed Crown” a bit, now and then.  As you recall, I did the original “light crown” work in 2016. See the master index for any references to “light crown” and you’ll see how they work.  There’s also a good article you may wish to read at Light therapy and dementia | Alzheimer’s Society (

My reasons for this work were purely selfish: Both Elaine and I are APOE4 allele owners, and she has periods of “memory dropout.”  We think her decline is arrested, but let’s talk in a few years.

But the Speed Crown is something else.  Again, a referral to the PN Index is in order. The short version is that (in theory) shining a very bright green light on the right trigeminal nerve bundle – while at the same time illuminating the left trigeminal pack – might “spin up” your chakras.  If you can image the electronic topoly of a superheterodyne receive.  Thing of using two input frequencies to the brain – and letting the brain run as an un-ytuned mixer.

There’s some support in Ancient literature.  Or, more recent articles like this one: Alchemy of Light: The Science Behind Chakra Colours.  Again, many years old, but the effects (at least on me) of using a “light crown” for more than daily for a week to 8-days is like being in the most coffee-amped place you can imagine.

So much so, your body and mind will shy away from longer periods of use quite naturally.  On the other hand, when you have a ton of shit to get done, spinning up your etheric body to super-high speed has a lot to recommend it over, oh, chemicals, for example.

When I write about “Tractorback Dervish” – that’s where Energy can be personally tapped and used to great purpose.

Kudos to the Dervishes

Our quirky research might have been abandoned long ago, except for the tale of the Whirling Dervishes.  There is a sizeable write-up on the (Sufi) practice on Wikipedia: Sufi whirling – Wikipedia.

I remember reading the article back in 2017 Frontiers | A Possible Role of Prolonged Whirling Episodes on Structural Plasticity of the Cortical Networks and Altered Vertigo Perception: The Cortex of Sufi Whirling Dervishes ( Bingo!  That was something for me/us to work on. Because what’s one of the largest (at home) health risks for people in their 70s and 80s (which we now are)? Falls.

Let me whip some A.I. on you:

  • Injuries
    One in 10 falls results in an injury that requires older adults to limit their activities or seek medical attention. Falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and hip fractures in older adults and are responsible for 70% of accidental deaths in people aged 75 and older.
  • Deaths
    In 2021, falls were the leading cause of injury death for adults aged 65 and older, causing over 38,000 deaths. The rate of fall-related deaths increases rapidly with age for white people aged 70 and older, and by age 85, about two-thirds of all injury-related deaths are due to falls.

Therefore, looking ahead, oh, 10-25 years out, we can imagine a new world of Aging.  Where transcranial light stimulation will be used to reduce dementias of all sources, and several neurological improvements (as in Sufi whirling cortex improvements) should – by then – be well studied and into medical doctrine.

And – except for the little matter of WW III and blow shit up globally, it will give medicine a chance to get back into “the groove of history” where the reason gemstones were “valuable” has more to do with their light filtration capacities – and in turn positive health outcomes – rather than simple “rarity” of gemstones.

turns out most phone-apes pick the most obvious constructs from the observable world around them and run with that – failing to consider things and deeper and Grander at the Creator level.

Oh well.  Time to sweep the board again?

War Keeps Getting “Better”

Boy, if that isn’t an Oxy-Neuron, I don’t know what is.

Crescendo of the American drone industry-New technologies and return to the standards of the Gulf War?  Our recent Peoplenomics article on the coming use of Wunder Weapons doesn’t take Area-51 work product off the table, but these new drone projects are simply logical extensible thinking products of what’s already out and about/known stuff.

We’re disappointed. Except Drones to let us hang huge, long wire antennas in our high canopy here in the wet sound.

Beryl Ides

(Yes, of course that was a lame-ass attempt at witticism based on the late folk singer Burl Ives...who’s so sleepy that could miss such a groaner?)

The other Beryl’s a bit more topical:

Some of the longer-range views get into tons of rain coming next week across the South from this, hence the poor word weaving effort on Ides (a day falling roughly in the middle of each month) because in a week, this could actually be a “news event” – which happens when things arrive in the Northeast.  Give it time.

Bought a new chainsaw, though.  Just in case. Seems that Shidaiwa has some new “easy start” technology and there’s a rumor among tool sluts that Shindaiwa products are made in the same factory as the Echo brand… A review when it gets here.

Trying to sort out whether I should pop $250 (Home Depots, delivered).  On the one hand, the more I prep, the less odds of damage hereabouts. Still, a tool’s a tool and Ure’s a fool…

Check Boxes

US Markets are close today. I went short in the after-hours session and may hold that position over the balance of the weekend.

But in terms of climbing a wall of worry?  Oh, yeah, baby – walls all the hell and gone.

At the Ranch: Tractor Back Tunes

Two from our Patriot’s Playlist – feel free to add to this in the Comments section.

Now, if you don’t have a tractor, go buy a copy of my latest book and post a fi ve-star review on Amazon, thanks.

Prime (rib) Time to follow…

Write when you…you know…

58 thoughts on “The Tractorback Dervish Holiday Notes”

  1. Ure-ites:

    Happy Independence Day
    [with deference to our British friends]


    ps – kids inbound, Mrs. E = off the charts

  2. Happy Fourth of July there to the two of you.. give Elaine a huge hug from the home fronts here..
    Well I am so thankful that things didn’t flip like I thought they were.. everyone was afraid the Democrats did a twenty five on the president.. and Hitlery was going to get into office or become the democratic nominee..
    IF… she had become the nominee right away.. I believe that would have set things to come in motion..instead she did a I support him to the hilt.. ( god this all reminds me of the gangs of a big city..they get some real young minor to do the crimes they want that if they get caught they remain in safe harbour and the kid gets the rep and brunt of the punishment) Nothing we can do about any of it at all except vote.. it is what it is.. the bigger issue is after spending BILLIONS of dollars trying to destroy him.. going through huge processes to set him up.. do you think Alois Irlmair and Nostradamus are correct.. or do you think they will let him sit in the chair again..big question.. I of course don’t think any of them have any morals or ethics.. just the love of power and money they sold their souls for it will do anything for it……


    This will be the first time in almost two decades that I won’t be dealing with old soldiers suffering from PTSD….
    the one that got me.. was the gentleman that blockaided himself in the shower stall.. and the gentleman He blockaided himself in the spare bedroom.. I go to check on him.. everything in the room was against the door.. I get in and he runs up gives me a huge hug and says.. I am so thankful you survived the night….
    the sad part about that is.. if the morons keep pushing for what they want.. we all may have a little of that..
    My worst fears… is in a year or so each of us with have a little PTSD…
    here is my favorite version of that song..

  4. Now this is a song I love.. but the reason I love it.. is one of my family was head of security of Grande Ole Opry … and they would dedicate this song to him every time he worked LOL… what is surprising is years later after He retired.. a lot of the famous country western singers.. would all show up at HARDYS to have breakfast and they would sing a few songs.. People never had a clue that these old country western singers and song writers would do that..
    I visited with my sibling a month ago.. the Hardies is closed Now.. but they still visit the nursing homes once a week.. even though they are all as old as the residents…
    You would be surprised how many there are that you come across in a nursing or medical facility.. at some point everyone crosses your path…

    • LOOB thanks for the music on this sunny day. Brought some tears to my eyes as I remember the veterans that I grew up with. Some wonderful people!

  5. A question I have wanted to ask regarding the light therapy. Apologies if you have covered this before. Have you noticed any changes in your metabolism, appetite or cravings that could coincide with your increased energy during or after your therapy?

    On the chainsaw. I have and used several saws on the ranch over the years along with a fancy pair of kevlar chaps that lost an encounter with my larger Stihl that I heep hung on a peg in the shop as a reminder. I am much more cautious and aware around a chainsaw or most any sharp spinning metal things. I personally would rather fall than test my reaction skills with them.

    One final tip. Stihl rocks.

    Happy 4th to all. Stay safe. 73

    • Dewalt Battery operated has served me well in jungles of Belize and wilds of Pennsyltucky.

      DeWalt battery operated Pole Saw is most awesome-use it all the time.
      I don’t even look at the old gas ones in shed any more – dirty, and loud.Not to mention no pull starts..

      • I agree. Friend has one allows me to borrow when needed. Took down a Kentucky coffee tree last week.

  6. George,

    I have a Stihl chainsaw with their version of “easy start”. Hate the little bugger. Once started it works great, but the “easy start” is a pain in the rear. If you opt for the easy start, make sure it has a “primer” bulb on the carb. Doesn’t work so good if not so equipped. Stihl’s version is basically a spring mechanism that you pre-load(gently) and then it releases to start the chainsaw. More trouble than it is worth. I am an old fart that just wants to grab the start rope handle and pull. Even the salesman at the dealership hates the “easy start” Stihl option.

    Just saying, “ask for a demo”. Happy 4th.

    • I have a couple of the EZ start Stihls for heavy duty work. The key to starting them is not to put gasoline with ethanol in them.
      My go-to for quick jobs is the Echo battery chainsaw. Rock solid, and it always starts.

      • I stopped using ethanol gas in small engines quite a while back. Chainsaws, weed eaters, etc. are all Stihl and are now fed VP fuel premix. 94 octane with oil blended in already. No problems with fuel, just don’t like the “easy start” concept. Like to grab up saw, give it a yank, and go. To each their own. I have learned to deal with the “easy start”.

  7. Explosion Rocks General Dynamics’ Hellfire & Javelin Missile Factory In Arkansas

    An early Wednesday morning explosion rocked the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems facility in Camden, Arkansas, injuring at least two people and leaving one person missing.

    “Today at 8:15 am CDT, an incident occurred at the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems facility in Camden, Arkansas. At this time, we are working with first responders and can confirm the incident resulted in at least two injuries and one missing individual.”

    The factory is a “leader in the high-rate production” of the “Hydra-70 rocket, Hellfire and Javelin missiles, the Modular Artillery Charge System and various mortar munitions”

  8. I’ve had S&G’s “America” on my brain’s heavy rotation playlist for at least the past month. It was not a hit, but I always thought it one of Paul Simon’s best from that period, and it is (and has always been) terribly underappreciated. Always kinda wondered if he was dating a “Kathy” when he wrote it, and how far one could hitchhike from Saginaw in four days in the pre-Interstate USA (or did he just stop when he got to Pittsburgh…?)

  9. (“There’s some support in Ancient literature. Or, more recent articles like this one: Alchemy of Light: The Science Behind Chakra Colours. Again, many years old, but the effects (at least on me) of using a “light crown” for more than daily for a week to 8-days is like being in the most coffee-amped place you can imagine.”)

    the Light crown.. Now anyone that knows me knows I carry around the stone that spoke to me.. I have had it for decades.. heck its in my pocket now.. chakra.. lots of studies on why gems are so cherished in the world..
    It has to do with the idea of a magical ‘focus’that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years cherished by whole countries and civilizations that have a crown jewells…., in the quite literal sense the thought was that making a crown or wearing a specific stone would send that focus of that stone to the individual carrying it..My mother was big on it.. she had a funnel and a bag of some sort that she had her gems in.. it was ROSE Quartz.. that is also the stone I have and all our drinking water passes over rose quartz before it hits the filtration system.. some call that structuring the water. I sure don’t know why if it adds oxygen to it.. but because mom did it.. I picked it up as a habbit… From a scientific standpoint, one can use a prism to split light, or a mirror to reflect it, While crystals have an energy matrix and field, they also have a spirit and consciousness. I believe that they’re very like us in this respect. the vibrational frequencies of each stone
    When we clear our own energy we return it to its natural state and equilibrium, but we don’t clear our memories or our sense of who we are – our mind/body/soul remains intact.The same holds true for the stones. We know that stones have a memory built into them just like the human mind or a lens to diffuse or focus it. But as anyone who works with lasers can tell you, you have to ensure your optics are clean; a smudged lens, a warped mirror, a dirty prism… these won’t work as well as they should, and perhaps not at all. Because of that belief is the art of facetting stones was to enhance the inherent beauty and direct the focus of the energy and memory in the stone to give the stone the ability to focus that memory to the individual holding or wearing enhance the inherent beauty Rings were said to have the ability to pass the information of the ring through its frequency that when light passed through it.. acts as a prism from which the light passes and touches our skin (that is why rings are open on the top and bottom part to let light pass) this make the light that passes through and come in contact with our skin and effects our blood streams in the veins and imports our aura for the good and our health also.
    That is also why particular gemstones were to be worn on particular fingers or as a necklace because through our each finger goes to a particular organ or part of the body and around the neck is the pathway to the heart..
    The Magical focus is suppose to work under the same reasoning; the purer a gem is, the fewer flaws it has, the better a job it can do, whether that’s as an energy generator, a condenser, a focus point, a diffuser, a reflector, or any other method of manipulating that energy. Crystals are more ‘pure’ than simple rocks, and thus would work more efficiently.
    Now am I believer in the frequencies passed on.. walk into our home once.. walk into my parents home.. and a sense of calm is all around.. there aren’t any loud and angry outbursts.. A grand daughter was having a lot of issues.. depression etc.. I got her a necklace she wears all the time.. rose quartz.. almost instantly her focus changes.. so is there credible information about the light crown.. well for tens of thousands of years we have believed it.. the legends say it all.. there are industries that all focus on faceting stones.. jewelry is a high cost item..
    here is a good site to see which stone does what.. well supposedly..
    An ancient legend passed down from one civilization to another claims the God of Mines called his courtiers to bring together all the world’s known gems: Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, etc. etc., and he found them to be of all tints and colors and varying hardnesses. He declared, “Let this be something that will combine the beauty, wisdom of all. ”
    I believe that it is true.. that stones all hold meaning.. all of my kids and grandkids and great grandkids are told the same thing.. if you find a stone that talks to you.. that is your stone.. each of them have one.. mine is rose quartz.. and in our home you can feel the difference.. I believe that is a projection of the energy or frequency of the stones we have here..

    • OTFLMAO… absolutely… see a man with a Jag..and a man with a green DEER … the .an wearing polyester shirt and bright plaid pants a thin Parted pencil mustache and a wine glass..or the gent sitting on the padded plywood seat ..coveralls on work shirt and holding a miller…which one is worth lol
      the tractors I have seen around here used.. could easily pay for three Bentleys or five jags…

      • there is also the matter of cornering.
        I was never even close to scared in the 930 (or the 911 or 944) except by blue lights.
        A drain ditch misjudged while mowing? Zero throttle response on a diesel and you just turn into the slide…

      • In a Debt based economy- Farmer is up to his ass in debt, to the big green machine.
        Pencil thin mustache guy Don’t wear polyester anything – can afford 100% Cotton, and invests in Deere stock – a great long term Stock purchase. Not fin advice,common sense regards future of food production advice.. : )
        Not getting into “chemical farming” as I live in midst of Mennonite and Amish communities- as solid salt of the Earth types as you can find in USA.
        * YouTube – see Milllenial Farmer.. Be teaching BCN the big farm way – Zack also has Between the Rows channel, bout his racing exploits.

  10. Hi doses of NO FLUSH niacin have been found to greatly repair nerve and brain dementia.

    • Be very careful with niacin or any supplements you use..a lot or heavy dose does not mean better.. most GI bleeds are from process that self doctor themselves..
      Symptoms of a niacin overdose include:

      Severe skin flushing combined with dizziness.
      Rapid heartbeat.
      Nausea and vomiting.
      Abdominal pain.
      now you cannot overdose on niacin rich foods.. tuna, salmon, etc..

  11. Buckle in: This will get Very Crazy:

    There is very little doubt in certain smart quarters that there IS something to “Remote Viewing.” Not much, not reliable, and effectively done by only a VERY small list of exceedingly talented individuals. (Fewer than seven to some hard-ass assesments — only three or four to the harshest of analyists.) BUT! A few of them are so bulletproof provable, and SO improbable by coincidence or dumb luck, that they are simply undeniable.

    There is SOMEthing there. Not much, and not harnessable to yeild a useful product to such as a tri-lettered agency, but “there,” regardless.

    Years ago, in the days of Long John Nebel, it had a different name: then, it was called “Astral Projection.” Same thing, near as anybody can tell. A less-respectable-sounding term than “Remote Viewing,” to be sure; but the same thing.

    Minor differences, refinements, re-directions, and hair-splitting — but (it seems, maybe) One Body of Stuff.

    Perhaps it all CAN’T be understood by intellects at our level.

    The space we perceive is called often “Three-Space, with a small dash of Dimension Four (Time).” My idea is one of SpaceTimeEnergy — a unified composition for Universe. Everything — Some or much of it being unperceivable by humans and human meat-based wetware (brayne).

    I have zero relatable evidence for what I’m about to say — so, don’t ask. Recently, a shared, accessable, “Real,” multi-“channel” Flow of Information has been discovered (accidentally).

    Think of old-timey 8-track repeating tapes — except with millions of channels — perhaps tens of billions of tracks. It’s something like Carl Sagan’s famous “Encyclopedia Galactica,” except it’s all the knowledge of all the highly enlightened races — everywhere. Each group of evolved minds contributes everything they know to their track. The Flow “Runs” in extra-dimentional (to us) “space.” It exists “in” one of those invisible (to us) dimensions. Lightspeed constraints do not apply — it’s instant, and everywhere-anywhere. The vast, vast majority of it is incomprehensible to us. Very preliminary “Ding-Dong School” level is all we can make out presently.

    God, in His wisdom, has made “space-like” interstellar travel impossible. This serves to make The Flow both necessary and completely safe. (“They” can’t come and enslave or eat us; since nobody can traverse the distance isolating “folks” from each other.) Yes, you COULD make a “Generation Ship,” and fly to another star, but moral and financial and practical issues make it unworkable.

    Ok. It’s over. You can loosen your belt a bit now.

    But keep it loosly fastened, still: in case of sudden turbulence.

    (I can’t answer many questions about this. 99.9% because I don’t know; and some because I got locked out early on.)

  12. Biden announced yesterday that;
    “I will absolutely not drop out.”
    “I have an open mind.., [ about something – I couldn’t make it out.]
    “I am the best candidate to beat Trump.”
    Trump is smiling. This is exactly what he wanted to hear. He said a couple of times that he wants Biden to stay in the race. Unless the Senate and Congress join-up and take him out with Article 25.., Biden is going to drag the entire Democrat Party down with him. But, if they do., that puts Harris in the hot seat – and no named candidate., but with a major push to nominate her.
    – Got popcorn ?

  13. “___Could Harris survive, let alone win? Um… Trump allies intensify Harris attacks as Biden replacement talk builds”

    Rumor has it Trump will now not announce a VP running mate until he’s certain of his opponent’s identity. (He’s going to do the “cliffhanger” thing anyway WRT an announcement, because it gleans him millions in free air time.)

    I take this to mean he may pick someone like Ramaswamy or even Tulsi Gabbard if Kamala becomes his opponent, where he’s more likely to take Youngkin, Burgam, or either (Jeanette) Nuñez, or (AnnaPaulina) Luna from Florida. I actually believe he’ll take Sarah Sanders unless he’s forced to go against Harris. Given the precarious balance in Congress, I believe he will take a Governor if there’s any way he possibly can (that’s what I’d do) and I think Sanders is #1 because the virtue Trump values above all else is “loyalty,” and Sarah Sanders is both unwaveringly loyal to DJT, and a damn’ fine Executive.

    • Tulsi Coffee Cake absolutely destroyed The Cackling Ho in debate back in 2020 run up to Dem nomination. Harris was left visibly stunned and unable to respond intelligently. That unable to respond intelligently disease seems to really be taking hold of the idiot of late,making her the perfect candidate for the dem nomination.

      Some hilarious ass scheisse to ensue shortly..President WordSalad -has a nice ring to it,no?

  14. Born on the Fourth of July Official Trailer #1

    Born on the Fourth of July is a 1989 American epic biographical anti-war drama film that is based on the 1976 autobiography of Ron Kovic. Directed by Oliver Stone, and written by Stone and Kovic, it stars Tom Cruise, Kyra Sedgwick, Raymond J. Barry, Jerry Levine, Frank Whaley, and Willem Dafoe. The film depicts the life of Kovic (Cruise) over a 20-year period, detailing his childhood, his military service and paralysis during the Vietnam War, and his transition to anti-war activism.

    • I completed my time in Vietnam in August of 1968. We flew on a chartered PanAm 707 to SeaTac, arriving around 0200. They were feeding breakfast. (They fed breakfast there 24/7 continuously, it turned out — worked best for everybody, they said. Made sense,)

      We were given a very brief “briefing,” and were told to go buy some basic civilian clothes — jeans and a shirt — in the PX, and they would pay for it. They gave us little yellow chits. We were told to keep a low and quiet profile on our way home, and best just not talk to anybody, “…beause America is a pretty tense place right now, and people get upset easily. Traveling in uniform was not a good idea.”

      So, we sneaked home, one at a time, on our various individual CONUS flights, and I was standing in my bedroom in Connecticut less than 24 hours after boarding the big PanAm silver bird at Tan Son Nhut. There was nobody home but me. I threw my duffle on the bed. I felt kinda stupid and awkward. Mom and Dad came home from their jobs a bit later, in a couple of hours…

      Few “Unit Moves” to and from happened in Vietnam. Mostly we went over and came back alone.

      • Remember seeing No Dogs-Sailors signs on peeps lawns in Little Creek area VA..early 80’s. Not many “units” in Navy required longer hair, just 1,and that was so they “fit in” with gen pop. High &Tight was dead giveaway and prevented one from traveling “incognito” .

  15. To George & Elaine, as well as anyone else concerned with aging. The other day I had gotten an over-lengthy email about NERVE PAIN. As a consequence to the story, which made a lot of sense to me in spite of its length, I checked out:
    Please use your judgement!
    Their product is also available @ Amazon

  16. The Democrat National Convention will be held in Chicago in August [ 19th-22nd] Michelle Obama is going to have to make her move pretty darn soon if she wants the nomination. Biden is not the “official” candidate, as yet. There is still some wiggle room for her to step-up and go for it.
    She will have to attack Biden., and Biden will have to counter. With Trump laughing along on the side-lines.
    What a show that will be. [ If she does .]
    – In all of Stu’s books and posts I can not recall Michelle ever mentioned as a world leader, or President., or anything. If I remember correctly she was mentioned a couple of times, but only ‘in-passing’. But never as a ‘world leader’, as ‘President’, or ‘Black Queen’, or ‘raging hermaphrodite’.
    – Did Nostradamus ever place Michelle Obama in the lime-light ?
    – Now, Michelle can get around a lot of this by declaring as an Independent – but then she will be fighting Biden and Trump. [ Trump is not the official nominee, either., yet] And she has just over 100 days to get it all done. Getting on the ballot in every state will be monumental in and of itself.
    Wow.., what a show that would be !! If she does step forward and take the political-plunge – I do hope that you have a lot of popcorn handy., because it will be “the” news item for the next 100 days [ or so.]
    Kabuki Theatre on steroids.

  17. Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Lucky Man
    Song of the times back in the 60 and 70 and now coming soon.

  18. OK.., I stand corrected. My bad.
    President Biden himself did not say – “I am absolutely not dropping out.” That was a White House ‘spokesperson’.
    He did say that – “I have an ‘open mind’.., [ on the future.]

  19. Brewer and Shipley “Oh Mommy”
    did they have a future vision?
    but we are having a devolution back into a Constitutional government
    last verse,
    “It says right there in the constitution
    It’s really A-OK to have a revolution
    When the leaders that you made
    Just don’t make the grade
    Oh, mommy, I ain’t no commie
    But I hate to bust your bubble
    Cause there’s gonna be some trouble soon”

    ask ure self, ‘why oh why’ do not any past presidents support Trump, dem or rep?
    did he fail to keep up his CLUB membership?
    the times they are a changing
    Happy Fourth

    the oxymorons of the AP

    but a day golfing with his son, a causal chat with bystanders DJT trash talks Joe and Kamala

    • I actually got a real chuckle out of the story that.. HE HAS SO MUCH ENERGY AND FOCUS THAT THE TWENTY YEAR OLDS CANNOT KEEP UP …. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL… Now I am what eighteen years younger than he is.. and I can tell you.. I was still able to bench three hundred pounds with ease.. run ten miles a day jogging I built a house in my spare time while working three jobs in my late forties.. a twenty year old runs rings around me … LOL LOL LOL LOL… I worked with people suffering with all kinds of dementia issues and can tell you its as obvious as can be.. without sitting down and having coffee with the AO I would have an assessment of fifth stage maybe fourth.. but everything he shows on tv is fifth stage … It could be further along but you are not allowed to see him except in a set up situation that is being lead with a teleprompter..
      We had a really smart woman in her sixth stage.. an old professor.. we were charting and out she comes.. the one nurse says.. dam how did she do that.. I laughed.. she can read the instructions.. the answer was to put the code for leaving the wing on the opposite wall.. she could read it but to turn from one side to another then think long enough to punch it in the exit locked door she would forget.. LOL LOL

    • “but a day golfing with his son, a causal chat with bystanders DJT trash talks Joe and Kamala”

      UPDATE: President Trump reposted the video to Truth Social with the message, “No tax on tips!”

      Somebody snagged the audio and posted it.

      Trump’s repost is how one deflates a situation before the media can turn it into a scandal.

      BTW, Ike and Reagan (the only two republicans who’ve been elected President since WW-II) would’ve supported Trump.

  20. My Brit son-in-law’s father sent me pleasant 4th of July greetings this morning. A traitorous act against the crown 248 years ago, it struck me how allegiances and alliances change over time. Those 13 former British colonies exploded onto the world stage in ways the imperial powers never dreamed of. Their descendants altered the course of history. Yes, our rebellious Founders were homogeneously of white European descent. Many of them were slave owners, including the 1st two presidents. Yet the wonder and the beauty of the ideas brought forth back then is that the context allowed for change over time. Oh, sure! The change has been slow. Slaves were emancipated. Women were finally granted the right to vote. The Founders intended the changes to be slow, to allow for thoughtful deliberation, planning and execution. But now America’s slow and deliberate tri-cameral (legislative, judicial and executive) system is faced with speed-of-light comms fueled by A.I. and nearly every citizen possessing a mobile phone or personal devices, and our enemies possessing weapons that can span the oceans in minutes, something the Founders never imagined. That’s not even considering spamming and disinformation campaigns along with hacking and spoofing. It is ultimately up to this generation of “we the people” to adapt the gift of liberty and independence ceded to us all those years ago to the advances in technology and carry them forward for the generations which will follow. Happy Independence Day to all! Thank you George for allowing us to express our viewpoints (within reason) on Ure site. God bless you, George! God bless Ure readers, and God bless America!

  21. I’m in the process of taking down a Mango tree in the back yard that has not given fruit since I bought the ranch. One of three major limbs on the ground now, with two truckloads of branches trucked yesterday. Truck is loaded with the third load and ready to go 20 miles into Hilo today to the facility. That will finish one-third of the tree. Exhausting work. Just wanted to say that buying a chainsaw is probably the best hurricane prep (and repellant!) you can do… living in a forest, especially. I have a carbide-tipped chain on backorder for months now. Tired of sharpening this old chain.

    • oh man thats a loss for sure. Before its gone , if you havent tried, maybe find a guy who knows about trees and see if theres a illness or lack of something. Good luck.

      • Not as big a loss as most think. I’m allergic to mango anyway so couldn’t eat any that it might produce. Loss of shade, mostly.

  22. well the good news is that the Supremes call on the chevron deference is also a knock down for gender identity mentally ill. Now, in the courts’ eyes, either you are a in’ie or an out’ie ,,,
    we are getting OUR country back, thanks to the Supremes.
    Zippity do dah,,, I am , the other brother Darrell,, witnessing live action, history in the making,,,

    my dairy farmer grandpa said, 3 leg milk stools work best

    • yes, if you have more confidence in judges being able to decide what a reasonable test for a vaccine is than an immunologist, or feel judges are better at deciding what is reasonable space for farm animals than ranchers or judges know more about fire suppression than smoke jumpers.

      • Example #3

        He wasn’t talking about a hypothetic case (existing between your ears. He was talking about a specific case and he figures extensibly that it’s a good ruling.

        Injecting (if you’ll pardon the pun) nonsense about vaccines is wholly off point and (again) in attentive to what the reader was expressing…

        Take Answar with you

    • “as automakers like Ford move on towards an electric future and look to compete head-on with Chinese automotive rivals like BYD, CEO Jim Farley emphasizes that American buyers are going to have to make a sacrifice and break an automotive addiction that may seem un-American for the sake of the automobile industry’s future.”

      So, this doofus is CEO of a major corporation and doesn’t realize producers don’t drive the market — demand does?

      The American auto industry spent over 40 years (starting in the mid ’70s with the Jeep Wagoneer), reimagining the Estate Car or classic American station wagon into a hybrid vehicle, built on a light truck platform but with luxury-car amenities and feel, and targeted toward the young suburban mother. Now, Jim Farley thinks he has to take this away and replace it with a battery-powered Ford Pinto, to “save the industry?”

      Rotsa ruck…

      If Ms. Soccer Mom can’t buy an Experdition or Napagrater, she’s gonna buy a Yukon or an Escalade or a Durango or a (look surprised) Jeep Wagoneer, and if she can’t buy them, or an Armada or Sequoia, somebody will come along and start up a new company that builds Excursion knockoffs with VW or BMW turbodiesel hybrid powerplants that do 0-160 in 20 seconds and get 38mpg while doing it.

      FYI the last car I designed was a solar-electric-hydrogen hybrid. It used a hydrogen-powered turbine fueled by a hydrogen mat / compressor / manifold system I designed.

      I mention that because I based the vehicle on a Ford Probe, adorned with photocells which covered its entire upper surface and were molded to its shape.

      I am SO DISAPPOINTED in Ford…

  23. Folks,

    Green happens to be the colour of Sudan’s opposition National Umma (Community) Party. One of the party’s current leadership and a former Sudanese foreign minister is Dr. Mariam al-Mahdi, a great-granddaughter of party founder Sir Sayyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi KBE, Imam of the Ans?r (“the helpers; those who bring victory”). In turn, Dr. al-Mahdi’s great-great grandfather was Muhammad Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Fahal, otherwise known as Imam Mahdi. According to Wikipedia, his descent traces to the Prophet via his grandson Hassan. Imam Mahdi changed his follower names from “dervish” to “ans?r”.

    It seems that Imam Mahdi proclaimed himself as the messiah in 1881 warning of a coming anti-christ. He oversaw the Siege of Khartoum which saw the decapitation of Governor General Gordon in 1885 along with the massacre of many thousands.

    Let’s join DJ George for classical flashback to an Edward Elgar work based upon a favorite poem of General Gordon. It was first played in 1900 at the still-standing Birmingham Town Hall in the UK. The hall was designed to portray the Temple of Castor and Pollux at the Roman Forum dedicated on the Ides of July, 484 bc. Allegedly supernatural powers of the mythical twins made battle winners of the Roman Republic against the Latin League. Spin the platter with –
    “The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38”.

    What, somebody was expecting Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath?

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