Jobs, Fireworks, and Prepping

Today we start off with the ADP numbers – which may presage the Friday official jobs data. Then we get into a discussion of fireworks – of the .mil sort – and how we are seriously behind the power curve in a key area.

And if that’s not enough, the storm track, 3-inches of rain heading our way, and some prospects for the balance of the month.

If you’re not a subscriber, we’ll all just keep our fingers crossed that all fireworks to come will be from retail packaging.

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47 thoughts on “Jobs, Fireworks, and Prepping”

  1. I just had a note from an associate who has a well-demonstrated cred in “futurism,” as in, accurate and exhaustive research yielding many Very Good Answers.
    (I probably should remain vague beyond that.)


    He said he might be postponing an item of otherwise routine maintenance, “because we’re That Close.” (Which I took to refer to The Great Final Storm, as civilization kills itself via WW3 — along with other converging coincident disasters of the first magnitude.

    He is not a nut-case, or a hysteric. If anything, he’s coldly factual, and carefully analytical. I take his comments seriously, as they are always very carefully researched and studied.


    Now, I must take a chance of being thought crazy, and “make my witness” while there is still time. You might write me off after this, but I feel compelled, regardless. So be it.

    I’m nearly 80 years old. (December) In all my time to date, “IT” has never felt this close. Through most of my life, “IT” hasn’t even been a serious topic of conversation. Now, suddenly, “IT” is, and serious-sounding consideration is common. That’s just nutz…

    (Follows a long-ish semi-related important “positioning” story which I may tell some other day, if we have the time; BUT for now, the result is this:)

    Since High School, I have always known in some deep, quiet, intuitive backstage place in my mind that I would be around at The End. I “know” a few (very few) other hidden secret things there as well, and I think most aware humans also have such knowledges about themselves and their times. We-all just don’t talk about it. Edgar Cayce might have been referring to this as “Akashic Knowledge,” but I’m not expert enough to be sure.

    Short summary: I have always known I’d be around to see The End. And everything surrounding me is flashing, This is The Time. “IT” is VERY Close. I am a Christian man and a believer, so that may color my dreams.

    Crazy? Yeah. Probability is extremely low that it’s right. This old world is far more likely to keep spinnin’ around, as Frank Sinatra sang…

    …far more likely…

    But now, I’ve made my witness statement. I’ve got certain health issues (as we now so laboriously say), so MY world will without a doubt end before too very long, even as THE world goes on.

    Good Luck and God Bless to us all.

    – 30 –

      • I will before too long. It may be best for a slow Sunday, as it does involve radio. It’s a good story with no moral but with a warning. Here ends my tease,,,

        One in the Carribean, and three following along out in the Atlantic. Busy couple of weeks loom.

    • The big war that may come is a healthy restructuring and humanity will go on. You, me and the other posters may not but that was our destiny anyway. This war will remove the grift pollution we’re drowning in.

      Like G points out the U.S. is ‘world leader’ and all that but don’t have hypersonics. Another so-called leader (in bailout anyway) is Boeing and they have astronauts ‘not’ stranded in space. Too much grift. The future folk will swim pollution free until they do it again.

      There was a Netflix series “Love, Death and Robots”. LD&R is short stories like Twilight Zone, etc. Season 1, episode 16, “Ice Age” depicts an apocalypse style war but humanity pulls trough and goes on. I looked for the episode for free viewing but couldn’t find it so will post a link to the recap version. If you have access to Netflix watch it there.

      7 minutes on YT if you don’t speed up the playback. A positive spin on doom if you will.

      Mini Humans and Cities Are Found In A Freezer

      • “The big war that may come is a healthy restructuring and humanity will go on.”

        Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 56:2
        Hearing the affliction of his people, God the Creator will command that Satan be cast into the abyssal depths of the bottomless pit, and be bound there;

        TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 56:2
        Hearing the affliction of the people of the Earth, [Extraterrestrial Beings] will capture Azayzel and the Watchers and bind them to the depths of the bottomless pit.

        Copyright 2007-2024 Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024: Version 1.1 – 1656
        All Rights Reserved G. A. Stewart LLC

        • Maybe.

          Recall G’s column on how are graphics are overlaid to give the illusion of movement. (I did a search but never get it right.)

          In the movement of humanity the frame furthest back, Western religion hasn’t changed in 2000 years +/-. It’s time. The last major revolution was 250 years ago so it’s time for that too. In Elliot terms a lot of waves are overlapping right now so anything is possible.

    • I’m right there with you on feeling “IT” was coming. I’ve felt it coming since 1976 and started taking action on my level in 1979, buying 36 acres of pine forest in east Texas. We bought a used mobile home and moved it to the property, had a well and septic system installed, and paid handsomely to have electricity extended to our property. (They wouldn’t bring power until we had a house on the site, and we had to pay for the poles and line.) It took another year to get phone service, and 44 years later the word “service” is still in question as our phone line is out about as much as it’s working.

      Agreed that “IT” is bearing down on us with increasing speed, and we’re prepared to crawl in our hole and pull the hole in after us.

    • William

      I agree completely with your message this morning. I have the same feelings.

      You may not realize it but your presence on this website has helped others, including me, another 80s senior. You responded to George’s column on June 5 when he talked about Alzheimer’s. My wife was well into it and then had a stroke 2 weeks ago. I had already incorporated your advice but doubled down after her stroke.

      I thought it appropriate to repost your note from that day. It seems that it is more applicable as each day passes.

      “The most important gift you can give your life’s partner is your physical proximity — closeness — for as much time as seems approprite. Be there — close by — as whatever dreams and reveries may occur. They may not give much indication that they’re aware of you, but they are.

      As to what you are both doing — reading, watching a movie, or just a-settin’ there as the time gently eases on by — it matters not. Your beloved Presence is The Thing. It will ease both your minds.

      No rush. No pending appointments. No pressure from the 10,000 unimportnat things we clutter our hours fretting over. Just BE with her. If she seems distracted or adventuring somewhere else, not to worry: you are being an anchor. Maintaining a welcome grip on life in the current world.”

    • William, I have had that same “Knowing” about being here for The End.

      Ever since I was a kid, hearing the elders talk about times such as we are in today. Elders in my family reading scriptures, talking Revelation and warning my generation to be mindful of prophetic events to come. – same warnings their elders told them. – I in turn, have warned my children.

      We see it all unfolding before our eyes at an astonishing pace. – I knew, deep inside that I’d see this. And well, here we are.

      Yes, the world will continue turning, “The meek shall inherit the Earth” and (life) will go on. A thousand years of peace or, a thousand years to recover? Only a fool would venture to say.

      I’m keeping my thoughts on God, so I don’t drown in the water during this storm. To rise about all the emotions that are creating this reality.

      Ugly as it all is, one can still find solace in prayer and watching a sunset.

      What will be, will be. Make sure you’re riding a good horse.

    • I always had lucid dreams of being in some camp showing others what little bit I know.. then the end for me and another taking my place..
      I cannot believe I went to the store and forgot mushrooms.. I have been thinking about creamy mushroom pasta.. and I forgot the best part..

    • Thanks for your wisdom Sir. And as a the many replies to your post say I feel it as well. I was supposed to leave for Seattle today to help get my sister out of there and back to AZ but I will not leave Diana and our kids/grandkids with things being what they are.
      Stay safe all. 73

    • I, too, have known since about that time that I would live to see “the end of the world”… and would survive it. Call it some internal spiritual knowledge or whatever…. IT is time.

    • William, I appreciate your sincerity in writing this. I grew up going to Catholic school and never really thought about “IT” until I did a report on The Book of Revelation sophomore year of high school. Since then I’ve been interested in Biblical eschatology as it meshed well with my love of ancient history.
      By junior year I had become a “renegade” Catholic pretty much just going thru the motions required by the Church of Rome while living in the secular world although the “IT” remained in the back of head. Life went on, got married, had a daughter. Had a scare with COVID but got thru it….
      Then Russia invaded Ukraine. My spidey-senses went off as I remembered all of the books I’d read regarding the end-times.
      Then Israel was attacked last October. I had an epiphany in that I reaached out to Our Father and His Son. I confessed my sins and acknowledged the sacrifices that were made for all of us. I pray regularly now and have accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I pray that all my loved ones get saved though they are mostly secularized. I’m not trying to ram this thinking into anyone’s head here just wanted to share my background. I hope everyone gets saved honestly but that’s not going to happen. All I know is if I’m not found worthy the “IT” will be part of my future story also….God help us with what is to come.

    • You are certainly not alone William. The courthouse by my house is preparing for something, installing more security lighting recently, they have more than enough already. If you didn’t catch my comment the other day(I think it was Friday) they have had 2 large refrigerated containers delivered to their loading dock, marked cold food storage. No axles or wheels just sitting flat on the ground, seems to me they are going to be there for a while. They did that for Covid for the first year but it was only one trailer and it was on wheels and was switched out for a new one every few days. I’ll be watching closely for any other clues as this is a large county courthouse, county jail, sheriff station and sheriff academy facility.
      Definitely going to be a well defended facility. Would serve as a Military and National Guard staging area.

  2. My concerns are more immediate and pressing. In a few minutes, this 71 yo geezer will be pushing a mower. Actually it’s like a giant string trimmer with two big wheels. I need to finish getting as much of the grass, weeds and sagebrush cut as possible this morning and tomorrow morning.

    Damn, it was a bit wet to mow before and now everything is tinder dry and the start of next week is predicted to have highs in the upper 90’s. Wildfire season could start a bit early here especially with vacationing city “people” already here for the long weekend.

  3. I wasn’t going to repeat this., but considering William’s post, above – I changed my mind. [ I’m allowed to do that.]
    I have a friend., ah, let me reword that., I have an a acquaintance – like the song – a low friend in high places. Great source of information. I saved his butt, literally, years ago – when he discovered that he wasn’t very good being in the field., and has been behind a desk ever since. His mind is a little warped, which makes him very good at what he does: “Is it devious? Is it nefarious? It is !!? Count me in !” ]
    – Two days ago he sent me an email.., that basically said:
    – “Taking an extended leave of absence., heading for my hide-out on the southern Oregon Coast. – Will contact – Take care.”
    – You don’t know me., and you sure as hell do not want to know him – but his information, intel and tips have been really good over the years.., so take the above for what you think it’s worth.
    “Stay Frosty !” – Corporal Hicks

    • Now that has me curious.. my biggest wonder was we all have read the deal congress refuses to read. its obvious what happens to people in govt. offices if an opposing army at acid from within..
      my question is why none of the politicians were seeking to protect their families..
      these two instances says that things must be ramping up..for the final countdown ..

  4. Me thinks the world will continue on after Nostradamus materials play out. Then what? Maybe Stu can start transitioning into post-Nostradamus timeframes, if there’s anything in the materials? No more need for prepping?

    • Prepping is not just about waiting for doom, though it may help in that case. Prepping is about being resilient, agile, and anti-fragile! It’s about reserves in depth for that which can be foreseen and that which cannot. It can help in a crisis regardless of whom may suffer it. The alternative is JIT, crisis, silly rushing to the stores just ahead of a hurricane, rushed abandonment of everything ahead of a fire, etc.

      We crazy war-addicted primates have the capacity to learn, yet don’t. There are times to strike with determination to eliminate a threat, but there’s no point in incrementally increasing blows to an adversary in the hopes of being declared a winner. The Houthi nonsense is a case in point. Our insistence of involving ourselves with both Ukraine and the middle east is insanity from my POV, though more informed minds might think differently.

      • Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 56:1
        And after this has endured for a long time, there will be almost renewed another reign of Saturn, and golden age.

        TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 56:1
        There will begin another golden age after the twenty-seven years of war initiated by the Third Antichrist.

        Copyright 2007-2024 Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024: Version 1.1 – 1655
        All Rights Reserved G. A. Stewart LLC

    • Prepping is as much about mindset and training as it is about anything. If you live your life in denial of the fragility of modern society, you won’t fare well when the lights go out and the looting starts. If you start small, with a goal of staying alive in isolation for at least a month, you can protect yourself from the majority of serious circumstances which you will encounter.
      Staying alive for 6 months becomes the next extension of the exercise. Learning to improvise and economize solutions to problems under stress is a good life skill.
      If you lose sleep over prepping scenarios, or obsess on unsurvivable scenarios, you are approaching it the wrong way. The prepping enables life under difficult circumstances. Being able to modify the lifestyle to respond to adversity is a major objective. LOOB usually takes the prize for hard luck war stories, but many of us have our own.
      I wish reader Ray would consolidate his musings on these subjects, and publish on Kindle.

      • “I wish reader Ray would consolidate his musings on these subjects, and publish on Kindle.”

        So, bug George to publish the pamphlet I wrote 15 years ago for my kids. I sent him a fresh copy some weeks back, and he has my permission to do so.

        It’s not ALL my musings, and isn’t as well-written as it could have been, but it gets the point across and has made 3-out-of-the-4 original recipients, preppers, to some degree or other.

  5. The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) has recovered 200 children who had gone missing across the country. The kids were found during a major six-week national sting that ended last week dubbed “Operation We Will Find You 2.” The second-of-its-kind operation was conducted in seven federal judicial districts and geographic locations.
    – This federal sweep started with the search of a missing 13 year old, believed abducted and forced into sex trafficking.
    – After the sweep and more then 200 kids rescued – she was not found.

  6. Several news articles this morning are throwing a lot blame onto Jill Biden – for keep her husband “in the race”. That is probably true – she is a nobody from nowhere and seemingly loves all the kowtowing she has received.
    – However, I do believe that there are “other forces” trying to keep Biden in the race.
    – Donald Trump said yesterday that he hopes Biden decides to stay on as their candidate.
    – The political mess that it would cause, if Biden does drop out of the running would be – fascinating.
    – One of DNC members was quoted as saying that if Harris is not nominated to replace Biden, they will “burn this party to the ground.” The person who said that reminds me a lot of Whoppie Goldberg. I look like sister.

    • I don’t believe Biden can bail without forfeiting any chance of winning the delegates from States whose candidate modification dates have passed. If he can (without dying), it is likely he can only pass the torch to Kammy, and BTW, he has $91mln in his personal campaign warchest which can only be passed to her.

  7. That should read – “They look like sisters.” I am not sure how that “I look like sister.” even got typed. Must have been thinking too far ahead.

  8. Tiny islands, people living as they did fifty years ago, food growing, learn their language, be respectful and honor their ways, and float offshore, ready to move on should the need arise.
    And always LOVE to lead the way.
    78 years along and not a concern for tomorrow. Today is now all there is.

  9. All right.

    I’d hate to bore the audience…
    But… As Time seems to momentrily allow:
    “1984” is not a training manual
    by KW1B

    My family — whose Mise-en-scène looked exactly like Jean Shepherd’s “A Christmas Story” — had a large radio-record console in the living room, years before the TeeVee set arrived to displace it. Besides the record player automatic changer turntable, it had a wonderful AM-FM-Shortwave radio built in. I want to say it was a Zenith, but it might have been an Atwater-Kent console — it’s been too many years to recall accurately. It was more an item of proud big furniture than anything else.

    My parents used the AM radio, mostly. FM was still not that common, and the record collection was not very big. It sounded great. Rock ‘n Roll was just coming to popularity, and the big gun in pop top 40 was WABC, New York. My parents liked the beautiful music stations more — on FM from New York. Soupy crap.

    Along the way, I noticed there were other, weaker, AM stations on the dial BETWEEN the strong ones — particularly at night. The news and commercials were — different — on these in-betweeners. They were more interesting to me than the local stations out of novelty and general weirdness. The fading and static that accompanied the weaker ones annoyed my parents, so I had to listen to my oddball, weird and distant stations ear-close, sitting on the floor, and with much lower volume.

    Then, I discovered the Shortwave bands on it. Well, that was REALLY weird. Funny languages, music from other worlds, and tons of comment — a lot of it angry at America, and not friendly at all. Some — like the BBC — was very friendly to America.

    I was hooked on the Romance of Shortwave radio. BBC, France, Italy, Russia, Albania, Voice of America, Cuba, Japan. Australia — and many, many more.

    My parents supported my interest in Science, so they scraped, and for Christmas they gave me a Hallicrafters S-38E AM / Shortwave radio. (and headphones)

    I was beyond delighted. I spent many hours listening — mostly to the shortwave.

    Of course, as a kid, I excitedly told my pals about it. I suppose that channel was how the school’s administration eventually became informed of my shortwave radio.

    I got called into The Office one fine day. They — he –wanted to know WHY I needed such a radio “apparatus.” (His word, not mine.)
    Now, recall it was the 1950s — a frightened and paranoid time in America, with Bad McCarthy running around making lists and blackballing certain Hollywood writers.

    The school was apparently “concerned” that I had become entrapped somehow in the International Communist Conspiracy and I’d been brainwashed into being a sympathizer or fellow traveler — whatever the hell that was — or something. But since other, normal, kids did not do with shortwave radio, maybe it was something Bad, and they better look in to it.

    They were especially troubled that I was listening to enemy state’s propaganda, like Moscow Radio, and Radio Albania.

    I had the good sense to assure them that I only listened to GOOD radio stations from GOOD countries. They were mollified, but wary. But they were Satisfied,

    I never told them I had subscribed to the free colorful magazine called, “Moscow Today” that had been offered over the radio. They didn’t need to know that.

    The first issue that arrived was eye-opening On the cover was a large colorful gigantic green lawn at a university, with a huge old tree, and some students sitting happily in the shade of the tree — one with a guitar — enjoying the obviously lovely weather.

    in my school, they had always projected the image of Moscow as a dim and dank place, with never-ending drizzly winter, with old, bent-over ladies in headscarves scurrying about to market for substandard goods they were almost too poor to afford — all shown in black & white photos only. Depressing.

    But this magazine… This magazine… Somebody was lying.

    I didn’t really buy either image, but this reality clash forever cautioned me to seek original sources, and always try to know who was speaking, and just what they were selling.

    – 30 –

    • WRR:
      Sort of parallels my experience. Started with a SW table radio and then built a Heathkit AR-2. Listened to all sorts of stations, including Moscow and Beijing. I never was challenged for my habits, but I remember my father (top secret clearance) telling me never to tell anyone that he owned Paul Robeson records.

    • Good thing you were not yet interested in getting a ham radio license. You would have been arrested as a spy!

  10. so much for this theory … up, up she goes, amazing as it is …. till it don’t … good luck all, safe holiday weekend

    “A June-July 2024 Flash Crash Part 2 : 28 June 2024: A Bear Key Reversal Day? The Fractal Self-Assembly Nature of the Global Asset-Debt Macroeconomic System”

  11. I’ve heard through the ‘network’ that the USS Theodore Roosevelt is planned to be decommissioned in the next couple of years. This is not public info and may not come to pass, but if you were going to ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ one of your ACCs to false flag your way into WW3 you’d chose one like this.

    To William of the Radio Ranch, I have been convinced for years that we all signed up to be here to witness this period of time. It might sound crazy to some, but we’re all really quite privileged.

  12. Long ago (45 years ago) when I did my War Model based upon a large amount of research of history and cycles exclusively (NO woo woo and NO analyzing of the then “current events”) that model said the US would get into an OPEN conflict with China initially starting in the 2022-2024 time frame, not necessarily immediately a big conflict, but a conflict that would set the stage for a BIG conflict coming shortly after (most likely within 2 years). History indicated that BEFORE that conflict began there would be a “Precursor War” that would be a medium size conflict but would NOT when it began directly involve the main combatants of the large War to come.

    That initial conflict between the US and China would NOT start out as a full scale conflict but over time would develop into such (though possibly after an interim peace of a year or two), growing until it became a full scale World War. Based upon history most likely 2/3 to 4/5 of human kind (or more) would die before the conflict would be over with the worst weapons ever developed used in that War (it was clear even in 1979 that ethnic group targeted biological weapons – which are MUCH worse than nuclear weapons – would be used) (both South Africa and Israel had tried to develop such weapons in the 1960’s but were unsuccessful which is why those were foreseeable, now science has advanced far enough that they can be QUICKLY developed).

    The “Precursor War” came right on time, which was to be 2 to 3 years PRIOR to when I projected the China /US conflict would begin. VOILA Russia invaded Ukraine in Feb 2022 which is right on my time line’s projection if something it to happen in late 2024 to early 2025 (and which indicated that the China /US conflict would NOT begin at the beginning of that War Window, ie: 2022 or 2023 since the Precursor War needed to rage for a couple of years before that would happen).

    I did NOT try to refine my model so as to see the ebbs and flows of the BIG conflict, but my work with history does indicate that it will ebb and flow over a 30 to 50 year span, and because of the killing ability of modern weapons I projected a 25-30 year conflict. Crazy Manfred Zimmel’s work indicates that it will last 27-30 years basically in 3 9 year+- cycles and actually began at the end of 2019. (his work also indicates some massive earth /nature events occur during the conflict – I did NOT go there)

    Once the Pandora’s Box of a major War is opened it becomes nearly impossible to close that box until massive deaths and destruction have occurred. IMO we are currently sitting on the knife’s edge of OPENING that Pandora’s Box.

    In our current situation that Pandora’s Box may actually be opened not just via the upcoming China /US conflict, but could also be opened even earlier by the current Russian /Nato conflict or the upcoming Israel vs. Muslim conflict. In any case history, from my model of the late 1970’s, said we would be on that doorstep of that major War beginning at precisely this point in time.

    Survival of the upcoming 30 years (for our children and grandchildren) will be more dependent upon luck than anything else, but life will be difficult for all no matter how well prepped one believes they are. (how do you prep for designer biological diseases?)

    Get right with your God since we all will facing it /them soon.

  13. 103,000-108,000 years ago. That’s our geologists’ best estimate of the age of the glass parking lot underneath the Middle East, the Near East, and parts of the Sahara and Mediterranean regions. They could not have been formed by an asteroid or planetoid hit. Some, both scientists and whackos, have theorized they were the result of a nuclear war.

    What if Man gets to a certain point of social and emotional maturity, and simply can not progress beyond it?

    What if we’re there, now?

    Something made the leaders of our species go batshit crazy, beginning about 50 years ago and accelerating at an ever-increasing pace to the point in our social, mental, spiritual, emotional, and societal development, that we seem driven to burn ourselves out or otherwise destroy Mankind.

    At times, I wonder if, as a species, we’ve hit our collective “sell by” date…

    …And yes, guys, I’ve felt it too, and for a long time. There’s a reason I was drawn to put a cooler chest full of water and a GOOD bag in the trunk of my car, when I was a 17yo kollege kid.

    The reason was: To do otherwise, seemed stupid.

    • Ray,
      “At times, I wonder if, as a species, we’ve hit our collective “sell by” date…” i.e. it is in our DNA to expire. Seems like as good a theory as those involving conspiracies, aliens, and supernatural events. Personally, I continue to harden our house against ever more powerful hurricanes, but I really have no idea of what many here call “IT” would look like although I recently bought a geiger counter and a shortwave receiver.

  14. Ray,
    “At times, I wonder if, as a species, we’ve hit our collective “sell by” date…” i.e. it is in our DNA to expire. Seems like as good a theory as those involving conspiracies, aliens, and supernatural events. Personally, I continue to harden our house against ever more powerful hurricanes, but I really have no idea of what many here call “IT” would look like although I recently bought a geiger counter and a shortwave receiver.

  15. re: Prepping
    feat: SW19 volleys


    Fifty years ago this coming Friday, American Chris Evert defeated Soviet Olga Morozova at the Wimbledon women singles final, 6-0, 6-4. Today on Day 2 of Wimbledon 2024, the retired Russian tennis player now-naturalized Anglophone Ms. Morozova was seated in the royal box. In 1974 Ms. Evert was presented with the winner’s trophy, the Venus Rosewater Dish, by the Duke of Kent. It was based upon the Roman salver (“save from risk”) which guarded against poisoned food. The Duke continued the honoured presentations until 2021 when supplanted by the great tennis fan, the Princess of Wales.

    This also coincided only a few weeks following the unfortunate adventures of the Duke’s Russian speaking brother. The matter allegedly involves mention of the President of Russia, a representative of The Committee for State Security, and the fictional South Korean House of Haedong (dragon king dream god of a south Asian sea?).

    A “Daily Mail” report of the era offers a presentation of matters suitable for polite company.

  16. I think humanity has been through ‘the end’ many times. The end is probably an endless loop.

    Here’s a question, what is sand? In simple terms is sand simply dirt devoid of organic material?

    Notice the Taklamakan Desert. Link 1. The area must be the sandiest place on Earth. Pan around on Google Earth Link 2 and look to see.

    If you just scan the Taklamakan Desert this sandy spot looks like a bomb blast. On GE notice the blast cone moving with the rotation of Earth. Also the sanded blast looks to be somewhat contained by the Himalayas, which may have been pushed up by the blast. The blast cone spreads across much of the planet. Perhaps a powerful weapon was deployed that demolecularize’d organic material turning it into sand?

    You can also look up ‘ancient melted buildings’ which all fall within the blast cone. Pintrest link.

    Perhaps an unknown war took place using a one-time unknown to us doom weapon? How can we know while living in this current history?

    Link 1

    Link 2,42.9597985,-1750.08918742a,9671481.82628989d,35y,3.33131364h,4.21057802t,360r

    Pintrest link:

  17. I must admit to some astonishment.
    It would seem that appointed witnesses are more
    common than I thought.
    I live the best life I can, and I don’t worry over things I am powerless to change.

    I can’t think of a better way to cope with it.

    May God guide your steps and guard your soul.

  18. “Absolutely not stepping down.”
    “I have an open mind.”
    “I am the best candidate to beat Trump.”
    That is exactly what Trump wanted to hear.

  19. Add me to the list of people who will be here during the end times. In my case I received a “knowing” that I will experience – in this life – events of biblical proportions. Unfortunately details were not provided. Thanks WORR and others for your posts.

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