Slow-Rolling War

Don’t look now, but a dangerous story of “tits and tats” seems to be opening.  Because Israel – as expected – attacked Iran overnight. But things are far from settled.

So, in addition to a nice quiet Saturday news review and the week’s closing ChartPack, some speculation on what happens next.

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66 thoughts on “Slow-Rolling War”

  1. as the world is about to go up in smoke
    let’s snort a little coke
    the White House coke is old news unless, it was not Hunter’s
    he took the blame, the evidence is gone, but liquor loosens lips that sink ships
    a white house staffer and a drink or 3 says it was Kami’s coke
    9 min vid, 1st half has the staffer, spilling the beans, after 5:26 is Camel talking and rubbin her nose , in the middle is just some Q stuff, the anti Q crowd is free to ignore that part, each to their own path,,, cheers
    bring on Eric Clapton . Cocaine

    • Wouldn’t the Secret Snuffers have to pop her it she was doing lines? Be a hoot for Secret Squirrels to arrest her on a blow charge before election, rolls on floor laughing.
      Oh wait – forgot – laws don’t apply “up there.””
      Regardless of who wins election, look for Joe to be Art 25’d within a week and Kam in the history books irregardless.
      History is such a web of hipocrisy and conspiracy…sheesh!

      • the social devide.. those above the law.. and the regular folks..
        If it was you or I.. we would have been shoved away… the story hotter than a spoon in the white house..

      • What a terrible thought! Just when I thought it couldn’t get much worse if the slut got elected, we could possibly end up with it as Commander In Chief when the populace never ever had a say!

        The damnocrats seem bent on burning all their bridges!

      • Yup,,, there is nothing I know of to prevent pulling a amendment 25 after Kamel loses the election or the demons declared the election null and void due to Trump winning and they point to their own cheat as proof of contested ballots in the mix,,, of course they will not take responsibility for the cheat,,, they will blame the system or maybe RUSSIA.
        here is Rep Jamie Raskin doing his 14 amendment threat,,, IF Trump wins

        FEAR is smelled in the air

        • My only comment is: They want to charge the sitting President of the United States with attempting to overthrow himself.

          Among other things, their action should provide an unbreakable exoneration to Mr. Trump, for the other unlawful court actions the D.C. Establishment has thrown at him.

        • (“after Kamel loses”)

          dam…. my Dyslexia kicked in.. I had to read that three times.. I could have sworn it said kamel toes….time to tune in to hallmark lol…young lady was over playing with the grand kids..she was commenting on making a table for chess out of cardboard..because my mini me is making things put of card board.. I told her to continue working with it.. I know they don’t have any furniture.. the kids sleep on the floor.. last month I anonymously sat a months worth of food outside their door..
          I want to get them each a winters coat and take them to a shop that I have taken each of my grandkids to.. but he doesn’t drive has no car and I am a stranger.. and he’s from Seattle .. lots of creeps in the big city.. he homeschool ed them there because its just that bad..
          so I will have to drop some clothes off or have the daughter or grand daughter bring them into town.. they don’t know me at all..
          in the waist lands they need winter coats and acceptable cold weather clothing..
          their dad barely can make rent..

      • The other day when Harris said “I have a plan.” – I wondered if she meant that they would oust Biden with the Article 25 route and she would be President., if only for a month, or so.., but the amount of damage she could wreak with a month in the Oval could be staggering.

        • I believe that She will be president… Trump can’t be controlled by the amount of money they buy our politicians with.. they cannot control him. he says what he is thinking and does what he feels will work.
          probably the most honest president we have ever had..not one of those that hated him or gave testimony against him has x president ..everyone that had any inside information is still alive they all committed suicide or was mugged and killed..
          as for Kammy on crack cocaine.. well that might be the only time she would sound like she makes any sense whatsoever..
          they will not allow trump to ever sit in the seat again.. if he does I will be shocked..they spent billions and ten years trying to destroy him.. and multiple attempts at his life.. time will tell but I am scared for him..the hate of those that oppose him is huge ugly and dangerous and won’t stop at anything..that became pretty obvious when the ones that attempted all had ties back to agencies. we knew the doj was rotten millions of dollars donated to those trying try him in court..the laptop and all the alleged criminal business dealings that was listed on it gone probably with Hillary’s server and cell phones..
          now on the republicans..none of them did anything either..they all left with the rest. the whole thing was just to get votes..

    • “Pulp Fiction” was playing last night. Must have been a thirtieth anniversary broadcast or suchlike. Of course, Mia Wallace had some memorable lines.

      • Lol lol so does sex and drugs…
        hunter lost a laptop to members of other countries with axcess to all the confidential and secure information on the DOD site..some moron gave him the passwords and granted him access ..

    • I heard that at the time, and almost ran with it, until it was suggested that it might be also Joe’s, and a part of the “cocktail” they were giving him to make him momentarily cognizant.

      Part of the reason for Cammy’s disdain for truth and contempt for those she considers beneath her, is the fact she’s been a known cokehead since she was 23 (maybe before, although I haven’t been able to dig anything up on her drug use, before 1987.) When she started bangin’ Willie (when she was 23 and going to school on a scholarship tailored to “intellectually-challenged” kids, not 27 or 29, as the commie rags report) photos surfaced of her doing lines at parties they attended. A body’d play hell trying to find them now. They were not especially that well-hidden in 2019, when I was digging into her skanky past, though.

      The only way for blow to have gotten into the WH was through VIP entry. Only da Prez, his residential family, and the VP and his(her) residential family get to use that entrance…

  2. Thanks to Stephen2 for tip to check Antenna Man youtube for OTA great info.
    Thinking will get Channel Master LTE/5G filter as first step.
    And thanks to others for their knowledgeable insights,

  3. “Where’s worth going anymore?”

    Do a research mission as a possible tax write-off. Go to India(?) and discover the secrets of levitation, etc.

    • My consigliere – who is, remember, a TAX ATNY – refuses to let me do stupid shit (no matter how much fun).
      So no, going to the Indian foothills (Tibet) to research a follow on to a book that has generated $500 in sales – doesn’t seem to be something he’s interested in defending in Tax Court, know what I mean?

      • Dude G – Youse 2 could visit Belize for Ure next Vaca – Jungle Turf & Surf vaca.

        Visit a Shrimp Farm or 2 & take in an Ag conference and you are golden for the Write Off.
        Guided fishing trip for the Fly Fishing grand slam (Schnook, Strapon, Bonefish and Permit), after you take in a couple ancient mega structures like the Snail/Caracol, Lamanai, Xunantunich in the jungle/Cayo.
        Norkling aint bad at all in these turquoise blue waters – visibility is most excellent.
        SCUBA on the reef is fanfuckingtastic – but NO Spear Fishing with tanks. My fav daytime activity on the water / Spear fishing – Eat what you kill, cept the lionfish – they are just for SLAYING, and throwing at whoever is manning the boat – ahahahahah too much fun..

        Going to be a busy Winter down at Casa BCN this year, as lots of guests are on the schedule already for visits. Solar is hooked up, Boat & Motor serviced and tuned up, Pool reconditioned with new geotech compound (discovered amongst ancient Mayan texts/works) – stuff works in/under water, house repainted, wood work reconned – Jungle Biopressure never stops it is constant battle, as the Flying Hawaiian and Ure Costa Rican expat can prolly attest to.

  4. (“Meantime there are reports that another batch of North Korean forces will be going to Ukraine to fight on the Russian side. Where predictably Putin says it is our affair if Russia uses North Korean troops/”)

    Well.. which is it.. there are NATO Mercenary forces in Ukraine.. and we do satellite positioning and surveilance.. and handing over all out military reserves and spending my great great great great grandkids money.. sending it..
    so is this the pot calling the kettle black.. do as we say you should do rather than do as we do.. I guess it takes someone with a lot more edumication than this moron in the wastelands to understand this.. LOL

    • Perhaps the actual plan is to use all of Europe as our proxy war. Military industrial complex seems to know no limits.

  5. Well GPops,

    Slow rolling everything crash from the econ. facialist seems to have been held up once again. One wonders what ever could have caused failure to launch..bad fuse, wet powder, bad targeting data, or just baffled by all the bullscheisse?
    At least he puts his scheisse out there, much like Stu (the Cocktoo new at the Zoo) –
    and Ureself – putting it out there. Good on youse Guys & Gals. Thx 4 that.

    Oh well, took some profits in Gold Miner Options end Thursday going into AM trading Friday. Also squeaked out some profits in BTC Miner (WULF). Otherwise, ate insurance premiums SPY Put options expiring yesterday. Laddered those bad boys – so shall see if the whole program gets waxed by month end..otherwise still looking for a Slaughter of the Pumkins, how about a black monday to kick it all off this coming week ?

    NOT Advice in any way shape or form- I am completely out of my mind, and am really trying to enjoy my life, surroundings and fellow wingnutz..working hard, or hardly working – hard to tell sometimes…PEACE.

  6. re: Jekyll & Hyde Tymes
    feat: Samoan Butterfly

    The Royal Australian Air Force has ferried King Charles III and the Queen Consort from their final day of their Samoan visit. According to the “Daily Mail” accomodation was provided at the former home of the Scottish author of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, R.L. Stevenson.

    Amidst pouring rain, no buried treasure was found in a pre-dug hole on the island. However the King did plant a talafalu tree utilized by caterpillars of the endangered samoan swallowtail butterfly. His Majesty apparently requested that local officials forward semi-annual updates to him in the UK concerning the growth of the tree going forward.

  7. “It’s the deep breath before the plunge.”
    Seems to me we are sitting at the cross-roads., and quite a few really need to restrain themselves.
    Israel just proved that they can strike Iran – at will. It was a very serious hint at “things to come” if Iran doesn’t stop.
    But have you ever seen a religious fanatic restrain themselves? Not too damn often. But maybe – possibly – he got the hint., as Iran is very vulnerable – economically and militarily.
    I have no idea how this is going to play-out [ does anyone? ] But the next move on the chess board is Iran’s.
    Let’s hope that their counter., their reaction – is minor.

    • Israel will lose.

      Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 34:5
      Its greatest cities will be depopulated and those who enter within will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.

      TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 34:5
      Israel’s greatest cities will be made uninhabitable by nuclear radiation. Those who enter will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.

      Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:3
      Oh what a calamitous affliction will befall pregnant women.

      TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:3
      Pregnant women will be greatly affected by the radioactive fallout.

      Matthew 24:16
      Then let them which be in Judea flee to the mountains;

      Matthew 24:17
      Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house:

      Matthew 24:18
      Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

      Matthew 24:19
      And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

      Now consider Matthew 24:16 thru 24:19. It sounds remarkably like Nostradamus’ prediction. Does this sound like Israel wins?

    • Feels to me like the run up to WW2. The “Established Order” is trying to hold onto it’s power, NO SHARING OF POWER allowed … while it has already been solidly eclipsed in the economic sphere (on PPP basis) by the rising powers (represented by BRICS) which hope to displace it.

      Already wars for the future control of the World are waging on secondary fronts (just like the lead up to WW2) The question we all have is NOT IF the pressure cooker eventually explodes … but when, and where will it happen first?

      While the Neo-Cons (now Neo-Libs since most have left the Republican Party and become Democrats?) retain control of US Foreign Policy the Ukraine War is not going to ramp down. (Europe front)

      The Israeli conflict with it’s neighbors is NOT going to end anytime in the short, medium, or long foreseeable future. Classic case of one ethnic group taking the land of another ethnic group with the displaced group fighting back (West Asia /North Africa front)

      Xi has always said he will NOT leave the Taiwan issue for his successor to solve. The Chinese military in the aviation and naval realm is now strong enough to bring that about once he makes a decision to move on Taiwan if he can’t achieve his goal peacefully. (Asia front).

      Ah …. I am now prepped for events to unfold.

      Just bought a new BIG BAG of popcorn.

      • Gawd I wish I could eat popcorn again. But the hulls scraping on a damaged colon is not something I would risk for the entertainment value.

        • Hank… Make puffed corn…

          I will give you a good recipe..
          1/2 cup of popcorn kernels give or take.. ( if you have a wheat grinder then grind that up sift it if you don’t then a spice tri set or a blender will work. if you don’t have any of that..then the old way a rock and pan)
          1/4 cup of flour
          1 1/2 tsp yeast
          1 egg
          1 tsp tumeric ( yellow )
          1 tsp salt
          1/2 cup of milk
          mix this up it should be a stiff batter..
          let it sit for 1/2 hour to an hour ..
          get a frosting bag small hole ..Small butter cream roping tip.. couple bucks at the local walmart..
          deep fat fryer..
          load the bag and cut it off at the length you want..quarter inch to an inch the corn puff balls will float to the surface when done..
          scoop them out on a paper towel and salt to your preference..
          I have an extruder that does it instantly but in the old days that’s the way it was done..
          because your using popcorn flour it will taste just like popcorn.. no hulls….
          I could get into the creative ways this can be made .. but your the boss as to what you like ..
          takes a little bit but for movie’ll have these sitting around all the time..

      • “While the Neo-Cons (now Neo-Libs since most have left the Republican Party”

        ALL are Libs — ain’t no “neo” about it, and NONE have left the “Republican Party.” The neocons still have “R” after their name, because a Republican’s opinion carries more weight with a low-information “Republican” than a Democrat’s opinion, and vice-versa. “Neocons” are like political 5th columnists — covert operatives for the socialists upon which the modern Democratic Party is based.

  8. Dangerous story of “tits and tats”?

    Ure reminding me of an old flame and fond memories.

    No complaints there, though I prefer clear skin to ink.

  9. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, aged 85, is reportedly seriously ill, with his second oldest son, Mojtaba Khamenei, likely to succeed him when he dies, a Saturday New York Times report disclosed.
    Khamenei has served as Supreme Leader since 1989, when Ruhollah Khomeini, the first to hold the title, died.
    .., and
    Iranian officials have stated that they do not want escalation with Israel, the Times report added.

  10. “Then,, to see how the globalist-friendlies are taking the Israeli “slow-roll” play, we turn to Israel’s attack in Iran means full-scale war is closer than ever. Here’s what Iran is thinking now. – Atlantic Council.”

    The Atlantic Council is funded primarily by Zuck, Bezos, Soros (4x!), Ford, Wilson, Rockefeller (2x), the UK and UAE, and the commie imbeds in DoS, DoD, and DoE.

    “The decision as to whether the Israeli attack will be taken as a backing-down point by Iran remains to be seen.

    There are two ways this could evolved. The Best Case model would have Iran launch a smaller response.

    The Worst Case model has Iran responding with an escalation attack.”

    The best case would be for us to realize it’s neither our playground nor our monkey.

    The second-best case would be for Iran to respond, after Israel just demonstrated they could do anything militarily to Iran that they wanted, whenever they wanted.

    Iran and Israel are not like two street gangs. Iran is like a slow, hulking bully; Israel is like Bruce Lee or Frank Dux. Israel is also not going to nuke anybody, unless they have to fight more than four countries at a time, and Turkey is one of the combatants. If they can’t whup Erdogan quickly, they will light the Turks up because if they don’t, they’ll have to fight NATO.

    Why y’all are cheerleading for nuclear war, apparently want to see the world dissolve in fission deflagrations, and nuclear winter be put upon us for several centuries is beyond me. ‘Lessen you’re within two miles of ground zero of a class-a target, If the baby suns start spawning, you are going to die very slowly and painfully, over a period of weeks or months, while watching your flesh rot off your bones. The really awesome thing is you’ll also get to watch the flesh rot off your spouse, kids, parents, and everyone else you know and/or hold dear.

    Personally, I’m striving for a more mundane and rational outcome. Did no one hear the part from the esteemed prognosticators about future not being cast in stone?

    • (“Why y’all are cheerleading for nuclear war, apparently want to see the world dissolve in fission deflagrations, and nuclear winter be put upon us for several centuries is beyond me. ‘Lessen you’re within two miles of ground zero of a class-a target, If the baby suns start spawning, you are going to die very slowly and painfully, over a period of weeks or months, while watching your flesh rot off your bones. The really awesome thing is you’ll also get to watch the flesh rot off your spouse, kids, parents, and everyone else you know and/or hold dear.”)

      well not me… I like the analysts and generals has my spinster muscle snapping like a mousetrap… I cannot believe the morons, creeps and criminals keep letting voted back into office…if they are to worthless to hold down a job of washing dishes .. why in the hell everyone thinks they should be our leaders is beyond d me.. yet .. when I worked at the cabinet shop.. some moron flipped the switch on a circuit sending a man to the floor..the owners were in trouble and paid out a shit ton of money for his injuries.. they needed a boss.. so they picked the most unqualified moron to run the place..he followed the orders of the ones running the plant …maybe that is why everyone in office is a funking moron the few that do have brains remain quiet.. realizing they can’t cause waves.. heck they only have to tolerate the morons for less than a month a year.. probably why they only attend the capital the twenty six days a year at one or two days a week during those twenty six days..Any longer then they would need psychiatric help or someone to restrain them from hurting themselves..

      • “if they are to worthless to hold down a job of washing dishes .. why in the hell everyone thinks they should be our leaders is beyond d me”

        Because a hundred years ago a fellow named Bernays wrote a book…

        Americans don’t vote for qualified leaders, they vote for the one with the most money to spend, the best sales pitch, or the one who can do the best job of name-calling. They also, in many cases, consider “politics” a “team sport” and will go to unreasonable lengths to blindly, stupidly, support the corporation they consider to be THEIR team…

  11. “Or, if you don’t have three hours, just notice that the Washington Post has failed to endorse Harris: Bezos Knows Trump Will Win: The Washington Post will not endorse a presidential candidate in 2024, breaking a 36-year tradition.”

    Yeah, and LATimes employees are walking off because LAT isn’t endorsing a candidate.

    So, can someone tell me why, in a world where stupid people still believe the “news” “media” is “impartial,” do newspapers endorse candidates? Isn’t an “endorsement” a flat-out admission of bias…?

  12. i kept thinking about the wheel of fortune and Milk Money… so i figured its been a while, i aught to swing by .

    and Behold!

    “Tits and Tats”

    Capital Double Ts.


    i went to a thing tonight. by Chance. i over heard some somewhat prominant Demicrats talking as i was walking by. one says, the problem is Trump added 7 Trillion dollars to the national debt to some others standing there nodding their heads.

    i stopped and said excuse me what did you just say? He introduced himself. i didnt know who he was. He thought i should, he seemed very self important. everyone else agreed. He said the Problem with the National Debt is Trump ran it up 7 Trillion in his 4 years as President. i said oh so its Trumps fault. He said it most certainly is.

    i said say when Obama and Vice President Biden became president in 2008, the National Debt was 10 Trillion when he left office it 20 Trillion. Then Biden ran it up another 7 trillion in the last 4 years by the time he leaves office. and most of that Biden gave to other counties and illegal Aliens. That is 17 Trillion dollars in 12 years between 8 years of Obama and Vice President Biden and 4 years of President Biden and vice president harris. Trippling the national debt between the two of them.

    i mean really,

    the truth is the combination of Obama and Biden, just these 2 men, added more to the national debt in 12 years than the sum total of all the other United States Presidents who ever lived and held office in the last 248 years of this combined.

    you could have heard a pin drop in the hotel lobby from the outside parking lot after i said that.

    then i said, but its all Trumps Fault? huh. thats weird. good to know. have a great night.

    The Prominent Demicrat with all his group standing there looks at me like a deer in headlights and says, I didnt quite catch your name Sir.

    i laughed and said, i didnt give it. but some call me Dude. you can call me Dude. hahahaa.

    anways, y’all will find me in the future at

    I havent published the site yet, but i do own it, its all paid for a long while and its almost ready to roll out. speaking of

    “tits and tats”

    Im doing the finishing touches. :)

      • ha.

        you as well.

        someone tagged me in this video this is you Andy.

        its from America has got tallent.

        its men who are 84 years old doing phenomenal feats of strength.

        they tagged me in it because at 54 years old im as fit as a man in his mid 20s and with the exception of my white beard.

        like George, nobody ever guesses my age.

        my friends 30 year old girlfriend was trying to set me up with 28 year old friend last night. saying she needs a real man.

        i said usually dont date anyone under 40. there are exceptions to the rule, someone have lived a life time before they are 35.

        and you know me Ray, you never know where THE DUDE is going to place me next.

        i learned alot from

        which has now become a website for the big party social hub, Hole in Ones, for niagra falls.

        interesting result.

        yada yada yada for 4 months = (4 years later)Big Party Social Hub Niagra Falls. .with a pink flamingo logo.

        okay, cool.

        so i am going into with that experiance and knowledge of the creation i made before becoming what it became.

        im living my best life. all is well. excited about the next chapter.

        fast cars and freedom.

      • of course Ray,

        yada in Hebrew means: To know. Intimacy with God.To revere or worship.

        The word yada means “to know” or “to ascertain by seeing”. It can be used in many ways, including literally, figuratively, euphemistically, and inferentially.

        Shavaq in Arimaic means Forgivness. not in the western concept of mercy granted for offencd. or pardon granted for a crime.

        Shavaq defines as: To Unlock your mind. to untie or losen your Soul. to be divorced and unshackeled from suffering.

        Shavaq is more defined by the Western concept of: Freedom

        Abracadabra is Aramaic: From what i speak, i create.

        as it is in Heaven
        so it is on Earth.

        And it came to pass.

        • Already bookmarked…

          Please get yourself a desktop or laptop before you build your web presence. If one doesn’t drop into your lap, a fully competent turnkey computer, capable of authoring 10,000 websites, can be had from Amazon for under $110, counting shipping.

          You learned that it really sucks when you try to run a website off a cellphone, so strive to not forget that lesson…

        • did. done. get it. Got it!

          along with my new bed. which is much like sleeping in heaven. same matress, same fluffy pillows, same big fluffy comforter and sheets as ~ The Grand Hotel, Ritz Carlton ~

          i got a different frame. so she has something to hold on to durring late night yoga.

          i asure you it is Heaven on Earth.

          of course, sleeping feng shui south. where Good Dreamers, Dream Good Dreams and Good Dreams come True.

          that is 3G, 4D and capitol T.

          and she said…

          ~ no more counting dollars we be counting stars~

    • The interest …WAS…increasing a trillion every what five years.. through our endless wars and handing gas out to other countries and rebuilding the scrap we destroyed rather than working on our infrastructure.. instead of paying off the debt we have borrowed and printed ourselves into a corner.
      when trump Was in office the interest only went up 3/4 of a trillion per year and actually was decreasing at the end of his four years the interest went up 6 trillion..
      the largest increases before this administration was during the Obama administration..
      since Biden coming into office..Interest payments represent seasonally adjusted annual rate at the end of Q4. At current rates, the U.S. national debt is growing by a remarkable $1 trillion about every 100 days, equal to roughly $3.6 trillion per year. and increasing as we dump more.. if kammy gets in and the stupidity continues and there isn’t a war interest from the whole thing will double in two years to right around 8 trillion a year interest alone.. by the end of 4 years without anyone slowing down it should be somewhere estimated at just under 20 trillion interest on this deficit without borrowing or printing another dollar..
      scary isn’t it.. if tour not making forty percent on your investments today then your losing money..
      even if we fired the whole worthless lot at the election booths and hired smart people.. to do the job..pulled all our military back and only focused on the usa.. we cannot pull out of this at this point..I actually thought that before trump got into office and interest on the deficit was half a trillion a year ..
      then trump surprised me.. and I thought ..dam we might have a chance.. then Biden open borders and shoveling out cash faster than they can generate numbers..
      then Lindsey Graham came out with it..the greedy coveting what Ukraine has.. needs that win to keep the fiat currencies on top..its always the business model.. and if they don’t then burn it all down start from scratch..I’m not nearly afraid of our enemies than I am those we have scratching their ass on capital hill.. from all appearances they don’t wash their hands after they wipe..

    • I got a good chuckle our of both reading your post and imagining in my mind the faces of those who you were talking to as their minds went into CASH AND BURN mode. The Cognitive Dissonance trying to compute, compute, compute in their upstairs cavity must have been a sight to behold.

      Glad to have you back and making a post.

  13. From the Twitter feed regarding the Trump/Rogan interview:

    “The Michigan crowd just ROARED in cheers after Trump gave a big shoutout to Joe Rogan.

    By the way, how is this guy 78? He gave a big speech in Austin about the border, then went to Rogan’s studio and filmed a three-hour interview, and now he’s in northern Michigan doing a rally with tens of thousands in attendance

    When does this guy sleep?”

    • FAKE PHOTO! Team Kamala Spreads DOCTORED Photographs of Her in McDonald’s Uniform! The image they stole belonged to a young Canadian girl that died of cancer. Info was on vivafrei
      Viva Frei RANTS! (Canadian Lawyer now Rumble podcaster)

      • Take a breath, dude! That “photo” of Cammy is actually a composite of 3 photos. The base photo is the blond girl on the right.

        With AI-generated fakes about to go mainstream, this pic isn’t even a very good fake — probably good enough to be posted to farcebook or instantsham, but anyone familiar with digital photos would pick it out as fake, at a glance.

  14. Today on @megynkelly show, she asked @seanspicer why some in the Trump administration dislike him so much.
    Especially people like Kelly.
    Sean gave this example.

    Re Afghanistan.
    Trump had questions about it when he came into office.
    The generals and the experts presented their papers and briefs

    It wasn’t enough for Trump.
    He brought in a round table of enlisted soldiers and asked them questions about their deployments, what they needed, etc.

    He listened more to the regular soldiers on the ground than the ‘experts’

    That is why they hate him.

    I could’ve posted the X-link to the podcast. I didn’t because it’s 90 minutes, minus commercials, and I don’t like Megyn Kelly enough to listen long enough to pick this slice out.

  15. Michigan Voter Rolls Claim 8.4M Voters, When There Are Less Than 8M Eligible Residents

    The voter rolls in Michigan claim that there are 8.4 million people registered to vote in the crucial swing state, even though the state’s total population is almost half a million less than that. According to the Daily Wire, the state of Michigan had previously been sued by the Republican National Committee over the extremely inflated voter rolls, and other concerns regarding election integrity.

  16. Witches Complain They Can’t Cast Spells On Trump Because He Has “Some Kind of Protection Around Him”

    Self-proclaimed ‘Reddit Witches’ are complaining that they are finding it difficult to cast negative spells on Donald Trump because he has “some kind of protection around him.”

    Yes, really.

    A post on the far-left website appeared in a subreddit called ‘WitchesVsPatriarchy’ and features one of the witches bemoaning the fact that their spells aren’t working on the Donald.

  17. Study Exposes Massive Life Expectancy Plunge for Covid-Vaxxed

    A major peer-reviewed study has revealed that people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” have significantly reduced their life expectancy. The explosive study was conducted by a team of leading Italian researchers led by Professor Marco Alessandria of the University of Turin. The bombshell findings of Prof. Alessandria and his team were published in the renowned Swiss medical journal MDPI.

    • I’m quite conflicted about this. Two people I know got injected under pressure. I don’t want to worry them since there’s nothing they can do about it now. At least they each only got one shot, and of the two people, only one got mRNA.

      I know others who got several shots. They’re not young, and they’re not healthy. Again, it’s probably best to not get involved.

      • I got the vax because of age but avoided the mRNA like the plague. I got the Novavax version, which while was for Covid did NOT have the mRNA crap in it but worked like a traditional old style vaccine.

        I have had no problems with the Vax that I know of but I did get Covid right at the beginning (before the Vax) and had a big cognitive loss as a result. (couldn’t find even simple words in my brain at times to explain concepts – just missing, no problem thinking just couldn’t find the words to express it).

        Over time my cognitive functions have gotten better, probably back 90%+, getting to 95% … the biggest help being taking up a suggestion from someone here to consume some coconut oil every day. About 60 days after starting that (one teaspoon or so of VIRGIN Cold Pressed Coconut Oil in a cup of Green Tea in the morning) my brain suddenly came back recovering about 50% of it’s losses during that first 60 days period after being static for over a year and a half. THANK YOU to whoever here recommended that “treatment”.

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