2025: A Change in Prepping

Beans, bullets, and a big water source are sliding as priorities a bit.  While preppers up-armor, it’s time to check emotional supports, and look for rational national leadership.  All as America comes under attack by foreign drug gangs who’ve infiltrated via the Obama-Biden-Harris open border.

Which means what, exactly?  Simply that our Seven Major Physical Systems prepping paradigm has to change with the times.  It will be augmented with four important classes of “emotional support prepping” over the coming year.

All while we await the Big Wars breaking out (which could light up any minute) and while we await political pandemonium  sure to follow an election which now features racism as a sales pitch. A nod to the “Klan” party standard bearer.

In the midst of all this, we have come up with a new way of looking at financial markets that you’ll find interesting in today’s ChartPack.

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69 thoughts on “2025: A Change in Prepping”

    • The full book title is “Packing to Die: The Suitcase Between Yours Ears.”

      Which is based on the idea that the “non coporeal Self” does retain thoughts, mermories, learnings and so forth – the same stuff we take into our dreams every night – and so yes, what ever is between your ears goes in the grave with you (ending on this level of exisstence) but in the (likely) event that Einstein was right (energy isn’t destroyed, but may change how it manifests) then the ideas learned in this life can go with you.
      Hence, when we get old, it’s appropriate to “go through the shit between the ears” and get comfortable with it so it won’t ruin the post life adventure – whatever it turns out to be…

      • This book is well worth a read or two. It definitely stimulated my thinking and made me ask a lot of questions and look at life differently.

        “Where do you go after you die?” may well be the flip side of “where where were you before you were born?” Is there something (a soul?) that is not part of the body or brain and detaches upon death?” I used to look at it in religious terms but every religion has a different fix on it. There are so many books and studies on this death experience now that indicate something exists after death.

        What George is saying is “what if this life has an internal recording system that starts when we are born and ends when we die. Our “soul” gets to play it back for us mainly to see how our lives impacted other lives. Makes as much sense to me as the straight trip to heaven or hell or lights out and darkness. Perhaps we are our own judge and get to decide where we spend eternity if there is such a thing. I believe there is.

      • I’m looking forward to buying your book. It sounds like one of those written by the late Robert Monroe, who started having out of body experiences when he was a kid. He was a strong believer in the idea that we Humans are much more than our physical form. I found it odd that he was also a broadcaster, owned several Radio stations and some cable outlets, and developed a “Hemi-Sync” system designed to sync-up the brains two hemispheres. His labs are still operating in VA and I think his kids have continued his efforts.

        • (“we Humans are much more than our physical form. “)

          I believe that we are much more…I believe in angels watching over us..

  1. Interesting that you brought up dreams this AM.

    For someone who doesn’t normally remember dreams, I seem to have had an unusual number this year that I can remember, all including my deceased wife, Judy.

    I had another this morning that was quite a bit different.
    Judy was with me and we were visiting someone on a farm. A small gathering of friends and family. The location seemed to be outside of Medford because I-5 would be the normal route home. The terrain was flatter than around southern Oregon and the structures reminded me more of the farms in Kansas where we would visit my Grandparents and other relatives when I was little.

    The day before we were to return home a nuke went off somewhere in the distance West Northwest from our location. It was not close enough to endanger us but close enough to see. I told Judy we should leave immediately and try to make it home through central Oregon because we would never make it past Portland. As we were getting our bags to put in the car. Wide awake. No morning grogginess.

    I don’t know if it was a warning of a bad event to happen soon or just me, but that was about 0315 and now it 0655 and I’m still wide awake.

    • Like you OO, I rarely remember any of my dreams, even if they appear extremely vivid at the time they appear. I have one dream that I continue to remember that occurred may 3-4 years ago that is still with me and I remember most everything about it:

      I am hiking single file with a group of other men somewhere in the mountains and I think we are heading to some sort of an encampment that is visible ahead. The weather appears to be sunny and fallish.

      Above us is another trail that comes down off the side of hill and joins the trail I’m on. There is a group of men coming down this trail, too, and they look to be headed into the same encampment.

      I see my brother in this group and I wait to meet up with him. He sees me and we start talking with each other. I ask him how his wife and boys are and he says they were fine the last time he spoke with them, which was quite a while ago. He asks me a similar question; how are my wife, boys and grandson doing. I tell him fine, but I have a sense that my wife is extremely unhappy with me that I have done what I’ve done; left her and joined this group. I get the feeling I had no other choice.. My brother and I continue on to the encampment.

      I have no idea what all this means and why this particular dream continues to stay with me, vivid as the first night I had it.

    • (“we Humans are much more than our physical form. “)

      I have way to many dreams that end up being real.. I have had countless dreams that are similar.. usually in the dream a young blonde and she wakes me then takes me to a room where I look through a window..anyway there have been places I have gone and knew everything about the place.. like what is in drawers and behind doors etc. spooky stuff.. and if I dream of a deer jumping in front of your car.. better keep an eye out for it ..
      I have had a lot of them a storm coming from the PNW

  2. When I was watching my newborn granddaughter everyday I made poundcakes. I enjoy depression era recipes and they specialized in pound cases. We couldn’t eat them all,of course, so the neighbors were all fed cake. The mailman especially liked gingerbread so I baked recipes for him as well.

    Later I became interested in creation myths and various, alternative translations of the Bible and in Sitchim’s works.

    Recently I have been looking at the flowering weeds in my yard and wondering what they are. I have a few plant identification books and a plant coloring book with stickers, so this curiosity must have been simmering for awhile.

    I have never met another person in my daily life who does this, who picks an interest and follows it until it is fully explored, usually for 3 or 4 years. That’s one of the things I like about you George. You actually think deeply about things, a wide range of things. Most people don’t seem to think at all beyond daily routine.

    • you probably have this one…


      pretty when in bloom.. I won’t kill that one or the dandelions.. both are really pretty and each of them has a thousand uses..dandelion family has several different colors.. I tried to set them up so that I would get the flag from the dandelions.. but the wind and birds moved them around.. the blue ones are gorgeous.. so are the pink ones..

  3. George, what are those egg noodles you buy that are 60% eggs? And where can I buy some. I want to add some simple foods with flour into my diet. Egg noodles have few ingredients.

        • Sorry for the delay – yes rose brand chinese egg noodles. Made on So. Weller St in Seattle

          Bought a while back by WelPac I think it was, they only sell to Safeway and a few other places.

          There are two types – the retail that are about 25 percent egg and the 50 plus pct which are over the counter in SEattle’s Chinatown only – maybe SF…

        • the only difference between chinese egg noodles and italian egg noodles is the amount of eggs.. the recipe for chinese is three eggs not five or six.. and one tablespoon of water instead of oil.. the recipes I have seen all use bread self rising flour.. or rice flour… so chinese egg noodle is
          2 cups self rising flour
          1/2 teaspoon salt
          3 large eggs
          1 tablespoon water

          I prefer the oil in it..for just white noodles..similar to ramin noodles.. the ingredients is
          all purpose flour..water and salt no eggs at all..
          2 cups flour
          1 tsp salt
          1/2 cup of water…

          you can also use the creeping jenny seeds to make bread or beer or noodles,teas etc…..

    • egg noodles.. well here is the recipe..

      2 cups of flour
      1 tsp. salt
      1 tbsp oil
      2 large eggs
      3-4 egg yolks

      now.. I don’t just put the yokes in.. I instead will put five eggs in the center of the flour then work it in..
      here is a video of making it.. great for making macaroni..
      but two cups of flour.. phew.. if you grind your flour use the sifter..

      I love this guy.. the other one is called the pasta grannies.. as italian as you are going to get.. and both are favorite video groups…. the thumb noodles..are to die for…this year we are making the thumb noodles differently.. I am making them as flowers.. then I will dry them for soups etc..


      just be careful with the oh yeah baby spices LOL LOL that stuff is hot LOL LOL

  4. how do ya prep for a treasonous government?
    the dog in this story is like the American citizens and the guy in the orange shirt is like our current government,
    like an allegory.

    we are in the mist of America’s greatest chapter, history , live action,,, as the losers will attempt to torch the building on their way out,,, tie the dog to a fence, ass holes
    the demons kept askin if Trump will do a peaceful transfer of power,,, well lets see what happens now,
    election worries
    WW3 worries
    economy worries
    food worries
    disease/vaccine worries
    keeping the lights and heat on for winter worries
    maybe some space aliens ,
    as the current Earth herd owners keep us in continual war and worries,,, as the owners are NOT seen by us,,, hidden in the picture

    like bovine in a feedlot so are city dwellers,,, seen the feedtruck?

    • you can’t… from a video I seen a member of congress in the democratic party says they are planning on refusing to allow the Trump to take the office..


      that is probably why they put in the authorization of use of lethal force.
      NOW…. when chat gpt 4.5 first came out.. I asked it when ww3 would begin it gave me November.. it has access to both the cloud and all sections of the internet.. did it have access to plans that far back.. today they have it blocked off.. if you ask it.. maybe because it kept threatening people if they voted for trump..
      I go looking for the I will kill you in your sleep and the computer freezes LOL LOL LOL now is that on purpose because I am looking for a video that was uploaded LOL..

  5. Interesting. The only military bases WNW of Medford are:
    – Coos Bay Coast Guard Station
    – Umpqua River Coast Guard Station
    – Yaquina Bay Coast Guard Station
    along with several Army National Guard camps N & NW of Medford.

    No nuke power generation plants are currently operating in Oregon. Other potential targets? Washington State has several large naval bases in and around the Kitsap Peninsula.

  6. It amazes me that some big corporations are deeply invested in the NC area where Helene flooded. Those big corporations have been silent throughout the ordeal.

    People lost family, friends, homes, jobs, pets, food, water and so much more. – And Baxter International, who suffered great losses from the flood which has caused a nation wide shortage of IV Fluids and other medical devices.

    Those big Corporations have been silent, not offering help of any kind to the people of that area. Nope, they just keep waiting for the people to go away so extensive mining can begin.

    Ya know, if those mineral mining fat cats would have offered a hand and some help on day one, they’d be hero’s today. They missed a great opportunity that might have persuaded the people to let them do more mining.

    Guess you find out who your friends are … and aren’t.

  7. Humble suggestion: How about offering (not as a freebie!) a USB dongle or similar with an archive of Urban Survival and/or Peoplenomics? As a long-time reader to me this would be a great resource, particularly if there was a good index of topics or a search tool. I’ve found myself scouring your past missives from time to time to refresh myself on Ham radio, supplement discussions, EMP and more…

  8. re: anti-carjacking tool

    Do you leave it in the car or move it in/out as you drive? Just asking from a tool security standpoint.

  9. I don’t know if any of you have read this … if not, you can look it up.

    DOD DIRECTIVE 5240.01

    Scrolling down to 3.3 “Levels Of Authority” it reads;

    “(c) Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation
    in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated.
    Such use of force must be in accordance with DoDD 5210.56, potentially as further restricted based on the specifics of the requested support.”

    Just thought I’d pass this to ya …

  10. Saweet charts G- Man.
    I wanna see youse apply some Bollinger bands to Ure Aggregate, so I can model how often it is above the middle Band and how often it is below the middle band.

    Simple suggestion for you two luv burds – INTENTION will set Ure dreamscapes exactly as you would like. Ya know something like, “Yo Universe, we needs you to arrange shared dreamscapes for Us two luv burds, thanks!”

    Love the planned Insertion meetings with Ure crumb snatchers. They can reject it all they want =- you still got Words into them. By the time they realize they are doing it, (what ever suggested), the change will have taken place long time prior too. Set with the proper Intention, Ure Words can be Powerful.

    You have the power Man, dont be afraid to explore and Use it..It Ures for the Sharing..

    I have been doing that kinda scheisse since before Daughter was born – Pre-Natal Education, my IYXQA friends explained that “trad” practitioners been doing it for 1000’s of years..WHo knu ? I certainly didnt, but I started playing the Tape for Daughter when she was still in da “oven” baking.
    This subject just came up today as I had first joint appt at Dr Dongs – Accupuncture&TM ofc.- she has been experiencing Hormonal Migranes since having her own crumb snatcher. I even lent the good Doctor my “above top secret” copy of Dr Yan Xins Secrets and Benefits of Internal Qigong Cultivation. Doc been studying it with his Brother for a year now..too much fun.

  11. (“. Do pay attention to tires and brakes. Make sure the oil and radiator don’t leak – too badly.5. And above all, don’t speed. “)

    my kids won’t ride if I am driving LOL….they have all heard the thirty seconds speech… people assume they are going to get there fast but if it isn’t at least an hours drive it isn’t worth the trouble and even if it is an hours drive.. your only going to save a few minutes..

    the other though.. my daughter bought a six month old car they told her it was just off of lease by a big company..
    a week later she says dad I have a radiator leak and they can’t fix it… my thought was she hit a rock or something.. took it in for her.. and I asked the radiator guy.. so did she hit a rock.. no its from that horrible accident.. what horrible accident.. well luckily I took care of a pretty important man whos son was a big name lawyer.. he helped me through the ordeal..
    car lots buy cars at auction.. they paid fifty dollars for that car that they sold as new… it was a death machine.. anyway car dealers buy cars that are at auction.. for almost nothing then import them to a different state where they don’t have to disclose how much damage there is.. I take all cars to a mechanic a transmission guy and a body shop.. if they are against it no sale..
    that car the daughter bought wasn’t just totaled out once but twice in six months.. and the new and used auto commision they are owned and operated by the car dealers.. they also get contracts with all the arbitrary lawyers to.. that way you have not recourse but to do as they wish.. luckily for me the big named lawyer was under contract with the car dealers as well but he found me the ONLY arbitrary lawyer in the whole wastelands that wasn’t under contract by the dealerships..

    • Wow, ok, so are we getting close to peak madness?

      It’s all going to come crashing down, don’t you think so?


      People are insane. High speed madness, road rage etc…

      Idiots. They are too stupid to think and imagine if they had to walk to their destination. Imagine that. Walking for miles and miles in all kinds of weather, instead of in their climate controlled vehicles.

      Remember the song “I Can’t Drive 55”?

      The question is, why not?

  12. Kim Jong Un, is sometimes, hard to understand. His attention seeking antics, most of the time, make no logical sense. The little despot at times seems to go totally bananas. When no one would survive questioning your choices and decisions – you start making those decision even more bizarre, seemingly useless and often counterproductive. With all of his little games and verbose threats – he doesn’t scare me. His regime and probably his life will end if he attacks South Korea. [ or, Japan.]
    – Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong.., now she scares me. She is terrifying and one really sick puppy. Example? A long standing General was overheard saying that he didn’t like her. A couple of days later he was arrested – tried – convicted – and ordered to be executed. A day later all of the military brass was order to a secluded court yard to watch the execution – the general was brought out, naked and chained to a metal post in the center of the court yard – then a soldier walked out, stood about thirty feet away and killed him – with a flame thrower.
    – According to the defector who witnessed it, the flame thrower was her idea – to scare everyone into absolute obedience. A week later it was discovered that the executed general hadn’t actually said anything., it was a rumor started by a rival general. The rival general disappeared, along with his family, staff, a few cousins and a couple of friends. Nothing was ever said and what happened to them all is not known. The defector said that she was livid at being deceived and embarrassed – so, what happened to the rival general, and all his family was probably very horrific. There are several other reports of very similar actions taken by her.
    – …, the real scary part of all of this is that she is very influential on her brother and has gained a lot of unquestioned power., privilege and permission. If possible, she may be the one to watch in all of this recent grandstanding by her brother.

    • IF North Korea choses to go to War … SHE will be the one making the decision.

      If it’s up to her she WILL use Nuclear AND Biological Warfare almost from the Get-Go, and her brother will not be able to tone her down. Vicious does not begin to describe her.

      If she thinks she is losing she will not be afraid to take the entire world with her, biological, in fact would relish at the opportunity to SHOW THE WORLD who was the boss.

    • “– Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong.., now she scares me. She is terrifying and one really sick puppy.”
      If I may ask, what motivates you to rehash that ‘very old’ story? Thanks, and God bless you too ;-).

    • (“Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong.., now she scares me.”)

      why does she scare you..???
      she sure is pretty.. what I have heard her say is she appears strong willed.. go against her and you will lose from her sheer will alone..but she seems rational and reasonably level headed..I wouldn’t be afraid just don’t go and try to destroy her or the people she looks out for her country and people are her responsibility and her pleasure..of course that is only from what I have seen..there are evil women she just doesn’t appear that way to me..

  13. Hey, I think whatdoesitmean dot com is pretty good – I often see news (often with links to drill down further) weeks or longer before it hits more public news.

    Also, it’d be nice if we could search through the comments. I often recall something mentioned in the comments but trying to find it on site is usually futile.

    And I also believe you can’t destroy energy, only transform it. Carry on!

  14. Kim Jong Un, is sometimes, hard to understand. His attention seeking antics, most of the time, make no logical sense. The little despot at times seems to go totally bananas. When no one would survive questioning your choices and decisions – you start making those decision even more bizarre, seemingly useless and often counter productive. With all of his little games and verbose threats – he doesn’t scare me. His regime and probably his life will end if he attacks South Korea. [ or, Japan.]
    – Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong.., now she scares me. She is terrifying and one really sick puppy. Example? A long standing General was overheard saying that he didn’t like her. A couple of days later he was arrested – tried – convicted – and ordered to be executed. A day later all of the military brass was order to a secluded court yard to watch the execution – the general was brought out, naked and chained to a metal post in the center of the court yard – then a soldier walked out, stood about thirty feet away and killed him – with a flame thrower.
    – According to the defector who witnessed it, the flame thrower was her idea – to scare everyone into absolute obedience. A week later it was discovered that the executed general hadn’t actually said anything., it was a rumor started by a rival general. The rival general disappeared, along with his family, staff, a few cousins and a couple of friends. Nothing was ever said and what happened to them all is not known. The defector said that she was livid at being deceived and embarrassed – so, what happened to the rival general and all his family was probably very horrific. There are several other reports of very similar actions taken by her.
    – …, the real scary part of all of this is that she is very influential on her brother and has gained a lot of unquestioned power., privilege and permission. If possible, she may be the one to watch in all of this recent grandstanding by her brother.

    • I see many striking similarities between Kim Jong Un and the progressive 4th reich nutjobs on the left.

    • (“His attention seeking antics, most of the time, make no logical sense. The little despot at times seems to go totally bananas”)

      yes they are..
      I personally believe his attention seeking antics is to show those that want what they have and are attempting to kill him and put a puppet leader in his position by killing him off.
      when they bribed his uncle and he found out he fed his uncle to the dogs literally.. when they tried to persuade his brother.. he waited till his brother took the cash then had a couple ladies do him in.. that’s why I believe he is up front and center with pointing out the the countries and homes and families of the string pullers is an active target..it’s one thing when they play their business model from a safe distance throwing everyone else under the wheels of their business plans. quite another when they are told that they are a target as well..
      a big dog is never more dangerous than a little dog.. a little dog will be ferocious just because he’s the little dog and cornered .
      the same thing with the biden war schemes.. not very many realized that while we gave been terrorizing the planet with wars as the big dogs pillaging smaller countries for the gain of the few in their business endeavors. the little weaker countries have been making alliances with the other two big dogs. corner them in attempting to gain more wealth is only pushing the envelope ..one we can’t win..this time I believe it will hit our shores as well..
      and with the present administration’s willingness to sell out the citizens in his business model..it’s not going to be good.
      right now it appears as if this administration and the democratic party wants not only a global war but a civil war on top of it all.. insanity in my opinion ..not one in congress or Government is thinking they are either so well insulated that they don’t realize how horribly stupid this all appears.. the only winning move is to not play the game they are..

  15. .., and – I am still in favor of your recent PDF switch to the chart’s display / presentation.
    Much better visuals and more room for commentary & explanations.

  16. Can’t find who asked / said it
    “Bollinger Band” indicator –
    On my “Carnac The Magnificent” Aggregate Index., we have been above the center since the close on 9-13.., and for the past three days.., above the top band. The last time it closed above the top band, my aggregate index lost just over 500 points, dropping below the bottom band over the next 16 days.

  17. I personally do not see why there is such exuberance in the market. Even the Russell 2000 is now in new, all time high, territory. It looks as though they are starting to believe their own hype, that there will not be a recession., that a few negative stats coming out are just a momentary blip due to the super-sized rate cut by “The Fed”.., wars don’t matter and that we, as a country, are doing great.
    “If you want to make money in a down market – be a contrarian.” W Buffet [ about fifteen years ago.]

    • I must be living in an alternate universe ?!? My charts show the Russell 2000 made it’s ATH about 3 years ago… 2021.

      Not meant to be derogatory at all. I LOVE your ongoing market observations. Just looking at longer term charts maybe.

      • Not derogatory at all – my mistake.., I looked back to Jan 2022 – The Russell did close higher in Dec 2021. about 150 points higher than yesterdays close.
        I’ll be a bit more careful with my ‘language’.

  18. Biden is off to Germany tomorrow (Thursday) for a Friday meeting withhis German cunterparts … no info I could find as to who else but was to meet with a bunch of others plus Zelensky when the meeting war orginally scheduled for when the last hurricane was to hit.

    Also unclear from what I could find as to when he is returning. Originally he was scheduled to be in Germany 4 days, all they are saying now is that it will be a shorter trip than originally planned.

    • Heres hoping the very generous and kind Russian Military missile forces do send him and lil z, a hypersonic welcome gift when he arrives in Krautland. Would be poetic justice to take out airbase, president, scholz, an lil z in one fell swoop.

      Missiles away nato mofo’s, missiles away..

      • Agreed! Biden needs to stay alive at least until January 20, or we’ll have that vapid female anointed, if only for a couple of months.

        Nobody sane wants that!

    • Yeah , he was supposed to go a week ago , but he had to get the hurricane damage fixed, sarc. dr jill gets one more european trip on our dime.

  19. “Election Blackout
    Short of an actual hard news event (or more overt racism by Harris counter to the Constitution and Equal Protection statutes, we will be deemphasizing politics until voting day”

    Be careful with this. Remember, I typically do this from Election Day until Inauguration Day. When I did it in 2020, I had no idea the January 6th riot occurred, until I read about it here on January 7th, and by that time, all the good intel paths had been disappeared.

  20. Poland

    Martin Armstrong (October 17, 2024)
    Poland Itching for a Fight With Russia.


    George Ure (December 23, 2023)
    Something odd has been swirling around Ure’s environment for 21 hours now involving Poland.


    G.A. Stewart (May 17, 2022)
    Today, we discover that Poland will be the next country attacked by Russia. You will find this exact prediction on page 561 of my 2019 book.


    • I have the solution to their mental problems if that occurs … move out of the US and renounce their citizenships!

      I think that is also the solution to the Cognitive Dissonance being experienced by old line Republican leaders who are now endorsing Kamala. Hopefully this will include the entire Cheney and Bush clans.

      • “I have the solution… move out of the US”

        That wouldn’t help them or their mental problems in the least. It would help us, though, because we would no longer have to deal with their mental illness or social retardation, nor would we have to fight amongst ourselves to keep our nation fr…

        …um, can we send the lawyers, too?

        • they will do it from up close. I thought that they would put him in Rikers Island and then just have a suicide. and that still might happen it depends if they put them in Rikers Island before January 20th or before Congress comes back from their long-needed vacation

    • they are not going to let Trump take the office of presidency again. they have spent billions of dollars with a B trying to destroy him. millions of dollars have been given to family members of judges with the doj members you have two attempts on his life already that all have ties back to Washington DC Beltway. and right now I read a post yesterday where Trump is using what 20 planes every time he takes off there’s 20 planes all being sent in different directions so that nobody knows exactly which one he’s on. no they’re not going to allow him I’m afraid that this time around they will get up front and personal since they haven’t been able to do it from a distance I’ll do it from up close this time. and if he does get in and they are able to stop him the member of Congress already said they’re going to January 6th when they come back from their vacation they’re going to tell him he can’t have the office and it doesn’t matter they’re just not going to let him take that seat again ever he’s too big of a threat for them. because one the few millions of dollars that they can give him to try and persuade him his only coffee and donut money. it’s the biggest nightmare of this country will ever see and by all records it shows that this is the most productive Administration in the history of the United States it’s an ugly mess

  21. ““When the laws change, maybe you should, too.” Thus when “As of September 1, 2021, Texas law allows people who are at least 21 years old to carry a concealed or holstered handgun in most public places without a license to carry (LTC). This law, known as “permitless carry”, applies to both open and concealed carry””

    “Permitless carry” is also known as “Constitutional carry.” West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee are all Constitutional carry States. You can carry locked & loaded, either open or concealed, on your person or in your car. Sad to say, Pennsylvania is not a Constitutional carry State, and once you go East as far as New Jersey and New York, mere possession is a felony, unless one very-carefully follows the intrusive, invasive, and draconian firearms laws of those States.

    I carry a flare gun, a fighting knife, and a crossbow pistol, because they fall between the cracks in the laws. The crossbow is also a 90 pound draw, not a 50 pound draw like the “toys.” It shoots roughly as hard as a 9mm but with considerably more energy and at 50ft is similarly accurate.

    The flare gun is the gem. You’re not allowed to use it as a weapon, but if somebody makes a lethal challenge to your continued existence and “in your fear and nervousness” you “accidentally” discharge the “signal device” before it gets pointed into the air and it hits them in the chest or face, well, highwaymen don’t generally have enough money to retain Alan Dershowitz, and anyway, “honest, officer, it was a horrible accident…”

    • Great ideas! Unfortunately NM is not Constitutional Carry, though that doesn’t stop most people. We can open carry, but that’s far less useful and much more provocative than concealed carry, which requires a CCL. Unfortunately, MLG managed to force a Red Flag law on us last year, and now there are mumblings of extending it, FWIW. Never let a camel get it’s toe under the tent! I try to avoid encounters of any kind, especially regarding violence, but it’s just not appropriate or acceptable for a man to back down in the face of aggression(except as a strategy to ultimately win).

      • Yeah, I know. Neither is Colorado, which has to honk off all the people who were Citizens before the California invasion.

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