Retail Sales: Might as well get this one off the table at once. So we can get back to our back-alley pool where the odds are increasing that when Israel goes-a-popping Iran, it will be next Tuesday. Because that’s when the BRICS brass will be in Kazan, Russia. And world focus will be elsewhere.
So here’s the numbers:
” Advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for September 2024, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $714.4 billion, an increase of 0.4 percent (±0.5 percent)* from the previous month, and up 1.7 percent (±0.5 percent) from September 2023. Total sales for the July 2024 through September 2024 period were up 2.3 percent (±0.5 percent) from the same period a year ago. The July 2024 to August 2024 percent change was unrevised from up 0.1 percent (±0.2 percent)*.
And for the visual cortex:
Today’s claim must have been a 24 kt bitch to adjust – just think of the balancing acts! On the one hand, you’d be trying to leave the Fed some talking points to give them cover from people obviously seeing the unnecessary half-point rate drop as political quid pro quo. While at the same time trying to make it appear that we’re not really totally depended on Asia (except for the rag trade which has gone even cheaper than China as my consigliere notes). And you don’t want to make up too much on the upside because that could light up inflation fears – and already in the preopen today, Gold was briefly over $2,700. That, and reminding people Retail is based on Dollars and not how much people actually get for all their spending. Tisk- tisk, quibble thee not! Everything is a Business Model – including You, Your Life, and Everything You Do. Just, you’re no longer the Only One Profiting. You’ve been had, Bubba.
Oh, industrial Production from the Fed lands a few minutes before the open.
The Paper Chase
With still up to a week before the Bonfire of the Equities begins (with WWIII primetime) here’s how the paper is piling up in a fool’s porridge of trend channels:
We could mention Bitcoin – which is just kissing $67,000. Yes, that’s right kiddies: The True Believers think BTC is again going to the moon. But there’s also a case that it won’t break to new highs before The Big War, and then – because governments hate competition – only “government sanctioned monies” will be allowed in private hands. The Mob, the Crook Class, will all be exempted, of course. Like they were from BTCs predecessor – the Secret Banking System. Crime always has it’s own currency, whether numbered accounts, the collection of sex slaves, or enough drugs to buzz New York.
Weekly Unemployment
Gee, here’s a coincidence for you in unemployment stats. Not this part…
But this part. Let’s see if it occurs to you…
See it? NOT ONE STATE with a big unemployment drop. We’ll see how this works out next week as we get closer to IT.
Headlines for the Headless
Why, I was reminding a reader just yesterday about how, since 2019, the house organ for the Council on foreign Relation’s rag has been touting plans for better relations (by the one worlders) with Yemen. Care to guess how that has been working out? Here’s a hint: US uses B-2 bombers to strike Houthi underground weapon storage facilities | | AW (
I don’t know about you, but when I read stories like U.S. stealth bombers strike ‘hardened’ underground weapons sites in Houthi-run parts of Yemen –, I wonder “Remember when Congress actually held war-making powers, not the State peeps and the Alphabetters?” How many undeclared wars are we in now, anyway? In our circle of “intel”igent types, Iran would like just as soon take out the existing government in Yemen and toss out of the House of Saud, too, once this war bubble gets to popping.
About that…Israel did a half-step stall toward Sunday with their forthcoming Iran attack. Which gives US misileers a chance to tune things up Why America’s THAAD missile defense deployment to Israel is a ‘gamble’ in Iran conflict, analysts say. An Israeli official says their cabinet can meet Sunday before anything pops, but wouldn’t you want to tell Iran (which knows it’s coming) “After Sunday?” Bang – the right hook outta nowhere.
With Kamala Harris playing the race card hard. we’re concerned that Joe Biden hasn’t been charged with attempting to buy votes yet. Because Biden administration forgives student loans for 60,000 public service workers. OK, Slow can dictificate all he wants, but with taxpayer’s money? Pah-leaze Slow, No. Just go….
It’s OK, chilluns – the fix is in! Facebook ALL IN FOR KAMALA: James O’Keefe exposes in latest vid.
Now, let’s weaponize something else while we’re at it: Weaponized Prayers: Seizing Public Space and Forcing Submission in the Name of ‘Respect’ – RAIR ( Bow before Caesar, friend.
BRICS-bat is our new word-of-the-day. As South Africa orders Taiwan to move representative office out of capital. Seems clear to us with BRICS in Kazan next week that South Africa’s booking some “struttin’ stuff” for the conclave. “We’s some bad-asses – see what we did to Taiwan last week, uh-huh…” Western One-Worlders vs. BRICS – what could go wrong?
At the Ranch: Death and Time Woojects
I suppose you’re wondering what a Wooject is, right?
Well the term – which should be self-evident to a person like you, who’s already smart enough to be reading this website – should be self explanatory.
Woo-woo is a class of events, circumstances, incongruous observations, and challenges that don’t quite fit the Standard Model of the Universe. The “ject” part is that contained within each Woo-Woo experience *(like remote viewing, for example) is usually a technology that can be teased-out. Like the Alphabet Agencies have teased out (with Pat Price and Ingo Swan – and $100-million of your tax dollars, thank you) some of the practical applications of Remote Viewing. Apprehending all this, you’re now ready to snitch a glance at what’s on the workbench here.
The Afterlife Wooject
Elaine and I have come to understand that – regardless of all of our work on Life Extension – that we will die some day. But, we have both had vivid-enough dreams to make it clear that there is some kind of an Afterlife. And as Shakespeare guided, it’s likely to be like The Big Sleep.
I’ve written a fair amount about this afterlifing and vivid dreams as the training wheels course in my book (on the list of one of the most unread books in history, by the way) “Psychocartography: Mapping the Human Dream.”
We’ve come to the conclusion that rather than go into a near totally malleable world of vivid dreams on dying, it should be even more interesting if we could go with a companion who we love (as in “each other”).
Thus the clear “Wooject” becomes, how do people do that? It was more than hinted at in my first novel “Dreamover“.
The specific focus of the (Death, Dying and Dreaming) Wooject is for two people to methodically practice remaining “with” one-another as we transition from shared waking space and move into dream realms. The process map (for how all this MIGHT work) involves a shared “waking place” where you can “meet” on the way (down into) sleep. And once into sleep realms, where do you go (together).
Not exactly something that is widely considered, let alone practiced, but we figure at our ripe old ages that it might be time to start blazing that trail. Elaine’s coming up on 82 and I’ll be 76 shortly so time’s a-wasting.
The Second Wooject is the “Time Carrier”
No, we’re not talking carrier as in aircraft; we’re talking “carrier” as in carrier wave – as in electronics. And this is where I reach back into a vivid dream from overnight because it was spectacularly interesting.
Essentially, I was handed the idea that time (that passing of events through the illusory “Now”) was all made possible by a carrier wave. And this “carrier” (of time) could be “balanced out” much as carriers are nutted out both in L-plan MUX tele-com gear, but more mundanely in ham radio equipment. As AI explains it:
“A balanced modulator is a circuit that produces double-sideband suppressed-carrier (DSBSC) signals by suppressing the radio frequency carrier. This results in a waveform that contains all the information of a traditional AM signal, but without the carrier, which saves power during transmission. “
In case you can’t (even after 50+ years) tear apart a Lenkurt Model 45 channel card in your sleep (guilty!) it may be easier to simply read up on ring demodulators which are also called lattice demodulators. But the problem is that (as modern information categorization has evolved) it’s all been buried in the annals of Ring modulation – Wikipedia.
The beauty of balanced modulators was their simplicity at the concept level. You have two AC voltages applied (out of phase) and these are “balanced out.” But with the arrival of the digital age, we left simple “frequency division multiplex” (where units like the old Lenkurts) processed multiple channels and a process called “frequency heterodyning” to get baseband for microwave systems.
Where digital walked in to smash frequency heterodyning (in military and tele-com sales in the early 1970s) was by time division multiplex. Which, true enough, will give you baseband for digital and optical BUT (and we roll back into the Dream Realms from overnight) this is where the digital children of today go blind on Time Machine development.
How so? Well, the “time carrier” (which can be hypothecated) becomes unrecoverable and cannot be reconstructed from fractional samples. In other words, time and gravity conquering devices are more likely to be analog than digital devices. And – since the world is gah-gah digital, the number of people conceptualizing solutions to time (and gravity) looking for non-sampling)in other words, analog) solutions is (how you say?) kind of limited.
Now, imagine “waking reality” as our “baseband.” Within this, we have a “tastes frequency” (in brain) and we process both sound and light frequencies, as well.
Suppose, concluded the dream, that in order to “step out of time” all you need to do is use a “time balancer to null out local time?” In this case, the whole baseband is recoverable without sampling loss implicit in TDM (which you brilliantly follow as time-division multiplex).
As I left the dream, there was the message: “Oh you also need to understand the Time Carrier roll-off. We’ve hidden that everywhere from in fast oxidation rates to the inverse square law…So once you figure out the broad spectrum analog sensor problem, then feeding it into a balanced “time de-modulator” should be easy. The sensor conceptualization will be tough. We’re going to get you some help.”
Just as Promised, Though…
But good to “The Plan” *(which is how Philip K. Dick referred to it in The Adjustment Bureau): First thing I get is an email from my friend Roger…
I am partway through this link. I am sending this to you because of the sound work gravitic work you have conducted. I think you may find it of use. The pyramids were giant musical instruments – Strange Sounds
Roger in Tucson
Unlike most readers, Roger remembers our work on space-time using sound to crack the barrier. The stuff covered in (yet another) one of my books.
Which gets us to the bottom lines of this morning:
- If you want to live “happily ever-after” how do you practice for that using co-dreaming. And – oh, by the way – How exactly do you co-dream?
- Second is how to design a time mulling analog device to “balance out local time” (and those this open a pathway to manipulation of time or reality directly?
Tah-DAH! One for the Road
You still doing serious home improvement projects at 75?
Yes, my new deck and railings got finished Wednesday. Just after this snap, I put in the banister and balusters on the right. Another project report on shopTalk Sunday so jot it down.
Time to move on to the research ponder of the day based on 5 best supplements to support your mental health, according to a psychiatrist | Fortune Well.
There was no mention in there (specifically) about omega-7 fatty acids and I have been taking a bit of buckthorn oil lately. Why? Sea buckthorn: A Potential Dietary supplement with multifaceted therapeutic activities – ScienceDirect got me interested. So far, I can say it hasn’t hurt…and I can type faster, lol. Oh, and with a bit of B vitamins after you read How to Boost Your Intelligence – Patrick Holford (11 minute read and worth it to me).
Write when you wake up (or one of us gets rich),
Nice deck! I think the ends of the rafters on the left should be covered, it is distracting to me as is. Are those wooden or metal dowel upright tubes?
Thanks for the Lenkurt background on multiplexing. I was involved (probably much less than you were) with Lenkurt multiplexing plug in cards circa 1962 as a Technician at the Army radio station in Kekaha Kauai (part of a chain across the Pacific for Vientam). Maybe a card or two generation before you got into them. They were plug in units that we just replaced when bad. Page Communications did offer a training course on them but I didn’t absorb much.
Speaking of dreams, I think I visited you all a couple nights ago. It was a small part of a bigger thing but I somehow stopped by the Ure’s to leave a child in your care for a few days, it seemed like a safe place. There wasn’t much conversation but I do remember one odd thing. I glanced down at the floor and Elaine’s purse was there, slightly open, and some moderately tall grasses with tiny flowers were growing out of her purse!
re: Achtung, Thin Ice!
feat: Fox in chicken house
The “Daily Mail” has published a report describing yesterday’s skirmish on “Fox” on the ‘Baier Report’ by the Democrat presidential nominee as a “trainwreck”. The writer and senior political reporter of the “Mail” is also a “Fox” alumnae.
It seems prior to the interview Mrs. Harris had completed a campaign stop in Washinton Crossing, Pa. Apparently the site is famous for the George Washington frozen Crossing of the Delaware enroute to defeating German mercenaries of King George III.
Although Mrs. Harris was said to be 17 minutes late for the “Fox” gig, it’s never too late to stop in for a soundcheck brew at the DJ George Morning Show from the New Deck. To mark today’s theatrics, don’t simply Twist & Shout. Listen up from the U2 Achtung, Baby! album-
“Mephisto” had a better, more appropriate tune from that album/tour..till the end of the world.
Can still see&hear a young hottie gushing about Bono sweat hitting her backstage.. at Philly show.
The Edge married the bellydancer chick from that tour as well..also remember Bono calling the white house switchboard for darkest bush sr. during opening – great night of Music and laughter that I wont soon forget. No the WH switchboard did not patch him thru.. : (
MSM trying shape the news?
“Iran backed Hamas”
“Iran backed Hezbollah”
“Iran back Houthis”
Where do journalists come from?
They are manufactured in America’s universities
in a liberal arts curriculum.
Mark Mathis.
No msm “US backed Israel attacks on Lebanon…”?
That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletonswho failed at ditching and shoemaking
and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse.
Mark Twain
speech, 31 March 1873
‘A Pretext for War’ author book dedication.
“Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer;
nothing is more difficult than to understand him.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Spy sting: Few at the Swiss factory … Baltimore Sun Dec 10, 1995 —But behind that flag, America’s National Security Agency hid what may be the intelligence sting of the century. For years, NSA secretly rigged …
James Bamford arranged for this Swiss Radio International program to be heard in the US … and in other countries.
“You still doing serious home improvement projects at 75?”
Yes, I was! Now I’m doing them at 83! Currently rebuilding/expanding goat pen fences, digging out stumps that are impeding progress, etc.
Amen, brother! Beat that ole Death bitch with a shovel while you’re at it for us!
I worked for an independent phone company back in the mid 70’s and we sold some “time-division multiplex” switches for larger phone systems. One was made by a company called Tele-Resources as I recall. It was waaaaay ahead of its time; you could even bill to extensions!
AND let me once again urge you and Elaine to read Robert Monroe’s books on out of body/interdimensional experiences. His escapades in the great beyond will help and will save a bunch of time in your endeavors.
Wow. That’s impressive OF. You obviously have the physical activity part of longevity taken care of. What is your secret for diet, sleep, etc?
I keep waiting for @choices to give us his longevity secrets other than a pretty balanced attitude to life.
If anyone has suggestions for lower back arthritis pain, I am listening.
walk. Then walk more.
that and C60 is reputed to help arthritis, I feel that mine was reduced but took 3 months of daily use, when I noticed stuff and chores don’t hurt as much , mostly in my neck and hands,, still take, but not daily.
all chairs on deck, one for the Captain and one for her best mate
nice deck there, mate, as the Ures observe the sea of green trees and a cool deserved beverage
I am thankful for being able to complete my summer project, trailer skirting w/2″foam, it gets cold here, patched many problems underneath, left by previous idiots. Spent more time and energy on repairs than on actual skirting install,,, sat in a chair on my deck, smiling, when done, icetea w/lemonade, I have to pass on the Titos, but that is my problem not ures
And thank you for the many years of ‘Urban’
I tolerate cycling better than jogging or walking these days. Whatever you can do longest without incurring pain episodes is a good exercise.
With the cycling, the force you apply to the pedals is proportional to the pain you experience later. A flat bar bicycle geared really low, like a cycle set up for touring or bike packing is best. A long flat ride is better than hill climbing, even with stump puller low gears.
I periodically look at electric assist bicycles, but nothing is readily available that I would want to charge in the garage. I am looking for a Cr-Mo frame, long cycling batteries other than Li ion, and cargo geometry with full size tires. Surly has one that is close, but it is pricey, and I don’t care for the batteries.
Back issues can cycle with diet. I have had to cut back on cheese, because snacking on it late in the day can set off pain episodes. It’s in literature.
Good luck with the exercise.
I go over to gayes site..
I like this one. but I put in double the cbd oil and I put the birch oil in it to along with dandelion pettle oil.. I don’t put drops in it.. I put tsp in of each of the essential oils.. works great to..and it lasts a long time.. now I use cbd gummies for pain.. the thing about marijuana oil or gummies.. what I found is that the oil has to build up first on the pain receptors for it to be effective for the pain.. once you have it built up then it works great.. coats the pain receptors then you dont have to take it all the time.. just when you need it.. the same thing with Kratom..
personal experience with THC pills @50mg/ea, CBD is for the Pups..
On a regular day, 50 mg dose would render me incapacitated, but after cervical disk surgery, they are what weaned me off the Narcotic pain killers. Very effective, and have a bunch of narcotic painkillers left over from early withdraw..Ya never know when you might next stub Ure toe, and need to make the throbbing go away, so you can catch some Zzzzzzzzzzzzs
amen fab furry ..
the other thing I really like is the tens unit and acupuncture…
once you find the correct frequency to affect the pain impulses.. you got it whipped..
“You obviously have the physical activity part of longevity taken care of. What is your secret for diet, sleep, etc?”
My secrets for all of those things are; I live on a tree farm with chickens, goats and a garden. That’s enough to keep anybody active. The fresh eggs, milk and veggies are a bonus.
For my sore joints, (NOT arthritis-related) I found that consciously tightening the muscles around those joints (mainly knees, hips, right shoulder) while walking makes the pain go away in a day or two. After a few days of no pain, I get slack on my technique, and the pain returns. Rinse and repeat as needed.
Bic, if you’re not dealing with a pinched vertebra it very well could be your psoras muscles. They are sometimes called “the most hated muscles in your body” because they are the culprit for a lot of lower back pain. You can find several stretches that help relieve that pain on YouTube (check out the warrior yoga pose – that’s my favorite, and no I don’t do any other yoga at all). I had terrible lower back pain but the psoras stretches every morning knock that out immediately. Good luck!
if you’re not dealing with a pinched vertebra it very well could be your psoras muscles. They are sometimes called “the most hated muscles in your body” because they are the culprit for a lot of lower back pain. You can find several stretches that help relieve that pain on YouTube (check out the warrior yoga pose – that’s my favorite, and no I don’t do any other yoga at all). I had terrible lower back pain but the psoras stretches every morning knock that out immediately. Good luck!
I hate to suggest it, but “Relief Factor.”
The dose is a packet of four caps — two gelatin, two liquid (2x/day.) I took a flyer on it, some months ago. Didn’t seem to notice a difference, but after I dropped it, my pain (I have both arthritis and sciatica) got noticeably worse within a few days. At 90 bucks a month I can’t recommend it, but I also have to throw this out there because it’s not a drug, yet it DOES have an attenuating effect on the pain…
At almost 87 my motto is someone has to get it done and there is no money and no close relatives so that means yours truly! Right now I’m working on pole sawing limbs hanging over the fence and chain sawing into fireplace logs two 12′ limbs that fell. Plus making art projects for a craft fair.
Wow! Way to go!
Trade this !
Yo TraderG, whats with todays 10:30 reversal ? yeah I’m still waiting 4 it, but it is an hourly candle, so perhaps I am being premature in my complaint regards timing..dammit! Alls well and you did write “write one of Us gets rich” .
Well trader G, Im hear to tell ya KGC is making the BCN boocoupe bucks.
As rambling gambling man, – I had no choice but get NAKED Long some Gold miners Calls.
Shout Out Detroit City Rockers!
I’m just curious: Are there any sites you trust to show accurate polling? I think I’m looking at more of the exit polls to get a feel for how it’s going. I don’t trust the media, and I am noticing very little from Georgia and North Carolina.
I can’t trust any of them and my confidence level in the outcome is barely over 50 percent
There are hundreds of polls at all honesty levels, There are a great many ways to “tilt” these polls, both deliberate and sub-conscious.
Then, there are those polled who just don’t want the hassle of a rejoinder or a Deep Discussion of the Errror Of Their Ways — so they lie for different reasons.
Th entire once-simple field of polling has become a hyper-complex chaotic mess, and nothing can be trusted any more.
“Informatin” itsel can no longer ever be trusted. Chaos reigns.
Ignore the polls and vote your conscience.
Early voting starts next Monday in TX. Vote early and avoid the Lefties.
Accurate polling? If $ voting means anything.
The link below is a betting website. But if billion $ market cap stocks can be manipulated, manipulating a small election market should be no problem.
No. There are none. First of all, polls are like statistics: If you tell a pollster what you wish their poll to show, they will tailor the questions and the demographic to ensure you get the result you expect. Second, people in precincts where a “wrong” vote can get them beaten (Blacks in Black precincts, Hispanics in Hispanic precincts, Republicans in any precinct that is not heavily Republican, etc.) will NEVER tell the truth to either a canvasser or an exit pollster.
Growing up in a devout Catholic household, spirituality was at the core of our family interactions. While mourning was condoned and expected when a loved one or acquaintance passed from this reality, death was not something to be distraught over. Something called ‘the soul’ lived on.
Growing up in an increasingly high tech world, I became very interested in quantum mechanics due to my work with and schooling in nuclear weaponry for the USAF. One ‘proof’ that blew my mind was for Bell’s Theorem of non-locality. Bell emitted a single photon, then split that photon with a mirror into two, one a clone of the other, sending them in different directions to separate detectors. Before either reached their respective detector, the polarity of one of the photon ‘splits’ was flipped. The other photon from the split clone was simply measured with no other interference, but its polarity simultaneously flipped as well, no matter what the distance, showing what Einstein called a “spooky action at a distance.” To Ure’s truly, it meant that if our corner of reality which we call our universe emanated from one single ‘Big Bang’ like event, then all matter in our local universe is similarly interconnected by the mechanism underlying Bell’s Theorem, from the center of a black hole to the edge of the visible universe, and time does not play a factor in this connection. The bond is instantaneous. But the real mind-blower is that Bell’s non-locality strongly hints at there being ‘higher’ dimensions than the 3 + time that we experience day-to-day in our locality. This is also alluded to in less scientific terms by Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other religions. The AI revolution is working to capitalize on these concepts. See:
Some are even thinking that many of the unexplained UAP/UFO sightings witnessed by reputable observers were inter-dimensional travelers whose realities exist alongside of ours in dimensions we are currently unable to experience or detect. See:
My spooky action at distance gift to you all:
got a question Warhammer… my 9 year old mini me was giving me the thousand questions on hydrogen fuel and car driving.. I said the only problem was hydrogen used to run a motor runs real hot ..that’s why it has a yellow white flame. to cool it to be a blue flame is the trick and why it has to be cooled extensively.
then he asked about would it catch the water in the air on fire.. I gave him the answer probably not .. but would it is my question.. I said it’s not brute force but similar to breaking one of grandma’s wine glasses.. touch it with a tuning fork then while it’s still vibrating hum into it at the same frequency and it will shatter..water is like grandma’s glass..
but would a spontaneous ignition of a car in fire from a hydrogen fuel explosion ignite the humidity?
seems to me Oppenheimer had that concern to.
just like when my grand daughters college teacher told her eggs can’t be balanced.. she had me balance one and send her the photo..I will have to show the grandson how to make a generator for cooking eggs
been meaning to share this article(Toyotas water engine) wit Youse – finally remembered, hopes you enloy.
I am not an engineer , but should’nt there be cross bracing? Looks very nice, you do good work.
I have thought about that on the various decks over the years. But when there is a “hard tie” to a “foundationalizedf” house, it doesn’t seem to matter much if at all. Ask me after New madrid II
If the base is stable and the “floor”, top of the structure, is rigid and well tied to the risers, then cross bracing needs are limited. That is how they build structural steel buildings.
For structural steel buildings on the horizontal beams after erection they weld pins that stick up 3 to 5 inches every so many inches across the entire length of the beam. They then pour the concrete floor, which of course has reinforcing steel inside it. The tying of the structural steel to the rigid floor via the welded pins on the beams which are now locked into the concrete floor provides the rigidity to give you a stable building.
If a contractor “forgets” to have those pins welded to the beams before pouring the concrete floor all sorts of nasty things can happen to the building as it tries to move about with wind, ground shaking, even crowds of people walking inside the building, including a floor or entire building collapse.
Forgetting to have those pins welded to the steel beams before pouring the concrete has sent any number of mid size contractors who have bid into a project without understanding what is required (“it can’t be seen so lets save some money and not have all that welding done”) to go bankrupt since the building then has to either be torn down or retrofitted with an entire additional structural steel erection inside the already constructed building.
Friend has a business that does that “stud welding” and EVERY YEAR he gets a few panicky calls from a contractor or building inspector or owner of a building that was being erected where the studs were not welded in before the concrete pour. He tells me he refers them out to structural engineers who give them the BAD NEWS that the cost of fixing the building is going to be almost as much as the ENTIRE building with all of its fixtures in place was to cost to begin with. Time to call in the contractor’s insurance company since they are going to end up making the decision of what to do since the contractor is going bankrupt.
If George’s deck is tightly tied to the lifters and also anchored to his existing structure so the deck doesn’t move around it should be fine.
(“and I can type faster, lol. Oh, and with a bit of B vitamins after you read How to Boost Your Intelligence – Patrick Holford (11 minute read and worth it to me).”)
Phew.. I can type extremely fast… so fast that it is a blur.. the only problem is none of it is readable.. I already have enough issues with auto correct LOL LOL
How is it that U.S. B2 bombers can strike a foreign country, in this case Yemen., and that is not an act, or declaration of war? Even if we are after a terrorist organization – how is this ‘legal’ ? The President now has the authority of the War Powers Act and can give the nod to bomb a foreign country? For whatever reason the Alphabet Organizations state ? I thought this was a Senate decision / authority. I really don’t care if they were after the Islamic terrorist organization – no one person should have that power / authority. No one !
Don’t take this wrong. I called for the carpet bombing of Yemen about six months ago., to the point of so many craters that the Red Sea would rush in and flood their entire A.O. – but I would do it with a secret Senate approval / vote.
To me – this power/authority is kind of scary.
now even an ole card shark can suss out who RUNS the jewnited states of america..pretty obvious, no?
Like to whitenocracy or the libnocrazy? You can name any group you want and make a case – gaynocracy…sheeh, buddy. Have a blunt and a chill. Ure’s advice. Don’t be a partisan, leave war zones early.
U.S. World’s largest arms exporter:
Who we sell to:
U.S. foreign aid by country:
Arms manufacturers’ political donations:
from your link, I see the war mongers prefer kamel in the open links
Harris, Kamala (D) President $2,145,711
Trump, Donald (R) President $912,973
the Question is Why do we give to any of them,,, which ones helped US with our 2 hurricanes?
Q said,,,
“We are SAVING ISRAEL for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
there is much evil behind the country that calls itself Israel,,, did not mossad do a back door creation, a strawman known as Humas? ,,, to rival the mossad problem of the PLA, now PLA is gone and Humas has proven to be murderous.
The Rothschilds want Gaza,,, they want a new canal built through it, to compete with Suez and get all the oil/gas deposits in that area, but them palistinians are in the way,,, bombs away,,,
” In the 1980s the Brotherhood emerged as a powerful political factor, challenging the influence of the PLO, and in 1987 adopted a more nationalist and activist line under the name of Hamas.[5]”
The Second Wooject:
You need to be looking at Gravity Mr. Ure consider that the “carrier” which affects behavior and propagation of E and H fields [we’ll use free space to keep it simple], and of course space time.
Got Blockchain?
“…Because that’s when the BRICS brass will be in Kazan…”
So you’re saying “Ala-Kazan & Blam!”? (OK, I’ll go quietly officer)
Wo ho…. what if latest Cliff High video is simply 39 days after a chat between Trump and Regan (spelling) over politics they outcome is not star trek but asteroid impacts due planet x swinging them our way. What if the latitutude of entry defines if the asteroid skims outbound or enters the atmosphere and impacts. What if impact below middle lattitude USA ensures impacts. Cliff did say once a long time ago below middle lattitude would be unliveable…
Seems like, years ago, Jeff Foxworthy and the others on the “Redneck Comedy Tour” did a really funny skit about how every man should have a “big deck.”
Look for nonlinear lower low gaps over the next 6 trading days.
Yeah George,
Knowing now that the bcn went short the SPY at 584 yesterday..
Got that strange feeling yesterday as was rolling out of ITM Calls – NOV Contracts into Jan. Too many rumors and whispers around for my liking.
..ever hear of Operation Sandman ? I kid thee not, it is a THING.
No one knows when it will be unleashed, but with big Brics meeting this week, ya never know.
So downside protection/insurance it is.
* By the way might wanna get into Money Markets versus Bank, versus under mattress, phyz Silver&Gold, versus dividend paying nat resource stocks.
What is GATING ? Says hear should Ure Money Market Fds get GATED, youse will never see one red cent, ever.
Got some sandman links?
gating changes was easier
You missed the part about Joe being wrong about every foreign policy stance he’s ever taken…?
The Administration supports Iran, but recognizes there are 5.2mln Jewish voters in the U.S. who (through ignorance or stupidity) vote overwhelmingly, straight Democratic. We won’t bomb Iran, but we WILL bomb the Houthis. Iran doesn’t care, and we can justify doing so because they’ve taken pot-shots at us. We can get away with running a sortie inside Yemen because we are allied with Arabia, Dubai, and UAE, and the Houthis have taken pot shots at cargo ships and tankers that’re carrying their merch, as well…
The Administration is trying to save those Jewish votes (especially the million or so, from Pennsylvania), and at the same time, garner the Muslim votes in Michigan and Minnesota. Like nearly everything which happens at this point in time, that sortie was all about the vote…
pot shots ?
Direct hits on United States Ships – all news being suppressed out of ME..HEAVY.
Multiple “Hits”, and they have not even unleashed hypersonics on ships/shipping in the gulf…yet.
Shhh ….
You aren’t supposed to mention, or even hint at, US Foreign Policy being driven by voting concerns wrt specific subgroups of the electorate.
Now close your eyes and put gauze in your ears so you don’t see or hear anything and such heretic thoughts will slowly disappear from your consciousness.