Fusible Friday, Overloads Ahead?

We are (at last!) nearing the end of the political silly-season.  The Election is about 17 days out.  And as the mainstream keeps touting, there’s what some stories report as a 72 percent chance of a Harris win.  As in The stock market still leans to this candidate winning the presidential election.

For us, however, the election is not the sole “deal point” in how America’s future evolves.  Because while half the country could (literally, sadly) “go ballistic” on the “wrong” outcome of the vote, we are also stuck in something of a Sargasso Sea of polluted and marginally navigable international waters.

As always, we recommend voters use the Constitution – adding deep study of how any candidate has (or might) hold to its values left unsupervised – as the decision metric for vote casting.  Toss in views on money, as well. because in addition to the politics of Open Borders, dependence on foreign industry, and social programs run amok, there’s the issue of compounding National Debt.  Which as you can check any time at Our Debt Clock : About : Truth in Accounting is continuing to rise.

The reason for calling this “fusible Friday” is that in addition to the (overload of) social and political currents flowing, there’s exceptional risk over the coming three weeks that International conflict will raise the level of multiple discrete wars to a higher profile – and in so fusing, World War III will become obvious.

May not be obvious at first.  But that’s how World Wars work.  Somewhat small regional conflicts – like Hitler marching into the Sudetenland (1938) – eventualyl fester and grow leading to the calamity that was WW II.  Same thing in WW I, though arguably that was more event-driven by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

In present times, American’s are hamstrung by our own captive consciousness – narcicism really.  I don’t known more than a handful of colleagues who can name even a few key “national dates” of lesser countries – those “off the American public radar.”

It’s useful to know, for example, three key dates in Nigeria’s history: October 1, 1960 (independence day), May 30, 1967 (start of the Biafra War), and October 1, 1963 (when Nigeria became a republic).  I realize this may seem a bit obscure but it helps add context when the odd news story slides past under the perceptual threshold. Like Nigeria’s Air Force chief visit Italy to buy 34 fighter jets, helicopters – Official.

Nigeria’s not a “top-of-mind” country for most Americans.  Still, they produce oil (lots) and have good resources.  Nigeria seeing positive results from fiscal reforms, World Bank says, also sounds hopeful.  Yet the country has its share of disasters – besides the floods a couple of years back – and even this week when more than 160 people died in an oil tanker explosion and fire. Behind Nigeria’s Fuel Tanker Explosion, a Fatal Quest for Cheap Gasoline.

While Nigeria suffers its ‘dance with the devil” over energy development and coping with growth (and a strengthening national currency) it’s also useful to see that local standards in Nigeria are different than here. Facebook faulted for video showing group brutally beating two gay men in Nigeria.

There is – in all this – a key takeaway:  The U.S. is not the “only game in town” anymore – as we arguably were in the immediate aftermath of WW II.  Our ignorance of other countries is immense.

Know What Day This Is?

The discussion of Nigeria is to frame American insensitivity. Not just to other nations, but even our own history. Because a colleague reminded me overnight:

“Tomorrow (in Asia, on the other side of the date line, which will be the 19th there, as it is already the 18th here) is an interesting date. On 19 October 1950, the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army (PVA) crossed the Yalu and entered the Korean war. It will thus be the 74th anniversary of the formal start of military conflict between the PRC and USA (under UN auspices). FWIW…

Against this backdrop, China’s show of force in massive military exercises alarms Taiwan because China won’t renounce use of force over Taiwan; Xi visits frontline island | Reuters. We’re in a weather window for the next 12 hours, or so, which could be risky. Windy: Xinyi, Taipei weather forecast. Winds out of the northeast in the coming week will put Taiwan’s key industrial port in the island’s lee.  That’d be Kaohsiung.

Up north a ways South Korean intelligence: North Korea has sent troops to aid Russia’s war in Ukraine which we’d already picked up from several sources.

We’re also up to the “current capacity” of the world as it related to Israel’s pending retributions against Iran.  The result? Iran issues stark warning to Israel amid escalating tensions, but there was no mention of nukes, although Iran is widely held to have enough lower enriched uranium to produce up to 5 weapons already. And wait, what’s this? Iran is making WW II German “wunderwaffen-like” claims now? Iran has secret weapons more powerful than nuclear arms. (So secret no one knows how to build them? Or, a gain of function pandemic targeting non-Persians?)

With the US striking Houthi in Yemen, another problem area (besides Gaza) is Hezbollah Vows a New Phase in the War, as Israel Says It Has Killed Hamas Leader Sinwar.

Stress – in global affairs – is running extremely high.  Tensions are continuing to rise and one of these “wires to WW III” is likely to melt.

And that’s before we get to Joe Biden visiting to Germany to talk about Ukraine and NATO.  Biden, in Germany, Urges Unwavering Support for Ukraine – The New York Times.

With the start of BRICS meetings in Kazan, Russia next week, we’re hoping that the “lid will stay on things” but the odds of that seem low.  There are good reasons for Israel to attack Iran when both Russia and Iran are focused on BRICS next week.  But there’s a rising sense of tension now, and the fuses on self restraint could fail at any time.  Even on fusible Friday.

Housing Starts and Markets

Going into winter soon, housing starts are less critical, but there is the election context to these:

Raw:  Building Permits: 1,428,000
Housing Starts: 1,354,000
Housing Completions: 1,680,000

Super strong to come in the wake of Heleme-Milton, though, we’d venture.

We think our friend, The Economic Fractalist – who sees a grim downside week coming – may be right.  Because in our Aggregate Index work:

Gold has held 7-cents short of $2,730 today but silver is sluggish as futures near $33.  Will BTC complete a double-top?  $67.700 looms at press time. It’s trying.

Non-Election, Real News

Despite the “easy clickbait of any incendiary headlines” there is real news out there that you might want to keep an eye on.

For example, if you worry about your health: Official Data Shows Kidney Failure Deaths Surging Among Covid-Vaxxed.

Oh, it gets worse, too: Glenn Beck on X: “Did you know our govt had a CONTRACT with Moderna that led to mRNA COVID vaccines and royalties were paid to a Fed bank account? It’s very similar to our food industry. Companies PAY the govt to approve poisons put into our food. We get chronic illnesses. Big Pharma profits.

We think people are getting sick of news coverage, though: you can see supporting data in Netflix Beats Wall Street’s Forecast.”Pass the clicker, honey, let’s watch a movie instead of this crap...” may not be in our home only…

For now, we’ll take Elon Musk’s view and the points:  America on X: “ELON MUSK: “We want secure borders, we want safe cities.. sensible spending. We want Freedom of Speech. We want the Constitution to be upheld.” “Anyone who is against those things is fundamentally anti-American and to Hell with them!” Damn shame Musk isn’t “natural born.”

Around the Ranch: Winter Cometh

One item for your to-do list if you live south of the Mason-Dixon:  Change the batteries in your outside electronics.  Yep.  Outside clocks – and even the one pendulum clock in the office – have had their batteries die this week.  Seasonal thing. Batteries put out higher voltages when warm and – just like your car battery that’s more likely to fail on a good cold morning -, the one’s around the patio, deck, greenhouse, shop, and welding table all needed changing.

Yes, NOAA did that reporter briefing on winter climate outlooks on Thursday and there was the expected Lina Nina winter talk and drier than usual maps.

But in the short-range view – out 7 days) it looks like the cooling will bring some much-needed precip to the four-corners region in the week ahead:

While much of the USA remains in drought, the South is keeping an eye on two storms – especially the one southeast of Yucatan – which could spool up for some late-season hurricane action:

Now the weekend ahead, though? More outdoor work around here. Hard to beat lower 80s and low 50s as good working weather, so guess we better get after it…

Write when you get rich,


60 thoughts on “Fusible Friday, Overloads Ahead?”

  1. Whats a matta Gpops,

    you no believe Iran has scalar/plasma weapons based off Keshe/alien tech ? Merahn no joke..
    lets take a quick ride in my wayback device.

    ..remember the latest Oil embargo instituted against Iran couple years ago, remember those 5 Oil tankers in UAE that mysteriously went POOF while in port?
    They tried blaming Iran, but they never found any proof/evidence, ever. hmmm

    Put on the Insurance yesterday in form of SPY puts, cause I feel the need for a “swim buddy” – this playa only swims NAKED when I know whats in the water, I got no eyedeers whats in the water these days – looks fugly. Also I dont give any weight to double tops – that works about one out of 10 times..ignore that noise, going higher a lil longer..just a lil.

    Is Saturday 10-19-2024 a 911 date code ? Lets hope not, still got Roses to smell….but with US govmint holding 203K BTC -ya never know what is going to happen, and I really dont think current admin is going to leave any bitcoins to djt administration.
    Like a MOB run on Ure business, just prior to declaring bankruptcy – hey where did all Oil from strat.reserve go?
    *chynah said to hold 190 BTC, Ukraine 45K, ElSalvador 5k..

    ** best buy precious metals – junk silber(see what it did versus other forms Silver during covert19 lockdown)

    • ya should cut and paste instead of using a link for subscription articles,,, as we unsubscribers could care less about giving them $
      so your opinion link, goes unread,,,

      but it is a known wordsmithing, hide the sausage , NYT
      so no real surprise from their view, even though I could not read it,, it is just a view

  2. MAGA
    DOGE,,, Dept of Gov Excess,,,
    Yup, Mr Musk can work for a natural born president

    reminds me of grade school black/green boards
    erasers were used to correct mistakes as we wrote,,, then at the end of the school day, we cleaned the boards with a 12″ leather faced big eraser that collected all the caulk dust from the board and we took them outside and beat them together to release the dust to the wind.
    Seem to me we need a good cleanup on USA
    rewrite the contract that we agree to pay interest to global bankers, as the Fed Reserve is NOT Constitutional,,, backrupt the Fed, Q said Gold will end the Fed
    but we all know Q is a psyop, time will tell and time is growing SHORT, who has shorts? thinking the collapse is near,,, I need sandwich billboard
    I have tulip bulbs, but they are useless, but sure look pretty come spring
    $DJT stock seems dependant on his re-election chances
    heard a puppy dog talking about X and truth making a hookup,,, if you can trust a puppy dog @ 10 min mark
    from Schwab newsfeed,,
    “–Trump Media & Technology Rises 10% Premarket After Monday’s 18% Gain Following Truth+ TV Launch
    04:25:28 AM ET, 10/15/2024 – MT Newswires”

    I can NOT verify,,, is it just hopium? but we know the vax is a lie,,, choose for your self

    a BIG yeah,,, RAIN is on the way, to dry land
    prairie fires will burn ure ass,,, How dry I AM

    • “… we know the vax is a lie..”

      Some of the Truth memes out there.


      2. Next time your pediatrician
      gaslights you into thinking your child needs the V’s
      Ask them how much their bonuses are.

      WHO THE

      4. “Next time your pediatrician
      gaslights you into thinking your child needs the V’s
      Ask them how much their bonuses are.“

      5. “If you are 35 or older, you have had fewer vaccines in your lifetime than the average 6 month old baby has had this year.“

    • Dude –

      I suffer from chalkboard erasure PTSD. my old Math teacher, Mr katuzne used to fast ball those fckrs at Ure body from clear across the classroom. So embarrassing and akward to be sitting there after getting thumped, with a big white dust ring on Ure shirt and dust still suspended around you from impact.

      Cue the medical marjuana – ya know ptsd and what notz

    • I like the ‘GOLD’ colored MAGA hat that Musk is wearing as he says,,,
      “Elon Musk discusses the possibility of serving in ‘D.O.G.E.’: “Politicians seem to forget that the money being spent is your money and if it’s not being spent in a way that is beneficial to the American people, it is a misuse of the funds.””

  3. PS. I think Stu’s work on Buy Dan being a tyrant KIng being replace by one worse…. It’s happened already Kamal has taken over the oval….. Now its Time for Trump to step back into the oval….. That Quantum observation is my gift to you all home gamers.!

    • That would be George Soros, acting as Regent during the Obama Administration, being replaced by Alex Soros, who is acting as Regent during the Biden Administration. (Pull the damn’ White House Visitor Logs — They’re (at least for now) publicly-available…)

      IMO there’s a fair possibility Nosty would see past the PR and to the actual source, at least some of the time.

  4. “ Somewhat small regional conflicts – like Hitler marching into the Sudetenland (1938) – eventualyl fester and grow leading to the calamity that was WW II”

    While you are on the right track, the conflict that started the ball rolling for the United States was the illegal invasion of Manchuria by Japanese forces in September of 1931. Interestingly the Japanese government did not authorize the invasion. It was a false flag event set up by a rogue General. Ten years later Japan attacked Pearl Harbour.

    Prior to Pearl Harbour the American response lead by FDR was to authorize a force of “advisors”, (does this sound familiar?) who went in and supported the Chinese Air Force. They were the Flying Tigers. They also became a legitimate legend. L.T Colonel Gregory I. Boyington wrote a great book about his life called “Baa Baa Black Sheep”. One of the many great stories in the book is that one day he was ordered to report to his C.O. He thought he was being court martialed. They gave him a congressional Medal of Honor instead.

    The thing is that while WW2 had multiple start dates if the IJN had not attacked Pearl Harbour they might have kept the USA out of the war, which case it would not have been a world war.

  5. ” Iran has secret weapons”

    Perhaps Iran will open a portal releasing a brigade of invincible demons. Or giants – A.I. video below:

    “produce up to 5 weapons already”

    The way I see it Iran needs to roll three or more nukes across Israel to eliminate them once and for all. The first nuke at a border to confuse the offense. The second nuke 1/3 into the interior and the 3rd nuke 2/3 into the interior. The more nukes the merrier.

    This Video is generated by AI! Someone asked AI how Egyptians pyramids were built. 1 min +/-.


  6. I find it rather fascinating – 12,000 N Korean infantry troops have been sent to the war front in the Ukraine – along with 1,200 special forces., to help Russia. [ Intel rumor has it that two battalions of N Korean Rangers are gearing-up.] But, wasn’t it Russia that basically threatened the entire world if France sent a few hundred infantry to help Ukraine?
    I expect to see French, and/or British, and/or German, and/or ‘all of them’.., to send ground troops into the Ukraine – soon. Probably before the election.
    .., and that, my fellow card sharks, will pretty much change the course of history – for when the German and/or British and/or French infantry runs headlong into a N Korean regiment of Special Forces – call it anything you like – but you have just entered into World War Three.
    .., and no one [ especially Harris ] will be able to convince Russia that this is anything but a fight for their very survival.
    This could get very messy.., and very loud.., and very soon.
    “Stay Frosty !”

    • Rangers or Tigers ?

      Tigers reputation among hardened bullfrogs(vietnamVets) was fearsome, about as badass as it gets in jungle warfare.
      I would certainly take Spetznaz&Tigers over azov nazi’s anyday.

      Does not sound like a fair fight…AWESOME!

      • The White Tigers are South Korean – met a few when I was there.., brutal, tough and sadistic – you just point them in the right direction and turn ’em loose.
        I understand that North Korea has created a couple of battalions of the same – only ‘more’ brain-washed.

    • Russia has hundreds of dead American, British, Swedish, and French soldiers to display to the world’s media. While they’re just being more-honest than we are, I doubt we want to play this PR game.

      Also, Kim has 9 million regulars. 13k fewer mouths for him to feed is a benefit to all concerned, and a mere drop in the bucket, compared to what he could send…

  7. In those heady and important days just before the moon landing, I was working a gig with a BigName HiTek development corp.

    2 am, and I had to take a wicked pee. 6,000 gallons of ugly coffee needed an Out.

    So, I walked down the long, dark hall in th enormous building, and into the restroom.

    There was a night-shift team cleaning woman in there, and she told me to use a booth if her presence was a problem.

    When I was done, we got to talking, and she said at one point, “We’re going to the moon!”

    I have never forgotten her (Marcy James) or that incident. She was absolutey a Full Participant in The Program to her mind; and was completely invested in the spirit of the thing. WE were going to the moon.

    As my short-sleeve white shirt and K&E 6-inch (short) sliderule shifted around a bit as I walked back to the test area, I marveled at our collectve immersion in The Program, and our joint American indominable enthusiasm in the Value of our work — right down to the cleaning lady at 2am in the men’s can.

    We need that spirit back.

    • WRR: Thank you for sharing the anecdote. Just when I am overwhelmed by the ignorance and narcissism I see around me I see your story and also hear about the coming together I see around Vero Beach, FL in the wake of the touchdown of a couple of F2 tornados last Wednesday. The Food Bank has more volunteers than it can use. I went out to drag some palm fronds to the front for pickup and found my neighbor had already done it for me. One man bought a chainsaw so he could help his neighbor remove a fallen tree. The stories go on and on.

  8. re: Railroaded
    feat: Ukraine Partition


    Today President Zelensky is posting on Telegram from his office in Kyiv about the merits of the Ukrainian railroad system.

    Meanwhile German state media “Deutsche Welle” is reporting that President Biden has visited the German President at his residence of Schloss Bellevue, Berlin and signed the “Golden Book”. Mr. Biden is the first president since H.W. in 1994 to receive the prestigious Grand Cross of the Order of Merit. Ordinary Berliners were notified of anticipated train service disruptions due to the special visitor.

    Apparently Schloss Bellevue construction dates to 1786 as the residence of Prince Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia and Master of the Knights of the Order of St. John. It seems according to Wikipedia that upon his passing in 1813 he was the last surviving grandchild of Great Britain’s King George I.

    “DW” notes that Friday will see the leaders of America, Germany, France, and UK meet to discuss the future of Ukraine. (President Zelensky has left the room.)

    Meanwhile DJ George has left the room to host a virtual speakeasy on the deck featuring new railings. Tunes provided but byob.

    • Actually, DJ George left the room to slam a few shots and hit the bong. A “Leader” who can’t run is talking with furriners about leading ‘Mercia?” Pass de duchy, man.

  9. Politics… seems theory for foreign policy is simply ‘if it isn’t over there then it is over here’…. Clinton Arafat and over there… Saudi and 9/11 over here… outcome: lawyers won, but war was our loss… in case you loose start a war. Trump…nothing over there… covid..over here… start a war…

    Seems folks do need a living wage… w/o concern of over therer over here… same with Russians, Afgan, over there…no Afgan cocaine over here..Russia.

    China… no visible banking info.. so Taiwan..over there.. no housing info Taiwan over there…

  10. With G mentioning about NK today this is an interesting geology fact about NK and Russia which a lot of people don’t realize:

    “Vladivostok Russia is located approximately 45 kilometers (28 mi) from the China–Russia border and 134 kilometers (83 mi) from the North Korea–Russia border”

    In addition to NK being just 80 miles south of Vladivostok there is a RR spur line off of the Trans-Siberian RR that goes directly into NK with a large rail yard on the NK side of the border. At tht rail yard Russian Gauge car bungees can be swaped out for Standard Gauge car bungees which are used on the NK and China railroads (no need to unload RR cars and reload them).

    • I hope they take this as an opportunity to R&R and modernize Moline. If Trump lives long enough to make it back to the Oval Office, J-D is NOT going to like that 200% tariff. I don’t know if Kubota has holdings in the U.S. but Mahindra does, and I shouldn’t be surprised if they could (and will) be quickly converted into a manufacturing facility.

  11. This morning: An Editorial.., A Commentary.., and a Poll – all with the same headline. “Harris is the most improved candidate in 2024.”
    – I can not remember ever seeing, at any time., a Presidential candidate with an “Improvement” score. That’s a new one for me.

  12. “Toss in views on money, as well. because in addition to the politics of Open Borders, dependence on foreign industry, and social programs run amok, there’s the issue of compounding National Debt.”

    Thanks to MMT, these are now all irrelevant. We CAN’T go broke, since all we have to do is print whatever quantity of “money” is required to pay ourselves out of debt…

    • No, but we will be eating REAL 30-40% inflation as it comes a ripping upon our shores, after operation sandman is launched.
      Real 30-40% inflation will rip our faces off – literally. Stores/shelves/tanks all will be empty in a matter of minutes..

      Imagine standing in the stands at the opening of of VA TECH football game..as the Volume starts to rise as the opening notes of Enter Sandman start to be heard, soon the entire stadium will be shaking as fans all start jumping up and down to the music..something like that.

      gonna need to crank your VOLUME UP – full benefit!-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W7wqQwa-TU&pp=ygUYZW50ZXIgc2FuZG1hbiBtZXRhbGxpY2Eg

      * this song subject is all about why peeps who have “sold their soul” dont want/like to fall asleep…

    • Ray: Too bad I can’t post pictures in the comments. In Bucharest last month I purchased (for $7) a 500,000,000,000 dinar Yugoslav banknote from the early 1990s. Of course, it could never happen here.

      By the way, federal deficit projections for the next administration are less bad for Harris than for Trump, although I don’t believe either camp actually gives a damn about them. One way, the top 10% gets the bread and circuses, the other way, the bottom 50%.

        • HinH: I stand humiliated! I thought 500B was a lot of money. Do you know if your bill was the highest denomination ever printed in Zimbabwe?

  13. “Up north a ways South Korean intelligence: North Korea has sent troops to aid Russia’s war in Ukraine which we’d already picked up from several sources.”

    North Korea has the largest standing army in the world. At over 9-million strong, Kim can afford to spare a few (hundred thousand) troops to ingratiate himself with the Russians, who can singlehandedly break the West’s long-standing embargo against North Korea…

    • Did a lot of interviews, back in the day. PowerPoints mostly.
      Want me to do an update (Peoplenomics next Tuesday) because everthing has changfed so much with sdrs and all that…?

  14. Yesterday someone asked if there are any objective and accurate polling groups. Back in 2016 the only poll that was close to correct here in Minnesota was Quinnipac which I would guess is associated to Quinnipac University. They were quite close to correct about the result of Clinton and Trump. All others were skewed heavily to Clinton.

  15. Homegamers- Consider if you will Credance Clearwater Revival…and a Bad Moon Rising. October 2024 under a Hunters Moon “the hunters become the Hunted”

    See the lyrics – sound familiar?

    See what was just delivered to Iran this week via our Russian comrades..tick

  16. On the Topic of: I sold my soul for a Tootsie Roll.

    Walgreens in Palm Desert California is now offering flu and Covid Booster shots together with candy for ya after.

  17. 13 hour time difference makes it difficult to post news from Australia in a timely manner. I know websites are tailored to their audience (which I detest- I want raw unfiltered news) but I haven’t seen this on CNN or anywhere else. So many vulnerabilities, so little time…this report is dated October 19.

    “Swarms of drones’ spotted in US skies spark panic.
    The Pentagon is scrambling after midnight swarms of unidentified objects breached several of its most sensitive bases, sparking chaos.

    The Pentagon is scrambling to drape the hangars of its most capable combat jets with nets after midnight swarms of unidentified drones breached several of its most sensitive bases.”

    • Another alarming excerpt from the same article:

      “Earlier this month, Langley issued a tender for expressions of interest in supplying anti-drone netting to cover the 42 open F-22 shelters at the base.

      “This initial sunshade netting installation on the metal sunshade (bay Alpha 1) shall serve as a proof of concept for the remaining sunshades.

      The specifications call for the ability to repel drones of up to 10kg in weight travelling at 185km/h. But they must also be capable of rapid retraction if the fighters scramble to respond to an emergency.”

      So the only solution to this incursion is to drape your hangars with NETS. Nets that then have to retract if the fighter jets need to respond to a threat. What could possibly go wrong?

  18. Also of note – King Charles and Camilla are here in Australia October 18 and will then visit Samoa for CHOGM meeting. Won’t return to the UK until October 26…………interesting timing??

    • If I recall correctly Stu’s interpretation correctly King Charles is to end up in the US, not home in GB. Since he now apparently in the Terminal Phase of cancer there isn’t much time left for that projection to occur.

      Will Charles end up NOT going home to GB but coming to the US at the conclusion of this trip? AND what would that mean about what is happening that could cause that to occur.

      Pure speculation on my part.


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