Beating Back Useless – Militarize FEMA?

Well, here we are: Another Monday.  And for this one, I thought it would be useful to rethink what people really follow news for.

On the surface, the idea is that we all want to be “informed.”  But, if that means keeping up with the cackle princess and the skirt chaser, no thanks. The whole news “industry” has been less about what really matters in people’s lives and instead has become “The Click and Eyeball Jungle.” “News” just isn’t fitting most of the time.

Oh, I’m not the only one with concerns: Newsroom decay is how ‘democracy decomposes’. Yeah, like we hadn’t noticed.


Whether you’re a Trump or Harris fan doesn’t matter much (if at all) at this late stage.  As soon as you made your mind up – who to vote for – the election and everything related to it – became “yesterday’s news.”  You know your course of action, the outcome (no matter who “wins”)  will be contentious, so unless you are a Supreme Court justice who might have to rule on (obvious) questions (like illegals voting), then the election could have been held this weekend.

While Elections don’t matter (once you’ve “decided”) there are certain exogenous forces that blow life around.  Hurricanes and whatnot.  While we are still mighty suspicious of how SOCOM and CENTCOM’s base was at the center of recent weather problems, our concern is with people still in the dark today: Duke Energy working overtime to restore nearly 400,000 still without power.

Are there more storms ahead?  This is where we get into Futuring. Which is another word for “forecasting.”

That yellow “X” off the west coast of Africa is likely not far enough north to make it into the Caribbean (for now). Based on this Season so far (which is about over) the odds are good this one will veer north and that could be the end of the season.  November 30 is the normal end date, but not a lot of “trouble lined up” just now.

Militarization of FEMA

…looms on our radar.  We can see now pretty clearly how the Hegelian Dialectic will be used to transition FEMA into a domestic military and thus skirt Posse Comitatus:  That plan would be to “make up a few incidents” and then arm federal responders.  Right on cue, here comes Armed Militia ‘Hunting FEMA’ Causes Hurricane Responders to Evacuate—Report – Newsweek.

In case you missed it over the weekend, the precursors are already in play in adjacent legal territory as Ron Wyden on X: “This bill represents one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history. I will do everything in my power to stop it from passing in the Senate.” / X

And the fear factor folks are out with stories the pre-pimp the idea of federal troops on American soil:  18M people may try to seize power. Are we prepared to stop them?  Also on point is an article from last week When Sheriffs Say Their Rule Is Law.

What we are seeing – in the wake of the “double-canes” is a hard attack on existing rules concerning the use (and roles) of the military and whether enough PR can be ginned up to drive America (even further) into the China (internal military police state) model.

Meanwhile, Back at the Weather Center

What matters – for news consumers looking into the face of uncertainty is (if I remember right) the gist of an A.P.-Magid research study I read in about 1977.  The #1 interest people have is self-preservation and comfort.  Which means weather stories.  And that was followed by what has come to be known as “health, heart, and pocketbook.”  Oh, and when all other factors are equal, the tie-breaker is “Lead Local!”  (Or, “If it bleeds it leads…”)

In keeping with people’s general interest in weather, the main highlight of today in the national maps is the first string of (purple) freeze warnings as cold air (finally) moves down from Canada.

The cold front will push its way south this week so that by Wednesday, our “deep in the heart of” will be seeing a daytime high of only 70-ish and lows into the 40s.  Doesn’t seem too bad, except that while I was outside working on projects Sunday it was 95 F.  We may be ending the 90s for the year and that is a big deal.  Last call for winter gardens.

Financial Futurings

Next, we get to the pocketbook part.  This is Options week.  And last month on Options Friday, our Aggregate Index closed at 48,317.32.  Friday our Aggregate closed even higher – at 49,313.18.  Which is, frankly, somewhat remarkable.  Normally annual highs come in mid summer or out into Labor Day.  The 1929 annual high, for example, came September 3, 1929.

This hints at a major concern – namely we worry the Election (and the hysterical bullshit stories leading into it) has the potential to turn into a HUGE “Buy the Rumor, Sell the News” event.  And you can sense it among people who are (silly enough to be) partisans. 

Notwithstanding, absent something out of Left Field on the War front, a one thousand point collapse over the next five days seems unlikely.  We would probably rate the odds of a Record October Option Week close to 95 percent. But, as you’ll remember from statistics class, it’s the confidence interval on such outlooks that can (financially) kill.

If you did forget, “A confidence interval is a range of values that indicates the likelihood that a population parameter will fall within a certain set of values. It’s a way to describe the uncertainty around an estimate and how precise a measurement is.”  We’re pretty confident but that’s not the same as certain.

The Future is Visiting

  • Today a number of regional Fed chiefs will be on the “rubber chicken  circuit.” Of all of them, probably Neil Kashkari’s remarks may be useful.
  • Tomorrow, the NY Fed’s Empire State Manufacturing numbers land, but again – blue state and the Fed campaign contribution (in kind, via an undeserved half-point rate cut) will not go on the rocks.
  • Wednesday import-export prices (stock up on the NoDoz!).
  • Thursday we finally get something useful (Retail Sales) but honestly, I don’t see people slowing down consumption, so the Big Economic Flywheel will keep spinning for another month.
  • Friday serves up Housing Starts, but with maybe as many as a million homes damaged from Helene-Milton, we’re just guessing that “building permits” may be up a little more than usual, though it could take another month or two to show. We have to remember stats lag reality.

CRE Torpedoes and Mines

Although we have slurred the Fed’s rate-cut (giveaway to the rich), there may be an “off books reason” for it.  Which you have to see between the lines in commercial real estate stories. Like this in the L.A. Times this morning: Craig Coan, Jeremy Cramer, Kirk Malmrose and Mal Serure Share Insights on the Real Estate Industry.

I tend to discount what anyone in real estate says about the R.E. market (especially on the commercial side) by perhaps 25 percent. But an intriguing question is how much (if any) of the Fed drop was driven by fears that if they didn’t do that, the cost of refi’s in commercial real estate (CRE) could crater the economy in early 2025.  (When half the country will be in a pissy (or worse) mood anyway because of the election.  Have to think about that.

WW III Surprise Week?

Now we’re down to the nubbins of the week. As it’s time to play Three War Monte. Welding goggles in hand?

Let’s start with Israel versus (Lebanon, Palestinians, Iran, and Syria). Let’s take it north-to-south:

On the Iran-Israel front, the PR departments are running hard pushing stories like What Is THAAD? US Deploys State-of-the-Art Air Defense Battery to Israel – Newsweek..  What is NOT being discussed is what will Israel strike in Iran as retaliation over recent missile launches.  The longer we don’t see action, our “spidey senses” keep ratcheting up fears they will go after Iran’s nuclear program and that would likely be with a couple of nukes. Stories like Israel can only delay, not stop, Iran nuclear programmer, being considered. Plus the reports from last week that Iran could have up to 3-5 crude nukes ready to go in a week.

We’re just waiting for Israel’s shot from the free throw line, if you will.

Russia Fears?

Putin is likely to be able to focus on the BRICS meetings coming up. Because of additional military sources on the way: Zelenskyy: It is no longer about supplying weapons, it is about sending people from North Korea.  (Ure hints: This is how World Wars work, get it?)

Meanwhile, the EU is trtying to dump more money into the fray – and there’s talk Joe Biden will visit Germany next week.  For now, Aid to Ukraine – EU may create new fund to override Hungary’s veto of Ukraine war funding.

And before we wrap up this part, would I be alarmist pointing out that China Launches Sea and Air Drills Around Taiwan and they still have plans to reunify?

Or, that China would be my #1 suspect behind the story this weekend about how Mystery Drones Swarmed a U.S. Military Base for 17 Days. The Pentagon Is Stumped. – WSJ

At the Ranch:  Waiting on Hardware

Got the first third of the railing around the new deck done.  Then realized I needed more hardware.  (Thought I had enough but no….)  That should arrive today. But, in the meantime, prioritized prepping plans (this week’s Peoplenomics report) has to be written.

The new stairs work just fine – thanks.

And the new “high visibility for old people” keyboard in the office seems to make the same number of mistakes as all other keyboards I’ve owned.

Ham Radio: With recent Sun activity, ham, radio was up and down over the weekend.  Still, managed a half-dozen Morse code (CW) contacts with the Pennsylvania QSO party Sunday.

I keep having a debate with myself:  When the sun’s out, ~7 kW of solar makes a hell of an RF racket on 20 and 15 meters. The electrical engineering genes kicked in with a ton of ideas to try.  But the hard-ass task manager genes keep telling me “You got more important shit to do than piss time down the radio rat hole, so get back on the project list…”

That arguement rattles on in my head as I’m about to hit “publish” today.  For now, I asked the Task Manager “Would it be OK if I took a break for some chow?”

OK, but not more than a half-hour.  Then get your ass back to work…”

I better scoot before he changes his mind.

Hey! Don’t talk about me. I’m Ure problem.”

Write when you get rich, or the meds kick in…

44 thoughts on “Beating Back Useless – Militarize FEMA?”

  1. Yo Chief,

    Can you speed shit up a little bit ? kam still ? Come on man, you know that dog dont hunt, not even with Ure johnson..

    Wheres the rumored mr plastic fantastic? Talk about a assHole baby, right outta san fran…it looks like, smells like, walks like, it must be. The ole swtcheroo -

    What about the other DSer ? Dont look now, but I think we might have some mechanical issues of some sort, no I’m serious –

    Hey dont look now Gpops, but Ure favorite Asset is on the move again..only 12% off of its ATH this AM.

    * Wager ?
    Election is Held versus new ATH in BTC. or should it be tRump wins so Results Certified vs new ATH BTC, which comes first.

    **Only 12 States Dont have a procedure for Nominated candidate not making it 2 election. In which case all votes for candidate go to or with the DNC and whoever they select..hello gruesome.

  2. “The new stairs work just fine – thanks.” That’s great to hear George! Now you can take that project off the to do “Board”.

  3. “OK, but not more than a half-hour. Then get your ass back to work…”

    When my kids were teenagers and complained about not enough time to get something done, I would tell them “if you want something done, give it to a busy person.” Now grown, they often repeat that back to me.

    You are the antithesis of a government employee G.

  4. Hi, Yowusa… What we call Planet X is a generic term for the Nemesis Mini-constellation. At the heart of this system is a brown dwarf sun in orbit around our sun, which is presently in its aphelion phase when it is closest to the sun.

    This monster will become a hardship once it enters the aphelion leg of its orbit. We are weeks away from that

    • A friend with Weed, is a friend indeed!

      Cmon man, what ever you be smoking, sounds wonderful.

      When you start seeing any of this nonsense, please post coordinates, so we can all observe Ure nemesis..dun, dun, duuN. Thx

  5. “Sunday it was 95 F. We may be ending the 90s for the year and that is a big deal. Last call for winter gardens.”

    Where I live, a “winter garden” is made up of things that can survive a frost. Other than that, a heated greenhouse with supplemental lights is needed.

  6. Sorry, in my, still unapproved, comment above, I should have said FALL gardening is those things that can survive a frost. Winter gets COLD here.

    The normal growing season where I live is basically June thru September.

  7. “I keep having a debate with myself: When the sun’s out, ~7 kW of solar makes a hell of an RF racket on 20 and 15 meters. The electrical engineering genes kicked in with a ton of ideas to try. ”

    shield it!
    5 minute fix attempt…you could get all fancy ,but for a quick check take some aluminum foil and line a cardboard box with it.. cut out the holes to allow the cords and conduits then set it over the inverters.. see if that helps with the frequency.. emf frequencies can be a nuisance..if it does then you can get all fancy with a cover later..
    if..that doesn’t resolve the frequency issues then you will have to buy filters..

  8. Yup we the people have mostly made up our minds
    the problem is the non voters who have ballots recorded in their names,,, seems to me that only one side is in on the cheat,,, RINOs are the same as the permanent /uniparty/donkeycons
    WE ARE MAGA, a new grouping of the same old, tired of being screwed over by ass holes like G Bush who said into a microphone,,, “we are the ruling party”
    There is a war going on overhead, physically overhead and unseen over head.

    but ole Elon knows how to make a soft landing as he catches the returning booster rocket
    1 min vid of catching the booster
    but this is all for show,
    as electro-magnetic-anti-gravitational is the future

    I talk to myself also, just not out loud in public, I want folks to THINK I AM a little crazy, but not KNOW it,,,
    this zample
    “Hey! Don’t talk about me. I’m Ure problem.”
    whats ya got to eat?
    egg (3) + cheese sandwich morning,,, 30f at sunrise,,, coffee

    colds and sore throats going around , why not use liquid injectable Ivermectin? I use it with a dropper.
    got cancer?

  9. oh.. if your going to try the aluminum foil as an emf trial shield.. they use aluminum foil to transmit electricity.. so .. the emf will be absorbed by the foil.. so to get that emf to flow into the ground a simple ground wire .. your solar setup is like mine with long runs..ferite cores are nice but cost prohibitive copper would be price prohibitive hopefully it’s just the frequency being emitted by the inverter.. to use magnetic energy as a directional many forget that the two poles of a magnet want to connect.. to focus it shields need to be in place. one look at the new rail guns shows how the focus of magnetic power can propel a projectile at extreme velocities..

  10. “Hunting FEMA”

    I saw this, 2 screenshots from someone’s phone posted on Instagram a while back, so I took screenshots of them too, as a reminder if I saw anything in the news.

    (Copied and pasted)

    “From a friend
    101st Airborne
    Division is heading to NC with 500+ troops. Been said Trump has sent them. After reports of a Marine sniper taking out 5 FEMA troops doing unimaginable things to people in effected areas.
    Plus the Blackhawk Helio rotor washing that supply center.“

    And there was a story of a high ranking FEMA guy who got the crap beat out of him by locals.

    That, was the rumor BEFORE the hunting article came out.

    Hard to tell what’s going on in those hills.

    • I read an article Yesterday that since the Biden Harris administration and our congress was so good at defending the only protection do to everyone in authority is a white racist. spreading hate for the Caucasian members of society..
      that because of the open borders and the rise in crimes the local gangs are going to take control. and do the job of what use to be the polices job.

    • It’s happening in California, too. I’ve watched it on ‘train cams’ on the Tehachapi Pass. Edison, CA the train stops for a crew change and a nearby warehouse sends out a fork lift to help looters unload refrigerators from second-level containers during the 10-15 minute stop for a crew change up front.

  11. You tend to do extra stuff. I figure those steps will get painted different colors, or get non slip strips, or get individual lights. Some kind of glam is expected to appear shortly.

    I am amazed at how much work you get done. Great job, George.

  12. “Antony Blinken (and Nod, Biden) have failed to explain why the U.S. is funding both sides of the Lebanon war.”

    Clowns to the left, jokers to the right???

    Well, I don’t know why I came here tonight. I got a feeling that something ain’t right.
    I’m so scared in case I fall off my chair and I’m wondering how I’ll get down those stairs.
    Clowns to left of me, jokers to the right, here am I stuck in the middle with you.
    Yes, I’m stuck in the middle with you and I’m wondering what it is I should do.

  13. It is looking more and more like Israel is using its threat of ‘massive retaliation’ against Iran as a stall-tactic. I just can’t figure out ‘what’ they are stalling for. Surely they know the repercussions, regional and internationally, on every possible strike, target & method against Iran., and Iran is never going to stop attacking Israel – either through proxies, or directly.
    – Just what are they waiting / stalling for? Waiting? For permission.., consensus., votes? Other military actions? Turkey just proposed a joint alliance with Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Russia against Israel., as they gear-up for a major incursion into Syria against the Kurds.
    [ Interesting that Egypt was not mentioned.]
    – Or: ” ITEIABU ” [ In The End It All Blows Up ]

  14. I have some RFI suggestions too complex for email. 910 215 0943. (No rush on my part.) First q wll be what have you already tried?
    I’m sure I can help.


  15. The story that the MSM panned and IMHO is the one of the greatest engineering achievements of the decade, or even the millennium so far is:

    Unless I missed it, nobody even mentioned this here after it actually happened.

    It’s incredible! Designing, building, and successfully launching AND recovering this massive rocket required much work and synchrony of great minds! Many said it couldn’t be done, yet it was done in minimal time and privately done at that! This warms my heart as both an engineer and a human being. We can actually do things I dreamed of happening since I was a little kid. While I’d hope people could get to Mars in my lifetime, that may not happen, since we spent 50 years without any serious spirit of adventure, preferring to squabble over pronouns and other nonsense.

    Congratulations to the entire SpaceX team!

    I’m less enthusiastic about the Europa mission. Arthur C. Clarke warned us about interfering with that moon!

  16. banks closed, Federal Holiday … markets UP … just another of the same, different day … yawn

    looks like NDX trying to take out that July high ….. good luck, how the casino is run … house wins

    good luck all

  17. This country is falling… being torn… apart. My raging headliners for the day:
    “Bill Clinton Unintentionally Creates Trump’s Next Campaign Ad”

    “Liberals Are Losing Their Minds Over Elon Musk”

    “Vance Shuts Down Reporter’s Absurd Defense Of Illegals”

    And the cherry on top… tyrannical monarchy..
    “Liberals Call On Biden To Commit Unconstitutional Acts In His Final Days”

    I am angry. I am frightened. This cannot continue.

    • I believe that the reason they are worried about trump and neither of them can be controlled. they are part of their society level and what little bit they could offer them to control them or gain their Compliance. what those that hating them can’t that trump and musk are thinking of everyone’s future and the stability of what they have. while those seeking the control and Riches are only thinking of their pocketbooks and greed..

    • I am amused. It’s either that or be clinically unemotional.
      It makes no more sense for me to get agitated than it would to get agitated over a football game. If there’s something positive for me to contribute, I’ll consider it.

      I can’t do much about the insanity surrounding us, but I can disengage(beyond possibly useful comments). Some of us need to survive and thrive if we’re to continue our species and our culture.

      • Yeah, but a football game doesn’t affect your life and livelyhood like ‘tyrannical monarchy’ will.

  18. “And the new “high visibility for old people” keyboard in the office seems to make the same number of mistakes as all other keyboards I’ve owned.”

    You have to LOOK at your keyboard?? Time for a Neuralink… eliminate the keyboard middleman. Then we could truly say “You’ve lost Ure mind”!

  19. Written by a Soros acolyte and heavy with both DEI and “White hate.” Sheriffs DO have a tremendous amount of power. They are the top, elected law enforcement officers in the United States, and may not be arrested or detained by any LEO at any level. The only person who can arrest, detain, or interfere with a County Sheriff is the Coroner of the sheriff’s county.

    This is FAR TOO MUCH decentralized power, and cannot be allowed to continue in a world where the DEI WEFfers and Democrats are striving for Marxist, one-world rule. All power and authority MUST be concentrated at the top and because of that, the power of the Sheriff MUST be revoked.

    • The eyewitness accounts I read said the “UFO drones” were 100 mph internal combustion machines. Nothing other worldly except maybe the pathetic head-in-the-clouds military non-response. With the competent commanders in forward positions, we have woke UFO nuts making excuses back home. You don’t need front line interceptor jets to bring down that kind of drone.

      • You DO understand an airplane with its transponder attenuated is, by definition, a UFO, right?

        China and Russia both have places in Cuba from where they can launch a long-range cargo plane. I would suspect a cargo plane flies up under radar level and just outside our trade line, launches a mess of drones, and circles until they return. The drone pack may have a couple photo or intel drones amongst their number, but principally, they are flying to aggravate and irritate our military. It is a psyop, not an intel acquisition mission, and it’s working marvelously well (‘cuz now that the encounters have been declassified, we’re all talking about them…)

        I can think of no reason why an “aircraft carrier” can’t itself be an aircraft. With a lot of the cargo planes, six-foot drones could be launched side-by-side off the loading ramp. The Chicoms are masters of coordinated, synchronized drone flight. The drones will play “gnat” (annoying, flying irritation) until their battery discharges, then automatically return to the “mother ship” for the return flight to Cuba.

        I think it’s a good theory. Now, someone prove me wrong (if you can…)

        • Tag it with a paintball full of radar reflective paint, then follow it to its mom ship.
          Otherwise, shoot it down and analyze. One you know what kind of transponder it has, other high-dollar ECM measures become possible.
          A red biplane with a shotgunner in the passenger seat would work, for both the paintball or the kill shot scenarios.

    • re: “London Fields”, 2018
      feat: The Golden Cross


      Deepest thanks for the fascinating “Daily Mail” link you offer above. There are some fascinating coinkydoinks of connection from real to surreal.

      The “Daily Mail” article doesn’t outright mention at the get-go that one of their casual journalists has a day job with his self-founded digital publication “Liberation Times” (and past guest on C2C AM?) – the publication which made the FOIA inquiry upon which the “Daily Mail” is now reporting. It’s rather interesting isn’t it that eyewitness reports from the FOIA reply included those of O3 and O5 personnel. Additionally the drones allegedly operated at nonstandard frequencies according to NASA aircraft reports, and successfully evaded US “dronebuster” technology.

      The curriculum vitae of the various journalist and social media characters in this sci-fi tale are rather murky before 2011. Here’s a bit of a reach. A past Royal reporter of doppelganger-Liberation founder name for a “Daily Mail” competitor began his future career path with a “non-partisan social enterprise” organization SO K, founded and headquartered in Notting Hill, London since 2015. The group’s longtime ceo appears to have successfully navigated around past associations with Meta as well as separately with the President of Russia. The publication of the 2023 birthday honors list of King Charles III revealed the awarding of an MBE to the ceo. Congratulations, indeed.

      The enterprise’s London hq since inception had formerly housed the Golden Cross pub until 2014 which transformed into a 4 out of 5 star Japanese restaurant boasting rather dismal anecdotal customer-written reviews. The pub known under a pseudonym of “Black Cross” was apparently site of a future fictional murder on 11/5/99 in the non-Y2K compliant era 1989 novel “London Fields” by Martin Amis.

      Speaking of Commodore64 vintages, the 2014 Hollywood timeline introduced us all to the fictional Continental Hotel, NY, with front desk staff Charon guarding the edifice at 1 Wall Street Court. The exterior hotel entrance and ground floor Japanese restaurant bore some uncanny resemblances to the Golden Star building in London. Fascinating.

      Let’s rejoin DJ George ready to spin the radio dials for travel on channels less known. Here’s a word delivered from a higher plane not to be considered investment advice. “Fortune favours the bold.”

      “Live long and prosper!”

    • George,
      I meant to mention one other item as an aside. The 1 Wall Street Court building apparently stands on land formerly comprising part of the New York property of Scottish privateer William Kidd. The goalposts moved on his deal with the government of the day, and he was sent to England to be hung for piracy at the turn of the 18th century.

        • If I had the spare change to buy an SX-88, I’d never have posted the link.

          …And BTW, I have an IC-7300.

          I figure if George is an incurable romantic, the least we can do is direct his affecti -er, affliction away from HT-40s and the like (ugh! I love Hallis, but NOT the “poordy forty”), and toward the best ever made, and one of very few boatanchors that’s guaranteed to appreciate in price…

  20. So, I was sent a news snippet and asked to comment.
    Why do y’all suppose I find this extremely offensive:

    Richmond girls volleyball team calls for equity in girls sports

    RICHMOND, Ind. (WISH) — A member of the Richmond High School volleyball team is calling out the district’s treatment of girls sports. Junior Katie Mathena told the Richmond Community School Board Wednesday about an incident on Sept. 24 when her team was prevented from practicing at the gym.

    • No nibbles? I’m disappointed…

      “Equity” in girls’ athletics means a teammate with a built-in towel hanger, showering with them.

      Richmond is on I-70 at the Indiana-Ohio State line. It is an up-and-coming “class-C” city of, probably 40,000 people. I’m Quaker and it is home to Earlham College, which houses 400 years of comprehensive Quaker family history.

      It’s been several years since I’ve more than passed by the town, and I don’t know it very well, but I suspect the high school girls (and their fathers) would really not appreciate having to share space under the shower nozzle with a nekkid boy, and having some asshole in Indianapolis (WISH-TV) imply their plea for Title IX EQUALITY is really a demand for DEI EQUITY is what pisses me off.

      I expect to be in Michigan for a couple days, in the next week or two. If I seethe about this for long enough, I might just have to see if I can engineer a route south on I-69 or US-31 (or 27) so as to catch a girls vball practice or game — ‘see if I can catch me a nice (preferably married), redneck mama and ask her why her little girl wants to shower with boys. {But Channel 8 News says the girls want EQUITY, and that means showering with the boys…}

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