Waitstate Weekend

We have a list of “life-changing, but for now still pending” events that make us a bit cranky this weekend.  No, not that we are in a hurry for WW III to break out, nor are we anxious for the wrong presidential candidate to get the nod by voters.  OK, and we don’t really want Iran to lob a nuke or Israel to “go first” into that future, either.

But sometimes, like good little air & food processors there’s not really much we can do – other than wait for the sluggish Future to get back to us.

There is other study to be done, including musing a bit in today’s ChartPack about the coming of “Citabria Markets” and the Lomcovak moments ahead.  If this doesn’t make sense, then might we suggest some remedial reading to get your head back in the cockpit?  Try this, for example.

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35 thoughts on “Waitstate Weekend”

  1. Hey Chief Red Bear,

    Wheres the dam Body ? Sinwar body be missing, nice pictures, exactly like the bin hiden and al bagdaddy pictures…NO BODY, just pictures..hollywood stills as it were.

    ? How can you be Short the Market in the face of “TheTrump Trade” ? As a hedge versus Long positions with unrealized gains – OK.

    Listen hear – the following is a simple Trade that will make you MONEY, as long you employ Sell STOPS, and keep moving them up as underlying Price goes UP. No not magic, better ishares Bitcoin ETF Options.
    Bullish Call Spreads and/or Bullish Put Spreads. Underlying priced perfectly at around $38 per share (sweet spot price) for Options trading. I reco ishares etf due its SIZE, because size really does matter in things financial. Due to the fact we are talking etf, it provides you a certain level of protection from actually having to touch a real Bitcoin..a condom trade if you will.

    Dont forget Ure Iodine supps..or Seaweed-Yum.
    : D

  2. (“More difficult, perhaps? Chinese drone maker sues Pentagon over blacklisting. Ans. This is serious because DJI is the biggest deal in recreational and light commercial drones in the USA. “)

    take away the evil killing part of those drones so that they would be safe for anyone to use and enjpy..can you imagine how much fun they would be..
    with the older grandkids we made paper models..


    the Chinese Japanese French etc.etc. have had paper model crafts for family activities. ( not so in the USA although at one point NASA and the military had them for father son and daughter activity crafts) in other countries they have contests for glider like flights and remote controlled manned flights..
    we made a ton of them so accurate and scaling it to child size..
    many are extremely challenging to. they are models not just a paper airplane.. drones would be just as much fun.. kids racing each other hanging them in their rooms for display.. we have a ton of memories doing the model making.. today’s kids have some computer game instead of parent child fun activities..

    • “take away the evil killing part of those drones so that they would be safe for anyone to use and enjpy.”

      Not understanding this.

      My DJI drones are about twice the size of a pack of cigarettes. I’m pretty sure unless you strapped a syringe full of hydrogen cyanide to their undercarriage, they couldn’t kill anybody.

        • Not to my knowledge..
          I have some from all over.. there are whole clubs on making these and government contests for the best father son airplanes.. the Japanese government had a website way back when Windows 95 was the operating system of the day it took a whole day to download one set of plans.before that you had to write off for them. NASA had a not really a magazine but like a folder in the eighties for kids to build space ships and satellite models..the coast guard had models and so did the air force and navy..
          Toyota has a big parent child project folder.. the French has a contest for flying them.
          since I didn’t have the money for the plastic models paper models were the best alternative..
          give the cesna a try its a lot of fun then get the remote control system..

          wow..just went looking for the remote control system ..they are cheaper to buy the whole plane than just the parts to make it fly..


          the or sculpted was great fun until I had to climb on top of the building lol


          ours had a thirty six inch wing span..and fly like a bird..

      • My DJI drone is of the 1st edition of the ones small enough no license necessary. The latest iditeration of them are much more advanced with object avoidance etc. built in plus a much better camera (mine is only 2k).

        I got mine used from a guy who was trading up so I wouldn’t feel bad when I wrecked it. Figured it was a good learning drone … AND I could also use it for some areal photography for some of my work now that Microsoft has tightened down access to their angled satellite pics. (which I LOVED since you can see something much better when you can look at it from 4 different angles vs just a straight down shot — still do just don’t want to pay MS money to get them)

  3. For those of you who can’t hear the shout at the Kamala Rally, of “Jesus is Lord” … you can plainly hear it here …


    Yeah, that lady was pretty close to the guy.

    And, over at Zerohedge we read the Headline;

    “US Ends Fiscal 2024 Paying A Record $1.1 Trillion In Interest Expense.”

    With a footnote from the author that reads;

    “Why would Trump even want to be in charge when the house of cards finally comes crashing down, which they surely will in the next four year? Just let Kamala have it.”

    Hell, I wouldn’t throw in the towel just yet. Com’on man, never go down without a fight. – Besides, the DOD is expecting a fight, of some sort as mentioned in
    DOD DIRECTIVE 5240.01

    And if you read my comment a while back, I think the elite want Trump to win so when the house of cards falls, they can rewrite history and blame him. You know how they do like they do.

    Here’s some interesting thoughts about being “unburdened”


    Well, on those happy notes, hope everyone has a great weekend. Cheers !!

  4. OMG! I read ‘Stick & Rudder’ back in the early 70s when I was learning to fly. Great stuff. I have hangar stories too long to relate here. But I worked with an ancient old pilot, Peter, who learned to fly biplane on his father’s farm. Father was safety minded and put a spare wooden ‘stick’ jammed into the sidewall between the two cockpits that could be used in an emergency if either of the real ‘sticks’ got broken or pulled out of the metal socket on the floor. Parachutes were mandatory gear also, when flying. So father one day hired an experienced pilot to give them both lessons, although Peter and Father were already flying OK.

    Instructor told Peter to just ‘follow what I do’ and reviewed a few hand signals to use between the forward and aft cockpits on the biplane. Now Peter had heard that this instructor, when he was confident that the student in the rear cockpit could land the plane, the instructor would pull his stick out of the socket and throw it out of the plane, and force the student to land the plane himself. So came the day the instructor felt Peter was ready. He pulled the stick out and waved at Peter and tossed the stick overboard. Peter immediately gave him the ‘OK’ signal. Then Peter pulled the SPARE stick out of the fuselage, waved it for the instructor to see, and tossed the spare stick overboard. Now the instructor, thinking there were no sticks to control the plane, climbed out of the cockpit and jumped overboard and used his parachute! Peter, alone in the plane, brought it around and landed safely at the farm. The instructor hiked in from the farm field, gave Peter a tongue lashing, and left the farm immediately. And THAT is the funniest, true flying story I ever heard.

    • As good: the late actor, Bob Cummings (“Love that Bob”) was playing at the old Cirque Dinner theater in Seattle.
      About the time of our interview, we went flying – I was a news director – Bob had mnentioned he was a pilot – so we went up over the Snoqual;mie Valley floods east of Seatlte.
      On the way back, I was set up for a landing at Boeing Field on the short runway (13L at the time before variation change) and he said “Want me to autograph your logbook for you?”
      Naw…that’s OK…

      Only 10-years later did I learn that Bob Cummings was FAA Flight Instructor #001. And that the story of having Orville, I think it was as his Godfather, wasn’t not just bullshit.

      I learned a lot about reporting, listening, and Googling everyone you meet (in advance) from that experience.
      Had I know then, of course the logbook would have welcomed the signature.

  5. …back when the Soviet Union was collapsing, I (perhaps erroneously) recall, Ukraine dutifully sent back to Russia the nooks U was holding.”

    If I had been in charge of that, I would have arranged to be short one or two — “…just in case…” It would have to be an ultra-beyond Q super top secrect–maybe the deepest secret in the land, but one never knows, does one?

    I’m just fishing in the dark here, to mix a metaphor or two…

    It’s what I would do…

    Things are probably more complex there than we think…

    • “is this a false flag?”


      We and the Russians both have eyes on everything that transpires in the M.E. The current Administration would break the story in a second, if the drones were launched inside Israel, and the Russians… Oy vey! It would be a huge scandal, and Russian, and every other foreign media would have it plastered all over every front page in the non-U.S. world.

  6. “At this point, we may be witnessing the death of traditional charting because we are at the ultra-uber extremes of pricing now.”
    – I agree. Traditional charting “and” indicators may be a bit archaic in today’s multi-trillion dollar, computerized [ A.I. assisted ] trading / gambling system.
    – Three weeks ago, two fellow math researchers in my math forum asked me for a lot of information regarding stock/commodities/etf’s and index trading. They already knew a lot – but wanted an actual trader’s view / advice / experience. They have an idea to replace charting as we know it – using an A.I. assisted math formula [ that they are working on ]., with a very simple chart showing buy/sell points in virtually real-time., regarding any traded asset. [ as long as that asset has a data history and is currently being traded.]
    – I did inform them that this has been tried., at least twice, that I know of and that the results have not been very reliable. Even MIT researchers tried to devise a math-method., with no better than a 50/50 result.
    – They responded that they know of the MIT efforts, and actually have their math-model – but that their premise is all wrong and that – “.., and their modeling sucks!” [ direct quote. ]
    – No word as yet on how it is working out – may take a while – fine tuning a math model can be mind numbing, frustrating and very tedious.
    – But I have to add: Lately, I have been wondering about traditional charting going up against modern computerized buy/sell trading. So much can be moved., so fast..,
    – Mega brokerage house dumps 500 million in stock on Widget International. Five minutes later “What’s It” corporation starts to sell off. Dramatically. It seems that the high tech widgets are an integral part of the manufacturing process at “What’s It.” By the time you get the news and see the charts – it’s already over.
    A.I. may, or may not be able to help in that scenario – how would it know the brokerage house was going dump the stock? But it may be able to predict an index much better than an individual stock.
    – We’ll see…..,

  7. re: Angle of Attack
    feat: Golf Bunker Shots

    Wikipedia notes that the market share of the Ukraine state media daily war report tv program has fallen from 23% to 10% since the onset of hostilities. This past week of course President Biden received honours and accolades for “Trans-Atlantic Service” at Berlin’s Bellevue Palace at the opposite end of Tiergarten Park from the former führerbunker site which now hosts a car park. Meanwhile in a starkly lit windowless studio of bunker appearance from Kyiv a president was the special guest on the ratings-ailing state sponsored war report television program.

    The president had opted for a softer green camo shade of attire for the 1 hour 27 minute long media combat session. He was grilled by an intelligent quintet of young, telegenic, women journalists. Manicures were sharply resplendent. Regrettably there appears no English transcript at the ready. However the following link to the episode’s YouTube posting indicates 21,000+ views comprised of an unknown number from the presidential channel’s 1.26 million YT membership total.


    Speaking of Down Under, King Charles III and the Queen Consort are understood to have taken in the fresh air this morning in a walkabout surrounding their Sydney, Australia accomodation. The edifice, Admiralty House, is the former colonial abode of the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Squadron of the Royal Navy.

    • re: Oct. 20, 1964


      On the 60th anniversary of President Hoover’s passing, C-Span2 has a programming announcement. Next Saturday, 10 days before the election, a broadcast will be made celebrating the 150th anniversary plus 2 months since Mr. Hoover’s birth. Great-grandchildren of the Republican President will weigh in on his legacy.

  8. What if. Isreali issues are a cover for lack oil recovery in Arabia. First Saudi needed light Russian oil to do heavy oil recovery. Second Iraq off line long term enough for Iran to run low. So Iran cross drills next door into Iraq oil across border like Iraq did down south . Most estimates of Campbell long gone secondary didn’t access more but spent what was there faster. Time for Arabs to cover all up as world economy and food tie to there lies. Jews best bet. Beat hem enough and we are off the hook. Same with Russians no investment oil infrastructure. More failures will take down Brussels.

  9. George,

    I saw that you answered my question on the comm gear. That would be a yes.

    It’s been a tough 23 days since September 26, 2024.

    Luckily, “The Pickle” got juiced, but we made it through. I’ve been in constant motion for 12 + hours a day since.

    I beat the rush. I’m in a place and rebuilding and restocking.

    The only things that I saved from Hurricane Helene were my books and my musical instruments. I moved those to a storage unit 20 miles north, but the person there let it slip that during heavy rains these so-called environmentally controlled units flooded.

    I was never comfortable with that slip.

    With Hurricane Milton a few days out, I did a last-minute insurance adjustment to 10k, because I wound up filling it to capacity.

    However, at the last minute, my buddy and his wife came down with a trailer, and we moved everything out of it into the new house that I’m renting. In essence, it was all saved twice.

    Got the email after Milton that my storage unit flooded… Sometimes it works to play the hunch…

    I discovered that the universe works with lucky breaks and hard work. My buddy and his wife also came to the rescue for 3 other people.

    As Milton rolled in, I was on the road with 40 knot winds, 60 knot gusts, and a driving rain. I was taking the last load of my surviving shit to this new house in a pickup that “I accidentally stumbled onto” at the rental agency a few days before.

    Coastal St. Pete is now a disaster area. The house I was renting had no power for nearly 5 days.

    Inside, the mold is so thick, I do not go in there without my dual filter mask. Everything in there is now toxic junk.

    Hopefully, today was my last run. I’m going to hire some people to take what remains to the street. With everybody else’s life-debris, it’s all out there on the curb for the world to see in thousands of piles of rotting junk.

    God and the universe seem to have said, “out with the old and in with the new.”

    I am almost there. My goal has been to get back to “Normal” by next weekend, and certainly by the election. I do have a lot of man-hours into things like my 12-volt portable water filtration system with backup filters that was flooded out. But I am working that priority list.

    It’s game on folks.

    Israel and Iran are about to pop. China just surrounded Taiwan, and North Korea is about to blow.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 29
    The Group of Eight Nations is dead, and war with Russia looms ominously in Eastern Europe and Syria, and war with North Korea and China looms in the Western Pacific Ocean.

    I believe another mistake I made was underplaying North Korea’s role in initiating The Apocalypse. Previously, I pointed to the predictions in The Epistle to Henry that suggests something from “The Orient” will initiate The Global Economic Collapse. I now believe that conflict with North Korea may be inevitable.

    As you will read in Chapter Ten, there are some serious considerations to one particular line from The Epistle to Henry that suggests an Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon attack that
    cripples communications.

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 29
    Confirming that, in an April 1563 Presage, Nostradamus writes, “Death [in the] Orient, plague, famine, evil treaty”. Read in context with several other prophecies, it suggests a quick short war in The Orient, economic collapse, The Second American Civil War, and the return of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

    As you will read in Chapter Eleven, North Korea is China’s bullmastiff. Bullmastiffs are hunting dogs meant to confront and tire out big game to ease the hunter’s kill. If war starts with North Korea, it is guaranteed to draw in China and Russia. Nuclear War is closer than it has ever been in history.

    Personally, I have been wiped out. My washer and dryer came on Wednesday, and I finally felt human again.

    What will we all do when there is no “Best Buy”, “Rooms to Go”, or “Amazon” to quickly rebuild?

    Here is my truth in it all, when a Cable Television producer wanted to include my work on Nostradamus in a “Nuclear Survival” special, they were taken aback by my nonchalance regarding everybody’s worst nightmare.

    I am certainly disaster prepared, but do I want to live in a Mad Max, cannibal eating, post-Nuclear War future-world?

    The answer is “absolutely fucking no!”

    I have already seen the other side in 2016. I’m good with it.

    I chose to live 6-miles from “The Pickle” because I am good with going out in that “First Wave.”

    “The Apocalypse”, showing up as 3 1/2 feet of Tampa Bay outside of your front door, is tough enough on 68-year-old men. Fuck the nukes LOL!!!!!

    Short of all-out Nuclear War… Lessons learned, keep it small and portable. Outside of EMP, I found a vehicle that supports that… It’s shipping from Mississippi as I write.

    There were some good ideas on portable power in the comments section here a week or so ago. I’m going to go back and look in the next few days now that I have Internet. My advice is “keep your ideal of civilization small and portable.”

    The way I see it now, it’s one vehicle and one tank of gas on which all of your decisions will be based. Most of us will be living out of our vehicles wherever they run out of gas. What will you take?

    • I prefer to stand my ground in a place I don’t have to leave… for any reason! One tank of gas gets you nowhere, and you are right… you are living out of your car. That’s exactly why I could never live in Florida. YMMV With a lot of luck, and a horrendous amount of work, you survived and pulled back from the edge of the abyss…this time. Congratulations.

      • Amen.. what always shocks me is how so many have this image that even though things would be rough they still assume that everything will still be the same.. so they buy and plan for great getaway places cars and chainsaws etc.
        what if the groups analyzing the threats Have any sense whatsoever and if they have really anticipated the what if.. then we are all screwed. we were pushing wars so big buck billy could get more.. all these countries have been building and preparing.. we Cant even deal with the basic repairs on our infrastructure..
        from starvation alone over 5 billion would die not counting how many would die of trauma. if there were any survivors at all.. it would be the countries that prepared for their people. people bitched about xi putting more coal fired power plants while we spent trillions for someone else to get rich.. makes perfect sense to me..


        no one wins.. I do believe that their idea was take the country whole.. get an army signing the borders..only cost them a few ponds of drugs a little cash and a slew of children to have sex with..
        if the analyst’s are right there as well we are screwed.

  10. George,
    The equity daily, weekly et. al. trading valuation system’s major declines are much like earthquakes and erupting volcanoes, nonlinear processes. 21-25 October 2024 is a nonlinear crash week for everything tradable on global exchanges with exception of sovereign debt. For most asset holders, this will be an unexpected October surprise, but the devaluation will not likely have a significant impact on the presidential race. It will likely jar some complacency for those who look favorably on the reported data and the economy’s prospects over the next year.

    The Nikkei nonlinear crash is the easiest to follow. From its lower high gapped peak (ending on the low of the day) on 15 Oct, it is following a 2/3 of 4/ 5 day crash 3 phase fractal decay series :: x/2x/2.5x. Monday should be a gapped lower low with a rebound on Tuesday and lower lows on W, partial rebound on TH, and gapped lower low on F.

    From the low of 5 Aug 2024, the Nikkei is self-assembled, self-ordered in two sequential daily fractal series, a 3-phase 5/11/13 day :: x/2-2.5x/2.5x series and a 4 phase: 5/10/11/2 of 7 day :: x/2x/2-2.5x/1.5 x series ending 25 October.

    As curiosity Trump Communications et al, the lesser of the two DJT’s, is following two sequential 23 Sept 2024 fractal series after a 5 August 2024 7/16/14 day :: x/2-2.5x/2x decline. The 23 Sept fractal growth series are 2/4/4/3 days :: x/2x/2x/1.5x and 3/6/4 of6/4 days :: x/2x/2x/1.5x ending 25 Oct and having a similar valuation pattern as the Nikkei M-F projection.

    While 75 million campaign funding is chump change for Musk, he will likely lose 50 billion of his equity worth over the next 5 trading days.


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