Boy, this is turning into a simple column to write: The “Waitstate Weekend” from our report Saturday morning has been exended. And judging by what’s on the news budget for the day, not much change seems likely.
On the economics side, our wildly over-leveraged long-expiration put options are likely to bounce back a bit at the open.
But the real story (early today, anyway) is Gold has breached the $2,700 level and traded as high as $2,751 while silver hit $34.35 early.
No, not due to any particular genius on the part of Slo Blow, except that when you massively over-spend in congress, and making up money for the pretend economy is the only play left. Of course gold (and inflation hedges) will scream higher! Come on, this can’t be that hard to figure out, can it?
If you read headlines – like Global uncertainties propel gold to record high, silver soars | Reuters – and are tempted to believe, pour a fresh cup and take off the dunce cap.
- China is going to reunify Taiwan.
- Russia ISN’T giving back any Ukraine real estate
- Israel is going to pop Iran in a painful way
- And the WRONG candidate is likely to be our next president
Not to call-out the writers over at Reuters but that sounds to us a whole lot less like uncertainty and a whole lot more like a waitstate.
Devil’s in the Details
The “While we’re waiting...” backstories for each of the above are what happens in waitstates:
- Toe-to-toe (before they go) on show in US, Canadian warships sail through Taiwan Strait, triggering warning from China. China is also working things hard to avoid a recession as China cuts key lending rates to support growth. Meanwhile, the next China-friendly weather window for a Taiwan invasion isn’t till Saturday/Sunday 0 so next weekend.
- The opening of BRICS in Kazan, Russia tomorrow might mean the West will have to come to terms with redefining boundaries of Ukraine in the long-run. But only vaguely in background (for now) as US Defense Secretary Austin arrives in Kyiv in surprise visit.
- Word that Blinken to Visit Israel in Latest Push for Gaza Cease-Fire doesn’t seem likely to cause an outbreak of peace. By the way, the report 50 Most Influential Jews, in the Jerusalem Post rates Blinken as #3 in the world after #2 Benjamin Netanyahu and #1 Sam Altman of OpenAI…
- And then we have the election crap in this country which includes Elon Musk’s daily $1 million payouts at Trump rally draw legal scrutiny. Laughably, looks to us like Elon will get more attention than Hunter did…but don’t mind our memory issues…
With all this – waitstate stuff – we are going into a “light ban” on political stories. We don’t like the choices on the ballot and we think the corporate-held political parties need to rethink their bidding and purchase plans because the present HR selection process for the Oval sucks based on recent Occupancies.
In Real News
We like to look in on how socialism is doing at creating Worker’s Paradise enclaves around the world. Days after island-wide blackout, Cubans suffer through multiple setbacks to restoring power didn’t look like much of a sales pitch.
Free markets are bad for socialist big spenders, looks like from here: California Continues to See Negative Net Domestic Migration,
Working people here have been seeing some large contract settlements in labor talks, lately. The most recent kahching! was Boeing Union Workers Win Tentative Contract With 35 Percent Wage Increase. Given the lousy/small increase in Social Security someone’s screwing the seniors, looks like to us. (What party is making budget decisions, did you say?).
Weather Matters
Turning off the lights because of fire risk continues: A week after Milton knocked out 4 Million Florida power customers, there are more customers without power in California w/ ‘planned outages’ for fire risk than in Florida.
While we’re on it, Climate Depot report Hurricane Milton: Gas Cars Save The Day As Harris Goes Full ‘Veep’ – EVs could not have evacuated Florida does a fine job of pointing out the insanity of an all electric world – for now.
At the Ranch: Workstations and Clickers
Sunday was pretty nice – still no sign of rain in our forests around here – and with it, temps have been in the mid-eighties with lows to around 60-65 at night. Hard weather to beat.
Most of Sunday was spent working on what I’ve called the “Workstation Project” here. I wrote in up in a ShopTalk Sunday article a while back – back being in 2022 here.
The core idea of Senior Workstations is that the biggest danger to people our age (anything over 55) is the Couch. That’s where people go – to die. All the data I’ve ever read says that the surest two routes to a long life are modest calorie restriction (sorry, not interested) and remaining active. THAT I can do because we are both “action figures.”
Now, what are the alternatives to the couch? One idea – and thus, one of the workstations on my build list – was the e-Spa. Again, another ShopTalk write-up. Here in a 2021 ShopTalk – scroll down to Merry e-Spa. This is our collection of all those plug-in machines that people buy for comfort. Like the Back Massage pad. There’s a foot massage, a hand massage, and a collection of red light therapy devices (panels, light crown and speed crowns).
First thing every morning usually about 4:15 AM, I land in the e-spa, turn on the machinery and chill for 16 or 32 minutes, depending on mood. That’s because the hand massage machine has a 16 minute program while the foot massage runs 15.
Anyway, great way to start the day. AND – the reason for bringing it up, is that it occurred to us a long time back that we wanted a home that would have features around it (workstations) just like Disney has different “rides.”
Rides from one end of the house to the other! The screen porch has a large art and crafting table (a second matching 26X48 table will be done one of these days). The dining room is all Tiki themes. And the kitchen (with the electic green tile) has about every cookenance (not a word, but you get the idea) including the obligatory microwave and a nearly same-sized countertop steam oven for breads and such…
Elaine’s office area is sort of a surfing and writing position. Then we wander (media room to the left) up to the e-spa and then into what now is a hydroponic workspace with about 90 plant sites and finally ending at the music computer with instruments and the drum kit and such.
The idea is “Everywhere is a workstation” so you can get up, have your coffee or tea and then wander through the day working on art, crafting, cooking, writing, massage, hydroponic gardening, or music playing/creating, or just rocking out. (Or, watching a movie but really, how pedestrian is that?)
Workstation concept carried into the Shop where there’s a CNC/3D printing workstation, the Hobby Shop, the electronics bench, the ham radio station(s) and my “work” computer.
What I’m getting at is that weekends around here are not just doing things like construction projects. It’s conceptualizing the old trailer into an adult playground (not that kind!) – project theme park – where we have lined up a ton of “fun to do” things when can then go on our daily plans…
OK, What’s New?
A NEW workstation got planned this weekend – and boy, are you going to love it! Only takes three critical items to make it work:
- A small computer (one of those under $200 Win11 machines with HDMI out works fine)
- A Big Screen – we’ll be using a 50 inch because we have an extra – after figuring out that even when we put one in the bedroom, we never turn it on…
- And a Walking Pad – though you can use a treadmill.
So the idea is you put a 50″ plus monitor on the wall, push the walking pad up so it’s almost touching the wall, and then start cruising the virtual treadmill videos on Youtube. Here’s one I have been using to trial (OK, and trail) the idea with:
If you’re paying attention, by the time we’re up and done with the “morning routine” which includes column-writing here (in office) and the like, we can take every day and figure out 60 to 90-minute blocks consisting of:
- Virtual walking
- Art/crafting
- Reading and writing
- Spa time
- Hydroponics
- Music
- 3D printing and laser cnc burning
- Hobby shop (model-building oriented)
- Electronics bench *(radio restorations)
- Ham radio (Morse code)
- Riffle and pistol range
- Lean-to greenhouse (where hydroponic seedlings go)
- Big greenhouse (where the DWC for next season will go
- And general yardwork with the big tools (tractor with 3 point size)
Now, this is what I want to have all in-place and dialed in for my 76th birthday which is coming sooner than I’d wish. But it’s at least still coming, lol.
On that note, time to go start working on the time blocks for today…nothing happens by accident. Gotta dream it, plan it, and do it.
After I find where Elaine left the clicker for the living/media room TV…which seems to have dropped into subspace Sunday… (It’s not in the freezer, we already looked there…)
Write when you get rich,
Was wondering who out there is using an nmn supplement. If so which one and have the results justified the purchase. Also as an aside I have had great relief provided by NeuroMD for lower back pain. I have Osteo arthritis of the lower spine from years (decades) of sports activity.
Thanks for the tip on the NeuroMD. I too, suffer from spinal osteoarthritis and was asking about pain relief on this site a week or so ago. I appreciate your first hand experience. The reviews on this product seem very positive.
A couple of suggestions I received involved the use of cannabis oil. After a lot of research, I found several articles on positive results (one by the Canadian Arthritis Society) on 50/50 CBD THC oil taken at bedtime. I took it for 4 nights and got the best sleep of my life. I am going to remove it for a night or 2 since the pain is much improved.
I have no experience with NMN but do take Quercetin with Bromelain, Taurine and Berberine. I did read a lot about NMN but decided to put aside based on some medical reviews that it had a very low absorption rate when taken orally. Best given by injection.
I just discovered this new article on NMN which may be of interest. Epoch Times may ask for your email address which is a pain. The article is quite good however, and some interesting natural ways to increase NMN.
I have been taking a small scoop full of NMN daily since learning of it here on Uretopia. I’ve always taken a bunch of supplements, so it’s hard to say if the NMN has had any effect… yet. It’s a long-term thing and I did stock up, so get back to me in a few years. Despite the hip and arthritis issues, I do notice I look in better shape than my peers.
I just began experimenting with Kratom. Look it up. It’s not illegal (yet) but being watched. FDA says it is not a drug, it is not a supplement, it cannot be used as a food additive. It is a leaf that goes for the opioid receptors in the body, but is less powerful and dangerous than full opioids. Still can be psychologically addictive, and dangerous in overdose situations, though. In low doses it is mildly stimulating. In higher doses it is sedative. I found it a mild dizzy ‘high’ and it seemed to do a good job of relieving the nasty aches and pains of my bad joints on a bad day. It is still illegal in a few states and jurisdictions. DYODD. My source was:
Cellular performance institute, stem cell treatment. I have degenerative discs L5/S1 and C3,4,5 worked great
Yo Chief Flyguy,
What is the status of the apparatus in regards to Black, UnMarked Helicopters ? I can seriously see a major problem/conflict occurring in CONUS regards country folk mistaking them unmarked birds for Hostiles.
As a Shoot first, ask questions later kinda guy, Im wondering about how all that unmarked bullscheisse works. Like if you turn off off Ure Transponder – are you not now Fair Game ?
No signal, no markings, it 100% could be adisguised hostile alien spacecraft..again asking questions AFTER the Barret burps a few rounds of hot lead into intruding/offending helo. Same thing regarding Pterodactyls – scare the crap out me, shooting first. Speaking of felons, enjoy -
Almost as dumb and not seeing BTC as a Ponzi – shooting at unknowns in the sky:
49 U.S. Code § 46505
This law covers carrying a weapon or explosive on an aircraft. It defines a loaded firearm as a weapon with a cartridge, detonator, or powder in the chamber, magazine, cylinder, or clip. It also makes it a misdemeanor to board an aircraft with a concealed deadly or dangerous weapon, or to place a loaded firearm in baggage or other property that is not accessible to passengers.
18 U.S.C. § 32
This law makes it a federal crime to attempt to destroy or disable an aircraft, including an unmanned aircraft.
18 U.S. Code § 924
This law imposes penalties for using a firearm that is a machinegun, destructive device, or equipped with a firearm silencer or muffler.
Shooting a gun on an airplane could cause loss of cabin pressurization, damage critical components, and require passengers to use oxygen masks.
I could go on but you should get the idea…
Thanks for that.
..definetely going with “FEARing for my life, in Self Defense did I shoot at the terodactyl hovering over house/backyard” = plausible deniability .
State birds /flying popo are easy to ID, no worries. Pretty sure the the mexican drug cartels are using 50’s in their anti aircraft defense “systems”..couple guys in trees with 50’s??
* BTC =ponzi ??????? You never heard of the WORD or the TERM – SCARCITY ? Where did you say you got edumacated at ?
A ponzi ? comon Alice , that is something like the system the fed is running right now – current receipts to pay earlier,Owed money investors/workers.
Glaringly obvious System of Balancing the Books by Lowering Life Expectancy -KAFitts
You see value , purchasing power going up for the USD ?
Shouold listen to the Doormouse, and Feed Ure Head.
re: “The Menagerie”, 1966
feat: Talos IV
On the footsteps of the C-Span weekend marker for the anniversary of the passing of President Hoover, today the public official White House schedule has been updated to reflect President Biden’s activities on behalf of the people since arriving at Brandenburg Airport, Berlin, last Thursday.
Accomodation, one is informed by Berlin dot de (“official website of Berlin”), was provided by the (5 star) Ritz-Carlton now operating under an American hotelier brand. The hotel website notes that the Art Deco Berlin edifice recalls the glory days of the 1920’s golden era. (Weimar inflation excepted, no doubt.) Apparently the building site incorporates part of the dismantled Berlin Wall and stands on Potsdamer Platz (across from the former führerenbunker captured by the Red Army in May, 1945). According to Wikipedia, the hotel site was developed by a late German billionaire of alleged voluntary entry into service with the waffen ss and the Leibstandarte (LSSH) which comprised the personal bodyguard unit for the leader of the third reich.
Berlin dot de coverage of the US President’s visit advises local residents that the train line adjacent to Schloss Bellevue destined to Zoo Station would experience significant delays last Thursday and Friday. Fear not, DJ George has sharpened the lead in his pencil and is on deck ready to take on come what may. Hold on to the railing; “ready for the laughing gas?” The train will leave the station on time. Celebrating its cover release 14th anniversary, here we go with a Nine Inch Nails ditty marking a song’s 20th anniversary and “Q” magazine’s 25th anniversary-
“Zoo Station”.
I was going tone a SA ( smart ass)about protecting your out door food from birds and gun needed.. and planes and helicopters are safe to….
I’ve been walking up and down the same 1/3 mi driveway and 1 or 2 miles of gravel road for 50 years–there’s always something different.
Your age? (Sorry, but the physics of obviousness is enticing…)
Lol lol yes there is..took the dog out for her walk.. another one out for an evening walk asked.. so which one is walking who..
I laughed this walk is for her so she’s walking me lol lol
Boeing –
The CARES Act was passed to save “businesses critical to maintaining national security”. There is no price for national security and Boeing is America’s security.
Say a Boeing defense system saves Blinken, Netanyaho, Altman or even Trump/Kam. Everyone can agree 35% all around will be nothing in hindsight.
Nikki Haley already got her share, helped her out from near bankruptcy to being worth 10+ million in just 4 to 5 years. Boeing was exceptinally good to Nikki. GREAT defense contractor while she was on their Board
… too bad it went downhill and the stock crashed right after she left (there were a couple of others that were good to her too btw).
18 U.S.C. § 32
This law makes it a federal crime to attempt to destroy or disable an aircraft, including an unmanned aircraft.
So.., according to this – if I ‘succeed’ in destroying a nosey drone flying around my house – it’s not a crime. But I guess it could be argued that I did, in fact, attempt to destroy the drone ‘and’ succeeded.
Whatever – I’m still gunning the thing down.
As one old shooter to another “Tell me about your backstop?” I assume you’ll take the shot so that ballistics lands any missed shots (ahem…) in the recently cleared forestr fire area up the hills south east of you?
What would change in the USA after the first Drone kill? Could they be shot down then?
That would probably make some small child with his birthday gift cry..
my older mini me and I built a model of the Hindenburg filled it with helium and it crashed..he cried for a few days..
I kept telling him we could make another..but we never did..
I got the boys a toilet paper gun..I thought that’s cool they can play outside..nope they went Rouge inside the parents still remind me of that stupid gift.. there are still little spit balls in unreachable areas..
Ure the man ! Just got my GrandDaughter a Water Cannon for her Tub time last Friday.
Mounts on tub floor, a lil squeeze bulb for launching – lil brightly colored plastic balls.
Sunday night was her 1st bath with new water cannon toy. Parents sent me a vid of Her squealing with delight, and laughing her ass off with each launch. Makes Life worth living, getting vids of my happy, joyful lil GrandDaughter.
(Doesn’t anyone read the fine print anymore?)
So I got a little toy drone. The instructions explicitly say it is FAA rules that the drone MUST be kept within eyesight and that you can ONLY fly it above your own property, or public property ‘where permitted’. Flying over your neighbor’s property is forbidden.
So… if there is a drone flying above your property, and it’s not yours, and you don’t see anyone watching it… isn’t that a FAA trespass? And why isn’t it ‘self defense’ to knock it down however you choose? Inquiring minds, and all that…
Rules vary by starte – see,respecting%20the%20privacy%20of%20others.
Don’t forget to sign Elon’s petition! You can use the million.
You need to live in one of the swing states to get on board with that, preferably Pennsylvania. Regardless, you can still download it, sign it, and hang it on the wall.
Considering loony lefties, I don’t recommend bumper or window stickers.
“Given the lousy/small increase in Social Security someone’s screwing the seniors” – Really, people are unhappy that not enough is being confiscated from the young and given to them? The bad thing is those current retired generations never held their government accountable to living within their means and have driven us to 35T in debt causing constant degrading of the currency. Everyone knew/knows SS is/was a ponzi scheme. I am 60, I have known since I began working SS is unsustainable and have planned my finances accordingly. I believe this is why our government is trying so hard to import new workers (illegals). They are afraid to confront the SS and medicare realities of too many retired people vs number of worker bees.
Are you living on Uranus, or something?
When you write: “Really, people are unhappy that not enough is being confiscated from the young and given to them?” I laugh.
Each of mine (de kinder) cost (NPV basis) $250 thousand each, not counting support, not counting 1.3 million in real esater from the divorce plus….NOW when I STILL pay my annual Alternative Minimum Tax, and property taxes and…they want not to pay me back a thing and you’re pitching the whiner’s case for ’em?
Um, look – the kids came out OK and G2 has been a dad’s turn-around success story. But yes, if we surivived the crooiked covid deal, we all ought to get c lass action damages for life already anyway so less than the All Items index yoy is bullshit – thanks for asking.
You need to read an ancident (2003?) article on Peoplenomics where I discussed “Dr. Ron’s Retirement Class” wqhere a friend of mine pointed out that retirement is one of the lowest cost growth industries a country could have!
Ponzi G !
Ahahahahah- look in the mirrror and c, a ponzi scammer you be.
I worked with hundreds of men that payed
all the taxes for 30 to 50 years and then died
never to get a dime.
Husband got one SS check. Died at 62 from brain tumor.
I can guaran-f#cking tee that the illegals ,or sick legals to be politicly correct , will get more than 2.5 percent increase on their freebies . And they have never paid taxes in the U.S !
Boomers want .gov paid nursing facilities. For more than one reason these will come to pass. They’re just a vote away.
– Get the skills for a job in the ecosystem. Auditors as example.
– Invest in nursing homes/tools.
– Gather investors and create a chain of McNursing homes.
Elon got the MSM to cover his millions give away,,,
they previously ignored his petition, but now blast it out !
how much would just advertising it cost?
now it is front page, not in the ads.
listen for yourself
Bologna Italy, mayor declares state of emergency, volunteers in action, mud removal and cleanup.
Is his name (the Mayor) Oscar ?
*Oscar Mayer bologna is made from mechanically separated chicken, pork, and beef, with a blend of spices and corn syrup.”
What about all the Chickens, Hogs and Moosies, holy crap, they didnt all get swept away in the floods did they?
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. investment strategists
The S&P 500 Index is expected to post an annualized nominal total return of just 3% over the next 10 years, according to an analysis by the investment strategists’ team. That compares with 13% in the last decade, and a long-term average of 11%.
They also see a roughly 72% chance that the benchmark index will trail Treasury bonds, and a 33% likelihood they’ll lag inflation through 2034.
This year’s 23% bounce has been concentrated in a handful of the biggest technology stocks., “., and that can not continue”.
The strategist team also said that they see that most hedge funds are seemingly siding with a, “Trump Trade”. [ Meaning they are betting on Trump winning the election.]
I posted this because – if we believe this analysis., then they are also forecasting a deep, broad-base downturn across all sectors of the economy starting next year. The numbers they are forecasting are 70% below the long term returns for the S&P500., and a 74% drop over the past ten years. That is huge !
Cause and Effect
They have stated what the effect is, but what would cause such a dramatic, ten year “reversal-of-fortune” ? A long term depression? War? War & Depression? Hillary becoming President? ., and Yes, there have been several years were the S&P has not returned 3%, or better., but not very often and never for ten years in row. That has never happened.
This is a very dramatic & continuous downturn for the top 500 companies in the country. But., are they right?
Fitts lays it out. We are mostly just filling a space allowed by their minds, working together, call it what you like… cabal, mafia, deep state, if not working consciously, certainly by a sick mind meld that gathers the 12% sociopathic (and inside that, the 4% psychopathic) which can be good or bad. They were the ones who gathered Sholzenitzen, all the intellect of Cambodia, China, and happily dispatched them. The conflict appears diffuse on the surface but there is an underlying layer of Evil vs Good (i know… still Duality, but I’m trying.
Mom, who passed at 102.5 and still functional to the end, never took ‘pills’, loved martinis to the end, worked for peanuts and saved like a squirrel, said two things I always go by: “don’t think old!” And when you wake up, lay there for a good while and make a plan, then go do it.” She traveled all over after she retired at 83, mostly chartered smaller sail boats. Had boyfriends until about 96 (they all died) and walked just to see what was going on.
Now, I do much the same. Never a shortage of things to plan when floating. Then row ashore, and walk as much as I like, friendly people, dogs asleep in the road, almost zero ICE as there is a shift to electric here. Power is pretty cheap. And solar seals the deal. Government doesn’t allow land base Starlink though. But that will come as soon as the grease hits the right palms.
The kackler can only win by egregious cheating. Does everyone need to see this before it can change? I think Q implied something like that.
Oh well. Time for a trip to the dirt.
She really must have been a great woman. I love the idea of laying in bed and making a plan. I do this normally daily when i seem to wake up around 330 am . lay there an make a plan. I need to complete on what your mom said. make a plan then GO DO IT.
Mr. Ure, Thanks as always. This is just a blip about something I thought Mr. W. Hammer might be interested in:
This is about updating the BUFF to last a hundred years. Actually the “Merge” is a pretty good channel for all things defense. (for those interested)
Or how about this channel:
(for those interested)
Actually I subscribe to over 180 channels,, (what do you want to know?) but, I have yet to find one that tells me how to disable the magnets in my couch that attract my butt… (1st day of rain here in Ks, in 28 days, so inside for a change)
Friday 25 October 2024 will be the 3rd fractal decay end day equivalent of 19 October 1987.
Pour me an ‘Arnold Palmer’, Trump talks about Arnold’s reproductive organ size, during campaign speech in Latrobe (Arnold’s home), PA rally:
Trump flipped support from Big Oil to Musk’s EVs:
feeling a little, you know,, wanting?
some Smirnoff?
HILARIOUS: Jake Tapper Asks Mike Johnson “Why is [Trump] Talking About Arnold Palmer’s Penis?” – Johnson Responds, “You Seem to Like That Line A Lot” and Leaves Tapper Embarrassed (VIDEO)
Trump support seems to be ? growing on you.
NASCAR Star Danica Patrick has taken a ‘turn’ to the Trump victory lane,,,
“WATCH: “Donald Trump is The Vote of Reason” – NASCAR Star Danica Patrick Slams “Trans” Athletes Taking Over Women’s Sports , Says She’s Casting Her First Vote Ever for Trump – Trump Responds!”