Bubble per Capita Calculations

Two worthy topics on tape today (besides the weekend war outlook). We do some mighty interesting (and humbling) calculations comparing the 1929 bubble (and inflation from the Great Depression) with modern times.  You talk about getting knocked down a notch!

Then we do another chapter of our Longevity book (“Tell your doctor” – but it may be retitled “This is getting old – firsthand…”).  This Subscriber’s only book is more than 50,000 words and a ton of research and personal “best practices” we’ve been following.

Before we move to the interesting stuff, though, we will pause long enough to throw a few BRICS at passing headlines…

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46 thoughts on “Bubble per Capita Calculations”

    • “To be honest, I do not need Nostradamus, or any other prophet, to see the shit-show coming, because I have had a front-row seat for a very long time.” – – G.A. Stewart

      • A classic line JC. I feel the same way. No longer if but when. Will it be before, during or the 2 months after November 5?

        Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to be part of the ignorant masses.

  1. Couple hits:

    “For example, a great (and simple) dish with lots of quercetin in it is chicken thighs that have been sautéed in butter, olive oil, and garlic” I have this cooking already this morning, but with lard and olive oil, onion, and broccoli! (and one sliced potato)

    Cashews/dysphagia! Yes, the connection: After 80 years of eating and loving cashews, I seem to have developed an allergy. I ate lots of Costco cashews over a couple weeks and ended up with a swelling in my throat that made pills go down the wrong way! (Might have been worsened by a whiff of ozone, very nasty stuff.)

    Much better after 4 or 6 days and some throat coat tea.

      • Also, being not allergic in the past is no indicator. Like our corn and soybean products, nearly 100% of all peanuts and peanut products are now genetically-modified. Canada’s food regs are a lot more like ours than Ureup’s. You guys invented “canola,” which started out as hybrid rapeseed, and is now GM rapeseed, so don’t assume the UK’s policies WRT GM “food” apply within the borders of Canuckistan…

        • Hmmm – that must be why my spanish Peanuts in Belize taste so different and way better than the bullscheisse the US allows.. Yeah their not trying to kill us all……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………s……………….l…………..o…………..w……l………y.

          Nerp, nothing to taste here – move along & vote cumhola.

  2. 1929/Great Depression songs…

    “All I Got’s Gone”

    Whole lot of people bought automobiles,
    Didn’t know how they’s a-gonna feel,
    Rode around so grand and proud,
    Notes come due, couldn’t pay it out.
    All they got’s gone, all they got’s gone.

    Me and my partner, we both went to bed,
    Jug of white lightning under my head,
    I waked up, the stopper was pulled,
    The jug was empty and my partner was full.
    All I got’s gone, all I got’s gone.

    Recorded by Ernest Stoneman on Vocalion record 02901, January 9, 1934.


  3. “Go to the event… Presto! You’re a reporter!”

    Many people no longer think on their own in terms of event/processing/conclusion. Perhaps mass media and advertising? Notice people are assuming more than ever.

    As example, “Did you hear what Joe Rogan said about…” Then the hens start clucking.

    – take on (a specified quality, appearance, or extent).
    – take on or adopt (a manner or identity), sometimes falsely.

  4. Changes have been made in the local Texas voting booths. The instructions now inform that write-in balloting is available. Second. all candidates in unopposed races are on the ballot.
    In recent elections, the unopposed candidates were declared winners, did not appear on the ballot, and there was no method provided to write in a candidate. In practical terms, it meant that judges were untouchable.
    This is a step in the right direction.
    I cast at least one vote for each of the four represented partisan gangs in the state and local races, and refrained from voting in one race with an unopposed candidate I am suspicious of. Paybacks. No out-of-the closet socialists were on the local ballot. After voting early, I went for a small bag of Mickey D fries.

  5. O Georgie porgie pudding pie, kissed the US dollar and it made him cry.

    You know what time it is, Chief ?

    Its about time to BTFD, in BTC!

    Do you wanna ? Do you wanna touch me, there? where?

    -https://youtu.be/3Rg1CIKQKSA?si=mxwr0Q4JIcu3VRR9 -J.Jett

    Test those MA’s and go from there….otherwise a little lower, then BTFD..either way, its a Buybuybuybuybuy situation coming up !

    * SPY 584’s – Puts looking pretty good this AM ..could we be looking at a Slaughter of the Ghoulies/Pumpkins ? Mind the Taxable Gains this year – square Ure scheisse up wit tax advisor now – so youse can still take corrective action..go ahead and ask the BCN how he knows.. : (

  6. Hi, George,

    Thanks for another great column. I like to make soups, especially in the fall and winter. Beef pot roasts and chicken dishes make for some delicious soups the next day by adding peas, tomatoes, carrots, corn, yellow squash, green beans, and diced green chile; potatoes and okra are optional, as are mushrooms. Besides tasting great, vegetables are very good for the body and provide good fiber. New Mexicans add either green or red chile to soups and stews. A common dish usually served during the holiday season is posole, which contains chunks of pork that has been slow cooked in red chile, hominy, and other vegetables. Just add green chile cheese onion cornbread prepared in an iron skillet for a delicious meal.

  7. “.., this is a hearty soup for people of all ages.”
    I make an ‘almost’ exact same soup a couple of times a week. Sometimes I substitute ground pork for the hamburger. [ I have a small ice cream scope that makes perfect little meat-balls.] I use more garlic – but freshly diced., and often dice-in a sweet red, or yellow pepper for color and crunch. We tend to favor the mirin when using the pork and merlot, or burgundy for the ground beef.
    Along with a couple of freshly made sour-dough rolls – and it is a very good dinner. House smells great too !

  8. Markets are taking a mild beating this morning. All of them., even gold and oil back-peddled at the opening bell. Let me check – be right back…, yep, copper futures are down, silver got slapped and the Japanese yen is down a full one percent.
    Existing home sales drop – to a 14 year low. Along with mortgage refinancing. Why is anyone surprised by this ?? Didn’t they get the Federal Reserve memo ?
    Coke Cola posted an up-beat financial report – beating estimates – for the Q3.., but then also stated that “higher prices contributed to the overall earnings.” So., the scored big by reporting a higher than predicted earning report and that the earnings were higher because of their price increases. [ “not” by a increase in sales.] Wall Street didn’t buy it either – KO is down over 2%.
    I don’t believe anything big will come out of this Bric’s conference. They still don’t have enough leverage behind the bat., to make any serious threats of control. It all sounds good., but there are way too many in this group that ethnically and politically do not like each other – and starting with that kind of tension and “me first ethos” is not good for business., especially when you are trying to spread your web of influence globally.

  9. Russia’s Ministry of Finance suffered a huge cyber-attack this morning. Right in the midst of their Bric’s symposium. [AP]
    Fingers are being pointed, but no word on the damage and no one has taken claim to the attack [ or, what ‘kind’ of attack.]

    • To save a page on your computer:

      [Prt Scrn]


      Then: Open any photo app (MS Paint works well enough. I use Paintshop PRO or IrfanView)

      [Ctrl] + V
      [Ctrl] + S or F-12

      (I assume you know this stuff. However, some here may not…)

      WRT the article: Notice, nobody is asking Trump if HE has contingency plans, nor are they asking Harris what she’ll do if she’s resoundingly (and obviously) defeated.

    • re: “Truth Horizon”

      Pathfinder Bob,

      Thanks for the link. The article’s Malaysian-American author appears perhaps to be a laid off journalist from a closed-down news platform of a still-extant parent formerly under Yahoo and now minority-owned a couple of subsidiaries beneath the world’s second largest telecommunications company on 6th Avenue in New York. The majority owner is a half-trillion dollar sized asset management company with offices just off 5th Avenue. That majority owner was co-founded (as was a subsidiary of the laying off company noted above) by a “junk bond king” of Drexel, Burnham & Lambert fame according to Wikipedia. Wiki also notes that individual’s earlier than planned retirement from the asset management firm following introduction to the public court of knowledge regarding payments made between 2012 and 2017 totalling $158 million to the late proprieter of Little St. James Island for “tax advice”.

      Any punters care to approach the betting window regarding a President-Elect Harris moniker?

  10. My aggregate index: “Carnac The Magnificent”., [ Yes., that is what it is called in my files] is taking a serious hit this morning. Dropping from the upper band of Bollinger Bands [ where it has lingered for days] and down nearly 500 points, as the YTD MACD has turned down, also.
    One day ‘price-adjustment’ move? Or.., will it now continue to slowly erode – will know by Friday’s close.
    “Stay Frosty !”

  11. No offense intended, but:
    – I will admit to it. I do not ‘use’, nor research with “Fractal Analysis.”
    It was proven time-&-time again to be “unreliable” as a forecasting, or statistical analysis tool.

    • Never seen much use for Elliott Waves in timing. For narrowing possibilities and tracking macro trends, they have some use.

      The global credit markets are primed for bad stuff to happen. It will be the mass-mailing of Ivy league tuition bills, property tax bills, and home insurance bills which will have the upscale debt slaves cashing in anything they can get at to cover their checkbook balances and margin calls:


      Anecdotal reports of couples with $200,000 of retirement income not being able to make it should set off warning bells, not to mention day traders claiming that the S&P can’t lose. In talking to a big three counselor a few months back, he emphasized just how much debt Americans are in, and how thin my folder looked compared to the run of the mill upscale debt slave he counsels. Readers from this site tend to walk on the cash and carry side of the tracks with me. Yes, I suffer from a largely positive balance sheet. I save money for upcoming expenses, and avoid debt; this is considered to be financial heresy and lunacy in a debt slave funny farm penal colony economy.

      It won’t take a major financial shock to set off a run on banks, equities and anything else negotiable. This relates to one of the theories of how the ’29 crash set off spiraling credit deflation, banking system implosion, and the full-on depression of the early thirties, seemingly out of nowhere. Once the debt liquidation processes begin in earnest, they are self-reinforcing, and interventions are like throwing snowballs at a debt avalanche.

      Searching in vain for that lone horse that kicks the lantern and starts the bonfire is probably not productive. The wave analysis and various measures of macro debt quality and defaults tell you that there is much wrong under the economic hood; what breaks first is academic.

      On the bright side, my property taxes bill looks reasonable, all things considered. On the not so bright side, I’m expecting a home insurance bill 10x my property tax, on a smallish frame house. No tuition to deal with. I’m still employed, but within a year I should be to a point where I can readily survive without a salary if it comes to it. I don’t see me retiring fully for several more years, but the roll of the dice further up the food chain could change that literally overnight. A single real estate transaction would shorten all that. That’s enough of a rant for one evening.

  12. Closed out my trade – options/puts on the NASDAQ..,
    Off to the pistol range – while the weather still holds.
    .., catch ya later

  13. McWeaponized: CDC Unveils E.coli Outbreak In Quarter-Pounders, Day After Trump Photo-Op

    There’s no such thing as coincidence in Washington…

    A day after former President Trump ventured into a McDonalds during a campaign stop, cooked some fries, and handed out some food to more-than-happy customers in a photo-op that went very viral (in a good way), the CDC issued a statement announcing an E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders has left one person dead and caused 10 hospitalizations.


  14. Elon Musk Says He’s “Upgrading Security” After Being Named “Enemy Number Two” By Media

    Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

    X owner Elon Musk says he is increasing his security after receiving “vitriolic” threats for endorsing president Trump.

    “I’m like, enemy number 2 of what? Uh, democracy?” Musk told the crowd, adding “I mean I’m pro-democracy. I’m literally trying to uphold the Constitution and ensure we have a free and fair election.”

    Musk added, “I’m definitely upgrading my security,” quipping “Guess I better cancel that open-car parade.”

    The Tesla CEO admitted that he is a “little shook” by the “level of vitriolic hatred on the left.”

    “They claim they’re tolerant. And yet, they’re incredibly intolerant and spewing hate,” Musk said, adding “Whereas on the right I see people who tend to regard people on the left as, well, misguided. But they don’t hate them.”

    “But the amount of hate coming from the left is like, wow, next level,” he continued.


  15. “This Is War”: Musk Responds To Bombshell “Kill Twitter” Plot Involving UK Advisors To Kamala Harris

    Elon Musk has responded to a bombshell report by journalists Paul Thacker and Matt Taibbi which reveals that a the UK’s Center for Countering Digital Hate – which is advising the Kamala Harris campaign, aims to “kill Musk’s Twitter”.

    Election Exclusive: British Advisors to Kamala Harris Hope to “Kill Musk’s Twitter”

    England, not Russia, is the culprit in a real foreign election interference story, as the leaked Stateside plans of an advisory group with close ties to Prime Minister Keir Starmer show.


    So, does anybody besides me subscribe to the Tyler Durden / Zerohedge Daily Newsletter…?

    • Kamala thanks Diddy for hosting a town hall for her back on 4/10/20 what a coincidence, DJT in the alpha-bet is
      4 10 20
      the fracking pedo/pervs like Kamala
      but hate Donald John Trump
      are you waking up yet?

      yet another huge name goes down in the modeling industry , stuff is happening,

      Giuliani’s case is proof of election rigging and corruption in the court system to protect the corruption as we all saw the videos of Freeman pulling out boxes of ballets after hours , after sending the other workers home, yet here you are again with a retarded dance with a participation trophy, instead of standing for truth.
      It is not a ‘election rigging being proved a lie’ he was found guilty of,,, it was pointing it out,,, was the defamation to the nasty thieves, that the judge used against him.
      Why was the Georgia case tried in corrupt DC?
      ,,, so they could use the demon populated jury pool
      Rudy is a hero,,, Ruby is a thief

    • I got more pedo stuff,,,
      ‘The Recount’ publication’s editor has some issues
      another one of them pedos
      The former editor-in-chief of a news website was found with hundreds of images and videos showing child sex abuse, including at least one video he produced himself, prosecutors in western Massachusetts said this week.

      Slade Sohmer, the former editor of The Recount, was arraigned in Southern Berkshire District Court Monday on two counts of possessing child pornography and two counts of dimensions of child pornography, the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office said Tuesday.
      PIZZA? Gate?
      “Left-wing journalist Slade Sohmer, who is rumored to have been involved with the debunking of the “pizzagate” conspiracy theory, has been arrested on charges of possession of child pornography.”

  16. re: mrsa
    feat: resistant staph


    An update from President Zelensky has been posted to his account on the Telegram platform that his government banned. A day after pleading with able-bodied members of his Administration to cease drawing military disability benefits via false claims, the President has taken to the Internet again this time attired in a new t-shirt.

    The black garment of unknown provenance bears an English slogan while the President delivers his address in Ukrainian. “Make Russia Small Again” says the shirt. Judging by the folds of fabric, one imagines the medium sized appearing t-shirt may have sat better as a small.

  17. “Nuts aren’t big drivers of diverticulitis, so almonds can be used in the evening meal. Pecans, walnuts (Waldorf salad, anyone?) and cashews (Chinese chicken recipes) are also OK. Peanuts are OK, too, as long as you aren’t allergic (I am). Fats and proteins are good, so they’re “keepers” too.”

    Except both peanuts and almonds are genetically-modified now.

    I have contended for at least the past 30 years that true “peanut allergy” is extraordinarily rare. Real celiac or “lactose intolerance” are extremely rare. These things are caused by the utter shit farmers, packers, and processors are allowed to put in our food, and the alterations the genetic biochemists are allowed to make. When I was a kid celiac sufferers numbered about 1:23000, peanut allergy sufferers, about 1:21000. I never met or knew of a single kid with whom I went to school (roughly 60,000) who had an issue with either.

    How frickin’ rare is this: I went to school with an albino — A “Black” kid with white hair, pink eyes, and {much whiter/pinker/thinner than my Norse} skin, who could not tolerate sunlight — yet no one who was allergic to milk or peanuts.

    About 3mln new cases of each are reported in the U.S. every year now.

    What changed…?

    • About as rare as Cancer was prior to SV-40 being injected into hundreds of millions of people around the globe in form or original polio vaccines. Virtually nonexistent prior to Salks polio vaccines being grown in green monkey cells..friggin Genius..3 years prior to the discovery of DNA and geonome..

      * Whats in Ure vaccines ?

    • Hank. As someone who is going through the middle to late stages of this disease with a close loved one, this is almost like forensic science of the brain. We can’t prevent the murder but we can have a much better understanding of why it happened.

      The lesson here is that things start very early in life but much of it is preventable. Smoking, vaping, poor diet, lack of exercise, etc. Once the damage is done, much of it is irreversible, particularly in the brain.

      I am currently reading an excellent book “Outlive” by Dr. Peter Attia. He cites any early experience as a doctor of trying to help cure people of disease and comparing it to trying to fix a broken egg yoke. He finally decided that it was better to try and stop the eggs from being thrown from the roof than trying to repair the yokes when they land.

  18. Seriously…!??

    Macabre scene unfolds at Harris rally when she gets a little too desperate for ‘early votes’…

    So, while she was in Georgia, Kamala thought it’d be a great idea to bring Jimmy Carter and his “early vote” into the mix. The problem? Jimmy Carter, bless his heart, looks like he doesn’t even know he’s still alive at this point. And who can blame him? The poor guy is 100 years old and battling cancer that’s spread to his brain. When his family wheeled him out recently as part of a PR stunt for Kamala, a lot of people felt really uncomfortable.


    I saw this. I thought it was a masked mannequin. I am so far beyond revolted and disgusted that my feelings are indescribable. I have forever lost any respect I might have had for Amy Carter, for allowing this travesty, and the Harris campaign, for coming up with the idea. — how utterly degenerate and despicable…

  19. Meet Kamala Harris’s influential megadonors

    Harris is entering the homestretch of the 2024 presidential race with more money and a proven fundraising record — raking in more than four times the amount Trump did in August and spending three times more that same month. Harris, according to the New York Times, has raised a staggering $1 billion in three months.



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