ShopTalk Sunday: Invention versus “Happy Designs”

This is (kind of)  a How-To on Hydroponics. You remember my mentioning that I’m building “workstations” for senior living, right? How cool it would be if you could have everything right at hand to make indoor growing a treat instead of a chore?

But water indoors is problematic.  So this is also about Designing and Building and offers some useful Old Man Perspective (OMP).  “To the Wayback Machine, Sherman!”  We’ll go back 30+ years to when discrete components still roamed the Earth…

I worked for a couple of years for a (now late) fellow who was arguably one of the top SSB/RF engineers in the world. I learned some things from him – and I imagine he learned a bit from me. But there was more than selling SSB radio gear to places like, er, Tonopah, Gakona, and Indonesia. Sure, he made some money (I was running sales) but I got some schooling in return.  Which came down to two simple (but indelible!) points.

First:  There is no magic.  The laws of physics – of the well documented and in public sort, anyway, not the breakaway civilization stuff – are not orphans of string theories or other such hocus. If a piece of radio gear isn’t working right, it’s because you missed applying one of the Laws of Physics.  Simple as that. They are laws after all.

Second: Invention doesn’t mean Happy Design.  Just because I was always coming up with great ideas, it didn’t mean too many would become real “winners.” The new thing that would survive grueling review and work in the field. Which deposits us in front of the lesson, in fact, that I spent a couple of hours “relearning” this week.

Invention Discussion First

OK, I’ve probably bored you with our whole “focus on personal workstations (or you can call them dedicated workspaces if you like). We have workspace (or sites) for music, ham radio, oil and acrylic painting, model building, gunsmithing, ham radio (operating), electronics repair, and of course music and writing longish columns. So far, so good.

But what turns a “workstation” into a site where magical things happen is more than a table and a chair.  It’s the right suite of tools along with jigs, materials, and depending on which workstation might include air handling, specialized lighting, access to racks of paints (or Hoppe’s #9) or whatever.

I noticed this week some “Internal Resistance” to working on my hydroponics workstation.  Whenever you don’t just naturally flow from inspiration into action, it’s always worth pausing for a cup of tea or coffee and deeply asking “What’s wrong Partner?  Why you sloughing off? What’s-a-Mattah U?” (If you’ll pardon the Bullwinklese.)

“Well, it’s the damn water.”

(Hard to have hydroponics without water, so I roughed my Inner Self up a bit more and waited for the Answer.)

“Which is a problem WHY?”

Water is heavy, it spills easily, going outside to get it when it’s cold and rainy. Plus if I trip it’s easy to slosh a half gallon onto the studio floor and yeah, that’s a damn mess to clean up. Which usually ends with me running a washer and dryer load of the old cleaning towels and…well, waters fun if you have a boat, but..oh….

“Invent some Great Solution, you lazy prick!

Which I promptly did.

I wanted a nice-sized reservoir so I clicked a Coleman five-gallon water jug.

The Inner Self wouldn’t let up: “That’s going to weigh 41 pounds when full, so you think THAT will be a graceful solution????”

“Well, it will be when I drop in a rechargeable liquid transfer pump!”  Laughing at the simplicity of the answer one of these was clicked.

A Test That Failed

The system integration failed because the Seaflo pump and the Coleman jug don’t match up.  None of the adapters would work.

Loose and flopping pump head…

In a WTF moment, I decided to fill up the five gallon jug, just dump the pump in loosely (putting a cap on and off would be a pain anyway) and just use it “sitting free in the jug.”

Bad move.

When I got done, there was about 2-cups of water on the floor – and my “projects that create more projects” fears were going into high gear.

A few minutes of towel time and a toss into the waiting washer and I was off to pump forensics.

On the welding/outdoor lab table, I could see where the water was coming from…

Thing is,while it worked to fill a couple of containers, it was really dandy.

So on my list of things to Design is a modified funnel-type devise which the pump assembly will slide down into and which will have a 3-4 inch outflow pipe at the bottom.

Nope, not a “happy design.”  Be nice if Seaflo had a list of compatible food safe containers, but remember, the hydroponic refill pump is a specialized mission, in the house, food grade plastics and I don’t think Coleman will be changing their design, either.

Besides, when I get around to designing this new “whizzy” maybe I could sell it online and become an Etsy billionaire, or something?

It’s not a Happy Design yet, but every failed invention is progress with its clothes on.

Meantime, Under the Grow Lights

Spinach is in the back rows and celery in the smaller (12 site) system in the front row on this end of the workstation.

When you get around to buying one of these systems, if for nothing other than getting a head start on those $4 seedlings at the Big Box store in the spring, here are two useful suggestions.

One:  Make up Seed Papers

Ah, back to the old days of Zigzag‘s and roach clips?  Heavens no, this is Texas!  Copy paper and a wooden toothpick to push seeds into media…

Seeds cost money and no point in wasting them.

The other hint is to get a small flashlight if your eyes aren’t sharp because it makes it much easier to see your water levels:

This being Sunday morning, and this workstation comes up for a one-hour visit on my schedule today, I will likely start one 18-plant site system with bamboo giganticus because it would sure be fun to have a 60-foot tall hedge, or grow my own quad antenna spreaders for the 40-meter ham band!

Write when you get rich,

55 thoughts on “ShopTalk Sunday: Invention versus “Happy Designs””

  1. Question: Could it be easily converted if necessary?

    Chinese water torture or a “dripping machine”[1] is a mentally painful process in which cold water is slowly dripped onto the scalp, forehead or face for a prolonged period of time.[1] The process causes fear and mental deterioration on the subject. The pattern of the drops is often irregular, and the cold sensation is jarring, which causes anxiety as a person tries to anticipate the next drip.[2]

  2. Really? Bamboo giganticus indoors? I’ll stick with oranges, lemons, and limes (and maybe a stray pineapple or banana, or two) TYVM…

    BTW, just acquired seeds for those wonderful junipers that’re 2-feet wide and 20-feet tall. I figure they’ll make much better privacy (and sound) barriers than bamboo or ailanthus, and be much less invasive — ‘specially with a mixture of blackthorn and hawthorn interspersed between their tree trunks. Blackthorn (sloe berry, as in sloe gin) and hawthorn are already in the ground. I’ll be growing Italian Juniper tree starts over the winter, along with my tropicals…

    • I hope you aren’t allergic to juniper. Texas Mountain Cedar (which is a juniper) is a major source of misery.

      • Nope. Various junipers and vitaes (usually “coarse” ones) are grown all over the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest as privacy (voyeur) hedges, often under bedroom windows. I probably encountered 60 different varieties every morning while walking my paper route. I frankly don’t care if people trying to cut my yard are allergic. If I did, I wouldn’t plant blackthorn and hawthorn (traditionally, the two plants which make up the hedgerows of Europe.) I have no problem, surrounding my yard with 2″-4″ needle-sharp thorns…

      • I grew it when I was a kid. It is a grass, not a tree, and it is extremely invasive. In the upper Midwest it can grow a foot a week in spring, and the bamboo patch can quadruple in size every year. In the wet part of the Deep South (Louisiana, Missississippi, Central Florida) it can grow a foot a day for weeks at a time, and quadruple every month. There are also hundreds of varieties. Choose wisely…

        • OH MY…I didn’t think it was that agressive..I tried to get black thorn to grow but it didn’t
          bamboo can be used in so many ways.. making an excellent green products plant..
          Bamboo biomass can be processed in various ways (thermal or biochemical conversion) to produce different energy products (charcoal, syngas and biofuels), which can be substitutions for existing fossil fuel products..
          that sounds are agressive as that dam duckweed.. phew.. that crap filled my aquaponics fish tank in three days..

        • I made the mistake of planting bamboo in our yard near the patio. Had to dig it out. Nothing I tried would kill it.

        • @olfart

          “I made the mistake of planting bamboo in our yard near the patio.”


          About that.

          LOOB, my Dad gave me a small patch of the back yard in which to grow it. I had to hack & pull every year (sometimes 2-3 times) to keep it inside its boundaries. I started college at 17, and he maintained it for a couple years before digging it up as being more hassle than it was worth.

          The strain I had, I got from a retired schoolteacher on my paper route, who kept her patch to about 2×2 feet (she lived in her garden.) It was more ornamental – a “red” variety which looked more like eight foot high rhubarb stalks than the “white” (pastel yellow) stuff we think of as “bamboo,” and didn’t grow as fast.

          Bamboo produces a leaf at each joint. The leaves on mine were a kind of a cross between a sycamore and a grape, in shape. I got an “A” on my leaf collection in 8th Grade biology, partially because of my bamboo leaf.

          BTW it is the “white” varieties which are extremely hard, and are sliced & bonded into floor tiles. All bamboos can be stripped and spun into rayon. The reds are much easier to dye; the whites make much better rainwear.

          It is an interesting plant…

        • oh my.. you know I almost ordered some seeds for bamboo.. I am glad I didnt thank you for the insight to how agressive it is..i had no idea…. I don’t have much yard that would have made a nightmare.. I was thinking planting by the lilacs.. I wanted the black thorn bushes and have tried several times.. a friend sends me a few ponds of sloes for me every fall.. she drys them .. grape sized plums beautiful wood grain ..I think it’s even better than hickory and I love hickory..

  3. darn tiny azz seeds, carrots and such
    sheet of folded paper and bamboo skewer,,, jeanie,ous
    thank you Mr ure, as thinning them after emerging from the soil will be less problems with better control of seeds into dirt at the get beginning stage
    been wondering how to, with my short fat fingers, as I don’t like the seed tapes from the big box store, low sprouting rate on the ones I tried.

    Zig Zags would be too small and flimsy,,, best they be left to ganga smudging

    little flashlights are staged at needed points of use,,, yes sir
    one next to bedside also
    magnifiers also,,, assortment 4x to 30x,,, can’t ya see? I use help

    • I was driven to it by olde age but It’s one of those things – like my 3d seed table – that I wish I’d thought of 20-years earlier. could have saved a fortune on seeds
      Today the labels read celery, spinach, romaine, spinach and a bit of parsley…
      I can see this being a really nice all weather hobby for a lot of people.
      Remember you can buy the a/b nuturtients premixed and at 30 ml each for an 18 pod mufga, competitive with store and no sprays of vitamin loss from xport

    • Tobacco those are tiny..Larry Hall in brain are Minnesota..he sent me some tobacco seeds.. I grew it one year and dam they are huge when grown beautiful flowers on it..

      • And also a nicotine contact poison when wet on bare skin. Be careful! But that gives me an idea for another tropical jungle crop here. I think somebody in Hawaii is already rolling Hawaiian Cigars…. yep. They beat me to it:

        • LOL LOL… I had thought at the time not for tobacco but as a pest deterent.. I doubt seriously that I will ever plant that stuff again.

      • I bought some years ago — both red and golden burley. They’re vacuum-sealed in a seed vault. If TEOTWAWKI arrives while I’m still alive, I have every intention of planting those seeds and making my own cigars — maybe even cigarettes — not for my own use, mind you, but for barter. The reason I have a stock of booze and coffee is NOT so I can start my day with a black russian – It is so I can start it ALIVE, once the uncivilized hoards have died off and those who remain are more-interested in rebuilding civilization than murder and rapine, and it is safe to engage in trade…

        • Yu done-been to word salad school, Ray? CBS could just edit the hell out of…

          “… not for my own use, mind you, butfor barter. The reason I have a stock of booze and coffee is NOT…”

        • “CBS could just edit the hell out of…”

          In which case I WOULD smoke a stogie, and I’d blow smoke in the editor’s face and laugh at him when he asked to share…

          I’d no doubt be called a racist, too, for not wanting to start my day with a black russian ;-)

        • lol I learned how to make booze not because I am a drinker..( my drink is black no cream or sugar lol ) we went a year without an income .. every once in a while the wife would make the comment..I wish I had some wine.. so I decided to learn how..if it does all go to hell it’s tradable..
          and if not my wife has all she can deal with..the forbidden wine of the first emporer well I know why he forbade anyone but him and his concubines to drink it..dam that’s good. I actually found six bottles that I thought it was all gone..

  4. Bamboo giganticus – You sly Dog, U!

    Sure 60ft high privacy hedge…more like privacy screen for Ure crops of Dental Floss, Sativas and Indicas, and you dont even have to move to Montana, soon -

    Good to hear youse are about to start Feeding Ure Head (FUH)!
    and that my good Citizens, sure beats the scheisse outta of FUD.

    Dont forget to vote early and often, before hand, be sure to send in at least 10 different Mail-In ballots..STEALING IT BACK, Bitches, let STEAL IT back..wooohoooo!

  5. A strong suggestion from my own success with it: Don’t bother with a small flashlight! That’s for when you can’t find a good headlamp. Since the days are shorter, I often work outside after dark, and when poking around machinery, I need both hands. A headlamp points where you look – no need for a third hand or an assistant. I like the super bright ones that can be dimmed for longevity of batteries. I use the Harbor Fright Braun lights. They’re not the best, but I can buy one without thinking or waiting on Amazon. I have two so one can charge while I use the other. Since there are two of you, find the brand you like and pick up four headlamps. They’re easy to lose, so keep them in a defined location. These things are also useful when you need to read something in small print with non-contrasting colors.

    • Don’t leave Ure trail for the Caves-Spelunking without em. Higher quality the better when poking around unexplored Caves in Belize,or anywhere else..waterproof-Ness a must.Majority of Caves in Yucatan have Water features-which makes exploring them during Wet Season all the more fun & exciting.

      • I had carbide lamps for spelunking LOL still have quite a few of them and a couple pounds of a kid in a grotto I had a blast.. loved it.. most fun in the world.. I am actually still in the grotto to.. love to see what they are still doing out there..

    • Hit the Dollar Store for some of their headlamps that use AAA batteries (NOT supplied). Early this year they were, well $.99 each, now since the Dollar Store is more expensive I think I paid $1.39 each a few weeks ago for another 5 of them. (40% inflation!! OMG)

      Sure they aren’t the quality of my old Ray-O-Vac LED headlights which I have now had for years (got for backpacking) but these are MUCH smaller and almost as bright. The tech improvement over the last 20 years wrt LED headlamps is amazing. Great to keep in waist packs, every glove box, well just about everywhere. I have given many away and must have at least 15 floating around stuck almost everywhere. (at $.99 each 15 of them was about the cost of one mid priced LED headlamp at most places)

      • I have head lamps.. I am legally blind.. and going out after dark is a horrible experience… so everyone hates me if I drive a car.. I have the brightest LED headlamps that money can buy.. it will light up the whole city block ahead of me.. had to get them.. when I had the guys living in our spare rooms many times i had to take them places.. and I drove off of the road because I couldn’t see it.. scared me.. after that no leaving after dark.. but if I have to I have to be able to see the highway.. then the dog.. she loves to take a walk.. so I can’t see I get the really bright headlamps.. best thing in the world.. been using them and giving them out as Christmas gifts forever now.. a big thing for me is I always give a light.. for xmas.. let your light shine..
        this year the kids are making bright betties..for xmas.. simple little oil lamp.. the kids are having fun and the dollar store had the perfect container for it ..

    • I’m partial to the Power Cap by Panthervision. Been wearing one for more than 10 years, and it’s great. By day it’s a camo hat, by night it’s a bright headlamp. Just touch the switch on the bill of the cap to turn the LEDs on/off. I see they’ve made some improvements since I bought mine. Now they’re rechargeable, and one even has its own solar panel on the bill.

      This one is cheaper, non-rechargeable like mine, uses button cell batteries.

    • I have Coast dual-power for working. They’re tilt-adjustable, rechargeable, variable intensity, and you can sub in AAAs while the Li-ion is recharging. They are also dumped 2-3 times a year for between $10-$14. I keep a Ray-O-Vac hi-power in every car (fewer gofasters, but bright & cheap.)

      GO-Bags have a Coast and an Eveready “button light.” The button lights were 99 cents for years. They got a license and suddenly there were “Cars” and “Princesses” lights and they were $1.69. They take a 2032 and will do nearly 350hrs continuous. I like them because they weigh 9-grams and their output is only 7 lumens. That is just bright enough to see where you are walking when you’re in a forest or a cholla patch, but not bright enough that you give your position away to an unfriendly.

      When I bought the lights in my bags, Coast was the only Chinese flashlight manufacturer capable of making a functional switch. (Chinese flashlights = great LEDs, terrible switches. $10 Chinesium light = Great torch for a few months, then throw it away and buy a new one.)

      There are others now, but Coast is still at the sweet price point. My Fenix and police Olight were almost $100 — my Olight searchlight was over $200, but it’ll light up a wall, two miles away. It’s also only used for night SRT so I’ve had it out of its case exactly twice.

    • I have 4 dates I am looking at:

      Nov 3 and Nov 19 (both Arizona related) astrology types
      Dec 3 (39 days after the Trump /Rogan interview per Cliff High’s data)
      Dec 7 (probably China related) per Cliff High data AND astrology types

      Usually once dates become public nothing happens, so that is my hope for all of those dates

    • No problems young man you are very welcome.. I kept the indian head one for my mini me it was the indian head.. since you didn’t have one and wanted to get your collection done then I thought you might as well get it before all hell kicks up … at least you have the set complete.. I hope it was the one you were looking for.. my eyes are not to good so I had to have the mini me find it I told him you wanted the initials LOL
      I have a new thing that has got the teach the grandchild evil grandpa going now.. Yesterday a young lady ten.. was talking to me as I sat on the veranda.. about my mini me and his cardboard chaos projects and his creativity LOL…
      Now I know they are poor real poor.. and she had made the comment..about the mini me and his cardboard chaos.. and I showed her one of my cardboard designs… and you could see the light grow in her eyes.. she wants a chair… I was thinking of making myself a chair a few years ago.. and seen this one..

      I fell in love with it.. its a similar pattern to the one that we use to make for motels and hospitals..At the time I thought I can do this.. so I bought the pattern and the hard template for it.. so last night I got thinking.. that won’t blow up.. they can’t burn the house down.. and no one would be operating the equipment except me..
      NOW the young lady her sister and dad are from Seattle… He is scared to death that the people around here are as rotten as they were in seattle.. but if I can get him to allow her the chance to create.. I will show the two of them how to make the chair.. let them each make themselves one..
      I will get my grandson in law to make me a panel press.. I can make almost anything out of a 2 by 5 veneer press.. I will have sides on it.. then have the veneer press in the center of it.. get a nice panel with squared sided..
      anyway.. that is the next insane grandpa grandchild project..

  6. (“First: There is no magic. The laws of physics – of the well documented and in public sort, anyway, not the breakaway civilization stuff – are not orphans of string theories or other such hocus. “)

    with the laws of physics… we cannot exist.. so are the laws flexible?
    or maybe we just don’t totally understand ..but I use to debate the laws of physics with an old professor friend .I think that’s why Ama ( Physics of the Future How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100By: Michio Kaku”) wrote on the cover page the future of physics is yours when he sent me a copy of his book lol lol..

    now on hydroponics..dam that brings up the old thought of the cube..
    my original idea was having four of these on a telescoping rail.. tall root crops on the bottom..
    this works the best.. I use to use net pots but it isn’t necessary..the Mayans thousands of years ago used raft gardens and cut Babylon the hanging gardens used gravity..
    my first one I used a pump and three times a day would circulate the I just use a two liter pop bottle ..drill your plant ports along the downspout.. take your form to hold the downspout.. snip the top just far enough to fold the top flap down.. then the sides fold in and the bottom up.
    hit it with a heat gun fold it and clamps 2 by 4 on the end till it sets up.. on one end drill a 1 inch hole to set the 2 liter bottle in.. then place the plants no pump needed..
    now I built one like this’s good for lettuce etc..
    back in the day when they first came out with plastic pop bottles I would make what they call a window garden..
    that’s how we use to make them..
    The thought on the cube was to have the nutrient fluid going into jell…Sodium polyacrylate… it only takes what water it needs.. now if you had a reservoir on top.. gravity flow
    and your plant grow beds in a ladder fashion..
    you can actually get five times the crop production in the same space.
    now I never had water leakage.. I just never had the money or space to build the greenhouse I wanted..I’d love to convert one of the spare bedrooms into a grow room..

  7. Oh my.. well the wife worked her last day..she was only working 2 days a month but last night was her oast..she brought home the little waffle iron we had gotten years and years ago..when they first came out I think I paid 4.99 for it..she took it for work so she could make up huge bat he’s of waffles.. I don’t know why I liked that one so much..I thought it might have been just the size..
    funny how that price has doubled…
    anyway I fired it up and instantly I know makes a perfect waffle e dry time lol…
    I have another one just like it but its nothing like the first one I had bought..a new all time favorite… lol..
    I have several waffle makers lol..waffle sticks for the waffle stick boys…I don’t dare get another one although I do like the fact that this one has a timer on it..

  8. I have received, confirmation of this in several forms. multiplying vectors pointing to the same trajectory.

    And it came to pass,

    Eternity is now flooding into time. This season will be the most Productive and Poweful season ever witnessed. The Most Rapid Changes ever experianced in this world. Watch new Miracles flow through this world at an astounding rate melting the hearts of men and women with Love.

    The Great Harvest time has come. not some day, But Now- This very day!

    This world will not be destroyed. This world will flourish.

  9. I stubbornly remain an otimist, despite all evidence or commentary to the contrary.

    Once, not so very long ago, all people everywhere lived under one sort of king or another. Now, while cruel and oppressive darkness still persists in many — even most — places, Liberty, or a measure of it, is trending up in the world. Yes, it’s a one step back for two forward often, but the trend is real.

    Great disasters cause great loss, to be sure, and not to minimize that; but great progress often follows close behind great loss and great tragedy. Whether the gain is worth the loss is much to big an idea for little me to sus out

    I am a small bit flowing along in a very big river, and powerless to alter its course; but I know it’s going somewhere. I hope somewhere better, long-term.

    Best I can do.

  10. “… I will likely start one 18-plant site system with bamboo giganticus because it would sure be fun to have a 60-foot tall hedge…”

    In a hydroponics cup? I have visions of George walking into the hydroponics room some morning to find a new wall of bamboo that has pierced the roof overnight. ROFL.

    • LOL LOL LOL LOL…. I had read once that that was how the chinese would torture a person.. cut the bamboo to a sharp point then stake the person over the top of it LOL LOL LOL.. a wonderful fast crop.. another one of gods miracle plants..


      that’s the old window garden … way back this was all the fad..
      I grew green beans in one just like and easy..
      I did one where the bottles instead of mounted corridor like this was horrizontal..
      I cannot find where anyone else has done it.. I cut like in the window garden a hole on the side.this sat on a shelf at a 15 degree angle similar to a shoe rack ..a pipe behind d it with the nutrient solution a wick going into the solution and the cap of the bottle in the side of the pipe.. worked good to.. similar to the rain gutter grow system this is self watering ..
      This video is about the closest to it..

    • Dam it HANK……
      another kitchen gadget I don’t have LOL LOL LOL LOL god the wife is going to bust my balls over this.. but I have one coming LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

    • One son has used one of those, may not be the same brand, for several years and likes it. Doesn’t have to lift the 5 gallon jug up to the dispenser and turn it upside down.

  11. This is old news, from February, to be precise.

    I am posting this for people who blow-off the post (or the person making it), when someone here mentions pedos or pervs and politicians in the same sentence.

    The speaker is Colorado District 15 State Representative Scott Bottoms.

    • LOL LOL LOL did you don’t even have to wonder why on that..
      just one look at the global entertainment industry.. the liberal states..
      doesn’t take a genius to see that if it is going to affect the influencers and policy makers that they are not going to want to have it in place.. what if an honest politician got into office.. the prisons are full of poor people.. the dual set of laws.. notice all the republicans and democrats left for the summer and now won’t be back until after the election.. nothing that happened the last four years and nothing we are facing was important enough to require their attendance.. its the business model..

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