Pre-Apocalypse Countdown

It’s axiomatic that the “markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”  But in our ChartPack section there are more than passing storm clouds to be considered on America’s horizon.

Not the leastd of which is the country’s internal condition where the word “declining” would have to be taken as charitable.

With a global war pending, and nuclear threats abounding, research this week suggests that “Apocalypse is going Mainstream” which we’ve been bracing for.

A cup of coffee and then it’s your choice: worry stone, prayer beads, or some high-speed trading?

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77 thoughts on “Pre-Apocalypse Countdown”

  1. (“A cup of coffee and then it’s your choice: worry stone, prayer beads, or some high speed trading?”)

    hmmm… you totally forgot..put the next batch of wine in the fermenter , plant the garden, setup corn puff extruder or just sit on the veranda and enjoy the day with a burger on the grill.. put the DAT together then have the kids start making theirs and finish the Wicktorian lamp.. just to many things to do besides sitting with a worry stone.. not enough cash to gamble at stocks…

  2. (“There was a headline in the Mainstream this week that I wanted to sleep on for a day: Apocalypse goes mainstream: The end of the world is becoming normal conversation – (”)

    that is true…Several times now my third grader has asked me because that’s what all the kids are talking about..
    My guess is the parents didn’t talk to the kids about the state of the union.. since the most important thing they are really concerned that ultra rare valuable pokey man card or the new Lego kit they’ve come out with..
    these kids overheard their parents.. the other thing is turn OFF… the network news… listening to the real on there either has us laughing historically.. and children kneeling every time they see a photo of Joe…And Hunter forgives us of our sins..see the halo around his head..or is that a crack smoke ring..who cares network tv will inform you on what you need to know..

    • pokemon phenom is a real puzzler for moi. I still have ALL the OG Pokemon Cards from 90’s , when both my kids were into em. I am life long “Collector” so I of course helped in acquiring their collections. I still have em all, tucked away safely..along OG Playboy collection, Comics, Stars and Strips and YANKS army weekly from 40’s. Many more collections, alot of which were my Fathers, some of which are in safety deposit box. Might be adding those Pokemon cards into SD box soonly, as those prices I am seeing are F-ing INSANE.
      Should prolly be Selling if still had half a brain cell left..not so sure of its existence.. after the Kids,Spouses and crumbsnatcher came over last night..Worse I feel older I get after late night partying..guess Im not a spring chicken anymore,W ever TF a spring chicken is/was, I know I aint one.

      • A father in Japan just killed his teenage son for throwing his much-prized collection of Pokemon Cards on the ground.
        – There are some worth thousands !

        • lol. did you know i found a pokemon card about 4 months ago. it had a person in like a t-rex costume on the frong of it. and a hail of meaters crashing in the background and volcanos going off.

          it was called hype killer or some shit like that.

          i didnt what it was. and i through it on my seat. it sat there for a long while.

          one day when i was leaving Jackson Hole wyoming, i accidently hit the down button on my passenger window and opened it all the way up and the rush of wind grabbed it and it flew out the window and it landed on the side of the road. about 18 miles out of jackson hole.

          i didnt turn around to get it. i just yelled out my drivers side window, nice talking ti ya mister. glad i got you to where ya needed to go. and kept on driving and didnt look back.

          ya know when ya unplug from the internet. spend a day at home alone, all of the answers just come to ya.

          and this drawing stuff is fun. i hadnt done it since i was a wee lad. 11 years old or so. i understand why hiroglyphs were used as the first written language.

          yesterday i drew a few things. (note: i placed a lock on my private drawings and private writings, so remote viewers and and other type seers, can not see them. i drew one picture, wrote see on it. and thats the only one they can see. it direct all their skills to only one image, the one i want them to see)

          anyway, i will give ya a single example. i drew a picture of a man wearing a green fedora hat. 3 hours later i walk into a place, go into the bathroom to piss. as i come out of the bathroom. there is fella standing there wearing the exsct green fedora hat. i drew. the exact hat.

          now i dont know if im seeing or creating it.

          from the one image i shared on X, that i drew of the rose, 7 days later the entire sky replicated the exact image of the sky i drew in that image.

          as if to say, Child of God, I see you!


          and there has been many many more examples ive seen, after i drew them, but wont mention here in the open here.

          i have also an understanding of the pattern to open a star gate. like the movie star gate. i under stand the patterns on how to open one.

          after all i am living in a exact scaled replica of The City of Gods.

          it amazes me how much you can learn, just sitting still, quiet.

          taking what you know, releasing it, like little puzzel pieces whirling around above you, then letting it all form a new picture on their own accord.

          i dont know where the actual stargate is. but when i woke up this morning and walked through a series of doors in a way i hadnt ever done, grabbed my coffee and went out on my deck to pray and meditate.

          about 3 hours later i relized the path i had walked is sequences within the Full Scale City of the Gods.

          which is a replica of the solar system.

          it also dawned on me, when i leave my bedroom Quenzalcota Temple or Pyramid i see 10 differnt windows or pictures into the outside world on my journey that takes me to my deck, (the Pyrmid or Temple of the Moon.) which takes me outside. and standing on my deck, (on the second floor) aka The Pyrmid or Temple of the Moon, i can see the earth and everything below.

          there is 10 windows are like Ruling Houses, images of earth found among the 8 planets (chairs of the dining room table) between the temple or Pyramid of Sun and the Temple or Pyramid of the Moon.

          and there is a sequence to it. its not the direct path. because 10 doors between Quenzalcota Pyramid and The Temple of the Sun and The 11th door opens the temple of the Moon

          ten images of earth or windows. 10 doors or 10 gates. the eleventh door opens out to the earth.

          pretty wild shit. like i understand the pattern to open a star gate. not sure where it is. but i understand which door to open first, then the next in the sequence, which door to close after walking thrrough before i open the next door. in order of sequence.

          it dawned on me, because when i close one door and open another it changes the air presure in the room. if i open one door, not closing the other door first, it changes the airpressure in the house so much that when i open that door it creates a vaccume of air preasure slamming the other door shut.

          pretty fucking groovy!

          i am understanding the lay out of an ancienct city (that could be anywhere from 3000 to 16,000 years old, and thousands of miles away, and how it all works.

          in my own home.

          on another note,
          We just got this new stud here. They just put him out in his own area. He is just dancing prancing around and all the little baby horses are watching him like awestruck rockstar groupies.

          its so hilariouse to see horses look like little teen age girls at an Elvis Concert. hahahaha.

          He just arrived, like me. hahhaa

          I just talked to and asked the lady who owns him. How much is He worth? He is all muscle. I never seen a horse like him. Big Dude! She said He has won several world titles. He is worth about $275,000. I said Wow!!! Why so much? She said his sperm is worth $20,000 each squirt. I said damn! That is crazy!

          she laughed,

          i looked down at the ground and then looked back at her and said,
          Fuck, i just been giving mine away for free. Im going to have to start charging these bitches!

          she about fell over.

          then i tipped my hat, and said Good Day Mam.

          i could feel her staring at me all the way back to the house.

          btw did you read the lyrics to that lainey wilson song i posted? i just heard it on the radio couple days ago. i like it. espcially this part,

          “It’s in the water, in my veins
          That bread of Heaven falls like rain
          So I’m taken care of either way
          Make somethin’ outta how I’m made
          Until I hitch a ride on Glory’s train”

          its like she is speaking right to me.

          have a wonderful day. who needs prayer beads when your living all by yourself in ~ The City of The Gods ~

          La Dolce Vita!

        • Apokálypsis comes from the Greeks, which means “lifting of the veil”, or finding out something secret.

          we are most certainly in the

          i just did the pattern, and in the sequence discoverd something.

          in the exact middle of the sequence. the room in the middle of the pattern has only one thing. a mirror. and you have to close all the doors in the center before proceeding.

          that proverb hit me,

          “Do not look for the start at the begining and do not look for the end at the finish. In Eternity, Both the Beginning and the End are found in the middle”

          as i stood in the middle of the sequence and looked at the mirror.


          okay, cool. i understand even more.

          truly, Mana from Heaven.

          La Dolce Vita

        • and that is exactly how all the Olmecs disapeard in a single moment. they left their food sitting in its bowls, everything laying there.

          one minute they were there and the next they vannished. off to some other word it seems.

          perhaps, that is why Close Encounters of the Third kind has been a theme for a while running through the scenery in my life.

          cowboys and aliens. hahaha


          well, i got invited to a Star Wars theme party tonight. and most of the time im a hermit. studdying these tbings, but they said it was a free taco bar. all ya can eat.

          and you know me for a while now, i never pass on eating a yummy taco. espcially when they are just giving it to ya.


          wonder if any other Jedi will be there? since i too am a Jedi.

          what a great day of discovery!!!

          i feel like i just stepped off santa maria into a whole new world.


        • Wow.. that makes me sad.. how can a father or anyone value a card..over his child…I never could value an item more than the person

      • The kids love them…more valuable than gold…
        when they come and their eyes are sparkling inexcitement..look at this what a good fortune.. I agree.. that’s important.
        I seen the archeological report on the findings in a dig ten thousand years old.. in whatwe would consider an ancient vault..there was a necklace a bracelet a sword and a jug of wine..
        can’t wait to see what they find on oak island..
        but the poke man cards are the rarest find.. now a spatula or some other odd kitchen would have my attention eager attention.

      • When she was a young teen, my daughter had a couple dozen TY Beanies which were collectively worth around $20k.

        Sometime in the past 20-25 years, dat train done left da station.

        They’re now worth a couple hundred.

        A Monet, a Rubens, a vintage Ferrari — they will appreciate forever, and may even stay ahead of the inflation curve. “Fad collectibles,” not so much.

        • Its in the eyes of the beholder.. what has value..
          thinking about the Mayans and the Aztec’s.. they seen gold as jewelry.. decoration.. when the spaniards came they seen GOLD….what the aztec’s and mayans valued was quite a bit different.. in the end.. they made many of the spaniards drink molten gold what they valued..
          the american indians of the NE loved BEADS.. sold NY for a bucked of beads..
          I have said many times.. WATER is the new OIL..take a tanker of water down to an area where you have to walk many many miles for food and water.. and a truck load of food.. and a truck of gold.. they could have the truck of gold.. or the two truckloads of water and food.. which one do you think they would take.. gold and silver like pokey man cards are only valuable if someone is collecting it..

  3. Back in the day (1960’s) our submarine penetrated the defensive screen around the task force carrier. We poked the sail up and took a photo of the back of the carrier. You know where the name is. Then we went under the carrier and shot off a green flare which happened to land on the flight deck. Had to argue with a green flare burning on your flight deck. The admiral flew over the next day in his chopper for lunch in the wardroom.

    This is not the only tale of the failure of the USN policies on submarines. Yup, we are doomed.

    • Imagine telling a Ships Captain and Crew exact Time frame when you were going to attack their Ship, and then doing exactly that during exact time you told them you would ?

      Every time, every single F-ing time. Would even hang a sign overtop main engine room.. the CO’s would get infuriated at being “restrained” during said training ops.

      * Situational Awareness – nobody can See out from well Lit area more than 50 feet tops. Same as standing around a Fire, cant really see out past 50 feet from fire. Looks like you can from Fire side, but from Stealth and Concealment side, you can sneak right up on em, so close as to be pissed on by security guards relieving themselves at edge of firelight. Worries ? get a Dog.

      • “Situational Awareness – nobody can See out from well Lit area more than 50 feet tops. Same as standing around a Fire”

        When I leave the house I take two quick steps into the darkness, then stop, freeze, and let my eyes (and ears) acclimate. I’ve done this as long as I can remember — at least since I was 6-7. I have no idea why; perhaps a story my Mom told me of her childhood?

        I’d dearly love to stare into the comfort of a friendly campfire. Unfortunately, it is something I have never, in my entire life, done. I HAVE stared into a fireplace, in a locked cabin, but only rarely…

        I have little doubt my private “wolfpack” can hear me coming from a mile away. My current ride is the Expedition, with Cooper AT3s and a stock Ford 5.4L driveline. I can pick it out as a Navigator/Expedition from about 300yds away, although I can’t identify the sound as my specific vehicle. Their hearing is a couple thousand times better than mine, so…

        Dogs and a pump shotgun make for delightfully few uninvited visitors, after dark…

  4. Covid-19 vaccine comment.
    For those who do not have a lot of knowledge on the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccinations here is some info.

    Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg as info from around the world has documented the deaths and numerous health problems associated with the vaccines. Well hidden by the governments and lame stream media.

    Remember when George used to post a link to the UK health system that detailed the results of the vaccines? Why did the UK stop posting the data? I believe is was because the % of deaths and problems of the vaccinated was astounding. It showed that the more jabs, the more problems so the info went away.

    • Our Canadian Provincial governments haven’t give up yet. Received an email yesterday urging seniors to get another COVID shot. Fortunately, I have watched too many Dr. John Campbell videos to head off to the shot shop.

      Here is part of the email text received.

      “Individuals aged 65 years and over are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. It is recommended that individuals in this age group receive an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine this spring to provide added protection as immunity may have decreased over time.

      Eligible individuals may receive a COVID-19 vaccine if it has been six months since their previous dose or confirmed COVID-19 infection, unless a shorter interval (i.e., 3 to less than 6 months) is specifically recommended by a health care provider.”

  5. re: The Firmament
    feat: Countdown


    All must be delighted that the Nigerian army defence chief last week invited the Duke and Duchess of Sussex lately of Montecito to visit. The Duchess declared herself 43% Nigerian in 2022. The “Voice of Nigeria” via the “Daily Mail” suggests the special guests to the impoverished commoners’ nation may enjoy sojourn at the presidential hq, Aso Villa, in Abuja. Apparently Mr. Bill Gates was a recent guest. However the Sussex’ non-working Royals status may relegate them to taking abode at the luxurious 5 star Hilton instead. One imagines that Prince Harry’s tour organizing staffer and former PR employee within the Obama reelection campaign will see to the finer details.

    The itinerary is anticipated to include festivities at the Scorpion Officers’ Mess situated within Nigeria’s first indigenous officer’s military base. The Duchess has been dubbed with the honorific name “Amira Ngozi Lolo” – Blessed Warrior Princess Royal Wife.

    Reports suggest the Duke will meet his father next week in London after attending a scheduled St. Paul’s Church event. Subsequently the Duke is expected to proceed to Nigeria perhaps by common carrier. Logistics may require the Duchess to travel directly from America via private jet.

    God save the King!

  6. Sure You bet-cha.

    Sell in May and Go Away is in play and so am eye. Should market open and go down on Monday will give us a Georgish “Abandoned Baby” pattern in SPY chart.
    Are we at that “Turn” already?

    Portfolio insurance is still in place, as I no likey current market conditions. Something not right with money flows, also getting kicked out of Africa is HUGE. Resources G, Resources.
    Personally I dont think pedo administration can hold on much longer…feels like she is about to blow…which of course brings 2 mind the question on the Flying Hawaiians’ mind most every week..

    I dont know, or I aint talking..what I do know is that it is bread& circus time at casa BCN this weekend. Just for S&G’s I decided to place a 4 way Superfecta Bet on todays Kentucky Derby based on a new science – CCBA (Cosmic Chicken Bunny Analysis).
    So obviously went with a Horse who I share a Name with. Next were 2 Horses who names reflect personal qualities I value; Resilience and Fierceness, and 4th Horse is theme near and dear to my heart Catching Freedom.
    *Dornoch is another with a local connection, so he will be swapped in for the other 20-1 horse in the Superfecta.
    I like to Box my multi pick bets, more expensive, but a lil safer.
    Also like to “Wheel” the Favorite with rest of field with $2 Exacta’s. Main goal of horse betting season ? Break Even on the entertainment /budget dollar ( includes dinners and drinks).
    BCNs’ analysis says majority of Gamblers are Net losers, so there is that.

    Riders Up !

    • “BCNs’ analysis says majority of Gamblers are Net losers, so there is that.”
      -Your Cosmic Chicken Analysis must have gotten into some fermented grain.
      – I am a bit of a gambler., and in all the years that I have been “sitting at the table”, I have never lost. YoY I have been a consistent and steady winner.
      – Doesn’t mean I haven’t lost at a game here and there., but for the year – I have been a winner. Paid off my first mortgage in three years.
      – If you are good enough and have a knack for it – gambling can be a very good winning profession.

      • and when i stop in the middle and look in the mirror, if i wait for a moment, then as i proceed to open the 10th door, it changes the air pressure opens the 11th door all on its own!!!!!!


        as i stand there and wait in the sequence as i look in the mirror, when i proceed through door 9 really quick like and as i open door number 10 the door leaving the temple of the sun????
        the shift in airpressure opens door number 11. the door to the temple of the moon. and where i can see the entire earth below.

        the door to the earth opens up. all on its own!

        sooo groooovy!

        ha. im excited to see where this takes me next.


    • “…feels like she is about to blow…which of course brings 2 mind the question on the Flying Hawaiians’ mind most every week..”

      Last time the volcano ‘blew’ was only five miles away, and I stayed put right here on the ranch. Red skies at night for months.

  7. This morning I decided to drive up the road a few miles to a sleepy hamlet where a breakfast place I like to eat at had relocated. Growth had passed this town by, so the town fathers built a magnificent municipal parking lot adjacent to the square. The lot was four times as large as the parking for towns 10+ times as large. The parking was half a block from the newly opened breakfast mecca.
    This morning the town was having their celebration. They had so many roads blocked, I couldn’t find a way into the parking lot. That was when a had an epiphany; the reason
    why growth had passed them by is the place was run by morons. I will go back when they quit celebrating.

  8. “…., it’s your choice: worry stone, prayer beads, or some high speed trading?”
    – I try never to “worry” about anything. It accomplishes nothing, wastes my personal energy and generally ruins my appetite. If I can fix it, solve, or blow it up -then it gets done.., If I can’t., then I will spend my time trying to squeeze in two more brussel sprout plants.., ‘somewhere’.
    – “High speed trading”.., ?? I’m looking at Tuesday. But., I have a game on Tuesday night – Wednesday morning.,, so I might just miss everything. It’s a personal challenge., so I don’t want to miss it.

  9. Two years ago Fiskars EV start-up in California was worth just over a billion dollars. From the initial price it has been a steady downhill run for the electric car maker. Rumors abound that the much anticipated electric car manufacturer is about to declare bankruptcy and high-tail it out of California.
    They had one., a two door, 4WD mini SUV that looked pretty damn good. It will probably never see the highway.

    • “They had one., a two door, 4WD mini SUV that looked pretty damn good.”

      That’s the “Ocean.”

      Car & Driver test-drove, and panned it — said it was not ready for prime time. A modern EV would be of no use to me, so I didn’t bother to read the writeup…

  10. Right now, there are six rock-&-roll bands from the 60’s and 70’s on tour.., with not one original band member.
    There should be a law against that.
    False Advertisement? Bait-n-Switch? Misrepresentation?

    • By the way, you can ask Stu about his recent experience… I think it was the band Journey, but I’m not sure.

        • I love Kansas to…lol dust in the wind is an altimeter favorite..
          this reminds me of the move a distinguished gentleman… see I wonder if a person changed his last name to Biden would they be allowed to not pay taxes or abide by the laws..

        • Kansas, Fog Hat and Black Oak Arkansas. Arrowhead Stadium, 1974. Gread concert. :)

        • Joe Walsh still playing with the Eagles. Recently said it was a lot more fun being 20 in the 70s than being 70 in the 20s.

        • Saw them as “Kansas,” then saw them as the Christian rock band “A.D.,” then saw them as Kansas again. They were dynamite in the 1980s and ’90s (as was Journey). I’d prefer to remember them from that time period.

          The only bands I can think of who’ve gotten better with age are Bon Jovi, Guns n Roses, and REO Speedwagon, because their lead singers couldn’t carry pitch until real-time autotune was perfected. Kevin Cronin, especially, is an amazing singer, but the longer an REO concert would run, the sharper he’d get. In a two hour show, he’d be singing a minor 3rd above the key of the song and the pitch he was supposed to be hitting.

    • Hey d’Lynn

      Wife and I went to see the Queen Cover Band, “The Kings of Queen” when they were in town a couple weeks ago. I thought it was a dumb idea but the wife wanted us to go. We never heard of these guys before. So we went.

      There were a couple tickets left and it turned out, they were great seats. – Of course, nobody can copy the sound of Brian May’s guitar (because Brian and his dad made it) and I had to accept that through the show. I must admit, the guy really tried to get the sound right. He was close.

      Long story short, we had a damn good time. Even met with the band after the performance and nice talks with the guys and some laughs and some selfies with them. Excellent time !!

      Saw “CRUSH” the Bon Jovi Cover Band a couple years ago when they were here. They were excellent too!! Specially the guitar player. That MF isn’t real !! He’s THAT Good !! Amazing.

      These cover bands love the original group they cover. They promote the original group throughout the shows and take no credit. They literally keep the music alive and I think that is super cool.

      Somebody comes to your area, go see them. You might have a great time as we did.

      Peace, Love and Rock’n Roll ;)

  11. It’s the end of an era.
    “Sam Ash” Music has announced “with a heavy heart” it will be closing all of its stores. The family-fun business has been a pillar of the American music industry for 100 years.
    The family-run business was founded in 1924 by Austrian migrant Sam Ashkynase, and is widely regarded as one of the most influential and largest music stores in the US. Probably the world.
    I got my first, second and third guitar books from Sam Ash. Strings, hardcase., lots of “stuff”. Love that store.
    They just couldn’t compete with the on-line vendors any more.
    Damn shame.

    • This is incredibile. My guitar teacher was a personal friend of Sam Ash. I started taking lessons with him in 1969, I had a cheap acoustic guitar at the the time, a Christmas gift (1968) from my parents that had the strings reversed because I’m a lefty.

      After about 6 months, my teacher told me it was time for me to get a ‘real’ guitar and to go to the Sam Ash Store in Hempstead NY to get one. No left handed guitars available!

      Had to be special ordered. I chose a Gibson ES-335, cherry red. Delivery time nine months. When I went to pick it up, I opened the case and was shocked to see the guitar was not cherry red, it was a sunburst finish! They said it was a factory error, and I would have to wait another nine months to get one cherry red. I decided it wasn’t worth the wait and I took it.

      My father paid about $300 for that guitar, a lot of money back then. I still have the receipt somewhere. It’s probably worth 10 times that much now.

      A few years later I got to see Carmine Appice of Vanilla Fudge standing outside the store.

      It’s all gone. Everything is fading away…

    • Yes, I was just there two-months ago. My store was huge. It shrank. I use to go in there and play the display kits when I needed to make a run.

      I learned to appreciate the creativity a drummer can have with an electronic kit. But I would never spend a dime, $k, without playing them first. This is why you need brick and mortar.

      That day, I was ready to spend money on a powered mixer and speakers, I just wanted to play with the setup I had chosen first.

      The items were not in the store. So, I left with my money, and then a musician friend of mine just told me to keep my current mixer and just buy powered speakers.

      So, lesson learned. But, you have to buy those online too.

      • “I learned to appreciate the creativity a drummer can have with an electronic kit. But I would never spend a dime, $k, without playing them first. This is why you need brick and mortar.”

        My son is a drummer. Took him to the store for his first set of Pearls when he was 7. Still has them. Funny story.

        His first drum teacher told us to go and get ear protectors for him. I went to a local industrial supply shop and told him my son had started the drums and need ear muffs. The clerk replied “yes sir, and how many are in the family!”

  12. Be interesting to see how Qatar handles this …

    Will Qatar expel them?
    Will Qatar not expel them?
    If Qatar does expel them, will it be a clean and orderly expulsion or will Qatar become like Gaza and innocent people get slaughtered while trying to expel them?

    And … expel them to where?
    I really hope Qatar has a better way than going Full Netanyahu on everyone there.

    • Hey whats amatta Nutinyahoo ?
      Dude has accomplished something historical, something that has never done in the middle east for over 1400 Years.

      The brilliant tactician and statesman has managed to UNITE the Sunni and Shite branches of Islam for first time in like Ever.
      Taking out the Iranian diplomatic embassy in Damascus IS the “israeli mistake” Mr. Highs longview ALTA reports, IMHO.

      Action Item: “Glass Spread”

      GLW (CorningGlassWorks) Sell Short $33.70

      Buy Cheap RealEstate in israel

      Write when you got raytheon blast wave blocking tech..patented.

      • I can’t patent it, but I have two 14,000 ft mountains blocking the blast wave from me. Does that count?

  13. FYI Martin Armstrong (of Princeton Economics) strongly advises that May 7th is the “start” day for the next economic turn. His advise, Gold, Cash, Can Goods. This guy has never been wrong.

  14. my reply to you George about the current world state of afairs, and the agendas of the elite aristocrats and politicians in the governments accross the globe is this,

    “The Ability to Destroy a Planet is Insignificant Next to the Power of the Force.”

    – Darth Vader

  15. and to think, i almost blew my brains out the other night to stop the divine paradox that moves through all the ages before it got started.

    just so the fucktards at the top of the food chain in this reality were never born and if by chance they were, like Klaus shwab in my moment of sitting with that loaded 3030, grew up to have down syndrom and was the slop feed boy working a pig farm.

    i almost did it, just for that reason. hahhahaha

    thanks Darth!

    He is right ya know. The force is greater than this world.

    and this isnt the only world that is!


  16. fucking hilarious. people like zuckerberg are building $100,000,000.00 under ground bunkers for the Inbound ELE.

    and im just over here living my best life, investing all my time into a relationship with God and i disvoverd today!!!! the sequence to unlock final gate, into the 5th world. a new earth.

    and if anyone delays me or anything else of the sorts, they all die in their underground bunkers.

    ha ha ha ha ha.

    dontcha think that is fucking hilarious????

    i sure do.


    maybe they aught to be helping me, not fucking with me.

    hahaahha. that is fucking hilarious. it would now apear that me winning the jackpot powerball tonight is not the important thing i do, in this world.


    on to find a jedi bride. atleast for the night.


    • Man seeks to change the world, to suit his whims. Every other animal and vegetable on Earth changes itself, to fit into its environment. Should there be an ELE, survival will be by pure chance, and by the Grace of God. If humans survive, species survival will likely favor those who’ve adapted to their environment rather than those who’ve tried to mold their environment to their beliefs.

  17. Niger and Nigeria are two separate countries in different locations. Niger 26 million, Nigeria 212 million. wrt energy resources Niger exports uranium ore, Nigeria exports oil and only a little bit of uranium ore.

    US Nuclear Fuel BAN wrt Russia

    Russia and Kazakhstan, which ships most of it’s uranium to Russia for processing, combined provide nearly 45% of the Uranium fuel used to power US reactors (20% of US electricity) (fwiw Kazakhstan is the largest uranium ore producer in the world).

    Slightly more than 1/2 of that comes into the US as finished fuel rod assemblies (25% of what the US uses overall) and the balance is shipped in from Russia as fully processed and enriched ready to be formed into fuel rod assemblies by other fabricators (another 20% of what the US reactors use).

    It appears when the US announced it’s various restrictions on Russia a week ago it was ONLY counting in it’s press releases the imported finished fuel rods and NOT the imported fully enriched and processed uranium fuel that was ready to be fabricated into fuel rods once here. “IF” both are restricted then the US needs to replace 45% of the fuel our reactors need, not just the 25% they mentioned in their press releases.

    Because of environment restrictions the US today mines very little uranium that can be used to process into nuclear fuel. We stopped mining uranium because of environmental reasons back in the 1960’s-1970’s. We have relied upon Russia for nearly 1/2 of our reactor fuel at least since the late 90’s.

    There is virtually NO excess supplies of good uranium ore in the world from mines currently online, which means that sourcing new supply sources for American reactors could be very problematic with Russia being cut off. That lack of virtually any quantity of alternative supplies was why France was so keen to keep it’s below market supplies from Niger flowing to it. Of course one has to assume that the so called “BAN” the US is placing on Russian reactor fuel is going to leak like a sieve, just like the “BAN” on Russian oil leaks like a sieve – reason why a goodly percentage of the diesel fuel currently used in the Northeast US comes directly or indirectly from Russia, yep still today.

    It is clear that the entire US “sanctions” regimen against Russia were NOT well thought out before we started imposing them: We NEED titanium from China and Russia (we produce <1% of what we need). We NEED processed enriched uranium from Russia /Kazakhstan (45% of our needs). We NEED diesel fuel from Russia (or will experience a huge price spike and shortages). On the agricultural front Russia EXPORTED more wheat in 2022 than the US produced total!

    With regards to China and potential sanctions against them in the event of a Taiwan conflict: We NEED rare earth minerals from China. We NEED steel from China (China produces 12x what we do). We NEED aluminum from China/Russia (China produces about 15x what we do). We NEED LiFe and Li Ion batteries from China. We NEED manufactured products of all sorts from China.

    Sanctions against China like we are trying to do with Russia and the US economy will be in a world of hurt since much of US manufacturing requires materials or sub-assemblies from China … including much of our domestic auto industry (the prime contractor for the F35 has openly said that they can NOT continue to produce the F35 without materials and sub assemblies from China).

    The US and Nato PUSHED for the War in Ukraine, and when they got the War THEY WANTED, then they moved to sanction Russia, thinking it would collapse. Hint to DC, London, Paris, and Brussels, Russia has seen worse and wasn't going to just collapse like a wet noodle because of some sanctions. It was going to FIGHT TO SURVIVE. Shocking I know, but then Hitler also thought they would easily collapse, as did Napoleon. (any nation that is willing to voluntarily burn down it's most important and richest city in order to survive is NOT one that is going to just roll over and play dead because of outside pressure).

    The US appears to be trying to Double Down wrt it's manufactured War in Ukraine … while Russia may bend it is NOT going to break. The Ukrainian adventure may well break the US though if it causes an economic collapse of the US (much like the USSR imploded when it's economy collapsed), which is no longer out of the realm of possibility (particularly if we end up in even a limited conflict wrt China).

    Interesting times. Got popcorn?

  18. i think what it all comes down too George,

    I am shut up in a box of space and time, but I can open a window in that box by faith.

    I can empty my mind of all the limitations of material things. I can sense the Eternal.

    when i do that, i can actualize the presence of the eternal, in the material structures, around me.

    I pray that whatever is good I may have. I pray that I may leave to THE DUDE the choice of what good will come to me.

    La Dolce Vita.

    • It’s a mixed blessing that we get out of this box when we pass on. Like Pappy used to say: Hang on, enjoy the ride, learn what you can and share with others.”
      Better than most preachers manage, it is…and here we are.

      • I think about my mothers passing. she was the last of our immediate family where both sides of her lineage went directly back to the founding settlers and before the constitution..
        when my brother got up he made a comment. (“isn’t it sad that at the end of your life all that remains is a few boxes of assorted crap. A few photos and the memory of what you stood for.”)
        my wife and I discussed this on our way home.I was still using a walker not doing very well physically..
        my average work week was a hundred hours.. there weren’t any family vacations it was work a day world..
        we got home and decided solar what is my main harp has been for years.. the only issue is strengthening the grid does not fit the business model.
        the secret family recipe.. so many have one or more..I promote sharing what you know.. many people die taking that wonderful recipe with them..Instead pass it along.
        many stress over the number in the end you don’t take it with you. enjoy life ..give everyone a hug when parting that way if you pass along the way the last thought is one of shared sentiments no regrets.
        I won’t have a funeral..the plans have been made.. I will go the obit will say simply I went on vacation and loved everyone very much.. if someone comes curious where I went ..then they can go to the chicken house have a keg give the kids a roll of quarters .. tip a few tell some crazy memories..
        six weeks later it will be a challenge we all drift into the back of everyone’s minds..
        growing older with a loved one is important. The father or ( dude) says to leave the childish ways behind find a mate. developing an intimate bond with each other and making a lifelong commitment to each other. This bond must be maintained through sickness, financial crises and marital problems. When you cleave unto each other, you become dependent on each other. You become each other’s primary source of affection, approval and council.
        As you age alone pretty soon you are alone.. love heavenly father most of all.. the rest is about commitments and doing unto others..
        The saddest funeral I ever attended was for an old business woman. her main goal was the number..I get there and the funeral was attended by ..ME..
        many of the more wealthy made arrangements couple ..we would visit quite a bit..his legacy was a medical library.. nice library to..go there to read once in a while.. one gent had an airport named after him and a few was funny he was telling his grandson the plan on making millions I was there when the grandson left I said dammit you should adopt me lol
        he was extremely inappropriate with women.. reminded me of our present administration and family.
        one young gorgeous college girl made a comment on how wonderful he was.. everyone laughed..well we know how her college tuition got paid lol..

        • Well said.

          Older and still healthy but long divorced and after that experience I had and still have no desire to venture down that path again, not even for a dating partner. I do miss the “connection” to someone who would be a real partner, not a user, but alas for me such was not to be or will be. (imo at most only 10% obtain that, 5% is a more reasonable number from my observations of modern life in the US)

          As you age not having a partner does make you reflect on what your impact on others has been and will be once you depart to the next stage. When traveling solo this is particularly noticable imo since you can not as easily deny the fact that life is at it’s core a solo journey, as those with a strong partner can.

          Just 100′ or so from my dad’s grave is the grave a man who ran for Vice President of the US, a noted Civil War General, a Territorial Governor after the Civil War, and has a major US city named for him. Except for his few local relatives left in that town even with all that he did and accomplished nobody remembers him just 150 years later. Dust to Dust is the journey for vitually all.

          Only authors who did great works seem to be able to have a continuing impact on those who come generations later. Ideas and concepts can live on their own byond the life of the person who committed them to paper … but history shows that little else that a single person did will last through the generations.

      • its mind bending. i wouldnt even belive it if it wasnt so glaringly true.

        i dont think im even that important.

        the odds of it all are astromical. beyond the scope of human intelligence. beyond the scope of Aritifical intelligence copacity.

        to build a city 16,000 years ago.

        then first use a system of math that calculates the entire entire cycles of not just celestial objects but calculate events happening far into the future of eathquakes, comets, volcanos etc etc etc. on my birthday. have that system survive 5,084 until i was born. have the date survive the spaniards, all the other empires that would rise and fall durring that time until i would discover it after moving into a scaled version of another city that was built. 5,138 years later.

        and place the end of the grand cycle, the myans would later calculate after descovering the system the olmecs left, when they vanished in a single moment. and have that day calculated by the myans as 12/21/12 end up on the same exact day i had 12 years sober. to the day. which in the fellowship is called your sober birthday. my other birthday. the exact day on both????

        and it all started with a dude who matches my exact drscription???

        the odds are astronomical kf that happening. beyond the scope of time and space. beyond human and artificial intelligence copasity a
        and comphrention.

        God like.

        and yet its true. 100% true.

        but like i said, it doesnt pay my bills, it doest keep my bed warm, or put food on my table.

        so no matter how true and mind bending it is??

        i cant focus on it. i need to focus on work, getting paid and finding a good woman so im distracted by every skirt that walks by.

        until i figure those things out first. the 5th world will have wait.

        because unlike the dude who invented all that stuff back then. im not omnipotent and i cant do all the stuff its said he did.

        I am just a man.

        if all that cool stuff opened me up to some sorta super powers and untold riches and brought me a beautiful woman so i didnt think about that stuff and could focus on understanding it?

        the id crack the code of it all and open the 5th world door.

        i mean one day i might have all those powers. i might be very well be that dude. i might at some point time travel there and do it all so i can find it 5,138 years later.


        but i need to get money and find a good woman.

        so that is my focus and once that is figured out?? i will return to the other stuff.

        hopefully the world doesnt end before i do.


      • and im telling ya right now.

        if and when i crack the code to the 5th world?

        i ran passgate at 1000 shows and not a single person got passed me. not a single person.

        and i will remember those who helped me. and i will remember the dickheads. and not single dickhead gets to go through.

        that is fact.

        im fully aware of who has helped me in life and who has been a dickhead.

        i already spoke to THE DUDE about that. and HE has my back.

        so, to whome it may concern. dont be a dickhead.

        if your not a dickhead. then you dont have to worry about it now do ya?

        I will figure it out when i do. not to worry about that.

        ~ We are right on schedule ~

        first things first, get BIG money and A Good woman.

      • and yeah it did dawn on me it could be how the Christian rapture occurs.

        because of the simiarlities in the Esseens and Olmecs vannishing.

        maybe when i open the gate to the 5th world only those not marked by the vaccine pass through.


        pretty lofty idea.

      • or only those marked as christians by THE DUDE pass through. idk.

        it would certainly meet the prohected numbers on the deagle report for the year 2025, if i opened the gate and all those people marked by THE DUDE, vanished in an instant.

        that would mean, i would open the gate before the end of 2024. and all them millions of people would vannish in an instant. just like the Olmecs and Esseens did. leaving their food sitting on the plate.

        pretty wild stuff.

        but like i said, i aint worrying about it or concerning myself with it for now.

        first things first. i need figure out these other things. so im not distracted by needing money or getting laid. lol

        i know. i know. but i cant pay my bills with a can of soup. and i been alone on the mountain for a long time. i need to settle down and be with a good woman. not out raw dogging randoms. lol

        that hispanic lady renting a room downstairs in the mansion im in would be perfect. she is hot! super hot. haha.

        pass the salsa. hahaha.

      • yes. about that.

        i threw a book earlier today and im grateful for the Mana from Heaven. every single day some how someone gives me exactly what i need. every single day for the last 30 days. God sends someome to provide food, gas, smokes, coffee or what ever else i need. and i just go about His buisness helping others.

        my daily bread.

        never seen anything like it. like the friend who said i was praying and God told me to get these things and bring them too ya. exactly what i needed.

        and i joked, even on here. i moved into narnia. because we have.miniture cows and at the top of the stairs before i enter into my place, there is a giant wardrobe closet. just like the one in the movie..

        except the before you enter my place later to find out was an identical scale version of a city, isnt a magical wardrobe closet.

        but it is symbolly exactly what i have been discovering. a way to open a door and walk into an entirely differnt world.

        and since i have been here, alot of things have happend. and i have learned alot, about, how opening a door to an entirely differnt world. a gate into a new earth.

        one where there is no taxes, no governments, no crime, no bullshit, no lack, no parking meters, no wars, none of that shit.

        a gateway into paradise.

        how that could really be a thing.

        i know my entire journey only about 15% of what i really saw and learned is shared here and on the web is all related to opening that gateway. it was all preperation to place me here.

        and i dont know if here is the last stop or not.

        i dont really wanna travel anymore. i dont really want to study any of it any more.

        i just wanna live my life and not be stressed about money or any of that shit.

        someone told me once, “You are going to become so powerful. you hold the keys to destiny, not just for you, but for many people.”

        the elders think i have done this exact thing many times throughout the ages. they even knew my name. its spelled a little different. Aundy. but they said its me.

        so idk. i just thought its funny i said im moving into narnia and now i actually think there is alot more to that than me just joking about it.

        and if i really am able to open a door to an entirely new world??? well that is calling way bigger than me.

        that is process is a higher power all unto itself.

        guess we will see. i wont be broadcasting it on social media if i do. it will be invite only. and….. if i pass through the gate first, i might be a one way path. i might not be able to come back and tell anyone. lol

        its sure is a wild possibility.

        open a series of doors in a scaled replica of an ancient city, activating a portal into an entirely different world.

        huh. no shit.

        probably happen right before the shit hits the fan.

        its always like that. just in the nick of time. figuratively speaking.

        2 minutes before too late.

        i sure dont know why that is. i sure dont like that its like that.

        it sound all like some fictional bullshit. but its true. its really true. more true than one can comprehend.

        anyways. hope ya all have a good week. i will keeping the rest to myself.

        im way behind on bills. i need to hustle and grind. i cant be destracted by stuff that aint paying my bills.

        finding the portal will have to wait.

  19. i scribbled ir down in the back of my mind, in the vault.

    i will tell you what.

    i cleaned my place. then i went to the starwars theme party. a chick dressed as a sexy darth vader, had my attention. i said you cant say, im your father. your a girl. she laughed and said but i could call you Daddy.


    i left. and came home alone. when i standing in the kitchen. thinking about things. i looked at the dining room table and the entire dining room table laying before me matched this schematic.

    its called the tree of life.

    the kathara grid.
    i didnt arrange it like that on purpose. at all. i had to look it up. i know i seen it before.

    i was just cleaning up. and it was arrange that way on the dining room table.

    i have to chop wood and carry water. i start my new job tommorrow morning.

    all these things are facinating. unfortionatalky, i live in world where i need cash to buy food and pay my bills. ans last night i was down to one can of soup for food.

    so i am desking the whole thing. it doesnt pay my bills. it doesnt put food on my table or keep my bed warm with me. at all.

    so i dont really at the moment find it useful. its cool. but its not practical.

    once i figure out a means of fiancial stabily and income, then i will return to studying it.

    a friend said she was in prayer and God told her to bring me food and coffee and smokes gave $30 for gas.

    mana from heaven.

    but that isnt long term fiancial i dont have to worry about my bills being paid and i dont have to think about getting laid. which is also a natural instinctual thing. and all things pull me away from my studies.

    so until i resolve those issues and find a substantial financial supply. where i dont look in the cupbard and see only a single can of soup and im not out cruising for chicks because i have one at home.

    its facinating stuff. mind
    bending. there is stuff that was done 16,000 years ago, in a way, so i would find it and it relates to me. i mean an entire city was built, 13,000 years before Christ and the first use of a mathmatical system to calculate the grand cycles of celstial objects was on my birthday.

    5,084 years
    before i was born! and i would stumble upon it after i move unknowingly in to an exact scaled replica of another city built by a dude who matches my exact description.

    what are the odds on that??? it would be the equivilant of winning the powerball jackpot 1000 times in a row each time on a quick pick ticket.

    its astronimical. mind bending. beyond space and time. beyond human comprehention. God like.

    atleast to my little brain.

    im desking the entire thing. filing it away in the vault within my mind.

    because albeit, the arrangement of the kathara grid on my dinning room table, unintentionally, is cool and mean something.

    it doesnt pay my bills or give me a viable financial solution so i can focus on understanding opening the gate to the New Earth.

    so it will have to waite.

    i need to chop wood and carry water. i need some big paychecks before i can fully grasp alm of it and do anything with it.

    I’ll tell you this much. im very careful how i move through the doors. i dont wanna activate it on accident and walk into another relm. not till im ready to do so. i have no idea what is on the other side.

    so until the Kathara grid or any of ir starts dropping money on me in vast quanties? im not doing anything more with it.

    and im not answering questions.

    maybe the entire thing opens the door to the garden of eden and the tree of life. idk

    i need to get money. and a good woman so im not distracted by all that stuff.

    so that is my focus.

    later dude.

  20. unless….

    in the art of making….

    THE DUDE, heard you speak this into my being,

    “Imagine having all the materials of a Lowes or Home Depot readily at hand, and then having sliding table saws and every “power-everything” at hand along with a cloud of (scantily clad, gorgeous) assistants to shag materials and parts for you.

    Be a hell of a place to “get creative” wouldn’t it?”

    yes. yes that works as well.

    thank you very much George.

    Ure words i quoted in this comment -> spoken right into my life.

    once it materializes…. i will all about opening that portal to the fountain of youth, or the tree of life, garden of eden, the 5th earth, or whatever is on the other side.

    i do know its a 3 door potential. because of the 3 stars in the belt of orion.

    one star or door opens to nothing. emptyness. one star openes to worse tha hell. and one star leads to a utopia of sorts. garden of eden ish.

    i think it actually takes you back to the point of orign. back past the spans of antiquity into the place where life begain. and flourished. before enoch and all those guys were. when the earth was lavish and beautiful. without evil present.

    clean air, fresh water, and tons of fruit and all that, every day sunshine. no rain. rain came after noah finshed the arc.

    that is my current understanding.

    so i wanna make damn sure the sequence is the right one.

    wouldnt wanna open the door and fall into empty space.

    or worse land on the planet that is worse than the descriptions of hell.

    and i need to get that sorted out.

    i think i open the door to
    clean air, fresh water, and tons of fruit and all that, every day sunshine. no rain. rain came after noah finshed the arc.

    the big question everyones asking is,
    will there be free wifi? not sure.

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