Hand me the Financial Truth Detector kit, would you?
OK, turning it on…
Yikes! Bitcoin is down at $59,000 and change, so if this is an upside market breakout (rather than crass manipulation) it’s one of the strangest ever.
Jobs – Dig Deep
Second item in “the kit” is the total number of people working in America. This tells us more than all the demographic slice & dice, book-talkers, and insiders on the Middle East can ever hope to.
With one caveat: With Biden open borders, we know there are somewhere between one and twenty million illegal entrants in the country. If there are just one million (no way!) then on a 160-million working population, immigration errors come to what? A shade over 6-10ths of one percent; no big deal in our thinking.
However, if the number of illegals (and “Joebama” is bringing more) runs towards 20-million, then the influence of immigration on the job numbers could be up in the 12-1/2 percent area. As you can see, depending on how you want to load the data, you can have a total swing just based on accounting trickery up in the 13-percent range.
This is not to accuse anyone of deliberate deception; however there are problems that evolve in system layered complexity that people have a hard time dealing with.
Applying a Graphics Programming Lesson
This is an interesting story because it illustrates how intentionality works in world perception.
Elaine and I are sitting in front of the TV last night and we get to talking. So long, in fact, that the screensaver on the (Hisense) big screen came on. We happened to be on something graphical/perceptual so the screensaver – which is a pretty cool animated picture was showing. And I asked her if she knew how computer graphics worked? “No…but why do I think you’re going to tell me?” Well, yeah – the explanation went like this:
“Years ago, in my early rock & roll news days, I went to a function at a company at the foot of Queen Anne Hill south in Seattle. There was this place called “The Invention Company.” This was a professional practice where companies could bring in all kinds of problems and they would create all these graceful solutions (for a price; these were smart people). One of their solutions was to break graphics into layers.
Now imagine you have 4 sheets of glass you can slide back and forth, left and right. Arrange then back to front so when you look at the back piece of glass, there is (for example) a mountain and a bridge painted as though off in the distance. From there, the next layer closer to the observer might have some buildings. Next closer layer has a street, and things like cars painted on it, and then on the closest layers is, oh, a jogger.
In order to “trick the mind” the relationship between the layers is manipulated. The rearmost glass with graphic painted moves maybe an inch. The next closest moves 2-inches, while the street scene on the next to closest layer might move 3 or 4 inches. While the closest layer moves, oh, 5 or 6 inches.
You get the “scaling between layers” right and the mind sees motion. And that was the basis of computer graphics. Digital “layers” moving relative to one another (arrays of data) and in order to get to life-like CGI in today’s world, simply add many more layers, and on each of the “moving layers in the example, you can put in layers, too. Which beyond a certain level, your brain loses track of. Instead, you average it all out and “see” motion and movement in the scene.”
The point, setting up for the Jobs data, is that most people do not inherently think about the layers in life. Yet, it’s one of the best thinking tools you can have, and it has been one of the grounding principles of the kind of thinking that goes on around here. Artificial Reality is, um, kinda real.
That’s probably why ancient “religions” had the prohibition on “making idols in my image” because, at least in the computational arts, when you start working on how “image making works” you tune in to the idea that it’s a bi-directional process. In other words, we can use “layers moving” as a tool (coming out from the data) to mislead simple humans. But, once onto the “trickery of layers” the advanced human can turn on the mental mirror and use the resulting layer penetration skills to “drill back to sources.”
A little much, and maybe a little early, but definitely a useful tool, especially for people who can get befuddled when Arabian colts show up on the simulation of Life and are unclear as to why. Perfect situation to turn on the “drill back tool” and go learning.
Back to point (whew!) let’s now open…
The Jobs Envelope
Again, this is one of those “layer things.” If YOU have a job (on the ME layer) then the employment picture must be good. This is how the other layers in the array are moving. Looks like progress (or anti-progress) but remember the layers are are independently moveable, so your perception is quite easily managed into a herd-grouping panic.
Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 175,000 in April, and the unemployment rate changed little at 3.9 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in health care, in social assistance, and in transportation and warehousing.
The relative Truth is usually most easily seen on the “back layer” which is why we insist on going back to the farthest layer. The one with total people and total working. Which this morning tells us?
We’ll tell you straight-up: We don’t see the (payroll number pandering) Mainstream yelling “Employment increased 25,000 this month while invasion forces from the south increase by xxx,xxx.” (Guess that’d be real reporting, huh? Did Hunter S. Thompson’s death end gonzo journos? Who are these neutered-nutters left?)
With this in mind, we can then draw our own conclusions about the economy (but layer-ignorant people will still look to “leaders” (of thought, finance, or politics) for program updates that will prompt them to feel in a certain way. Seeing how this works?
Then there’s all the “hidden layers” which includes the CES Birth-Death Model layer, where the creation and elimination of jobs is “estimated.” For this year, it looks like this.
I know – hard week, you’re too lazy to do the calcs on this. (Do I have to do everything on this website?)
In February, March, and April CES made up 2.584 million jobs. From February, the database shows only 501,000 more working (half a million). Ya’ll keep up the fine work.
The media will, with some regularity, try to spot the “layer of data” that has the most apparent motion and as our data skills grow, it will only be a matter of time until we will see reports like… (this is fictional, remember, but only for a short time, so read it while you can…)
“Chinese-Americans with one Black relative on the maternal side, 3-years of college, and grade points of 2.7 to 3.4 had an unemployment rate this month of 3.1 percent. While Hispanic-Americans, with one drug cartel parent and an uncle funneling money into politics had a 3.9 percent unemployment rate. Loser White layoffs, over age 35, less than a PhD (spawned by the new DEI felony laws enacted in 17 blue states) had an unemployment rate of 63.5 percent, an increase of 2 percent in the last nine minutes….”
Computationally, it will be a triumph; layer additions will (as in the case of CGI) improve resolution to the point most will think it’s all “real.” But, in our usefully simplified world, we will merely point to the rear-most layer (total people vs. number actually working) and say “Progress is your False Idol.”
Like we explained, if you can’t see all the layers, you’ll miss the trickery of attention-deception.
Fewer jobs! America is failing faster – let’s have a big f*cking rally to celebrate. (*Are these people on drugs?) (yes)
Financial Layer Cake
Two charts, based on our (simplistic) notion of “All the money matters, so let’s use an aggregated view) to explain where the illusion is today:
Of course, a rally into the close today would give us an interesting “double-top” kind of look to the differential moving average work – which is another kind of statistical layer cake:
Should be interesting to see how it balls up near the close.
Side of War with That?
We figure the more the foreign wars. the more downside when it spills over into the USA. What makes it a betting pool is the number of neoliberals (ex-neocons) who somehow thing our enemies are even stupider than Us. Poor asymptotes anyone?
The Lies of NATO make a global war almost unavoidable, at this point, as we figure “layer movements” today. Russia released classified documents: “What commitments NATO did not keep – Why a big war is possible” (vid).
Conspiracy crazies (but only for now) who have been worried the Russians will get pissed (Nordstream, remember) and blow off a nuclear torpedo off the UK to “sink the Brit’s marts” have another reason for worry about such an outcome: UK says Ukraine can use British weapons to strike inside Russia – BNO News. As we have told you, Russia is seriously disinclined to accept living under an umbrella a fear which is how the megalomaniacs of the EU are playing NATO.
Even without it, could the coming Middle East escalation lead to an oil embargo – and how would the Biden energy haters deal with that? A Rafah incursion would put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk, UN aid agency says (thestar.com).
Time to choose up sides: Qatar strongly condemns Israeli threats to storm the city of Rafah | The Peninsula Qatar. While at the same time, UAE’s 12-truck convoy carrying 264 tonnes of aid enters Gaza – GulfToday.
We’re thinking this weekend, maybe next, but the markets running up solidly today into the close could hint “insiders and the connected” might have some nonpublic info about the Future. Only in retrospect and then it’s too late to put bets down.
We have an in-depth working paper for Peoplenomics coming next Wednesday: It’s a “Get Home Plan” which can be adopted from our template to work on how to reconstitute your family on the leading edge of WW3 (or WW4, depending on how you scored the Cold War).
Toss in Signs Of The Times: War, Famine, Pestilences And Natural Disasters if you’re not ready for the psych couch, yet.
Creepage and Crawlage
Justice returns to America? Don’t hold your breath but JUST IN: Arizona Supreme Court Overrules Sanctions and Attorney Fees Against Arizona GOP for Questioning 2020 Election.
Meanwhile, Trump-haters ought to be nervous reading how Stormy Daniels Lawyer Denies Payment Was ‘Hush Money’ in Trump Trial | The Epoch Times.
Are serial bankruptcies a new fashion? Rue 21 going out of business: Retailer closing all stores in bankruptcy (axios.com)
Don’t hold “special” accountable? Swimming in the Shallow End of the Gene Pool.
And it all comes down to this: Biden to award Medal of Freedom to 19 people, including Pelosi, Gore, Ledecky and Bloomberg Still think there’s hope?
Around the Ranch: Solar Blues
If you’re wondering where all the climate change came from (and went), it’s because Global Warming has gone bust already. Compare the current solar cycle here:
With a longer view of things (those damn “back layers” again):
Pretty easy to see that the Sun’s output (indicated by sunspot counts) is nowhere near highs of a decade or two back.
Which is a bummer really. We had over 28 inches of rain here, so far this year. Which means we will blow the doors off traditional CONUS wet spots like Seattle.
The real pisser is the low gains from our solar panels. Our projections for breakeven on the latest load of recycled panels has already lost a month of planned payback time. And if the rains keep up (and they threaten to this month) the economics of solar are changing.
Scrapped plans to consider doing a ground-up EV build, too.
Write when you get rich,’
Someday George, you will understand that the increase in rain and clouds is a direct effect of the global heating. Warm air holds more moisture leading to more clouds and rain. Up here in the Northeast we are continually grey and rainy, while winter snows instead become constant mud and flood.
Fortunately I have only run the correlation between our rainfall and the oscillations over year scales to the ENSO. Not global warming. ENSO.
last night’s storm…grid down until appx. 6:30 p.m. today. couldn’t sell power back to ’em if i tried. it’s a sunny day so far. bbq grill and battery banks and, to you, many thanks… for all the solar info you have provided.
You never met Dinah, never knew Dinah, give it the F up and get out da Kitchen, 4 it bee way too hot 4 youse in there..https://youtu.be/R1Qk6lIytb0?si=1Al22EWdsQonGQCR – besides you dont know how to even play a Banjo..get out da kitchen and back into Ure cave
..Bitcoin is “UP” to $59k after a bit of a pullback. Soonly – by time this post posts BTC will be heading towards $65k again. To the moon G, to the moon.
As we are in the FULL swing of a vicious Trotskyite social revolution. The language that is used for the judeo-tranny-mulatto supremacy ideology is all marxist.
People in charge of white house are decendants of the OG bolsheviks who terrorized Russia a century ago.
Cant youse all see ?
Over 60 FUCKING YEARS G, 60 F-ing years UrbServers, and We all still have firm grip around Our ankles..PATHETIC .
Lose the blinders and let Fierceness borrow em for tomorrows running of the Roses in Kentucky.
Thats right homegamers, Fierceness is one of my Picks, but my long shot FAVORITE, near and dear to my Heart(besides Dornoch)… is Mystic Dan at 20-1.
Root root, be time for the Bandicoot..got 2 root em home!
the running of the roses is saturday??? honestly, i didnt even know. i just looked it up. sure as shineola. the runing of the roses is saturday.
i drew a picture about a rose last saturday.
huh. pretty wild.
im not a gambler. im a content creator.
mega is the name of my favorite horse round here.
huh. that is pretty wild. i told that story i heard and the rinnigng of the roses is tommorow. i didnt even know. really.
ok, cool, thanks!
well…. and ask JC, he will tell ya. Im a believer. i couldnt leave her.
its like i told one of my shamman buddies who saved this giant peyote button he named The God Button for me to do medicine with.
i told him. i dont need peyote to do medicine with. im already trippin balls all day long.
wow. the running of the roses tommorow. huh. no joke.
okay. cool. thanks!
i dont know if this helps your bet or not. but i hope it does.
when i went out on my deck (Pyramid of the Moon) and looked, they let the baby horses out to play. these are all show horses from my understang.
The Golden colored horse lead the pack. she was first to cross the line in the green pasture. she belongs to some rich kid who named her a long royal name, and everyone just calls her Mega.
all the other baby horses follow her every morning.
not sure if that helps. but i hope it does.
now i return to my private study of things and will do some more art today.
the running of the roses is saturday. i didnt even know.
all things being relative.
pretty wild.
que: ~ Wild Flowers and Wild Horses ~
Lainey Wilson.
Speaking of BCN’s 1944 hit parade, this year marks the 80th anniversary of the Royal Windsor Horse Show Club whose event is running this week in Windsor, Berkshire. While there might be howling at the moon in Appalachia to coin a phrase, today’s “Daily Mail” led above the fold with a 19 picture gallery of a glowing His Majesty in the warm embraces of his photogenic niece at the Member Enclosure. One photograph was assigned to his stern-looking sister the Princess Royal followed closely behind by her spousal Vice-Admiral of the Navy. Apparently the derby in Kentucky Derby is a nod to the Epsom Derby dating to 1780 founded by the 12th Earl of Derby. He served in King George III’s somewhat infamous Ministry of All Talents government shortly after Trafalgar almost 10 years before Waterloo. But what a century that followed if one was in as a Member!
Best wishes to all casting ‘coin into the wishing well upon their pony of choice. Perchance homestretch rose blooms fade, the world’s largest tulip festival opens next week in Ottawa.
Yo JC,
whats the poop on the bloody horse running thru the streets of London with another Horse the other day??????????????????????????????????????????????????
Symbolic to the MAX, yet the whole fuggin community/World missed it. I certainly cant show youse all the Signs and Symbols – The Portents.
What I can do is opine on the Color of said Bloody Horse, and the Color of the 2nd Horse.
There was a message delivered by those 2 Horse..
Did youse all not RECEIVE IT ?
Well hear is a message for the Student protestors who recently got expelled from their institutions of higher learning..https://www.presstv.co.uk/Detail/2024/05/03/724860/Iran-universities-offer-admissions-scholarships-students-protesters-expelled-United-States-colleges-Israel-Gaza-war
Another GOOD Deed done .
Yep, send all those LGBTQ+ gender-benders to Iran for an ‘education’… the last one they will ever get.
Would daze be headen down duh Pike to Atlantic City? LOL.
Yup saw that. Strap in Home Gamers, lest we forget the RECENT Tower of London Missing time [a thematic], down the rabbit hole we go.
full stop.
(“this year marks the 80th anniversary of the Royal Windsor Horse Show Club”)
that’s kind of sad.. one of the guys that lived with us..he raised thoroughbreds.. worked the horse shows and race tracts.. he would have loved to have watched that..his wife got cancer and the hospital dropped her insurance. ( she was an rn) they took his farm and his rental properties and everything he owned.. what was fun was him talking about the horses he knew each one from working with them..when he passed on Mae my dog mourned his loss for over a month she slept by his door waiting for him to return..
p.s. when you win? dont forget us little people. :)
George, when it rains in Texas is it an all day cloudy event, cause that would really mess with solar output. Not like here in FL were it rains like a monsoon for 15 minutes and then its so bright that the rain evaporates off the road in real time.
I just finished planting most of the garden..got the little white cucumbers planted..love the flavor they have..and lots of beets
“might have some nonpublic info about the Future”
I’m starting to think of history as being written like a song or book is developed. Most folks don’t print a song or book. It’s a process with rough drafts and revisions. In the process parts are added, removed, readded, reremoved, combined, written, rewritten re-re…
The other day the Dead Sea Scrolls were mentioned. The question of these new found scrolls being fraudulently delivered by authorities never entered the convo, the scrolls immediately verified/reinforced the song of history as currently written by authority.
(You know how the hive mind in forums work with “TDS”. Say something negative about Trump and the first sting is “TDS”. Once the TDS pheromone is on the commenter’s screen name then comes stings from other directions – the ‘Satanist’ sting then ‘pervert/pedophile’ stings maybe ‘Lib’ sting…. (add your own) a chorus of screeching monkeys stinging the screen name. Same happened with Qanon.)
To question the validity of the scrolls will get one stung becasue to many the scrolls reinforce the baseline of their belief of history. Ya gotta admit bibling and soul saving is big business. The question of authority strategically deploying scrolls to reinforce some part of their story never enter the convo.
There’s a new antisemitism bill out there. I didn’t read the bill I’m going from a post on “X” – link below. The X post indicates a part of the bill makes illegal “Claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel: This will essentially outlaw verses in the Bible.”
Thinking about the bible as a historic document. We don’t know the age of the document, we were told the age of the document.
That got me thinking about the apocrypha. Parts that no longer fit are put to the side like in the song/book analogy.
I think history is about to be changed/go through a major revision and the parts about who crucified Christ will be removed and tossed into the apocrypha pile. Most history is in people’s heads so…
This change will most likely come after a mass die-off event of the people who think in the old way that’s being obsoleted becasue there’s no other way to change history. After the die-off a large cache of historic documents could be ‘found’ (maybe from under the Sphinx) so authority can make the change to the new history.
Even if one were to have a hard copy God Bless the U.S.A. bible after the change, what would it matter? Most people think in binary. Look to today. Jews are good/Muslims are bad and that’s the way it is. Don’t support Trump auto-means one supports Biden. Authority will tell the people the new history and that’s the way it’ll be.
As in the graphics analogy, pocket money foreground layer/afterlife base layer – history somewhere in between.
The post was X’ed May 1.
This is the official definition of antisemitism that Congress will vote to codify into law today, and then use it to prosecute Americans for “hate speech.” It’s extensive on purpose.
A lot of what you have just posted is the basis and background., the foundation of “1984”.
“Claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel: This will essentially outlaw verses in the Bible.”
That, was my thought EXACTLY !!
Seems to begin the outlawing of Christianity and erases the truth.
OK tell us you don’t have TDS, but you brought up in your somewhat Bible/History debate
and then you go attack the anti-pedo crowd.
the God damn pedos are real and children suffer and you are trying to brush it off as if it was MADE UP.
you talk like those movie stars with one eye closed,,, closed to the whole view, choosing only to look at half the story
go stick your head back in the sand
you sound like a life long union member. Vote democrat no matter who’s name is on the ballot
what’s the matter, you don’t like orange life boats, I don’t see very many members of CONgess that like him either, they, even the republican ones from my state will not stand up and do what is constitutional right, my congressmen suck,
We are making the future, RIGHT NOW,,,
YOU MAKE LIGHT OF THE PEDOPHILES DIRTY DEEDS are you one of them? it pretty much is a dividing line between moral people and baby fuckers
future seeing is a vision,,, not chisled in stone, but flowing and maluable, those that see ahead see the obstacles, those that plan ahead make steering wheels.
ya, my uncle was a tool and die maker for Saginaw steering gear, RIP,,, punny thing is , back in the 60s, he had 3 different vettes, a red, a white, and a blue one and then he got married, bye bye vettes
Evil only exists in the dark and can not stand on it own in the light of day, it hides behind good and operates in the shadows. Light is energy, darkness is the absence of light
you talk about “sting” as you sting on Trump and Q and ‘Q’ is not Qanon, as anons are just everyday folks who follow or post opinions about what is happening in our world
you just don’t like it when the majority of stings are against your opinion instead of pro your view, as the stings are just opinions of people, you are a stinger also.
Good luck, to you OoWS
you will still vote democrat, Bribems or Big Mike no matter which Satan worshipping piece of shit they put up.
When you are an ‘anybody but Trump’ thinker, you have TDS, and that is a fact Jack,,
“Trump, you will never be president” video
Keep grabbing them by the pussy, obd, start a gofundme for Melania, she’s the one being humiliated, not you!
‘What is true about the Republican Party is that some of its members are still willing to support fellow Republicans even after learning of their sexual exploitation of minors. After Moore was revealed to have preyed upon teenagers as an adult, the likes of Trump and the Federalist still urged Alabamans to vote for him for Senate. One pro-Moore column in the Federalist, headlined “Why Alabamians Should Vote for Roy Moore,” included the uncomfortable rationale “To have a large family, the wife must start having kids when she is young.”from:
(“Keep grabbing them by the pussy,”)
hmm.. just checking..its the Californian way to tell.. a friend of mine doing his mission in California said if you drop your keys on the sidewalk you have to kick them to the corner before bending over to pick them up..lol lol so I do understand why you think that’s a good thing..
you are full of ‘c’ poop, we do not label everyone as a pedo, just the baby fuckers,, in regards to the headline of your link, but the Question is why do you and they defend them.
Oh ya about grab them by the pussy,,, are you just jealous cause no one wants to grab your stink, as you seem to be hung up one that one thing,,, men do have locker room conversations, but we don’t fuck babies and we do NOT defend those who do.
But I have had an attractive younger woman tell me to ‘grab it’ and I aint rich or that good lookin, I am just a plain average model.
Because we are not stupid enough to believe the climate change scam that you do, and never fell for the vax or even donned a mask one fucking time to please the idiots like you.
You have become ‘chicken little’ ,nobody listens or takes heed to your thoughts anymore.
you are slow, as I have constantly complained about Republicans that are democrats at heart, I call them RINOs
if you have proof of Ray Moore doing shit, take him to court !!! your side has no problem inventing crimes to charge Trump.
I have not looked into the Moore story, can’t be every where and read up on every story that comes along, so lets us know when his court date is, please, as I saw no evidence in your article just journalist sensationalism.
Now I am more interested in Jack Smith’s case falling apart, planting evidence and tampering with evidence, conspiracy between different gov agents and different departments to get Trump,,, BECAUSE THEY ARE TERRIFFIED OF A 2nd TRUMP TERM, as I do my happy happy dance.
How is Ashley doing? who’s your daddddy?
soap it up real good now,,,
any way the shower story is Ashley’s story according to her writing,,, crickets from @c about Ashley
in the wastelands… we were taught ..Do UNTO OTHERS…
no raping pillaging gang related violencea rarity and usually from big city transplants. children play together and women are treated with respect and dignity. you can take an evening stroll and if you fire up the grill the neighbors show up with cold beverages.. sitting quietly on the veranda a hot cup of coffee usually ends up with people out for a stroll stopping to visit. neighbors look out for neighbors.. a thing that’s a rarity in bigger metropolitan areas where people rarely show anyone or anything respect. I don’t need a gun for protection I have neighbors..
each one is almost family.
ones political affiliation isn’t a reason for attacking someone.. I am a Democrat was proud to be one now I am ashamed at the whole party.
Most of the people on this site know the SHTF is coming and are preparing. I am convinced that no matter what or when it is, hard grid down will kill far more people than anything else. It may not be a big flash that ends your life but a slow and painful death with water borne pathogens.
I would like to contribute to the knowledge base here and strongly suggest everyone watch this 10 minute video. It may save your life.
That’s what I call the “secondary die off.” Whether it’s nuclear, biological, or something else, the results of grid failure, etc. will kill many more than the original event.
Not long ago when discussing nuclear war with a neighbor I explained to her “You aren’t going to die from the bombs. You are going to die from what I call Lakka. Yeah. Lakka food, lakka water, lakka medications, etc.”
Nuclear Detonation “Workshop” In Los Angeles This week…
Are they preparing for…
Panic in Year Zero?!?
Harry Baldwin, his wife Ann, their son Rick, and daughter Karen leave suburban Los Angeles at sunrise to go on a fishing trip to the Sierra Nevada wilderness, bringing with them a small camping trailer. After a couple of hours on the road, Harry and Ann are startled by a series of unusually bright lights, accompanied by a radio station going to static. Tuning through stations, they hear a sporadic news report broadcast on CONELRAD that hint at the start of an atomic war, confirmed when the Baldwins see a large mushroom cloud from a hydrogen bomb rising over Los Angeles, now many miles away.
I believe that’s exactly what will happen to.. the problem isn’t the sudden stop to supplies but the slow lack of being able to replace those supplies. take fuel.. they used up the strategic reserves.. in what would appear as instantaneous the sudden departed of fuel.grid down ..refrigeration would be a first..its like the lack of cooking oil.. the basics we rely on and take for granted..
“Yikes! Bitcoin is down at $59,000 and change, so if this is an upside market breakout (rather than crass manipulation) it’s one of the strangest ever”
Yeah back at >$62K and climbing. Regardless. I am Grateful for the specialists providing BTC at a sale price relative to $350K [the plan]. Buffet : If price goes down after you buy your investment and the fundemetals for your investment havent changed and/or improved, add more, it simply means the market hasnt caught up yet. LOL . I was fully expecting the fabled 50% pullback that we never got before the halving. Maybe that was suposed to be it??? scooP, scoOP, scOOP, sCOOP, SCOOP.
A little something for those who have some aches and pains …
You’re welcome ;)
………, thanks.
Hmm.. don’t know where you shop.. but I can get gold coated copper bitcoins for a buck a piece.. and actually have something in my pocket..
I do buy copper rounds.. once in a while.. I like to get the ones with themes on them.. then make either necklaces or tree ornaments out of them.. give them away for gifts etc..
coinage was a way to carry metals to trade for goods.. go to a silver smith and trade so many ounces of silver for a wring.. you can actually still buy the ring stamps to put a coin in to make it into a working piece of jewelry.. I was in a store the other day and they had some gorgeous stuff I am totally planning on getting for xmas gifts.. absolutely beautiful things.. well I thought they were pretty.. a necklace with a manmade diamond.. not one harvested from the ground.. for like ten bucks.. or twenty if you get the gold necklace.. I like silver so that is what I will get.. they had great earings to..
I love to get JADE coins from china to and make necklaces from them.. beautiful stuff jade.. totally see why they value it.. my rock of choice ir rose quartz.. carry one all the time with me.. have one in the window of the house and all over.. partially because of what my mother believed in.. the chakra’s of gemstones.. the frequencies emmitted from them.. as a little kid I loved seeing the rainbow of collors coming from her window rocks.. it was magical.. my hope is my grandkids remember the same pleasurable things that I remember.. of course each of my kids has their special rock.. I was shocked my one grand daughter in her thirties.. went to her house and there on a shelf was her rock that she collected when she was but a toddler.. the one that spoke to her.. LOL.. my mini me has a dresser full of his special rocks.. one is a meteroite that he found.. my little teddy bear has a quartz with a small amound of gold in it.. he talked to him while they were in the mountains.. there must be something to the chakra’s though since almost every king or queen has a crown of rocks.. and we sell diamonds all the time at jewelry stores..
Yo loob,
I got you Buddyrolls, I got youse!
I know the “Grumpsters” on here dont do nice Timepieces, but it is required accessory if you want to dress for success.
So in the spirit of giving – I give access and insight into some EXCLUSIVE, One of a Kind Timepieces…Behold the Cryptomatic collections. Dont ask which one (s) BCN has, I admit NOTHING . I aint talking no bloody Swiss timepiece, no Sir, we be talking Original piece of Art
Yeah even my OG “BUY the Dip” purple T-shirt with BTC symbol on it is a valuable collectable now..who da thunk it ?
Write when Youse got a crypto wallet…like the song says..
How can you have any pudding, if you dont eat Ure meat?-PF
Ure Welcome. : D
I love time pieces.. I always wanted to make a grandfather clock..
When I worked hundred hour work weeks I use to have my cigar box projects to tinker on during breaks.. I made a small black forest clock six inches high..I had to order a movement specially made for it..
I have other kids projects to do first.. A few lanterns and lamps and a DAT solar cooker for each of the kids
Here’s a thought …
“… claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or
(Blood libel)
So, shouldn’t the same be said about some folks who’s ancestors owned slaves and the recent call for reparations?
Asking for a friend.
Nein, nein, nein .
– The new bill before CONgres is all about the fictional character known as Jesus (word never existed in Aramaic) and how he obviously committed Suicide upon a stick.
duh- ohhh
Here ya go the book of antiquities by Jewish historian..
I can say there are more ..Tacticus, pliney etc.then there’s records.. one of the reasons there is quite a few records of his birth but rabbinical writings is because Jesus was born out of wedlock to a promiscuous mother was an illegitimate Jew and by the laws of the day was to be put to death at birth then the mother to be stoned. Many stories and references of his existence
but not one single thread of PROOF .
instead you are believing in a invention of a Roman emperor.
See “War of the Jews” – Flavius Josephus, one of the only historical chronicles of this period. Romans directed the writing of both new testament gospels and war of the jews.
Their purpose of course was to offer a “peaceful Messiah” whowould serve as an alternative to the revolutionary leaders who were rocking first-century Israhell and threatening Rome.
It was the Flavians..
“Virtue is the Foundation” – Dr. YX
– why I have been preaching that the “Divine” is inside of each and everyone us. If ever you manage to connect to that, and Cultivate it, is when REAL Magic starts to occur.
(“but not one single thread of PROOF .
I get you..none of us can actually prove our existance..
by all the physical laws..mankind should not exist.The existence of humans, like all physical entities, can be understood and described within the framework of physics. But the matter that is involve throuout eternity cannot. Physics seeks to explain the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe with the acceptance that all elements are available. While physics can describe the physical processes that occur within the human body and the environment around us, it doesn’t and cannot provide direct proof of human existence in the philosophical or existential sense.
so yeah I get it..being remembered is the ultimate goal. most of us within a few short months will be forgotten. Jesus and his story his legacy has survived two thousand years..
like my brother said.. ” isn’t it sad that at the end of our lives. results into a couple of boxes of assorted crap a few photos and the memories of what you stood for.”
Christ’s message of peace and love has endured.
Russia has sent troops into an air base in Niger that is hosting American soldiers, reports say, after the country’s ruling junta ordered all U.S. forces to leave the West African nation.
The situation is at Air Base 101 in Niamey, the capital city, It’s not clear how many American troops are on the base, but an unnamed U.S. official told the Associated Press that only a small number of U.S. forces remained.
American troops are at one end of the airbase – Russian troops are at the other.., and the Niger Defense Forces surrounds the whole base.
Q – How do they “cook” in Niger?
A – mini cauldrons
Mind you this is unconfirmed but I heard there were 1100 US forces at the air fields in Niger, (Fields 101 and 201 respectively), and that they were now being held captive by Niger and Russian forces and weren’t being let out of the country….
Even if that part of the story is untrue the concerning thing is what if other countries now see that our mighty wuss-in-chief won’t do anything to protect stationed overseas troops what’s going to stop them from doing the same thing and be backed up by Russian or Chinese forces????
Who is stuck in the middle?
Well, I don’t know why I came here tonight
I got the feeling that something ain’t right
I’m so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you
I placed a bet yesterday – just before the close. [Options/Calls] on the Nasdaq. Paid off rather nicely.
There were no fundamentals, or charting involved., it was simply a “hunch” – that the Job’s Report would be much weaker than anticipated.., and it was.
– I doubt that I will hold over the weekend – unless something nasty pops-up near the end of the trade-day.
Global Peak Asset Valuation: Inflation Un-adjusted …
George, Gold in US dollars is still the global asset-debt macroeconomic system’s Rosetta stone basic equivalency.
There are about 210 tons of the stuff above ground with a 12-15 percent augmentation to that total mined every ten years.
Gold in USD has followed a year 2000 low 51/128/102 month :: x/2.5x/2x fractal growth cycle with the current peak valuation in April 2024, the 101st month of the 102 month 2x third growth fractal.
The unprofitability of the US commercial real estate sector is having many property investors walk away from their loans, leaving banks with overvalued assets with interest rates reset at 7-7.5 Interest which crushes prior valuations. Commercial real estate foreclosures have increased 350% since 2020. This US phenomena and a continuation of the decimation of the 45-50 trillion dollar equivalent Chinese property bubble will create a global reinforcing, cascading and ratcheting down, debt default.
Maximum fractal growth of Gold in US dollars in April 2024 provides the timing of the incipient large scale debt default.
Owed globally are 325 trillion of dollar-equivalent private, household, business , and governmental debt. Dollars and other currencies will be needed to try to repay that defaulting paper debt; hence the devaluation of gold (and crypto’s and other assets’ valuations) against fiats.
The Head of the U.S. National Intelligence stated this afternoon that China and Russia are planning a joint invasion of Taiwan.
Biden proposes a 25% tax on “unrealized gains”. [ I really had my doubts that he would try this ‘before’ the election.., guess he figures the Gen Y and Gen X would like the idea.]
How on earth could he pull this off? There have to be members of congress with better lobbyists than he has!
Unrealized gains are unrealized for a reason. If they get to be subject to a premature tax, they will simply disappear. It’s hard to tax things you can’t even find. Real estate might be the exception, and that could have an unfortunate event.
No sane person will stand for that kind of theft!
now there’s the question that has always had me baffled.
the federal reserve has our currency.. we borrow our money and we print our money..so why does the federal reserve have to Borrow money to continue operation. why not print up what they need to borrow.
re: Truth Detector Kit
feat: some assembly required
Fresh off the boat illegally in the UK? On the 151st anniversary of the passing of explorer David Livingstone in Africa’s Lake Baleulu Wetlands, the Home Office has begun handing out booklets to asylum seeking arrivals that informs of their pending free onward air passage to the migrant welcoming nation of Rwanda.
What is that saying about Numbers and Statistics??
This is just my personel response to Mr. Ure’s comment on U.S. unemployment numbers and estimates of “illegal alien” numbers in the U.S..
The total “estimated” number of twenty million illegal aliens reported in the U.S. is certainly incorrect. If one just starts the count during the Reagan administration the total number of “Undoumented Illegal Aliens” will be much closer to FORTY million persons.
Want to see another “under the radar” population number?? Look up information on “Anchor Baby” numbers and then the entire criminal industry to bring late term pregnant women into the U.S. to have their child born here as a U.S. citizen.
My comments here are solely to ask those in attendance here to seek out the true total numbers of illegal aliens.
Thank you and “Be Well to All that Pass this Way”
the unemployment numbers is really misleading.. how do you count someone that isn’t counted..
If you receive unemployment.. then you are a number.. if you do not or dropped off the list.. then you do not count.. or if your not a number in the first place your not a number..
the year we went with out an income.. we were never a number.. unemployment is mostly only for seasonal employees.. during covid.. my grandson was considered a seasonal.. got the check then had to pay it all back…
programs often exclude self-employed individuals, freelancers, and gig workers. If the employee left voluntarily or was terminated for cause. In such cases, benefits Will be denied by the standing laws. Employers that have a series of employees that claim the benefits, results in how much higher the employer’s costs will be charged or penalized . This is because the employer’s tax rate is influenced by their experience rating, which considers the number of claims filed against them.
High Unemployment Insurance costs can impact an employer’s bottom line and competitiveness. Every year the healthcare industry does an annual witch hunt and lets a considerable number of employees go.. they have never in my knowledge allowed any of them obtain unemployment insurance.. the same with the cabinate company.. they let people go .. it depends on how many patients there are.. if your one bed down everyone loses a half hour of pay.. if they are two to three beds down.. then you lose an hour.. and many go home early.. ( no you lose the time but you cannot leave the facility in case you are needed) four and five beds down someone isn’t going to be on the schedule and someone is going home for good.. usually the higher paid employees.. once you make it to the twenty five year.. the ones still on company retirement funds.. ( they have pretty much eliminated all of those now its strictly an employee paid in program)
in all of the times i’ve traveled out of the US and back in not once, not one time, have i found an open border. that’s a fact. i have to fill out forms, get my passport stamped and be questioned …and that’s as a US citizen. open borders? please tell me where so i don’t have to get hassled each time i want to travel out of the US.
Fly to Mexico and walk (swim) back across the Rio Grande, and you’ll see all the open border you need, along with a bountiful bevy of your fellow travelers.
guess you don’t have the right something or other,,,
missed the boat,,,
a couple of bricks short of a full load,,,
can’t catch a break,,,
don’t know your way around,,,