Coin Toss Future – Cult Kids – Spring Storms

Markets are set to rally today after a manic upside pop on the Fed “Do-Nothing” meeting results Wednesday that slammed (scammed?) the Dow up 450-points for a few minutes before falling back to Earth.

Today, with the Challenger Job Cuts report looming, the market was pricing to retest those levels again today – with a possible rally carrying into Friday.

That because the Job Cuts Report showed a reduction in layoffs:

“U.S.-based employers announced 64,789 cuts in April, a 28% decrease from the 90,309 cuts announced one month prior. It is down 3.3% from the 66,995 cuts announced in the same month in 2023, according to a report released Thursday from global outplacement and business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

So far this year, companies have announced 322,043 job cuts, down 4.6% from the 337,411 announced through April last year.

Still looks to us like a case to raise, not lower rates. Which means the political Fed will likely do a minor cut, just before the “election” this fall…

Market Impacts

Tactical trading picture looks like this in two charts:

Besides Aggregate Index work, we also dabble in differential moving averages. Because the way people think (and trade) is there’s a gap between more recent memories of pain or joy (the 2 day moving average) and the longer-term 12-day averages.

One more run up from the mighty dangerous trend line support on the far right and then the trap is set for the Bulls who have been running on made-up paper since the 2022 lows.  Could be fun.  But there could also be plans for hyperinflation, as well.  Because we will be over $35 trillion in Public Debt before the election and making a run at $36 trillion.

If we get the expected rally, and it if carries marginally higher into Friday, the war-profiteer in us would be inclined to short over the weekend and take Bejamin Netanyahu at his word that he’s going into Rafah, peace deal or not.

Already, the US is in a crap storm over this as Police threaten pro-Palestine protesters with arrest in standoff at UCLA campus.

In the meantime, we can almost forecast a massive student-backed series of lawsuits against big colleges which have gone to strictly online delivery of their educational product during this unaddressed lawbreaking.  We think students could sue for all their tuition back – plus damages for lost time – because in-person schooling is a whole different experience than online.

We digress only a bit further to notice the tone of desperation in Iran vs Israel: Time is now – US Secretary of State, Blinken tells Hamas to accept ceasefire deal exactly when an AFP story senses Doubts grow over Gaza truce plan (

Forced Choice…

…which would violate anti-trust laws if it happened in a business setting – are being trial-ballooned on the democrat side: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. proposes ‘no-spoiler’ pledge with Joe Biden, with loser dropping out. We’re like pretty damn sure (99.9) that Biden’s ego would not allow such a blow to be delivered, but interesting how the anti-Trumpees are colluding, in our view.

The upshot of this all comes down to what in terms of short-term future?

  • Markets were primed to open up today.
  • BTC $58,784.80.
  • Carry-through rally action (on federal job hype) will come tomorrow.
  • We can sense Rafah fitting into the weekend…
  • …along with surging radical violence…
  • …which would feed into additional downside in coming weeks and Israel entrenches and the campuses go nut because in namby-pamby haters who claim not to hate land, the grownups have abdicated, and testosterone rage is gone as the estogenation of America completes.

Feeling better, yet? Are we having fun here, or what?

Oh, Oh, Odessa

How long have we been telling you?  My consigliere and I both have been waiting for the Ukraine-Russia war to first spill into Odessa, landlocking Ukraine.  And then for the Russians to move into long-ago Macedonian lands where G.A. Stewarts Nostradamus work points to coming troubles?

Starting to slide into place, we fear, with word of a Very hard Russian strike on Odessa: NATO arms shipments, Command Headquarters “South” and other targets bombed.

We laid out the specific “trading path” toward the King of Terror – July 1999 scenario on the Peoplenomics subscriber site Wednesday.  And as noted, there have been many changes in dates and calendars in the past two-thousand years.  What we don’t know, specifically, is WHICH 1999 was Nosty using as his “anchor date” for his predictions>

Don’t know if you remember the work of one Anatoly Fomenko which we alerted you to some years back.  He is, per the Wiki:

“Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko born 13 March 1945 in StalinoUSSR) is a Soviet and Russian conspiracy theoristmathematician, professor at Moscow State University, well-known as a topologist, and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is the author of a fictitious pseudoscientific history known as New Chronology, based on works of Russian-Soviet writer Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov.[1] He is also a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1991).”

The Fomenko Distraction/Haters

When you start reading his original books, don’t be put off by the price tag: $90 bucks a pop for the early books. Instead, there’s a $10 Kindle of Vol. 8 which can be found here.

See, this who deal with “discrediting Nostradamus” is something very key to the world’s existing power structure.  They don’t want people to know, even remotely, that there are technologies that can begin to own some of the future. Clif High did some of that, the Remote Viewer crowd has a piece, perhaps the Vatican Chronovisor, and yes, even CERN may be wrapped up in this.  And those 2013 Iranian time machine claims? CIA drug programs? Montauk?

So it’s not unrealistic for people to at least begin to question the official narrative.  Because “the narrative” can be wrong.  Depending on who you talk to, the moon landing, Gulf of Tonkin II, the JFK assassination, WMDs in the sandbox, reasons for Vietnam, and the safety of mRNA shots all get called into question.

So, in the spirit of “All Questions are fair” here’s a part of the Fomenko Vol. 8 writeup which is very much on point with Stu’s work on Nostradamus and specific year-dates.

We have asked Open AI a question: Are there valid reasons to doubt world history as taught in school and university?
The AI answered yes; there are such reasons:
1. Incomplete or biased narratives.
The history we learn is often shaped by the biases of those who write it. It is inevitable that individuals, groups, and nations will interpret history in their favor, emphasizing their achievements and downplaying their failures. This leads to incomplete and biased narratives that can overlook or delegitimize the experiences of other groups.
2. The role of power and politics.
Historical knowledge can be manipulated to establish power and legitimize political ideologies. This means that the history we are taught can be shaped to reinforce the status quo and political agendas, excluding alternative perspectives or dissenting voices.
3. Limited, partial, or false information.
The historical evidence is incomplete, and it is impossible to have a full picture of the past. Furthermore, historical documents could be falsified, destroyed, or purposely ignored, resulting in a limited or false representation of the past.
4. Interpretation of evidence.
The interpretation of historical evidence is subjective and can be contested, leading to differences in the understanding of the same events. In conclusion, the AI said there are valid reasons for doubting world history as taught in schools and universities. Critics can argue that history is incomplete, biased, manipulated, and subject to interpretation, leading to limitations in our understanding of the past.”

I will have to agree that Fomenko may have gotten parts wrong, like Zacharia Stichen did, BUT are there some germs of ideas there that could “break the world order, such as it is?”

Whether there were monasteries full of monks rewriting ancient history to subordinate Islam is an open question, as is the sale of “character names in the rewrites” to build creds and reps of Middle Ages power players.

In many ways, this is like the present round of climate nonsense.  We have absolutely no way to go back and see if a one-degree change on a thermometer in Tombstone, Arizona from 150-years ago (before the town was founded in 1879) would be the same on a modern digital whizzy in the middle of Heat Island Phoenix.  It’s absurd.

But it does give cause to “check our shit” and see if we’ve been misled.  And how often (and by whom) seems a pretty useful employment of neurons.

Or not. 

Your clinging to beliefs will be the death of you, so be careful how you believe.

Side Show Slobber

Too heavy for you?  Need a refresher in the form of an overnight delivery of shit you can’t change?  Have we got a Tripe Thursday deal for youse.

Same old dirty politics: Scene Is Set For Martial Law Following Mass Civil Unrest Ahead Of The November 2024 Presidential Election (

Democrats bigger problem?  UCLA’s Race And Equity Director: Jews ‘Enjoy the Benefits of Whiteness’ (

But not to be “had” again: ‘Hurt A Jew, We Sue You’: Dershowitz Suggests Suing If Liberal DAs Don’t Prosecute Possible Civil Rights Violations | The Daily Caller

…and the beat goes on.

Around the Ranch: Spring Storms

Throne room Roulette is back:  We are getting 2-1/2-inches of rain today and that just really screws up the septic field in our clay-rich soils.  So much so that alternatives are being considered.  After all, we don’t want to be “full of shit” as they say.

A couple of years back, son G2 “wintered over” in a well insulated yurt in the Washington Cascade mountains.  A buddy of his, a Seattle firefighter made a hell of a deal with him because she couldn’t get back and forth to Seattle reliably over the winter with snow in the passes and such.

Told me at the time it was an enjoyable experience, save the one day a week of taking the poo powder out for dumping (er, so to speak….).

We are considering that “climate change” – which has already dumped 27+ inches on our area year-to-date, may not be such a bad thing, after all.  This puts us on track for the record books – somewhere north of 67-inches in a year.

The good news is the big IBC 250-gallon food-safe tote will have no issues being refilled.  And the water barrels collecting runoff from the 20×8 foot greenhouse/lean-to roof are “running over” already, and the rain hasn’t even started yet.

Odd change of animal behavior, by the way: The feral Siamese cats have taken a real liking to camping out on the two solar panels that power the 12V system for that grow space (plant water pump and 12V lighting).  Don’t know if there is a message there, or not.

Storms Are Coming

Typically, when we get heavy rains like this, it spawns a whole family of tornadoes, and these tend to drift up to the northeast.  Some of the best prepping advice ever on tornado preps came from reader JRN who offered this in our Comments section overnight:

“When the forecast is for big winds, I put a 4ft pry bar in the bathroom. An acquaintance thought that was the craziest thing she had ever heard. The last tornado I rode out sitting in the recliner – no debris. The bathroom is the best guarded interior room in the house. That is where I will shelter if debris begins pummeling the house. The pry bar is part of the exit strategy. Always have an exit plan ready to implement.”

If you live in Tornado Alley, you may already have Storm Prediction Center – Current Convective Watches ( But, if not, it’s an interesting page to watch as weather evolves. (No, it’s not climate change because climate is always changing – with or without crooked recordkeeping!)

Getting to the point if you have any direct experience with composting toilets, feel free to drop a Comment on us. We’re in shopping mode as the gauge keeps rising…

Write when the Sun’s back and pass the Rid-X

107 thoughts on “Coin Toss Future – Cult Kids – Spring Storms”

  1. There’s sum-thin’ hap-pin-nin here…
    What it is, ain’t exactly clear.
    There’s man with a gun over there,
    Tellin’ me I GOT to be ‘ware…

    * * * *

    I’m 80, and I’ve been paying attention
    since I was about 11 or 12, and I’ve never
    known of a time of such foment, of such
    “steep.” (as in tea)

    We all feel it; but it’s hard to charcterize
    simply. It feels ike a Time of Waiting,
    until something solid precipitates out.

    …awaiting the Rough, Slouching Beast, I guess.

    WE all seem to hear a clock ticking distantly,

    God forgive me; but it’s exciting…

    • Know how ya feel.
      Great song as we all twiddle our thumbs waiting for ??? to happen.
      Lots of possibilities which all end badly.

    • “I’ve been paying attention
      since I was about 11 or 12..,”
      I’ve been thinking about your post.., and I have to admit that I rarely paid attention – to anything. If it wasn’t in my direct “sphere of influence”., it did not matter. Laws, rules regulations, wars, embargo’s.., it was all of little importance to me. It didn’t affect me.., and if it did – it was only until I could figure a way around it. I was very busy – with my life – everything else was a big – “So what?”
      It was only after I “retired” a few decades back, that I actually started looking around – paying attention.., but once again I have to admit that very little directly affects me. New rules., new laws., new regulations., new embargo’s., new wars.., just don’t have an impact.., Once again – “so what?”., there is a way around it.
      It does appear, however, that we are heading into a rather big “so what?” and that it ‘will’ affect me – like you stated.., rather exciting.
      Let us hope that the powers that be don’t scorch the entire planet and that they leave enough flora and fauna unmolested so they can get the planet back on-track. You know – “Mother Nature Rules !” Humans? We don’t deserve to be a part of the new phase.

      • d’Lynn
        I have to admit I have been hooked on politics as a spectator sport since watching Wm. F. Buckley tell Gore Vidal he would “punch him in the Goddamn nose” if he called him a ‘crypto-Nazi” again. That was at the 1964 Republican convention, and i was 10 years old.
        I started watching the Sunday shows with my Grandfather soon after.

    • It’s like waking up to Whack-a-Mole every morning now William. I guess when we hit our 80s, all we can do is watch and remember how it was when some level of sanity ruled the world. We gave it our best shot.

      I came across a musical group this morning that I had never heard of before. “Modest Mouse.” They have a wonderful song called “Back To The Middle.” The lyrics are quite genius and the band is as tight as it gets. Love the drumming.

      Hopefully brightens your day a bit.

        • Yeah, tough being a misplaced Texan living in Liberal Canada. Only thing I can think of is my dad was an American airplane mechanic who ended his duty in Pearl Harbor a few months before it was bombed. Maybe I was meant to be here for a time like this.

      • LOL I hear ya on the Whack a mole.. if someone had told me four years ago that things would be this bad by today.. I would have laughed in their face.. Now I have to wonder.. DID I ENTER THE TWILIGHT ZONE… LOL and are there gremlins ripping the plane wings of our country and constitution apart or have they killed it all together..

        • Sadly, when I watched the obvious fraud in real time during the 2020 “election”, I realized that it would be a miracle if we even survived to the next presidential one. I didn’t expect the details as they unfolded, but at a macro level, it was no surprise. The idea of placing an obvious sock puppet in the White House was a travesty, to say the least. God help America over the next six months!

  2. You tuber “How to with Doc” had problems with heavy surface water filling his leach field. If I recall correctly he moved in some additional clay making the leach field “higher” then the other ground creating a path for the surface water to drain away. So pile up some clay on the field so the top is higher then other ground, pack it in, add some topsoil to get roots in the ground and ensure run off is routed around the field. Of course it helps if you have some hydrolic equipment around to do this labor yourself.

    • “Your clinging to beliefs will be the death of you, so be careful how you believe.”

      I’m A Believer – The Monkees

      I thought love was only true in fairy tales
      Meant for someone else but not for me.
      Love was out to get me
      That’s the way it seemed.
      Disappointment haunted all my dreams.

      Then I saw her face, now I’m a believer
      Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
      I’m in love, I’m a believer!
      I couldn’t leave her if I tried.

      I thought love was more or less a givin’ thing,
      Seems the more I gave the less I got.
      What’s the use in tryin’?
      All you get is pain.
      When I needed sunshine I got rain.

      Then I saw her face, now I’m a believer
      Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
      I’m in love, I’m a believer!
      I couldn’t leave her if I tried.

      • now your speaking to me JC. not replying with creative reactions.

        but speaking directly into my being with this,

        “Then I saw her face, now I’m a believer
        Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
        I’m in love, I’m a believer!
        I couldn’t leave her if I tried.”

        truly, wonderful.


      • now in return JC,

        i speak into your being.

        your personal past is not the lock. your personal past is the key to unlock the present.

        • Thanks, Andy.

          I don’t know why, but I immediately thought of Jethro Tull’s…

          ‘Living In The Past’

          Happy and I’m smiling
          Walk a mile to drink your water
          You know I’d love to love you
          And above you there’s no other
          We’ll go walking out
          While others shout of war’s disaster
          Oh, we won’t give in
          Let’s go living in the past

          Once I used to join in
          Every boy and girl was my friend
          Now there’s revolution, but they don’t know
          What they’re fighting
          Let us close our eyes
          Outside their lives go on much faster
          Oh, we won’t give in
          We’ll keep living in the past

      • Loving her is no assurance that she’ll love you, and then you’re caught in an unrequited Venus Flytrap!

    • when my mom and dad bought a home that hadn’t been updated to modern facilities.. the porch had the wash tub.. a cistern the drain for the wash tub sink.. went out the side of the porch.. and down into pipes below the earth with holes in it.. about every few inches on both sides.. the kitchen sink went out the side wall and drained into the pipe that the wash tub went into.. this for the bathroom there was just a table and a basin in it for a sink.. the water was heated on an old wood cook stove.. the bathtub hung on the outside wall… now my parents had one of the best gardens in the whole town.. the thing wasn’t that big either maybe twenty or twenty five foot long and ten foot wide.. and if fed everyone in the neighborhood.. so my suggestion is if you want to do an automatic grey water..
      just place one of those between each row.. far enough down to avoid being hit with the tiller.. or plow.. capping the end off and connecting the pipes up to a manafold..
      If you think about that.. that is really how the rain gutter grow system works.

  3. “ What we don’t know, specifically, is WHICH 1999 was Nosty using as his “anchor date” for his predictions>”

    Prince says, “Alright, it’s 1999
    You say it, 1999
    Oh, 1999
    Don’t stop, don’t stop, say it one more time.”

    Is that the timing rhyme you’re looking for?

    Ever read the lyrics?

    “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you
    I only want you to have some fun
    I was dreamin’ when I wrote this
    Forgive me if it goes astray
    But when I woke up this mornin’
    Could’ve sworn it was judgment day
    The sky was all purple
    There were people runnin’ everywhere
    Tryin’ to run from the destruction
    You know I didn’t even care
    Say, say, 2000-00, party over
    Oops, out of time
    So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1999
    I was dreaming’ when I wrote this
    So sue me if I go too fast
    Life is just a party
    And parties weren’t meant to last
    War is all around us
    My mind says prepare to fight
    So if I gotta die
    I’m gonna listen to my body tonight, yeah
    They say, 2000-00, party over
    Oops, out of time
    So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1999
    Yeah, yeah
    Let me tell ya something
    If you didn’t come to party
    Don’t bother knockin’ on my door
    I got a lion in my pocket
    And, baby, he’s ready to roar
    Yeah, yeah
    Everybody’s got a bomb
    We could all die any day, aw
    But before I’ll let that happen
    I’ll dance my life away, oh-oh-oh
    They say, 2000-00, party over
    Oops, out of time
    We’re runnin’ outta time
    So tonight we gonna party like it’s 1999
    Say it one more time
    2000-00, party over
    Oops, out of time, no, no
    So, tonight we gonna, we gonna, whoa!
    Alright, it’s 1999
    You say it, 1999
    Oh, 1999
    Don’t stop, don’t stop, say it one more time
    2000-00, party over
    Oops, out of time
    So tonight, I’m gonna party like it’s 1999 (we gonna, whoa)
    Don’tcha wanna go (1999)
    Don’tcha wanna go, oh (1999)
    We could all die any day (1999)
    I don’t wanna die
    I’d rather dance my life away (1999)
    Listen to what I’m tryin’ to say
    Everybody, everybody said party
    C’mon now, you said party
    That’s right, everybody say (party)
    You can’t run from the revelation, no (party)
    Sing it for your nation, y’all (party)
    Dreamin’ when youu’re singin’, baby say (party)
    Telephone’s a-ringin’, mama now (party)
    C’mon, c’mon, you say (party)
    Everybody, do tell me (party)
    Work it down to the ground
    I say (party)
    Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh (party)
    Come on, take my body, baby (party)
    That’s right, c’mon, sing me the song (party)
    Yeah-yeah, oh, no no (party)
    That’s right (party)
    Got a lion in my pocket mama, say (party)
    Oh, and he’s ready to roar (party)
    Why does everybody have a bomb?
    Why does everybody have a bomb?”

    • That rhyme of 1999

      I’m thinking, it will be the second 1999, after the one we all dated our papers of 25 years ago.

      Don’t know what calendar will bring the next “1999” but it will be the one after that, on what ever calendar that’s going to be on.

    • (“Everybody’s got a bomb
      We could all die any day, aw
      But before I’ll let that happen
      I’ll dance my life away, “)

      then you read how they are trying to convince everyone that nuclear war is survivable.(” ask the residents of the bikini islands.. then they tried to convince the native americans that it was just like taking vitamins LOL). not even taking into consideration that most people realize its the end of life as we know it.. last night I actually had my first dream about a nuclear blast.. I was on a hillside looking down to a big city and it hit… full living color.. then it was gone..

      here is a good movie on nuclear winter.. its been a while since I seen it..

      here is another one… NOW… I lived with some guys that worked in the actual game scenario department before this movie was put out..the thing they thought back then in the seventies.. was we are totally screwed.. now with someone that can’t tie his own shoes.. we are truly screwed..
      here is the twilight zone.. I believe we are either in the twilight zone or I am just having a nightmare..

      • Same ole same ole – this IS the Program. In development over million years of aggressive acquisitions.

        Constant state of Emergency – there is always going to be conflicts – We (and modern day Pols) have NO Defense against what I call “Mental Engagement” aka mental manipulation of Human leadership. Same with ALL near death experiences – AI generated memories implanted, usually fake…”

        “You have more work to do” – bwahahahahaahah

        “They” can implant any idea, problem, conflict into any Politicians mind – easy peasy.

        Sudden Catastrophic Disclosure of Everything – IS The ONLY SOLUTION.
        Yeah odds are there will be a galactic war overhead once we wake up to the reality of Signed Agreements tween Earth govmints and BAD ET’s. Those “agreements” represent FREE WILL to the GOOD ET’s. Once Humanity wakes up to ET’s Prison planet/prisoners – We Will NOT be IN Agreement with the aforementioned “AGREEMENTS”.

        See CEO of israeli Space Directorate (30 yrs) Hiam Moshed public disclosure of said agreements.

        Go On Git!

        * 99 -

      • Sometimes LOOB, I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone living a nightmare. This shit can’t be real.

        Thanks for the links.

        • you are welcome…
          what is that old poem… Marrmion.. by scott.. he says it so eloquently and to the point…

          the further our govt leaders deceive us.. the deeper we go beyond center.. I believe we are way beyond the tipping point.. those in power probably believe that if we go to war and succeed we can keep up with the same deceptive path we are on..

  4. Being from the Midwest where we have basements our instructions from my father were clear – tornado coming – they typically as you state blow to the northeast – get in the southwest corner of the basement cover with a blanket – if the house gets taken it blows away from you ……. of course he was raised on a farm so it was to the storm cellar if’n one comes our way…..

  5. check out monkeywerx on youtube, 4/30/24 for weather modification companies and where they ve been “working” He also points out the damage that the insurance companies should go after the weather mod. companies caused.

  6. “rewriting ancient history”

    This could explain why Baltimore schools have failed and most other schools emphasis sports over academics.

    In the slice of history we’re in now people disparage Arabs. Even if we know Arabs brought modern math like Hindu-Arabic numerals, the zero, Algebra, etc. to Europe it doesn’t matter. Good luck explaing it to the crowd. Egyptian artifacts are in London this means Anglo engineering folks built the pyramids. Case closed.

    Probably a big reason why the Koh-i-noor diamond cannot be returned but wasn’t worn at the Coronation either. Multiple histories cannot cross.

  7. Ya I know, I am the tard that still thinks Trump is part of the Q team
    well there is that coup against Trump while he was in office and still continues today to stop him from re-election, there is a video in the article,,, BAM.
    “MASSIVE REVELATION! James O’Keefe Releases Undercover Video of CIA Contractor Admitting CIA Director Withheld Info from Trump and Spied on His Presidency”
    and then read these two Q posts with the above article in mind
    Mar 25, 2019 1:43:27 PM EDT
    Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 129d90 No. 5883120
    Apr 10, 2020 3:53:58 PM EDT
    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ba29f9 No. 8748891
    The credibility of our institutions [Constitutional Law that governs our Great Land [Our Republic]], and our ability to regain the trust and faith of the American people, all depends on our ability to restore [EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW] by prosecuting those responsible [Blind-Justice].
    Treasonous acts [sedition] against the Republic [the ‘People’] of the United States [START – LEAD-IN].
    Infiltration [rogue] at the highest levels of our gov, media, corps, etc.
    Planned & coordinated [D/ F].
    This is not about politics.
    Something far more sinister [evil] has been allowed to flourish through all parts of our society.
    It has been protected and safeguarded.
    It has been camouflaged to appear as trusted.
    It has been projected [normalized] by stars.
    [CLAS 1-99]
    One must only look to see.
    [Symbolism will be their downfall]
    This is not another [4] year election.
    “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”
    You are not alone.
    We stand together.

    as the Supreme Court is hearing cases that will reverberate in and creating the US future

  8. Cats perching on the solar panels leads to a question. Do you experience issues with excessive bird crap on your solar array? A turkey flock has taken to roosting on the 400W array next to our Hoopty. Panel hygiene needs to be done on days when there isn’t enough rain which requires hauling 100′ of hose from the well house and a shop built long squeegy. The array sits atop a 12′ 4″ pipe at the far end of the hoopty. Then there is Diana watching and laughing at me from the deck but I know she is really playing ladder police. Some days the top center of the array gets a pretty think glob of turkey crap that is a little bothersome removing. I even placed a fake Hoot Owl on the top of the hoopty to try and scare them away but they just crap all over it.
    I swapped out the shop built power station with a 1000W Echo Flow unit and I haven’t seen any issues with performance so far. Summer time we only use a couple of small pumps and a short strip of programmable LED’s to work by or if Diana wants to come out and get romantic after dark so it is way more then enough power.
    I asked her after an evening tryst in the hoopty last night about her thoughts of raising turkeys for the fresh market starting next spring. She just rolled her eyes and said OK as long as I am still her Cowboy.
    Stay safe. 73

    • (“Do you experience issues with excessive bird crap on your solar array? “)

      what I get a chuckle out of is birds love to ride the tail of a wind turbine..its as if its a carnival ride.. and not one dead bird..

  9. “Odd change of animal behavior, by the way:”

    Speaking of which, we had a German Shepherd who would go into the guest bathroom and hide in the bathtub during severe storms. I didn’t have the heart to tell him it’s made of plastic and wouldn’t give him any protection in a tornado.

    “This puts us on track for the record books – somewhere north of 67-inches in a year.”

    Yeah, well, that’s without taking into account the oncoming summer which could put us in the record books in the opposite direction.

    • My malamutes also hid in the bathroom when they heard the first clap of thunder. One was in the tub, and the other one was curled up in a corner near the tub. They were large beautiful girls who hated thunder and lightning.

      Glad you folks are receiving rain. We in New Mexico have not seen a raindrop in a long time. Fire season is creeping upon us.

      I lived in the Midwest and the south and saw a few tornadoes. They are no bueno.

      • I had fallen thirty feet..was all busted now ex wife just packed her bags and left. ( I should have let the dr. admit me) anyway I was in horrible shape. had to crawl for food and water.. I get a call.. A tornados headed your way.. get to shelter.. living on top of the aquifer so no basement.. I struggle to get to the car.. there’s no way I could get to it..the hail coming down and I could see the tornado headed our way.. I said screw it.. I did eat a thirty five year old MRE to see if it was good.. the gum was hard as a rock ..
        it pulled up about a half mile away..
        two years ago we had a wall wind flat line winds.. the wife had to go to work.. I look outside 106 mike an hour winds..I tell her hun we have to use the beast..I took her to work trees flipping over all around ..lots of damage everywhere..power was out for about a week.

      • I’m sure it’s not good for everyone, but I’m thrilled with the warm, dry weather with sun. I feel healthier than I have since Fall, and I’m actually getting heavy outside work done!

        Some of us melt in the rain!

    • Fiberglass provides some debris protection; tile and thin plastic, not do much. A porcelain iron tub would be a good shelter spot. What the walls are sheathed with, and what is on the other side counts. A heavy hardwood dresser jam-packed with clothes on the other side of the wall gives excellent debris protection. Strutural sheathing in interior walls helps. Use both galvanized ring shank nails and corrosion resistant screws to secure sheathing. Securing both interior and exterior walls to the concrete slab helps. Simpson straps and nail guns work.
      The frame holds up the brick, not the other way around. Once the frame on your neighbor’s house with foam board for sheathing folds, the walls crumble and become a 180 mph brick bat machine guns to your residence.
      Being above ground in an EF4 is iffy at best, and 100% lethal in a EF5 debris field, which may include chunks of your neighbor’s thin slab.
      Study the FEMA windstorm manual for hints on bracing gables. That’s usually the first failure point. I rebraced mine to match newer FEMA recommendations a few years back.

      • The Volcano Ranch is long, single story, with a 2+ size carport at the south end. The ‘garage’ had an open end (sidewall) as well as the 2 car entrance area. Basically a third of the home roof was supported by a single 4×4 at the garage corner. An air scoop just waiting for the proper hurricane winds! First thing I did was put up a privacy ‘slat wall’ across the end of the house/garage sidewall. Two more 4x4s with hurrican clips to the trusses above, and epoxy bolt anchors into the slab below to prevent any scooped up winds from lifting the entire end of the house. I’ve gotten rid of the nearby trees that could fall on the roof, also.

        I grew up in ‘tornado alley’ and experienced a tornado at age five that destroyed our outbuildings, garage, and neighbors farms as the funnel passed just a hundred yards from us. Our house survived, probably because all the windows were open for a hot August night. I am still traumatized and get the terrors just looking at tornado video.

        • When I built our home I put hurricane bracing everywhere..
          I made wall sections.. using Hurricane bracing kept them square for one person to put them in place..Every ten foot section has hurricane bracing..

      • Gable roofs need extreme bracing in wind compared to a simple hip roof! The ideal house in wind would be a low pyramid of reinforced concrete without windows, but that would violate “building codes”, FWIW.

        Large overhangs are great for shade in hot climates but don’t work well in wind, so everything’s a compromise. Pick your poison!

    • Mythbusters tested the “toilet bomb” scene from “Lethal Weapon II” and concluded that Murdock’s bathtub really would’ve saved his, and Riggs’ lives, from the bomb blast.

      THIS is why I still have my 75 year old Crane ceramicoated cast iron tub…

      BTW I favor the SE corner rather than the SW corner (as all us’ns wuz taut hear in tornadie alley) because when emphasis went in 2007 from predicting tornado strength by sight and echo (Fujita Scale) to not predicting it, and reporting tornado strength by evaluating the damage it caused (“Enhanced” Fujita scale) the one good thing from this switch is the evaluators (I’ve gone with them a few times, but I’m not “qualified” to make the evaluations) discovered that “old” tornadoes (ones which have been around long enough to be carrying a lot of debris) will often dump debris in the SW corner of a building they’re destroying. Going to the SE corner is not a recommendation on my part, but merely a statement that the SE corner is where I would go, if caught in a building, during a tornado. NOAA still recommends folks go to the SW corner.

      This is not advise. Your mileage may vary. Cost and shipping may be higher in Alaska, Hawaii, and Oklahoma. Toto may not still be in Kansas, but the ruby slippers are still in the Smithsonian…

  10. With all the extra rain…a fish pond maybe in order. at least that’s how we do it in Fla.

  11. What did Isaak Asimov say about a armed society being a polite society?
    We had our Palestinian Protest in Tuscaloosa yesterday. Thee to four dozen protestors occupied a space in front of the Student Center building wanting another buildings name changed, divest of Lockheed Martin stock and grant money, yada yada. A counter group sang the Star Spangled Banner and shouted taunts. Whole thing dispersed in about 3 hours. Finals are over, Commencement is Saturday, no one was blocked from going anywhere for being any race or color.
    Campus Police showed up, erected cones and tape, told everyone to stay in their side, no tents allowed, no bullhorns allowed. As noted, all over before Happy Hour. No one arrested so can’t tell how many were actually students.
    As I said before, keeping calm and composed is safer. Have your say, then disperse and have a beer.

    • It was actually R. Heinlein who said that, not Asimov. Just for edification, as IMHO Heinlein is much more interesting author than Asimov.

      And as I live in Texas, I am quite polite and respectful to most people. I make exceptions with Flat Earthers, believers of the 9/11 murders and most recently the whole Gaza thing. Just follow the money and you wind up at the doorstep of the perpetrators because they live for money. It’s also interesting to see how many of these perpetrators have dual citizenship and/or passports…

      Anyway Big Al, here’s hoping you get to read a bit of Heinlein! I have to go unblock a ditch cuz it’s cats-n-dogs here…

      • Oilman 2
        Thank you for the correction. I haven’t read any Asimov in years and if I read any Heinlein it has pass through my memory hole.
        I am “Fixing to” start a new job here in Birmingham so will have more time on my weekend to do a little reading, so I need to pick up both of them and start anew.
        Thanks Again!

      • When I read ‘Stranger in a strange land’, at 14, I groked, and the die was cast. 66 years later, Heinlein’s writing still contributes to my attitudes about this crazy human experiance.

    • Local big university asked the city to send some city police to assist … city turned them down. With just campus police to police the demonstrations they actually stayed relatively peaceful since the police were badly outnumbered.

      About a dozen arrests for blocking access to one building, but those were the kind where the people just sat down and waiting for the police to pick them up, zip tie them, and move them.

      Nobody got agitated … except the campus Hillel Society and it ‘s resident Rabbi who seemed to want the police to be cracking heads.

      Protests at the University in 68, 69, and 70 were actual full scale riots, actual battles with the police and a couple of times with the National Guard with a number of students being shot ON CAMPUS, though nobody died (local press did a good job of NOT reporting that so it never ended up on the national news).

      The current demonstrations around the country are just a minor thing compared to the late 60’s. A Ho Hum affair from my perspective having seen REAL campus rioting when I was of college age.

      • “…with a number of students being shot ON CAMPUS, though nobody died ”

        Ahem! “Four Dead in Ohio”… Crosby, Stills, Nash, et al

        It is said that if you remember the 60’s, you weren’t really there.

    • If.. those rioters were some of those that are paid to riot.. they will do what they are paid for..
      from what I’m reading almost eight grand to be peaceful double that if they get violent

  12. (“We think students could sue for all their tuition back “)

    on the news the other night they showed one student trying to get to class..they wouldn’t allow him to ..they called the school that told them that he should avoid going to classes he paid for..
    so on the news the reporter brought that up all the kids being stopped from attending paid for classes should get a refund. the next morning they showed police arresting the protesters..
    now the question was why would a multi billionaire fund these protests like they did BLM and Antifa.. that did billions of dollars worth of damage all the violence the pillaging etc.
    if you take a hard long look the luming event is the same an election that they may lose. why they don’t go after the one financing the horrors is beyond me..then again he’s not a us citizen..Just owns the majority of our government representatives.

    • George Soros IS a U.S. Citizen.

      He emigrated from Britain (where he had also become a Citizen) after breaking the Bank of Britain, in 1992.

      I don’t recall if he is a dual (UK/US) Citizen. I DO know he is no longer a Hungarian Citizen. His Citizenship was revoked, and he has been declared “persona non grata” and barred from Hungary, for life, along with his family and associates.

      • I didn’t know that I thought he was still living somewhere else..
        you do notice he doesn’t do any of this crap in his neighborhood.. always in the peoples neighborhood that will suffer the most. can you imagine a riot on the preppy daddies school..or a march in Beverly hills lol lol we seen what a few dozen illegals dropped off in Martha’s vineyard did..they had a cow..

      • A UK citizen will keep his UK citizenship unless he goes to court in England and actually consciously disclaims UK citizenship.

        It’s unlikely he did that. I’ve not heard anything to the effect of UK actually revoking his citizenship, which can only be done for naturalized UK citizens.

  13. (“The interpretation of historical evidence is subjective and can be contested, leading to differences in the understanding of the same events”)
    (” But not to be “had” again: ‘Hurt A Jew, We Sue You’: Dershowitz Suggests Suing If Liberal DAs Don’t Prosecute Possible Civil Rights Violations | The Daily Caller”)

    who would they SUE.. the people receiving the money to do the rioting.. during BLM and Antifa I know someone that was offered money similar to those saying the same thing.. but just a few thousand..or would they seek ole money bags that’s promoting the events..

    now on historical perspective..reminds me of my great great uncles story on my great great great grandfather that is often heralded as the historical hero.and the berry basket in my shed.
    when I asked him about why no one seemed to like or discuss someone we were taught in school to be great..his explanation showed a completely different person..
    I read once again the report of Pontius Pilate on the truck fiction of christ.. A completely different view point is seen then the one we are taught..
    the history books are written to show a historical viewpoint that they want us to see..
    that is why the destruction of statues and changing the names of Holliday etc. you cannot change history just change the perspective of history taught to future generations.

    • Soros “buys” a demonstration or riot through “Open Society,” his 501-c-3, which creates a shell company, which creates a shell company (rinse & repeat) which employs “educators” who “educate” “volunteers” on precisely what they can say and do, both publicly and privately, WRT both the media, and those around them. This is the arrangement on over 700 college campuses in the United States, right now.

      Open Society also has an “outreach” program, to infiltrate “hot spots” and “educate” the locals regarding how THE MAN is trampling their rights and their very existence.

      Open Society does nothing [legally] wrong. They “program” people, by allowing said people to bitch and whine, then “encouraging” the whining they want the masses to believe, until their own discontent metastasizes into a self-sustaining belief. At the point the “peaceful protest” becomes self-sustaining, Soros’ minions withdraw and move on the next “hot spot.” Soros may use as few as 15 (let’s call them “operatives,” strictly for convenience’ sake) operatives for a small-town demonstration, or over a thousand to get a big one rolling. He used over 1500 in Ferguson, and over 2200 in Kiev.

      George Soros has been responsible for well over a million deaths and is the person most-responsible for all the shithole Middle Eastern and Western Asian revolutions of the past, nearly 30 years. If he weren’t so damn’ old, I’d have equated him to The Antichrist, because he has to be the least moral human to have ever walked the planet.

      IF YOU LOOK AT YOUR LOCAL ELECTION you will see his hand.

      His trick, this time around, is to color the past of RINOs, then foist them off on the Primary Election voters as “the true Conservative” — throwing millions in negative advertising dollars behind them to try and convince voters to not vote for the actual conservative who’s running for Congress, or Governor, or Mayor, or Prosecutor.

      Note all the negative advertising? Ask yourself if you’ve EVER seen such negative advertising in a Primary Election, or by people allegedly of the same political party. Note also, that almost all of it is in Republican primaries…

      • (“George Soros has been responsible for well over a million deaths and is the person most-responsible for all the shithole Middle Eastern and Western Asian revolutions of the past, nearly 30 years. “)

        I get that he is the one everyone is saying is behind their problems. I do and I get that technically he’s following by the law…but.. what baffles me is why if he is the one threatening the kives of those world leaders and those leaders that know or think they know who is the real culprit causing them to be threatened and causing their people and countries to be put in danger..causing billions of dollars damage and millions of deaths. its kind of like African American neighborhoods destroying their neighbors homes raping their neighbors wife and they just go up to their neighbor and say you hear about tonight’s riot..mind if I burn down your home .. well your wife and daughter look pretty tasty mind if I take them for a twirl..or are people seriously that stupid.I read a story about the residents in California that destroyed their neighborhood.. now they have to travel long distances to go shopping and cannot understand why…so you read about some creep that tries to overthrow another country and create turmoil kill off the leaders of the country and destroy the citizens of that country ..what stops the leaders of these countries from saying enough. If they already know who is behind it which is what everyone is saying they know.. some of these hot spots and world leaders don’t really care about ethics violations and even though he’s technically going by the laws. . I truly believe that’s why no one pushes Kim hell when they tried to buy his brother that he liked.. he did him in.. his uncle that he didn’t like as much he fed to the dogs literally..
        so what is keeping them from retaliating if he’s causing them harm or the people. there has to be something more there..

        just about every world leader has a list of those that caused them problems that just is eliminated from being a problem. yet they leave the instigators to the problems sitting back laughing…..then you have one doing everything in his power to destroy everyone and none of them are interested in saying stop it even though they know the ones behind it.

  14. (“the report of Pontius Pilate on the truck fiction of christ..”)

    Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ..

    • the dead aea scrolls, the writen library by the esseens confirm the life of Christ. ansd what they wrote then, matches what is written today.

      not shorly after Christ left the earth, the entire esseens vanished without a trace. there is no record of how one day they were there and the next the entire village had disapeared. leaving food and drink on the table.

      and the dead sea scrolls the esseens library is an authentic find. some almost 2000 years later.

      and geological evidence, i have been to israel, confirms the truth. no matter what they publish on the internet.

      i have stood in the center of jeruselem, i have road on the nile river, i have stood in the remanents of Thebes, and the valley of kings and queens, i stood next to the paw of rhe Sphynx, i have stood in the reminants of Ephasis, i have stood with the walls of Mount Olympus in Athens, i have stood in the center of stone hindge, i have climbed the steps of chichen itza and sat exactly upon the stone, having a smoke they sacrificed millions of people over a long peeiod of time, by cutting out their hearts.

      and i have stood in the middle The Holy See square.

      and many other places. so i know first hand they are real places and real things happend there.

      • History is written to be as secular as it can be.
        The Bible is fact, not fiction. All of it.
        If I recall isn’t the Bible 1/3 history, 1/3 spiritual practice and 1/3 prophecy???
        For the last 400 years it’s teachings have been torn down and scoffed at only to be replaced by the secular interpretation of life.
        The antediluvian world was real, and then came the Flood.
        The gods of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and of the Near and Far East along with the Americas are all speaking of the same group – the Fallen Ones. They altered the foundation of the world the Father originally established.
        Now we are at the crossroads of the ending of the story.
        It’s exciting for those of us who know we are shortly to be saved but for others it’ll be far from that.
        Also I started watching the “Fallout” TV show.
        Episode 1 shows how the nukes will fall with most Americans ignoring news reports and what’s going on around them; doing their normal routines while the end has begun…..

        • I have not seen that show will is it on prime or netflix.. I would love to watch it..
          way back we had to go down into the bunkers.. no one got a warning.. afterwards I asked my boss .. why no one was notified.. they won’t be.. to notify the citizens there are incoming.. would only cause panic and horror.. watching a riot you always see some moron running down the road with a television on his back.. that amplified a thousand times.. would be the result and seriously where would you go.. we are not like china or russia or india or any of these other countries that prepared for wars with bunkers.. they only built a few for the special people.. and since the other countries know all of those secrets.. ( I am almost positive they know more than many of the leaders of this country even know) the entrances would be sealed and the bunkers would become tombs..
          people will be going through their daily routines and it will a thief in the night..

        • many people will either be asleep or working.. shopping playing in a park..doing what ever they normally do.. from the things I have read.. I believe that is why they bought the administrations cooperation on allowing the illegals to enter … they have said since I was a pre teen and way before that that is exactly how they would do it.. I for one never thought it could happen.. even with the ones sneaking across the border before there wasn’t enough to bring an army.. I did start getting concerned when they started using club-k with the USA only checking what one percent of incoming containers.. it would be easy to sneak in a few.. then with the port deal of the Obama and Biden administration that is tied directly to those systems.. I was worried.. now we have an open border and even have secret US sponsored flights coming in dropping off hundreds of thousand and millions of illegals..
          the threat analysis I have read estimates between one hundred thousand to almost a half million military.. that has been coming into the usa..

          so.. if the threat analysists are correct.. then if the balloon drops.. it will drop on the most heavily populated areas.. then the army hiding within will take over.. first they have to have our military away from the USA.. leave the country vulnerable..
          and since no one in our system wants to stop it.. if the balloon never drops.. the the gluver piven strategy will take down the USA.. either way it is check mate.. the poison pawn trap..
          No one at all is paying any attention to our generals that have all thrown up the caution flag beware.. instead things have been done to keep those generals attentions on other things going on.. the slight of hand hey look over there.. see the elephant.. and forget the elephant in the room.. but then who am i just some moron in the wastelands that doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground..

      • So now you have all of the knowledge of the past just by standing there?? My My what a ego.

        • Thank You, ER, would be appreciated if all rambling digressions be kept under 250 words per post, 2 per day maximum.

          Loob, I get nauseous with scroll(itus) from reading your posts, meaning be brief and courteous to the reader, respect our time and sanity limits, stop indulging your hebephrenia on the rest of us!

          Same for Andy, proofread your meltdowns before hitting ‘send’, an organized rant is not the same as having a typegasm…or live shrooming by qwertyuiop..

        • I thought I had all the knowledge of the past present and future just standing there once.. but.. it was just GAS

      • What it says, what you think it says, what others think/thought it said vs. what it means, what you think it means, what others think/thought it meant — no wonder we have thousands of denominations amongst Christians. It was real, but he reality has been variously imparted/received, then accepted or dismissed. Ponder that, as I have for seven decades, and you will see something of the truth albeit through the glass but dimly at best.

      • (“shorly after Christ left the earth, the entire esseens vanished without a trace. “)

        I don’t know for sure.. but.. Josh Gates on the show ( one I love the wife not so much ) Expedition unknown.. had a segment where they went to a oh what would it be called I keep thinking the word monistary but it wasn’t more of a village to investigate the Essenes… so I am going to go out on a limb here .. just like the Aztec’s the Mayan’s the Olmec’s or the Anasazi… they didn’t actually vanish but like mankind throughout history integrated into another land and people.. They were a branch of the PHARISEES who conformed to the most rigid rules of Levitical purity while aspiring to the highest degree of holiness. They lived solely by the work of their hands and in a state of communism, devoted their time to study and devotion and to the practise of benevolence, and refrained as far as feasible from conjugal intercourse and sensual pleasures, in order to be initiated into the highest mysteries of heaven and cause the expected Messianic time to come Ab. Zarah 9:15.. similar to today they were hated just like the christians are hated by the jewish community many times spit on and beaten because of their faith and belief in gentleness purity and giving.. instead of the laws of the Torah which the quran is based on etc.. they went hidden.. in some parts of the world even today the christian church that promotes do unto others is hated and even had laws written in the USA to keep its presence from appearing at government facilities.. the stories I have read said they didn’t vanish in teachings.. they vanished to protect those that believe from being hunted down and killed.. Seen GAZA lately.. they are genociding the whole tribe because of their hatred.. just like Christ was crucified for his faith by the religious leaders of the day…..
        they are still around and living peacefully today.. in the arab nations there are what twenty six different tribes of Islam that each one has a different perspective on the holy teachings.. and many wrote into the true teachings of heavenly father what they wanted to see taught instead.. the church back then was the banker.. the money mover.. and one time reading the Old testament or the Torah and you will agree with me.. that crap was written for the communities of the day to acheive the goals of those leading at the time.. but then that is just my perspective on what I have read.. and if Josh Gates did visit a small village of the Essenes…
        then it will be like the Anasazi tribe that still have ancestor dna in some of the tribes of the SW USA

  15. hmmmm

    Record rains continue…a pattern, year after year. How long one wonders before record cold temps ? Annualized getting colder ?

    Can we see a Glacial Future for East Texas…?

    yeah I know not so “farout” as once thought. Guess Gpops going to be called FrostyPops hear shortly.

    PLEASE write you when git sudden/catastrophic DISCLOSURE, were fucking dying down hear, already.

  16. You asked and this is what I do.
    1. The only waste line that needs to go through the septic tank is the toilets. All other water is “gray” and may be surface discharged. This is haw to reduce the size of your field.
    2. Reduce the size of the waste. A collector tank (you have one out in the yard already) can be fitted with a grinder pump that will reduce the size of the treatable waste to less than sand size. When pumped to the digester (now much smaller) the waste will not last long nor leave any sludge.
    3.The water you discharge from the digester tank will now be absorbed into the soil much more readily and be nutrient rich. I suggest the “three sisters” Corn, beans, squash, complete protein. Clover will loosen soil up and acts as natural compost when tilled.
    My experience with compost systems was community sized digesters in GA. The compost was sold/given away as top soil to developers to cover the clay that was predominant in North GA. The strange weeds that grew on the lots turned out to be tomatoes.
    I am interested in learning more about incinolets. These burn up the poop to very small amount of ash. The code requires a gray water system if you propose these, but remember gray can largely be surface discharged, or the field will be small. You can also collect gray and treat it minimally (I have proposed an above ground pool with the usual filters and pumps with the addition of a UV light in the pump cistern/tank to kill all pathogens. This may not be potable but minimal treatment will bring it back to what you had.
    The “pe” in the email means professional engineer. Big AL is one, too, but chemical.

  17. Oops I forgot.
    If you are planing anything like this, take out the flush toilet and replace it with a bidet fixture which now becomes the urinal for you household. Urine is gray wast not sewage.
    The Only stuff that has to go through the septic system is POOP.

  18. Good Morning George and Clan.

    i woke up this morning with an entirely new perspective.

    we have these brand new baby ariabian horses. like $100,000 horses. 6 of them. one is very young and barley able to run and play. 3 brown and black, one entirely black, one entirely white and gold colored one. the youngest is a brown and black one.

    i went out to the pyramid of the moon (my deck) and watched them run around, dance, play, chasing each other.

    its a beautiful sunny day. the birds are singing and chasing each other. the cherry and apple blossoms blowing in the breeze off the trees like natures celebration! Spring time
    living confetti.

    i sat out here within my unintentional scaled replica of The City of The Gods. The entire scene orchatrated by the Hands unseen of God.

    since i have moved back to the area less than a month ago, i have directly participated in over 20 occurances life altering events in others lives.

    i have had no source of income what so ever since april 4th. no job, no unemployment, no side hustle.

    since i have been here i have recieved a brand new washer and dryer, i was given an 8 seat oak dining room set. 2 brand new beds. a full set of dishes plates and silverware. i was given a brand new T.V. and a brand new couch, and big over stuffed recliner. all from multiple sources.

    i also recieved over $3000 worth of dental work. free. no charge ans $300 Electric tooth brush.

    every bill i have is on its fast track to collections and my phone is about to get shut off. i may lose my place to live. unless something breaks miraculously in my finances.

    every single job i have gotten which all increased in wages has fell through. even my security gig has been placed on hold until next week. my unemployment pushed back farther and farther and i wont get it until next week.

    and every time i say, DUDE we need to figure out this income thing. i need to pay my bills. DUDE puts someone in need infront of me to work with. who i help and send them on their way, they thank me a million times for a new perspective on life. and in some cases it has already radically shifted their finances into postive growth exponentialy. in one case a fella went from making $28 an hour and 2 days i helped him see in a new light, he got a job making $64.55 an hour. over 3 times what he was making before we met, where i found him hopeless.

    and every single day at the end of the dat, my gas tank ends up full, i have food, coffee, smokes and a few dollars in my pocket. every single day. my daily bread. Mana from Heaven.

    i can think im going to get this coffee and almost instantly it is my hand. i think, i need to eat dinner and its brought out to me within minutes. i think about Jesus Multiplyig the fish and bread and think i need to eat and less than 2 minutes later im eating fish and bread.

    Mana From Heaven.

    and i sit here understanding many things in a new light. every bill i have is on its fast track to collections and my phone is about to get shut off. i may lose my place to live. my car may get reposesed while im living in a mansion, in the exact replica of The City of The Gods.

    unless something breaks miraculously in my finances.

    and i just have to blindly trust all those needs are being met.

    i have two stamps that were sent here after two fellas met before i was even born. that sat here in a box for 42 years. that were issued on my birthday when i was 11 years old. waiting for the day, i would move into The City of The Gods.

    as i sit here, i understand now more than ever, many things such all these dates and times from long ago civilzations and how it lines up with me. and my current placement.

    i havent drawn since i was 11 years old, with the exception of the picture i drew out at the fort in the woods my first trip on orange sunshine lsd.

    and the 5th picture i drew, inspired by the number 5, the number of Grace, and the 5th sympony, 5 days later the entire sky replicated in dynamic living expression exactly what i drew. as if to reply to me personally, I see you Child of God.

    its a beautiful sunny day. the birds are singing and chasing each other. the cherry and apple blossoms blowing in the breeze off the trees like natures celebration! Spring time
    living confetti.

    i wonder what the day stretched out before me holds within it, for a fella like me.

    i could lose all of this, but i dont think THE DUDE would do all this, for no reason at all.

    and i sat there last night with a loaded 3030 and thought about that proverb,

    Dont look for The Beginning at the start and dont look for The End at finish. In Eternity both The Beginning and The End are found in the middle.

    and if i am the middle. the starting point and ending point of it all. and i pulled that trigger and everything was affected all throughout every age. stopping the single thread woven continuously through all the ages before it began. the divine paradox.

    well i would have missed seeing all these brand new baby ariabian horses. watching them run around, dance, play, chasing each other.

    id missed this beautiful sunny day. the birds are singing and chasing each other. the cherry and apple blossoms blowing in the soft breeze off the trees like natures celebration! Spring time

    who knows what the rest of the day holds for fella like me, living the city of the Gods.

    im as excited as you all are, to see what happens next.

    La Dolcs Vita.

    • Andy
      Blessings from the Dude to you!
      I would love to see pictures of those Arabian babies.
      They sound beautiful.
      Enjoy watching them play.

    • Any clubs in the area that need security for the weekend?
      Good time to give up the smokes. Employers don’t intentionally hire smokers anymore. You walk in smelling like smoke, you walk out empty handed. Double wash your clothes before the interview. You can’t smell the smoke on your clothes, but HR dogs can.

  19. re: Future Fomenking
    feat: Iron Mountain


    I don’t usually do this, but my neighbor wanted to pay homage to the King yesterday with WOPR Wednesday. Would you like to play a game, Dr. Fomenko?

    There is a Western website bearing his name that offers an index overview.

    There also appears to be an Eastern website whose address resolves into Chinese characters ?????, “Tieling Street Real Estate”. The city of Tieling, China apparently translates as “Iron Mountain”.

    Irm, I suppose it’s rather late in the day to be investing in mushroom farms buried in New York with the Iron Mountain Atomic Storage Corporation of 1951. To think that its 21st century descendant spawned into a REIT. Oh well, leaving gnomes and toadstools to do their business, perhaps steady streams of profit can be realized from perfected composting toilets.

  20. whatever you decide George to post or not, with my lengthy assesment comment.

    it ure decision.

    as i sit here at the beach once again, waiting for that person who lost their wallet and keys, or that damsil in distress to apear. because im always there at the moment needed.

    my reply to your decision is found within the words of this Chris Stapleton song.

    This might not be an easy time
    There’s rivers to cross and hills to climb
    And some days we might fall apart
    And some nights might feel cold and dark
    But nobody wins afraid of losing
    And the hard roads are the ones worth choosing
    Some day we’ll look back and smile
    And know it was worth every mile.”

    good day sir. always a pleasure.

    • If you get evicted and your car repossessed, the freebies go to the cleaning crews, so it may be better to sell what you can while you can.
      Are you underwater on the wheels, or can you sell, pay the note, and have some operating cash?
      Do you have you have to have a car for the new security gig?
      Is there public transport to the location of your new gig?
      Is there a shelter in the vicinity of that job you can get help from for a few weeks until the new job starts?
      Do you have a pack, walking boots, hiking socks and a sleeping bag? A Gore-Tex jacket or a poncho?
      Are you prepared to go on bicycle or foot until you reestablish an income stream?
      Do you know where to get free phones?
      Are you reserving enough cash to do a six month lease on a UPS or equal mailbox? UPS stores used to receive deliveries from any carrier, which allows you to get Zon deliveries when mobile.

      What you are doing isn’t working. Be prepared for things to get worse until you get your head in the game and income reestablished.

      • There’s a way to make income optional, but it involves living way below your means for as long as possible. Cars should never be financed, IMHO. Insurance is a necessary evil and limits how many cars you can keep active. A home base that’s fully paid for and low maintenance/taxes really does matter. You need somewhere to put your stuff. Allowing a trustworthy person to live there helps with security and maintenance too.

        Cars are cheap, especially if they’re old and not running. Basic mechanics is a necessary skill for a man in this world. Getting dirty often has massive financial rewards.

        Trust in God is a valuable part of the human experience, but God needs to trust each individual to plan as best he can and sort out the material world for his own stability. It’s a lot easier to help someone if you are stable in the world.

        • Good points. I tend to spend more on the cars and maintenance than I should, but I keep it all on a cash basis. The second you sign the loan paperwork, you join the ranks of the debt slave fr@ckees.
          Last time I was without earned income for an extended period, I paid for most of it with one good trade, so I can’t really say that I have mastered living without earned income, but I do know the ropes. When you are broke and in debt, you have limited options to deal with adversity and Ure own bad judgement. If you assume the worst case, and start working to mitigate it, you recover more quickly. If you wait until the car is being towed and the deputies are at the door serving you, your chances of a speedy recovery vanish.
          Folks with VA access should consider getting help at that point.

  21. Volume 8: Reconstruction of Chronology – where the author’s claim that the history of Homo Sapien civilization is less than 1,000 years old.
    – ahh., this might explain why I have never taken the time to read any of his ‘works’.
    – I do believe that I have better things to read then yet another fictional, alternative history theory.

    • Thankfully..I have never read any of his stuff…lol lol I might take my life in my own hand and get a copy to sit out for debating lol lol lol..
      my friend is busy reading books written about a thousand years older than civilization if he’s right lol lol..
      there’s a new cookbook coming out.. the table of the gods..
      I will own a copy.. I got a really old book lol on Italian has a whole chapter on cooking tripe lol.. ( I won’t try any of those.. tripe nasty looking stuff )
      and I love Italian cooking..well I love all food..really love breads..
      I am waiting for the voynich manuscript to be available.. its basically a farmers almanac.

  22. If you want proof of historical revisionism, watch; Exodus, patterns of evidence. (might still be on netflix) Not only has the Jewish timeline been moved, but they prove that the dark ages are a made up period to make their BS timeline of Earth history work. One of the best documentaries I have watched in years.

  23. here is an interesting news story.. would china and russia turn over nucellar bombs and research over to Ai…
    my question is.. why wouldn’t they..

    We have.. the bigger question I have is for years and years.. UFO sightings have been around nuclear weapon sites.. now why wouldn’t they intervene in our stupidity.. even in religious texts they have said.. they would return during the last days..

  24. I think possibly the War on America has already begun in the form of vast tides of imigrants — some of whom are Bad Actors — and the University Revolts. Big Cyber seems a likely “next.”

    The goal is swamping chaos. (As it has been since at least 2005 when some three-letter agency guys clued me in. I described this in detail a few years back in these pages.)

    The war was lost back then, as we became unable to put an honest Name on the enemy. (You can’t defeat what you can’t identify accurately.)

    Science Fiction is full of dystopian societies that via crisis and catastrophe find renewal and a new, better future. So it will be with us — AFTER the chaos ebbs.

    • WE can put a name on it. OUR LEADERS are all in on the destruction of America. The dual citizens running the show are not only planning on it, but they are EXECUTING it right under your noses.

      They not only do not care, they are all going to profit from it, until they don’t.

      It’s easy peasy, MONEY. PRESTIGE. POWER.

      The media is in on it. All the power brokers, off world and on.

      The peons can do nothing about it cause where can you find a million men and women to gather their arms and march on Washington or their state capitol and agree on what’s wrong?

      Can one person make a difference?

      Maybe. Who will it be?

      In the meantime, there are templates AND roadmaps of their desires and plans for world domination and destruction of western civilization:

      Hidden Hands
      The Protocols of Zion
      Barbara Spectre
      Council of 300
      Trilateral Commission
      Agenda 2020/2030
      Deagle projections 2025

      Here it is in black and white about Ireland.

      Do you think the USA is any different?

      Try getting your representatives to listen to you or agree on the problem that everyone sees except them, they do not see the problem.

      Do people still think we need all these invaders to vote Democrat?

      I mean that is so old school, baby.

      They do not need them to vote.

      They need them to DISPLACE, kill, rape, rob, move out, upset, and disturb, and BREAK the back of America and American citizens and break the wallets of America.

      That’s why their is unleashed unfettered unbalanced immigration into all of the once White countries of the world.

      Out of Chaos…ORDER.

    • I don’t believe anyone will ever allow Trump to take office…I don’t believe that anyone would let JFK jr. take office either.. look how many billions of dollars that has been spent already to destroy cause national destruction and non stop negative ads day and night..
      I don’t believe that either of them at all could do a thing to improve what is coming either I think the mess that the present political leaders have shoved us into will take down the flag as we know it.. the financial and economic death spiral we are in is inevitable.. it has to have it.. and with further destruction of the country by opening the borders to who knows who.. if that is the poison pawn trap then we will probably have to learn a new set of laws.. if it isn’t then the Cloward Piven strategy will send us further down the rabbit hole of collapse..
      One look at California is a great example.. they are running what a fifty billion dollar spending deficit..

      • There was an attempted coup in 2016 in our country. It didn’t work because too many people hated hilldog and so many liked the idea of a DC outsider.

        Whoever or whatever runs the show realized their error and pulled out all the stops to install our decrepit power hungry despot masquerading as an imbecile. It worked, unfortunately, and it will be a miracle if we can get our country back just by voting. It’s worth the attempt though. Beyond that, I simply have no idea what else to do other than refuse to participate and shun it. Sad to say, it seems that we may actually get the government that we deserve, just like Germany did in the 1930’s.

  25. i heard this true story. pay attention JC, it realtes to what i just spoke into your being.

    as much as any, including me.

    many years ago. this fella took everything he had and invested it into a buisness venture.

    he went to a city he had never been to before to close the deal of a life time. the buisness venture promised untold wealth and fortune

    when he arrived at the place. the entire venture he had put countless hours of time, thought and energy into, and all the money had collaped before his very eyes as the 1929 stock market tanked.

    he was surely ruined. he had only the bus fair in his pocket to home. thoughts of what would he tell his wife and kids? they would surely lose their home and everything with in it. he had failed completely.

    he went to his hotel room. he put on an old coat, stood on the edge of the balcony looking down at the street below. he could not face his wife and children. he cursed the sky, God, his luck and himself.

    everything within him screamed, Jump!

    as he stood there looking down as tears streamed down his face at the street below.

    a gust of wind blew and he stuffed his hands in his pocket. and found a note.

    he pulled it out and looked at it. it was something he wrote as a child. how it got in his pocket he had no idea. it was a lofty idea, a dream really, scribbled many years ago in his own child like hand writing.

    he stepped of the ledge and went back into his hotel. he cursed and threw his things into his suit case and stormed down to the hotel lobby.

    in blind anger and sorrow he rounded the stairs as he entered the hotel lobby, he ran straight into a man he didnt see.

    he said im sorry. im sorry.

    unknowling dropped the he still had in his hand upon the floor.

    it was a lofty idea, more of a dream really, scribbled many years ago in his own child like hand writing.

    the man he ran into said not to worry mister, reached down and picked up the note to hand it back to him. he noticed what it said.

    he looked at him startled and said mister, do i know you? the first man said i dont think so. im sorry. im sorry. i just lost everything. i need to head home.

    the man said then why do you have my name written on the note you dropped.

    the first man brushed the tears from his eyes and said what?

    the other man said, my name. my name is written on that note you dropped! how do you know my name?

    the first man said i wrote that note when i was a child. it was an idea i had. more of a dream really. i dont know how it ended up in my coat.

    the other man said let me buy you dinner. and tell me about this idea. i insist. the first man realizing ot was getting late, and he wouldnt be able to catch the bus home till morning took the man up on his offer.

    they discussed much over dinner and the first man had forgot about all that he had lost. he even at one point laughed. finally the other man says, so tell me about this idea and how my name ended up on note you wrote as a child.

    the first man said with reluctance, this was my idea when i was wee lad. i named my buissness idea after a race horse i had seen with the my uncle at the race track back then. your name sir, is the same name of the horse that one that day.

    the other man belly laughed. the first man said, i have humilating day, i just lost everything. please excuse me and stood up.

    the other man said no disrespect, im laughing about my name being the same name of the race horse that won. and your idea, i have been thinking about for a while.

    lets go see a friend of mine. so they leave dinner and arrive at this friend of his. they share their idea and tell him all about the note.

    the third man says, what marvelous idea and decides to invest in them both build it.

    they work together all for months. then suddely, the lofty idea, a dream really, scribbled many years ago in his own child like hand writing. became reality.

    4 months later they had 8000 employees.

    6 years later they had 28,000 offices in over 90 countries.

    long after both men has passed and gone. the company now has over 30 million employess and is in 178 of the 197 countries in the world.

    it is said, that the first man on his death bed said, had the stock market not crashed in 1929, had i not lost everything that day. had i not put on that coat, had i not stood on the ledge with everything in me screaming to jump. had the wind not blew causing me to put my hands in my pocket. had i not wrote down my lofty idea as a child and the name of a race horse that won the race that day.

    i would have never been the success i became.

    the day i found that note, and ran into the man i never met before in a hotel loby.

    i discovered. the past wasnt the lock. it was the key, that unlocked the present.

    true story.

  26. The Houthi are getting ready to step it up. Small fries are going to bring down the giant unless they don’t.

    Yemen’s Houthis threaten ‘4th round of escalation’ if Israeli war on Gaza continues

    ‘If Israel, US persist in aggression against Palestinian people, there will be fourth round of escalation against this occupying enemy,’ says group leader

    • thanks Will I will tune into the show.. I do appreciate that..
      Love good shows..

    • Fallout is incredibly violent – pointlessly so. I got halfway through the first episode and turned it off. Perhaps it gets better, but it seems to me designed to desensitize people and lower the value of life in the minds of the show’s watchers.

      • There was no explaining the 219 years later bs either…there are many shortcomings – I’ll take a Robin Cook medical novel any day

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