Independence Day Turkey! Yee haw. A late celebration of July Fools, we rather expect. Because:
- We know who the turkey is…
- And we know this weekend is the last (financially safe) weekend before Labor Day for the War party to make its move.
Since you couldn’t go more than 2-websites this weekend without reading Increasing numbers of voters don’t think Biden should be running after debate with Trump by a margin of about 72 percent.
The way we figure it, we are coming to the “weekend of the long knives. After which the big slide is clear to swamp us.
Investing 101
Although we don’t offer financial advice, we do shovel out tons of perspective. Advice being telling you to do something. Perspective is “Here’s something to think about.”
One of our core “things to think about” is the Aggregate approach to prices. Because there are so many markets and so many instruments, it can all be overwhelming. Until you remember (as we did in 1998) that there is only so much money in the world. Once you get that into your head, flushing out the Truth gets a whole lot easier.
Trend channels, Elliott waves, trading boxes, it all sounds like a whole ton of stuff to worry about. And in the all-too-busy world, who has time, right?
Today I want to show you three lines that can offer a HUGE amount of sage financial advice.
Four simple lines ought to tell you everything you need to know to be a successful investor.
- The Red Trend line. This is the result of extending two obvious major lows on the chart off into the future (which is on the right). Obviously, we are above this.
- The Blue line goes from the end of October (last year) and goes up to the next major low. (April-May of this year).
- The Green trend is the ruler now and – as should be clear, we are still above it.
- 85- day moving average is the “widows and orphans” line.
All you need to do is figure out which one of these lines fits your investment horizon (long, intermediate, short-term) and trade accordingly.
Aye, there’s the rub. Most people barely have the self-discipline to get out of bed and go to work every day. Let alone judge politicians by their actions, let alone lose 20 pounds. So, it’s no wonder more people aren’t rich.
That’s just how humans work, sorry to say.
If I get up early enough tomorrow maybe Investing 102 could be brought forth – we’ll just have to keep pumping air to find out, huh?
Day Timing
Minor PMI numbers mid-morning today.
Jerome (Can we have a rate cut now, please) Powell speaks tomorrow. With Joe on the Slow, and no inflation going “Whoa” we think the economy could be set up for an election year cratering…
JOLTS report from Labor tomorrow. Basic ADP stuff Wednesday and then Federal Jobs dope on Friday.
Our thinking for the week runs “Rally then a valley…”
War Games
Not the movie silly. The Real-Deal where an AI doesn’t lecture “The only way to win is not to play.” The one that goes like this:
- “Generals win battles, quartermasters win wars” is apparently not lost on Russian strategists as Russia hits trains full of NATO equipment with Iskander-M: Heavy losses in HIMARS, M270 MLRS, Leopard, Buk M1, BMP-2 and M-113 IFVs . This will compound the supply issues of Ukraine.
- The Big Story of last week is our #1 concern now. That was the one where IAEA concern at damage to Zaporizhzhia radiation monitoring station : Regulation & Safety, Our concern is that with a radiation monitoring station down, Ukraine is pivoting into a position where the Zaporizhzhia nuclear station could be attacked – which would blow dangerous radiation clouds onto Russian territories. Which we judge would be seen as a “nuclear strike on Russia.”
With a possible “weekend of long knives” in U.S. politics over the long weekend ahead, we can see a neoliberal/Ukraine false flag as being the perfect stick to light off nuclear war which the corporate-globalists have been angling for since day one of this. When $6 billion US Tax Dollars were spent overthrowing the legit government of Ukraine in 2014. But you’re not supposed to remember this stuff through the fog of war.
The War Party wanted to goose the economy and one way to do that is by starting a war…
Or Two
With Gaza (and its offshore energy) firmly in Israeli hands, we can now see the warring in the Middle East turning to the Leviathan field off Lebanon and Syria to the north. Lebanon: Israel Says ‘No Escaping a Sharp, Quick War with Hezbollah’ (
But we’re just so sure this will matter: Purple-haired pro-Palestine activist complains about Toronto Pride sponsor Scotiabank, accusing the financial institution of facilitating genocide, What? Not the Loan Rangers?
Meanwhile, has everyone (except us) noticed how the Draft is being fast tracked for return every chance the War Party gets? And not just here, either. This as everyone is Preparing for a Middle East War – – even as the 4,000=mile long replay of the Maginot Line is coming into view?
Cue the Vultures
Carion carry-on take outs:
- Kamala Harris roasted for ‘cringeworthy’ pitch to Black voters on BET Awards | Fox News Video
- Could Hillary Clinton Replace Kamala Harris? It Could Be What Saves Biden, According to WaPo
- Gavin Newsom’s Chances of Beating Donald Trump, According to Polls also looks live demodrivel…
High Castle Court Intrigue
Supreme Court decision likely today: US Supreme Court due to rule on Trump’s immunity bid in blockbuster case.
Nitro and BP meds at the ready?
Thinking Points
Where are those liberal brain cells? Take the story 4th of July mass shootings increased over the past 3 years, group says. The biggest change over the last three years has been the gun grab (and war) party. All though liberal disarmament laws still leave the border open admitting child rapers and what-not. (What-nots who will stuff ballot boxes, no doubt…)
Once disarmed, be ready for the UN 2030 plan – which will control food in return for head bobbles will be set. Global War On Farmers & Humanity Exposed. Russel Brand, Alex Newman. We hold very strongly that the US government can’t sell out America to the globalist stooges…
Hey Bookie!
Maybe you don’t read – but the Big Picture which we laid out is that everyone is whining and bitching about seizing control. But the real problem (my latest book “The 100-year Toaster” should be up on Amazon for Kindle this week) is that we are making too many “things that break.”
If we made 50 percent less crap, there would be no environmental problems and so on. But the moneyed interests all want to make MORE and that’s the problem. Yes, we need IQ based birth control, sure…but the real problems are shoddy goods and a loss of excellence at all levels of human endeavors.
Who needs a new phone? Why aren’t we just downloading updates? See it? That kind of thing…
We seem to recall something else… Capsules from Glenmark Pharmaceuticals recalled over health risks (
Here’s another one that has to go: DHS Chief Mayorkas Subpoenaed for Details on Accused Illegal Alien Criminals.
Blow Me Down Dept. Time to water the veggies over in the RGV late this week?
If it turns north on us, we’ll write (from the car, lol…)
At the Ranch: Turkey Dinner Fourth
In honor of what we’ve become.
Sorry to say I won’t get the bird in until Friday (defrosting takes time) but that leaves two days to eat, let the leftovers cool, and shovel things into Seal-a-Meal and premake most of our August lazy day meals.
Replacement 3D printer controller is due tomorrow. New tractor battery when Justin from UPS gets here… lemme see, what else?
Not much else, other than:
- My pal of 70+ years (the Major) will be down for a week to 10-days in October. When Texas slows from theremite, MIG or TIG to simple Speed-Bake temperatures.
- New drone-lifted antenna scheme is about ready for public discussion.
- ChartPacks only on Peoplenomics Wednesday and this weekend as I take what may look like lazy time.
Think that about covers kick-off. We’ll be sure and mention when Stu has a fresh column up and if we hear from Andy on any California travel plans ahead…
Write when you get rich, it cools off, or you dream lotto numbers!
“Purple-haired pro-Palestine activist complains about Toronto Pride sponsor Scotiabank, accusing the financial institution of facilitating genocide.”
It’s Canada Day here George and I just ordered in a “One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater” to take care of this looney tune. Anyone older than 70 will remember this Sheb Wooley #1 hit from 1958.
Thank God “pride month” is over. It’s just gone over the top. What’s next “Spaghetti Eater’s Month”, complete with parades and demonstrations?
OMG…. I think I am in heaven… I just discovered all the cookbooks.. OMG.. this is amazing.. I totally love that old stuff and this is beyond wonderful.. Thank you so much.. I had a harder time finding my computer on the computer.. I think some brown bread sounds really good right now.. OMG.. this is the best gift anyone could ever have given me.. thank you so much Ray.. you have no idea how much I love this old stuff like that.. OMG.. I feel like a kid.. again.. and hey its right close to my birthday to LOL LOL LOL
I don’t even know where to begin.. LOL LOL LOL.. I am going to read the book on flour and yeast.. I have been really into yeast and fermentation lately.. I just finished the buffalo berry wine.. it has to set a few weeks yeat… if the wife doesn’t drink it all before I get it bottled LOL LOL LOL if you only knew how this is my passion.. one of the few things in the world tha teveryone knows about.. the book on the university of california sure looks amazing too…. god that is the best gift anyone could ever get.. what a great thing to explore.. god that is the best thing I have ever gotten.. wow.. thank you again..
as gomer would say..
Zoophilia week!
re: July Fools Day
feat: Paris in the news
Former Trump model Paris Hilton apparently impressed listeners at a Congressional hearing with her “diverse” speaking styles. The “Daily Mail” reports that some of her online fans are suggesting that Ms. Hilton should go into politics. The hit singer was quoted “I am not a dumb blonde, people I am just good at playing it. …”
Speaking of good at playing it, here’s DJ George with a Paris Hilton-delivered ditty that once piqued the charts:
“Stars Are Blind”.
(“ you couldn’t go more than 2-websites this weekend without reading Increasing numbers of voters don’t think Biden should be running after debate with Trump by a margin of about 72 percent.”)
My question is..where in the country did they find thirty percent of the population that stupid to support him.
I had read that 98 percent think the whole party is in favor to secure the border and start sending people back home..
what shocks me though is none of these people are contemplating the results of their actions. All they have to do is take a peek at what happened to political opponents in countries that we overthrew .. I would assume there would be a mass exodus of congressional family members to safe zones.. but you don’t see that.. they either care about their families as much as they do the wage earners and tax payers.. or their truly dissolutioned by the bubble of the belt way..
The term is “Yellow Dog Democrats.” It refers to people who will vote for the Democrat nominee even if the nominee is a yellow dog.
I think I live in an island state full of them.
Read an article over the weekend that stated, that in a poll 64% of Democrats won’t vote for President Biden. It took me over half an hour to back-track that story to see who/where took that ‘poll’.
It was from a completely unknown company out of Georgia, affiliated with Fox News., and they “surveyed” 359 people.
How in the hell they got 64% of Democrats won’t vote for Biden -out of a total of 359 people surveyed – is a math-magic beyond impressive.
Total and complete freshly deposited, still steaming bull-shit !
As long as you “poll” people, the margin of error can be 53.3% and it’s still technically “a poll…”
Everybody plays the “fun with numbers” game. That’s why I detest polls (and statistics) and immediately discount any poll performed or sponsored by any “news organization.”
Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro dogged on voting machines for many months. FOXNews settled with a fat check to Dominion, and the canning of Tucker Carlson.
When Tucker was fired, they saved billions, but lost the biggest conservative republican voice on TV and NewsMax’ viewership went up by over a million. Fox has Gutfeld and The Five, (and Greg Gutfeld is a libertarian, not a republican) but pretty much nothing else, and they’re desperate to recover market share.
(“ “ we are making too many “things that break.”)
You know I thought about that.. why do they break so fast.. then the dishwasher..
the different variables and prices.. after investigating it.. discover it’s the business model.
We import them because the cost of living in another country is so much less.. the yearly income of an engineer is 37.00 a year.. a worker at the factory is 12.50 a year.. the retail price us is 4.50.. they are probably buying those wholesale for a buck a piece.. to keep prices down.. the companies importing these are not testing’s cheaper to save the money of hiring an electrician to test the boards and letting them fail than it is to test.. things that are tested.. are double or better more than the other units.. like the Cove dishwasher.. 2500 instead of 400 speed queen same thing..
there in lies the problem – 3rd world shithole manufacturing (low quality standards). See Das Fatherland(German) made Appliances – Quality, trey expensive, but the worth the extra $ if can afford..Over the long run higher quality pays for itself.
lol lol lol.. the boss turned on network news this am.. there was a news story and commercial about how great the president did at the debate and tried to flip the blame onto trump.. that trump was the one that lost the debate.. OTFLMAO.. it was so dam funny I thought I was going to soil myself similarly to when Biden did the poopy dance with the pontif lol lol
…Told y’all.
The Dems can NOT ditch Biden. Therefore, they will “program” us into believing he won the debate and Trump is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s.
Biden will be back within the margin of error within 3 weeks…
Chilling This AM, a break in da heat – NE. Dont have to go out at the buttcrack of Dawn to walk the Dogs next couple of days -“Walkies!”.
Now how did we ever get so far down “the rabbit hole”, as to be dreaming lotto numbers/currency in our sleep ? Is this a messed up place or what ?
..always the Poisons, since the start of Human Life (2.0) on this watery planet.
In the 23rd Riddle of the Hervarar Saga; Odin asks king Heithrek; “Who are those Women, who go altogether to the curiosity of the Father? They are seldom gentle with host of Men, and have to wake in the wind?”
Heithrek correctly answers him : “thats AEgir’s daughters, they go three together when the wind wakes them.”
They are the Daughters of the AEgir, Magnetism, the primordial waters of the Zohar and Qabalah, and Ran, the ethereal Wind, Electric, the norse noun for ensnarement or plunder. The Norse called them wave maidens. They come in Nine, Six’s and Threes when they manifest as a wave grouping on the Sea, the same as they do in the aether.
..As is is Above, so it is Below. And as noted by Nicola Tesla, the secrets of Electromagnetism are concealed in 3,6 & 9 .
Name of the Star of Istar- Innana ? America. In Templar mythology , “Merica” is the western star toward which the knights ride and ships sail. It is the star Prince Sinclair followed to the shores of the New World. Yes and Hitler called his personal touring train America.
Need to learn -know whence we came, so we can better understand how correct course, and break free our Spirits from the chains of darkness.
*So who was Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov – Revelation within Thunderstorm and Tempest. History of the Apocalypse Origin. ? moar LIGHT?
Is there an English version? ‘-))
Before the magnetic compass was discovered, the Norse Vikings were navigating the northern waters under mostly overcast skies to iceland, Greenland, and even to North America. Their secret was the ‘sunstone’ that would show the location of the sun even under overcast skies. Cubic Calcite has prism-like beam splitting quality that enables this. Magical photonics.
(“as noted by Nicola Tesla, the secrets of Electromagnetism are concealed in 3,6 & 9 .”)
I think he was onto something there.. I just am not sure what… or the Why… like a propeller has an odd number of fins on it for vibrational purposes.. IS.. there some sort of resonanance with odd or even.. even in making a small h2 cell.. the center is three and the two ends are six.. to get the most efficient rsonance between the poles.. and on other things.. the odd number always seems to be the key
I actually believe that the odd shapes or odd blade numbers etc.. give off a frequency .. and that Even numbers frequency has to be more efficient.. I wonder if that has to deal with the tayor series of expansion… its to early to be contemplating crazy theories like that..
Dolly Parton’s next release:”10 to 4.”
Hopefully,the next words from Connie Corleone Biden won’t be:”Take the cannoli.”
I still think that Phil Murphy will be the nominee.The boys had The Rehoboth Beach Bum at Murphy’s house Saturday Night on the Jersey Shore trying to get the OK to handle a made man.
Biden generally “works” from 10am to 11am (when he “works,” at all.) It is rare when the Administration hasn’t “put a lid on him” by 1pm.
The President’s Daily Schedule is available at A couple of George’s Canadian readers tapped it daily for months. I don’t know if they still do. When it goes:
10:00 PDB,
11:00 WHCD briefing,
1:00 LID – President to Dover,
day after day after day,
it becomes boring reading really quickly…
BTW, the Dems lost Georgia and its 16 Electoral College delegates today. This means if any Democrat candidate other than Joe Biden runs for President in the General Election, the State of Georgia will throw 100% of every Democrat vote not cast for Biden, in the trash, and Donald Trump will automatically be awarded its 16 Delegates, regardless of vote count (unless Biden beats Trump AND the Dem, as a write-in…)
They had previously lost Nevada (6), Arizona (11), and Wisconsin (10).
Barring write-in victories by Biden, if the Dems replace President Houseplant with ANYONE, Trump will only need 227 Electors to win the Presidency. That number is dropping, every few days. The rule was created by the Democratic National Corporation, and AFAIK, its only exception is if the Democrat candidate dies before Election Day.
BTW, whether there is an election or not, the term of the President expires at noon on the January 20th which follows a General Election Day. If there is no election, Congress gets to name a President and VP, and the House Majority Leader becomes “President, Pro Tempore” until a President is agreed upon.
All y’all need to quit fantasizing about juvenile scenarios which can not happen, as long as the Constitution is in force, and the military is around to enforce (and defend) it. Biden is not bailing, and Clinton and Obama will prevent anyone from 25th-ing him. THEY are not going to piss away 43 delegates (and counting) no matter what. Also, even if President Houseplant declares Martial Law and suspends the Election, (which is terribly unlikely, since we didn’t suspend the Election, even during the War of 1812 (or during the Civil War with Confederate forces less than 90 miles away from Washington) he’s out on his ass on 20-JAN next.
Lose the comic book scripts and go read the Constitution (and for God’s sake, and that of your sanity, quit watching and listening to the damn’ talking heads.) They’re boosting their commercial value and their paychecks, not saying anything valuable or even relevant, and the longer folks stay glued to their fear porn, the fatter the talkers’ 401-k’s get, and the stupider WE become.
Hurricane Watch Net (ham radio)
14.325 By day, 7.268 by night.
(14 being heard right now — 10 am EDST)
RE: Ukraine/false flag/nuke war – current ‘best guess’ open source intelligence (intel that is unclassified), the US military remains at Defense Condition 3 (DEFCON 3) on a scale of 1, most severe, to 5, least severe, requiring increased force readiness. DEFCON 2, the next escalation step, is implemented when nuclear war is possible. The stinky brown stuff hits the fan when DEFCON 1 is implemented. US nuke forces were at DEFCONs 3 & 2 during most of the Cold War.
This process takes into consideration multiple data sources, to include human intelligence (HUMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), imagery intelligence (IMINT), measurement and signals intelligence (MASINT) and open source (OSINT). Diplomatic sources are also factored into the DEFCON equation. So no nuke war is anticipated . . . yet! But psychotic megalomaniacs are not formally factored into this process, so plans and certain forces remain at the ready.
No more (IMINT) in Black Sea area of nato not so special military operations.
..after Russian Mig31 made (2) high speed (Mach2.3) passes in front of/over top of a Globohomo drone recently.
1st ever neutralization of a RQ-4B Global Hawk. All recon flights in Black Sea have now been cancelled after incident. No idea how good/timely avail satellite imagery is over there, as dont know anyone at NRO.
Natasha – we must stop the satanic pedophiles for Good.
“Supreme Court decision likely today: US Supreme Court due to rule on Trump’s immunity bid in blockbuster case.”
song video, Zippity do dah
the demons holler “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”
but yet Garland and jack smith operate OUTSIDE of the law in the creation of this ‘SPECIAL’ counsel office, not approved by congress, as reQuired by law to be congress approved
Justice Thomas wrote,
“I write separately to highlight another way in which this
prosecution may violate our constitutional structure. In
this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But, I am not sure that
any office for the Special Counsel has been “established by
Law,” as the Constitution requires. Art. II, §2, cl. 2. By requiring that Congress create federal offices “by Law,” the
Constitution imposes an important check against the President—he cannot create offices at his pleasure. If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.”
the system has worked fine for 45 presidents, 250 years. weird how trump is the only one yammering ‘impossible to be president without absolute immunity.’
you will come to regret what you wish for. that is if you like american democracy. i know a lot of you don’t and want to institute another form of government.
so in 45 precedents of presidents when have they so actively pursued any other president?
the Supremes have spoken, you are on the losing side’
democracy is for cattle herds, one stampede and they are gone. We have a republic and have for 45 presidents.
Look ya slo one, supporting the other slo joe, if you impeach the president AND convict him in a senate trial, then you can go after him in a US court.
What the Supremes have done is send it back to the lower court and told them to separate the official acts as president from his private acts,,, got that ?
it was chunkins job to do in the first place but in her demonic fever to get Trump she in her TDS melt down just flat out denyed him his US Constitutional power. Now it is sent back to her and the little commie pan,,, “Panic in DC” and Pan is a judge there.
did ya like my video ?
Zippity do dah what a wonderful day
I totally love that movie..lots of little important lessons hidden within it..
Once Gold Standard removed – Democracy died .
Unlimited fiat – luv there of, root of all that is dark & evil in this world today.
“worked fine for 45 presidents” – like Ure handle suggests cloward-piven = spew Ure personal lies as a Truth about the opponent.
Ure division ops(gaslighting) dont work on intelligent Citizens – majority of the readers here are Very Intelligent, whether degree’d or not does not matter.
The stench is overwhelming – as you dont seem to Know squataa about Conservative thinking Women & Men.
You first need to become a real Women or Man, maybe work on that first prior to offending American Patriots.
Dear Mr. Untruth:
You obviously don’t realize that had they ruled any other way, Mr. Obama would be in the Federal slam in Boston right now, awaiting a prelim on a murder charge, and the entire nation would be burning because of his incarceration.
The system worked fine, as long as it was not abused. People of a Marxist political persuasion have chosen to now abuse it. Therefore, the Supreme Court MUST act, or see the nation dissolve into civil war or anarchy (or likely both) followed by a communist dictatorship.
You have chosen to side with lawlessness and with Marxists or anarchists who are following an agenda of destruction for the United States.
Is this really the course of action you wish to pursue?
(Sorry to say I won’t get the bird in until Friday (defrosting takes time) but that leaves two days to eat, let the leftovers cool, and shovel things into Seal-a-Meal and premake most of our August lazy day meals.)
What, no SSTs?
Is that only a cold weather breakfast?
Hmm, can you freeze a pan of SSTs and reheat, or does that not work?
Al – great memory. But the fresh mushrooms and bacon lose something in translation. But can you imagine all the things could be done with cubed locally baked turkey in 1 lb freezer bags?
For he uninitiated, the SST is a sandwich from old school days in Seattle not unlike the but with no tomatoes and instead of a mornay, more like an almost al fredo sauce with bacon and served with big as your thumb steak fries–m
Now.. I love retort canning..the bags all verticle and I put a weight on top.. the expansion of the bag is where the threat of side blowout is at.. so the rack on top with the canning rock weight .. ( or you can get canning weights..
I HAVE never done an expensive roast.. but I have a couple of prime ribs in the freezer.. I am contemplating doing a total prime rib.. cooked and shelf stable.. just to see.. if the side blows out.. then I will just have it to eat one weekend.. out of the hamburger.. I usually get one blow out..
I love the one guy he does pasta.. the problem with pasta is getting over the pasteurization level in temp in the pasta.. but you buy pasta meals on the store shelves.. I am saving the dog food dishes now.. taking the labels off of them.. those are retort canned.. and I will try that to.. seal mylar on top and see about stuffed baked potatoes.. or turkey potatoes and dressing.. a full turkey dinner..
Dude Loob,
I know you have prolly tried a Turduckin, but have you ever done a TurParrot ? They are supposed to be delicious !
How To video link attached:
“the Draft”
In addition to Louisiana the Great State of Oklahoma is crossing over to implementing the 10 Commandments into their school system.
IMO the reintroduction of religion is starting to rhyme with Warner Sallman’s “Head of Christ” (1940) being introduced just before the Big One. I think most of the WW2 generation had that picture hung in their house. .gov is uniting the folk in preparation for the blood sacrifice.
Post war deities are big business and will be again so if you plan on ‘playing through’ lay the ground work. Feed the demand.
Leading into post CW1 the deity got an honorable mention on the money then full blast post WW2.
“The capitalized form “IN GOD WE TRUST” first appeared on the two-cent piece in 1864 and initially only appeared on coins, but it gradually became accepted among Americans. Much wider adoption followed in the 1950s.”
Head of Christ
Soon, we will have to relabel the South and the Values Belt.
for a “data” driven guy G i’m disappointed in your comment. The south faces many struggles – poor education, poor life expectancy, high divorce rate, high rates of abortion, high rates of homicide, high rates of poverty, high infant mortality, high numbers of single parent households. pretty simple factual date to verify if someone is curious. “values” is an opinion. i guess ours differ.
“Godless” Massachusetts has a lower divorce rate; a lower rate of homicide; lower infant mortality; fewer single parent households; and less theft crimes than ANY Southern State, or Oklahoma. (per 100,000 people)
No wonder the kids in the South NEED to reminded of the 10 Commandments!! Their parents are clearly failing at honoring those 10 Commandments compared to several of the GODLESS states further north.
“We’ll be sure and mention when Stu has a fresh column up…”
Cherish it, as It may be the last one.
“The Fog of War” with Robert McNamara is a documentary that everybody MUST watch.
The draft.
Men only ? I know people have talked about women too but I havent heard anything yet. Wheres all of the equality clowns ?
I was wondering. If it is only men , wouldnt it be very easy to avoid the draft by “identifying as a woman” ? Sure its a long shot but…
So Draft ‘Michelle’ and send ‘it’ to Ukraine! X-Y Chromosome tests tell the truth. But Zelensky would probably adopt ‘it’ as a special envoy… or personal attendant.
“Everybody knows it” – the late Joan Rivers
So did mike & barry Pay rent/lease of the two Children pretending to be their biological offspring ?
If so – that is clear VIOLATION of Anti-Trafficking Laws..
Things that make me go, hmmmmm
George, I’ve noticed that some(not all) embedded images such as the “hurricane beryl” one today come up as blank space when using Brave on Mint. If I right click on the blank space and open in another tab, it shows up correctly. All variations of Brave Shields don’t change this behavior. It’s a recent thing – perhaps over the last week or two.
Just FYI. Notably, the charts near the top of the column showed up correctly.
All those images are .scg (scalable vector grp[ahics) but non majority browsers may not do well when I cache a lot of svg stuff…
Good to know. I’ll stick with my setup and can work around it easily enough. I still think Brave is the best general purpose browser I’ve found so far.
So when you get the tractor battery it will be “just in” time!
I’ve been pretty well 100% sure that NY is going to physically jail Trump on July 11th, but with the SCOTUS ruling today I’m allowing some doubt in.
Even though Trump was ‘convicted’ in NY, Trump has had earth shaking victory elsewhere and is clearly the favorite to win the election. The left is in shambles and their candidate is seen largely as ‘unfit’ for office. So, what now? Do the forces aligned against Trump double down and jail him? That will surely not only backfire, but may lead to serious unintended consequences for them and the country. All of that only for the convictions to be overturned later. Do they take a more measured approach with sentencing that does not include imprisonment?
Based on his opponent’s (I mean the establishment…not just Joe) track record of astoundingly stupid tactics, I’m still 90% sure that they’ll jail him.
What’s the over/under on this in Vegas?
G.A. STEWART: Since 2017, I have written in my books and on this website that Donald J. Trump will be arrested and imprisoned. I have also written that when he does go to jail, readers can count on a war starting that leads to Martial Law in America.
I have also written that when Donald J. Trump is behind bars, NATO will go to war with Russia.
Stu is the man. I definitely always have his work in mind.
Me too….
Yep, Trump is going to the pokey don’t kid yourself.
Once any, (or all), of the war scenarios begin, the Dems will replace Slo Joe–he has no authority to contest their decision. That alone will cancel the election and even if it doesn’t cancel it the Reps don’t have a backup plan so it’s a win-win for the War Party….
I have serious doubts about it, even though:
‘Stupid is what stupid does.’ Is there a more appropriate word for stupid, in this particular case??.
once they get their head out of their butts.. they will look around for the answer to that.. noting is as it seems.. such as in this photo of a dotting father giving his baby a kiss…
the most trump will get is home confinement, suspended pending outcome of appeal. no, he is not going to get locked up during an election cycle. although he should have been two years ago.
so tell us why they waited all these years to go after Trump?
Was it because they had NO real case but were using Lawfare as election interference?
But you re right about the sentence being delayed pending appeal,
also merchan’s jury instructions were NOVEL as never been used before, that is the real crime that was committed,,,
“””jury, just pick one of three choices for the underlying crime, no need to be unanimous, as long as you all agree that he is guilty of something or other””” gees, talk about a mockery of our judicial system. Seems to me that judge merchan needs a little iron bar time.
That excuse for a judge will sentence him to time. He will be out on appeal bond before they can turn the key. The cameras may, or may not get their perp walk. If they do, he’ll go up in the polls and the pundits will suggest he might get over 50% of the “Black vote.”
The idiots can’t figure out that their dirty tricks won’t work on someone who doesn’t care what flaky, intolerant lightweights think of them…
at +$250
– the odds Trump will be bending over to pick up the bar of soap in the prison shower are at 29%..
P1 -“your not Melania!”
P2 -“yeah and that aint a “Peg” either.
Gambler in me says take a “flyer” on this – “they” have to have a WAR to klingon to power..
“What’s the over/under on this in Vegas?”
Being somewhat of a gambling man, I have a friend that lives and works the trade in Vegas. I asked him the same question.
According to him there are several books going on whether, or not, Trump will go to prison., but they are ‘back-room’ and being very quiet about it. Ya have to be in person, to place a “friendly wager”. Seems they are a little shy about it., that the DOJ may not like it so much.
I agree with most of what you posted. However, I have two thoughts on the sentencing. 1] It will extremely minimal – more of a harassment than punishment. or –
2] The judge will go full tilt and levy the maximum jail time allowed by law. – The consequences of which I don’t think either side has fully anticipated. If so sentenced, the judge will retire from the Bench in just a few weeks.
No one in the history of this country has ever campaigned for President from behind prison walls., but if they imprison Trump – he will., and it will be utterly fascinating to watch and measure the political war and fall-out.
Trump goes to jail or to a…
G.A. STEWART: What is happening to Alex Jones comes in conjunction with Donald J. Trump’s New York conviction. The Progressive Left, led by the Soros Social Engineers, are now executing a flanking maneuver using Trump’s conviction. This is why America and Europe are going to war very soon. The social engineers cannot afford any legal scrutiny.
Still, I never underestimate the psychological warfare play acting. I am not convinced about Donald J. Trump’s true intentions. War is certainly coming, and as I see it, the nukes fly when he either goes to jail or to a very special bomb shelter.
Yo Inspector,
nice clue so we can discern the game afoot..
“a very special bomb shelter” indeed. But first they need to “remove him to safety” .
– cue the Helo
Sorry for the long link listing, Mike Pence takes the oath and it’s over rover! lol! (trump immunity ruling will backfire)
I read your link,,, there is NOTHING there but hopium for the left tards
there is no substance!
don’t get your fur all ruffled up when I call your side ‘tards’ as I sometimes even refer to myself as a Q tard
but your link is pure ,,,willy wonka stuff
Now go greet the day and be happy
So how long you had this left wing rising hysteria gene? I can’t help when right side people have thoughts they are conspiracy theories.
Believing in equality has we do, you are buying another conspiracy.
Biden is not going anywhere, as Jill likes being President! (Think Edith Wilson who ran the office for 15 months) Also, the democrats have all ready have printed ballots with Biden’s name on them & it would be a real pain to print new ones with someone else’s name on them.
Look, is it a bird , a plane, . Is it just that D J Trump choked out the pilot of Trump Force One? ,,, take over control and flew a victory lap around/over DC a 1 min vid, cool
you got to stop and think about air space rules over DC, this reQuires clearance,,, if it is over DC,,, I said if
sorry that the link did not work and I can’t get it to, but
if big IF, you want to scroll half way down a a long page and look for a video with Force One in the low sky
My (worthless) prediction:
5 years – suspended. (Possibly with 30 days actually in an actual jail with actual bars somewhere. NOT Riker’s.)
1,000 hours community service – something demeaning.
Probation – 10 years. (Tracking.)
The S&P 500 did close up this morning, after a rocky start., a little over 14 points., but it did so on the lowest volume in the past six months. The MACD [ YTD ] has also turned down as of yesterday’s decline.
Might be worth keeping an eye., or two, on.
“Lebanon: Israel Says ‘No Escaping a Sharp, Quick War with Hezbollah’ “
That may not be a “quick war” in light of …
A few countries have endured Israel’s attacks because Israel was going after “terrorists.” – Now that Hezbollah is off the Arab list of terrorists, could possible change the whole dynamics of things.
Little by little, Arab nations are uniting against Israel and terrorist hunting is beginning to have boundaries that Israel might be foolish to cross.
Like I’ve said before, those nations are only going to take Israel’s bombing of sovereign nations for just so long … then, the table is eventually going to turn severely against Israel.
Meanwhile, Palestinians have been ordered by Israel to go to Khan Younis … where I sense another massacre is about to unfold. Same shit, over and over.
I recall Clif’s prediction and I see it coming closer and closer.
You are quite welcome.