This is what happens when you run afoul lessons in my recent book “The 100-Year Toaster.“ Companies make decisions as they mature to increasingly benefit executives and shareholders while the original Customers get screwed. I could insert a book-length treatise on this cyclical aspect of the SDLC, but you wouldn’t read it, so where is the gain?
Much of the time, things roll along for several iterations of corporate-centered decision-making, but in the end, the will of the Customers will prevail. Their needs will be met. Or, they will move on. Microsoft is at such a “soft knee” of future right now.
This is a tale involving the guts of computer programming. And how demanding a particular piece of physical hardware (TPM) will likely – over time – merely speed up the process of proprietary operating system declines.
If it evolves (as we expect) it will be driving more transitions to Linux and OpenSource. Still, at its core, it’s because the implicit 100-Year Toaster rule (that you don’t screw the people who put you on the map) was first deprecated and then taken out back for a smoke at the wall.
A few headlines and sizing up the Chinese A.I. stock market jitters – along with the U.S. Fed decision this afternoon in our ChartPack, too. 24-charts for you this morning.
Between which, we will be noodling whether “giving MSFT more time before reformatting our stack of i7 non-TPM Win10 machines to Linux” is merely Fool’s Hope.
Mouse click speeds and my number of typo’s per minute couldn’t give a rip, one way or the other. Which is a terrible Big Truth for marketers to face…
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(“all the seers and prognosticators who have been warning that World War 3 – like WW 1 would “start in the Balkans.”)
Yup… I know that the native Americans on their reservations is preparing.. the Hopi knew what to expect for a long time..,the%20rest%20of%20the%20world.
Prophet Agabus prophesies
There’s an over-supply of “3 days of darkness” prophecies, all from different sources and attributed to different causes.
George, when I click on the link to open the PDF for the chart pack, it tells me “bad guess, try something else.”
Wow! Try now – rare server glitch! now Working here…
George, you mention Trump and trumpet from the Bible and my little pea brain goes, click,, gees Trump campaign, I/we all saw the Trump and trumpet, sound and look alike, in the Bible and thought , naw,,, but the man doen’t take interruptions from bad interviewers and talks through/past them when they try and steer him into a corner. He does stop and listen to reporters that ask thoughtful questions
He had about 80 rallies for 2024 election,,, WOW,
He had some telepromter problems at a few and just kept talking
Trump is a human trumpet, as he was contantly on a stage , talking endlessly about all the problems that our government has failed to fix.
Thanks George.
forgot to mention Trump has been the target of multiple assassination attempts, where some folks say the Hand of God saved him
Moar like The Farsight Institute saved his fat ass at inauguration – the real WHY it was brought inside..
TWO MOAR Attempts are scheduled out there in “make believe times” time lineS. Two of the strongest/most probabilistic events are on the most likely future/timelines coming to a fork near Youse soonly.
Intel types bee all over Farsight – been trying to take em down, eradicate, dismantle, block, occult, name it, they been after it – How do think they have been so Successful against all that GOVMINT malfeasance ?
Meet George –
neeneenuunuuneeneenuunuu.. THE “Good” ET’s of course..
Debunk that D’ – we shall ALL SEE soonly enough.
Yes BCN, even Oleary changes his tune….. and now stay tuned for Clif Highs’ amazing 2018 call on Bitcoin Impossible coming to a collapsing quantum field near you. I am filled with gratitude and excitement for all and especially my fellow crypto home gamers.
What’s dis? Larry’s about to take advantage of On Demand Liquidity(ODL)? Remember this home gamers when the banks talk about how there is no liquidity to move money around the TradFi rails due to the banking holiday this year. Epic .
Got Blockchain?
Blackrock wades into the pool. You all seeing the design pattern yet? We had it noodled back in 2017. This is brilliant.
They want all your XeRPs. I’m happy to lease them mine. Remember, never touch principle.
Just an Epic day today!!!
Interesting OBD you’re not the only one who refers to the trumpet.
Got XeRPs?
Interesting OBD, you’re not the first to reference Trumpets.
Got XeRP’s?
A parable for you fellow home gamers.
“Of course, I also have a financial dog in this fight. Beyond my deep loyalty to America, my home country, Canada and The West. I am an investor in a $70 billion project to build AI data centers (which provide the energy and infrastructure to build AI models) in Alberta, Canada.”
Kevin O’Leary announced this huge AI data center in northern Alberta just a couple of weeks ago. It was to take advantage of LNG for the huge energy requirements of the AI status then. Things do change quickly in this game don’t they?
That’s the great thing, G2 tells me about data centers he’s building: Update the software – you still need the physical backplane. keep building…
Yo G crite,
Can you splain(compare/contrast) the difference tween Ai centers massive use of NRG versus Bitcoin Mining, that be going on in Ure brain pan? ?
Hippo what..a large amphibious, herbivorous Mammal. Allied to the Hogs, short legs, fat, hairless ? Naaah.
Sniff, sniff sniff – “something” STINKS in Denmark..
Sure – though I’m surprised you can’t see it.
Has everything to do with “durable value.”
You see, when a mining computer starts sucking off the grid it is seeking “one time use” (no durable, and in time, hackable anyway) pretend tokens on which a massive Ponzi scam is built. But little else of substance. Mitre, et al solved for effective “tax cookies” 20-years ago, and to an extent the coming CBD cryptomoney will fit in this mold (more durable, wider fungibility.)
Now, when an A.I. sucks down power from the grid, it’s output is both widespread and durable.
CahtGPT: Complete necessary missing maths to make a US fusion program better than Chyna’s… things like that.
Or, “DeepSeek: review my product and present 3-ways to increase product performance and 7 ways to reduce end user price.”
It’s all about prioritizing humanity over feckless selfish egoic satisfaction.
Thank you for the link. It’s a wonderful thing when an Emirati-Canadian dual citizen such as Mr. O’Leary can write a ‘news story’ for the “Daily Mail” without having the editor tag it as an “op-ed”. He apparently earned his pseudonym of “Mr. Wonderful” with successful ventures following the unfortunate $4+ billion Mattel loss some 20+ years ago. A historical search for the alleged Chinese soldier image used by the “Daily Mail” in the O’Leary story points to first use in 2008. Then the image appeared on the now purged skynetblogs dot be site. The skynetblogs single page remnant accessible on Archive is an image of the present day leader of the Belgian right wing party attired in nazi uniform regalia.
The proposed Alberta data center project of the “Daily Mail” story is named “Wonder Valley” and features its own website with a map. Mr. Wonderful appears on the map guide at entrance #2 which is notated as O’Leary Gate. This gate acts as entrance and exit to the data center workers’ camp.
The “CBC” separately notes that once at full complement (in 2032?) the data centers will draw 6.5 gigawatts of power and produce 16 million tons of CO2 annually. It’s noted also that last month Canada pushed back net-zero carbon from 2035 to 2050.
My Win11 computer still updates even though i did everything I could to disable and prevent updates.
The Linux kernel was compromised way back so in terms of privacy there is none.
I expect a 911 degree event to happen that will lead to us getting a digital Perhaps China’s A.I. does something to the Internet, who can say.
During the past two weeks of utter chaos I bought “The Mrs” a new Dell laptop – a real power house [ which she actually doesn’t need.,] but I liked the configuration – came with Windows 11. [ Switching this laptop to Unix – when the time comes, should prove it’s worth.]
Set-up and install went smoothly. No glitches noticed.
It did not like hooking into my wifi – as those modules are five years old., but it reluctantly, did. Time to upgrade them, I guess.
I have to say I was not overly impressed., but then I have not been impressed with any MS operating system. Windows 3.11 was fun though. How many decades ago was that ?
I have not had the time to sit down and really play with it. That’s coming- soon. I understand that there are a lot of hidden features, which I hope to ferret out – and test. And.., many features and ‘items’ that can eliminated / deleted. Which I will absolutely do.
A quick search on-line regarding Windows 11 on what is really available and what can be scrubbed and what should be turned-off immediately resulted in over 11 million pages. Need to narrow that down., a wee bit.
I didn’t want to do a new laptop, especially right now., but her old one – four years old., was acting rather strangely – so I figured it was due.
Transfer of files.., computer-to-computer.., also went very well.., but I still have not found where Windows 11 sent her desktop shortcuts. The list shows they transferred., but not to where. Hhhmmm…,
Once done I pulled the old hard drive out of her old laptop – and will take it down to the recycle shop. Old hard drive will hang around a bit until we are sure we got everything off of it – then over-write and wipe that drive clean., drill a few holes through it and drop it in the out-bound container.
The Dutch(?) software hacker nymed “eXperience” used to issue stripped (and optionally, hacked) versions of Windows. Every time Microsoft would release a new version or OSR, “eXperience” would release a version within weeks, which had all the bloat stripped, and another version which had everything that was unnecessary, stripped. (S)he is the person who “uncoupled” Internet Explorer after Microsoft made it “an integral and essential part of the operating system.”
The last 2-3 years I built computers, I used “eXperience” hacks as install discs because they did completely “hands-off” automated installs. (BTW, every single builder, repairer, NetOp, and teacher I knew personally, ALSO used “eXperience” hacks and carried them right next to their “Hiren’s” discs.) They were written so as to give an installer the opportunity to enter a licensed key, or would run on the hacked key (I was legit, and never used the hacked keys.) The system and installer were set up the way Microsoft should have authored & scripted them and the installs were always perfect.
Dunno if eXperience is still active (or even alive, FTM) but (s)he had a substantial following from everyone from 2600 and the White Hats to Steve Gibson and the security wonks, because the Windows hack was honest, and had many of Microsoft’s security leaks plugged by default.
I should think someone would still be, at least publishing (if not implementing) the white papers on eXperience’s method to clean up “WindowsX.XX” and unlike the 40,000 wannabees you’ve come across so far, will provide both an honest and efficient path to cleaning up the Redmond bloat…
p.s. You can always set up the computer to dual-boot, although you may be forced to use the *NIX bootloader because (at least in my experience) after Win7 Microsoft became a lot less NIX-friendly…
Sorry, but I like the current version of Windows 11. It seems to be more robust than any OS I have touched previously, and security software is cheap, plentiful and effective. My trust level with Linux has been diminished by security issues. While I have fairly robust security software on my Linux server, it isn’t cheap, and I am unsure about just how secure the kernel is against State actors.
Unsure what to make of Ure deep dive into apocalyptic scripture in the PN section. Are you suggesting we need upgraded fencing around the residence ?
Me too. I love the fact my i5-4590S requires about 12 minutes to load to the point I can get on the Internet. I totally wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I could draw a cup of Joe, boot the ‘puter, hit my morning news and info sites, and take a sip of still-hot coffee…
I am a fan of the 100-year toaster and its concepts. I have always been open to trying new tech and devices but since I am sitting on 4 dead Win10 machines and 2 Win11 upgraded from win10 machines also dead decisions need to be made. Since the move from Chaos ranch I have only unpacked a semi new Win11 machine and a Chromebook and honestly we have not missed the large amount of time we used to spend on line. I am currently in decision mode between these new mini PC’s or converting the latest Win11 machine to Linux when the time comes. Not geek enough to say I am confident that process will be easy.
I have finally received tentative approval for an antenna tower as long as it is not UGLY and is not in front of the house so hopefully I can use that time for that.
Off to bury Recon. Ground is not so frozen out by the hedge row now. Nice spot overlooking the pastures and the goat pens. Plenty of room for expansion too.
Stay safe. 73
there’s something beautiful in preparing and burying our own dead. i’ve always liked how jewish funerals allow the mourners to throw a shovel full of dirt into the grave. i’ve always found the sound of dirt hitting a coffin to viscerally bring the death home. blessings to you, and recon is onto greener pastures.
We had a Pet Semetary back at Rancho de Chaos that had gotten pretty crowded over the years. We had even discussed asking the current owners if we could bring Recon there but decided not to. He seemed to like it here anyway.
Auction #3694725 – Pirod Inc. H-180 x 100? Self Supporting Tower
Diana should approve of this one… ;-)
Fed – no change – markets dropped a little., so far.
Seems The Fed is waiting for Trump-ism to establish itself – regarding ‘possible’ inflationary directives that Trump may cause.
sliced place two tbs of butter brown both sides..
remove and clean the fry pan..
half a stick of butter and two tbsp of flour make mix it together then stir in a cup of milk
1 tsp of onion powder
1 tbsp of garlic powder ( if you want fresh garlic then brown that in the butter before you add the flour)
1 tbsp of tones spaghetti seasoning
4 ounces of chicken broth ( or 1 can of cream of chicken soup)
1 small can of mushrooms or 4 button mushrooms sliced up
1 small onion diced
1 small jar pimento
serve over slices spam .. for the main course.. add rice ( not sticky rice) or a baked potato and your choice of vegetables..
Wait… What? No ‘sticky rice’ with Spam? You would starve in Hawaii.
Lol lol lol lol…I get it..I love sticky rice to..but I can’t eat it..I have a horrible Hiatle hernia that once I start eating it the hernia comes up and goes behind my heart.. trust me its an experience you’ll never forget..I always feared someone would think I was chocking and try to do the Heimlich.. sucks being me.. every couple years they go in and do a balloon stretch.. when I’m out I’m still awake mentally.. a few years ago now I had a pretty young doctor do it.. not realizing how bad the hernia is.. when she pulled the balloon up.. out came the stomach.. she was freaking out..I was aware of what happened just physically unresponsive.. after the drama she came in crying and asked if I was aware or remembered what happened.. I lied to her and said not at all.. now when the procedure is done they only put the specialist that teaches do the procedure.. sticky rice for me.. if I indulge in the good stuff..I mix it with egg drop soup..and always have a lot of water to wash it down..
God now I want some egg drop soup…lol lol extra green chives in mine
MOCK sweetened condensed milk
1 cup of powdered milk (1cup of cream)
1/2 cup of water
3/4 cup of sugar
2 tbsp of butter
bring your water up to a good simmer pour in the sugar and stir until it turns clear ..more of a heavy syrup..
pour in the powdered milk and the butter and stir until it starts thickening and creamy let cool and use in any recipe that calls for sweetened condensed milk.
re: Finding “Fulfillment”
feat: at the library
Yesterday evening time arrived for my library return of President Clinton’s just-published tome. A staff member set the book aside for the next hold requester in line. Perhaps they too wished to alight upon the tale weaved by the cigar afficionado.
Wandering aisles for my next inspiration, staffers had thoughtfully placed a title at eye level on a shelf unto its own. I signed out “Fulfillment: winning and losing in one-click America” authored by Alec MacGillis in 2021.
A preliminary flip through the pages pans out that we may be living in another Gilded Age. One could well imagine if Marx still walked the Earth, Amazon would be front and centre under “a” in “Das Kapital! There is also a mention of Amazon starting up project ‘WildandStormy’ a dozen years ago in conjunction with a customer. Perusal of more recent web articles indicate that Amazon’s cloud services contract with the NSA was renewed in 2022 leaving Microsoft out in the cold.
The book title so far certainly appears to lend itself to a cozy read paired with a venti latte from a franchise of the Seattle-headquartered purveyor.
re: the Übermensch
feat: Enigmata 11 machines
The Chinese military figure pictured in BIC’s earlier posted “Daily Mail” piece is looking through a pair of binoculars. Although words can have two meanings as Led Zeppelin claimed in “Stairway to Heaven”, it would make sense that the images embossed on the binocular lenses have none.
Speaking of China, the dragon shed its skin last night; welcome to the year of the snake. DJ George closed down the Chinese new years eve party at PN with Barney the Dinosaur’s upbeat hit, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”. Revellers were last seen chasing after Hongjun Laozu with the five elements aboard his pale-looking mount, Nain. The pair escaped into a proverbial sea of Loob’s secret recipe spam providentially bubbling in the cauldron.
Followers for the good with Ebbinghouse-Ure graphs may see sinister cousins in a dark side apparition. The mad oligarch lab presents a dna map of the fictional genetically engineered Leeloo at her reconstruction portrayed in 1997’s “The Fifth Element” by a Ukrainian American actress.
Speaking of Ukraine, Dr. Kenneth Maxwell has been a lauded academic specializing in Latin America, a book reviewer for “Foreign Affair”, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. According to “Wikipedia”, he resigned his latter two positions in 2004. Here is a link to his New Year’s Day 2003-published review of his own book “The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Peron’s Argentina”.
In celebration of this special new year day, DJ George is handing out fortune cookies rather than easter eggs. Here is a Youtube link to one that might be a Trump crowd favorite.
A preliminary flip through the pages pans out that we may be living in another Gilded Age. One could well imagine if Marx still walked the Earth, “)
Sadly its usually the failure of the political and social classes to meet the needs of the population that opens the doors for leaders like Marx.Hitler, etc.its a driving force behind drug addiction gambling addictions etc. and the fall of moral and ethical standards..
note.. there’s tons of great studies in the Harvard library..
“Windows 11 replaced Windows 10 primarily to introduce a more modern user interface…”
And THAT is the essence of why I absolutely HATE computer upgrades. I have to learn another “more modern user interface”. Nothing works like I am used to. Nothing is found in the places it USED to be. Who says it’s better? Why can’t I just keep my familiar desktop and filing organization that I’m used to?? BAH… HUMBUG!
“Windows 11 boasts a cleaner, sleeker design with rounded corners, a centered Start Menu, and a more streamlined aesthetic compared to Windows 10.”
Whoop-de-doo! Who Gives a F…! I’m still running Win7 on the ham shack computer. Why would I need ‘rounded corners’? Might I cut myself on a sharp Windows corner??
“Microsoft used Windows 11 as an opportunity to encourage users to upgrade to newer hardware by setting stricter system requirements…”
And there it is…. “We will now force you to buy new stuff you don’t need to just keep on doing what you are doing”. TurboTax used to force me to upgrade my computer to use their software. Since I’ve simplified my life out of “Business Accounting”, my taxes as a retired senior are so simple I can do them for free on the TurboTax web site…. Yes, FREE! Take THAT, TurboTax. I’m never buying you again.
And on a closing note…
“Then the hero in the story launches the Open Future Society to maintain randomness and prevent the future-jacking which could now be underway..”
I think the book(s) have already been written. Ever read the complete ‘DUNE’ series of five books?
And that dead Icom radio project is still open for bids:
Thus endeth todays ranting epistle.
But, my broadcast engineering buddy, that is the point.
Detroit is as guilty as the computer industry. It’s all about the annual model – introduced to autos in the 1930s.
Sure, same four wheels, same one motor…but fashion over function is the point in 100 YT. And that’s wrecking the plant and toucghing off bubbles like this AI stuff.
It’s why a Drake 2 B/q, Gonset GSB-100 and the Johnson Thunderbolt amp (and a T.O. keyer) provides as much – or more – enjoyment that dare I call it? Rice box radios with menues and buttons.
But I have – this very week – tracked down my internal thinking deficiency – and that will be on ShopTalk Sunday…
2 hours ago American Airline flight from Wichita KS to Ragen DC collided with a US Army Blackhawk & both crashed in the river. 64 people on the AA flight.
The Moose & Squirrel have struck again !
? -How many Russian youngsters and Coaches were ASSASINATED in that Take Down of American Airline flight over Potomac last night?
A) All of them .
Expected nothing less from Lowest, Darkest forms of Humanity. As always – when they cant get the Players, they Kill the CHILDREN.
? Wondering what the reaction will be to O’biden & Secretary Genocide attempts to Assasinate Poooterz will be ?
A) What ever the Zio’s tell him .