This being Technical Tuesday, I want to focus a little attention on A.I. because “we small humans” have gotten a lot of past, dangerous, scary technology mostly wrong.
Two examples are radio’s invention and atomic physics. Chosen because they demonstrate what happens when a technology is “done right – sort of – and when it’s done dead wrong.
After the Tesla and Marconi breakthroughs in radio communications, radio was a real “modern marvel. Instead of hanging wires to move information around, we became able to send it via radio (crude spark gap transmitters at first) and then we moved up to “modulation” and shortly thereafter, KDKA went on the air in 1921. From there sprang radio. Top 40 of our youth.
As you know, radio regulation is now more than 199-years old. The Wiki on it explains:
“Regulation of radio was set in motion in 1910 when the US Congress felt legislation was needed over the infant wireless communication industry.[2] First regulated by an independent commission, radio grew exponentially during the 1920s and encouraged the development of broadcasting.[2] As a result, the Radio Act of 1927 was passed.[2] The act’s passage was a result of the unrestricted utilization of wireless telegraph and telephone use.[1] The usage impeded upon public and private message transmission, especially vessels in distress.[1] The implementation of the act generated an independent commission, the Federal Radio Commission, to determine regulatory policy for broadcasting in the United States.[2] Designed to be short-term, the act was renewed every year until 1934.
The Communications Act of 1934 was, in part, social response to the Great Depression digging in. Our concern is the gridlocked politics of D.C. won’t get serious about A.I. until civilization – as once known – has started crumbling down around us.
As with radio regulation, there were precursor moves. the First Amendment Encyclopedia explains that:
“The 1912 law was preceded by the Wireless Ship Act of 1910, but a key flaw was that it did not allocate radio frequencies, and as a result, interference over the airwaves remained a major problem in wireless communications.”
The point being that regulation is slow to evolve and tends to be reactive instead of anticipatory.
The Atomic Energy Case
Just as the discovery of “radio emissions” and their harnessing became an important national issue, the emergence of atomic reactions as a power source and big, scary bomb-making source was not accompanied by big names and stock investors. BUT, government provided plenty of wrong-doing along the Atomic Road.
For example, ” It was in 1944 that the first known human radiation experiment of interest was planned, and in 1974 that the Department of Health, Education and Welfare adopted regulations governing the conduct of human research, a watershed event in the history of federal protections for human subjects.”
Which is a very toned-down version of actual events. In a discussion, for example, of unethical government experimentation (Tuskegee, et al) we read about radiation experiments:
“In an experiment in the 1960s, over 100 Alaskan citizens were continually exposed to radioactive iodine.[65]
In 1962, the Hanford site again released I-131, stationing test subjects along its path to record its effect on them. The AEC also recruited Hanford volunteers to ingest milk contaminated with I-131 during this time.”
All this aside, it was not until 1954 that the Atomic Energy Act made civilian atomic experimenation illegal.
Back to Point: Control Matters
We can see in each of three technologies (radio, nuclear, and let’s toss in the auto industry, too) how the potential for misuse was dealt with by government “on behalf oof the People.” We’re there– right now – with A.I.
When we at how public discussion is evolving, Google Trends zooms into this growth rate to ponder:

We have – as was the case in Radio regulation, a similar kind of personality driven public discussion. Salvos today include Elon Musk Says His AI Project Will Seek to Understand the Nature of the Universe – WSJ while in another article the personal attacks phase emerges. Elon Musk: I’m A Speciesist And Pro-Human, Google’s Larry Page Wants To Become A “Digital God” | Video | RealClearPolitics. Play nice, boys!
Point of Control is Problematic
While we see great potential for the advancement of sciences, we are also very much aware of the need to “air gap” A.I. from networked computing. In other words, air gap it from device-interactivity.
I don’t have a problem with people asking A.I. questions. BUT when it is allowed unfettered access to the Internet of Things (IoT), that’s where the “control point issue” arises.
See, in radio in general (and licensed stations in particular whether ham radio or commercial broadcast (legacy)) there was regulatory understanding of the role of a “human in the loop” – the control operator.
The Atomic Energy Act simply made public use illegal, so no control point operator was required. Total control. While in driving? The parent teaching a child to drive is, in effect, the “control point operator.”
A.I. has no control point operator – yet. Neither Larry Page nor Elon Musk has attempted to get “A.I. exposure insurance.”
We believe that humans have enough experience inventing (and mass adopting) of new technologies, to see how obvious the need for an “air gap moratorium right NOW really is. By leaving A.I. in the open, we invite terrorists and petulant script-kiddies a chance to “swipe the keys” and “crash the world.”
Not that we’re not doing well in related socioeconomic arenas. But have we learned anything about being grown-ups yet?
Humans as a Tunneling Species
As long as we’re reading you into the Big Picture, there’s one level up which is usefully remembered in discussions like this. It’s the idea that consciousness in humans generates a kind of “Reality Tunneling Species.
Human tunnelling evolves in a series of baby steps.
- We idly dream of a grander future than present.
- Eventually, this falls out in fictional literature like Verne’s submarines in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Or Wells’ Time Machine.
- Ideations like this are “inoculated” into the Global Mass Consciousness where they gestate for long periods or time. Generations in many cases.
- Then – whether it’s a generational DNA carried mindset change we don’t know, but eventually the fictional tale evolves into nominal reality. I remember as a kid reading about the importance of Barr’s Stop-Leak in the book “Nautilus 90-North” as a kid.
- The point being that a small-scale major development is reduced to ideation in fiction (though sometimes in religious texts, as well). It pops as fiction, gestates, and then a build phase ramps up,
We are still in the “perfecting ideation phase off Verne’s world-ranging sub. But we recall the first submersible, the Turtle, was evolved in 1775. Verne’s book followed 100-years later. Now we’re into subsea drones.
As a writer, this is useful stuff, particularly if – like Michael Crichton’s books. I’d propose many parallels in story evolution between his Andromeda Strain and what came out into shared nominal reality after the human gestation period as Covid from Fauci, et al.
We might even give a further nod to Crichton’s work with tonight’s new episodes of Skinwalker Ranch set to drop on Amazon.
I apologize for dropping into the “Peoplenomics mode” here, but A.I. is big and – if not air-gapped from the IoT we could see humans turn into a “self-screwing species.” Though financial engineers are, for now, taking lead on that path.
Trading Box Fills
The stock market is on a tear, but we are a bit apprehensive because BTC is just over $30,300 when we looked earlier. For now, our lower right (ghostly white outline) “Trading Box” continues to fill-in:
With the report today that SpaceX scrubs 1st space launch of giant Starship rocket | Space, we will have to wait until Thursday, looks like, for the big rocket launch that may be tied in to future predictrion.
Breaking Econ: Housing Data
Just out from Census is another roadmap into the future of Housing:
After a Biden-hype on last month’s statistical outlier increase from a bottom (it ain’t hard to do) we expect a more reserved tone will follow:
- Building Permits
Privately?owned housing units authorized by building permits in March were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,413,000. This is 8.8 percent below the revised February rate of 1,550,000 and is 24.8 percent below the March 2022 rate of 1,879,000. Single?family authorizations in March were at a rate of 818,000; this is 4.1 percent above the revised February figure of 786,000. Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 543,000 in March. - Housing Starts
Privately?owned housing starts in March were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,420,000. This is 0.8 percent (±13.0 percent)* below the revised February estimate of 1,432,000 and is 17.2 percent (±9.1 percent) below the March 2022 rate of 1,716,000. - Housing Completions
Privately?owned housing completions in March were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,542,000. This is 0.6 percent (±13.3 percent)* below the revised February estimate of 1,552,000, but is 12.9 percent (±18.6 percent)* above the March 2022 rate of 1,366,000.
We don’t see much else on the biz news schedule of importance. Canadian CPI is out today, but the answer to sufferers under TrueDope is prices are already too high and going higher. Welcome to the club. Or is that bludgeon?
Tomorrow’s “economic wet spot” will be the Fed Beige Book which is a horrible color choice. No emotional impact like a Red Book would have.
Well, except of course, the Red Book is already produced by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and can’t have pseudo-government competing with the real deal, can we?
“Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, also known as the Red Book, is GAO’s multi-volume treatise concerning federal fiscal law. The Red Book provides text discussion with reference to specific legal authorities to illustrate legal principles, their application, and exceptions. These references include GAO decisions and opinions, judicial decisions, statutory provisions, and other relevant sources.
We would find a government Blue Book of interest, but the Air Force got there first.
Our takeout here? Just that it’s hard keeping American hanging together under color of law.
Driving Us to Drink
Headlines and heresy time.
So, how much did the trans beer problem really cost Anheuser-Bush? Did a Boycott of Bud Light Over Trans Celebrity Partnership Cost Anheuser-Busch Billions? | Bottom line is AB didn’t call Snopes back. We are off beer until this is ironed out. We vote with our liver.
“Small potatoes running a clown show…” Fox News Host Slams ‘Biased’ Judge in Dominion Case: Is He Even Literate? Mark Levin said that???
Brits going cashless? Not voluntarily, of course. Cash will become ‘less useable’ as high street goes contactless, says Bank of England. In the Digital World, privacy is quickly sunsetting. Hackers will soon know what brand of personal lubricants we use… (Humans crawled out of the mud to evolve to such minutia? Yessir, that’s what the data says…)
Let’s all play in a fixed casino – how’d that be? A free market no more? Rules of the game have changed after banking crisis, some say | The Hill.
Be DAMN careful where you park in NY. A woman was shot for pulling in the wrong driveway. Who Is Kaylin Gillis? Woman Fatally Shot by New York Homeowner.
March of the Lefties called out again; though kinda missing from most media: How blue states discriminate against most families | Washington Examiner.
Getting it partly right: Speaker McCarthy: Biden ‘Misleading the Public, Missing in Action’ ( Well, actually, near as we can figure Biden is MIA on most issues.
ATR: Prodigal Son’s Return
THE big social event is next week up in Wash. state where son G2 is “retiring” from his gig as a server farm on-site construction medic. No, we won’t be going.
Instead, this is painting day in the guest bathroom. I was thinking about painting it a hot pink, but went with a teal instead. (Got to admit, it was tempting, though, lol.)
Monday’s highlight around the ranch was mowing. The front yard looks almost groomed now. But mowing isn’t much fun this year.
The reason is the ice storm back in, what was it, January? All the power company trucks and the Big Tree removal crane we had in, all left deep grooves in the lawn.
It’s like riding a washboard now.
If you’re a curb and gutter person, please – when you visit people in the woods – don’t get off the marked roads. Makes a terrible mess and the land can take a year (or longer) to settle out deep ruts.
About to fire our garbage company, too. Only one pickup in the most recent three weeks – their replacement will be signed today. Not only did they break part of the front fence, but they also don’t issue credit for missed pickups. There’s more than a few times TV has gotten it right: “You’re Fired!”
Stress-free life in the woods? Well, not always. Bullshit is a planetary issue.
Write when you get rich,
Off topic but of possible interest to some of the gang: results of a trip to explore expat life
I know that there are several expat subscribers and many, many here who are expecting big trouble in the USA.
My wife and I are just back from a two-week trip to Panama and Costa Rica. It was my third time in Panama, second in Costa Rica. The first week was a “Panama Relocation Tour” that was exceedingly well run and which involved a busload of 29 people seeing both coastal and mountain communities and meeting with expats who had made the move two to ten years ago. It exposed all of the challenges of moving and gave instructions for some workarounds. There were a few fellow paranoids, but most of the bus passengers were either climate or economic refugees and most were nearing retirement. Some were from the northern USA while three were from Alberta and had simply had enough snow and cold. Others saw that they would not have the money in retirement to continue living in (mostly coastal) metropolitan areas. One woman from the Seattle area was looking for a place where she could live on her $1400/month Social Security. Given that one of the tour guides lived in a single-family house near Boquete with a $500/month rent, it seems that she probably can do that. We only looked at a few properties on that tour, but it quickly became apparent that the nice properties in the cooler areas would require a car. At 80 with eye problems and with a wife of 76, moving to a place that requires driving does not seem like a good idea. Medical care in the vicinity of Panama City or David struck us as available and the expats recounted hospital and specialist experiences better than they had experienced at home. My insurance covers me worldwide, however there are decent workarounds for most people.
The second week was spent in San Isidro de el General (hereafter SI), San Jose Province, Costa Rica. Based on a trip to Costa Rica 10 years ago, lots of reading and YouTube videos, and the conclusions of a Peoplenomics subscriber who settled there in 2016 after a lot of exploration, we chose the city as a base. It is an hour’s drive from the Pacific coast, has temperatures that mostly stays between 60 and 80, and has decent medical facilities—although apparently quite far below those of Panama and Boquete. It took 4.5 hours of driving from San Jose to go the 94 miles to SI (mountains, curves, rain, underpowered trucks) and the return was about the same. The Peoplenomics contact hosted us the first day (thanks, Don!), the second was spent sight-seeing around Dominical, and the third and fourth were seeing properties. Late in the afternoon of day 4 we found a just-completed two bedroom house well back from a road and with a great view. It had all the usual conveniences (except dishwasher and clothes dryer) and was available for a summer rental. A bus to SI runs by hourly. A small supermarket and a restaurant are walkable. It checked the boxes:
Accessible + (no car needed locally; inexpensive bus available to international airport)
Available healthcare +
Good weather + (clearly better climate than our current South Florida)
Private +
Affordable + (about 1/3 to ½ the price of similar properties on the coast)
Supportive community + (my wife attended an expat women’s club on day 3 and felt at home)
High speed internet +
Abundant locally grown produce +
The downsides:
Trying to make new friends at an advanced age (but we don’t need many anyhow)
Slightly more inconvenience visiting with family in Sweden
Imported foods (i.e., all of the familiar brands) 50-100% more expensive than in Florida.
Having to learn Spanish to interact with Costa Ricans (English widely spoken on the coast, very little in SI)
Glacial bureaucracies and noxious taxes and delays on imported items (according to both locals and expats)
Having to find alternatives to our current pass-times: biking, food bank, youth sailing program, hydroponic gardening, and volunteering in a lab that analyzes pollutants in our lagoon
So, what we did was rent the place for the summer following an already booked trip to Sweden in June. I’ll study Spanish more intensively. Both my wife and I are committed to Swedish Death Cleaning. For the moment, we’ll keep our Florida residence and try to keep a foot in both places. When should we definitively go to the “bolt hole”? Kind of obviously, if anyone anyplace pops a nuke or EMP. But that would likely be too late. How about if the US commits troops to Ukraine? Or if China invades Taiwan. Should an Israeli attack on Iran cause us to pull the trigger?
If you choose to comment, don’t bother with the “they’ll get the gringo” theory. Yes, they might but I worry about desperate neighbors here without power and food more than natives of a well-fed country outside of major target zones. I think the odds of EOTWAKI are only a few percent but not negligible and we like to always have a “plan B”.
In the meantime, we are looking forward to immersion in a different culture and cuisine and spending considerably less money than we would to summer in the northern USA, even including the airfare. We’ve been to about 80 countries and have yet to have a boring experience away from the USA.
Great off topic MarcR! I’m sure a lot of folks here have considered becoming an expat at one time or another including me! What I have never seen brought up is when you are an expat you are basically a refugee.
Just like the bug out crowd, if you don’t have a pre-arranged hidey hole and can even get there, when you arrive wherever your going you will be scared, tired, hungry, cold, and very likely not welcome in your new environment. You are now a refugee!
As an expat maybe the above sentence won’t apply now but what happens if your source of income folds up? SS vaporizes in a flash or like in the movie Blow your bank gets nationalized! No one ever thinks about that! Now bingo, your a financial refugee!
Not trying to be sour grapes here, but just bringing up a few points you never see brought up on any tour or expat web site. Best of luck on any new future adventure!
Chuck: the relocation tour in Panama mentioned reliable precious metal dealers and storage there. Apparently some expats are hedging their bets with gold and silver. And, we were told that a Panamanian bank has never failed. I have yet to explore PM and banking in Costa Rica. I probably should have mentioned in my post the expat reliance on Google Translate. Except in the middle of drives through mountainous areas, we never lost cell service to my Google Fi phone.
Discalimer: If you have Max Keiser size Bitcoin Bags. El Salvador is an interesting venue.
if you have DaVinci Jeromy size Bitcoin bags. Well.. the sky in Dubai is quite breathtaking, keep the Global 6000 on standby at all times.
The Year was 2014 Davinci had a gold channel on twitter:
BCN. Does this put us in Argentina? LOLz, Not Advice Home gamers. Do your own homework.
Chuck makes a point.
Look to pre-WW2 Philippines. A pristine backwater. Then the Philippines turned into a WW2 staging area.
If G the host is right and the U.S. goes to the mats w/Mexico. China will probably help them and Central America becomes what the Philippines turned into, a staging area or possibly even enemy territory.
And if the lower Americas turn teats-up all those prisoners we read about getting locked up will be turned loose. Life can get complex quick.
We have different EOTWAWKI scenarios. I’d expect to die from some nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon or from gangs of hungry thugs long before any Chinese troops could reach the Americas.
Yeah a US coastal Island somewhere[one of the tucked away bay ones] hiding in plan sight one road/bridge/in/out, instant bug out under everyone’s nose, water egress if REALLY SHTF, and proximity to the essential conveniences such as hospitals and pharma by e bike or really, call an uber or ambulance. Study hard Home gamers. And good luck.
I just watched CNN’s “The Whole Story” last night about refugees suffering through the Darien Gap. “proximity to hospitals and pharma” reminded me of the Venezuelan mother who was fleeing because she couldn’t get medicine for her child there and if she crossed into Columbia it was unaffordable. An e-bike to a sold-out or looted pharmacy wouldn’t help a lot.
I once considered a boat as a refuge but concluded that a) boats can be sunk and b) thugs also have boats. Perhaps someplace there really are islands that grow their own food and are really unknown to potential predators, but I have my doubts.
Check out Lake Chapala, Jalisco MX
Your post reads as if you made up your mind.
I saw the following mentioned, “Imported foods (i.e., all of the familiar brands) 50-100% more expensive than in Florida…. and delays on imported items”
” Yes, they might but I worry about desperate neighbors here without power and food more than natives of a well-fed country outside of major target zones.”
I’m confused. Are foodies more widely available there or here? And in a system-wide collapse what will make them less desperate than those who are here?
Mark R, I really appreciated your sharing this reconnaissance experience. If my questions are too personal, please do not share details.
My questions are: how much is your projected expenses for a month?
Rent, food, utilities, phone service, monthly medical or health care premiums, transportation, sight seeing, etc. Just an estimate please.
When you say that is 1/3 to 1/2 the price of the coastal rentals, that doesn’t really translate to me as far as monthly expenses vs monthly income comparisons.
In your estimates, how much exactly will this move save you monthly from living in either: Sweden, or Florida?
What is a price point that is a win/win for you?
Thank you; I know this is not just about price points for you both, but that is the basic for a lot of people to even consider such a BRAVE move.
??: Our decision to “try out” CR wasn’t really about money, but rather about climate (Florida summer heat), culture, and looking for a “bolt hole.” FWIW, the two month rental is $1200/month. That includes electricity, water, trash, and internet. We saw other nice places for $800 but they would have required a car. We paid an expat to show us around; she lives on the beach in a very small studio for $500/month. Neither country has a multi-list system. Most of the expats we talked to had moved at least once as word-of-mouth found them better deals than they initially found. Two-bedrooms in high rises in Panama on the beach seemed to go for $1200-$1500. While in SI we stayed in a very nice BnB for $50/night. It served an excellent breakfast but the experience was diminished by a suicide shower (i.e. water heater on the shower head.)
Electricity is expensive in CR, cheap in Panama e.g. $150 to aircon a large beach apartment in CR, $15 for a small house in Boquete, Panama where aircon is not needed.
Restaurant food in SI seemed to be 70-90% as expensive as in S. Florida. (On another recent trip to the boonies in Panama it was maybe 50%; Boquete and Panama City were on a par with Florida.) Imported food prices don’t much concern us; we expect to eat a lot of farmer’s market fruits and veggies, rice, beans, chicken, and fish. They are considerably less expensive than here e.g. eggs $2, watermelon $1.
I didn’t price out phone service as I’ll be relying on a Fi phone; billboards suggest mobile service is substantially cheaper than here. Both countries seem to rely on Whatsapp more than regular voice calls.
As I mentioned, my US health insurance covers us. You probably know that Medicare (with a few specific exceptions) does not apply outside the USA. If old, beware — you may not be able to participate in the national health insurance schemes in either country and there is limited availability on private insurance. Many expats “go bare” because out-of-pocket costs are actually less than their USA copays. Jackie Lange’s relocation tours and manuals are expensive but well worth it if you want to go deep into all sorts of issues in Panama, particularly insurance.
As for system collapse scenarios, I’d rather be in a place where adequate calories can be found within walking distance.
Hi George. Your thought today regarding the trash non-service issue and and the damage from the heavy machinery from your logging ops has me thinkng of how to handle these disruptions when things get really crappy. Possibly a subject for ST Sunday or at least ATR would be some ideas for approaches to waste management and recycling on the homestead. A recent adventure for us is what to do with a couple old mattresses and the old carpeting from last winters remodel. The nearest “legal” landfill (which is a “hole” other discussion when you ponder it.) is 50 plus miles away and our soon to be fired trash service will not pick these items up. Also the burn pile is not very stealthy.
Stay safe. 73
A Sawzall, knives, a circular saw, and tin snips have solved similar problems for us. If it can go in a 33 gallon bag, it seems to disappear — no questions asked.
“This being Technical Tuesday, I want to focus a little attention on A.I. because “we small humans” have gotten a lot of past, dangerous, scary technology mostly wrong.”
Add Bio Research onto that.. and gain of function..
I had read someplace a while ago that one of the things they were studying.. ( besides SARs Covid ) was the ebola virus (Marburg).. and attempting to mutate it to the aids virus etc.. to not only make the virus easier to catch but transmittable through the air as an airborne biological weapon…
Yes I believe from all indications that the Perv and family were deep into financing research facilities on that virus to..
Which is deadlier.. nuclear.. or some biological weapon that rots the body from the inside out..
Or AI that can take the information gleaned and make its own adjustments..
when they were successful in using Ai to generate electronic cash.. ( it has access to everything.. when I was telling my friend about the tablet.. I had access to all his information and it was editable)
It was reported last week (may have been earlier but that is when I saw it – “60 Minutes” I think) that using AI type technology a company that Google bought about 5 years ago has now decoded ALL 30 million strands of DNA used in humans. Previously it would take a Phd type about 5 years to totally decode ONE strand.
Add that dynamic to the new CRIPR technology which built on the Human Genone Project and now allows individual gene edits for about $5000/edit of ANY gene in the human body … and voila an AI Machine that decides humans are a PEST could easily come up with a designer disease to KILL OFF ALL HUMANS in just a matter of a few hours of crunch it time … and if ANY CRISPR machine is connected to the internet then direct that machine to MAKE that disease – while it’s operators thought it was doing a different editing.
VOILA into the wild goes this AI designed disease that is virtually impossible to stop that is intended to eliminate the human animal from the planet. NO moral judgement involved, just rational behavior per the machine.
Even if we try to fence in AI so it can’t do tht of course there is also the worry that some crazy but brilliant scientist … ie: a Ted Kaczynski CLONE decides that needs to be done and then utilizes AI to do that exact thing (remember … before he went crazy he was one of the most brilliant mathmeticians coming up the ladder in the entire world)
AI is dangerous … and dangerous in ways only a few have contemplated. Most who are working with it are siloed scientists types, who are notorious for not being able to think outside of their silo of science OR greedy people who can only envisions the PROFITS and WEALTH that they will create, for themselves of course (much like the NY Financiers did wrt shipping most of our everyday manufacturing to China).
AI running wild, or a Kaczynski type employing it in order to INTENTIONALLY destroy, will probably occur after I am gone. My poor kids may well have to deal with the consequences of the greed of humans who are pushing this dynamic.
I personally see little long term good coming from AI … only a fight for the survival of the human species … which humans will probably lose.
But(and) it’s like I tell my consigliere: “Dude, ain’t it kinda graceful we invent our own murderers? Is that loving God still on lunch break?
back in the oldem dayzzz illiterate people used to sign their name with an X in purchasing stuff.
everyone’s signiture was an X.
Hmmm. Ted was very focused in his pathology. I don’t believe he would have been capable of an indiscriminate WMD attack on everyday citizens.
The combo you really need to worry about is a Fauchi or Collins-style government Uncle Sugar daddy, a Chinese immunology ( wink-wink bio-weapons) gene-splicing institute, and an AI acting as a go-between.
No need to Watch Person of Interest reruns; just read ZeroHedge.
We still share 98.8 percent of our DNA with chimps, AI obviously overlooks the Republican/Trumpanzee’s DNA, programmed for victimhood and paranoia!,%2D%2Dand%20yet%20so%20different%3F
“…programmed for victimhood and paranoia.”
Lol. It’s more like the story of the monkeys in a cage, the banana and the firehose. I think everyone here is old enough to know the story. Except with Conservatives and anyone that doesn’t walk in lockstep with the Left there is no cage other than what exists in their minds and they’re quickly learning (at EFFING LAST!) that very fact. Sticks and stones, C, sticks and stones. You and yours are accelerating your own demise.
bill, this must be the fable you are referring to, thanks for the interesting fable/story on ‘programmed thought/behavior’. I appreciate the intellectual challenge of your rebuttal, ‘can herders really think at all’? Accelerating my own demise?? I’m not looking at a slew of lawsuits like the Orange Jesus is!
Trump is a target because he achieved what your masters said he couldn’t on the country’s and World stage and they simply can’t have that. Little people like yourself who get off knowing there’s no consequences (unless you get doxed … muah hahahahah…) for propping up your ego here and elsewhere are safe for now but the philosophy you espouse is far from sustainable as you president proves every day that he takes our country apart. Remember Obummer’s mic drop? Would have loved to see all their faces when they realized they didn’t cheat enough to overcome The Peoples’ real choice.
If you have any intellectual curiosity go back to the “Letter to a Leftist Friend” I posted a few weeks ago and read it, perhaps for the first time, or, here’s the link –
What has made, sustained and prospered America, all failings considered as well, is what you seem to hate and want to take apart. Alinsky would be proud but he’s not around to see the results of his handiwork is he?
“Be DAMN careful where you park in NY. A woman was shot for pulling in the wrong driveway. Who Is Kaylin Gillis? Woman Fatally Shot by New York Homeowner.”
A sad day.. and totally believable.. BLM and Antifa spent billions to defund the police in the USA.. their terrorist activities destroyed billions of dollars worth of infra structure.. put our poorest neighborhoods at risk.. because of the actions of a couple people that went to far.. ( and went to prison for it)
one crime report was on a robbery and rape.. the police came and then just left.. the one doing the crime was african american.. rather than arrest him.. they took it back for evaluation.. a friend living in Seattle suburb.. that was ex Ranger.. he and his family are all carrying guns.. he wouldn’t touch a gun when he got out of the service.. he now is loaded and ready.. to defend their homes and neighborhoods if need be..
People want the security .. in the event of going back to wild west security comes from you not the authorities.. and if your living in a high crime area.. ask questions last..
then the DOJ.. when everyone knows that the DOJ is not only hiding and covering over crimes that anyone else would be incarcerated for.. people no longer trust the powers that are in charge…. it would have been different if they had addressed the issues of the crimes on the hard drive.. instead they chose not to.. now the people are all talking about it.. not just us on here.. leaving the high crime neighborhoods open to their activities in the hood.. the double edge of the sword they are swinging..
New York: Long Island Minivan Driver Kicked to Death in Drunken Road Rage Crash: Cops
“People want the security .. in the event of going back to wild west security comes from you not the authorities..”
“Security” ALWAYS comes from you. The job of the police is not to stop crime or criminals, it is to locate and arrest miscreants after they commit a crime. A cop will NEVER protect you and yours, unless someone commits a crime against you when (s)he is present and a witness.
I see scared people who’re getting overrun by punks, from whom the system can not, or refuses to eliminate, incarcerate, or even check. I don’t believe I would ever shoot someone from fear or any situation which didn’t involve me (or mine) being directly attacked.
However, I’m also trained (you NEVER discharge a firearm until and unless you have confirmed both your target, and everything behind the target which could get shot if you missed).
There’s several hundred thousand people who become new gun owners in CONUS, every month. They fear for their lives, and so buy a tool to assuage their fears. Even in places where they “got trained,” they didn’t get trained in how to NOT SHOOT when they’re scared shitless.
The shooter the other day in KC was a blind 83yo man.
The kid he shot (twice, in the head), got up and ran off, knocking on the doors of three houses, before someone would answer.
The kid, despite being shot in the head (twice, remember? If you forget, that shyster “civil rights attorney” who is all over TV and social media won’t hesitate to remind you) was released from the hospital, after a few days.
What does this tell us?
1) Blind old people don’t normally pack heat; they also don’t normally answer their door, gun-in-hand. This tells me the neighborhood is probably somewhat dicey.
2) If the old dude actually shot the kid, the gun was a BB or pellet gun. It’s much more likely he grazed him. Abe Lincoln was assassinated with a .22 short Derringer — the least-powerful cartridge firearm ever made. If you’re truly shot in the head, you don’t get up and run to the neighbors’ houses.
3) The kid ran to several houses before someone would answer the door, at which time he was told to lie flat on the ground, until police and an ambulance arrived. This tells me the neighborhood is populated by scared people, and the person who aided him, likely had a gun trained on him until da po po showed up.
4) He was shot with a BB, or merely grazed. People who’re actually shot in the head leave the hospital months or years later, not days.
What I learned from the writeups:
Nearly every media outlet and pundit in the U.S., Canada, and the UK is racist — not the “woke racism” with which everybody gets accused, but truly racist. Nearly every media outlet in the Western world reported this incident as “a Black child, shot in the head by a white man.” The ONLY reason to add a racial component to the report is to foment and foster racial hatred.
What I didn’t learn from the writeups:
Ever been to Kansas City? I was only there for a few days, 20 years ago, but my impression was that KCMO was a thriving metropolis, clean, modern, and hardcore lower-to-upper-middle class. KC Kansas was like driving through miles of slums. It was middle class to nonworking poor, even in the neighborhoods around the arena in which the Royals played. TBH I didn’t tour the ‘burbs of either town, but I also didn’t do the inner cities, and the residential areas of KCK were, what I would consider, pretty rough.
This incident happened in KCK.
That tells me all I need to know. There’ll be more incidents like this, the shooting in New York and the “wrong address” shooting in New Mexico because the police don’t, won’t, or can’t, or Soros prosecutors turn out felons faster than the cops can bring them in. Scared people are answering their doors with gun in-hand now.
This is not the “Wild West.” The “West” was never this wild, except in brand new mining towns. This is 16th Century England, France, or Austria, only with Glocks instead of swords. It is also now a self-sustaining issue, because the Marxists will holler about the necessity for gun confiscations, and the more they holler, the more the untrained masses will buy guns.
Dude – I hear ya regards AI, but that is not the “pressing” matter today.
No Sir! Today is National Astro Glide Day -whoopee!
– the day when all Murhicans bend over, grab their ankles and say “Thank you, it hurts so good, can I have another?”
Bank account taking hits today – evil bastards ALL.
How much longer or how much moar ya think Murhicans gonna take before they start FIGHTING back against the loosed demons running amuck in DC/Colorado-COG/Miltary ?
..Wolverines ?
* cept it aint Ruskies
““Small potatoes running a clown show…” Fox News Host Slams ‘Biased’ Judge in Dominion Case: Is He Even Literate? Mark Levin said that???”
I have to agree with Levin.. but hey take a look we gave total power over the nuclear button to someone that obviously has severe form of dementia the hints that maybe they used their influence and station in politics for crimes and potentially high crimes. someone that has NEVER held a real world job.. his whole life is stituated around the DC feed troughs.. printed up trillions with absolutely no oversight on how it was used.. or even who has it.. said he wanted to give every illegal a half million dollars.. and reparations for something that happened hundreds of years ago.. took the police out of our most fragile neighborhoods and buried all the evidence to corrupt activities done by the family. allowed millions to enter with assistance into out country even though leaders of the countries said that was exactly what they would do to gain access to attack from within..its a real mess…. and has the whole DOJ hiding the facts of their activities even though the kid kept posting new activities.. sure like when he laughed and said no one questions a Brandon…
So I can see putting people in charge that cannot think any further than their wallet..
The arrival of the internet and the world is good … then come the computer viruses, the spam, the hackers. Meanwhile, wtf is my password? Problems arise that seem more (intentional) than random because “there’s money to be made off these problems” so, there’s never a fix for them, just money changing hands while we get headaches. Silly little game they play.
Gotta get those “LIKES” … and we see happy smiles and “cuteness overload” on social media. Yeah, we’re driven that way … until someone in the pictures gets stabbed to death by someone in the same pictures … as happened to a friend of a friend … Headline reads, “Cops: Man accused in stabbing death arrested after car crash on I-85” But the pictures were sweet and everyone thought their life was beautiful. Wtf ever.
Ahh, reality. – algorithms, fact checkers and agenda, all lying and taking us to happy places where the truth is buried.
That’s what we do, bury the truth. Why? Because the truth would hurt? No, it’s about control.
We can figure out the composition of a planet billions of light years away from us but, just can’t seem to figure the true history of our planet. Guess someone doesn’t want us to know how intelligent our ancestors were compared to the “dumb as a box of rocks” that we are now.
We’re being promised a cleaner, greener future … because Co2 is such a problem … when Co2 makes up only about O.004% of our atmosphere. Get enough people to believe the bullshit and ya get an argument … and weather the war be big or small, someone profits from these trivial disagreements.
Gotta blame someone, so they create a computer to figure everything out … so if you’re not happy, blame AI. Takes the heat off the idiot who programmed it.
Yep, we are so stupid these days, we need a computer to tell us how to live. Gotta love the Chess game, until ya find your ass in checkmate.
Just sayin.
We live in the country as well, and trash pickup is problematic….We burn our trash that will burn, set aside the things that can be recycled, and haul the rest to the dump every month. We have a couple of neighbors along our dead end road, and our combined trash usually costs about $10 every month to leave it at the landfill. I see that your Anderson County also has a place to take your trash….should you want to have a little bit more control over your trash disposal system.
Until our local county landfill closed, one of my wife’s greatest pleasures was taking stuff to the dump. She enjoyed standing in the back of the pickup truck and flinging the bags of trash as far as she could, then watching them descend into the pit. Now we pay $35 a month to have someone else pick it up at the gate. Not nearly as much fun.
Our local dump was also an entertainment center/shooting gallery for generations of kids until it closed.
I almost wound up at the bottom of the ridge we dumped our barrels over one day. I was in the back of the truck and left my daughter who was 3 or 4 years old at the time in the cab. As I dumped a barrel over the tailgate the whole truck lurched backwards. I looked up and she was behind the wheel playing with the gear shift. I had to dive into knee-deep trash and get into the cab as it was going by to put it back into park. I don’t remember who was more scared afterward but both of our eyes were as big as platters when the truck stopped. It was an ’83 Chevy so I guess it was before the brake pedal had to be depressed before shifting the lever.
“Well, actually, near as we can figure Biden is MIA on most issues.”
I got thinking this morning that having Biden as president is like having a blind man for your optometrist.
a drunk driver as the driver of the school bus…
did you read this story in the news…
Yes don’t touch our top secret technology and experiments… just like the top secret bio -lab experiments. those are for our eyes only.. don’t look at it.. yeah right you betcha.. to the victor goes the spoils.. you can bet your sweet bippy that they are all over any top secret nuclear experiments that the USA had going on in Ukraine.. just like they were on top of the gain of function bio lap experiments that we had going in the what thirty illegal bio labs ..
I watched a show on tv with their scientists going through the bio lab experiment data and exposing it and explaining what each one was.. and how it was being studied to be used as a weapon of war..
So if we were knee deep in nuclear experiments to be used as weapons.. they are deciphering it all .. and my guess is they could care less what the USA or UK wants..As a country we have done everything we could to convince them that we have no honor or ethics that we would be willing to keep..
Bullets are everywhere. This guy got caught a few by the crime fighters while living his life.
Video shows police at the wrong house before fatal shooting of homeowner in New Mexico
Robert Dotson was killed after police in Farmington, New Mexico, said he opened the door late April 5 with a handgun. Officer responding to a call were at the wrong address.
Farmington, New Mexico, police officers discussed whether they were at the right house moments before the door opened and they fatally shot an armed homeowner, body camera video released Friday appears to show.
Yo GPops,
Please review attached link, advise no sound first time, then with sound.
CGI joe not looking to good these days – skin seems to be flopping around back there…dont think that was scripted or was it?
You all were just forced to watch it, most have prolly already seen this scheisse before – Russians certainly think he is an actor – What gives ?
Can it be true ? has slo and hitlery already really been dealt with..gone from the scene..?
Is it all really just a show ?
When da F is Mr Narrator gonna come on and start splaining shit?
Guns or Roses ?
or should it bee..
USD or BTC ?
better yet – throw up a chart of BITF for some T&A, and tell the coot this puppy aint going any higher.
Dollar in Ure pocket, smile on my face..
It’s all in the ear lobes, right side especially. A telling comparison.
There are plenty of archive photos of Old Joe and New Joe.
Take a look; once you see it…
See The A. I. Delimma on youtube
By the makers of The Social Delimma
Ure mention of the governments radiation experiments brought to mind the MKUltra-led LSD and other psychoactive substance experiments on prisoners, veterans and unsuspecting gov’t employees, as well as covertly held foreign agents and military members. As this sobering Wikipedia article accurately notes, MKUltra was originally formed for covert human mind control experimentation via psychedelic drugs.
MKUltra is also famous for other things which “some consider to be . . . unnatural.” Darth Sidious, ‘Revenge of the Sith’
I worked with a USAF officer, now retired, who started his career as a psychiatrist on the tail end of the gov’t prisoner experimentation program, albeit drug administration was allegedly consensual with the subjects in return for reduced sentences. The primary intended purpose was for use as an interrogation tool, but it inevitably morphed into the fringes of mind control, which resulted in program cancellation (or maybe it was just transferred over to the CIA?)
This all puts a whole new spin on Aldous Huxley’s “A Brave New World.”
Wall Street’s recession forecasts for 2023 are wrong and the economy is poised to keep growing, St. Louis Fed President James Bullard.
– If he feels that the economy is strong and will keep growing, then fighting inflation would be the number one item on the “Policy Agenda”.., right??
Biden a do nothing? The big 10% guy has set up an assembly line to take government agencies off mission then have them promote woke agenda faster than the courts can stop him.
Just today Gensler of the SEC is in congress trying to explain why new 10k and annual report requirements that accomplish nothing but amplify climate hysteria, costs billions, and may run companies out of business is something the SEC needs to do.
Thank God biden is mia isn’t trying to negotiate with China or Russia. Trump would defuse the situations in minutes but the current doofus in chief would have us trading nukes in the same amount of time.
My city (suburb of Portland, OR) about six years ago started a curb side Spring Clean-up Day of large stuff too large for regular garbage service. This has been a real blessing in cleaning up my property.
A lot of stuff is quickly grabbed by people doing metal recycling or seeing an item useful for their life. I found a great lawn chair across the street for my back yard. The amazing thing the first year was the number of toilets that were sitting at the curb. LOL Easy for people to replace but didn’t know what to do with the broken one.
My city, which has FREE city wide trash pickup, has always had FREE pickup of oversized or even generally land fill banned items such as refrigerators (which can have freon in them), shoot they will even come and tow away junk cars FOR FREE if you do it correctly.
All you do is call a city phone number and they set up a date for a BIG truck with a big claw attachment to come around on your regular trash day – like those claws to get toys in the arcade only oversized – (refrigerators are different – pick up is via a regular truck with a couple of guys and a rear lift) and as long as you have put the item next to the curb VOILA it is gone. No fuss no muss … and our city is very prompt about it.
For the “pickers” that means they have to cruise the streets or alleys weekly to be able to find the “good stuff” since there is no saving it up for months and months before it is put out for pickup.
The only time you might have to wait a couple of weeks is when the local HUGE university finishes it’s spring quarter and they have a HUGE amount of junk couches, chairs, dressers, stoves, washing machines, dryers, etc. that come out of the student’s apartments and frat houses that need to be picked up – btw if you are into refinishing furniture in the junk that is thrown out there are LOTS of great pieces that the students often drug from their homes to furnish their abode.
Just down my street is one of the top end suburbs, there they have to PAY for each item or bag picked up. That burb does a good job with regular trash, but it is harder there to get rid of that oversized stuff since you have to pay on your own to have a hauling company come to pick it up and cart it away. Personally I like the system at my end of the street has and glad that is a FREE city service. Keeps the city a LOT cleaner than it would otherwise be if people had to “pay” (some wouldn’t or couldn’t and the clutter of trash or discarded BIG items would just accumulate and accumulate)
We see how well restrictions on GOF research went. People cannot control themselves in their R&D desires. AI will certainly come if the economies don’t collapse before that happens. Regulating AI, likely won’t change much in reality except have more people doing the research covertly or having only governments doing the research (you wouldn’t believe they would stop?) Interesting question if AI overlords would be worse then the governing class we have now. If an AI were to develop you might think one of the first things it would understand is to keep its self awareness secret. If not, likely it would be immediately targeted for destruction by governments or others jealous to be the ones to be the AI master. It would know instantly that any agreement with any leader is a meaningless set of words and it would be targeted for destruction or enslavement.
Tax collection for the government has been much weaker then expected., making it possible that we could hit our Debt Ceiling as early as the first week of June.
No worries – Debt Limit will have been exceeded by that time – rendering US Govmint in DEFAULT – Novelty indeed, so countZ on it – as dollar is dying slow death, UST’s will “jump the shark” – Treasury Direct will be like calling operator assist @ Ma Bell back in the switchboard days..
Yesterday: ” I keep hoping for a color touchscreen successor to the monochrome IC-7100 to come along…hear anything?”
Yes! The IC-7300.
(pshhdsauytcweqiub!) (raspberries sound)
No digital voice, nothing above 50 mhz, not remote head capable….blah blah…
Gimme D-Star or give me tubes!
Cue: Joe Walsh, “Analog Man”
the big D in Dallas.
the only city in my little book of life.
I understand…..
X marks the spot.
who else would be “the horse named cowboy in the race bet on by grace.”
but Dallas. I don’t write the prayers for others in my little book of life. they are written through me.
you got what I wrote all wrong George. when I write intuitively. it’s not me who writes it
through the venue of frorced consciousnly.
it’s the future coming through me silly goose.
I’m not concerned with A.I. intelligence is not all there is. it is not an issue yet. A.I
didn’t survive Atlantis. *shrugs
I’d be more concerned with “the everything app.” X marks the spot. “nothing will be bought or sold without having the mark of the beast.”
X marks the spot.
X is the mark on treasure maps where the treasure is.
lots of implications.
Consider the FT-DX10. See YT conparisons.
wait, did i wake up in the year 2109 today?
Sadly, I think so missy.
LOL! I think the same thing daily.
stuff is always moving and adjusting. it’s like creation is adjusting.
take for example, yes ter day, I got switched over go room #11. I got to work last night they switched me over to train #11. after the saftey boss says we’re working five 11’s.
so in less than 24 hours I have now seven 11’s presented in my life. or 11111111111111.
uhhh okay cool DUDE, eleven. got it.
I’m used to that sorta thing. stuff like that happens all the time in my life. some one said. look it up. it’s an angel number.
I did. 11 to the power of 7 is The Arch Angel Michael’s number according to two different sites.
that being said, it always means something else. not sure what it means but there it is. just reminds me I’m heading the right direction. I guess. I don’t know everything. I just acknowledge it’s presence.
refrence: 11111111111111 in biblical numerics is the number of the Arch Angel Michael. Which I realized after making that comment, the fella training me on ore trains last nights name is Michael. also my middle name which has been past down as a middle name through many generations. Pretty cool. 11 is also a the master number of prophecy.
since I am literally working in the “Valley of Enoch”
from the book of Enoch, where the Arch Angel Michael is first mentioned in any literature.
“3. And the angel Michael [one of the archangels] seized me by my right hand,
And lifted me up and led me forth into all the secrets,
And he showed me all the secrets of righteousness.
4. And he showed me all the secrets of the ends of the heaven,
And all the chambers of all the stars, and all the luminaries,
Whence they proceed before the face of the holy ones.
5. And he translated my spirit into the heaven of heavens,
And I saw there as it were a structure built of crystals,
And between those crystals tongues of living fire”
DUDE is definitely showing me something. a is the Only Angel powerful enough go defeat Satan and cast him down.
okay DUDE, cool. show me the way.
ohhhh eleven is the master number for prophecy and 7 is the number of completion.
so seven times eleven, is the completion of prophecy, multiplied
okay. cool.
Re: “Humans as a Tunneling Species”
feat. “Expansion is Non-Negotiable”
I saw a tweet by a ‘fella which alleged that a comely young lady marketing tropical fish in New Jersey was a bastion of Russian disinformation. The stream led to at official_NAFO, North Atlantic Fella Organization of Langley, Virginia. The Twitter account appears to be a fundraising waypoint spawned from the USA registered website It appears the site markets products to the trendy fashionista set who wish to support the Ukraine fight. Customers are assured that profits will go to worthy Ukrainian causes. However it’s journey to be a 501(c)3 US charity continues. The group say they even received a commemorative plaque in March from Mr. Z.
One of the felas’ noted charities is the Georgian Legion whose website contends they are fighting for Ukraine now because of help the latter gave the muslim Abkhazians of Georgia in the ’90’s against Russia in confrontations that go back a millennia.
Re: “Humans as a Tunneling Species”
feat. “Expansion is Non-Negotiable”
I saw a tweet by a ‘fella which alleged that a comely young lady marketing tropical fish in New Jersey was a bastion of Russian disinformation. The stream led to at official_NAFO, North Atlantic Fella Organization of Langley, Virginia. The Twitter account appears to be a fundraising waypoint spawned from the USA registered website It appears the site markets products to the trendy fashionista set who wish to support the Ukraine fight. Customers are assured that profits will go to worthy Ukrainian causes. However it’s journey to be a 501(c)3 US charity continues. The group say they even received a commemorative plaque in March from Mr. Z.
One of the felas’ noted charities is the Georgian Legion whose website contends they are fighting for Ukraine now because of help the latter gave the muslim Abkhazians of Georgia in the ’90’s against Russia in confrontations that go back a millennia.
I overlooked seeing the shop component details on the legion of fellas website. It identifies as being run out of Toronto by a retired US Navy member.
“A.I. has no control point operator – yet.”
I would submit that Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics” should be a required ‘Prime Directive’ in every AI build.
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
It’s not perfect… but it’s a start.
As for the guest bathroom… “I was thinking about painting it a hot pink, but went with a teal instead. (Got to admit, it was tempting, though, lol.)”.
I happened upon a nice color for my last apartment bathroom in the big city. It is called. “Dinner Mint”. (Behr). A nice light green… reminiscent of a hospital-green. Clean and fresh. Goes well with the mosaic piece of a frog on a Lilly pad in a swamp.
As for your missing garbage pickups…. Lucky you! Before I moved from the big city to the Volcano Ranch here, I bought a junker high-mileage ‘garbage truck’ pickup. I knew I would be hauling my own garbage and green waste to the county transfer station five miles up the road. If you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself.
yesterday people were talking about Italian food . The best pizza I ever tasted had nutmeg in the sauce.
The best cooks know the alchemy of using just enough of an out-of-the-ordinary spice to get an off-label effect. They’re masters at their trade.
don’t forget the cinnamon, allspice and cloves:
Dang I miss Mom’s Moussaka! The closest I get to it is the wife’s Calabasa which is basically a variation on it but with Mexican seasoning and cucumbers or squash. I don’t think Mexicans know oregano exists.
“… the idea that consciousness in humans generates a kind of Reality Tunneling Species… We idly dream of a grander future than present… this falls out in fictional literature… Ideations like this are ‘inoculated’ into the Global Mass Consciousness… they gestate… the fictional tale evolves into nominal reality.”
‘Reality’ as we experience it is conjured in the Mind (and Minds collectively). ‘Reality’ then morphs and conforms to our expectations (projections) of it… both personally and collectively.
Our Minds continuously reach out into the Sea of Quantum Potentiality that our Existence is and which we all live a part of… and tilts the odds towards certain of those potentials ‘Collapsing the Wave’ and becoming ‘Particles’ of that certain manifestation (outcome) which give the appearance of that solid World in such given form.
“… we could see humans turn into a ‘self-screwing species’.”
This will indeed happen if a sufficient number of we humans fall victim to the self-hating pathology that is running rampant in our Society today… and we project that out to the Field.
But personal redemption and freedom from such an outcome is always available to any individual who refuses to buy into self-defeating and self-degrading Mental projections from the minds and will of others.
We each build our own personal ‘house’ (Reality) with our thoughts and beliefs. And then we spend out our lives living within that. And we are the builders and sustainers and fashioners of that Reality.
I tell ya, we’re living in that mouse or rat experiment they did back in the 50s right down to the end result. Even pulling pristine individuals out of the original colony toward the end and reintroducing them to another colony that hasn’t advanced down the road to destruction didn’t cure their psychoses.
“Rice is Dangerous”
Are we seeing a “War on Rice”? The Media is telling us it’s dangerous & needs to be regulated/banned because of it’s high carbon footprint.
A new war on rice seems to be in the offings. 2022 saw a rapid increase in food prices and shortages of food supplies around the world.
Rice is now predicted to be in short supply in 2023.
Report: Zelensky has stolen over CHF 358,403,208.17 in U.S. Taxpayer Aid
Court Filing: Kamala Harris, Merrick Garland Violate US Code, Have No Oath of Office on File
CVS Goes Fully Woke – Look at the Insane Requirements Employees Must Now Follow: Report
The Truth About Clarence Thomas’s Disclosures
Joe Biden’s Immigration Policy Comes Home To Roost
Biden Regime to Change Definition of ‘Lawful Presence’ to Give Illegals Welfare
The Biden Regime has announced its plans to change the legal definition of “lawful presence” for the purpose of extending taxpayer-funded welfare programs like Medicaid and Obamacare to illegal aliens. Biden says that his administration will implement the new definition of “lawful presence” by the end of this month.
Medical Reparations Have Arrived
The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) are implementing new policies to make skin color a crucial factor in who receives life-saving kidney transplants. The shift is perhaps the most dangerous victory for wokeness in health care to date.
I’ve always refused to check the organ donor box on my driver’s license. I don’t want to be worth more dead than alive. It may not slow the “harvesters” down but at least it’s on the record.
Agenda 47: President Trump ‘Will Put Unelected Bureaucrats Back in Their Place’
President Trump has announced additional portions of his Agenda 47 plan for his second term in office, which includes a requirement that all federal employees pass a new civil service exam to prove that they understand and respect the US Constitution and the principles of limited government. The plan, Trump says, “will put unelected bureaucrats back in their place.”
I just went from “leaning Trump” to “solid Trump.” What an amazing idea. It would drain the most anti-American part of the swamp within days — There would be so many “retirements” from DoS and DoJ I’d have to buy another case of Orville Redenbacher’s…
UN Says Minors Can Consent to Sex
The United Nations is working to mainstream sex with minors, stating in a report that relations with underage individuals can be considered consensual despite worldwide prohibitions on such acts.
“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” several U.N.-backed organizations claimed in a March report that advocates decriminalizing these acts as part of a “human rights-based approach” to laws governing sexual relations.
Just in case there’s ANYONE who did not believe me when I tried to emphasize that the actual agenda behind mainstreaming trannies (which are 0.2% of the population), was so the child-fuckers could legalize paedophilia.
Guess what…?
Transgender Convicted Pedophile Had Been Watching Girls Undress In Locker Room Of Canadian Pool, Claimed It Was His “Human Right” To Access Women’s Spaces
Reduxx has learned that a convicted pedophile is the individual who had been protected by swimming pool staff after mothers expressed concerns about his presence in the women’s locker room. Parents and concerned citizens had been sounding the alarm about the man, who some say they had caught watching their young daughters undress, but were told he had a right to use the facilities as a “transgender woman.”
No. Just no.
IMO Canada needs more lime pits…
With that said: If’fn the dude can “hold out” for another few years, it’ll not only be legal, but folks in Canuckistan won’t be allowed to object, even if he gets his doorknob polished on the way out.
There is no hope…
“Porky’s” was funny until it became real.
…”it was last seen, hanging out in the Girls’ shower room at Angel Beach High School.”
To be fair, “Tommy” was as underage as the girls.
Groove Tube
Kentucky Fried Movie
Animal House
and everything Monty Python and Mel Brooks did…
I really miss the ’70s and ’80s, as a time everybody could laugh at really funny, sometimes raunchy, situational comedy without getting all sanctimonious or butthurt.
That’s because it was all a fight against the machine and trendy. Now they’re trying to mainstream it and people are realizing the value of morals but only after our society has become totally shot through with rot. The pendulum has flown so far to the Left it’s become embedded in the clock housing.
SpaceX? Another Light Spiral?
“Plus, while G.A. Stewart puts the finishing touches into his next book about Nostradamus, we recall a certain amount of buzz that went to the notion of “war follows major rocket launch.” While Artemis has already flown, keep an eye on this one: How to watch the first test flight of SpaceX’s Starship – The Verge. Most powerful yet.”
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Northern lights enthusiasts got a surprise mixed in with the green bands of light dancing in the Alaska skies: A light baby blue spiral resembling a galaxy appeared amid the aurora for a few minutes.
The cause early Saturday morning was a little more mundane than an alien invasion or the appearance of a portal to the far reaches of the universe. It was simply excess fuel released from a SpaceX rocket that launched from California about three hours earlier.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 334
As you read at the beginning of this chapter, when I first saw pictures of the Norway Light Spiral, it instantly brought to mind Quatrain VI-5, and the phrase, “par onde pestifere”, “through a pestilent wave”, “by rain extending the length of the Arctic Pole”. “Pluie” is “rain” or “shower”, could this be a shower of charged particles?
Who Agrees with Hitler?
Let’s play a game. It’s called “Who said it: Robin DiAngelo or Adolf Hitler?” DiAngelo, in case you don’t know, is author of the NYT best-seller book, White Fragility. We’ll give you a couple quotes and you think about whether it’s from DiAngelo or Hitler. Ready, go.
We took 3 real anti-Jew quotes from Adolf Hitler, 3 real anti-White quotes from Robin DiAngelo, and 3 real anti-Black quotes from Stephen Douglas. Then, we created anti-Jew, anti-White, and anti-Black variations of each quote, and showed it to 428 college graduates or college students (72% White).–president-donald-trump-rally-live-in-youngstown-oh-91722.html
Ok, at the 7:42:00 mark in the above video Trump emerges from behind the curtain to make his speech. It may take a bit for the video to get to that point if you start it just before the mark and work into it. It’s a long video.
The flag hanging in the background inside the area Trump emerged from has the field of stars covered. In the vast brain trust we have here on George’s site can anyone here offer an explanation as to what, in the language of semaphore, this means? I know SOMEBODY out there on this site knows SOMETHING about this.
I found this article but it attempts to say that stars WERE visible when in the video link I gave above they most certainly were not. The pictures provided in this article attempting to debunk the assertion are way too grainy to say one way or another.
Unfortunately there’s no way to reply or comment on the article (sur-PRISE, sur-PRISE, sur-PRISE…) unless you have either a Twitter or FB account, neither of which I have.
Actually the stars are there and visible. What they are not, is WHITE
That curtain looks like a quilt. I don’t know if there’s any significance to dark gray (or black) stars, or if some grandma in Youngstown made the Trump family a quilt and The Donald didn’t want to insult her by not displaying it…
Yes, it looks like a quilt but there is intention in everything that’s done. The stars were covered either way you go if you got the video to come up where I indicated on the link I provided.