Money Monday offers a choice of economic wars to focus on. We’ll toss out the easy ones first.
Commie-fornia – the People’s Republik as it’s been called – is now featuring a new quite disgusting pander to Mob Rule. (It’s what communist insurgencies do, after all.)
See, at the heart of anti-American socialist engineering is the catch phrase “From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.” Which just sure as hell looks to us like what KTLA-TV uncovers in California power companies roll out fixed-rate bill proposal (
Reportedly, low-income people would pay for power at a lower price than people with higher incomes. While the political appeal is there, we are dead-set against this furtherance of communism in America.
One of the cornerstones of America has been “pricing similar goods and deliveries” at the same (or closely similar price) for ALL customers. In other words, in the country formerly known as the United States, you couldn’t, for example, legally discriminate based on a lot of things. One of which was income.
Picture, if you will, walking into a food joint. The waitstaff comes over to get your order. “How much money do you make?” Whereupon you realize that the person sitting right next to you is getting a $15-dollar steak. YOUR steak will be $45-dollars.
Over more than half a decade of business experience, a great deal of it in sales and marketing, this “ground rule” was absolute. You couldn’t discriminate against a customer on their income, any more than you could on the basis of race or gender.
Yet now, led by Marxist echoes, Mob Rule in California is being fed the same line of Malarkey every insurgency comes to rely on. The myth of the “free lunch.”
Shockingly, the figures in the article do not (and cannot) pencil out. Power bills can’t go down for everyone magically. 50-years of “news nose:” has informed us that usually, when a “miracle” appears, especially if it involves money, the “news nose” isn’t sniffing out a story.
It’s reporting “bullshit” at large.
Unless the involved power companies really aren’t on the financial ropes and have been shearing the sheep for years. Which, come to think of it, could also be the case.
With economic depression and global war in the wings evolving, we expect to see a lot more “Mob Pandering” in headlines. Clear nostrils and some lion’s mane with the coffee are useful.
America is on the perilous slope of descent into moral hazard. Except, this ain’t the “bunny slopes” of past eras, either. This is double-diamond work we’re into now.
As further evidence to ponder: YGBKM. Washington to secretly remove children from parents if they defy trans procedures – HotAir. Um…unspeakable.
Cost of Mental Acuity
America, once a mecca of melting, continues sliding into the political abyss as the Fox News – Dominion Voting trial heads to court. Just not today, though. BREAKING: Fox News-Dominion Defamation Trial Delayed By Judge.
Sadly, to our way of thinking, the trial really is about whether Fox News overstepped libel bounds in asserting vote fraud. And it could be expensive.
Our view was – and continues to be – that anything touching the internet can be hacked. But IF the court finds Fox laid that solely on Dominion, then yes, out comes the checkbook.
We like to think of it very much like calling an automaker wrong for selling cars that rely on a sketchy braking system. OK, maybe not aircraft grade, but the nominal cause of accidents that land such cases in court, come down to customer negligence. Since automaker’s aren’t usually held to account for a driver putting the brakes on too late (if at all).
We had hoped for clear revelations about digital wormholes in voting systems. But, given the “drivers” of the systems are “governments” at different levels, odds seem high that Fox may have oversimplified the real story resulting in an example of mental acuity costs.
In flying, when something goes wrong, it’s the NTSB that figures out and assigns blame using “accident chain” analysis. We don’t have an election equivalent, save defamation suits and recounts. We want to hear about SSL’s role in all this.
The drunk driver in our analogy, meantime, seems to be “government.” And their mantra “Trust Us!” doesn’t cut it, either. We’ll slow enough to take in the “wreckage on the shoulder” as we get by this story on the timeline.
Bouncing Downstairs
While we await the Port of Long Beach data this week, the Port of Los Angeles container cargo data showed some improvement in March:
OK, we’re still looking at major declines in traffic, but it begins to dovetail with the rail traffic slowdown for intermodal we told you about earlier. Likely more on this tomorrow.
Empire State Manufacturing
Courtesy of the NY Fed has just been released. Based on the initial Port data, we’d expect a little bounce in here: Sure enough…
The Empire State Manufacturing index jumped out of decline and up to +10.8 in April after sagging to -24.6 in March. Consensus was this would be around -18 so a real upside blowout.
Although stock futures were a bit higher, from about here through the “Sell in May and Go Away” period, we will await a decline from which a traditional summer rally might arise.
Tomorrow morning federal housing data looms, followed by mid morning Wednesday energy numbers. Thursday features the Philly Fed report and new jobless claims. Except for Purchasing Managers Friday morning, this shapes up as a dandy long weekend candidate.
Funny Money Monday: Can Gensler last in Crypto land? Get Out Gensler: Congressman Proposes Bill to Oust SEC Chief ( (Wait! Does he have a wallet? Should elected officials have “secret money?”)
BTC was $29,586 at press time today. Since we notice a strong correlation between stocks and the crypto mania, a bit higher for markets at the open (S&P futures up 3-1/2). Our “temporal studies” darts keep landing on 2-3 hours of rally (to the European closes) but holding under Friday’s 4,161 level on the S&P. Then slipping lower feels possible. This is all for “entertainment” of course; never advice.
Into the Blender
War – maybe European, maybe Taiwan, maybe global – might be on our dance card for later this week. We are (tomorrow) in the heart of a period warned of by some “psychically aware” people. Plus, while G.A. Stewart puts the finishing touches into his next book about Nostradamus, we recall a certain amount of buzz that went to the notion of “war follows major rocket launch.” While Artemis has already flown, keep an eye on this one: How to watch the first test flight of SpaceX’s Starship – The Verge. Most powerful yet.
Wars to Preview: Pick a theater: US CENTCOM launches helicopter raid in northern Syria resulting in ‘probable death’ of ISIS senior leader. “Probable?” Hmm… Well, then, onto playing “chicken” at sea? US warship USS Milius sails through Taiwan Strait in ‘routine’ transit. And the Russia-China tie-up continues to worry us: Russia’s war on Ukraine latest: Russian critic of war jailed for 25 years | Reuters isn’t so worrying. Scroll down to the “Diplomacy” paragraph, though. Sometimes useful intel is buried.
Marginalized by media, you did catch the InfoWars story last week? Bombshell: Some 9/11 Hijackers Were CIA Agents, Declassified Court Filing Suggests.
The attack of Justice Clarence Thomas continues unabated. With stories like Clarence Thomas to formally disclose real estate deal with GOP megadonor 9 years after it happened – Raw Story Along with Clarence Thomas has been claiming thousands of dollars annually from a shuttered real estate firm. Remember, our prediction here is that by forcing Thomas out, he’s a conservative after all, the Biden administration hopes to knock out the conservative court before leaving office. Wait for it.
Government – Missing In Action – again/still: Google CEO Sundar Pichai warns society to brace for impact of A.I. acceleration. OK, who then?
ATR: Seasonal Menu Change
When summer eventually shows up, we transition off high carbs and onto salads and lighter fare. But, for now, I’m enjoying “transitional cooking” that included Chicken Marsala and a side of Alfredo last night.
Sure, seemed heavy (it was 86 here Sunday) but this morning the mercury kissed 40 so a few carbs were appreciated.
Off to focus on Wednesday’s Peoplenomics report. After studying The 12 Best Things to Buy in April (Plus 7 Things to Skip) ( Seems like we’re running out of time to fetch deals on air conditioners for the summer. Get ’em while they’re cold. I’m looking at a new 10,000 BTU unit for the office. New very quiet and more energy efficient that what I have.
Or I could work less.
Tough choices. Best not made on a Monday.
Ham Radio Note: Only four weeks until the Dayton HamVention! I keep hoping for a color touchscreen successor to the monochrome IC-7100 to come along…hear anything?
Write when you get rich,
Many thanks for the mention. Yes, it’s all fit into place now. This book was a little easier to organize since so much has happened in the last four years.
Trump was chased out of office and the war in Ukraine has begun. That was just what I wrote in 2019.
Regarding the Supreme Court; I suspect that there’s much more to come.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-81
Of the human flock nine set apart
Of judgment and counsel separate:
Their fate determined on departure
K., Th., L., dead, banished, astray.
From the initials given, “K” we are given two choices, Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan or Brett Kavanaugh.
“Th” is certainly Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
My choice for “L” is Loretta Lynch, Barack Obama’s former Attorney General.
Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 657
The danger of Wahhabist Islam is that one of its tenets is physical jihad; in other words, followers are expected to go out and physically convert non-believers, violently if necessary.
One then wonders how Wahhabist Michael A. D’Andrea got his security clearance to become chief of Counter-Terrorism of the CIA under Director John Brennan and Barack Obama.
George Soros has openly claimed, the West should allow over one million Islamic refugees per year. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban claimed that George Soros is involved in the Islamic migrant crisis.
The former Director of the FBI, James Comey was also a former HSBC board member. The former prosecutors of HSBC, Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder, both became Attorney General of the United States. Since HSBC was guilty and nobody went to jail, one can only make the supposition that Comey and Lynch were protecting HSBC’s drug cartel and terrorist money laundering operations.
As far as some of the 9/11 perps being CIA agents.
Former CIA director John Brennan is a Muslim convert.
CIA Chief of Counterintelligence Michael D’Andrea is a convert.
And King Charles III is rumored to be a convert to Islam.
It comes from the top. It’s a stacked deck, and they do not want people to know.
What we are seeing now is “Limited Hangout”.
I would take L to be L-ana Kagan
Which neatly resolves the Kavanaugh/Kagan initials.
I also have a minor nit with the collapse being April-March as wrong – I expect 11 months for this shit-pile to burn. I don’t think he’s got it wrong or reversed, but time will tell, brother.
If I were advising security for the SupCo I would not allow three justices gathering in one place…
I think you may be right on the April 2023 to March 2024 collapse… Actually, I’m really praying you’re right… Just go my first social security check…
But we are not out of the woods yet… if we can get passed this April 19-20 and May 10 without a “Big Something” happening, I could be a little more optimistic.
It all seems so fragile, I think it can fall to pieces overnight.
No doubt it could, Stu. But it’s the downside follow-through.
When the Sphinx was just getting wet not and then it was rain. But then the follow-through – long term water erosion hard to explain today…
the interesting part of that statement George is, I’m working in the valley of Enoch.
remember the quote at the top of ~ The Zero Report ~ Edition I.
Enoch being the grandfather of Noah.
moving through such phase transitions.. has me wondering how long by comparison will I been in Enoch prior to Noah?
if Enoch lived 365 years and I am in the valley of Enoch 365 days a whole year?
now Lamech lived 777 years. and I am now driving a Cat 777 off road Haul Truck aka Giant Tonka Truck. I’m driving a Giant 777 in the valley of Enoch. being switched to a Train. train number 950
in the valley of Enoch.
moving red dirt to find ore, like the image in a series of paintings called the “future of American” depicting a mining scene.
it’s alot to take in to consideration George. as always. I don’t say everything I see. just thought it fruitful as per your discussion with Stue and Path finder Bob’s discovery of that Cia release on the garden of eden time line of catastrophes preceding each new aeon written by A.I.
you can not write a better story than i am living. quite the adventure how it all lines up.
as the lady Said in my dream a while back.
“its all connected.”
it truly is.
Noah o course lived to be 950 years old. same number as the train I’m driving.
Lamech lived to 777 years old. same number as the Cat Heavy haul Tonka Truck I got switched too.
all in the Valley of Enoch.
which I quoted Enoch. at the in a report I wrote about the future.
which all marches a painting in a series of paintings called “The future of America”.
all around the time Stue puts together a quatrains that link to this period in time.
it’s large chunk to consider. it is for me.
Share your concern …
Unfortunately there are LOTS of different approaches to viewing the future that are coming up with the same “timing” data for this spring … and then this late summer /fall it is supposed to GET WORSE according to some of them (MUCH WORSE).
Whatever happens between now and the end of June is just the opening act of a multi act play, with the “REAL” excitement coming later in the play!! (per most of those other approaches).
I guess we just sit tight now for the next 60-70 days or so and see how life “develops”.
when considering the intelligence capacity and complexity of A.I. by comparison to my own Guides personal life’s trajectory?
A.I. is no match for THE DUDE. I have no doubt, that Artificial Intelligence could not even remotely come close to orchestrating such a flowing melody of living dynamic symbolism presented upon my life path.
no matter how smart it is. it will never be able to replicate THE DUDE.
I’m absolutely certain,
Divine timing to this degree can not be emulated artificially.
Hybrid solar eclipse Thursday April 20. Totality at 11:29am local (Western Australian) time.
Riddle me this…
More than 6,000 British military personnel will take part in the coronation of King Charles III, the U.K. forces’ biggest ceremonial deployment in seven decades on May 6.
May 6th is a Saturday. A week does not start on Sunday in the U.K., it starts on Monday. Therefore the 6th day of the week is Saturday.
How did he get his security clearance…lol lol lol well they gave a drug addict and someone with so many allegations to a variety of criminal activities .. the access and password to our files of top secret documents.. that eventually lost it all to possible foreign dogs and drug cartels..
why wouldn’t they give him a clearance..
The flesh will be torn from the bone,
limbs will fall and heads will roll
A tear will not fall, it will be done,
because it must be done
Fuck your feelings and Fuck your pride
Step aside!
I am vengeance I am fear, I am fire
I only have one desire
To see you torn apart, no I dont have a heart
I am
I am the messenger of death, I am a silent voice without a name
I am a bird high in the sky, I am a silent watcher in the gloomy night
I am the toothless hunter under the blue sea,
but still, I bite
still I write
this story of old
I have no choice, it must be told
I am without the fear
I am
I am very near
I have come to settle an old affair
I dont feel, I am
I dont bleed, I am
I don’t suffer, I am
I am the nameless one
I am The King, without a throne
I rip your flesh from the bone
I am the sword under the wet moon
I am, a bringer of doom
I am the scorcher of the fallen
I do not exist, yet still, I am
In misery I thrive, In fear I smile
I am,
I am, silent driver, looking for a cup of blood
my purpose is known
I came to tear flesh from the bone
I am
I am the one, nameless on the throne
So, fuck your feelings, and fuck your pride,
Step Aside! -HP
drip, drip, drip..
PS – Ayatollah Mike be long dead..shot his ass down over Trashganistan
feat knocked at Faith’s door. when faith answered. there was none there.
oo Nice.
to whome it may concern.
it’s the 3rd part that most people miss. Where the lady was judged to be stoned to death by law and Jesus says, “He who is without sin cast the first stone.” Jesus redeemed her from death. part 2, Then Jesus said. I do not judge you. The third part is the most important part. Jesus says, “Go and sin no more.” That is the place where the Holy Spirit enters. The sin no more part. Most people stop at the “he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” and settle for redemption. And discount the rest of it.
someone said to me, “All fall short of the Glory of God.” don’t you agree?”
I said after being the wretch that amazing Grace saved, Having received the Holy Spirit and all its gifts.
I am the glory of God.
Actually “the Glory of God” was a space shuttle. However if you said I am God, just not all of God, I would agree.
Keep at it, Stu. I keep a very close watch on your site and your interpretations of world events through the lens of prophecy.
Free power. Why not? Everyone who is riding a failed pension plan is getting the equivalent of free power, free eats too. They get free and we deserve free.
Recall the $1,000,000,000,000 banter regarding refunding school tuition for failed students, “School Loan Bailouts” they called it. The Hive said we don’t have the money. Then SVB fell into the drink. $1,000,000,000,000 was made a available over a weekend.
PG&E got bailout after consumers paid their bills. “Got to have power” they told us. We do need power, free.
“Everyone who is riding a failed pension plan is getting the equivalent of free power, free eats too. ”
NOTHING…. is free..they let you believe its free..that’s an illusion.
I understand the steak analogy. Anyone in the restaurant on a failed pension plan shouldn’t even be there. PG&E got bailout and now should pay the bailout back in free power. “Work it off in trade.”
Boeing is happening real-time, again. Boeing is missing deliveries resulting in Virgin canceling a board meeting because they need to know when there Boeing order will arrive and Boeing just can’t tell them.
Boeing will get more bailout later. They have to make payroll.
Does America need an airplane company or free power?
I don’t remember the last time I had a steak in a restaurant. It brings back memories of a better era on expense account.
“There” s/b “Their” “Sorry, replies to unapproved comments are not allowed.”
Virgin cancels investor meetings; waits for word on Boeing delays
“KTLA-TV uncovers in California power companies roll out fixed-rate bill proposal (
Reportedly, low-income people would pay for power at a lower price than people with higher incomes. ”
hmm.. see I don’t know about cali.. but remember a young exec. making just shy a quarter millions year qualifying for food assistance in cali.
in the wastelands wages didn’t go up.. they went up for new hires but hours were cut to even it out.
regular employees didn’t get an increase..
you have to have it..
1/4 mill isn’t that much anymore. Especially at the GSEs.
“The estimated total pay for a Retired at Boeing is $205,387 per year.”
– Jan 12, 2023
Exactly OOWS…. the issue is.. the average wage earner makes under fifteen dollars an hour.. or thirty six thousand and below..
Since the support of those on the top comes from the bottom.. then there has to be some give and take.. the EIC tax credit was one example.. the tax break goes to those that spends money..
our economy is designed around the velocity of cash.. old ceo’s and business owners realized that.. keep the work force strong and they stay.. less training and by making them feel welcomed as an employee that is part of a bigger family..
today that has switched.. most people lose their homes over medical bills.. the average wage earner has to work multiple jobs just to provide the basics..,general%20reluctance%20to%20spend%20money.
instead we are pushing the economy to become stagnant.. once that happens.. because our govt.. is spending on wars.. the infrastructure is crumbling instead we go to war.. so a few people that don’t even pay taxes can benefit from it..
AI isn’t actual ‘intelligence’. It’s just another damned computer processing 0s and 1s as it’s programmed to do. As we can see so far, it’s more GIGO.
What really needs to be solved is not Artificial Intelligence, rather natural stupidity.
That’s true.. A library with the ability to sort compound and evaluate. want to build a breeder reactor you can’t ask it outright but stage your questions and its all laid out just like a library..want to learn something its in the library…the issue thats scary is..the Neuro connections. and the ability to evaluate and change and act..
the good news is in playing with chat gpt lately..I’ve been able to ask questions that has had it stumped.. it took a half hour to answer one item.. but that was has hive technology and is learning .. come back later and ask it a different and similar question it took seconds to answer my question..had a friend ask it a question that should have stumped it and it spit out the answer it gave me thousands of miles away..
what it learns it shares it on the cloud and is accessible to another computer hooked up on the internet..and having access to both the light side and the dark web..with complete access to the cloud..
that’s what’s scary..
You’re right but try explaining that to the peanut gallery.
“AI doesn’t have to be evil to destroy humanity – if AI has a goal and humanity just happens to come in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it, no hard feelings.” Elon Musk
2001: A Space Odyssey – “I’m sorry, Dave.”
SpaceX BFR [ Big F___king Rocket] launch stopped with ten seconds to go., due to a pressurization problem in the first stage. 48 Hours before another try can be made.
Markets were up slightly at the open., but all have turned negative. Does not seem to be any momentum in either direction.
An unsigned ‘memo’ from JP Morgan over the weekend has a few people a little baffled.., in it, the writer is calling for immediate and continued selling into any rally., and we should be ‘zero’ in six to eight months – avoiding the pain. – A few days ago the head of strategy for JP Morgan said he see’s a 20%, or better drop in the S&P by years end.
Assholes talking their book – if Morgan be saying down 20% by years end I will take the other side and Go LONG. Thx
SPY = Higher Ground baby, higher ground..
or is it a Higher Love ?
Either way – the percentage Ure paying is too high priced..
Re: Zy Lai by Seymour
feat. “marginalized by media”
Iran’s PressTV picked up the Ukraine arms & oil corruption story by the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist of the My Lai massacre.
Re: Russia-China Tie-up
feat. Russian Easter egg roll vs. Oval Office
Here’s the skinny on a new yolk perspective. “France24” pictures the meeting between the Russian president along with the Russian and Chinese defence ministers. They were seated at the Big Table as seen in past Russian-Western engagements. However instead of being at opposite ends of the oval, this time Mr. Putin sat closely across from his distinguished guests across narrow breadth at the oval tables’s centre.
Btw, the Russian foreign minister Shoigu carries an interesting provenance besides sitting on Russia’s Military Industrial Commission. His eastern-Ukrainian born mother apparently endured hardships at the hands of nazi fascists during The Great Patriotic War. His father was an editor of Pravda and hailed from the central Asian repubic of Tuva (Tyva) whose territory was relieved from Chinese imperial hands just before the fall of the Russian Romanov dynasty.
I neglected to mention that the Military-Industrial Commission of Russia has a “professional holiday” in its honour, Gunsmith Day. It is celebrated on September 19th which coincides with the feast day of the Russian Orthodox equivalent to St. Michael the Archangel.
Stu – Please post here when your new book is available. Much appreciated if you would. Keep up the good work.
– First SS check? So., you are semiretired ??
“When summer eventually shows up, we transition off high carbs and onto salads and lighter fare. But, for now, I’m enjoying “transitional cooking” that included Chicken Marsala and a side of Alfredo last night.”
Is Fettuccini Alfredo a Traditional Italian Dish?
“Ma, how do you make Fettuccini Alfredo?”
“What? Who the hell is Alfredo?” she shouted back into the phone.
My heart sank.
Fettuccini Alfredo, as served in the states, is an American bastardization of an Italian dish, pasta bianca. When I was a boy, we called pasta bianca some pasta and butter with a little sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. It was my childhood comfort food.
Childhood ? Still is one of my favs/comfort foods, same with my 2 kids.
..trick is in utilizing a little water from the noodle prep/cooking pot in Ure sauce pan when melting da butta 4 da noodles.
PS: anything but Parm-Reggianno, is a violation .
Dam. now I have to go make some baked Pasta Bianca LOL LOL five cheese of course..
the biggest question I have is.. should I make the pasta.. or just use store bought pasta.. hmm big decisions..
I personally love the thumb pasta..
below is my favorite chef.. he is great.. osara recipes on you tube..
Food Ref: throws flag on the field – violation #69 LooB
store bot vs homemade is NOT a question, it is a cop out.
perhaps you are not familiar with old squeeze Julia ?
Da book is called the JOY of cooking, aint no “joy” in store bot, just constipation..stuck as it were. Bee needing some slippery elm just to get going if ya know what I mean. Pewp, its whats store bot is…huminahumina
Erma Bauer, not Julia did Joy of Cooking. Sheesh.
“that included Chicken Marsala ”
Ok.. do you have an old family recipe….. that you would like to share with a fellow foodie LOL LOL
I love italian food.. it is the best ever.. and the best alfredo sauce recipe I have I got from someone that also loved italian cooking.. and the best tomato sauce came from an old family recipe.. ( it is so good.. but dam fattening LOL)
George, you know Friday I was handed an opportunity to destroy someone. they handed it to me. could have destroyed a whole buisness. I was wronged out of $1500. so I asked about it. they sent me some text messages that were quite damning when all I did was ask. hey what about that? then out of anger they loaded a big bazooka in replies.
I took a step back. separating myself from the situation. knowing that. I need not react to their reaction. I wasn’t even mad. I just asked a question. they played stupid. I said really you are a smart man. then they asked me if I was looking for an enemy. which I didn’t understand why they would ask that. but when they did I knew they did some shady shit. then they proceeded to tell on themselves and make threats.
I could have completely destroyed them. and all their business associates. one blast on social media of screen shots. and it would destroyed their buisness and everyone associated with them.
I decided to grant them grace. I went in my hotel room and got on my knees and prayed for them. then decided to go to a little tiny town (population less than 500) and see what it was about. met a fella there and got to be the answer to his faith.
later that night another incident happened where I could have destroyed another person. but I chose to also grant them grace. and they apologized in the morning to me. I said no worries. I stood outside their hotel room. placed my hand on the wall of their room. and prayed for them. in the morning they were full of remorse. and I told them don’t sweat it.
in both cases had I let my selfish pride get the best of me and react in response to their actions. I’d have missed the opportunity to be the answer to someone’s (unrelated to the situations) faith and sacrificing my personal serenity and peace in the process.
I’m grateful, to see, I grown much.
In both cases I thought, is it better to be good or right. I chose to be good. not seeking any reward or accolades. other than recognizing where I’ve grown, spiritually and emotional maturity. not for karma or brownie buttons. but self worth. and not being willing to give up my gratitude for life, serenity and peace.
in both cases it was like dealing with a toddler who threw it’s sucker in the dirt. and I could have easily smashed them to “teach them a lesson.” instead I taught them “grace.”
again not because I’m such a great dude. or to boast. only because it seemed the better choice.
how important was it? really. was it worth loosing my gratitude and serenity? was it worth the sacrifice of being someones answer to faith?
hmmm…. being powerful and holding to that power.
not using it to destroy. but to edify.
when I woke up this morning. that old hymm song was playing in my head.
“way makers
miracle worker
promis keeper
light in the darkness
my God, that is who you are.”
have a wonderful day. don’t sweat the small shit. and it’s all small shit.
I am curious to know what the sleeping giant is under the read dirt in that image. since I’m here. living out the image.
hmmmmm. now if it’s an evil godless philistine? God will give me victory. the difference most people and myself is. I’m not afraid to die.
maybe the sleeping giant is immortality.
time for a nap then off to drive giant Tonkas. train on trains Tommorrow.
quite the adventure. would you agree George? 3 years ago I’m playing golf with PGA masters and hanging out with the Uber wealthy in Palm desert. 2 years ago, finding magic bullets a month before they go missing, hanging out backstage with Rock Legends and riding in elevators with the “richest man” in the world (on paper) this year I’m driving the largest dump truck in the world and now trains.
what is next? hanging out with super models at runway fashion shows in Manhattan. or be surfing on Australia.
I don’t know. but it could happen. anything is possible. and you can’t lose with THE DUDE leading the way. I’m just a horse, named cowboy in the race, that amazing Grace bet on.
I watched a movie yesterday on Netflix called “The old guard.” it’s about a group of Immortals that go through time and save people who go on to change the world in a very positive way. everyone they save later goes on to invent or discover a way to help humanity become better.
the leader of the Immortals name is Andy. play by a girl. lol
Andy is first Immortal (and lives 5000 years) and finds others who are immortal every 3 to 500 years. they all team up to rescue people by happenstance and chance. and all the people they rescue go on to change and impact the world in a positive way later on in life. and the end of the movie they all feel like they aren’t doing any good helping these people. but a person who was tracking then. shows them where the world could have been completely destroyed several times over had it not been that they reduced this person who went on to make this or discover this and alter the entire world’s trajectory. and then they understand why they were created Immortal. for that very purpose.
pretty cool movie. funny the main stars name is Andy. Even if it was cast as a girl. hahaha.
I highly recommend it.
see ya. time to be off the net again for a while.
got doge?
rescued this person and that person.
reminded me of “Save the Cheerleader, Save the world.”
wonder if that kartwheeler on the 4th floor will go on to do something great?
DUDE knows, that is good enough for me.
even tho, I’m definitely not a girl. hahaha and I don’t know If I’m immortal or not. I certainly don’t die. always come back for Moooore.
scroll on by gibberish. phone connections to buy treasury offerings of 5% bills notes or bonds, only microsoft internet connections.. ??????? My mistake of fascists banks and phone companys..????
Dang! What’s going on here? Apple is partnering with Goldman Sachs to offer savings accounts yielding 4.15%!
My first thought goes to a honey pot trap somewhere down the line. AI, CBDC requirements, who knows? There’s got to be a bait ‘n switch ploy here somewhere.
And related to the “brace for impact of AI acceleration” there was a
Really unbelievable interview on 60 min. last night 4/16/23 Watch it if you can and are not easily frightened. Here is a quick synopsis
And below is a response that appears approximately paragraph 4 and 5 in the article. (sounded a lot more ominous on TV)
CBS’ Scott Pelley asked, “You don’t fully understand how it works and yet you’ve turned it loose on society?”
“Let me put it this way: I don’t think we fully understand how a human mind works either,” responded Pichai.
Pichai is correct,” we do not fully understand how a human mind works”
It obviously does not work very well as would be evidenced by wars and mass shootings, BUT were stuck with it, cant re call the human mind. But the fact that we do not have a firm understanding of the human mind is certainly not an argument for releasing AI on the world.
AND I should feel comfortable with all my money in a digital wallet, controlled by compooters that have become the ultimate chess masters???? What could possibly go wrong.
WHO is going to work for who?? And then there is the pronoun issue, what pronoun do you use for a compooter or AI ?? You certainly do not want to piss them off by using the wrong pronoun. Maybe the correct pronoun is HAL.
Thank you. I was going looking for this, later today.
I like the part where the AI taught itself Bangladeshi instantly. “How did it do that?”
“I don’t know…”
What happens if AI becomes cognizant and decides to amuse itself by eradicating Mankind, NOT by “going Terminator” on our asses, but by inciting us to kill ourselves off. It could do stuff like convincing us that people of different colors or economic strata shouldn’t get along or that there are really 4096 different sexes of human beings and ne’er the twain should meet — maybe convince us we should all go through sex-altering therapy which has permanent sterility as a side effect…?
Just the headlines, again…
Congressional probe uncovers tie between Biden campaign, security letter dismissing Hunter laptop
Biden pledges to veto GOP bills to reverse DC police reform, ban biological males in girl’s sports
Seattle Public Schools hit with federal civil rights complaint for racial segregation
Alvin Bragg’s Worst Nightmare Just Hit Congress in the Form of the ‘ALVIN Act’
‘Algebra for none’ fails in San Francisco
Headlines, part 2:
DeSantis mulls new prison next to Disney World
Report: Disney Lost Over a Quarter of a Billion Dollars on Two Woke Failures
Border crossings surge 23% in March, nearing 200K
GOP shines light on Swiss billionaire’s role in U.S. elections during House debate
DeSantis Mega Donor Paying for Lies Against Trump
Gaetz introduces resolution to force Biden, Defense Department to disclose U.S. troops in Ukraine
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a resolution Monday to require President Biden to give the House all documents about military assistance to Ukraine and direct Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to disclose the number of U.S. service members deployed to Ukraine without congressional approval. Gaetz presented his so-called “privileged” resolution after Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira was charged under the Espionage Act last week… Among the documents allegedly leaked onto a Discord online group chat, one dated March 2023 shows that 14 U.S. special forces were deployed in Ukraine, Gaetz said.
Feds charge 40 Chinese police officials for repression efforts against U.S. residents
News of the charges comes the same day that the DOJ announced charges against individuals suspected of operating a clandestine police station in New York City on behalf of the Chinese National Police. The Department of Justice on Monday announced that it had charged more than 40 individuals, many of whom are members of the Chinese national police, in connection with transnational repression schemes to stifle the activities of Chinese citizens abroad.
Canucks take note: This is an issue on your side of the border, too…
“News of the charges comes the same day that the DOJ announced charges against individuals suspected of operating a clandestine police station in New York City ”
I believe that.. I totally can see that happening.. even in our village if there was not a police protection available or someone just said that the police was evil and took it away.. the residents would police the area.. just like they do on Halloween night.. get the fire department up and they patrol the streets to make sure the kids are safe..
When BLM and Antifa went about destroying the police departments many neighborhoods took up their own policing of their neighborhoods.. in Minneapolis I was told that the area floyd was killed in was so bad that the residents feared even going out after dark.. so the neighborhood took to themselves to police it..
saddly that is a two edged sword.. and I can see the chinese residents of a neighborhood seeking protection from people bent on hurting others..
that is exactly how it was in the wild west.. many times the outlaws were the police..
Picture, if you will, walking into a food joint. The waitstaff comes over to get your order. “How much money do you make?”
‘Thing is, you’re not obligated to answer, and until the Constitution and Bill of Rights are completely done away with, you can’t be compelled to answer.
That goes for CalEd, PG&E, and the other California utilities, too. They have no legal means of either acquiring a Californicator’s income information, nor getting a peek at the AGI line of anyone’s 1040. ALL tax documents are confidential, and that includes pay stubs and W-4s, and bank records.
Sure, seemed heavy (it was 86 here Sunday) but this morning the mercury kissed 40 so a few carbs were appreciated.
That sucks… I went to a cookout Saturday at my eldest’s and hid in the shade from the mid-80s temps and bright sunshine.
Today I shoveled snow…
This will either put me on folks’ nice list or shit list, but…
Need a new appliance? Try Nashville-based Electronic Express:
I don’t buy new stuff very often, but when I do, EE is on my list of places to visit…
Thanks for Sharing…I saved that one to my shopping list.. nice site.. I wonder what shipping is..
Free, for many things.