Systematic Trading – Early Rally?

A number of our readers did very well in the market action yesterday.  Our own (little) account was up a shade over 3-percent, which was nice, too.

But it reminded me there’s an underlying theme to how we trade that most people don’t have the patience to work out.  “One of these days, I need to write about that.”

That thing is “systematic trading.”  And this is the day to write it.

Get the Big Picture First

That is, having watched all markets – not just stocks – long enough to look for the intermarket correlations that can help you out-think randomness – use them.

As you may know, the market was down about 100 points on the Dow Wednesday. but earlier in the session, it was down much more.  In fact, I dropped out of a short position at 1:19 PM Eastern time.  If you look at the whole day actual (here) I think you’ll agree 1:19 PM was not a bad exit.  As I wrote in a comment:

“Portfolio is up a little over 3 percent for the day – time to knock off for lunch. May fill back in a bit this afternoon. I’m just old and lazy, maybe?”

Got to thinking about that and decided neither old nor lazy.  I just like predictability in trading.  Or, I’m out.

Guessing at Today

There was a moment today – at 5:49 AM – when it hit me.  In my personal trading systems, the price of gold was spiking up and the dollar dropped a percent, near enough.

My logic chain was simple and fast:

  • One Rule of Ure is that when the dollar drops, it MUST take more DOLLARS to buy a stock, index, ETF, or pretty much anything that settles quickly (in minutes).
  • Corollary: When it takes more Dollars, it means Gold, which is semi-stable, should go up.  Because, just like stock or index pricing, it will take MORE DOLLARS which makes the nominal price rise.
  • Adequate Idiots Indicator:  This indicator says “Watch the Idiots. ” They are fools, but useful indicators.  And with BTC dropping under $19,000 overnight, but showing early strength, we judge the supply of idiots is still high.  With adequate idiots, higher prices are more possible.

From here – and knowing the closing data from the market Wednesday:

  • Ure Closing Rule:  When there is a spike in price and volume UP on the close, beware for a lower opening.  The reverse is also true.
  • Closing Rule Exception 1:  However, the market does it things wrong, regularly.  So, if not certain of direction, await pre-open prices and data.
  • Option Week Rule:  Index options settle today.  The equities tomorrow.  Thus, a tendency toward one day High and One day low. Commercials will need to cover.  One or the other.

Which gets to a huge swing for the S&P which was down 20-ish early and then popped +10.  While similarly, the Dow -50 earlier popped +131.

From this we can throw our small handful p of thousand-dollar darts on a much more informed basis.

The interpretation as a tea leaf read would go something like:

  • The market was correctly seen at 05:49 and reversing higher.
  • Because of where our differential indicators point (multiple parabolic SARS and “dueling stochastics” with a side of MACD had started a downturn at the close, another run high is likely in the works and it should last at least 30-minutes, around an hour and 13 minutes, or just after the European close.

So, we then model ahead:

  • If this turns out to be the case, we might turn down today toward the close.  As the Index majors would have plenty of time, but perhaps hold it up to the close.
  • In any instance, my personal Rules of Ure greenlight re-entry into a short position as on balance volume and news flows warrant.
  • Our indicators will tell us when (or if) to enter the short.
  • Big Left Field Bad news is possible today.

There.  NOT saying this is how the day will work out, but once you evolve a set of wholly agnostic trading rules (and you genuinely care whether bullish or bearish) your trading can improve.

Systematic Thinking, down to point, is likely a very useful and highly under-rated aspect of investing.  Like any industrial process, you don’t toss in random ingredients and expect the same porridge!

Observe many markets and see how they interact with others.  No linkage is perfect (like BTC and the Dow) but it’s an “idea” that at least can be teed up as part of a pre-risk checklist.

This is not something that happens overnight.  And while we NEVER offer financial advice, we more or less constantly offer thinking advice.

Because if you don’t think, and if you don’t collect data, how can you be anything but hopeless when firing off random shots in all directions?

It’s bad enough that thoughtful investors deal with incompetent political leadership and crooked economics.  Once you start to understand how the financial mob works, though, it’s only then that you could even possibly consider throwing in with their ilk.

But pay off your bills and get a house tracking toward free and clear, first.  Because as of this morning our Aggregate of multiple markets is down 25.79 percent from November 8, 2021.

In a world full of change and war, scripted by political spinners, it’s useful to remember “paper won’t keep you dry and can’t be eaten.”  But a home with a good roof and a full pantry will always get you some ways into the uncertain future.  That notion has been working for thousands of years.

Legendary investor W.D. Gann talks about commissions as one reason not to trade too often – it used to cost money.  But around here, Gann’s second explanation of over-trading is most useful:

“Another important fact traders overlook is that the more times a man gets in or out of a market, the more times he changes his judgment. Therefore, the percentage of his being wrong increases.”

Which neatly says why in the long-term trend-following only works –until it doesn’t.  And why we are never wedded to a particular position (bull or bear) nor even to any particular vehicles (like stocks, commodities, gold or silver, or collectable guns).  It all goes up and it all goes down.  Even as the underlying value of America changes.

But I wanted to explain my thinking a bit.  Because except for a few headlines, there is almost no amount of ‘news’ (short of a flash of mushrooms) that will change my view of markets in the short-term.

So now (Mr. Windy tires) we get into this morning’s pile of “matters maybe.”

Besides the adventures of King Chuck III in the land of glee: Truss faces clamor to quit amid UK government chaos.  Another pounding ahead?

Philly Fed

Not a big deal – the dollar sagging and gold rising bringing indexes and commodities higher might mean a little more, but…

The diffusion index for current general activity edged up 1 point but remained negative at -8.7 this month (see Chart 1). This is the index’s fourth negative reading in the past five months. Nearly 24 percent of the firms reported decreases in general activity this month, while 15 percent reported increases; most firms (55 percent) reported no change. The index for new orders ticked up 2 points to -15.9, and the current shipments index was essentially unchanged at 8.6 in October, its lowest reading since May 2020.

This being options week, very little scheduled financial news is on tap.

We have been watching the ongoing attack on Elon Musk, though.  Including most recently Elon Musk’s Management Style Is a Threat to Global Democracy.  A point we don’t agree with, but since Musk as agreed to leave Starlink birds up over UKR, we trust the war party and affiliates will soon get off his case.  Or, he will pull the plug.  But since he knows the Biden goon squads would follow… jolly good entertainment, is it not?

What Else Matters?

F-35 crash up in Utah?  US Air Force fighter jet crashes in Utah. Notice Israeli media picked this up off a fighter wing site.  But to us, the fact that another one has crashed and it’s a problem-child bird (The Hidden Troubles of the F-35 | Defense News) perhaps something will come of it.  I keep thinking of Lockheed Martin as a paradox: Compact Fusion on the one hand and a flying squawk sheet generator.

Biden’s staff is insane.  Having learned nothing from outsourcing to China THEY are now working on an arms deal with Taiwan: Taiwan, U.S. mum on reported plan to jointly produce American weapons.  Having American arms produced anywhere but on U.S. soil is so stupid as to be traitorous, as we call it.

Disappointing Durham:  We often wondered if there was a “control file” being held over Durham’s head during his grand jury work:  Conservatives Crushed by Durham Probe Failure: ‘Unbelievably Disappointing’.  Worst of it is, most of the perps are money ahead from where they began their capers.

Hard selling his infrastructure plan: President Biden to discuss infrastructure at Fern Hollow Bridge during visit to Pittsburgh.  Gee, I was hoping he’d stay as the new troll under the Fern Hollow bridge.  You know, to compete with the Fremont Troll in Seattle, kind of thing.

Battle over Kherson is coming.  Ukraine enforces rolling blackouts to conserve power as Russia attacks infrastructure – Main question is when will it flash?  Guess we will know when it does.

Oh – a UFO tracking job opening? 

AARO Senior Intelligence Collection Officer
Joint Duty Number:OUSDI-22-0056U
Location:Virginia-Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church
Start Date:11/7/2022

Job Ref Number from Vacancies (

Write when you get rich,

64 thoughts on “Systematic Trading – Early Rally?”

  1. WEM ?

    3-D printed Meat, Steaks, Burgers..our collective future.

    How do think they are going to sell this technology ? centralized, like Ure “stinking” Government and USD..Stink,Stank,Stunk .


    DeCentralization – send the “data” to the 3-printer/replicator in Ure Kitchen. It (steaks) will come in the form of an NFT that you can purchase “copies” of.. endless possibilities.

    I aint blind, but I dont like what I think I see..-M. Mcdonald-DB’s

    • Don’t overlook the bugs. Schools in Australia and Britain already feed the kids bugs. That is changing the perception of eating bugs.


      Aaron Thomas, [28], and Leo Taylor, [28], from Islington, London, will appear on Channel 4’s ‘Aldi’s Next Big Thing’ on Thursday 20th October.

      The duo, who launched Yum Bug edible insect recipe kits, were picked from hundreds of applicants competing for a life changing contract to stock Aldi stores nationwide.

      “Aaron says: “We’re on a mission to change perceptions of insects as food; they’re one of the most sustainable protein sources in the world.

      “Crickets are up to 70% protein, which is 3 x the amount of protein found in beef. They’ve also got more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, and the list keeps going. They are an incredible superfood.

      “We want to take bug consumption mainstream. If we’re able to get in front of Aldi’s audience, that would be an amazing opportunity.””

      • Recently bought a small pack of dried crickets being sold at grocery check stand just to show my customers. Salt-n-Vinegar!
        $2.39 for one gram! Pass me the pepperoni!

      • Thank God there’s no Aldi’s in NM!

        Protein is a term for ordered polymerized amino acids of many subtypes. Proteins can be lethal, or very beneficial. Some short ones act like hormones. They are very versatile. Much of a bug’s protein is Chitin, which promotes inflammation and negative effects on the human body. Perhaps bug proteins can be economically hydrolyzed and formed into balanced amino acid supplements, and perhaps they cannot be. Until I’ve seen bug products that pass my intuition and logic tests, they will remain outside the temple of my body, just like the vaxx!

    • OMG! First I’ve heard conjugation since 3rd grade! Did you know kids aren’t required to be able to conjugate anymore? Probably don’t teach multiplication tables either!
      Anyway, thanks!

      • Most teenagers conjugate with members of the opposite sex. They can multiply without even knowing how to count.

  2. Knowledge and Power. Knowledge and Power. Knowledge and Power.

    Day 12 today working 7 days a week.

    I read through your last several posts to gain an understanding of the core message. I have school another reading not just for me but for my love, before we move in together. Wendy Kay is by far the most accurate personal future reader I’ve ever seen. I’m way more accurate on the world scale.

    It’s truly a gift to understand the long sight. I asked DUDE about upcoming events in my new chapter. You know what he said? Because I found that skate board with the forge trucks. The bottom of it the image the Great Blacksmith. He said you will ride above the image not below it. Them in meditation he reminded me of the 9mm Bullet I found on the ground in Lumen Field by the pod, in the parking lot. 6 weeks later mass shootings acceoss the country except a 9mm gun was found in the security pod. When located who it belonged too. He came and got it. I will never forget what he said, ” well I fucked this job up. They will he pissed.” Nobody noticed said “they will be pissed” I never asked him who “they were”. Eveyone else there. All the big wigs said we are thinking it was them he meant. But that is not who he meant.

    Then he said, hey a bullet is missing. Did any of you take a bullet out of my gun. Everyone said no. I said I might have it in my office. He said yeah right. Not believing me. And I had his missing bullet in my office. I found it in the same exact spot it went missing. 6 weeks prior to it going missing.

    So when I asked DUDE, because there is some pause for concern about this new chapter and my love moving in with me. He reminded me, you shall ride above the chaos. And he reminded me of finding the bullet 6 weeks before it went missing, and the stopping of a potential mass shooting event. DUDE could have picked any other story to jog my mind. I have hundreds of thousands of examples such as these True to life occurring events, anomalies in the matrix.

    Sometimes I do stuff and have no idea why I did it. Only to find out later it was to link some future event or stop it from happeng. And I don’t need a crow bar George.

    I have
    Knowledge and Power.

    Hmmmmm I look forward to Wendy’s read.

    • And that was my point in PN in the quantum part -= we never know what a new timeline will birth that brings it all back to center and on plan.
      It’s really graceful and really hard to keep your head wrapped around.

      • ISTM the timeline is irrelevant. If God is God, He knows in advance which timelines will be selected, and when, thus His plans and the prophetic statements made by True Prophets will absolutely come to pass. I believe “No Man may know…” has many applications within the Realm of the Almighty, and I tend to relegate [to the “propaganda pile”] anyone who professes to know God’s timeline, or any specific part thereof.

        BTW Andy, never, never, never handle anything with your fingertips, which you do not completely control. I always handle other people’s guns with the crotch of my hand (thumb & index finger) and I do not close on the grip, trigger, or rest a finger on the receiver. If I shoot someone else’s gun on the range, I wipe it down before giving it back. Even if you have nothing to hide at this point in time, never create a path where your past can come back to haunt you…

    • You thing about that story I Never told you about dude? That dude worked directly for me and about 5 months prior to hiring him, I was a friends house and he handed me that pistol. Showed it too me. It had my finger prints on it. I hired him because he was a friend of a friend.

      Whoever “they were” because he was wearing rubber gloves the day the pistol was found and bullet went missing. If would have went on shooting spree in the stadium and dropped the gun and got away? It’s quite possible they would have found it with my finger prints on it.

      I kept that part to myself. Until now. I am very much aware.

      Pretty interesting. Eh?

      Could have been nothing. But it could have been everything. Glad Nobody got hurt.

      But DUDE made sure that wasn’t the case. I never told that part.

      So what ever they are plotting next? I am assured of victory.

      Nobody can undo the will of DUDE.

      • Also FYI: Seattle has the worst quality of air in the world right now because there hasn’t been rain since August and the forest fires are still sending smoke everywhere. My jobsite because where I’m hauling Too is exactly 44 miles from the base of Mt Rainer got just down yesterday because of the smoke. But it will rain an inch on Friday.

        Not sure what the day count is on how long it’s been since it rained. Over 60 days. All things being relative.

        Nobody, not even me, can stop the will of DUDE upon me and my life. I’ve tried and always end up exactly where I’m supposed to be. Because DUDE knows shit I don’t.

        To whome it may concern,
        Honestly if rather we not continue to play this game. You will lose. It has nothing to do with how strong I am or how cool I am or gifted I am. DUDE is the author of life and long before you existed HE knew your plans. And it will not fare well for you. It will definitely go according to HIS script for life.

        When DUDE speaks it? It is so.

        And when you cross the other side after mortal death. I will face you see. And nobody gets past the gate without the proper credentials. No matter what they offer. Or by DUDE saying so.

        Sigh….. even my mistakes work to DUDE advantage. Because I only seek to do HIS works. Not for anything other than HIS purpose.

        So let us be done with this.



    • “The Russian top diplomat recalled that the United States “actively prepared” and Europe “responsibly accepted” the coup in Ukraine, which was “carried out under Nazi slogans.”

      “This means one thing: the West has sided with those who want to revive Nazism. We’re moving on from that even now. Every day we see many confirmations of our assessment,” Lavrov continued.”

      Why is it many of us at George’s sites saw this as it happened and recognized most of Lavrov’s contentions as truth, at that time, yet the vast majority of the military/media/political complex refuse, at least in public, to acknowledge it, even today…?

      • Because people who read UrbanSurvival are a little better at reading the data and now the levels of bullshit and spin cobbled up by liars in State who wouldn’t know whether to pet it or kill it should Truth come along?

  3. Having military weapons manufactured in Tiawan, I wonder if 10% of that is going to the “big guy” Biden. Outsourcing our military hardware to be manufactured outside of the US, is stupid and dangerous for the country. But that’s the way the dem’s roll, do anything to help destroy the US.

    • they would be weapons for taiwan to defend against china, faster and easier to build them there than ship the completed weapons there. the other option is for the weapons to be assembled in the US with taiwanese made parts. you’d actually have to read the article to know that though.

      you should be thanking biden for the CHIPS act which is bringing back chip production domestically, more jobs and more investment in high tech mfg. now wafer companies are spending tens of Billions to build plants in the US.

      187 republicans in the house voted against it. who hates the US?

    • 10% of everything flows to the “big guy”. And I believe that includes all the “aid” being pumped through Ukraine. Biden is nothing but a grifter and a poser. It’s what he’s been up to since entering public office so many decades ago.

      • The lawyer gangs run their operations like multi-level marketers, in partnership with the brown-shirt corporates. The partisans get greased (or decorated as is the traditional genteel southern term) for looking the other way, and opening doors. Worthless, middle-men leaches who back up their skim with gang judges and secret police use false witness and partisan gang stalking to destroy citizens who won’t knuckle under to their brown shirt network. Lived it first person.

      • trump foundation, trump inc, trump u. hen biden and his amily are ordered to not be fiduciaries for any non profits for years come back and whine. how do you handle living in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance?

  4. Durham – How much of these results are the result of the jury pool available. We know that many are unable to leave their personal political beliefs behind when deciding legal actions. I have come to accept someone that public agrees with democrat policies will likely never get a significant penalty if using a Jury in a major city. It is sad, that the legal system does not provide equal justice and it appears harsh justice is only applied to those that disagree with the prevailing woke politics.

    The rioters of Jan 6th is a perfect example against the rioters of Jun 2020 that attempted to invade the white house.

    The Jan 6th rioters have been treated pretty harshly, which I generally agree for those that were violent, i don’t agree to harsh treatment for trespassing. The Jun 2020 riots were barely even mentioned after they occurred even though 50 secret service agents were injured. I have no idea actually how those rioters were treated, because they got very little media or follow up news. But I suspect there was very little in the way of punishment or isolation in jail or no knock raids.

    • sorry Joe, you’re fake news. trump unleashed mounted police, rubber bullets, helicopter downdraft and tear gas on peaceful protesters all in order to get a picture taken of him holding a bible. admit it, you get warm n’ snugly from authoritarians.

      “In a massive show of force, federal law enforcement officers fired rubber bullets and chemical gas at peaceful protesters outside the White House on Monday evening as President Trump appeared in the Rose Garden to threaten the mobilization of “thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers” to quell “lawlessness” across the country. The sudden use of force left early protesters bruised, bleeding and in shock. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, said she had no idea “that they would be clearing [the area] with gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop, holding a Bible, one that declares that God is love and when everything he has said and done is to inflame violence.” “I am outraged,” Budde said.”

      don’t whine about the WP. do your own research.

      • I say let the insurance claims – passed on to all of us – make the call. Seems from memory there were lots of smoke and violence events linked there. Jan 6’s main impact was scary Nancy and Chuck, plus giving the left a sorely needed something to bitch about for four years during which other than start wars they don’t have much soap to sell in 24
        Cept Hunter, of course.

  5. I am slightly biased to the down-side of trading., as the “take-off tools” work a whole lot better than the “put back on” tools. I trade exclusively in options. Usually in multiple sets, crosses, butterflies., etc.., and one, or two of my own strategies. Have for a few decades. My slight down-side bias has worked for me., but I am cautious and weary of my preference – which is a good thing.
    I wish more small traders like myself would pay better attention to the gold / dollar / market correlation. It is a very good piece of trading info. ., and I for one, will take all the info I can get.
    My ‘Aggregate Index’ is down 26.15% since the November high. [ Markets never crash from their highs] I built my Aggregate Index many years ago after reading a financial article in which the writer mentioned “A guy out west” had built a personal index combining several stock indexes to get a better picture of the over-all market condition and direction. I thought that was brilliant., and I am brilliant – so why didn’t I think of that!? Turns out “that guy out west” was Ure. Mine appears / is a little different., and I have added a couple of math formulas and different indexes data to the charting, so we do get a different read., but only in the actual numbers., not the over-all picture., and mine loads up / shows in candlesticks. So.., I do have you to thank for that ‘brilliant’ piece of info gathering. Thank you ! [ a few years late.]
    I am a little leery of the markets right now. If you watch the options boards, there are a lot of shenanigans being played out. .., and a lot of them are deliberately misleading. To a new trader it looks like this is the way to go – look at all those call buys.., but it is not.., and there is an awful lot going on right now – bad Juju.

  6. Shortest tenure ever..??
    The pound gained as much as 1% during Thursday’s session, which saw Liz Truss give up her role as the UK’s top leader after just 45 days.
    Has any Prime Minister had a shorter time in office? The UK has sure fumbled the ball., a lot lately.

    • “Has any Prime Minister had a shorter time in office?”


      There’s a grassroots movement to bring Boris back. I’m pretty sure it won’t work. Apparently, the Brits, too, have figured out you can’t have had a skeleton in your closet, at any time, and still run for high public office, unless you’re a Leftist and your handlers also own the media.

      • Liz jump’t into the deep end of the pond with Queen Mary sized weights strapped to her feet. If she’d gone into the job “slow & steady,” she might have been around for a while…

  7. George, as to rooles:

    Today / tomorrow being OpEx raises risk (potentially along with gains). To add any kind of certainty one would have to know where the “bigs” want to “pin” (desired outcome) the closing price. That’s less doable with an Index vs Individual security but … it’s done, like clockwork, especially on Individual names. Of late there have been many days where the notional value of options traded exceeded the notional value of the underlying. Often sophisticated options plays are designed to develop gamma. That means $omething. Best suggestion? Avoid OpEx and place momo bets the other days (week, months). Or, go to the casino.

    BR, Egor

  8. Still hearing whispers of Black Monday out there ….
    I’m sure it’s just rumors ….
    But, then again …
    Probably just wishful thinking from
    This bear who is still shorting this market (and making lunch money since Tuesday morning) …
    Obviously not trading advice!
    After all, I’m in Vegas Baby

    • We’ve all be dragged in with you due to traitorous ignorance of the Constitution’s directive that the government – not a banker cabal – define our money. Too late – and paradoxically, the Fed may yet save America’s bacon – which would be a wonderful non sequitor.

  9. ‘traitorous to make U.S arms in Taiwan’??
    G, your populist protectionism stance doesn’t work in the global theatre, better we get ‘the brain drain’ from Russia and China:

    The world prefers to buy U.S. arms, over Russia and China:

    No wonder Russia arms export falling, their biggest problem is ‘brain drain’:

    Same for China, half of China’s ‘brain drain’ chooses the U.S.:,to%20the%20U.S.%20That's%20right.

    Between Northrp Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed, we are still the world’s largest arms exporter:

    Plenty of arms jobs stateside:

    You still bummin’ boutcher’ Aug 17 Peoplenomics prediction that China would be attacking Taiwan on Oct 17th?

    • It works in the SANE world, lady. It only doesn’t work because America has been sold out from within.
      We were once the beacon of creativity and making shit happen. Today, just a bunch of woke/jokes to buy somerone else’s shit that may or may not be certified bug free in a meaningful *(imprisonable) way.
      You’re far to anxious to believe the big lies of globalism.
      So when I count, open your eyes.
      3 – 2 – 1…

    • The simplest and easiest way to enforce domestic production is for the military to demand that all contracts mandate made in America for all parts, from mining to all phases of manufacturing. If all the weapons manufacturers, along with ancillary equipment, were forced to do that, we’d build up domestic productive ability. We’re not even trying! We hardly need to pass a bill to underwrite chip Fab construction – just refuse to buy unless it’s made here. Obviously there might be some minor exceptions, but a real leader could minimize them.

  10. “Oh – a UFO tracking job opening? ”

    I’m building a 1.6 GHz signal detector… ala ‘Skinwalker Ranch’ signals detected when UAPs appear. But I will not be sharing it with GS goons. Funny synchronicity here… a friend just forwarded me a GS-15 level ‘secret clearance’ job opening for a telecom engineer in Honolulu. But I will have nothing to do with government clearance crap anymore. I have no doubts ‘they’ are still following me after my mil service half a century ago.

    • I know some of the folks over that way – some damn fine filers on the tip of America’s spear. I share your “things we knew when younger” paranoia, my friend.
      And I just took delivery of a discrete SDR and will be wiring it up on a linux box and setting out one of those low coat 1.7 quadrufilar antennas. Yessir, great minds, same thinking.

      We might even end up running parallel experiments with various solid-state devices and pump them off a 1.5 gh sig generator while they are on thin threads in a still bottle.
      If there’s RF odds are they are using it to pump an effect and if you follow Dr. Ron Mallet’s excellent work, might be a way to pump RF to generate the kinds of fields they are going fishing for…

      • Just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean they are not following me. Six years after my discharge, working in a TV master control room, the janitor let a ‘man in black’ into the premises when he asked for me. In the control room, he said he was from the ‘government security agency’ (didn’t say which one)and asked if there was a private room where we could do a ‘security interview’. He wanted to take me out of an operating TV control room that I was in charge of! With my headset mic ON so other crew could hear me, I went off on him and said in no uncertain terms “NO”, and if he wanted to interview me he could do it after work, at my home… which I’m sure he knew where it was. He was taken aback and fumbled something about not being able to stay around that long. I pointed him to the front door and told him to go out the front way, not out the garage! Shortly after he left, the production director came into the room looking a little shaken at my outburst and asked if he was FBI or what. I said ‘worse’… government security.

        I have friends that work in govt. and sometimes need security references. The goons always find out that I ‘know’ someone and contact me properly for a security clearance interview on someone else. I always comply, knowing my friend’s job is on the line, but I am always aware that ‘they’ are also checking up on me and what I am employed at. Once you have been ‘IN’ the security apparatchik you are never ‘OUT’, despite losing clearance and job. They track.

  11. you see the thing is George, she is afraid to come over. but she is madley in love with me. she is afraid because her ex terrorized her had Freinds on the dark web destroy her and terrorized her for 2 years. beat her into submission. he said if I can’t have you? nobody will. broke her will. hacked naked pics off her phone and sent them to eveyone she knew. creating fake Facebook accounts and sending them to people asking for money for sex. then screen shot that stuff and used it in court to take away her child from her.

    she is terrified of what will happen if she moves over with me.

    and she is my version of Elaine for you.

    what nobody knows is her and my union completes the sets of master numbers. creating eleven 11’s, twenty two 22’s and thirty three 33’s between her numerological paths star charts and mine. it also a perfect circle of 360 degrees.

    you said crow bar. if she was Elaine and you were me? what would you do George? would you walk away? could you walk away?

    because she said he will do everything to destroy you like he did to me. he won’t let me have anyone. not even my daughter unless it’s on his terms. he has already done it to other men who tried.

    you remember when you asked me. why are those rich people being so nice to you and giving you presents? you said be careful, george.

    you remember the story right. when I Spokane I meditated evey day on “wolf hill” because there is a stump there that looks like a wolf. the day I was leaving to go to Palm Desert then on to Huntington Beach to stay at a rock stars house. go to school to become a housing inspector had a job offer from a rich person in California making 500k a year. a little heart eyes emoji sticker floated in the window and landed in my lap. I looked up. and she ran by. I had no idea. who she was. if she was married or gay, what her name was or any of that. never seen her before that day.

    then I stuck the sticker to my speed ometer and drove all the way to California to start my new life. when I got there. I sat one morning and thought I’m going to make more money than I’ve ever made in my life, living in a famous rock stars house, surrounded by rich friends and beautiful women.

    and I looked at that little heart eyed emoji sticker on my speed omiter and I remembered the girl ran by. I went in the house got hit by massive siatic nerve pain. so bad I was in the fetal position for an hour. nothing could take away the pain. I couldn’t leave I was stuck on the floor. I meditated, got up, packed my shit and drove back because of that sticker and girl who ran by me.

    I drove straight there. only stopped for gas. when I got there I went to the same spot. wolf hill. I prayed and meditated and my siatic nerve pain went away. when it did. that little heart eyed emoji sticker that was stuck to my speedometer the whole time. a breeze came in and blew off, I looked and it was her again. she ran by and it stuck to her shoe.

    3 months later I met her at a friend’s BBQ.

    and now we are here. she is madly on love with me scared as f of her ex and we are moving in together. if she comes over. she wants too. but I don’t know yet. I have only the picture I can see.

    this is 100 factual truth. you can’t even make shit up like this. it’s so much bigger than my imagination. you known me a long time. she said he has these people on dark web that will destroy us. I said I have friends in Texas.

    and the powers that be have been trying to kill me along time. I’m still here and some of them are not.

    Iv had that set up done to me with the shooter more times than I can count. I’m still on my path.

    let it be said. when I was offered the kingdoms of the world, living with the rich and beautiful women? after my life was destroyed by my ex wife? I chose love over money. I chose love over a life of luxury and riches. even I fail with her. I still chose love over money and fame and fortune. if i am destroyed in this union of the master numbers and completion of a 360 degree circle. I still chose love above all that was offered. and was offered alot.

    and If I should fail with her. if can’t make it. there will be no golden age because the circle was not complete. that is my understanding.

    what you do George? if she was Elaine? I’m going for it. and trusting DUDE will handle all the issues before the ever begin.


    • It is the single greatest act of faith in my life this far. To turn my back and everything presented and drive 1900 miles because of an heart eyed emoji sticker and a girl I had no idea who she was or anything about her.

      And now we are here.

      • “you see the thing is George, she is afraid to come over. but she is madley in love with me.”

        phew..I shouldn’t even be commenting on this but here is my opinion…. because you are a wandering spirit.. here today gone tomorrow. you should proceed with utmost caution… being sexually attracted to someone isn’t love young man.. it is sexual attraction.. love and commitment come after time and the trials that relationships bring forward….the give and take of life.. what you do for her and what she does for you the time when the future you both have becomes the common path. but be cautious.. not so much for you but for her sake.. she has had a horrible relationship ( I am going to guess it is like the friend of my daughter that I have known since she was a child) and has been broken,scared and leary.. You have had many true loves in the short period of time I have known.. If your wandering lust moves on because you feel that the future is in another spot and you seek a new active and exciting life in another location.. you could destroy her self image even worse than it is already. I am going to guess she needs some stability and reassurance at this juncture in her life that she is a good woman and she is worthy of love and respect and someone that will work with her towards a common goal.. .. …. if you are sure she is the one and you are willing to make a commitment to be there for her to work with her enjoy the good and bad times then move forward.. If not then enjoy the few physical comforts that you both seek as temporary pleasures.. she more than likely has already categorized that and positioned her psych to accept that at this point in her life for her to put your relationship in another category would be dangerous to her…… if she was my daughter I would be cautioning her to be careful.. your to much of a wandering spirit and for some woman to expect you to be other than that before you are ready is just fooling herself.. a young lady ( well close to your age but still young to me ) has had one after another of the same wandering spirits enter her life over and over again.. she is emotionally leary her self image is damaged and they have taken a tole on her life….Shes had ex’s that have done the same thing to her that your lady has had done to her.. she says.. you love who you love.. I said it is sex who you want to have sex with.. but keep it at that.. run if you find someone that trips your triggers and you imagine a life long relationship….because all the guys that have entered her life have that nomad spirit..

    • You have to go for it, of course. The heart goes where we’re consciously afraid to on our own, sometimes.
      Let us know (and a word to the Dude – make it great!)

      • I had a word with DUDE about it. He said, we don’t puppies for shitting on the floor. Because that is what puppies do until they learn not to.

        Then I talked to her. And she made me promise her not to hurt him because for all his faults he is still her daughters father. So I said. I don’t go looking for flights honey. And most of the time I just people fuck themselves up. Anyone who has stood against me in life has almost always fucked themselves up without much effort on my part. She I know you. I know how gifted you are and how DUDE watches over you. So I gave her my word. I won’t attack. I will defend. I will give many chances but if someone begging for it. I will give them their fill. I said I will defend you and her and not take action unless he hurts either of you. I gave her my word. She knows when I give my word. It means true.

        Honestly I think DUDE will handle it.

        I’ve personally seen THE DUDE unleash a whirlwind of hell fire destruction on people who have intentionally tried to harm me. Good for them. It’s a hard lesson to learn. Have to savor the sorrows of living as much as the good times. That is the flavors of life. I’ve seen it happen alot. I’ve seen DUDE give them as much rope and they think, nothing will touch me, then Bamn! Everything goes to shit in a short period and they are holding a sign on the side of an onramp and living in a tent.

        You know the thing about this last thing with the magic bullet and the friend of a friend who was wearing latex gloves and brought a gun to the stadium that had my finger prints on it. The laundry girls showed up on the wrong day or it would have went down.

        I do appreciate the well thought out and patience that came with such a plan. Even though it didn’t happen. And some one magically transported a 9mm round back 6 weeks and left it in my path to find. I still can appreciate how marvelous the planning was to create such an act. And not taken it personally.

        It was actually way better of a plan than when a “friends” brother was going to go rob a cartel guy, who’s house has tons of cameras around it, for 100 racks. Not tell me what his plan was and wanted me to just drive him somewhere in my car as a favor plus gas money. Meet me at this house by 7. So you know what I did. I let his brother borrow my car and drive it around town all fay and I showed up in his brother’s truck. And he said where is your brand new 300? I said oh your brother love it and wants to get one too. So I let him borrow it and I figured I’d just his truck. The look on his face. Because he would have got away and there my car was on camera license plate and all. Completely clueless. And the cartel don’t fuck around. They come in the house with chainsaws and then ask questions. You should have seen the look on his face. He stuttered. Then said. I had something else come up. I said okay cool. Have a good night.

        The magic bullet was way better planned than that. I appreciate that well thought out strategy.

        Im tired of the game. Let’s not play it anymore. Let’s call it good. Because in the end, you will see me on the other side. And everyone’s clock is ticking right now.

        And I know dam well you would not trade Elaine for all the tea in China. It was a rhetorical question, I’m sure you knew that.

        I already know you have my back. I sent you that picture of the Texas license plate on the whitw Dodge truck that had a bumper sticker that said, we got your back.

        Oh look the rain. It’s been since July 4th since it’s rained. THE DUDE is good to me. So good. Truly, ______________________

        Not to worry George. Not a worry in the world. Today is page one of chapter 10 of my life. I’m excited to see all that I get to live through and experience.

        You know what some crazy person told me a while back. They said you remind me of that movie Joe Black. Where Death goes into a person’s body so Death can understand life and love and all that.

        I laughed. You think I’m Death? They said only Death could not die. And you don’t die.

        I said huh. Never thought about that. What a peculiar thought.

      • I like you andy.. anyone that goes by the name big daddy yum yum has got to be liked.. but I still say proceed with caution.. you have a good heart andy.. the dude has blessed you many ways.. the only issue I see is long term commitment.. and she needs someone to commit to her.. be her hitching post..For her to lasso the shooting star would only hurt her emotionally more than it already is.. you of course on your journey would not see the effects of the long term emotional damage a shooting star can have on someone that is fragile and vulnerable.. so please be careful..

      • “I had a word with DUDE about it. He said, we don’t puppies for shitting on the floor. Because that is what puppies do until they learn not to. ”

        Now this post is where I thought your head shoulda been, yesterday. If God says she’s The One, then don’t you dare leave her alone and unprotected. You don’t NEED the Internet because you are fully capable of living in the Alaskan outback. Therefore, if you’re careful, there is no way a “black hat” can cancel any part of you. Men who physically dominate women are cowards. They fight like rats, viciously, but not very well — as you already know. Don’t turn your back and you’ll be fine…

    • May THE DUDE protect and enrich both of you! How many different ways must he show you…”She’s the ONE.” ? So be it.

  12. Unbelievable. Nah beleiveable . 73 admits he supports evil and uses it to trade . Sick . That’s the real sick

  13. Another thing is to mention gann . He was not around when the markets where so rigged and manipulated . Insert all your ideas

  14. Re: Humpty Dumpty


    Wilt not, lettuce begin. At 2:00 am cst, 08:00 am bst Wednesday, I had a dream of a concrete building rolling over on its side. I woke up and had a great day, and hope you did too.

    Yesterday was 100 years to the day the Carleton Club Meeting in London toppled the coalition government of Sir Joseph Chamberlain, half-brother of future PM Neville Chamberlain. King George V could not put Humpty together again. Britain’s only Canadian-born PM won the ensuing general election for the conservatives and governed a 20th century record shortest 211 days.

    The chair of the UK conservative party’s 1922 Comittee has promised a new leader and PM by next week’s October 28th. Others may be taking reflection that day for the 234th anniversary of the arrival of the Royal Navy’s HMS Bounty to Tahiti in search of breadfruit. One wishes thoughts of fruitful plentitude to Christian endeavors.

    Speaking of interesting times, Chinese media CGTN has picked up the press release from state oil giant CNOOC. Apparently the government has certified a first “deep,deep” natural gas find at Baodao (Report) 21-1 in the South China Sea with purported reserves of 50+ billion cubic meters in the field. Doubtless letters of profuse thanks are enroute from Beijing to Washington as one of America’s largest gas importers from 2017 to 2021. Back to France24 and more from them on the backlog of loaded lng tankers off the Iberian Peninsula…

    God save the King!

      • Careful I got Facebook jail for saying fuck the government of Canada. My comment was deemed racism against Canadians. 3 Facebook jail.

        Fyi: she is set, things are in motion, the path is being cleared. All is well. That is what I was told.

        Let it rain. Let it rain. Let it rain.

        You can say that 3 times. I just did.

        Today is day 15 of work. Tomorrow the Who and the 3 owls. One on the power line whose eyes flashed like stars, one on the tree who flew over me, and one the next to me, with eyes that see your soul.

        Three wise men. Three owls, The Who, and me at 3. Making a perfect triangle with me in the center. God, Unity and service. With the full moon looking down on us all. And the Belt of orion looking down on the moon and us all.

        What a Geand adventure life is! What a Grand Adventure! Savor all the flavors of life. From the Joy’s to the serenity, to the sorrows, to the hilarious moments, to the tende soft touches, to the gushing moments of Love, to the adrenalin dump of free falling, to the quite moment of peace, to the astonishing miraculous moments of complete serendipity, to the victory of battle, all the way to the last breath at one hundred and eighteen years old. I savored it all. Life is the Grandest Adventure indeed.

        Chapter 10, and on that day she move in. He knew that becasuse he chose wisely, and leaped into a great act of faith for love, everything else was credited to him that he left behind. He had chosen wisely.
        Truly. He was Blesseed and Highly Fortunate.

        Now about Ferrari adventure. And so it came to be.

        Write Ure own Adventure story then go live it. That is what I’m doing. Nobody said you couldn’t. So I did.

        • Talking to G2 this morning – up somewhere east of you – and I was telling him the joys of the “hobby shop” workstation, the CNC station, the 3D printing station…and he said words like “I need more adventure than that.”

          So I told him “G, there are times when you don’t need adventure – you just need to enjoy – kick back – and enjoy the merciful hours of peace and happiness we can all have.”

          He thought about it and then admitted: “I guess owning a plane trumps many of my adventures…”

          “Except getting out of planes with the airport 3 miles straight down. Sure, you beat the odds – as have I -= but the adventurer also “runs the numbers” and considers the odds are never improving – they get worse over time until certainty shows up.”

          And so, to your life-sit, Andy. The Dude will provide and all that’s really required in return is some thanks and appreciation for the ride.

          Ride ’em, cowboy – people get as good a ride as they can handle.

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