The “Biden Depression” Becomes Unavoidable?

Won’t mince today:  The longer-term view of long wave economics offers the uncomfortable idea that not only will the Biden (denied so far) recession get worse, but the odds of full-on Depression are skyrocketing, as well.

As this happens, my consigliere’s Warm-Up Wars will multiply such that we can only see World War III when the outcome of the global power chess game comes down to final moves for dominance of the board in about 3-years.  Maybe less, maybe more.

About Our Aggregate Index

You may remember that UrbanSurvival began as my late in life MBA capstone project in 1997.  I’d done a paper for the World Congress of Sociology, Socip0cybernetics (Research Committee 51).  When does empirical evidence become proof?

By 1998 I was becoming concerned about recurring patterns in human behavior.  This, for example:

“In 1925 and in a second session in 1926, names & numbers were assigned to most of the federal interstate highway system, principally east-west routes, by the way, the north-south routes were detailed in 1963. Now, what new form of commerce has been routed (and is still being built) and numbered even as you read this? Hint: This highway system has road signs like “http://” and “ftp://”. One more thing to consider: The similarities in market position of R.C.A. in 1925 through 1929 and the position of Microsoft here in the 90’s. If history teaches us anything about how to place bets, I would have to put one of JAVA emerging as a dominant language and Microsoft losing market position, their keep JAVA contained efforts not working out. Leadership in a key technology is fleeting. Ask any AM radio station owner what FM did to them in the 70’s. Rotation among technologies is constant, victory fleeting, both repeating.”  (Good 1998 call, huh?)

But history is never a smooth, nor precise forecast of what’s ahead.  It’s useful guidance only to the extent you can generalize, extrapolate, and make informed wagers.

The Internet Bubble

The 1999 stock market bubble, fueled by the Internet explosion, should have been our “last hurrah.”  It was technology driven which was a grand rhyme off the Radio mania that preceded the 1929 collapse.

But it was covered-up by contemporary events – which even today look too suspiciously like “entity interference” to prevent mass recognition of the public swindle by markets.

Yes, the Internet collapsed – wiping out five to seven trillion of investor “paper wealth” – but the public’s attention shifted as soon as live feeds from Ground Zero at the WTC filled our screens.  Then, so distracted, the public forgot about stock losses.

The financial media rolled along as though nothing of particular importance had occurred.  They talked about the S&P 500 and the Dow 30 which were not as bloodied by the collapse of hype.  There were simply not enough barriers to entry and giants were easily slain by challengers. NASDAQ volatility followed.

Any losses overall were thus credibly denied. Surely nothing a “war on terror” couldn’t resolve?  America went to war – a well-worn path in the wake of economic stress.

Birth of our Aggregate

“What if,” I wondered, “We had a more honest way of looking at markets?”

One that assumed an equal pile of money was invested over multiple indexes.  Such that an outlier (the Internet Bubble Collapse) could not simply be “talked-over” and repeatedly lied about while the American public was dangled on a string.

Whether it’s chance, the latest round of Attention-Baiting happened in late 2019 when Covid-19 arrived as the latest mass/global compliance and attention-shifter.

As with the attack on the Twin Towers, there were (and continue) hints and evidence that something ain’t right.  But, of course, since the Mainstream Media is not only “in on it” but is also one of the big levers to pull, few are the wiser, even now.

While in a rational world, the “researchers” who just cobbled up an 80 percent kill-rate variant of Covid 19 would be arrested and convicted on the spot for War Crimes, America’s claim on the moral high ground has been lost; possibly forever.

We live in a world where Pops gets a slice, Weinstein goes to trial but people who could KILL THE WHOLE WORLD are just part of the media minutia sleeping and braindead woke-joke victims can’t comprehend.

Just as “EBITDA Accounting” and a lack of barriers to entry were among the real causes of the 2001-2003 recession, Joe Biden inherited a similarly staged economic disaster.

From an “economic necessity” standpoint, we needed an “instant war” and lacking that, an instant pandemic worked.  All because of what? Collapsing long-term bond rates threatening the “effective lower bound” below which the American (and likely global) economies would all implode.

I’ve shown you the Big Picture comparison of how the 1929 Depression came on and how the present shitshow is rolling several times.  Here’s a view from a few weeks back to put you in the picture:

Now let’s look at the overnight futures and see what insights they might yield (in an Elliott wave perspective) about coming events:

The Big (yellow) 2 is done and we should be in a Big Yellow Wave 3 down.

There’s even a case that we are just winding up Wave 3-1 down and we could see a possible small (4) completing which is turning into a five any second.

This is further reinforced in our thinking by looking at the day-by-day comparison that aligns the top of the larger waveform Wave 2 rally with the 1929 collapse.  Here’s how that pencils out with the blue trace being present day data, Updated on early futures today:

As you can see, there’s a compelling reason why we are not yet short:  The very close-in structure of our analytical toolkit offers some prospect of a rally which might even last into Monday.

It’s after that, things could get dicey.  Not for us – we’ve been converting paper into lead, seeds, sensors, and healthcare products for a time when such luxuries won’t be available.  Not tomorrow, but we do pay attention to the longer trend run of things.

Since this is NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, I won’t have to remind you that the U.S. Fed will almost certainly have to raise rates another 3/4 at their November 2 meeting.  But they are in a box canyon of monetary policy now:  If they raise rates too much, the cost of funding the U.S. Public debt bubble heads for that horrible place where all our taxes buy only debt service – and others get rich on America’s labor.

But, if the rates are not raised, then inflation WILL come back with a vengeance and even the 8.7 percent social security hike will not even put a dent in food costs.

All made even worse because Joe Biden listened to the war0cry from what were once “neocons” who – while the public was thinking about masks and such – rose up and took over the State Department with silly songs of “regime change.”  They never learn.

Replaying 1930s Social Programs

The Big Moving Pieces are mostly out of the public view.  Like how the Civilian Conservation Corp has already been reborn and is getting its bureaucratic legs under it as

Every year, we enroll more than 250,000 individuals to serve organizations making a difference in communities across America.”

Yep, torn a page out of the Civilian Conservation Corp – and put more people to work on a government check – which is of such high and noble purposes that it can’t be questioned as government expansionism.  Yeah, they count as “working” people.  And, in fairness, they are.  Unfortunately, it’s all part of creepy socialism.

It has all become necessary because we have exported so many real manufacturing jobs both overseas and to machines.  As this chart shows, real manufacturing employment peaked in America back in 1979 (late spring):

Look now at the far left-hand side of the chart:  See how the “employment problem” got solved by the onset of World War II in 1940?  Everyone went to work. Whee!

The report out today is that Elon Musk will fire a bunch of Twitterites shortly.  But he won’t be alone.  Hard times come and people slice and dice in HR.  It’s the American Way even if originally from South Africa.

All too clear that the lefties need to keep “woke” and voting for (stupid) democrats rolling.  It likely is why we read Elon Musk to Cut Twitter Staff by 75% as Biden Worries Deal Threatens National Security,

Say what?  Democrats swindling into office again with open borders and crooked money is not the answer; for that matter it’s not “national security” that their coup continues.

But that’s where we are; Indicators early offer slightly down U.S. markets.  Thanks to the Truss mess and coming cold weather and no Russian gas in Europe compared to previous years, the collapse will go slower this time around.

Make no mistake:  A European influx of money seeking a better casino in The Colonies will only last just so long.

And then it’s just that, all over again.  “So long.”

The Crypto Bubble

Special mention this morning of Bitcoin which was under $19,000 when we hit the publish button today.

I went you to remember that BTC peaked on the very same day our Aggregate Index peaked:  November 8, 2021.

Its price a year go?


This morning its price ($18,986 a few minutes before 7 AM Central) means Bitcoin has retained a mere 28 percent of its value.

In truth, it’s even worse.  Because we have to knock off a further 8.7 percent for inflation effects.  Purchasing power-wise just over $18,000.

We regularly point out to Pimpcoiners that trading $1-dollar bills for quarters is not a long-term business proposition.  And – as half a century of news reporting (and making) has instructed rather clearly, ONLY FOOLS COMPETE WITH GOVERNMENTS.

We hold to the idea that the FedGov probably has a good idea of who has a crypto account and probably even knows who didn’t tell the truth on the tick-box on the IRS From 1040 about having a crypto account.

Call us suspicious, but how many of the 87,000 new IRS agents would it take to audit all of them?

As a long-reformed Porsche pilot – who never got a ticket in his 930 widebody – the correct answer is always “No witnesses.”  This basic concept is nearly impossible to explain to the woke and the free-money artists.

Social media fills out everything an investigator could ever want to know about you (and you do always tell the Truth on social, right?)  And the crypto wallet does the rest.

Class Refresher Reading Assignment: Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent.

One of the Big Lies anymore is that “Honest people have nothing to fear.”   Yeah, we do, actually.  Especially if we have a few free and clear assets with no banksters attached.

Event Horizons

Events have not “locked” a Depression in 2023.  But event-pushers in office and neoliberal party switchers at State are stoking the War notion because, as was abundantly clear in 
Report from Iron Mountain
, people will only put up with bullshit and petty theft for so long before taking a hike.

Ask the Anasazi.

The updated charts on our Peoplenomics® website tomorrow.

Write when you get rich,

54 thoughts on “The “Biden Depression” Becomes Unavoidable?”

  1. “1930’s programs”

    The original 1930’s programs never went away. Today we have the BAG, Amtrak 1971, when did Boeing get their first .gov teat – (McDonnell Douglas 1997?), General Motors 2008. The Sears pension plan went on PBGC 2021, American Rescue Act of 2022 6 months ago, plus others.

    Space Force is new.

    Social Security is getting a raise, which wasn’t around in the 1930’s. The quick serve restaurants are getting robots.

    Today’s newcomers don’t bring gold but instead liability.

    Where will the money for new jobs programs come from? We could go Soylent Green and the only jobs are .gov.

    At some point the equation “.gov/civilian” becomes an “improper fraction” and one side is reduced.

  2. Au contraire mon frere, fear-monger G,

    Like the smell of Napalm in the morning – moar crypto controlled opposition – thanks for the laughs, always entertaining.
    More mr anti crypto G bitches, the closer to ultimate VICTORY “flippos” bee.

    “Only FREE Men and Women compete with government”..imho.

    FEAR is for Emotional CONTROL, Humanities greatest weakness – to the “neurally engaged” entities who enslave Our planet. .(tallwhites=lizzies & their miserable slaves – grays)

    retained only 28 % of its value, what value? I thought it had no intrinsic value? hmmm

    compared to slave note (frn), retaining 28% of its value seems superfantastic. unlike Ure limitless supply of drek and dross once known as a greenback, now known as a weapon of mass destruction to everyone else in the world. Still 28% – in the face of all out assaults on its being, is pretty dam good performance.imho

    Once the UnVaxxed Reparations start rolling out , FB will be insisting on crypto for his “superhero” reparation payments. jss

    “They” will know exactly whats in Ure wallet…bwahahahahah
    U will be told how and when to spend by.

    Wondering how thousands of IRS(rothchild) agents are gonna investigate something that does not exist ? hmmm sniff sniff =fearporn.

    Slave Chow (crickets/plant matter/vits&mins) its what for dinna in near future, its the only thing Ure slave bucks (cbdc’s) will allow you to purchase.
    Now get back to work slaves, we are watching and measuring everything U do and type..and dont bother buying the dip – were just gonna take any profits you make anyway.

    Now be good little “pets” and start behaving, lest u be “soylent greened” by darth klaus’s – platz sturmtruppen.

    * practical terms clockwise is Outgoing, counter is Incoming, no matta where U may be in ST.

  3. “Call us suspicious, but how many of the 87,000 new IRS agents would it take to audit all of them?”
    For more than my last decade as tax auditor, almost all of the reviews were generated from our taxpayer provided datafiles cross referenced with others (Federal). I generally knew the assessment $ prior to contacting the taxpayer. 17% penalty and ’bout 7% interest compounded daily. This is how the gov’t generates voluntary compliance. The many I considered compliant didn’t even know I had reviewed several years of their filed financial information.
    So with technology probably would not take many to audit them all and just send “assessment notices” to non compliant. Even more likely the software could just assesswithout any direct person oversight.

  4. Did you see that? Minutes before the open, the Dow futures were down around 180 points.., then.., boom.., the Dow opened up 200 points.., now up 300 points. The big boys are playing nasty this morning.

  5. Slight correction, because words matter. The question on the 1040 wasn’t whether the taxpayer has a crypto account. It was whether the taxpayer made any trades.

  6. Folks,

    Re: Halloween Apples!

    Thanks to the fine publisher of “Urbansurvival” for the apropos Halloween festive setting. Actually CNN offers a report on Google’s FrightGeist of top 19 Halloween costumes for the occasion. CNN states that Google omitted #20 so that’s why the CNN list is only 19 in length. “You know” – to paraphrase a famous WH character – I looked at Google and their list is from #1, a witch, up to #99. Google shows the #20 slot as occupied by a “bear”. Gee BooBoo, is that an “ommmm” moment from the Yogi or what?

    Chucky is a ways further down the list.

    By the way, notice the announcement from Mr. Musk that a robust StarLink is just around the corner for well-heeled private jet airplane operators at a pretty penny? Those milliseconds count when guiding the rabble from above.

    • Comrades,

      According to France24, a new protest movement has arisen in Chinese social media named “tang ping” which translates to “lying flat”. While Mr. Xi is quoted saying Chinese youth have “incredibly bright prospects of realizing their dreams”, unemployment of the under 24 years of age demographic is 20%. Unemployed social media posters complain of months-long “lying flat” symptoms. Remain indoors and masked to avoid spreading the tang ping virus?

      • Re: A River Card


        Um, don’t look now, but Mr. Z. Is quoted today by msm on the zoom waves about dam risks, and specifically the one whose reservoir helps cool a nuclear power plant.

        While the West is likely familiar with the gallant Ruhr Valley dam attacks of 1943 by Allies under Operation Chastise, Stalin’s secret police it seems pulled it off to tragic effect in 1941 Zaporizhziya allegedly to slow advancing nazis. Here’s a look back at a Radio Free Europe piece which includes moving pictures of the man-made tsunami creation. Hopefully history does not repeat. Don’t poke the bear?

  7. I still say a pause is imminent for whatever reason or excuse they manufacture- but with Britons pensions all but destroyed and the Suisse banking cartel in shambles and the Japanese on the virge of having to sell massive amounts of dollars to intervene – we could see a huge move up in equities – everybody is on one side of the boat.

  8. “Unemployment is likely to rise towards 6%, that’s a very real and not an easy thing. But people need to understand it is better to do that, than to allow inflation to accelerate.”
    His response to the Fed’s planned rate hikes, and the consequences of being so late to take action. – Fuel the recession?

  9. They’re suggesting Musk buying twitter is a national security issue?


    Let’s think about this…he has billions in national defense and NASA contracts and the US military couldn’t operate in Ukraine without Musk’s help. Hmm, it’s more important for him to not own Twitter.

    Ukraine would be gone already if Musk wasn’t helping those raping America’s tax payers keep their dark money honey hole in the big U. No regulation from NATO, US, Europe, etc makes a great place for more trillions to be sucked up and used against us.

    It seems freedom of speech is the national security issue. But only for those D’s and R’s who are currently destroying the markets and our country…on purpose.

  10. An enjoyable listen should you need something to do this weekend…this guy recorded “the plan” back in 1967 when he was 80 years old. He died five years later.
    or, if you don’t like clicking on unknown links, feel free to do a search on for MYRON C. FAGAN: LECTURE ON THE ILLUMINATI AND THE CFR [1967]

    He was at some of the meetings and the documentation he provides is still out there…I did internet searches for many things he referred to and was pleasantly surprised. He brings the entire thing together in a way that helped me put some more of the puzzle pieces together.

    Enjoy your weekend!!!


      Do U recognize IT, when you see It?

      Putin Told Us “Western leaders are Satanists and Pedophiles” He has stated these facts this in several recent speeches.

      Do You think he is lying ? Not telling the Truth ? Making shit like on the fly – like word salads, Bidet administrations’ favorite kind of green salad.

      Pooteeen -only guy on the international stage with any credibility, and a strong moral backbone.

      All of history – EVERYTHING – goes back to the “tribe that chose to..”

      High noon at the OK corral – who you got ?

      Erps & Doc or Clantons & Mclaurys ?

    • Hey Cashbox,

      Thanks for giving me this afternoon’s entertainment. I see where G.U. says it’s 3 hours long so I’ll save it for later.

      For those that only have 3 MINUTES, and question the ‘plan’…Listen to Paul Harvey from 1965. “If I were the devil”

      The first time I heard this, and shared it with my Dad half a dozen years ago a chill ran up my spine.

      Good day…

  11. At times., like this morning., I do wish I was still Day Trading. I could have made 5, or 6 solar panels on the NASDAQ100 already. Oh well.., no time to get “too” greedy.
    – Waiting for the last 30 to 60 minutes [ futures and options ]

  12. I think the ‘national security issue’ with Musk buying twatter is less about security and more about globohomo potentially losing one of it’s major propaganda and influence tools. I know most of you know what I’m talking about, but if you don’t then take a big step back so can see the whole machine. The tech companies are all extensions of would be global governance. Think sock puppets with the big hand of government surreptitiously up their asses.

    I’m not saying that I trust Musk, but if he’s not controlled and DOES manage to take control of all the twits then that would put the hurt on clown world’s constant messaging and narrative control.

    • “more about globohomo potentially losing one of it’s major propaganda and influence tools”

      Even though I scan multiple news sites its questionable as to what is real and what isn’t.
      The depth of their control encompasses so much its amazing..
      I for one don’t have much trust for any of them..

      • Ever notice how all of the stories about any given event are essentially the same across most of the MSM? Same emotive language, etc…it’s almost like it was written by one person or team and distributed out. If that is indeed happening then who is behind it?

      • “Ever notice how all of the stories about any given event are essentially the same across most of the MSM? Same emotive language, etc…it’s almost like it was written by one person or team and distributed out.”

        Ya mean, like it was posted to an access-controlled zero-day website whose URL rotated amongst a catalog of several hundred and was secure-texted to certain folks in newsrooms from London the Guam, shortly before the day’s news hits the waves…?

        I know Rush did it; I believe Hannity and Beck both did it also: Made a mashup of dozens of newsnerds from ALL networks, saying word-for-word the same thing.

  13. George,
    “We hold to the idea that the FedGov probably has a good idea of who has a crypto account and probably even knows who didn’t tell the truth on the tick-box on the IRS From 1040 about having a crypto account.

    Call us suspicious, but how many of the 87,000 new IRS agents would it take to audit all of them?”
    I’d guess NONE of the new, lethally armed, IRS agents will be doing ANY auditing in the office. These are not ‘accountants’, they will be field agents and shock troops for the new re-set if the mid-term elections go
    for the socialist agenda.
    All cities and many towns are in love with their official credit cards and have been using them to vast excess to buy things they cannot afford.
    Consider 87000 new hires as ” armed and empowered to use lethal force inspectors,” to perform in-house inspections and tally up your personal property as they do their house-to-house search for fresh taxable items and add new licensing requirements to own such.
    Those spendthrift “leaders” have gone along with the liberal idea of spending our way to wealth by constantly “investing” taxpayer money in schemes to re-focus on the ‘great re-set.
    All the building going on in my city is oriented toward multi-story apartments and weird and unusual art and ‘culture’ projects.
    At the same time, the existing infrastructure is wearing out and needs replacing, repaving, and/or rebuilding as the prices for everything rocket up to un-affordable levels.
    The tax and spend maggots are working on it now so look around in your “stuff” and figure out what you need to get rid of before they make you pay for it all over again through new taxation.

  14. Am I in the dip ? or is the dip in me ? rooty toot toot..

    bbbbBuying the Dip – cause Zeus the cat told me so.

    If anyone knows Paws, it Zcat.
    That Daly chick at the fed been mumbling something about paws.
    !foreshadowing a fed paws..buybuybuybuy.

    Spy – SPY 380 Calls @ .38 cents Exp 10/24/22 – baby alwayz needz a new pair of choos! Or one side of Strangle..

    You guys seen PBR lately ?

    Got Silver phyz – global scramble underway..dont know how much longer Silver Scam will hold -

    Oh No! Mr Bill..

    • We jumped again. Or atleast I did. Maybe I am a time monk?

      So I’m getting off work and driving home talking to my gf. When I stopped to go get a cup of coffee. I clicked the remote to lock the car. And it wouldn’t lock the car. So opened up the key and the battery was missing. The car has a chip in the key and it won’t run without it. The entire battery went most from my key fob between me taking off my seat belt opening the door stepping out side and clicking the button. I was just driving it. It won’t even start without the battery for the chip in the key fob. I took a picture of it.

      I said to my gf you notice anything peculiar? She said no everything seems the same. I said it does. Except one thing. The battery inside my key fob is missing. And I can’t lock my car or start it. She said you were just driving it! I said yeah. Somewhere between when I turned it off, got out the car and closed the door. It went missing from my fob which was in my hand the whole time I was talking to you on the phone or in the ignition when I was driving.

      Huh. I went and got a new battery. Started right up.

      She said do you remember anything weird? Nppe. Not s thing.

      Reminds me of the bullet I found 6 weeks before it went missing.

      Nobody could have taken the bullet from that gun. Just like nobody could have taken the battery from my key fob.

      We jumped time lines again or I don’t know what to think. I mean I’m kinda used to weird shit. You all know that.

      Hmmmmmm…. on the first day of real rain since July 4th. The number on the battery is 2032. That is the battery I had to buy.

      I had read a post on Facebook earlier that said, all your hard work is opening doors you have not seen yet. This was about 20 minutes prior to my battery from my fob going missing and I couldn’t lock my car Door without it.

      Well we will just chalk it up to another one of those weird anomaly in Andy’s life.

      Maybe that green spider in the back seat from the Ukraine ate it. LOL

      • Now, this is very important Andy:

        Go back to one of the chapters in my book “Dimensions Next Door” and pay attention to the kind of road you had been driving on – and at what speed?

        If it was typical older CONCRETE WITH EXPANSION JOINTS that CAN set up the thump-thump rate associated with timeline jumps in many reported cases.

        You can figure out the thump rate if you know/remember your speed, know the vehicle’s wheelbase (you get a thump from each) and you can then calculate a pulse rate.

        I happen to have this top of mind Friday because I have not given up on my time machine research. Just not talking about it very much.

        Specifically, my (donated by a reader) HP/Agilent 3325A 20 MHz function generator can get down into the VERY precise timing of pulses. You’ll want to review the Peoplenomics piece “The Q of Time” to flesh out the details, but imagine a drum beat. And like (name a famous drummer), you lock on a beat.
        Except that the LOCK is not as precise as you might believe down at the nano-second level.
        Sure – sounds “locked” but it’s not.
        And the problem with inadvertent jumps is that they become more probable as the number of people driving increases over roads with expansion joints (viaducts like the old 990 in SF count, too).
        And yeah, since Hank in HI and I are both working on 1.6 GHz rigs to listen for portal noises (off UAPs) the addition of a “proper beat” modulation might give some interesting effects. It would be coolest if we could steer things a bit into the future rather than going Schrodinger, but it is what it is for this lifetime.

        Do let us knw:
        Case wheelbase
        Type of road (if expandion joints)
        Estimated speed
        time at speed (usually 3-min or so – its like the sumopred (but5 not real) Tesla Earthquake machine. The effect is right, just wildly overhyped.

      • Interesting you should say that about the expansion joints. When i worked only at the stadiums. My office was located (where the two trees that were dead for 2 years became the first to blossom in the entire city) is on airport way. Right off the the west of lu office about 100 yards is I-5.

        It is concrete, there are expansion joints and I used to hear that thump thump thump thump rythem. That is where when I came to work at 4am and nobody was around I had that black bow tie appear accross the parking lot out of no where. Float about 6 inches off the ground (with no breeze) for atleast 100 feet, maybe more all the way to me as I stood and watched it, I was listing to that thump thump thump of the i-5 above me as trucks and cars drove over the expansion joints. Then the bow tie landed on my right shoe.

        I still have it. I just saw it the other day in a box.

        Same as when I made that balloon, took a sharpie and wrote all my problems on one side and all my desires on the other side. Let it go to DUDE and said. Here. These are yours to fix and figure out. I’m going to help others become better them. I watched the helium Ballon until I couldn’t see it anymore. I was listing to that thump thump on the concrete expansion joints of i-5 behind me. Three days later I’m out standing in the same spot. Having a smoke and listening to that thump thump thump of the expansion joints as cars roll over it. I said outloud, GIVE ME A SIGN DUDE! and A big yellow balloon with a smiley face on it comes out of nowhere and hits me in the head. I have a picture of it. I think it’s in my room.

        The names of the businesses there on that corner are Higher Quest and The Spot.

        The Spot is actually the lady producer office with the podcast studio who keeps nagging me about doing my podcast.

        And yes. I was driving on I5 on a concrete section, with expansion joints. I could send you an audio recording of the expansion joints by my old office. There is a certain rythem to it. A beat. I write in a journal using the same beat and tempo because it’s kinda soothing. Bump….. bump….. bump bump bump..bump bump. Bump bump bump….bump…..bump….bump bump bump….bump bump….bump….bump

        Kinda like that.

        I don’t know what my week base is, I can tell you exactly what I drive. 2019 Volkswagen Passat S. I can tell you exactly how fast I was going because my gf texted me 444 at exactly the same time I took a picture of my speedometer car GPS clock that said 444pm. So the speed is listed right there in the picture. And I was going over the thump thump thump expansion joints on i-5 heading north where the exit for I7 is right before the exit for the Emerald Queen casino is. And that is where I stopped to get a coffee. Lots of spiders on display there too. Halloween decorations and it reminded me of my Emerald green spider from that Ukraine girl. But I lost 250 and left. Haha.

        But as I Parked my car there, I was on tbe phone with my gf, turned off my car, got out and then went to lock it as I was heading into the casino (I haven’t been to that casino in forever. Lol) my fob didn’t work. So got out my fillet knife opened up the fob to see what battery was in it. And the battery was missing. Which is very odd. So I had to track to go get a new one. My girlfriend is like me on that stuff. She is definitely a Cosmic adventurer. She laughed and said it was cool. I said it was a pain in the ass. Because I had to walk to a place to get a battery. LOL

        She has lots of stories like that too. That is why she is my match.

        I was doing 27 mph and it wa 48 degrees out side. She has a number thing same as me. Ans when I saw the 444pm I took a picture of it at the same exact time she texted me it. We do that alot. Especially at 1234pm and of course 1111.

        Maybe I wake up at 3am every freaking day for work? I will go drive over to my old office and listen to the thump thump thing on the over pass. I have had quite few strange anomalies happen there. But I’ve had alot of strange anomalies happen my whole life. LOL

      • Because I get up so early for trucking I was awake and couldn’t sleep at 330am. So I went and got coffee and smokes and came down to the beach and am looking at Seattle talking with DUDE, actually griping about a few personal things. I feel stuck in a few areas I’m working on in my personal life. I just can’t seem to grow in those areas. So I was down at Alki Beach griping and being honest. Hahaha. It’s okay. I do know when I’m at the point of feeling it and griping. I’m right at the threshold of a break through. I’m honest with THE DUDE. HE already knows. I’m like fuck, I trust ya and 3 owls and green spiders and fucking finding a bullet 6 weeks before it goes missing and my battery disappearing from my key fob, sending a ballon and getting a smiley face ballon back 3 days later, floating bowties materializing out of no where in a place where nobody in the world wears a bowtie and finding skate boards on road where nobody even lives for miles around me is all cool and shit. I mean I have so many experiences like this it’s normal to me, now. That is all fine and dandy. Im always grateful and I say thank you. And I brag about THE DUDE all the time. I have people in my life now all around me that call God THE DUDE. I even see it on Facebook now. I see friend say “well let’s see what THE DUDE says about it.” Or THE DUDE Is so good to me” when something good happens for them they give credit to THE DUDE.

        But I’d like a few breakthroughs in some personal areas Mister DUDE. Not more weird cool stuff for fucks sake. So I said fuck, fucking fuck DUDE. And he said, yeah. I know Andy.

        And I wrote a prayer for someone this morning and my gold pen ran out of ink and the store i get them at. Is right by my old office.

        Well, I woke up at 330am. I will drive over there. Make and send you a recording of the sound of the expansion joints.

        Totally reminds me of that Shammans drum that I met at the Hopi Indian reservation that day I stood in there “center of the universe” spot with the purple blanket around me like a cape with the words of peace, love, joy, health, vitality, healing energy, good vibes written all over it in gold thread. Looked like a cape. And I was wearing a blue hoody with the captain American Sheild star on the front.

        Huh. That was an interview day. LOL drove all the way there on a whisper on the wind that told me to go there and go there now. Never been there before. Never heard of the hopi before that day. Drove ove 900 miles from a gas station in Palm Dessrt and showed up the same exact time as that Shaman fella who heard the same thing. Neither of us knew why we were there. But I was the only one who stood in that center. Nobody has stood there for a long long long time. That is my understanding. Not one hopi has ever stood in the center of the universe. But I did. And only the elders knew where I stood.

        I didn’t even know what it was. I asked the Shaman who showed up there why are we hear? He laughed and said ahhh the question of the ages. I laughed. No why did some voice tell you in minasota and me in Palm Desert California to to come here and we showed up at the same exact time having heard the same female voice whisper. Never having been here before. Never having heard that female voice before. Yet here we are and the entire world is on lock down because of covid. Nobody is even going to church, mosk, temple or anything today to talk to God. And I’m siting here 900 miles from home with you. Has to be a reason for it. He hung a dear skull on a tree and said do what you feel you should. Walk around and let your feelings lead you. I said well it’s windy as shit. I will grab a blanket out of the car and go walk around.

        Then I saw the ingraved stone with a spiral. It’s very very old. So I took a knee in front of it and said. What do you think? Your way more older than me. You got any ideas on what I should do? Why I was called to this place from 900 miles away?

        I looked at that old I mean this thing is ancient. Someone a very long time ago ingraved it with a spiral and a man.

        So stood up and looked around. And I saw a spot. Nothing fancy. Nothing anything but ordinary but it was marked. If you knew what to look for.

        The Shaman started beating his drum. Same exact beat as that over pass. Thump thump thump as I walked over to that place. Thump thump thump…

        Thump thump

        Thump thump thump……thump thump thump.

        And I walked around it looking at it. Looking at the rocks. And I stepped inside it. Looked up at the clouds and they parted and the sun shined down on my face. And my blanket blew behind me like a cape.

        Thump thump the Shaman beat his drum in the distance behind me with the dear skull hung on the tree, and nobody went to church or temple or a mosk or any house of worship that day.

        I came back and said you see the clouds part and the sun shine down on me as I stood there? He said how could you miss it. Everyone saw it.

        Now we hadn’t seen a single person the whole time we were there. Then all the sudden everyone was out and moving around. Some dude showed up and tried to sell me a blue doll. We told him we don’t know why we are here. It started getting late and I left.

        They close the hopi rez border down an hour after i left. Locked it up. Nobody in or out.

        There is a bit more to it than that. But

        Yeah George. I didn’t think about that. It was same beat and temp as that Shaman dude beating the drum that day at the hopi Rez.


        The exact place they call the center of the universe. That nobody would know exactly where it was or what it was. Not even most of the hopi know. Only the elders know it. I stood right inside it.

        All cool stuff. But I want a few things to be resolved. I told the dude that this morning. Fuck. Hahahaha

        Then I wrote a gratitude list and prayer for someone and I guess I will go over there and record it for you and send you a sample via email. If it helps you? Great!

        Hopefully DUDE will fix my problems I can’t seem to get past. LOL.

        At this point. I don’t care about all that cool stuff. I want those other 2 issues resolved. Grrrr.

        Maybe tonight at the Who show they will be. Because I’m tired of waiting and asking and helping others for years on end when my requests are simple easy fixes for THE DUDE.

      • Oh and my GPS on my car and my phone match now. It was off by exactly 4 minute after the battery from my fob went missing.

        And uhem. It was deer skull. Not dear. Stag with horns.

        Trippy eh. Totally forgot about the drum beats from that day. And over pass beats as the same exact rythem.


        I’m sure it’s all a coincidence. Hahahahahahajja

        Nothing to see here. Move along. Hahahahah

      • You know what the really funny thing is George? When I stood where the hopi Indians considered the center of the universe? I was wearing Chuck Taylor’s. Brand new white ones. When stepped out of it. I looked back and my shoe size is 11.

        And right in the center of the universe there was the marks from my shoes, 11 11.


        Never told anyone that. Hahahaha pretty funny tho, everyone says this is what 1111 means or it’s an angel number.

        Nah. It’s just the shoe size I wear when I stood in where rhe oldest tribe in north and south America that survived the ice age and the great flood call the center of the universe.

        Hahahaa. None of that shit does anything to provide me quality time in the flesh wirh my woman or buys me a ranch. So what good is it??? What about me too and my wants and needs while off running around to the center of the universe and hanging out with owls and protecting rock Legends. And working my ass off on the mountain. And helping eveyone else find their path. Grrrr.

        But it is funny. Made me laugh later when I realized it. Honestly I just want a break from that stuff and spend time with my honey. Every fucking we make plans something changes them. And I’m tired.

    • That key fob was closed so tight I had to use a fillet knife I keep in the car to open it and discover no battery.


      Well i sure hope whoever took the damn battery put it to good use.

      I did notice that GPS clock in my car clock is exactly 4 minutes behind my phone clock now.

      That is new too. Huh

      Well if I time traveled to alternate time line I hope this one pays better. Hahahaha

  15. Nope. I didn’t jump. The Dow and NASDAQ100 both ended on a strong up-push near the close. Just not positive about Monday’s move. Have to wait and watch the news and see what’s transpires. There is sure a lot of money pouring..,
    – We’ll see………….

  16. Somber news out…

    Now what is the usa status…
    I did text my friend that lives next to a bunker.. there has been some activity if this is escalating so will the activities at the facility..

    In the news there was finally someone that brought up stopping the money and weapons to ukraine..the bad part is… for someone to actually say something at this point and after everything that has been done.. is it already to late to stop this runaway avalanche..

  17. Alberta Doctor Calls on Medical Association to Investigate ‘Sudden Deaths’ of 80 Young Doctors

    An Alberta doctor is calling on the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) to look into the significant jump in doctors’ “sudden deaths” following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccine mandates since December 2020. “I am now providing you an update with information about 80 young Canadian doctors who died suddenly or unexpectedly since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote Dr. William Makis, a nuclear medicine physician and a former clinical academic colleague at the Department of Radiology at the University of Alberta, in a letter to CMA on Oct. 15.

    Still dying…

    Don’t Even Go There

    The National Institutes of Health now blocks access to an important database if it thinks a scientist’s research may enter “forbidden” territory.

    A policy of deliberate ignorance has corrupted top scientific institutions in the West. It’s been an open secret for years that prestigious journals will often reject submissions that offend prevailing political orthodoxies—especially if they involve controversial aspects of human biology and behavior—no matter how scientifically sound the work might be.

    • It would be interesting to know if the killervax is targeting a specific gene or if some human is assigning a pre-known lot # for specific people. In this case, doctors in Canada.
      But, I guess the bottom line is, very intelligent people can also be very stupid…in their own field of study.

  18. Newsmax drops Lara Logan after comments about Satan, migrants, and blood-drinking globalists

    Lara Logan, formerly a CBS News reporter and more recently a frequent Fox News guest, went so off-field on former Fox News host Eric Bolling’s Newsmax show Wednesday night, Newsmax said she is no longer welcome on the right-wing network. Bolling brought her on to talk about immigration, and she ended up “pushing QAnon tropes, invoking blood libel, and fear-mongering about a ‘global cabal’ planning to ‘dilute the pool of patriots’ in the United States,” The Daily Beast reports.

    • ????? So How far Off in left field do you think she was…
      In my opinion she is a very good investigative reporter..with that in mind just how far off base do you think she was in her comments I am pretty sure she did some digging before she came to such a conclusion.. that stuff is usually file thirteen news….One thing I do know is that we will never know for sure.. and all those suspected of being participants in such a group have enough power that all of what she talked about similar to a laptop will be deemed fake news.. and cleaned up..

      • “So How far Off in left field do you think she was…”

        With most of it, she’s probably right on target.

        “In my opinion she is a very good investigative reporter”

        She always has been. Then again, so was Alex Jones, until he got the Trilateralists stuck in his cranium.

        “all of what she talked about similar to a laptop will be deemed fake news.. and cleaned up..”

        She’s a cancel target. She’ll be discredited over and over, as a nutcase (like being labeled antisemitic for attacking the Rothschild family) until it sticks, then nobody will give her face time, or credit for reporting anything.

    • in the Lara Logan interview, she is asked if God is OK with a closed border.
      I would have answered
      1: I dont speak for God
      2: In the bible, heaven has walls and a pearly gates and you need to be allowed in by Peter !
      Andy is the guard at the backstage,,, makes me go ,,,hummmmm
      I believe Andy’s missing battery story completely,,, I have had a similar experience.

      • “I believe Andy’s missing battery story completely,,, I have had a similar experience.”

        …Nothing to believe — it happened.

        I had brunch at a Waffle House today, something I almost never do. The little girl who waited on me (happily married with 3 kids) was transplanted from DFW just a few weeks ago. She was a good waitress. When she asked if I wanted a refill yet, I told her I’d wait the three minutes for the fresh pot she was brewing. She said “I don’t blame you. My Momma raised me right, so I’m always on top of the coffee.”

        That line tweaked something in me brain…

        I gave her a 20 for my ($11) meal and when she returned with the change, I said: “No, Elizabeth, that is for you.”

        She’s an itty bitty girl whose eyes suddenly got as big as saucers. “How do you know my name?”

        “I don’t…”

        “BTW, you know that out-of-business drive-in that’s over by you? A couple buildings down the street is the Rifle & Pistol club. You should check it out…”

        She said: “I work every other Saturday. Please stop by and talk with me again…”

        It is a strange period in the timeline of our universe.

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