Side-Hustles for Seniors

Not enough on your plate to worry you? Time to become a “Seniorpreneur!”  Today we take up some very uncomfortable forward-thinking about what may lie ahead for America’s aging grays.  (Two of which we is.)

Beyond just lining-out the problem, though, we have some ideas for how to cope with hard times that you can start laying the groundwork for, right now.

We’ll run through some of the pressures that are just starting to build  on Social Security and then a couple of future scenarios as to how Collapse makes its appearance.

First however, as always, a few news stories to kick-over the brain cells a bit.  And our chart of the ongoing “replay of 1929” continues to both fascinate and reward those with enough patience and gumption to play what may, in the end, be a fool’s game…

Oh, and we look in on the collapse of social media that we’ve been quietly awaiting since my book Broken Web came out in 2012.  Like CB radio, silly fads seem to have about 10-year runs.

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

59 thoughts on “Side-Hustles for Seniors”

  1. “Today we take up some very uncomfortable forward-thinking about what may lie ahead for America’s aging grays. (Two of which we is.)”

    Not a whole lot of other choices….everything is skyrocketing.. except wages..

    • LOL. Our Appraisal District offices have become a barricaded armed camp after sending out the latest appraisal notices. Even the mayor is now saying we’re headed into a storm and people are going to be making some tough decisions on the personal level.

      • I hear you @Bill… they are doing that here as well..
        With the skyrocketing housing costs and the costs of general operation everyone is terrified that their taxes is going to skyrocket as well as everything else..even though wages are NOT going up.. instead many are cutting staff and benefit packages to make ends meet..

      • Na Na NA Na,

        Na Na NA Na,

        Hell No – o,

        This is my A-a-lamo!

        Protest letter going out registered mail, return receipt requested today.

      • Luckily it seems they’ve left the ranch alone this time. Sent the first protest letter in yesterday for the houses, though. Someone told me once that the burden of proof lies with the appraisers. That’s like asking CONgress to NOT give themselves a raise.

    • ROFL!

      Good song. They sang that at graduation of Navy Bootcamp, in San Diego. Where I found myself back October of 1988 after taking too much LSD.

      Pretty interesting the name on the side of my haul truck is the same exact name of the Star that sent the signals discovered and started Mason Calander about 6,021 years ago.

      It just more and more interesting. Lol.

      I don’t think much of myself in the terms of a super hero any of that. Errr maybe that is, im not much but im all i think about. Nah. Im always concerned with others well being. I do alot of “service work”.

      I’m currently in the bathroom of my old work place because I forgot some stuff here and we got rained out today at work. Still got paid even we got rained out. That is nice.

      But nobody is the second coming of Christ when they are taking a dump. Definitely not the smell of roses. Hahah.

      I like being just Andy. No matter what anyone thinks. Even me. Lol I don’t buy the hype of others and I laugh at my own hype. And being human is enough for me. I don’t need to be half past it. Takes the pressure off.

      Good song. Joined the navy and traveled the world. All ties in nicely. Alot of signs from the past chiming in today around me.

      Thanks! For the que!

  2. “the practical standpoint you have an income line and you have an expense line.
    When your income line is bigger than the expense line, life is experienced as a marvelous thing! Or, if the income is not up to expenses, life can be a living hell of bill collectors and what not.”

    I have always wondered why TPTB never really understood that…. a little in a little out..
    they up prices on essential products and services.. but Wages do not go up accordingly.. the economy is spiraling up at a faster pace than ever before.. which makes the hourly wage earners seek federal programs to equalize the loss.. laborers do not want to do that.. they are forced to do that..
    Life was grand when there was only a fifteen percent separation between social classes..

    • “Life was grand when there was only a fifteen percent separation between social classes..”

      Ya mean when the average employee was making $15/wk and J.P. Morgan was making $10,000?

  3. Yesterday I topped off the gas tank. $42.50 plus a $6.00 quart of oil. LOL

    $100.00 a week to drive. I’ve got my home energy bill (gas/electric combined) under $200.00 a month during both the winter/AC season.

    people will reduce driving > people will reduce the sizes of their vehicles > people reduce driving the size reduced vehicles > they give-up the suburbs and move to a city-coup.

  4. Use Payface ?

    Mastercard launches ‘smile to pay’ system amid privacy concerns

    ““Once enrolled, there is no need to slow down the checkout queue searching through their pockets or bag,” Mastercard said. “Consumers can simply check the bill and smile into a camera or wave their hand over a reader to pay.”

    Mastercard also claimed the new payment system would be more hygienic, tapping into health concerns that came to the fore in the Covid pandemic.

    The first pilots will launch in Brazil at five St Marche supermarkets in São Paulo, this week, with shoppers able to register for biometric payments in store or via an app with their local partner, Payface.”

    Mastercard’s pay-with-a-smile test is bound to rile privacy advocates (updated)

    Are you willing to share your face with payment companies?

    “The initiative would have you enroll either at the store or through an app. The potential standard is meant to accommodate shops of all sizes, and Mastercard is teaming with Fujitsu, NEC, Payface and other companies to establish baseline requirements for performance, privacy and security.

    A pilot version is launching this week in Brazil, with Payface providing technology in five St Marche supermarkets across São Paulo. Customers will just have to smile to pay for their groceries. Tests are also planned for Asia and the Middle East, although Mastercard didn’t share more details.”

    • No way am I voluntarily giving up ANY of my biometrics. Of course the Fedgov probably already has all of it on the DL.

    • “Are you willing to share your face with payment companies?”

      We already have.

      Every time you visit a bank, or shop anywhere which collects any identifiable information – even if it’s only a ccard number – or if you ever go to a “public” (meaning: Government-owned) building or office, you leave an instantly-traceable positive ID. Every time the CS jockey behind the register says “you can sign with your finger” that touch-screen can record your fingerprint before you start to scribble.

      My fear is not that Mastercard (VISA, AmEx, etc.) is going to allow some obscure government alphabet agency to trace me, but that someone will hack a database, then forever be able to counterfeit my identity. Top-shelf businesses and financial organizations have top-notch security. Your local food palace? Probably not so much…

  5. There are up sides and down sides to everything. Take the financial collapse of the USA:
    The up side is, no more income tax!
    The down side is, no more income.
    The up side is, no more lines at the grocery checkout counter!
    The down side is, no groceries on the shelves.
    The up side is, no more outrageous electric bills!
    The down side is, no more electricity.
    Ad infinitum…

      • I hear ya @Bic…I met Roy clark…years ago at a the neighborhood he lived in was this driveway that turned onto an old farm. The owner had several cabins there and hogs.. anyway my family members lived in one of those houses..
        I went to visit and in a lot of the other houses song writers lived..
        They all got together for a picnic..lawn darts horse shoes etc. And later retired to the porch where everyone got together and played music..
        Some of the grand old opre stars still get together at Hardee’s on Saturday mornings to jam out..
        My brother in law was head of security for the opre.. so they join them at their weekly Hardee’s sing a long..good times he was really nice..

  6. The nature of the livestock business has us looking forward 6 to 18 months depending on your product. Our forecasts are looking quite dim for the next several months and probably years. This year was just flushed down the crapper by the Biden energy insanity, not only for us but for everyone. I get asked a lot, You’re old enough to retire, why do you stay in this business? Because I worked hard for 30 years at jobs, some of which I didn’t like much, to be able to do what I am now. That’s why.
    Social Security will be taken down and ultimately replaced by some bullshit socialist nonsense but in a slow way not all at once. Doing it that way would be revolutionary.

    Stay safe. 73

    • Sent in two of my prettiest heifers last week and got .92/lb which was what I kind of figured they’d bring. The kids sent in a trailer full of goats this past weekend, too, and they averaged $75.70/head net on a mix of kids, yearling and older billies and old nannies. One evidently didn’t make it according to the accounting form with the check and died in the pens at the auction. They all looked healthy when we off-loaded them but that’s the breaks. Pretty much as expected on prices. The kids will buy some feed and stock salt in return. Me? I need another tank of diesel after pulling that 20 foot trailer to town and back.

  7. ” maybe it’s the senior who likes to garden, really has things dialed-in for tomatoes, and sells them Saturday mornings at the local farmer’s market.”

    I just had a conversation on just that subject yesterday.. when some one mentioned that farmers could sell their products…
    I said.. think again…
    Congress snuck through under the wire and without fanfare a law last year to stop this action from being a reality.. without better control.. I am not sure what the name of the law was but I believe it was a family protection plan.. to protect people from sub standard products..
    I am trying to get the grand daughter to take care of a cow.. I will then buy them a cow and a calf to harvest the milk.. so far no takers.. lots of work to milk the cow daily.. Dairy farmers were dumping thousands of gallons of milk in the ditches and down the drains.. not because they didn’t have people to buy it.. but because they couldn’t sell it.. It use to be you could buy farm fresh milk for your pets.. but that to was changed..
    you can raise your own.. milk your own but you cannot sell it without the proper permits and licensing..

    this will make you want to cry…

    • People need to make simple adjustments.

      Find an immigrant who sells “strawberries” on your local street corner.

      Make a deal to supply them with milk to sell. They are the only ones who can sell without permits and licensing. No sales tax collected , no resale license needed !

      The Police still won’t touch them …

      Problem? SOLUTION !

      ( tongue in cheek )

    • When rights are outlawed, only outlaws will have rights!

      Perhaps there’s money in teaching how to be a successful outlaw.

      • “When rights are outlawed, only outlaws will have rights!”

        Hmm.. isn’t it already like that @NM Mike?
        Just one look at the dual standards of law.. the vast list of alleged crimes in almost every category of law.. and all of those saying oh its OK it’s so and so that did it.. emails from hell photos and the ones to suffer and be penalized are the ones that exposed the alleged crimes with vast numbers of circumstantial evidence..

  8. An excellent idea for a side hustle is blacksmithing. Everyone will need tools or to have them repaired. Blacksmiths were among the first welders, using a forge instead of a torch. Knives are great sellers. Axes will be more in demand. Being in a position and with the knowledge to make things out of scrap steel will be a great way to earn a little income or barter.

    All you need is a substantial (100+ pounds) piece of steel (anvil-shaped or not), one or more hammers (large to medium ball peen or engineer’s hammer), and a way to push air into a fire. If you have access to coal, that’s an ideal fuel for a blacksmith fire. Charcoal, wood, propane or natural gas will also work. A place to build the fire is helpful (a forge, an old truck brake drum, or a bbq grill, even a hole in the ground) with a pipe or duct to inject air forcefully (bellows, hand crank blower, old hair dryer) near the bottom of the fire.

    Then as the blacksmith saying goes, “Heat, beat, and repeat” until it looks the way you want it.

    • “a great way to earn a little income or barter.”

      This is all festering up to be much worse than the Reagan recession..
      The scary part is the kids today have had good times..easy money and very little drama.. they mostly have a weeks worth of food maybe 2..
      They can’t see the spiral because they’ve never had one cross their paths…
      During the Reagan recession I used my graphic skills and made glass etchings in trade for food..

      • Oh I did a little bit of everything else couldn’t buy a job

      • ‘Thing is, the “Reagan recession” wasn’t the “Reagan recession.” It was the “Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan recession.” Like a bad fever, it just kept building, for nearly 14 years, before the fever broke.

        I don’t think today’s crop of kiddies can take 14 years of luxury-deprivation — Hell, I don’t think many of them could endure [it] for 14 days.

        THAT’S what would kill 90% of the population in a grid hard-down. We’d die off, not from starvation or lack of water, or even disease from not being able to flush. We’d die at the hands of 90 million kids going postal, all at the same time…

  9. A couple of notes here and then a question for the smart folks.

    First, I strongly suggest dumping the socials. It may not be apparent now, but target lists are being made in real time. Besides, those things are a prison. If you’re telling yourself that you’d like to leave them behind, BUT it’s the only way you can keep up with kids/grandkids/friends, other excuses, etc then you can clearly see the prison walls. They use your love for family and friends against you. They may get you in the end, but make them work for it.

    Second, for the musically inclined, a good side hustle is playing for folks. Like Willie said “The life I love is making music with my friends”. I certainly do. Even if you can’t make much money you can make some people forget about their troubles for a minute…and yours too.

    Now for the question. This is for those smart folks with ACTUAL real-life personal experience/ownership. For some time, I have been seriously considering grid-tied solar for my home. For obvious reasons, this may become very important. Specifically, the Tesla system with Powerwall because of their battery technology. I have an excellent setup for it, so there’s no questions about that and I’m willing to be sold on other manufacturers. I know how it all works and the differences between the grid-tied, off-grid, what’s required hardware, and how it’s installed. So, no need to discuss that.

    Specifically, what I’m interested in is is it worth the investment, does it really add value to your property, what is it really costing you per month, upkeep, performance and what do you NOT like about it. Finally, pro vs. DYI installation? I’m looking for the unvarnished truth so that I can make an informed, reasonably sober decision.

    Again, if you don’t or have not personally owned one of these systems there’s no need to comment. Thanks.

    • Absolutely love how you worded that/this …

      “First, I strongly suggest dumping the socials. It may not be apparent now, but target lists are being made in real time. Besides, those things are a prison. If you’re telling yourself that you’d like to leave them behind, BUT it’s the only way you can keep up with kids/grandkids/friends, other excuses, etc then you can clearly see the prison walls. They use your love for family and friends against you. They may get you in the end, but make them work for it.“

      THAT, IS …SO …F*CKING …TRUE !!

    • I personally would not have any system that relied on lithium batteries that A) you cannot replace even if B) you can find them in a crisis.

      Lead acid all the way, in some multiple of 12v so that you can use abandoned vehicle batteries in series/parallel to match your voltage requirements.

      But that’s just me…

      • George would probably know better than the rest of us, but a lead-acid battery is essentially a bunch of lead plates, suspended in a molded plastic case and immersed in a solution of sulfuric acid.

        It seems to me, once a wet-cell dies, it should be able to be taken apart, and a new battery made by recasting the lead plates and remounting them in a case.

        Batteries used to be in rubber cases with tar poured over the top to seal them. I think I even remember some cases which were made out of something like friction tape which was tarred and wrapped around a form.

        Just sayin’…

        Oh, and Tesla’s “Power Wall” (and the imitators) are made up of clusters of 18650s, same as the power packs for the vehicles. Where Tesla shines isn’t at the battery technology end of things (Samsung cells be the best Elon, or anyone else can buy. Tesla’s trying to roll their own, but so far they haven’t been able to beat the reliability of the 30Q), but how they charge the batteries, and manage the battery discharge — It’s all in the electronics, Baby, and Tesla’s got it, at least for now…

    • So, dumb people don’t have solar experiences? You don’t want feedback from those who live in regulated states where self-installation is not viable (or cost effective if you want the gov’t subsidies) and who don’t buy solar because the quotes from the companies always pencil out to be about the same as the utility costs over the same time period? Without a guaranteed utility failure, why would anyone put all of their gold coins in one basket today instead of leveraging them over 20 years? Okay, then I won’t comment. Good luck with your project.

    • I would not recommend grid tied unless you have sufficient additional capacity (preferably a 2nd array, specifically sized) that will allow the primary array to remain active. You’re going to have a grid disconnect anyway, why not be able to continue power production without ‘seeing’ the grid?

      Without grid power, it’s not going to produce power for you.

      And YES, I do recognize that you don’t want to back feed power into the local supply lines – Linemen are good folks, do good work, and deserve to stay safe.

      Is your system goal to offset power costs or supply resilience to your home?

      • The kit has a transfer box @JD in N AL …when it detects a power loss it switches off the grid power.. a grid tie like mine just shuts off.. the power company would actually come around and check it to make sure there wasn’t any back feed.. .
        I have a sunny boy that is in the Faraday cage that has an option on it.. even though the grid tie portion shuts down you have the option of flipping a switch on the inverter that will fake out the solar panels so they work..with the grid tie I have up now.. I would have to trick the inverters to power back up.. and you’d have to switch off the grid power..
        When power went down I had to use generator power..
        My generator was at max capacity ..but it ran the essentials in two household’s
        The new generator will have auto start and the electrician is already scheduling the changes I need done ..
        Solar was and is the smartest thing I ever did..
        I even bought the BS that the utility companies shovel out..

    • Good morning @Maj13…
      This is what I was going to order with 30kw of powerwall..
      I have grid tie solar and have had it for years.. my issue was no battery backup..Solar was and is one of the best things I have ever done.. I bought ours when the cost per watt was more than ten paid for or itself in five years..
      The last three kw paid for itself in less than a year…..
      I hope that helps..

      • I know someone that ordered from them.. it arrived a little over a week after the order was in the outback of Texas you’ll need the extra battery bank for up the battery at the ordering stage.. if you want more than 30kw you can also add additional battery walls..with over ten thousand charge cycles..
        Price went up a bit..if your handy with tools you can set it up easy enough..

      • Oh wow. I’m going to have to investigate this company because I’m completely frustrated with the solar pump system I bought to install myself several years ago made by RPS out of California. Compared to the Gundfos (I think that’s how you spell it) I had installed by a local company it’s a POS. One danged cloud comes over and it quits pumping even after I put new panels on that bumped the wattage up 100 watts. If the Sun gets to be 45 degrees off from directly over the panels’ positioning you’ll lose just about all of your water production (no “Sun chaser” mechanism is installed) and heaven forbid you put batteries on it as their techs finally confessed to me that you’ll lose 20% of your production charging the batteries back up every day. No or not enough Sun in that scenario and your SOL for days. Gundfos at least pumps a little on a single 180w panel that’s never been re-positioned on even cloudy days but the problem is that company only sells to its distributors and the systems are about 2 1/2 times more expensive. The problem, no doubt, lies in the controller box which, of course is proprietary and the only adjustments you can make in the controller box is rpm’s and wait times for when a low water condition in the well is detected. It’s been this way since the beginning so the new impeller screw I have wouldn’t change anything.

        It’s been a couple of years since I started looking into this so I’m hoping new products are out there now I can install myself that has the same performance of Gundfos whether complete or in various parts I can assemble myself.

      • “One danged cloud comes over and it quits pumping even after I put new panels on that bumped the wattage up 100 watts.”

        LOL.. a local farmer said almost the same thing @Bill.. he said how much he paid for it.. I said you paid three times to much for a toy..
        at the time I had some extra solar panels and gave him one.. the one my friend got looks amazing the equipment is sturdy built and has a ten year warranty.. everything is made in china.. and frankly I would question the quality of anything bragging american made anymore.. usually the junk is the equipment made in the USA for high profit companies..
        when it was raining a man came by to see it.. even in the heavy rain the system was making enough power to keep the house moving along..
        I am contemplating giving the banker a call and ordering that system .. just because of the stress test last weekend

    • I have a leased (SunRun) system. Cookie cutter design, all the same. 3.5kw PV panels, 7kw inverter, 9.5 kwh battery (LG lithium). My electric cost here on the Big Island recently runs $0.498/kwh. The SunRun system lease runs me approx. $60/mo, and the electricity it produces takes more than that cost off of my grid electric bill. Nice part was that SunRun handled all the grid tie paperwork with the power company. Although the system is designed to ‘sell back’ to the utility, I see from my bills that it only sells back a token 1kwh each month to keep the function alive. I consume everything else it produces, as well as consuming some grid input. I am locked into a minimum 6 years on the lease…. they need the capital write-off… but they do the maintenance. And I am glad of that. So far there has been a cellphone data upgraded they had to do, and now LG has notified them of a battery charge issue that is a fire hazard. My system has been ‘charge restricted’ to protect the LG battery until it is replaced. So now there are supply issues for the new battery. SunRun has been crediting my bill for six months now while we wait for the new battery. So meanwhile I am getting somewhat less, but free, solar power from the system.

      The system is designed with two 20-amp outboard outlet circuits that run off the battery. Even if the grid goes down, or I pull the ‘grid disconnect’ switch, the system will power those two outlets from the battery, and recharge the battery from solar daily. So I still have enough to run the refrig. and freezer and a few lights in a total grid fail scenario.

      Does it add value? I think so. The lease is transferable to new owners of the house if I sell. The battery is supposed to be good for a 10-year lifetime, at which point SunRun will replace it if the lease continues. They got the raw deal on the present set of batteries they are obligated to replace now. There are buyout options available after the minimum 6-year lease is up, or you can terminate the lease and tell them to remove the system. The buyout prices looked high to me… about like buying a new system…. for your used, depreciated, system.

      All things considered, it was a good decision. No up-front cash layout and reduced electric costs overall, and no ongoing maintenance worries.

    • MAJ13,

      I installed a 48v grid-tied system on a house in Western Maryland in 2003. Did it myself, no permits, no power company interconnect agreement, etc. Did install everything to code. Total panels and equipment cost was just under $30K. Two banks of 48volt batteries (200 amps), 3.6kW 48v solar panels wired in parallel. Watched the electric meter spin backwards quite a few times (pre smart meter days). Used monitoring software that has my name in the credits as a system tester. On snow days I stepped out on the roof to brush snow off. Had to refinance in 2009 due to a divorce (I got the house) and the bank’s appraiser had no idea how to appraise the system. Uninstalled it in 2010 when I moved to Texas. Unfortunately it’s sitting in a shipping container waiting for me to find a suitable location for the panels. I did learn, however, that solar panel voltage needs to be higher than battery voltage for best charging. The charge controller needs to be sized for maximum voltage & amperage.

      Personally, I like the Powerwall storage, but don’t think I want the LiFePo4 battery near the house. I’d have to install the Powerwall in an outbuilding somewhere. Call me paranoid, but I didn’t install the internet interface for the mini-split AC unit I installed last year because it needed to check in with the Chinese manufacturer.

      The solar system install info is archived at:

    • Thanks to everyone that commented. I appreciate your help and your insight.

      What I’m trying to accomplish with my hypothetical system is to position us to be able to be self sufficient in the event the grid goes down and hedge against skyrocketing electricity costs that are probably in the cards. I wanted the system setup to use grid power at night with battery backup in case there’s no grid. I’m with some of you on being nervous about the hazards associated with the power wall and lithium batteries in general and it was good point that lead-acid batteries can be easily more replaced.

      I’m reasonably handy and I’ve also been considering a self-install, so thanks for the links and tips there. George, I’m interested in a consult on how your system is built and is operating, lessons learned, etc.

      • Just a few more cents to throw in and then I’ll let the more knowledgeable folks take over…
        Lead-acid is a good solution but keep in mind they need a replacement strategy.
        Adding a ‘new’ battery in a string can have unintended consequences on the entire system. If you have a large bank, better to break it up with multiple charge controllers. Reason? You’ll find some batteries charge (and age) differently than others, so charging the entire bank as a single unit isn’t optimal. Which means, over time, some batteries will get under-charged and others over-charged. By using multiple controllers, you can segregate based on battery `health` so that they all get charged at their optimum rate.
        A pain – yes. But building a system that addresses it’s end state should make it more resilient and reliable.
        And prior to dropping $$ on a PV system, have you had a blower-door test performed on the dwelling? Addressing air infiltration issues and adjusting insulation can positively (as in a good way..) impact the sizing of your system. Also, appliance age & efficiency can play a part in what the bottom line looks like.
        To close, my personal goal is not to have a full house size system. I’m interested in a PV & battery configuration (to include separate house wiring) that will maintain refrigeration/freezers on site, and also provide for recharging any portable devices. Ice, along with preserving food, in a grid-down situation should be a game changer…

        Good luck to us all.

      • I have become a fan of LiFePO4 batteries since studying them. If properly charge handled, they will outlast dozens of lead-acid batteries. Think of ten thousand daily charge cycles. That’s almost thirty years of continuous duty before you need replacements. They are terribly expensive…. but they are NOT more expensive than the lead-acids you would use over a thirty year lifespan.

  10. My phone did an unwanted update and I could no longer automatically get into More for Subscribers. I tried my normal password and of course it didn’t work. I followed your directions to create a new password. Easy Peasy. Thanks.

  11. Speaking of side gigs. The other day I was at the mall. As I was walking from the curb to the door I overheard/saw a funny conversation between a man and woman.

    A Caravan was stopped at the curb by the mall door, facing the wrong way. Two women were inside, a driver and passenger. The woman from the passenger side seemingly was trying to panhandle a man leaving the mall.

    As I was walking through the door I heard the man say, “How much do you need? I can give you $5.00.”

    So I glance back as I was walking through the doorway. The lady was now making a universal sex gesture with her hands. I was through the doorway.

    • Lol lol that happened to me at Walmart…lol lol The woman showed me a necklace and said she needed help.. I said I was just praying for you this morning.. you. Help me ill help you..the puzzled look as I said we could use the back bathroom… which is when she left lol lol

    • palmhandle or panhandle ? Ure on to something here..Gray Porn or Granny Porn!

      Thats right all you red blooded Dogs, even the ole Dogs needs some side trim every now and look at, you pervs, to look at.

      Thinking simple plot lines like; Barney & Betty-Fred & Wilma, Yogi & Susie, Popeye&Olive Oil, 10 -15 minute porno tape per session, wigs/glasses/fake mustache/beards – small expenses, G already has theme rooms..?
      B- “Whats the theme tonight Honey?”

      G- “Emerald”..Ill be John Wayne as Trooper Thorton and you can be Maureen Ohara as Mary Kate Danaher

      best drinking and fighting movie EVER!
      Family watching tradition at Christmastime.

      *Stout drinking horse that knows the way to the bar ! best bar fight ever! 10 stars.

  12. The beautiful gold. Never forget . Very interesting. Buy ASX. RRL . Regis . Dumb wog says get and you will age well . The supersonic star of the lot . Designed and built by me. Destroys death stars

  13. Not 1929, but current astrology mirrors 1939, war began, supply shortages, currency out of control, scroll 1/4 down page to Uranus in Taurus, Lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio:

    Bitcoiners, your big weird spike day (down?) is May 20:

    Part A Medicare running out of $ in 2026, will the Republican whiz kids think up a solution?

    There’s some skeletons falling out of the closet that they’ll have to deal with:

    Wages haven’t kept up with rise in home prices, especially in the West:

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