Before the Futures began changing this morning, the overnight view of our Aggregate Index looked like this:
We will update you on how the wave count goes in a second.
First, though, a personal word about trading.
Pilots, Instruments, Markets
Someone is bound to ask “How’d you do in the drop Wednesday, Ure?”
In the morning? It was great. My short position was golden, and I was well-ahead. But then my key indicators told me it was time to go long.
Wrong move! Turns out I went long too early.
The good news (such as it is?) is that I lost “House money.”
How this relates to pilots and flying of air machines?
Useful story here about vertigo. The first time I had a really bad case of vertigo was in a Cessna 182. Fortunately, the Chief Pilot of the flight school was with me (we were doing instrument training).
“Step on the ball!” he screamed, referring to the turn and slip indicator.
Which I did and all was fine. But while the “trust your instruments” lesson was never lost (as it applies to airplanes) the application to trading markets algorithmically is something else, again.
Like the “mad scientists” of literary and Hollywood fame, have a terrible personal fault when trading: I fall in love with my Monster.
You see, one of the (supposedly) “hard and fast” rules I have is to “Dump any trade that’s down more than $100-bucks.”
For a pilot, I could see what was happening (with logical brain), I was looking at the instruments wrong. “TRUST YOUR INSTRUMENTS” is a real life and death edict in flying.
“Dump the trade” is the trading equivalent of “Step on the Ball!”
Still, it was House money – previous wins. But it was also low 4-figures down from the previous closing balance.
Did I learn anything from it? (You mean again?)
We’ll see.
Meanwhile, speaking of gambling instincts: Man in Japan gambles COVID town funds mistakenly sent to him. We are not alone in periodic bad wagers, it seems.
About Them Futures
Even now, that financial vertigo is screaming we should have a bounce in markets today. But the early Futures were looking at European markets bleeding red all over the board and telling a different tale.
Remember our Aggregate targets for this move were down in the 29,500 range, so just another few percent more down until we get into the orange circle “target zone” above (or lower).
UI Filing Data
Philly Fed Report
Mixed directions is what they’re calling this:
“The diffusion index for current activity fell 15 points to 2.6 in May, its lowest reading in two years (see Chart). Most firms (57 percent) reported no change in current activity this month, while the share of firms reporting increases (22 percent) narrowly exceeded the share reporting decreases (20 percent). The index for new orders rose 4 points to a reading of 22.1, and the current shipments index climbed 16 points to 35.3, its highest reading since October 2020. “
The “Landlord Reserve”?
Great read over at Axios detailing how much deeper the Federal Reserve has waded into owning mortagages: The Fed’s $2.7 trillion mortgage problem.
A pet theory around here holds that over time – even without explicit policy intent – market forces will combine to put Banksters in ownership positions of everything.
Seriously, look around at home much Housing the FedGov is already controlling. Now give them power to regulate the end of ICE Powered autos (leaving the unaffordable new car prices) and then bring in Slow Joe’s brilliance at creating shortages at every turn. Net-Net? Government – like the proverbial camel with its nose in the tent – will move all the way in. But over time.
“Truth Squad” Going, Going…
But not quite gone, though in DC, “paused” means the trial balloon attempt to seize the remnants of Free Speech didn’t go as planned. The Disinformation Governance Board, Disavowed – WSJ.
Still, Slow Biden and his stooges are serial clowns so we can safely predict a Zombie version of this (not just bad but) HORRIBLE idea will echo and rise again.
Just like I have a problem falling in love with trading positions, the Blowzit Admin falls in love with unconstitutional power grabs. (At least my problem is manageable!)
NATO Education
We’ve been telling you that the Ast. Sec. for New Wars, Victoria Nuland and the neocons are desperate for a bigger war in Europe. The reason? NATO and the EU have run out of countries to dominate and (tax) subjugate to keep the EU shell game from imploding.
Sure, sure, not realistic?
Then look at the Before 1990 and “here lately maps” in “Two maps show NATO’s growth and Russia’s isolation since 1990″ and you’ll see how Vlad Putin’s feeling boxed in.
We are as concerned as ever that “cornered animals” can have (nuclear) explosive reactions to being “cornered.”
This is all part of the “bum’s rush” to get NATO membership to flank Russia. But, as Russia Today reports, Helsinki comments on hosting NATO bases or nukes. Finland law precludes nukes, but watch how quickly the Ast. Sec. for New Wars gets this changed, shall we?
Russia says more Ukrainian fighters from Mariupol stronghold have surrendered, bringing total who have left to 1,730.
Biden Sanctions Blowback
Speaking of the Drooler-Ruler:
This just keeps getting better and better. With the Blow ’em administration screwing up global fertilizer supplies and driving prices up for gas and diesel in America, and food shortages to come, we now read from Russian sources how the Bidenista’s plans are also advancing the interests of AOC’s postcard country: Venezuela!
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has all chances to manipulate the Americans now (
Meantime, the Russian press is attacking the “land of kneelers” in UK wants another war in the Balkans to show USA what’s what (
Meantime, be on the lookout for cosplay in the Mainstream as this is what? “Vyshyvanka Day is an international holiday that aims to preserve the original folk traditions of creating and wearing ethnic embroidered Ukrainian clothes called vyshyvanka.”
Just like tats, except you can take them off without laser surgery.
Speaking of “economically interesting” countries, see where Sri Lanka slips into default, central bank head agrees to stay on? (where’s my resume?)
About Drought!
Later today, the latest National Drought Monitor will be released. And we expect it to continue to spread.
Since we have a holiday ahead, might want to collect from reading links to fill the mind and prevent information withdrawal. Some suggestions?
- Herbert Hoover and the Great Drought of 1930 | Journal of American History | Oxford Academic (
- Droughts of 1930-1934 (115 pages) report.pdf (
- Or just keyword a news search and track some of the background footwork in stories like Drought expected to impact Eastern Washington and much of Pacific Northwest in 2022 | Local | and Nebraska, Colorado jostle over water rights amid drought | Agriculture |
Sure, you can jump to the “just bottom-line me) in The Global Food Price Shock – but where’s the brain food in that?
(Who told you in 2021 to build a garden room and get something in the ground for this year? When you see a white 5-gallon bucket, see a tomato plant!)
Still, not everywhere is in drought conditions: Assam flooding: Half a million Indians flee floods in northeast brought by rain.
On average? Same planet – just the oscillations get confusing.
Short Takes
Another day another Covid warning: Top Biden health officials sound warning on rising covid infections. Yes, we’re still N-95ing. Some people think we’re nuts and who’s to argue that?
Argh! There be pirates! Hong Kong-flagged sailboat attacked off Yemen, reports say.
Those DC geniuses: Don’t seem to have a problem getting formula to the Mexico border. But for People here? U.S. looks to Defence Production Act to combat baby formula shortage.
And a fine Time Travel story, even if from a “sketchy source” in I’m a time-traveller from 2236 – a deadly meteor will strike Earth in MONTHS just after our first contact with aliens (
Biggest local “time travel” problem is scheduling time to get the Texas safety check on the old pickup.
And for the “smoking Me-Me’s “Influencer facing charges for allegedly starting forest fire to shoot a glamorous TikTok dance video.
Write when you get rich,
¿¿¿ STILL N-95ing ??? With all those other entry points open to the World?? Oh George, you need one of these –
Just don’t try to do anything with power tools or moving equipment with it.
We all live in the past. Barely! The human brain takes 80 milliseconds (1/1000) to recognize an event and process it. Therefore, what happened 80 milliseconds ago is now realized and processed and acted/reacted upon.
Today, trading algorithms account for over 50% of the market trades. Computers trading without human intervention. There are all types of trading algorithms. Algorithms programmed to pick up news feeds via wire services and networks execute trades in and out before normal humans can even read the summary of the article. The computers are executing trades in microseconds (1/1,000,000). Even the location of the trading system can affect front running. The closer to the exchange the microseconds faster one system can be executing trades over another. And then along comes the slow-moving human living in the past. The train already left the station.
Trading algorithms enable tactics such as “back-running,” in which a system looks for signs that a big institution is getting ready to buy or sell a particular stock, and then jumps ahead on its own. Large fund managers know they cannot purchase huge blocks of stock at once, so they often divide up their purchases into smaller orders. For orders that are more difficult to execute, they often need to start buying first thing in the morning. Algorithmic trading systems quickly recognize those early purchases and immediately start buying the same stock in anticipation that the larger fund’s bulk purchases will temporarily drive up its price.
Individuals can buy into automated trading systems.
Beware if you are not a sophisticated investor.
Why bring all of this up? Because the markets are in for a major correction. And individuals are now playing against the big boys and all their computers like never before. There are too many incomings: Inflation, war, new viruses, NATO expansion in Sweden and Finland that will further corner the Russian Bear, wars coming outside of Ukraine, money being sent to a crooked country (where the U.S. Puppet President Zelinsky just eliminated other political parties) to supposedly defend against “an evil invader” when that money should be spent here defending our borders, too much Federal Reserve, not enough common sense, and way too much U.S. debt that will now cost more with rising rates. Add to that the divisive talk by politicians like Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer re: vaxxed-unvaxxed, white supremacists, but no black supremacists, Biden talks about a white guy shooting up a grocery store full of blacks, but no talk about the black guy shooting 33 non-blacks on a subway in NYC. Everything is being purposely jumbled. Divide and conquer.
One glaring example of an incoming is U.S. Natural Gas futures for June are now $8.30 a BTU which is up 123% for the year. Natural Gas will be up 25% by the summer. Why does that matter? Because Natural Gas drives 38% of our Electric Generation System. Get ready for higher electric bills this summer and winter which will be reflected in everything we manufacture, sell, and consume. Add that to higher Diesel prices to deliver goods, a shortage of truck drivers, astronomical gasoline and fertilizer prices, and a weather manipulated drought affecting ½ of the country and we are screwed. And they say inflation is running an annual 8.3% through April. Bullshit you government liars!!!!
When the 10-year Treasury starts tumbling, the stock market will soon follow. And then the money will look for a new place to run to…commodities. Which will drive those prices even higher. But that is what happens when you have a bunch of idiotic politicians running the game instead of businessmen that have lived through the highs and lows and have to balance budgets and operate within confines of good business practices. All politicians do is lie, lie about the lie, and deny the lies about the lies. Right Joe Biden?
More food for thought…..Why have all the politicians been running to meet with Zelinsky? Pelosi and her crew, McConnell and his crew, Jill Biden and her entourage. Were they trying to make sure that everything is cleaned up, and hidden, and divided before Billions were sent to Zelinsky? And now they are going to send him $40 Billion without any checks and balances on where and how that money is going to be spent. No wonder the little coke head was at the Cannes Film Festival partying while his country is under attack. Where is that money going and to whom and really for what? We are already sending them all of our military hardware free. Yet Biden and crew only use $4-5 Billion to defend our borders where an invasion of military aged men is currently taking place in the millions.
Only divine intervention can save us now. And the way our country is going, not sure he would want to without some real hardships that are in coming first.
” We are already sending them all of our military hardware free. ”
Nincompoops in Washington tried to promote the idea that the U.S. was just giving the Uke’s our SURPLUS equipment but that was B.S. too. We left any surplus, first quality, equipment in Afghanistan with the “new Taliban”- Joey’s heros.
40 billion dollars. Anything in our arsenal. Gone! To people we do not know in another small country run by strangers with strange ways we do not understand.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is taking us to places we should not go. I’m for neutrality. Heavily-armed neutrality! With no loss of sovereignty.
What this country needs is a good 5 cent nickel…
“they are going to send him $40 Billion without any checks and balances on where and how that money is going to be spent…
Only divine intervention can save us now. And the way our country is going, not sure he would want to without some real hardships that are in coming first.”
Considering the checks and balances.. that has had me puzzled since the beginning of the print athon…there hasn’t been any plan or knowledge of where all these trillions have been distributed.. where is it being spent…who is beneficial of those windfalls..
As for the USA being SODOM AND GOMORRAH…
Thinking on what the new normal is for the USA..a year and a half ago.. so much was said about a president that patted a young woman on the butt and said being a billionaire gave him the opportunity to have sex.. and opened doors not available to the average citizen…then the new administration entered the picture.. with allegations of horrific crimes that shock even those that have questionable ethics.. in the past years there have been allegations of others in prominent and leadership positions in such horrific tortures and even satanic rituals of such a magnitude that it becomes a sick haunting nightmare so horrific that it shocks even those that have no morality. each situation had so much shown that it was fairly obvious that there’s a level of truth to all of them..a laptop so full of incriminating material.. all moveded to the side.. everyone told this is all fake pay no attention to the photos , videos or the postings of those involved..the don’t act like I do but like I say you should do..
Now an administration sneaking the people that has sworn revenge by the millions.. not one word from anyone no 24 hour new barrage on the evils..
Just How bad was SODOM AND GOMORRAH before the angels destroyed it..
In the rabbinic writings Valera Sodom and Gomorrah has become synonymous with extreme depravity and immorality, with a particularly sexual connotation and ritualistic satanic nature. Within the narrative in Bereshit it would seem that sexual immorality is only part of the evil of Sodom. The fall of ethics and morals. Satanic rituals and high crimes etc.
Has the USA become the new SODOM and GOMORRAH.
With such a dramatic fall in ethics values sexual deviance beyond comprehension crimes on everylevel of depravity.and.the dual standards of laws meant to protect the people tossed aside because of one’s social and political position.Now has us involved in a war protecting a country well known for its deep corruption and crimes as well.
What would I think if I was an angel walking this country.. I see and read what’s going on and it makes me seriously sad..questioning what in the world in one year happened to bring this level of change dragging us into depths of depravity untinkable.. agencies and law enforcement all dedicated to burying the crimes of the guilty and imprisonment and death of those that investigated or brought these crimes into public view..
What would an angel of the lord think… now with sneaking what could be an army of millions from countries sworn to revenge our destruction and killing of their lands could be our own demise by those sworn to protect and defend..
It all has me sad and confused.. a possible nuclear war killing of millions of innocent..starvation people that torture and kill an innocent child to drink their blood and eat their flesh in rituals.. then I wonder why the Devine let’s this all happen are there no angels walking the earth and if they are why haven’t they stopped this madness…
Or Are we beyond Devine intervention.
Looking out of the box,
Thank you kind sir for the compliment. Your reply/post is so right on. Like I said, the only thing that will save this country now is devine intervention and an army of Angels like you describe. It is getting ready to hit the fan. God bless Rand Paul and Marjorie Taylor Green as they are one of the few questioning where the hell did $60 Billion Dollars of our money go in Ukraine when we could have used that money so desperately here to close our borders. If I were president, I would put in double fencing with mine fields in between the fencing. Rand wants an IG appointed before the money is released to follow the money. The other illegalities you mention may not be ajudicated here now, but they will be adjudicated.
“God bless Rand Paul and Marjorie Taylor Green as they are one of the few questioning”
I hear ya.. Rand was my pick for pres to.. loved how he believes and he even reads the crap they vote on..his lets read the bills act that was laughed off of the floors of congress there were what five that voted for it LOL…. I still have the signs for him and his dad.. although I am afraid they would have been bombarded with the twenty four hour a day barrage of complaints that was bestowed upon Trump and his why don’t we bring back american pride campaign of MAGA if they had been voted into office….
Maybe THIS time.
Really interested in your comment about vertigo this morning. Doctors have concluded that my trip to hospital 4 weeks ago was a vertigo attack. The MRI last week gave no indication of a stroke. While this is a welcome relief, I am concerned about another vertigo session and how to prevent it.
I am doing something called the Romberg test on a daily basis (feet together, stand erect, hands down at sides, look straight ahead, close eyes and count to 30.). Although I get a little sway, when I entered hospital 4 weeks ago, they had 2 nurses to catch me as I fell over after 2 seconds.
There seems to be a number of causes for this problem including inner ear issues. I know this is not a medical site but readers like LOOTB have seen enough patients that they might give me some advice. I sure as heck would not want to have an attack while driving my car, let alone flying a plane like you did George.
Do a hearing check, too. Vertigo and inner ear go hand in hand. Driving with an open car window can set it off in seniors
Tis why the db does portion/percentage tai chi home-practice/workout with eyes closed. Also do same on the Hypervibe G17pro, a little more difficult, but same principals in play as when wiping out off a big wave. Balance must be practiced on the regular, otherwise U be fighting with Gravity, instead of getting along with it and being friends.
* Accu-pressure point top-inside of mouth right where joint line of gum/teeth meets roof of mouth(“up to heaven”) just touching tip of Ure tongue to this point – will give you stability/control/confidence and way forward – when all your sensory input is wrong/f-ed up.
“Tis why the db does portion/percentage tai chi home-practice/workout with eyes closed.”
I have always wanted to learn Tai Chi @Dao Bum
from everything I have read it is suppose to be the best morning exercise ever. unfortunately the classes for it around here are to expensive to put in my budget right now…….. I am a little jealous of the people in china to.. the people in China do it religiously.. and are taught from a young age how to do it properly and it is a before school activity….
Before it was made illegal to do in schools.. we use to have morning exercises and the pledge of allegiance to the flag before classes.. (I wish they still had them).. but then they said don’t do it it is wrong and it all ended….
Add an eye exam if the Docs think it is a good idea. Agree with George, get the hearing checked. I think maybe the inner ear is like a mini gyroscope in your head. Do whatever you need to get well.
Stay safe.
Take vitamin E. I would take a bottle of 60 of 1000 IU for two months and then stay on 400 IU with a two week break every 90 days.
A good pilot can “power through” a vertigo situation and lock on to the instruments visually while ignoring the feeling that the world is turning upside down and going around and around. This is a learned skill and discipline. While the docs are figuring out what might be really going on, you can practice focusing on visual inputs only when your inner ear is telling you something different. It’s not a solution and obviously won’t work with your eyes closed, but it’s a useful compensation to maintain functionality. As the slide away from a civilized society accelerates, we need to do all we can to minimize our reliance on external systems and institutions while using them carefully while they’re still available.
BIC, have had vertigo twice, both times room would start spinning if I got my head below shoulders bending over. Both times caused by inner ear crystals out of alignment. Completely cured by the Epley maneuver, see;
Your results may vary….
Ten-years ago, while bench pressing, through improper breathing, I some how displaced the calcium crystals in my right ear. After I came home from the gym, I found that when my head was in a certain position, I would immediately get knock-down vertigo.
One physical therapy session fixed my problem; some people require more to re-seat the calcium crystals.
Try tilting your head in different positions to see if that is the problem.
Good luck!
Are we all “White Supremists” & don’t even realize it? Have we unknowingly been conditioned over the years by society. I am not talking white supremacy in the way of the Buffalo shooting. But the type that can’t be seen, laid deep away in our subconcious.
If you want to answer that question, I suggest 2 YouTube videos by Dr. Larry Ward, a Black Buddhist Preacher trained & ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh founder of Plum Village.
One of the things that the Buffalo shooter spoke of in his manifesto was “Replacement Theory”. I’m surprised at how Glenn Beck is doing all he can to distance himself from this but I have to ask – if the open border isn’t RT what the heck IS?? If they’re flying illegals in and seeding Red State strongholds with them HOW is that not RP??? I have no problem with LEGAL immigrants. My grandfather was one and came through Ellis Is. like he and his family was supposed to.
Border Patrol Union Leader Warns Of “Complete Control” By Cartels Once ‘Title 42’ Ends
The head of the Border Patrol union warned that drug cartels would seize “complete control” of the southern border, as a Trump-era public health order to expel illegal immigrants is to expire on Monday.
“That we just don’t have anybody in the field, that we just can’t patrol the border,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said during Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” after being asked about the “worst-case scenario” once the law ends on May 23.
He said the Border Patrol system is running out of capacity as overwhelmed border agents will be largely held up by processing asylum-seeking illegal immigrants, either refereeing their claims or expelling them back to their home countries.
“When you look right now, we already start our shifts with 50 percent of our resources not even performing enforcement activities. They’re in administrative duties. Once this explodes, we’re going to have nearly 100 percent of our people doing administrative duties rather than enforcement duties.”
“That’s going to give complete control to the cartels. That’s a scary situation to be in,” he added.
Perhaps an answer to the personnel shortage would be volunteers. Not on the front lines where confrontations would place them in harm’s way, but in the offices doing the paperwork so the sworn officers could get back in the field.
There are thousands of retired law enforcement officers who could help out but are sidelined due to their age. Many sheriffs’ offices use reserves in similar capacities.
Yeah, I know. Everybody wants to be on the front lines, but that just isn’t feasible.
Yesterday my wife heard from the mother of a Federal Reservist that the Federal Reserves are being pulled off of the border areas and being processed out. Her daughter was stationed around Zapata, TX.
There is NOT. ONE. DECISION. that this “PRETENDency” has made for our country that is good. I seriously wonder if we will even HAVE elections this Fall.
what is a Federal Reservist?
Yup.. I was talking to someone in HS a week ago that said basically the same thing.. they were to lay off the illegal refugee’s.. and concentrate on the citizens of the USA not following the laws and to ignore the illegal refugee’s.. They don’t even know where they have been taken to..
Must have been the reservists serving out their remaining time on their contracts or other military reserve troops – My wife got the idea these weren’t state reserve troops. The woman also said the area across from the hotel/motel they were staying in was where all the illegals were and the daughter said it LOOKED like Mexico over there.
Funny that the shooter is associated with the Azov..
Doesn’t matter. At least 90% of Americans believe Nazism is a right-wing ideology*, and 99% of Americans don’t know, and wouldn’t believe, that there is a NeoNazi Division in the Ukrainian armed forces.
* Quick and efficient test to determine whether something is “Right-wing” or Left-wing:”
When is socialism EVER “right-wing?”
answer: Never! Socialism is always Leftist.
When is a central authority “right-wing?”
answer: Never! Local or decentralized authority = always rightist; central authority = always leftist.
Speaking of vertigo….
I am a wearer of hearing aids and have been since my mid-40s and my hearing was pretty bad going back at least a decade before that. I realize that’s pretty young, BUT I packed a lot of good living into that short amount of time. Loud music, driving race cars, unagreeable women definitely contributed, but the real culprit was military service, particularly combat operations in Iraq early 03-04. Besides almost daily being getting shot at, RPG’d, mortared, rocketed and generally mistreated, I was in a vehicle that was blown up by an IED in downtown Fallujah one fine November day. Walked away without a physical scratch. That’s been kind of a theme for me. Magic bubble of protection or something. Anyway, after that things with my hearing were never the same and I developed a bad case of tinnitus. Another data point, my hearing loss is in the middle frequency range…the human voice range. No big deal…I can deal with it. I unconsciously have learned to read lips…mask wearing is how I found out how deaf I really am!
Where I’m going with all of this is that a couple of months ago we started going back to the office. My office is in a federal building, but I’m not sure that has anything to do with this. It might, but let’s consider it a data point. The first day back as I was sitting at my desk I was overcome with extreme dizziness and a feeling of almost passing out. Scared the hell out of me. I thought I was dropping dead on the spot (no I haven’t taken any shots). Short story long, I realized that something is interfering with me through my hearing aids. As long as I don’t wear them in the office everything is fine, but if I forget, the effect starts within 20-30 minutes. Even after I take them out I still feel bad most of the day. Not dizzy, but slightly disoriented.
So, I have no idea what could be causing this other than maybe the wireless system in the building. It’s happened on other floors of the building, so it’s not isolated to my office. It got me thinking about the ‘Havana Syndrome’ and wondering if it’s something common to other federal facilities and my hearing aids are concentrating the effect somehow.
A friend of mine, who normally doesn’t work in an office, spends 4 to 6 hours at the County Sheriff’s office every Thursday., and he started having the same problem as you are describing. Took him a while to figure it out. He is convinced that it is the wireless system within the building that is causing the problem. He took out his aids, a couple weeks back, before going into the building and had no problems. All he could think of was the concentration of wireless comms somehow “interfering” with his new aids.
Forgot to ask if any new 5g boxes on the poles out front?
interesting.. time to bring out the EMF meter and check ….
years ago in the mad garage .. we took the microwave gun out of a microwave to see just how a microwave gun would work.. the spike was scary and yet you couldn’t feel it or detect it from a distance but the meter would spike…. 5G reminds me of that.. nope not going to replicate that spearament on the little ones.. we are making high pressure alcohol camp mantle lanterns and stoves.. LOL…
Daughter is in Government.
Supposedly hit twice.
Doctors and other Gov officials came to your conclusion ( Havana ) after a very detailed and lengthy process.
It was accepted that her building could be “hit” by an actor while in SE Asia , but not while in the Washington DC area. Common sense says it was a directed intentional act.
She has no definitive answers.
Could it be changes in the AC for covid?
Wearing a shielded skullcap over the hearing aids for a day would probably be a tell for some sort of RF effect. It would also make you the life of the staff meeting.
Its Always better safe than sorry…wear one a couple of days and see if it works…
I’ve been wondering about the 5G angle, too. I’m not sure if they did some kind of systems upgrade in the building or the area over the last year or two or not. Something has definitely changed. The hearing aids are the same and I have 5G routers at home. I honestly don’t know if that’s the same kind of 5G or not, but no problems at the hacienda.
d’Lynn, thanks for the note. I’m glad I’m not the only one.
when I first installed solar years ago.. the big issue I had was inverter noise.. emf shut my garage radio down.. … so I did a bunch of spearaments.. to eliminate the noise.. talked with a sibling that worked with NM silo’s control’s and we were able to work out the filtration of the noise so I could listen to my garage radio again.. thank god.. anyway.. get a meter.. cheap easy and then you can eliminate the frequency where it spikes.. I actually have two of them.. went to use my multi meter yesterday only to discover.. I left it on the last time I used it.. now.. the big issue.. is to change that triple a battery I have to open it.. and I don’t have the right screw driver to do that.. to pay twenty dollars to drive it to the battery shop.. is not in the budget.. so I have to wait until I make a regular trip.. grrr…
wanna see something really scary.. turn on your phone and then the emf meter LOL… brings the claims of brain tumors to real life possibility.. and it is in your hand…
5G router at home means it has a 5 GHz (frequency) output band.
Cellphone “5G” means “Fifth Generation” bandplan, which is a stew of multiple microwave frequencies all used simultaneously. I will not have a 5G cellphone, nor hold one to my head. I was a TV broadcast engineer for over 40 years and worked on broadcast transmitters and microwave links… safely.
No matter the ideology, it seems that every ruler of every nation these days is either an ass-clown on puppet strings or a vainglorious bastard intent upon regional domination. Putin is arguably the latter, Biden the former. But such matters place the minions of every nation/state in difficult situations. Do ‘we the sheeple’ sit back and allow another totalitarian tyrant to vacuum up anything they feel is part of a former ‘motherland,’ or do we encourage, nay – demand our leaders pull together, rise up and confront such demons as the arise, paying a steep price in blood and treasure in the process? Or, do we try something in-between? War is economic at its core, and global economies are in turmoil, increasing the inevitability of various levels of conflict. War, political, ideological and quite possibly kinetic, thus seems inevitable, the natural default choice for most egocentric, power consumed leaders. The spectrum of choices for the U.S. is wide, from condemnation followed by little action to full-on military mobilization followed by eventual confrontation. We humans must “choose, but choose wisely.” As silly and Zen as it sounds, our collective path depends on our next steps. My question to leaders on all sides is this: “Is anybody ‘gaming’ various strategies and policies to get as realistic as possible a vision of what each various action and reaction will do? Based upon the U.S. evacuation of Afghanistan and Russia’s epic Ukraine invasion fail, I think not! It’s time to start thinking actions thru to their possible end results, then act as sanely and responsibly as possible without laying down and allowing tyranny to walk all over humanity once more. Our collective future depends upon the choices made today. Should we fail, quoting the late, great HOF NY Yankee catcher (and Mets and Astros manager) Yogi Berra, “the future ain’t what it used to be!”
“Our collective future depends upon the choices made today.”
– However.., we “the people” do not get to make those choices. We are not allowed at the big-people’s table. “We” have little, to no say in the events that are about to take place. Our actions will be in the form of reactions. Then., and only then will we be heard., and by that time, it may be too late to recover.
Martin Armstrong on Greg Hunter’s site said in his last interview that the whole World is now led by an unimaginable number of total idiots and probably all are graduates or puppets of Klaus Schwab. We aren’t going to be able to get rid of them until we all have nothing left to lose.
We were kicking around the County needs for emergency (ham) communications here yesterday with TPTB at State EOC Ops.
We were tinkering together a Citizen’s Radio Militia, although officials all get fraidy-scared when I say that — and we’re in the process of final tweaks and fine-tuning the response and mission priorities and “performance vectors” for when SHTF.
Nobody here doubts SHTF is real and imminent. Time, we believe, is running out for prepping. We think a sudden storm of surprising confluent events will fall together seemingly coincidentally — Any Day Now.
Our biggest discussions revolved around the concepts of “General Prep” versus “Specific Conditions Prep.” We had a consensus that GenPrep was best. This means to have materials, services, organization, and operational procedures decided and in place that are READILY ADAPTABLE and RE-AIMABLE to meet the RealWorld immediate needs, as they arise.
The Wisdom (if, indeed, it BE such) is that once the balloon goes up, OVERLY-SPECIFIC plans often fail through over-looking some unanticipated factors, whereas “GenPrep” was stronger, since it IS easily re-focusable. (Thank You, Captain Obvious!)
“Officials” and “Government” will quickly be overwhelmed, and we are on our own — as, indeed, we always were — and are.
This is a time for perfect self-honesty and attitudes of initiative and resourcefulness.
Stare into the abyss, and think with clarity and resolve, not fear and panic.
Recognize that unlimited extrapolated curves usually break before the silly point is reached, because the victims of Bad Situations fight back — they don’t just suffer Bad Times quietly: they go to WAR, and prevail.
“Stay calm, and carry on.”
Tempis Fugits like crazy…
– 73 –
7.299 by day, 3.999 by night. Patience.
My big question is.. when the balloon goes up ..society as we know it will change completely.
My thought is if the planet is shoved back ten thousand years to the days before noah..the structure of leadership will also be altered..
My thought is a time similar to the movie ..the postman…
Now after the three day stress test without the grid I see the weak areas here.. the solution is easy enough..
It just takes money..and as everything is escalating in price daily all while the time for the balloon is drawing closer.. the time to act on it is fast separating itself from being accomplished.
For years I have been asked how to proceed with general storm prep.. I’ve always had the one can method..if you use three then buy four when three is gone buy four more..before you know it you have a months worth prepared.. now you would have to escalate the time frame.. solar setup a month ago was under twenty grand to secure my power source today it’s over twenty grand..
If I take out a loan and the balloon doesn’t go up I’m screwed.. if I wait the price will Doon be out of reach for a catfish bottom feeder and I seriously doubt I’m going to win the lottery or inheritance…
ALWAYS do GenPrep.
I’ve said the reason I advocate prepping for an EMP is because doing so automagically preps one for virtually all lesser, survivable SHTF situations.
Preps should be as thorough as practical, but not stupid, and they should be able to be quickly and easily (as you put it) “re-aimed.”
If you drop in on any of the hardcore “prepper” sites, you will learn that you can drop an endless amount of money on an infinite amount of junk, allegedly to “prep” against every imaginable negative circumstance. Hell, you can prep against Armegeddon, and the suppliers will give you written money-back guarantees (not kidding!) Places like this cater to stupid…
“If you drop in on any of the hardcore “prepper” sites, you will learn that you can drop an endless amount of money on an infinite amount of junk, ”
I have always prepped for the winter storm.. but don’t believe in prepping for everything.. ( even though I do have gas masks.. but I got those for when I paint in the garage..not for a prepping movement.. )
I put solar on not so much as a prepp.. but as a message to my kids on what we should do.. I have said for years and years.. that we need to protect the grid.. the infrastructure.. and quit being stupid.. so when my mother passed and we had to contact the DAR on her passing.. my brother made a statement that really hit me .. he said.. isn’t it sad that at the end of your life all you have left is a couple of boxes of assorted crap.. a few photo’s and the memories of what you stood for.. my wife and I on our way home were talking and thought.. what in the world would anyone remember us for.. I was a work a holic an average work week was a hundred hours a week.. the wife the same thing.. we worked hard to try and give everyone the things they needed.. there never was time for vacations or luxuries etc.. we were bogged down with medical expenses and general living expenses with low paying jobs..
When we arrived home.. there on the television was a round table with the local network.. they had the PUC and the leaders of the power companies all discussing the future of power in the country.. the consensus was no matter what.. even if there wasn’t a watt more of energy asked for.. that the price would have to increase five hundred percent in x years..
we discussed this.. and decided that would be our message to our children.. that we should use power wisely..
What surprised me was the efficiency of it.. I had bought the same BS that the power companies spit out regularly..
the backup system.. we had a power outage for a long period of time.. luckily it was winter.. and we were able to put our cold stuff outside.. so I put in a power backup.. with this past issue.. I see the problems that need to be addressed for a grid down.. and if it does come to a grid down because we were to stupid to protect it.. and the balloon goes up with an emp.. we all will be screwed.. unfortunately the fix is not that bad of a cost.. my problem is the money isn’t there to make the essential fixes.. I can get the loan to do the essentials.. I just don’t have adequate funds to pay them off as prices spike.. and I sure don’t see an inheritance or lotto winning in my future.. now I have to be creative to see how I can get it done.. or at least make enough changes to get by..
my thought on the Amish is they work old school… and they work as a team.. together.. not once did i consider the marauders..
Even though I use to have photo’s of the Weimer depression showing people carrying out baskets of gold and silver services to trade for groceries..
the stories my father said he father told him.. about the whole thing.. and what my parents went through..
for decades I worked healthcare in one form or another.. and I was always empathetic to the pain that the patients were in thinking I understood their situation.. when it happened to me.. I realized I didn’t have a clue what they had been going through.. today we hear about cutting back on opioids.. the opium based drugs.. and how dangerous they are.. ( and they are..) but if your in serious pain.. you will take anything and everything to get rid of it.. even at inservices the ones that abuse it the most are doctors and medical staff when they have pain.. resulting in having more gi bleeds.. and emergency surgery for over use..
very few today have a clue what is coming.. they can’t see it.. just like our realtor in SanFran.. he can’t see what is going on there because it doesn’t affect him in any way.. it was the same thing in Germany.. the affluent didn’t see the camps coming even though it was well known.. because it had never occurred to them that they would be the ones interned there..
I listened to stories from those that were involved.. one woman her husband an affluent lawyer and their three kids.. had to escape.. hid in culverts and all sorts of places to get out before they would be forced to go to the camps.. the same thing with the diary I bought at a rummage sale of the downfall of the Czar in Russia.. by the Bolsheviks..
LET THEM EAT CAKE.. syndrome..
Marooned in the suburbs with $12.00 gasoline.
I believe that The Amish are the ones that will survive.. the rest of us are to dependent on modern technologies..
I don’t. The Amish and Old Order Mennonites are as notoriously pacifist as Quakers. Any Amish/OOM colony or settlement that hasn’t been “adopted” by savvy outsiders will be robbed, raped, and massacred, and their tools scattered or destroyed.
Rhodesia/Zimbabwe was a wealthy nation with plentiful food and resources. So was Venezuela, FTM. They were both far above “self-sustaining.” When the Zimbabweans developed their internal “problems,” people who didn’t know how to farm or butcher, farmed and butchered (and wasted) the existing farms into extinction, creating both food and knowledge shortfalls in the process. ‘Nothing like eating 20 pounds of an Angus steer to create waste…
“people who didn’t know how to farm or butcher, farmed and butchered (and wasted) the existing farms into extinction,”
Thanks @Ray… I actually never considered that angle of the situation.. and in considering the ignorance of the kids running the country today.. it totally makes sense.. the vast majority of the forty and fifty year olds today have never had the struggles to compare it with.. In the Ensign there was an article that basically said less then ten percent of the church members actually had a food stock for a storm..
I didn’t until I had to gather the grain from the ground behind the wiggle wagons going into the elevator to crush into a crude gruel.. after that I decided that no matter what I would never let that happen again..
even the wife gave me guff over that.. she thought it was stupid.. then we went a year without an income.. and we would not have made it if it hadn’t of been for the food in our pantry..
the kids today don’t have.. even a social worker asked me about it.. even though it is required by them to have a three month supply and a two week supply of water.. the kids today won’t walk across the street .. they get in the car and drive across the street.. rather than walk.. many prep by getting modern tools where if a real situation was to happen.. the tools would be worthless..
It reminds me of the Joke..
a backwards guy walks into a store and asks for a saw to cut down tree’s..
the salesman says how many tree’s to you have to cut.. the man says.. I have a whole field of tree’s..
the salesman says.. I have just the saw for you.. this is the new Stihl chainsaw.. guaranteed to cut at least fifteen trees a day..
the man buys the saw..
Two weeks go by and the man comes back in and says.. it isn’t working..
the salesman says.. what did it do.. the man says.. well the first day I got nineteen tree’s down.. the second I got fifteen.. the third ten.. and each day it went down considerably till now I can barely get one tree a day cut down..
Well that is an issue.. so the salesman takes the saw.. checks the fuel.. checks the oil.. checks the blade tension.. hmm looks good..
he primes it then pulls the cord.. the saw whirls up into action..
the man looks dumbfounded and says…… WHATS THAT NOISE????..
“the man looks dumbfounded and says…… WHATS THAT NOISE????..”
This is a variation of my favorite “dumb Swede” joke…
” I actually never considered that angle of the situation.”
Think about it: They don’t know how to butcher, and they don’t know how to preserve meat. They also don’t know the brain is edible, but the intestines, aren’t. They don’t know how to jerk beef or build a smoker, and they would kill a cow critter right next to where they were camping (so’s not to have to carry the meat very far.) This means two days later, when the meat is rotting, they will have to move elsewhere, because it’s damn’ near impossible to move an eviscerated, dead animal.
I heard (anecdotally) of a family which perished back in the late ’70s because they didn’t know the “dent” corn they’d stashed the year before, to feed the livestock they no longer had, was edible. I believe it is a tall tale, but would honestly not be surprised if it weren’t. As a species, we’uns is obviously that stupid…
“I heard (anecdotally) of a family which perished back in the late ’70s because they didn’t know the “dent” corn they’d stashed the year before, to feed the livestock they no longer had, was edible.”
That may just be true.. I’ve put corn out to feed rocky the squirrel (and his mate) .. and had people tell me they thought it was bad.. lol
They don’t know you can still get the oil out of it to.. the year we almost starved .. I would pick the kernels out of the dirt.. to beat into a crude gruel to eat.. a life’s lesson.. because of that I always try to find someone that’s fallen through the cracks..long story my worst and best xmas ever..
Yo OG-G,
Peeps west that big flat dried mud river – need a strong “woodshedding ” ..get their collective heads out of their rectums (cranial rectilitus) and realize aint no more water,ever – there never was. Just like the not federal reserve – papering over a black hole, eventually the implosive pressures will overcome the papering over. So Cal is/was and will again be A Desert.
There is No Stopping the process, ARIDIFICATION is dominating the SW portion of US..WestTexas to the PCH in the land of Califorication.
In other words – Burn Baby Burn!
Says hear – “watch the Water disappear”
* remember – 2 humps betta than 1
“They” wont need nukes, lasers, scalar weapons, armies/navies – can just sit back with Ure homebrew and ceramic grill (KJ classic 2) – and watch the country go up in flames, while U be cooking with clean smoke for hours on end(spatchcock chicken/pulled pork/brisket) cueing the heavenly choir- sing it! getting tonal with the bbq..Dont forget Meater 1st.
Once enough of the population has been “BURNT” they will throw the burn victims some “free stimy” CBDC’s, at which point burn victims will happily and hungrily accept as money. See how they “work” the slavery system. Everyone in Galaxy is a slave, to somethings/someones of greater strength/greater neurological engagement skills – mentally “boosted”= artificially enhanced – the Owners.
We slaves have been mentally f-ed Up (freq manipulations & dimensional “death” traps)
– Who Owns EARTH? Who Owns the Moon, nowadays ?
Control = Ownership
Cbs of the paying operating expenses with money from drug and vaccine manufacturers, thank you clinton, news were “pumping” 3rd boosters shots for children admidst skyrocketing covid infections..? And drug company manufacrured baby foods???.
“Those DC geniuses: Don’t seem to have a problem getting formula to the Mexico border. But for People here?“
If I remember correctly, there was found to be mold growing in some baby formula factories and some mfg facilities had to shut down production. – interestingly, health department inspections were canceled due to covid, so inspectors were concerned only with covid, not product quality. Same thing as when state inspectors were stopped from inspecting nursing homes and hospitals because of covid. In both mfg facilities and healthcare facilities , (and other places) inspections have now resumed and many over looked mistakes are now being found and, folks are paying the price for those failures.
Those inspections should never have stopped. How stopping inspections helped fight covid, is beyond my comprehension. (?)
The Biden Administration called the shots to focus on covid, and giving away formula (and other necessities) thus, creating this mess. – outrageous !!
The Abbott baby formula factory is in Sturgis, Michigan, which is nearly a suburb of South Bend, Indiana. ~120 miles north of Sturgis is Fremont, which is where Gerber fruit-based baby foods are made. Gerber (Cincinnati) and Beech Nut (New York State) have both had issues with heavy metal (arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury), in their baby food, but not bacteria.
Sturgis manufactures Enfamil, Isomil, Similac, etc. powdered formula — roughly half of all the powdered formula in the U.S. BTW Gerber and Beech Nut are now both foreign (Swiss-owned) companies; Abbott is HQd in Chicago and its principal owners are Vanguard, Capital Research and Management, and BlackRock…
When we almost starved.. I had a baby.. we didn’t have any money no jobs.. you couldn’t buy a job.. I had to scrape the grain behind farm tractors to grind into a crude gruel.. it was horrible.. anyway.. there wasn’t any money for food or baby formula..
I did have a large box of powdered milk.. and having read old books.. that is how we fed the baby…..
when the baby got big enough to eat solid foods.. we had one of these..
which I used this last weekend.. my friend living in our spare bedroom got really sick. ended up in the hospital.. and his distant family was worried that what they were hearing had them think they weren’t feeding him.. so I went in daily to feed him.. and make sure his basic cares were being done.. like shaving him etc.. some things they fail to do in a hospital
1 13-ounce can (354 mL) full-fat evaporated milk we didn’t have money to buy evaporated milk.. so we did..
(Mix 1½ cups of warm water with 1 cup of powdered milk.)
2 ? cups (19 fluid ounces // 562 mL) clean water, preferably slightly warm
2 tablespoons blackstrap molasses
I have often wondered if a time traveling me, is the one leaving me the Finger Prints of God or these totems, like the bullet I kicked outside the stadium 2 or so months prior to it missing from a suspects gun. And finding that CD case and the picture I took exactly 10 months after, 4 months before the tour was booked by the star, and 8 months before I would take that job. It’s too much of a regular occurrence to not be like. Hmmmm. I mean I know THE DUDE and this is all is Creation.
But how would someone know exactly where I’d be, that far in advance unless they new I would be exactly there. The possibility of every single person including me, would make all the exact mistakes and choices has to be something like 10^333 or greater to calculate destiny with that sort of precision. I mean it boggles the mind. 11 unless, they knew my exact pattern as a blueprint of GPS location logs from my cell phone from the future.
Either way, how am I that important that time travelers would come back to give me clues or how am I that important that THE DUDE wants me to know this stuff in advance?
I don’t think I’m really that important. I’m just human like everyone else. LOL. A soul in an organic meat sack.
And by what purpose does this interaction serve? Hopefully I’m not Hansel on my way to the witches dinner plate. LOL. Because I have considered that too.
I know ya probably don’t talk to Clif anymore but I sent ya both an email. I haven’t talked to him in years. Not sure if it makes sense. But that is a sample of how I read the language of creation. It’s seems the more i interact with the language in everything that creates everything. The everything of the everything, the more it notices me in dialog with it. And my understanding of many different languages all over the world, increases. Even old languages not used anymore. It creates heat signatures too.
I can literally read calander dates and scripts off tree leaves. LOL. It so weird. I’m weird.
It’s all geometry in structure. Hard to describe. I gave you two examples. I’ve never shared it before and I been reading it for a while. Never mentioned it, or how it works.
Probably why I’m a magnet for rich and famous people. Sometimes I wonder if everyone knows something about me that I don’t. Like they all know something about me and then I think, God damn dude you are self centered. Hahaha. Stop being so serious. Fuck you. Help others.
One thing is. I know alot of new money. And they are all flashing it around and buying Ferraris and rolex’s and showing them off on Facebook and we are about to enter times the world hasn’t seen in a while like back in the depression when my grandfather used to walk the rail tracks to find coal that dropped off the trains so he could heat the house for my grandmother and him and… … all those dudes flashing around money around, saying hey look at me! When the shit hits the fan? Well who do you think the starving masses are going to loot first. Andy in his cheep ass VW passat that looks plane as a Chrysler K car wearing a cheep ass micky mouse watch he found on the ground and cost $30 at a store?
Or the guy with the Ferrari and rolex?
So, I live by a few principles the last 3 years. Nobody knows where I live. I don’t even get mail there. Only 2 people have ever been to my house. My daughter and my ex the bunny. I don’t keep my plates on my car. I keep them in the glove box. When I get pulled over I ask the cop for a screw driver because I need one to put them on the car. And the cop always says, oh well your good. Your tabs are good. Take care of it when you get home. And no camera at any place has a picture of my plates on it. And my windows are tinted super dark. So when shit hits the fan? Even if everyone got the idea to go to Andy’s house. They have no idea where it is. LOL.
Not even my work knows where I actually live. Only my kid and my ex, who has only been there once and neither of then could find it by memory. And I always have a bag packed by the door ready to bounce as soon as the language of creation tells me ok Andy. Time to go. LOL
I was at the store last night. The entire line of soup cans and chili cans were stacked on the line of the shelf to look like it was fully stocked. Not a single can behind them tho. Only the front row to make it look fully stocked.
And that is a sign of things to come. One jar of peanut butter $11.90 and it was 2 for $8.00 about 6 months ago.
I’m sure it will all work out. Eveyone wonders what is the number one thing to buy. Oatmeal. You ever seen a horse? They eat oats. I buy boxes of that stuff. Bean and rice and soup are good for ya. But Oats will help you keep your physical muscle when everyone else is going catabolic from starvation. Oats help you stay in Anabolic state. Catabolic state is where your body starts eating (using) it’s own muscle for protein to stay alive. Not a good place to be in. And when the famin hits? Eveyone will be going into that. And maintaining your muscle is more important especially for survival. There is a big difference between holding on to your muscle in a famine and everyone else loosing the same weight and muscle at the same time.
Have a wonderful week. Hopefully everything turnes around and everyone is happy forever. I hate being a negative Nancy. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best. And don’t ignore the signs around you. Just because you want to stay positive. Awareness is important. Fear is optional.
Off to grab 18 gears.
Just Andy
That is one of the reasons I love that Ketons stuff. It puts you in ketosis 30 minutes after drinking it and it last for 10-12 hours. It is almoast impossible in a state of ketosis for your body to use its own muscle for protein subliment. So you can’t go into catabolic phase transition.
The difference between Joe blow on the street weighing 230lbs in a famine eating one bowl of beans and rice a day and me drinking a bottle of keytones and eating a bowl of Oats is, in the long run he will become physically weaker and I won’t. I will stay the same. When we both drop 50 lbs in 2 months. He will loose 40% in lean mass and lean mass is what creates strength. And I will loose about 2% lean mass. When times get Tuff and people get desperate. A) they look for who they knew has money and food. B) should there be an event of “mortal combat” I like my odds when both weigh 190 lbs that I have retained 40% more muscle than he has. Even though we both weigh the same.
I grind up the Oats in a grinder to make them like powder. Then mix them with protein for protein shake. Your body will still say, I’m hungry like the other dude, but your body won’t be chewing up its own muscles for survival like his. And that makes me faster, stronger and more agile than my opponent.
When the shit hits the fan? I always go with rule number one. Avoid physical conflict. Best to let others engage in “their egos write checks their ass can’t cash” and live to fight another day. That doesn’t make you a Coward. That makes you smart.
If there is riots at the grocery store. I’m not go down there and show em all what a bad ass I am and tale charge of the situation. LOL I will kill each other off first. Then go get mine. And if there is any stragglers, well being fit and retaining my lean mass, gives me a strategic advantage over anyone else the same size or bigger.
And it’s coming. No doubt about that. We got about 6 months maybe before there is knock down drag out fights at the gas stations and grocery stores.
There should be parents fighting if it isn’t already happening over baby formula. Etc. Etc.
Good thing I never got vaccinated. Anyone who did, well I hope the best for you. If you can’t see the writing on the wall by now? Well, Hopefully THE DUDE will open your eyes.
One reason the Colt 45 SAA revolver was so beloved in the old west is that it made every man [ & woman ] truly equal. Andy, you can not stop a 230gr 45 acp hollowpoint with good- thoughts and big biceps. You’re gonna need a little more then that.
I been shot with a .45 hollow point. In the hand. Ask George. He knows. And i can hit a bottle cap at 100 feet without using my sites with my Hk .45. Simple by muscle memory. I spent years “dry firing” with a lazer from every physical position. Left and right hand. And I shot over 5000 live rounds back when I made my own Amo on the Dillan press.
I have very big advantage over most anyone. I read the world around me like a book. The language of creation. And I spent alot of time navigating large crowds. Working the baracade, securing entire stadiums with over 70,000 people present. Anticipating every thing that could go wrong to keep everyone safe. Move people into positions and like I said, intuitively I always end up right where high profile people who don’t announce they are coming to a show and nobody knows their even there until they are seen next to me. Lol.
I’m very good at navigating D’lynn a sea of people with all kinds of emotions. And there are people i can “locate” in crowds of 10’s of thousands.
Like my friend said. How the hell do you always know where I’m at and where to find me, when I don’t even tell you where I am or even if I’m there. I said. Uhhnmn I’m weird like that. Lol
Ya .45 hollow point is no joke. Ouchy. Just take my word fot that.
And don’t forget D’lynn. Most people think that hiding behind sheet rock walls means they are safe. Don’t be one of those people. If someone is hiding behind a wall and you are in mortal combat. Look for their shadow, then shoot through the wall. Who knows. That may save your life one day.
And for fucks sake, don’t do the stupid shit they do on TV and movies. Which is lead with your gun. People push way out there infrony of them as they entertain buildings and corridors. If anyone is around the corner sees a gun first? I grab it right out of their hand and come around the corner and down on them super fast.
Anyway. Lol
That is how I met my second wife D’lynn. True storey. She was my wound care specialist.
After that. I thought. Boy I gotta come up with a different dating strategy. Hahahahah
Uhem, Yes Dear.
Andy…, 82nd Airborne / 75th Inf [Rangers] three tours in Vietnam [ though I did not finish my third tour] 16 years on competitive shooters circuit [ never won a single match] and 18 [on and off] years armed security. Now – blissfully retired planting tomatoes and fishing on the lake.
“82nd Airborne / 75th Inf [Rangers] ”
Dam @dLynn… I just had family drop by not long ago from those very same divisions.. and a guy that I know that we gave shelter for a couple years ago that had to sleep in his car because he couldn’t get his retirement..seems some of the tours in his thirty years of military service were out sourced to other agencies and wasn’t considered military service.
he said the senators best man ever was working on it to straighten it out….when it was 50 below I told him he should take his military gear and move into that best man Evers office..or have him sleep in the car with him.. he never did and eventually got a sleeping room..he had a stroke and passed on before he could get his retirement..
“I can literally read calander dates and scripts off tree leaves. LOL. It so weird. I’m weird.”
Right there with ya Andy.. I would show the kids that leaves produce an electrical current and follows the sun lol lol lol..
Studies have been done to show that They like good music to.. growth is out of this world .. rap and hard rock they wither..
Car financing is pretty far out there.
Notice the Ford “Flex Buy” finance option as example.
“Flex Buy is offered with 66- or 75-month terms. Your first 36 months of payments are discounted by 15% or 18%, while higher later payments allow for your full balance to be satisfied.”
75 months on a car w/rising payments. Banks are lending. Business is good.
Bought a new (to me) car last month, a loaded 2017 Hyundai Elantra with 52,000 miles for $18.5k. Didn’t want to blow savings so put $3k down, and financed $15.5k at decent rate over 5 years from a new credit union. They had higher rates for shorter term loans. My budget allows me to pay the whole thing off within a year. Credit union calls up, I’m pre-approved for a credit card with a minimum $10k limit and zero percent no fee balance transfers for one year. I accepted their offer. Credit union allows making loan payments via credit card (no fee, $5k/month limit)!!! I have a Discover card that I pay in full each month. Transferred $10k to Discover. Using Discover to make two $5k loan payments to collect 1% cash back bonus, second payment in a couple of weeks. Plan to pay off car loan (using Discover) in 3-4 months and have title in hand, and pay off the unsecured credit card balance by end of 12 months.
Reminds me of early 2000s when multiple credit cards were offering $10k-$15k 0% balance transfers for 12 months, and I placed all those balance transfers in a money market account earning 5%. With the bank’s “bail-in” policies of today, I’m not playing that game anymore.
My vertigo now after nine years since the last episode , has occured the first week of April and seems to be related to hyper allergic reaction to Easter lilies. Some orchids have a lesser effect.
Sometimes you need to just read foreign sources to get domestic info! We’ve all suspected that the 40 billion that Brandon wants to send to Ukraine was a ripoff of the American public, but now Marjorie Taylor Greene is stating it in plain language:
Apparently the money is available if not allocated to the NGO’s controlled by relatives of various American politicians! Who knew?
This reminds me of George’s stories of the Cayman Island corporate types who would indebt their companies for millions while hiding the money and then declaring bankruptcy. It’s the same pattern on a grander scale.
Our problem, Mike, is we’re too damn honest to be rich.
“we’re too damn honest to be rich.”
That totally depends on what your perspective of wealth is…
I use to think it was a string of numbers on a sheet of paper..
I use to hear an old saying..he who dies with the most toys wins…
But those that have all the toys are called hoarders…
My eye opening experience that showed me how I was the richest man alive.. was with my getting seriously dawned on me then. In the end all those numbers will be split apart and distributed around the medical industry.. but as long as you have numbers you can get the best care .. like our political system..the best that money can buy..
The overload of toys sold for pennies..
Instead what I discovered was.. those around you..the simple pleasures..the look you get when you help someone stand that cannot on their own.. family, faith and friends..
I always had an idea who would be there in a hard time..yet every time I’ve had difficulties..they were the first to vanish.. it was always someone I’d have never expected..
George.. your very very rich.. you have a faithful following of those that respect you a beautiful mate to share the pleasures of life, children and grandchildren.those .that see value in you the person and your wisdom.. no toys or numbers were ever needed..
Not to poke fun at those suffering from vertigo, but this reminded me of an old joke. How many Kennedy’s does it take to change a light bulb? Three, two to hold the ladder and one to drink until the room spins!
I want to thank everyone here who commented on my vertigo and to George for letting me take the topic way off center today.
I have always believed the best way to solve a problem is to talk to people that have had the problem. One reason I never asked politicians for help when I ran my businesses. Writing cheques is a hell of a lot different than cashing them.
The comments about inner ear and hearing aids is particularly helpful. I started wearing them about a year ago and have an annual hearing test next week. I would have never thought to bring this up to audio technician had you brought it to my attention.
And MAJ13, I had loud music, drove noisy cars, and suffered unagreeable women but never daily being getting shot at, RPG’d, mortared, rocketed and generally mistreated. I can’t even imagine!
Bob In Canada
“I had loud music, drove noisy cars, and suffered unagreeable women”
I had always visioned having that.. my life was work.. travel between jobs and my books..
I thought there would be time to enjoy the luxury of the leisure activities in life when older..only to discover life moves on..
Now I wouldn’t change a thing..I’ve seen and done things while trying to shove three lifetimes into one.. many hats and learned many things. Seen the world through the books I’ve read.
Yo Jorge, just found an extremely interesting article on all things COVID. Published on NIH website:
Rather long read but well written and sourced. Pulls all available truths together, not a pretty picture. Enjoy…..
That is the best .gov article I have read. Thank you for posting! You do not want to read this if you are vax’d.
Gosh golly. The WH public schedule advises next stop SEA via Anchorage. Shout out to Homer’s Cove!
Meanwhile today Deutsche Welle and the German investigative group Collect!v advise European academics may have been asleep at the switch to have mentored Chinese research students for possible Chinese military purposes.
I’m not sure if the following is from some comrade of the coolaid on the the Mainland who has put together a collage ROCing their neighbor in the free world? Is that the new Chinese stealth plane airborne at around 00:30 and 01:55 in the video? And the little drone looks like it could fly “like a butterfly and sting like a bee”.
Alright folks, back to DJ Ure melting the platter with a special request for hurdling the Pacific ring of fire. Hold the magic mushrooms, turn up the reverb, and let’s launch into that Fab 4 classic:
“I’m Only Sleeping”.
By my count, COVID has come through the office about eleven times. Most of the cases now are just 2-3 day scratchy throats. The old timers compare notes 2 -3 weeks later when the talking heads start squawking about a resurgence, but by then, it has already come and gone. The office rule is that if you have a fever, you go home; otherwise, we stay and work.
There might still be a few people at work who still claim they haven’t had COVID, but I immediately dismiss those claims as denial. My best witch doctor told me some time back “Everyone gets COVID”. I can’t dispute that.
Great update George. How Ironic that the “Hoover” Dam is about to dry up?
Grapes of Wrath and all there’s this:
‘Not The Best Look’: Reuters Report On Ukraine Driving Russian Soldiers Out Includes Glaring Photographic Mistake
Reuters reported on Monday that Ukrainian soldiers had been successful in driving Russian occupation forces back across the Russian border in the Sumy region. But it was the photo featured with the article in the tweet from Reuters’ official account that provoked a series of reactions — mainly because it was a photo of soldiers training in paintball gear.
Russia says 900 Ukrainian troops sent to prison colony from Mariupol
More than 900 Ukrainian troops who were at Mariupol’s besieged Azovstal steel plant have been sent to a prison colony on Russian-controlled territory, Moscow has said, as their fate remains uncertain. “If the enemy has laid down arms, then his fate will be decided by the courts. If it is a Nazi criminal, then it’s a tribunal.”
In recent months, the United States has been increasingly pumping Ukraine with various types of weapons in order for the acute phase of the conflict to last as long as possible. As they say, “to the last Ukrainian.” But this is far from the only and, if viewed from a strategic position, not the most important article of American exports. Washington has been nurturing Nazi movements in Ukraine for many years and regularly supplies homegrown National Socialists to create a “new Reich” in the center of Europe.
Russian Troops Destroy 2 Battalions of Ukrainian Tanks Mid-Preparation
Russian troops destroyed two battalions of Ukrainian armored vehicles preparing to launch an attack, Russian military officials say. The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said the attack took place near the village of Vishnevoe in the south-eastern Ukrainian region of Zaporizhzhia Oblast.
Glenn Greenwald:
It’s a cause of momentary celebration that the Department of Homeland Security was forced by popular anger to “pause” its Disinformation Board and the absurd #Resistance cartoon they hired to run it.
Investigating and criticizing a Homeland Security official is now “harassment” and bullying, according to the WashPost and @TaylorLorenz. Only ordinary citizens can be investigated — not high-level US Security State operatives. Them’s the rules
Homeland Security Pick To Clean Up ‘Disinfo Board’ Pushed Disinfo Himself
The Biden administration is calling in backup to bail out its Disinformation Governance Board just days after a disastrous launch. Their ringer is a former government official who blamed Russia for the Hunter Biden laptop story. Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas this week tapped former DHS secretary Michael Chertoff to advise the board.
Report: US Gas Prices Could Double Soon, Amid Potential Supply Shortage
Some gas stations across the country are already bracing for the Next Big Thing involving surging fuel prices, namely the price per gallon potentially exceeding $10. For other stations, however, there might be no product left to sell at the pumps. Throughout eastern Washington, according to a Post Millennial report, gas stations are running out of fuel. In the Tri-Cities region of Kennewick, Pasco, and West Richland, customers are reportedly pulling up to pumps … only to find no gas available for purchase. A “76” gas station in Auburn, Washington has already begun reprogramming its pumps to “make room” for double-digit pricing, according to the Post.
It appears that a 33/83 week first and second fractal series from the March 2020 low’s is operative.
At the base of America’s economy, the population of buying-capable American consumers is depleted – secondary to both high prices and central bank reactive and controlling 2008 era interest rates. High priced real estate purchases at 5+ percent 30 year mortgages are dead. In a consumer based, service-based economy such as America’s, the scenario of central bank zero-interest-rate-created commodity inflation will be offset by central bank interest rate increases; a recurret cyclical pattern will be repeated over the next 50 years …
Consumer stocks such as Walmart and Target have had their earnings reduced by greater than 25% in last quarter with recent correlative equity nonlinear devaluations. These consumer behemoth companies have warehouses full of inventory. This is reverse scenario of supply chain shortages … And producer countries will see less orders…
China’s real estate bubble worth 15% of global valuation worth is at the end of its cycle. The Shanghai property index is following a 8/20/17 of 20 day fractal decay series with an expected nonlinear ending. This correlates to Western and Eastern equity composites of 10/20-25/17 of 20 day cycles. Evergrande is completing a 5/11/ 7 of 10 day decay series.
Expect great valuation nonlinearity over the next three trading days for both equities and commodities.