In my small circle of friends in the last two years, three wives have died before their husbands. Strange.
We all will leave this sphere and move to the next, It is rather amazing how permanent this feels and yet there is more to come. I wish you comfort and blessings as this change unfolds. Richard
Inspirational. Beautifully and strongly written. Thank you for sharing. You have given us much Clif. Sincere condolences.
Our deepest condolences
Cliff was committed to Cathy in a way that most marriages are not committed. The transition will be difficult for him because of the life they had together and his work over the years to assist her with her health issues in addition to dealing with his own, but I firmly believe that the Soul lives on past physical death. I pray that their souls may be blessed and again be joined at some time in the future.
May God grant you comfort and peace, Clif, with the strength to carry on.
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”
– Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967
Great concept…
instead of the journeys story..more like the… WHY … for the journey you make.. what’s your why files…
Considering Nostradamus…(” Nostradamus, born Michel de Nostradame, began posting his predictions primarily because he believed he could foresee future events through his study of astrology and other esoteric practices.
Nostradamus experienced personal tragedy during the plague, losing his wife and two children to the disease. This devastating loss profoundly impacted him and influenced his work. After this tragedy, he dedicated himself to studying medicine and astrology, hoping to find ways to prevent such suffering in the future driven by a desire to help others prepare for and navigate the future after the loss of his . His predictions, while often cryptic, provided a sense of guidance and foresight. People throughout history have sought meaning and comfort in his prophecies, using them to interpret and make sense of the world around them.”)
the results of his predictions could be navigate and avoided..if we chose to change our directions. heavenly father gave us his rules and directions..
Every life has a place a meaning …Life finds its true meaning in the passions we pursue, the love we share, and the kindness we spread. Every moment of growth and every act of gratitude creates a ripple of positivity. You make the world brighter just by being you. I tell all my kids and grandkids.. if you go to the dance get out there and do your dance! be part of the flow of music not the wall flower. lend a hand where needed enjoy and live love and be the best you that you can be.
While traversing the rough roads of daily life, remember that life finds its true meaning in the passions we pursue, the love we share, and the kindness we spread. Every moment of growth and every act of gratitude creates a ripple of positivity. You make the world brighter just by being you.
I found my why While traversing the rugged path of life, remember that finding the ‘why’ in your existence brings true meaning. It’s in the passions we pursue, the love we share, and the kindness we spread that we discover our purpose for being.
the loss of one so well loved is heartbreaking. may the existence of who she was be cherished for eternity.. my heart breaks at the sorrow you are experiencing Cliff..
Damned Well Said.
My condolences to Cliff.
That was exactly my late FIL’s philosophy regarding life. Live it to the fullest.
Exactly…. its not getting what you want in life..its making the most of what you have.
So sorry to hear of Cliff’s loss. Our sincere condolences go out to him.
I have been an avid follower of Cliff’s work from the very beginning when George & Cliff worked together to try and provide us with clues & understanding on how future could possibly be foreseen in a most unique way.
Condolences seem so inadequate. You have given us much, and I hope that continues. You are a well-tempered human, suffering many blows. We share your grief.
So sorry to hear. An unfortunate but certain part of living and aging is that it eventually becomes all too obvious that what once once seemed so solid and immutable, will inevitably fall. Going on to exist without the critical supports that one has always been able to rely upon, tests one’s mettle and is an unwelcome exercise in misery. I sincerely hope Clif will find wholesome support from those who remain dear in his life.
Cliff, memories are pictures we take with our heart. I know you have some really good ones!
Damn, sure am sorry to hear this for Clif.
( * )
My deeepest hope is that I may get to be with Her again in another framework. (And also, for Clif — and others temporarily delayed.)
Nothing else really matters. Only the souls we love.
My deepest condolences for Clif, and my prayers and best wishes for both Cathy and Clif. I’ve never had the privilege of actually meeting Clif or his wife, but did have a phone conversation way back when I-5 and much of the coastal PNW was flooding and I was very concerned for one of my sons in the area. Clif came across as both generous and profoundly human. It’s a great gift to be bonded with a woman in a way that a man can care, provide and protect to the best of his ability for the long term, as Clif has done. The sadness is when nature overwhelms and that situation terminates. The nature of life is that it’s temporary, and what we do while alive is far more permanent. My prayers are that Clif and Cathy will be reunited in the next life if that’s as it should be. I most appreciate the work Clif shared with the entire world, even as he did his best for his wife’s long term infirmity. I might have paid more attention in previous years and been better off for it, but none of us get everything right. To paraphrase a comment by Clif: “Let’s cheerfully sail forth into the unknown future.”
So sorry to hear about your loss, Cliff.. Having been down that road myself a year ago, I have learned that grief is one of the harshest lessons during “earth school.” When you transition, Cathy will probably be the first one to greet you on the other side. I wish you strength and peace until that happy reunion.
Despite his sometimes tough and agitated and cussing exterior… this is a most sensitive man and soul. While he has the spiritual knowing to put his loss in a Cosmic context – nothing can shield one from the Earthly pain that experiencing loss and separation can cause.
Clif will process this in his own way and time. He knows our Earthly lives are just a small room and time in the Mansion of Existence and the fullness of Eternity.
In sharing our thoughts, sympathies, and prayers with Mr. High… we are each of us reminded of the losses we have suffered in our own lives — and those yet to come.
Sometimes, the burdens of Life just get to be too much. Our health begins to fail. Our energy begins to sag. We become more preoccupied with simply getting through the day than we are being able to live life to the fullest. We beg for it to stop.
As with any critical physical burden… his partner has now been freed from the agonies of suffering. His partner is at this moment now experiencing the Realms Beyond that await us all. And as soul-mates… Clif will one day be re-united with his mate and all others that he has loved that have crossed his life path.
Living on Earth comes with great challenge. It comes with great disappointment and agony. This Place was not intended to be a Heaven – there is Another Place for that.
We take the best that Life and this Planet can offer. We learn as much as we can. We give our time here as much as we can. We share as much as we can. And then… it’s time to move on.
While we appreciate the great gift of our Earthly lives… we are in spirit and our self core much greater than our Earthly persona.
Just as one moves on from Grade School to Greater Schools… so this is with our existence as Divine Beings who emptied ourselves of the fullness of Divinity so that we could have these challenges on this Earth… and then the bliss of learning one day of our True Identity and living within that Fullness once again – but greater and more knowing than we were before.
Our thoughts are with you… great spirit we call Clif.
Just know that just up ahead somewhere down the road of your path is a High which even you – as wise as you are – cannot fully yet conceive.
And in that Realm is where all your tears will dry and your spirit will be fully radiating again.
Beautifully written RS. I have printed it off and put it in top drawer of my desk. Clif said something in one of his podcasts. I can’t remember it exactly but closest I can come is something from St. Francis of Assisi.
“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received-only what you have given: a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.”
So beautifully written. Thank you.
I am so sorry for your loss. I was hoping that she could come back to the home you both loved so much by the sea. You were a loving and kind husband. I’m sure she appreciated all you did for and with her. Blessings.
“What In The Luigi Mangione Is Going On Here?”: Insurance Companies Canceled Policies Before People Lost Their Homes In The LA Wildfires, And The Reason Will Make You Incredibly Mad”
Did you expect less?
in every catastrophic event ..there’s issues like this pennies for dollars this is going to be close to a trillion dollar catastrophic event….they send out an adjuster to tell you how much less your stuff is worth..
one of the guys lines had a brother that is an adjuster.. he was upset over how the medical system was with his brother..he had to make a trip across the usa to adjust a returning soldiers claim on damage done.. as we sat out in the plastic chairs I asked ok this is what you do..I paid 37 dollars for these chairs the now sell for close to fifty they are ten years old..what are they worth if damaged.. a few cents..there you got your answer you just adjusted your brothers care.. they have bean counters just like you that adjust the value of peoples care and what they are worth..if he was wealthy no problems they will go the extra mile until you get poor..then your expendable.
there is a reason why the insurance industry is one of the more profitable companies.. why multi million dollar bonuses are given out to executives..
lol lol lol
people invest trillions in health policies that deny or question procedures..
Dear Clif,
I was so saddened to learn of the passing of your wife. Losing a beloved life partner is a most awful experience and very heart crushing. I have experienced this and would not wish it upon anyone. May you have healing and peace and strength for your soul.
Just read the news, one either denies or embraces the coming death, but still comes as a terrible shock.
Let the coming moments of grief
wash over and through you like your beloved ocean.
Clif. Sincere condolences at your loss. Best Regards, Egor
So sorry to hear of Clif’s loss. Our time here on earth is but a blink of an eye in the context of eternity, and it will be as if no time has passed when they meet again in the distant future.
In my small circle of friends in the last two years, three wives have died before their husbands. Strange.
We all will leave this sphere and move to the next, It is rather amazing how permanent this feels and yet there is more to come. I wish you comfort and blessings as this change unfolds. Richard
Inspirational. Beautifully and strongly written. Thank you for sharing. You have given us much Clif. Sincere condolences.
Our deepest condolences
Cliff was committed to Cathy in a way that most marriages are not committed. The transition will be difficult for him because of the life they had together and his work over the years to assist her with her health issues in addition to dealing with his own, but I firmly believe that the Soul lives on past physical death. I pray that their souls may be blessed and again be joined at some time in the future.
May God grant you comfort and peace, Clif, with the strength to carry on.
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”
– Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967
Great concept…
instead of the journeys story..more like the… WHY … for the journey you make.. what’s your why files…
Considering Nostradamus…(” Nostradamus, born Michel de Nostradame, began posting his predictions primarily because he believed he could foresee future events through his study of astrology and other esoteric practices.
Nostradamus experienced personal tragedy during the plague, losing his wife and two children to the disease. This devastating loss profoundly impacted him and influenced his work. After this tragedy, he dedicated himself to studying medicine and astrology, hoping to find ways to prevent such suffering in the future driven by a desire to help others prepare for and navigate the future after the loss of his . His predictions, while often cryptic, provided a sense of guidance and foresight. People throughout history have sought meaning and comfort in his prophecies, using them to interpret and make sense of the world around them.”)
the results of his predictions could be navigate and avoided..if we chose to change our directions. heavenly father gave us his rules and directions..
Every life has a place a meaning …Life finds its true meaning in the passions we pursue, the love we share, and the kindness we spread. Every moment of growth and every act of gratitude creates a ripple of positivity. You make the world brighter just by being you. I tell all my kids and grandkids.. if you go to the dance get out there and do your dance! be part of the flow of music not the wall flower. lend a hand where needed enjoy and live love and be the best you that you can be.
While traversing the rough roads of daily life, remember that life finds its true meaning in the passions we pursue, the love we share, and the kindness we spread. Every moment of growth and every act of gratitude creates a ripple of positivity. You make the world brighter just by being you.
I found my why While traversing the rugged path of life, remember that finding the ‘why’ in your existence brings true meaning. It’s in the passions we pursue, the love we share, and the kindness we spread that we discover our purpose for being.
the loss of one so well loved is heartbreaking. may the existence of who she was be cherished for eternity.. my heart breaks at the sorrow you are experiencing Cliff..
Damned Well Said.
My condolences to Cliff.
That was exactly my late FIL’s philosophy regarding life. Live it to the fullest.
Exactly…. its not getting what you want in life..its making the most of what you have.
So sorry to hear of Cliff’s loss. Our sincere condolences go out to him.
I have been an avid follower of Cliff’s work from the very beginning when George & Cliff worked together to try and provide us with clues & understanding on how future could possibly be foreseen in a most unique way.
Condolences seem so inadequate. You have given us much, and I hope that continues. You are a well-tempered human, suffering many blows. We share your grief.
So sorry to hear. An unfortunate but certain part of living and aging is that it eventually becomes all too obvious that what once once seemed so solid and immutable, will inevitably fall. Going on to exist without the critical supports that one has always been able to rely upon, tests one’s mettle and is an unwelcome exercise in misery. I sincerely hope Clif will find wholesome support from those who remain dear in his life.
Cliff, memories are pictures we take with our heart. I know you have some really good ones!
Damn, sure am sorry to hear this for Clif.
( * )
My deeepest hope is that I may get to be with Her again in another framework. (And also, for Clif — and others temporarily delayed.)
Nothing else really matters. Only the souls we love.
My deepest condolences for Clif, and my prayers and best wishes for both Cathy and Clif. I’ve never had the privilege of actually meeting Clif or his wife, but did have a phone conversation way back when I-5 and much of the coastal PNW was flooding and I was very concerned for one of my sons in the area. Clif came across as both generous and profoundly human. It’s a great gift to be bonded with a woman in a way that a man can care, provide and protect to the best of his ability for the long term, as Clif has done. The sadness is when nature overwhelms and that situation terminates. The nature of life is that it’s temporary, and what we do while alive is far more permanent. My prayers are that Clif and Cathy will be reunited in the next life if that’s as it should be. I most appreciate the work Clif shared with the entire world, even as he did his best for his wife’s long term infirmity. I might have paid more attention in previous years and been better off for it, but none of us get everything right. To paraphrase a comment by Clif: “Let’s cheerfully sail forth into the unknown future.”
So sorry to hear about your loss, Cliff.. Having been down that road myself a year ago, I have learned that grief is one of the harshest lessons during “earth school.” When you transition, Cathy will probably be the first one to greet you on the other side. I wish you strength and peace until that happy reunion.
Despite his sometimes tough and agitated and cussing exterior… this is a most sensitive man and soul. While he has the spiritual knowing to put his loss in a Cosmic context – nothing can shield one from the Earthly pain that experiencing loss and separation can cause.
Clif will process this in his own way and time. He knows our Earthly lives are just a small room and time in the Mansion of Existence and the fullness of Eternity.
In sharing our thoughts, sympathies, and prayers with Mr. High… we are each of us reminded of the losses we have suffered in our own lives — and those yet to come.
Sometimes, the burdens of Life just get to be too much. Our health begins to fail. Our energy begins to sag. We become more preoccupied with simply getting through the day than we are being able to live life to the fullest. We beg for it to stop.
As with any critical physical burden… his partner has now been freed from the agonies of suffering. His partner is at this moment now experiencing the Realms Beyond that await us all. And as soul-mates… Clif will one day be re-united with his mate and all others that he has loved that have crossed his life path.
Living on Earth comes with great challenge. It comes with great disappointment and agony. This Place was not intended to be a Heaven – there is Another Place for that.
We take the best that Life and this Planet can offer. We learn as much as we can. We give our time here as much as we can. We share as much as we can. And then… it’s time to move on.
While we appreciate the great gift of our Earthly lives… we are in spirit and our self core much greater than our Earthly persona.
Just as one moves on from Grade School to Greater Schools… so this is with our existence as Divine Beings who emptied ourselves of the fullness of Divinity so that we could have these challenges on this Earth… and then the bliss of learning one day of our True Identity and living within that Fullness once again – but greater and more knowing than we were before.
Our thoughts are with you… great spirit we call Clif.
Just know that just up ahead somewhere down the road of your path is a High which even you – as wise as you are – cannot fully yet conceive.
And in that Realm is where all your tears will dry and your spirit will be fully radiating again.
Beautifully written RS. I have printed it off and put it in top drawer of my desk. Clif said something in one of his podcasts. I can’t remember it exactly but closest I can come is something from St. Francis of Assisi.
“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received-only what you have given: a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.”
So beautifully written. Thank you.
I am so sorry for your loss. I was hoping that she could come back to the home you both loved so much by the sea. You were a loving and kind husband. I’m sure she appreciated all you did for and with her. Blessings.
“What In The Luigi Mangione Is Going On Here?”: Insurance Companies Canceled Policies Before People Lost Their Homes In The LA Wildfires, And The Reason Will Make You Incredibly Mad”
Did you expect less?
in every catastrophic event ..there’s issues like this pennies for dollars this is going to be close to a trillion dollar catastrophic event….they send out an adjuster to tell you how much less your stuff is worth..
one of the guys lines had a brother that is an adjuster.. he was upset over how the medical system was with his brother..he had to make a trip across the usa to adjust a returning soldiers claim on damage done.. as we sat out in the plastic chairs I asked ok this is what you do..I paid 37 dollars for these chairs the now sell for close to fifty they are ten years old..what are they worth if damaged.. a few cents..there you got your answer you just adjusted your brothers care.. they have bean counters just like you that adjust the value of peoples care and what they are worth..if he was wealthy no problems they will go the extra mile until you get poor..then your expendable.
there is a reason why the insurance industry is one of the more profitable companies.. why multi million dollar bonuses are given out to executives..
lol lol lol
people invest trillions in health policies that deny or question procedures..
Dear Clif,
I was so saddened to learn of the passing of your wife. Losing a beloved life partner is a most awful experience and very heart crushing. I have experienced this and would not wish it upon anyone. May you have healing and peace and strength for your soul.
Just read the news, one either denies or embraces the coming death, but still comes as a terrible shock.
Let the coming moments of grief
wash over and through you like your beloved ocean.
Clif. Sincere condolences at your loss. Best Regards, Egor
So sorry to hear of Clif’s loss. Our time here on earth is but a blink of an eye in the context of eternity, and it will be as if no time has passed when they meet again in the distant future.
So sorry to hear…
My condolences, Clif.