Jobs for Sheep – Cal-Fires: 10-Days of Woe – Snow Passes Over

My friend, the Economic Fractalist, believes Monday could be an interesting one in Markets.  While the take over on his site is largely based on fractal economics, the secular news flow is also loaded for firing. And it may not be just rock salt.

Jobs for Sheeple

OK – super weak November jobs report from ADP this week.  And a worrisome increase in layoffs was noted in the Challenger report Thursday. But, the real center of attention (for us, being EF’s (Economic Fundamentalists) is tracking the gap between the headlined Job number and what shows in the actual database.

Today, we begin with the (establishment data) claimed stats:

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 256,000 in December, and the unemployment rate changed little at 4.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment
trended up in health care, government, and social assistance. Retail trade added jobs in December, following a job loss in November.

Now we’ll give you the “good news” which is from the household side.  To us it looks even better.

Partisans pay attention!

If you are a democrat, this was a strong report.  Month-on-Month the database shows that jobs were up 478,000 in a month!  (It’s a miracle they’ll tell you…)

A republican might notice the job growth for the whole yearw was 537,000.  3-10ths of one percent YoY.  BFD, right??

Or, if you are cynical George, you notic the CES Birth-Death model ESTIMATED  2.189-million jobs into existence over the whole year, so really, it’s all part of a made-up crap shoot.

And the Markets know – Dow slipped more than 200 and the S&P down more than 30 in the futures at press time.  BTC $93,400 so it’s on banana peels,, too.

One reason is the sea-state change coming to the World of Work.  In Macroeconomic terms, only Consumers pay taxes.  Sure, Corporations tax the breaks to write off the sunk costs of research, plant and equipment, and all that.  But, in the end, the final tab is always passed along to the Consumer who buys things.

We are coming to the front stoop of a crisis without even recognizing it.  You see, A.I. has the potential to utterly collapse the Services Sector. Which, with Manufacturing imploding in America (with offshore job-jacking and extreme factory automation), the only Sector that has been a growth Godsend has been Services.

I’ll save you from digging out the calculator:  In the ADP numbers 91.8 percent of all new hiring in the latest reporting month was Services.

Strategically, it’s worth remembering the axiom: Goods Produced win wars.  Services win comforts.

Cal-Fires: 10-Days of Woe?

A hat-tip to Reader Andy this morning for his revelatory outlook toward January 20th.  Andy’s view may sound a bit John of Patmos like.  But certain dynamics are in play.

“In 3 more days it will become absolute chaos. Every man and woman for themselves. There will be hording of resources, rape, pillage and plunder, looting and crime beyond anything seen in a very long time… make the Rodney king riots look like a trip McDonald’s play-land by comparison. and nobody will be able to stop it.

Phaze 2 of the refiner’s fire is when people have no water to drink, no food to eat.. for a week, no fuel to buy because they aren’t trucking in fuel and food, and the water service is going to be rerouted to put out the fires…. no electricity, no cell service, no emergency services, the cops aint answering the phone.

Listen, There is over 800,000 Illegal Immigrants in Los Angelous County. There is over 200,000 Active Gang members in Los Angelous County alone. That is over 1 million people who don’t give a flying f about the law. On top of that there is over 100,000 homeless US citizens who have been waiting for this day.

What are they going to do when 800,000 Illegal Immigrants have gone without water and food for week. All those homeless people who had been spit on by the people who had nice houses going to do?. Wonder what are all those active gang members planning to do? When there is no water, no emergency services, no electricity, no food, no phone services? Nothing being brough in… and no emergency services?

Governor Newsome just activated 5400 National Guard to aid in the fires. That is alot like throwing a tic-tac at a 60 mph freight train to stop it.”

While sounds awful, there’s no relief in headline scans:  Palisades Fire devastates LA County, jumps in size as winds batter Southern California and Man arrested on suspicion of starting Los Angeles fire.  Man is reported to be in his 30’s and homeless. But this is only for the Kenneth fire.

Getting to near-term Future there are several ways to track what’s next. On the predictive side, Andy’s site at In 3 Days’, Time. –  The L.A. Fire website will be updated shortly, but at the official site this is where overnight was reported:

Bookmark the LAFD site here and you can skip some of the media histrionics.  Also, keep an eye on Inci-Web – the fed’s wildfire site because this is an unusually busy winter for wildfire crews.

Meanwhile California democrats have political problems being stoked by one of their own as mayor Karen Bass sends out parking enforcement to give parking tickets to people in Santa Monica as fire spreads. How much more detached can you get?  Dems with denial?  Dem Rep. Sherman: ‘Political’ to Blame L.A. Fire Budget Cuts for Impacts of Fire.  (Hmmm…where did we learn that?  You did get the “dems can do no wrong” memo, didn’t you?  Wait…maybe it was shipped to Ukraine via Poland  with the firefighting gear..2022 you say? No act is safe from political review, comrades!)

For today, even if you’re not in parched SoCal, be ready for the Climate angle to go large as WMO confirms 2024 was hottest year on record | Reuters.  Details set for release later today. But while we’ve been waiting for NYC to sink under the waves, Bummer: Black Rock Quits Net Zero Asset Managers . Follow the money?

Timing Out Hot Spots

Off in background, another aspect to the “10-days” is whether wars will break out involving China and Iran.

The next two weekends may be key to the future of Israel as Iran nuclear tensions high as Trump returns | AP News.  Iran’s calculus is likely that Slo would be a much softer play than messing with Israel when Trump’s back in office since he’s a strong supporter of  Tel Aviv.  Clock’s ticking on the mullahs.

Same – but different conditions as China’s has to be eyeing the clock too, over their plans to “re-unify” Taiwan into the Mainland CCP’s control.  Stirrings?  On the happy-talk end of things, Taiwan demonstrates sea defenses against potential Chinese attack as tensions rise with Beijing. But as CNN is repeating this morning A cut undersea internet cable is making Taiwan worried about ‘gray zone’ tactics from Beijing.

Strategically, we see another kind of warfare under development.  In the same way that drones changed the shape of aerial warfare, could we see cable attacks as a new kind of “web-isolation warfare”?  No web means no telecom and that means…no business and no money moving…  Key points in War, non?

Short Takes

Snow Passes Over as we got some rain, but no snow.  Dallas north of us is cleaning up. The “vortex” remains are about to move into the Carolinas today. New models show latest snow/ice totals expected in Upstate, SC and Western North Carolina.

Biden Medal Winners at work:  Progressive California Crime Spree Seeded by Soros.

Meanwhile, the cost of DEI continues to rise:  Woke Disney Served Eye-Opening Poll: Nearly a Quarter of Americans Have Abandoned Company.

And the right hand is slapped by the left one again: NYC Shelled Out Millions In Taxpayer Funds For Deportation Defense Cases As Migrant Crisis Crippled City.

Around the Ranch:  Progress and Planning

Let’s start with the Planning part first.  As you know, I use a dandy personal planner/ kanban board for mapping out life here.  I use one called Brisqi which has a free tier that’s very useful. Here’s what just dropped in the new release out this week:

  • Card Links: You can now easily link to other cards by using card links! Simply right-click on a card, or use the options menu in the card details, and select “Copy Link”. You can then paste the link into a card’s description or comments to create a clickable reference to another card.
  • Image Sizing in Descriptions: Images in descriptions are now correctly sized and can be clicked to view in a larger format.
  • Custom Board Backgrounds: Set custom background images or colors directly from the Edit board dialog. Simply click the ellipsis icon (…) next to the board name to get started.
  • External App Links: Markdown-formatted links to external files (using the file://<path> scheme) and applications now work as expected, making it easier to connect and reference other files or paths.
  • Card Path in Panels: The full card path (Group name / Board name / List name) is now shown in the upcoming tasks panel and card details, giving you better context at a glance.
  • Copy Color Code: Right-click on a color square to easily copy its color code

Much more powerful than running your life using Sticky-notes.  No, this is not an ad.  I’m a fan of Ash’s work.

The Progress part around here: A second ham radio transceiver is back in operation here, from my queue of radios to repair and return to the marketplace.  This one is a Swann 500 (plain, not the C or X model). Audio needs some additional work, but great fun playing “the Radio Detective.”

ShopTalk Sunday  this weekend will be all over the ham radio hobby.  I did get a delightful email back from G3RKF on the research point about whether T2FD antennas can be improved by using an inductor on the second leg of the antenna compared with a traditional (non-inductive) resistor.

After a ton of modeling – and reading several chapters of Intermediate Antenna Modeling by the late L.B. Cebik – I concluded that Universe was telling me something when an order for a Yaesu YA-30 wideband antenna could not be filled and was refunded.  (Funny how Universe guides, sometimes, ain’t it?)

Which means Sunday we’ll get into the “Off-Center-Fed Horse Tape Cage Antenna.”  OCFD-HTCA for short, lol.  Yeah, sounds geeky and all, but ham radio grown-ups will enjoy it.

Off to watch the fireworks – California’s and the Markets.

Write when you get rich,  (AC7X)

54 thoughts on “Jobs for Sheep – Cal-Fires: 10-Days of Woe – Snow Passes Over”

  1. Fidget stick…..well its not even a challenge..but fun.. I usually keep a puzzle or two around.. I use to give my grandkids a four way puzzle with the gift inside..then keep a challenging puzzle for the deep thinkers.. I had one dam challenging.. it would take ten minutes just to get it lol lol.. then I would have to put the dam thing back together..
    one of my grand daughters kept bugging me can I do it..I finally said ok..she not only had it apart then back together in less than five the teachers were telling them she was a slow learner.. no the teacher was slow not her at five she onto something else by the time they even realized what she was asking.. I told the kids get her into advanced classes..they didn’t and sadly that’s a waste.. she graduates this year none of it was even a remote challenge..the little girl that wanted to be an astronaut headed to mars will never go.. anyway I made a few forgot sticks.. to go out with the beet wine..she grabbed it took it apart in two seconds without even looking at it.
    my little mini me he’s in archery.. went to hid first lesson and came home with a pocket of tootsie rolls, they get one for every bullseye.this will be interesting..he is a mini me.. he won’t ever go hunting..the animals will be able to sit back and watch him shoot targets in safety.. next week I get the bottles..
    I have to start thinking about making some more buffalo berry wine.. I made buffalo sloe wine and the wife likes it really well.. happy wife happy life..
    next batch will be another shot at cacao wine..
    I got the bottles for that one..

      • The cacao wine was a flop…
        I am going to try it again..
        happy wife happy life.. I want to make some pasta..the potato pasta.. the wife gave me an epiphany.. no more kitchen gadgets..if I keep up..then we have to build a bigger kitchen lol..
        I asked why she had overheard a comment..A friend brought up the swing away can opener with the magnet on top..I got one..don’t use it.. in I believe 95 the can companies made the tops thinner and quit coating the inside with epoxy for a cheaper lining material… so I use a can opener on the side..they didn’t change the thickness of the sides just the the tops flex in and its harder to cut the top off..turning the can opener on the side .. no problems..

  2. Hey George,

    Sounds like you missed the big snow storm. My oldest boy lives northeast of Denton and he got almost 6 inches at his house. That should pretty much shut that area down for a day or so I suppose.

    Glad to see the article you linked to about Disney. It is really a shame what has happened to that company. I bet Walt is rolling over in his grave.

  3. “NYC to sink under the waves, Bummer: Black Rock Quits Net Zero Asset Managers . Follow the money? “

    We like Larry , he know when to cut his losses and focus on what’s really going to dominate in the new economy.

    NYC will continue to sink under the weight of its own regulatory anomalies, until it stops, the exodus will continue, sort of a flame free depopulation / defunding of the elite. Wait a minute, it’s not supposed to work like that….. LOL.

  4. “On the predictive side, Andy’s site at In 3 Days’, Time…”

    January 13th?


    G.A. STEWART : After I published my first book, The Age of Desolation in 2010, I made a discovery when I sensed that the Fukushima earthquake and nuclear disaster on March 11th, 2011 might have connections to the Madrid Train Bombing on March 11th, 2004. So, I began to research the history of events on that day just as I did for the history of April 20th, which appears in Nostradamus Quatrain I-42.

    It would take me almost three more years to put all the pieces in place regarding dates with the number combination 1-1-3.

      • With what is transpiring close in to LA this week, it isn’t a stretch to imagine events going downhill fast on Sunday, and escalating in a biblical sort of way through Monday.
        If you think you may be in trouble, then you are probably coming out of Ure normalcy bias stupor. Take anything that anyone can use to screw you, if at all possible, and save yourself. Go somewhere well away from Interstate exits, at least 100 miles distant. Most of my experience with evacuations has been for hurricanes, but waiting until the roads are jammed with panicking procrastinators who are out of fuel never ends well. Refer to early episodes of the Walking Dead for a dramatized tutorial on emergency response too little too late.

    • I am unsure why I wrote that. Honestly, it was more written through me. It didn’t make a conscious decision to write it. I was actually in mediation and when I came out of it, I got on my laptop and wrote that. After I wrote it. I stopped to see what was written.

      I am not entirely sure what it all entails. It was entirely written intuitively.

      Lot springs to mind and his wife.

      certainly George is leaking the same info…. “And it may not be just rock salt.”

      I did hear a whisper a while ago, “don’t look back” while I was leaving a place reminded me of Sodom and Gamora.

      every time since that was written that I want to go write on my creation, I hear, “hold. wait. Let it stand on its own.”

      so I am holding and waiting. Letting It stand on its own. Another reader of mine made an interesting comment on how much it feels…

      • Coincidence? Your dream prediction for June last year – fleeing from Santa Ana in an orange Dodge Demon, mushroom cloud over LA in the rear vision mirror.

        Santa Ana winds fuelling the LA fires…..

        A huge pall of smoke over LA as the wildfires rage…..

        Orange Dodge Demon – an allusion to fire?
        “The Santa Ana winds, occasionally referred to as the devil winds” -an allusion to demon/devil?

    • im not sure if i mentioned this or not. i have this on going dialog with my microwave. as i am meditating, contemplating about something and praying for others. it does its little dance.

      sometimes it changes its time. sometimes it sets its timer, the power and then starts on its own and dings after its done.

      it only does it when im home alone and never has done it for anyone else.

      it doesnt have wifi or any that. its about 25 feet away from where i sit at the breakfast bar.

      after my last comment to you, i set its timer to 3 seconds, set the power to 10, flashed OK three times, started itself and dinged when it was done. all on its own.

      • Dude – wait till you getz a IFO overhead (5-10 miles) up…ALL Ure outside lights will start blinking..while inside NOTHING.

        Tons and tons of vids of this phenom going down recently all over the country.@mrmbb3-youtube.

        Strange days indeed

      • 01/10/2025 – Dow down 696

        02/06/2018 – Dow down 666
        G.A. STEWART :Today’s Stock Market crash is no fluke or the result of economic dynamics. It was an attack on President Donald J. Trump.

        The Hawaiian Missile Alert, potentially NUCLEAR, happened on 01/13/2018. The Congressional Train Wreck occurred on 01/31/2018 as 100 Republican Congressmen were traveling to a well-known NUCLEAR shelter for Congress. Did they know something? Were NUCLEAR THREATS made by Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect on the reverse ritual number day?

        Remember what I wrote at the beginning of this Update concerning the launching of the Navy TACAMO Doomsday Plane on November 16th, 2016, and then the Director of the NSA, Vice Admiral Michael Rogers, visiting President-elect Trump the very next day. Obama had him castigated in the Mainstream Media.

      • Get a Transtector plug-in surge protector for your microwave. It protects against lightning, EMP’s, witchcraft, haints, and hoodoos.

  5. Dollars to donuts that those job numbers turn out to be negative.

    In other news, we have 9″ of snow up here on the mountain in the greater Little Rock area and it’s still coming down.

    • MAJ13: greetings and well met! At last someone else who gets winter.

      ATL: we are in and out of a blizzard. Std. fare so far. 8:10 in the forecast suggest snow so? We had probably 100 surface acres of ice, on an 18F (hi) day, so were making more. A breeze comes up and grinds one hunk against another chunk and Shazam: clinking on our shoreline. Made one want to cocktail …

      Tex: glad you folks were spared. It’s norm here to have the next event and next event until … spring comes. It will come. It’s going to be ugly. Lots ‘o fish to fry.

      Stay warm alles.
      Got layers?
      Yep. E

      ps – Oddball: Always with the negative waves Moriarty, always with the negative waves.

      We will survive. Literally. Buckle up!

  6. I’d like to cancel my subscription to the year 2025.
    I’ve experienced the free 7-day January trial and
    I’m not fkin interested.

    Portland’s Providence Health has all 8 of their hospitals plus 6 clinics affected by with a nurse and doctor strike that started at 6 a.m. today.

  7. TEN, 10, TEN, yes sir , days away,
    well I wonder what Q drop 10 says,,,
    “Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.”

    But ya really should take a quick peek at this Q drop which shows Cali fires, in advance, posted in Sept 2020
    “What happens when CA is in serious debt and lost priority aid from the FED gov due to sanctuary status (illegal)?
    What happens when CA is in serious debt and all attempts to obtain a bailout from [Pelosi inserted and pushed] C19 aid package(s) have failed?
    What happens when CA is in serious debt and decides to implement resident overreach by extending statewide shutdowns [incurring massive economic [further] pitfall]?
    Average number of fires in CA per year [last 20][June – Dec]?
    Average number of fires 2018, 2019, 2020 [June – Dec]?
    Outside of standard deviation?
    Stated cause(s) of fires?
    Average temperature(s) of CA per year [last 20][June – Dec]?
    Outside of standard deviation?
    Power line(s) [source]?
    What changed?
    What CA programs re: fire prevention [forest – brush] have been severely cut?
    What other cuts have impacted fire prevention & safety?
    How do you obtain FED money?
    Declare a State of Emergency and request billions in assistance?
    Welcome to CA.

    • G.A. STEWART: Admiral Stansfield Turner’s CIA reforms were the one clue to Jimmy Carter’s morality and his awareness of the dangers of The Deep State. I suspect that Jimmy Carter’s idealism eventually faced up to the reality that foundational change was beyond his power, and he sought other avenues to make a difference.

      Up next…

      Donald J. Trump vs. “The Dangers of The Deep State.”

  8. Good Morning George,

    Did you ever evaluate the “mystery antenna”?
    I seem to recall you got from K4TR, and planned to put it up?
    I don’t read very post so..
    73, WA2HUK

  9. On the “Credit Card” numbers George talked about yesterday where CC balances are reportedly DOWN but retailers are reporting sales are UP.

    Last weekend while visiting the local computer super store I overheard a salesman explaining to a customer (HONESTLY) explaining how their “6 Months Same As Cash” program worked (so the buyer didn’t need to put the purchase on their credit card, AND it wouldn’t show up on their credit report)

    Yep .. 6 months same as cash, BUT, if it wasn’t paid off IN FULL in that 6 month time frame then there would be RETROACIVE INTEREST at 33% (I think I head that right but may be wrong on the interest rate) going back to the purchase date. Salesman called it “GOTCHA INTEREST” as he bluntly explained it to the customer! Going forward from there the in interest continued at the very high rate until the purchase was paid off. The salesman was blunt, he was trying to discourage the customer from using his own company’s program unless the customer could totally pay it off in less than 6 months.

    Almost all the stores around here that sell higher priced consumer items such as electronics, furniture, hardware (Lowes /Home Depo) are doing the same thing. They will INTERNALLY FIANACE you purchase with something like 6 months same as cash, keeping those purchases off of your credit card, but then hitting you with a very high interest rate if it wasn’t paid off in that time … maybe even hitting you with retroactive interest like the store referred to above.

    Suddenly the deviance between sales being up but credit card balances going down makes sense. Retailers are just changing the dynamics of the financing mechanism for the larger consumer purchases that would normally be put onto credit cards.

    • S2,

      Credit programs began to reclassify a few years back. Have you ever purchased something on the line and been offered installments by a company called Affirm? Affirm is the largest installment company so let’s define them.

      “Affirm is not a revolving line of credit with a limit like a credit card. The company offers short-term loans with fixed payments. Revolving credit, on the other hand, allows you to repeatedly borrow up to a limit, repay it and borrow again as needed.”

      I happen to have a Citi Mastercard and Citi offers Flex Pay on many of my purchases.

      “Flex Pay, formerly known as Uplift, gives you the freedom to purchase what you want now and pay over time with simple fixed installments offered through its bank partners.”

      So credit use could be up – while revolving credit is down installment credit is up.

  10. Exodus – you want exodus, californication has just such a grp for youse.

    “more wealthy millennials – defined as households of those aged 26 to 45 making $200,000 or more a year – are leaving california more than anywhere else in the country, according to recent smart asset report analyzing 2021 and 2022 tax return data. The golden state lost a net of 9181 of these wealthy millennial households in that time period. More than double the next biggest loss which happened in NY.- SF Gate

    *The numbers run counter to what the lil RE [FLAG DOWN: ad hominem attack – caught by Admin. One more to the the penalty box – but you can take Natasha…] by the bay city of perversion was spewing at the urb Surv community. Hell cosmic chiken bunny even went so far as to meet him..for a cup of coffee behind a dumpster somewhere [redact #2 – slur]. Cant make this stuff up !

    No worries – Im sure his “dude” like strippers too…bwahahahaahhah

    • The Red Hot Chile Peppers should be doing a new one.

      Californication II or something like that. Acid for the Children is real.

      Tonight the wind blows again. 6% containment.

      Should make for some good lyrics.

      Are they too old for this?


    • JC I told you home gamers to have fun with this. And here we go . That doesn’t look like a dew. Maybe a rogue flying object with guidance and a payload.

    • JC I told you home gamers to have fun with this. And here we go . That doesn’t look like a dew. Maybe a rogue flying object with guidance and a payload.

      Not a propane tank no sir lol.

    • Looks like a ground-based rocket to me, flying horizontally, with a thrust tail. Seems to have come out of the fire on the right. Some terrorist had an RPG that got ignited?

    • JC -That clip appears to be off Fox news. That doesn’t completely rule out a CGI hoax, but it means it would have been given a cursory screening before airing.
      The object appears to be rather large, moving fast and low, and given the atmospheric conditions filmed under, it could have been a plane. If that had run into a tanker plane, it would have been worse than a small hole in the wing.
      I would guess either a military jet aircraft (manned or unmanned), or of course, the ubiquitous token UAP.

  11. re: Signboards to Mecca
    feat: The Joshua Tree

    KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas wished residents a hearty good morning at 07:55 am mst. Their website noted that the two Kinder Morgan pipelines supplying 95% of Vegas fuel requirements shut down since Wednesday due to LA fires “as of 08:05 am…have returned to service”. However drivers are cautioned “limit heavy driving while the pipelines are disrupted”. The Kinder Morgan website does not yet have a page for 2025 news releases.

    Speaking of happy outcomes, let’s visit a storyline from Encyclopaedia Iranica: “1,001 Nights” with Queen Sheherazade. Kanbanesque scheduled destiny had the President and Dr. Biden in LA on Tuesday for the pre-planned delivery of their first great-grandchild. An auspicious image of the pair cradling the newborn was captured by the White House photographer. The delivery hospital Cedars-Sinai is said to be named after Lebanon cedars trees of which the Temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem was constructed.

    Meanwhile msm reports noted the arrival per schedule of the California governor to Box Canyon Wash for the dedication of two national monuments on sacred Indian territories. Fates of fire breakout restricted guest of honor President Biden’s travel plan to reach there from LA, (and he apparently refused to let the governor proceed solo?) and the official signing was delayed to next week (Jan. 14?).

    Shortly one imagines the environs surrounding the roads leading to Mecca, Ca., will feature a Queen Sheherazade and Royal Court to oversee annual goings-on at the Date Festival. In the meantime, let’s join DJ George for scenic drive out to the desert with a selection from U2’s “The Joshua Tree” album –
    “Where the Streets Have No Name”.

    • re: #39
      feat: “The Troops”

      ‘Peace be upon you’ in these interesting times.

      Typically in the past the world has seen US Presidents and their spouses seated in the front pew of the National Cathedral. Yesterday the State Funeral of President Carter had the First and Second Couple seated in the first pew.

      Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump occupied the second row. Mrs. Obama sent her condolences from Hawaii where she was understood to have extended her vacation. This enabled #44 and #45 to sit beside each and engage in what appeared to be cordial discourse unlikely to harmu, inshallah. It was a far cry from the terse exchange between #44 and #46 at Mrs. Kennedy’s funeral last October.

  12. I’m thinking a 3 way tie at the bottom of the sub-human scum list.

    Pedophiles that destroy the life of an innocent child.
    Arsonists that would light fires in Los Angeles.
    Low lifes that would loot homes of people fleeing the inferno in LA.

    May you all rot in hell.

  13. I was born and raised in Pacific Palisades. The cheapest homes there are 3mil and most much more. Insurance companies canceled most of the policies a few months ago. Majority of the home owners have no coverage for this. This is going to be a big one regarding massive financial loss. From what I’ve seen via local media helicopter footage 90 % of the homes are literally burnt to the foundation including my uncle’s home and the house I grew up in that my grandfather built with his hands back in the early 30s, he is long passed away now and I’m glad he didn’t see this. He was a aircraft engineer for McDonnell Douglas, he was cheif engineer for the DC3 and was a flight instructor in his spare time and after he retired at Santa Monica Airport, he taught Tom Cruise how to fly. He was a good dude. My entire families history is in this town.
    This city is gone. These homes are not owned by average Joe’s, powerful and influential people have been affected by this.It will be a huge wake up for LA and its libloon policies. I see a big fed bailout coming. I now live 75 miles south in Temecula wine country and fortunately no fires down here so far but the power is being shut off periodically because of the strong winds. We have had zero rain in socal since last May, extremely dry here, single digit humidity levels. When you get 60+ MPH winds and these dry conditions its a recipe for disaster, fire starts and the only thing you can do is get the hell out the way. Had that happen here back in 96′, not a fire truck in sight and 50ft flames coming right at my ranch. Had to evacuate 2 daughters a wife and 7 horses at 4am. Longest day in my life. Luckily my property was saved by fire crews after we left, I was convinced when I drove away that morning it would be a total loss. Sorry for the long post, this is a tough one for me. More later regarding the origin of this Palisades fire, this was no accident.

  14. “While sounds awful, there’s no relief in headline scans: Palisades Fire devastates LA County, jumps in size as winds batter Southern California”

    Nor will there be.

    I suspect Santa Ana II will return within about 60 hours, along with dry, 80-100 mph winds. I can not imagine these fires being dispatched before the winds return and drive the Palisades fire into downtown L.A.

  15. Here’s one for the Woo:Freddy Cannon,the 88 year old singer of Palisades Park in the 60’s,lives in Tarzana,just a few miles away from the Palisades fire.

  16. thanks for the plug and mention today George.

    i mentioned a while back to one of my readers that something or someone here on Urbansurvival was drawing a ton of creative force off of me when i was on here. that is theft. that is why i havent been on here. i could feeling sucking the life force out of me. when i noticed it, i cut ties and right quick like.

    as in fuck you! create your own energy not take mine. what is mine is for me to create with, not you. if it was my energy that was supporting anyone and they were taking without asking by nefarious means? best look both ways twice before crossing. God drives a Cadillac.

    perhaps it was your rock you found and relocated. i dont feel it here anymore.

    im just crushing it in the gym. i have never been this physically strong before in my life. feels good.

    good chatting with ya. see ya around dude.

    • re: “Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles”, 2001


      Sorry to hear you got bit by some croc poster. Blame it on the bots.

      I imagine George had Mother Nature’s best interests in mind when that rock got moved. Mind you in “2001” Stanley Kubrick went on arguably the biggest Odyssey since Homer after someone took out the Monolith’s shade.

      Unbeknownst to me, sunni muslim West Keeling (pop. 120) capital of the Cocos Islands, is antipodean to lands of East Texas. According to “Wikipedia”, it was first settled in 1827 by the Scotsman, John Clunies-Ross of the Hebrides. He travelled from London to the South Indian Ocean aboard the New York-built whaling ship Baroness Longueville. As an aside, the Baroness is a direct ancestor of His Grace the 7th Duke of Westminster, and 2023 wealthiest man in the UK at £10+ billion. (The Prince of Wales was an usher at his wedding last summer with the reception held at the Duke’s 10,000 acre Eaton Hall estate.)

      “Wikipedia” offers a 2013 reference from the “Canberra Times” that an Australian Signals listening station was present on the island. It’s purged from the Archive so probably only The Dude knows for sure.

      Good luck and weights ahoy at the gym.

  17. George,

    The 1982 SPX 13/32 year :: 50/125 Quarter :: x/2.5x first and second fractal equity valuation collapse is inevitable. Is the US 37 trillion dollar debt burden and current corporate and commercial real estate debt refinancing causing the current US long bond crash in spite of the 90-100 basis point lowering of the fed fund rate since August 2024?

    Day 110 of the 27 October 2023 55/139/110 day SPX final growth fractal series was decidedly anemic.

    After 760+ days, the US 3 month Treasury minus US 10 year Note quantity which un-inverted on 13 December 2024, has been rocketing up faster than in 1929; today the uninversion is at +0.44.

    US debt load concerns and 7-14 % GDP deficit spending during the past 5 years have produced a debt-driven anemic 2-3% US GDP growth. Has this scenario finally caused global market bond forces to demand higher interest rates and crash the long end of US debt instruments? Will the US bond market crash precipitate a US and global stock market crash and a severe US and global recession? Some of the exiting zero sum game equity market gains will find its way into US debt instruments and the system will reset for yet another period of valuation growth.

    Next Monday will be interesting.

  18. So the dude with the blowtorch was detained and released for lack of evidence. And here’s a strange factoid; I live in the flight path for Cal Fire’s operation at Hemet/Ryan. Usually if any fire activity is going on in SoCal we’ll see and hear their fleet of water dumpers going almost 24 hrs a day. This time nada. Could be due to the high winds; past 3 nights have been real howlers, even knocked down my flagpole.

    • Saw a weird looking helicopter fly very low over the ranch here in Temecula yesterday. I heard it coming while in the garage, sounded like a army Apache, very loud. Ran outside to take a look and it was a big drone helicopter, no pilot but the size of a full size truck. It was moving fast towards Hemet, was painted white and red just like the Cal fire aircraft. I know my aircraft and I’ve never seen a craft like that. Weird shit going on here in socal right now.

  19. Canadian ‘Super Scooper’ plane grounded after hitting civilian drone over Los Angeles wildfires


    A Canadian “Super Scooper” aircraft fighting the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles had to be grounded after it hit a drone flying in restricted airspace over the devastating blaze on Thursday, the local fire department said.

    The specifically designed CL-415 firefighting planes are used to scoop up more than 1,500 gallons of ocean water to drop on active fires.

    The plane in question, Quebec 1, “sustained wing damage and remains grounded and out of service,” Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson Erik Scott said, adding that there were no reported injuries.

    There’s obviously no dearth of stupidity in the LA Basin…

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