Snow and ‘Mo, Markets Scream Higher, and a Woo 2

Cold enough people’s brains freeze, is how we figure it.

One of our 3806 ham radio cohorts (“coffee good…” John) works for one of the Big Box stores here in Texas.  And going to work Sunday, you could almost make out the “concern” in his voice.  People go a bit nuts when Big Snow or Big Cold merges with Big Story of the day.

Our Cold-n-Snow planning consisted of a couple of additional small 500-watt heaters. Nice for keeping a couple of places above freezing but without doing a “Brinks worth” to the power company.  An 8-ounce can of hot/wet quick-set PVC glue as a “just in case”.  And the area in front of my “emergency PVC pipe rack” was brush-hogged Saturday when it was still warm (65F).  Because it’s a bit cooler at press time today: 23F in the Outback.

Cold is on everyone’s mind: Millions face snow and ice as a major winter storm moves across the U.S..

Wallet Warming

The bigger power bills to come aren’t exactly rare.  Last January, our power bill was $337 for December/January.  It was January-February when we were smacked last year; $374.  A couple of years back (“Snowmageddon” if you remember) we kissed the $590 level.

Through January 4th this year, we were at $166.  By the middle of next week, we expect to wolf down at least $200 more worth of power as the cold rolls through.

For some 3-million people, paying the bills will be easier: Biden Signs Bill to Raise Social Security Payments for Millions of Pensioners | TIME.

Snow, then?

By the long-range forecasts here, it will still be nicely below freezing Thursday and Friday when steady precipe is expected.  If I am doing the numbers right, looks like we will average 0.03 inches of precip for each of at least 24-hours.

Math-slinger I ain’t.,  But the forecasts point to a total of 0.72 inches of precip.  And it’s here where the weather-waffling begins.  If the precip forecast is based on water, then we can apply the (very roughly) 13-inches of snow per inch of rain conversion factor.  If this holds, then up to 9-inches of snow might be possible.

But, weather (and climate) being sketchy (at best), if the “precip” the forecasts are talking about are after-freezing snow amounts, then it will be a “Who Cares?” event.

For a “profession” the lack of precision and commitment to a forecast is mind-numbing. Not that we can blame the Climateers because this further erodes the “climate exchange BS.” Which in turn will under-cut leftist bureaucrats anxious to kill gas appliances and such.

One of these days, the ignoramuses in higher edjumacation will begin offering Honestly Named Classes. Instead of alleging to teach English, for example, they will avoid Truth in Labeling suits by renaming a degree Weasel-Wording instead of English Lit.

What really matter is Averaging. And since math is racist, people line up nose-to-butt to follow the people ahead of ’em.  Leading to ever more ignorant people who lead us.

On Average, expect a bigger power bill than you were planning on.  Except for Reader Hank on the Big Island.  Who seems happier playing “Molokai Run Out roulette” than dealing with mainland winters.

Wondering About Markets?

Ah. Just so: What we wrote about on the subscriber site Saturday seems to be appearing.  Which was?

Well, as of last week, our Aggregate Index was done “kissing the underside” of the rising trend channel.  BUT the tech sector was still below trend.  Here, take a look:

If you squint, you can see us going slightly above trend based on early futures pricing.  Now, having gotten this far, the next “technical milestone” to watch for would be the recent highs before this.

It’s useful to remember that when dealing with an Aggregate of markets that individual component indices often times will each need to fill targets, and near as we can guess (we don’t offer financial advice, of course, only things to think about) that’s what’s happening here.

It’s still two weeks to Inauguration and desperate people will do desperate things, continues to be the concern.

Scroll ‘Em and Roll ‘Em’s

Wars continue: Ukraine launches new offensive in Russia’s Kursk region, Kyiv and Moscow confirm.

With Blinken in Seoul: North Korea launches ballistic missile as Blinken arrives in Seoul.

Look!  China’s trying the Open Borders strategy!!! China Enticing Taiwanese to Live There Stirs Concern in Taipei.

Elon Musk has pissed-off the Brit’s political Establishment: Keir Starmer says Elon Musk has ‘crossed a line’ with ‘lies and misinformation’.  Try to remember, to Establishments, any view that isn’t echo-chamber of their positions is “lies and misinformation”.

Tempests in a tweet, anyone? Elon Musk ‘locks reporter from X’ after article sheds light on Tesla owner’s alleged alter ego Adrian Dittman.  I think the term is WGAF?

Still, Musk gets many things right:  US: Joe Biden awards George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom; Elon Musk reacts.  Spoiler: calls it a “travesty.”  In fact, as I went over the list of honorees, about the only one I agreed with was honoring Denzel Washington. But, I don’t make electric cars or plan to colonize Mars… so let’s all look up WGAS what George thinks. Still, Slow needs to go as Biden Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Nazi Collaborator.  Maybe Biden’s “sunset” is becoming more apparent as Angry Biden Curses White House Reporters, Uses God’s Name in Vain.. Damn shame the press didn’t tell us earlier…

One other Musk note.  While we’re not keen on going (back) to Mars, a client note from our consigliere suggests review of  Classified CIA Experiment Claims Life Did Exist On Mars And They Built Pyramids.

Q2 Pandemic Plans are moving ahead:  (Yes, they are bioweapons and social control tools) China downplays mystery virus and claims safe to travel despite fears.

In the District of Confusion: US Congress to meet to certify Trump’s election, four years after Capitol riot.  We are STILL waiting for the role of government agent provacateurs  to be outed and punished – and those who led them,

Traffic in NYC today will likely be worse – not better – as the HMFICs try to tariff traffic in the big/rotten:  NYC congestion pricing policy starts on schedule amid pushback –  It’s as bad an idea of moonetizing wife-beating but somehow they didn’t ask us.

A future of “kinder, gentler” terrorism, anyone? Hamas Is Not ‘Militant’: The Media’s ‘Terrorist’ Cover-up.

People in Seattle still are crazy – the evidence mounts up: Is Veronica Galván the most dangerous judge in Seattle?  Releasing a perp who then disembowls a vic?  Um…lemme think, now…..

At the Ranch: Woo-Woo 2

Back New Years day, I told you about an odd bit going on with our surveillance camera network. And how it all seemed related to a “mystery rock” that has plagued us since 2017…

“…my buddy, who we will just call “The Major” was down visiting us.  We were clearing the land south of the house and in the process, the Major had run the bucket of our small four-by-four tractor into a buried object.

When his efforts to move it didn’t pay off, we worked together (me on the tractor, him doing the “arm strong” and we dug out an odd piece of concrete which seemed to have pieces of metal in it.

As I jumped down to help (and get a closer look at the object) my left interocular lens (from an earlier series of cataract repairs) was dislodged.  This set off a sequence of eye surgeries.

Before we went to seek medical help, though, we loaded the concrete into the tractor bucket and I moved it about 75-feet where it was dumped into a shallow wash that flows from our yard area (uphill to the north) and down into a seasonal creek some 400 feet further downslope.”

After the location of this damned (or cursed) object was highlighted on the surveillance cams, I got up Saturday and hopped on the tractor to dig it out and (as advised by the Major) get it the hell off our property.

Here’s where it gets weird.  It was warm and the sun was out when I started the tractor and headed down for the wash to dig out the object.  As soon as I was within 25-feet of it, INSTANTLY the sun disappeared and the sky clouded up.  As I began to claw it out of the wash, I glanced over my left should and was shocked: The sky has turned nearly black and very foreboding in appearance.

I quickly finished clawing the object up the bank of the wash, maneuvering it against a small tree, which I used as a backstop to get it forced into the loader bucket on the front of the tractor.

Turning left, to head up the hill (and back on the driveway, so as to “take the concrete for a ride” the tractor stalled and wouldn’t move.  After a few moments fiddling, I discovered the brakes had locked on the steep incline of the wash…

Freed-up, I headed out the driveway but the tractor was laboring hard.  It has an automatic transmission (hydrostatic) and even with all 25 HP running, it could not move in high range.  I got it going in low, though, so I headed out the gate at all possible speed – which wasn’t much.

Events got even stranger. Because as I went through the gate, light rain began to fall.  (I only had a shirt on, it was warm, right?)  As  the tractor (slowly) ran down the hill with the concrete object in the bucket the rain turned into a downpour.

Eventually, I got to a piece of public land that I had determined would make a good resting place for this cursed object.  Just as I tilted the bucket forward to dump it?


A bolt of lightning hit the trees not three blocks from where I was relocating the object!

Free of it at last, I got the tractor turned around and head back to our place.  By the time I was half way up the grade to our driveway a few minutes later (soaked now) the clouds where breaking up and the one-other stroke of lightning evidenced by thunder was far off in the distance.

It’s gone.  Back in the office with dry clothes on, I was left to ponder the whole episode, not sure what to make of it. Are there really “things” around us that can seem to influence the course of our lives…leading to surgeries, sale of an airplane, and other unexpected events?  Elaine’s hip surgeries (2X THR’s) followed the first encounter with the object by less than 3-years, remember. Could the cursed object have been part of that?

This week, my buddy the Major will (because he’s a subtle energy medicine practitioner of some renown) will be doing “clearings” of the property.

I know it sounds like woo-woo and the product of an over-active imagination. But the events including the amazingly coincident crack of lightning nearby when the moving was done, well?  Hard to deny those things happened, the plane sale, the hips, the multiple eye surgeries…

Things to think about over a second hot cup of coffee on a cold and wintery morning.

Write when you get rich (or warm),

95 thoughts on “Snow and ‘Mo, Markets Scream Higher, and a Woo 2”

  1. I read somewhere long ago that it would be a weirder world WITHOUT coincidences than it is with them.

    • RandomMike: but how would we know?

      Lots of chortling here about our fellows to the South and East as they wail about a little snow. DFW says 8.7″. Got a shovel? There is a triple stack of big nose plows at a county yard I often take photos of and send note to frantic friends asking “you got any of these?”

      I doubt we have had a plow yet. Probably have 7″ of fresh fallen capping the ground in 2-3″ of hard pack. The lake made ice all night, prolly 30% frozen so far, another 200 surface acres to go? Water fowl look agitated, upset. Think the route south shut down for weather and … they know? Our wet water remains a draw.

      A decade ago I had a mechanical with my SUV (Ford Bronco 2, great little car) while visiting friends in Indianapolis. In comes a blizzard. OK, it was just 2-3″ of snow but the place went ground halt. They mounted plows on garbage trucks to run routes (plowing out 20% of the city in process). Smart but sad the minor event stops literally everything. Got layers?

      Living in the cold is more about the gear you wear than what the *wind chill* is. Likely our electric meter is whirring away. The big jump happened (2) bills ago and now we click along burning $250-300 per month. It’s winter … layer up.

      Those to my immediate North (NNW) have real winter. I bet the snow machines are rockin. On the East coast of Great Lake Michigan from Holland to Ludington must be buried. They seem to be locked in perpetual Lake Effect plumes. Hardy folks there …

      “We are STILL waiting for the role of government agent provacateurs to be outed and punished – and those who led them”

      Uhm, you can quit waiting Sir. Won’t happen. Not during our combined life expectancy anyway. The sleuths who run the programs are behind impenetrable layers of deniability. The middlemen don’t know squat and the provocateurs are really out in the cold. Nope. Untouchable.

      We live in wound up data rich blizzard of overwhelming tough news, all around us. And yet we are still here. Hmm. Trudeau resigned. Win.

      Snowman Egor

        • Wokeness –

          From the Googler –

          ‘being woke means being aware… knowing what’s going on in the community (related to racism and social injustice)’

          As a social experiment the opposite of woke might be telling racially charged jokes and smacking diner waitresses on the ass. Call whoever doesn’t go along, woke.

        • naw, woke is all democrat
          came from the Obummers era
          there ya go letting a Googer do ure thinking and making it racial,, seems googler is bias in it’s program

      • Grew up about 250 miles south of your latitude … and back in those days YES winters were harder and it WAS colder so 4 to 6 inches of new snow – which shuts everything down now – wasn’t even noticed. Only when we got 8 to 12 inches of new snow did things slow down a bit, but even at 12 inches it didn’t stop life like it seems to do everywhere anymore.

        (warming in that region? our city park pond would freeze solid enough to ice skate on for 6 weeks or more in the winter … today friends tell me nobody has been able to skate on that pond for years)

        As for those snowy areas north of you they have plenty of snow and some great skiing … unfortunately it is easier and FASTER for people here to just jump on the silver bird to Denver. A LOT less time, even counting TSA and rental car hassles, to get half way across the country to ski than to drive north to ski.

        • Here in northeast TX, we used to get a week or more every winter when it didn’t get above freezing. Now we seldom have a day that doesn’t get above freezing.

          I also noticed that our leaf color change was a month later than usual. Normally they’re colorful the first weekend in November. This time around, they didn’t turn until December, although a lot of them dropped without changing in November.

        • The only constant thing is change. It is strange how that happens it was here before humans were and it will be happening after humans eliminate their selves

      • “We are STILL waiting for the role of government agent provacateurs to be outed and punished – and those who led them”

        won’t happen Egor…the first hint was everyone went home..nothing was important enough to stick around and work the details was business as usual.. just a pony show to get and keep votes

      • (“I doubt we have had a plow yet. Probably have 7? of fresh fallen capping the ground in 2-3? of hard pack.”)

        everyone use to tease me..I go out several times to snow blow. then do the side of the road where the plow goes by.. the coffee clutch was teasing me..I said well..I hate to take the snow knee deep..and the side of the road I do is what ends up in the driveway.. now everyone around here does the same thing..fluffy light snow is easier than a rock hard drift at the end of the driveway

    • This blog is so very difficult to decipher on what the hell he’s talking about or referring too !!— a cryptologist would have trouble! Yikes!

  2. “On Average, expect a bigger power bill than you were planning on.”

    Well, duh… that’s true whether we get catastrophic snowfall or not. But in our case, the cold wx won’t mean a significant increase in our electric bill. We heat with wood. The only potential increase will be for the heat lamp in the chicken house, and that won’t be much.

  3. 14 days,,,
    are there any pedophiles that support Trump???
    None that I have found
    Keri Starmer is a Guardian of the God damn pedos
    Not using God’s name in vain,, I am calling on Him!
    millsones would be a good investment as there is a growing demand that will need a storehouse full of them.

    I am just a nut job in flyover land that spent last summer putting new trailer house skirting on with 2″ foam backing. and spent more time under the trailer patching the belly insulation that previous ass holes left big openings when doing plumbing repairs. Those inch thick pink sheets of foam are handy.
    Tree guy finally delivered a couple of 12ft trailer loads, me
    and my little 16″ Stihl saw have been having fun for a week, prepping for the VORTEX, giggle snort, every year some colder than others
    1 degree this morn and the old trailer has never been warmer for this cold.
    I AM still just over joyed with the coming changes,
    Zipptiy do dah,, Thank you God
    Spring is just around the corner, my oh my, how time flies
    seems like just yesterday when the White House was stolen,,,
    Denzel Washington has created doubts about him with his accepting an award from pedo joe then turn around and hug him like they know the end is near,,,weird

    I wonder if that chuck of concrete could be shaped into millsones?

    • well trump and pedo epstein were best friends for ten years.

      and trump’s fascination with teen models. “One of the girls on the boat was Shawna Lee, then a 14-year-old from a small town outside Toronto. She recalls how the contestants were encouraged to parade downstairs, one by one, and dance for Trump, Casablancas and others.”

      or creeping on teen models again when he owned miss teen.

      or creeping on his own daughter

      trump is a sexual deviant. but you’ll bear false witness and bow down for your golden calf. now start you’re whining about my sources and your ad hominems. the truth exists no matter your opinion.

      • (“trump is a sexual deviant. but you’ll bear false witness and bow down for your golden calf. “)

        in a way everyone is a sexual devient…we watch the eye candy cheerleader squads..women oogle and awe at some young guys tight ass muscle or his ab’s ( see I know the truth on how fragile tight muscles a drum top.. They bruise put that level of Kevlar padding over them to protect them from harm.)
        everyone has their fantasy..
        then there’s those that act on their lustful deviance..
        the same with greed.. wanting a bigger bank balance isn’t greed..we all live by the business models of society.. taking that to the point that its gain at any cost whether or not its acquisition becomes destructive to others to achieve it.. then the process of gaining it changes from want to obsession..
        we need the social class separation.. each social class has its own set of challenges and issues that need to be worked.. I personally am happy .. I have enough crap..

      • the guy that baths his foster daughter naked is calling Trump a perv,, see I told ya ,,, the pedos don’t like Trump
        @truth is a Guradian of the Pedophiles as he stands with the Sorass family,,, liddle alec married huma, killary’s partner in satanic child sacrific
        Question, have you ever dealt with undercover agents before? narcs is what we called them when they busted us for maryjane, well Trump narc’ed the pedos by being in close proxcimitry of the pervs, he did boot Epstien from his property and was the cause of Epstein’s fall from his legal guardians, but you only seem concerned with your TDS and believing everything the government controlled press tells you to think/believe, yes, Obummer made it legal for the government to use the press for propaganda.
        Eat the bait they feed you ,,, bugs

        I have no worries,, but you seem disturbed.
        there used to be ‘another george’ on here that was anti ‘Tobd’ and now he no longer posts, I kind of miss the vax and booster pusher moron, but he made his own choice. or did he just follow the government’s controlled propaganda like a hypnotized primate?
        read any good books lately? here is one

        • OBD, you hit the nail on the head. Trump has been a double agent all these years(a narc as in high school parlance). It’s why the dark forces are so apoplectic about MAGA. It’s (nwo society shaping as defined through their lens) is all about to be re worked. LOL. All satire and conjecture of course….

        • Exactly..
          I seen that sick video before they took it down.. and these are the kind people that are honored with the medal of freedom..
          I remember when I thought the pizza gate scandal was all fake news..then the deeper I dug into it ( on the sites of those claimed to be involved) the uglier it got..those that exposed the incriminating evidence was either killed in a random mugging or suicide or put in prison.
          now all of it is taken down those involved heralded as someone we should honor or look up to.. and they blame someone that used the wrong wording to say he thought his daughter was beautiful..

        • Probability suggests a bot.

          * It’s von Starmer . Do not forget this fact.

          Still waiting for hard proof evidence of any of the orange jesus’s alleged illegal acts with Minors. All the docs I have ever seen were so heavily redacted as to be deemed fraudulent upon 1st/initial inspection.

          Trump fit leftitard definition of Toxic Male? -Yes.

          I can proudly say – so does the BCN!

        • if you think you may get sexual gratification from helping a seven year old bath then you’re probably a sexual deviant. if all you see is pedos every where then you may be one. we fear what is within us. ‘i’m not what you think i am; you’re what you think i am.’

          you should try fostering sometime, helping a young person from a bad background. then again i have doubts you’d pass all of the background checks.

      • Holy shit,,,
        @liddle truth, 7 yrs do not need help being bathed and where the hell is your female wife? she should be the one doing the bathing!
        keep digging there @truth.
        she is foster not even a birth daughter!
        the foster system is rife with pedos and problems.
        sure sure some good is done but evil always hides it’s ugly face behind a mask of doing good.

  4. 14″ of snow over 1″ of ice since Saturday measured by my precisely calibrated snow gauge aka a feed store yardstick taped to a steel rod driven into the ground 20 yards away from the house that I have been informed WILL be removed ASAP. I told her that is where I wanted to put up a large birdbath and flower garden for her. “Yeah sure thing Cowboy” as she turned away muttering something about peeing on her boots and telling her it was raining. Yep, definitely been around me too long. She pointed to a cooler sitting by the mudroom door and said I needed to take that food out to the boys and girls. The boys had retreated to the goat pens and were staying with them in the huts and I saw Recon with one of the goats.
    Outdoor activity will be limited to moving snow away from exterior doors enough that a person can pass to allow emergency egress and livestock care. No driving is planned for a couple days at least with single digit temps and -10 degree wind chills forecast for the week. Snow shoveling is forbidden after age 73 by law. Well, if it isn’t it should be.
    It was noted as with every weather event the news reports are dominated by “Live, Late Breaking, Exclusive!!” video of folks going bonkers at the grocery stores grabbing up all the bread and milk along with all the Twinkies and Doritos they can carry. Sheesh.

    Stay safe and warm. 73

    • Damn it Jim! Every time I read your posts regarding your verbal exchanges with your beloved, I’m amazed at the loving subtext! Congratulations. You’ve got someone incredibly special there!

      Here we’re threatened with 1-3 inches of snow and a week of teen temperatures. Obviously not worth dragging the tractor out for, but just enough to make things messy again. It’ll be too damn cold for my taste, and machines don’t like cold! At least I don’t have animals to be concerned about, but mixing and placing stucco or any concrete is out of the question.

      • I frequently remind her how special I am. Usually, it is followed by her snickering or maniacal laughing.

  5. soros can be hated for his financial support of progressive causes. sure.

    soros was 14 when germany was liberated and the nazis fell. he was 14. calling someone a nazi who actually hid from the nazis, had their last name changed, used fraudulent documents to survive and lost family and friends to the holocaust is about as low as it gets. it’s the ultimate gaslighting to call a childhood victim the aggressor.

    you evidently don’t know that the nazi party is a far right nationalist party. sounds a whole lot more like maga than soros. you also allow anti semitic rants to be posted on ure website.

    not all republicans are nazis, but all nazis are republican. you should be ashamed.

      • The left has been trying to rid itself of it’s Nazi baggage for 80 years. And I suppose, when one is a black-shirt Stalinist propaganda troll, National Socialists are to the right, just a hair.

      • What? Didn’t you know “socialism” is a “Right-wing ideology?”

        The person who uses that with which he’s totally unfamiliar as a ‘nym, is a troll and not worthy of a reply.

        He is also unfamiliar with the concept of “research” or he would know his idol changed his name and joined the Hitler youth, before ratting out his Jewish “friends” and family to the Gestapo, to save his own filthy neck. He probably also doesn’t know that his idol has been forever barred from setting foot in Hungary, under penalty of immediate incarceration until death.

        • ray – can you explain how it was possible for a jew to join the hitler youth?

          and nazis were socialists. lol. far right, nationalist party, white supremacy, anti immigrant and anti homosexual

          “Nazism is a form of fascism,[4][5][6][7] the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. Its beliefs include support for dictatorship,[3] fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism,[8] anti-Romani sentiment, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism, homophobia, ableism, and the use of eugenics.”

          the ignorance is startling. what’s disturbing is the certitude of being right even when the truth is 180 degrees in opposition to the belief.

        • Flag Down on the field. Stick to the point.
          George Soros (born György Schwartz; August 12, 1930)

          hE SAVED his own skin so he could later dominate others.
          You can tell who is sucking up to Soros easy enough:
          No, Hungary had enough of his pro immigration shit and ran him out. We should follow as I see it.
          Or, make him live in McAllen

          So “trute” how many migrants are living with your household?> Sure you must be leading by example, right?

        • flag down on you GU. it’s despicable to call a holocaust survivor, a 14 year old child when germany fell, a collaborator. and it’s all over politics. you disagree with how soros spends his money so you have to smear him in the worst way possible. you, and anyone else that does it, would be ashamed if they had any.

          [NO. The rest of your post was playing a racial discrimination card and we won’t stand for that. No one here endorses anti-Seminitism and we won’t tolerate people gaslighting the good people here. So…
          Into the penalty box – 2 weeks. Soros did collaborate and did use his money for promotion of illegal activities including being in the United States without entry. Be gone and chill! – ure]

        • @untruth

          Soros is a major funding source for wackypedia.

          He changed his name to Soros, remember? His Jewish family and friends went along, until he helped the Gestapo send them to the roaster.

          Do you have any idea what the acronym NAZI stands for?

          I didn’t think so.

          (Hint: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei — Translation: National Socialist German Workers’ Party.)

          Fascism is nationalist socialism; communism is internationalist socialism. NAZIs were, and are fascists.

          “Socialism” is centralized authority, and is a basic tenet of Leftist ideology.

          “Freedom” is decentralized authority, and is a basic tenet of Rightist ideology.

          Neither you, nor anyone else on the planet, can identify a single form or type of socialism which is “Right wing” because by definition, it can’t be. Since apparently everything you read says it is, this merely indicates you are either incapable of sourcing unbiased material or incapable of divining the difference between truth and untruth.

          I guess that explains your ‘nym…

    • Calling anyone you don’t like/agree with “Nazi” seems to be the go-to of the lazy and/or low IQ. They don’t know what a real Nazi is, it’s just a word they seem to throw around because it’s too difficult, or they don’t have the vocabulary, to actually verbalize what it is they disagree with/disapprove of.

    • George Soros’ attempts to influence and control the entire world, aggregating power, influence and money to himself and his family is, IMHO, a gross moral error with terrible consequences for the world. BTW, National Socialism is considered by many/most to be a left wing authoritarian system, not right wing. Of course, compared to outright communism, it might be considered right wing.

      Either way, authoritarianism is bad, M’kay!

      • ‘Notably absent from the discourse on “Soros backed” or “Soros funded” accusations are any mentions of right-wing politicians who are recipients of grants from Soros’s Open Society foundation. These include Hungarian President Viktor Orbán, a friend of the Republican Party. Similarly, there’s scant acknowledgment that former presidential candidate and outspoken Republican campaigner Vivek Ramaswamy was also a recipient. The speed and intensity of right-wing denunciations of those tangentially connected to Soros money make it clear that two individuals who actually received grants escape that level of vitriol because of their political affiliation with the right.’

        Soros attackers are afraid of the truth that Soros’ SLPC has exposed:
        ‘First, we are witnessing a surging white nationalist movement in the United States that is
        part of a larger, global movement linked by the idea that white people are being displaced, in part
        by migrants, in countries they believe should belong to them. This extremist movement
        represents a global terrorist threat and should be treated as such. Unfortunately, the words and
        actions of our president have energized and emboldened the white nationalist movement in the
        United States.’

        • SPLC is who you are Quoting,,, is there a more bias bunch of anti white assholes?
          It is racist to be anti white as much as it is to be anti brown or black or asian or native american!
          sour buttermilk strikes again

          you are good at quoting, but lack thinking ability
          SPLC defends Sorass but how much Sorass money makes it’s way into SPLC?
          the SPLC has become a hate group,,,

          “Apple, JP Morgan Chase & Co., George and Amal Clooney are three of the biggest groups to have given funds to the SPLC. In 2016, George Soros pledged upwards of $10 million to “fight hate crimes.” He and his Open Society Foundation have been long-time donors to the organization, helping to usher in its ceaseless march to the radical Left-wing of American politics. The list of hate crimes that the SPLC maintains and distributes is one of the mainstays that attracted George Soros’ money. Critics have dubbed that list “Orwellian” and Soros’ influence over the list as malignant. It has effectively become a cudgel with which Soros and his Left-wing allies can bludgeon their rivals on the Right.”

    • fort H,

      What age was he when he DIED ?

      He is DEAD .

      – been DEAD for while..

      That award is going to his butt nugget son “lil scheisse” sorass. Married to the dark witch huma – you been infected – darkly strange hero worship..

      fort H

  6. Off the record – Chelsea Clinton sits on the Board of a Company that owns 30% of Turo the group that the 2 operatives rented their vehicles thru……….

  7. We’re on the same winter weather watch as you and Ures are. Right now the models look like Texas will get it worse than us up here on the Rock. We’ll see how it plays out.

    You’re story of woo is certainly interesting. In the back of my mind, I always have a slight worry about objects you find either on your property or off it having something unpleasant attached to them. Somebody went to a lot of effort to bury that thing there. The reason that I worry about this is that I know for certain that some nasty things can get attached to places. I’ve met some of them and that is not a thing to pursue.

    In other woo news, I had a wee bout of the woo dreams last week. In this dream, I briefly saw an airliner passing in front of me from left to right on a runway. It was a little hazy looking and the real message was the fear I felt watching it pass by. Once I woke up I thought it was probably just light nerves because I’m flying to Dallas next week on business and had just made my travel reservations. Later that day, I saw the footage of the South Korean airliner crash that occurred. The videos of it on the skidding on the runway is what I saw in the dream. At first I thought I might have been seeing it in near real-time, but that wasn’t the case. It had already happened when I dreamed about it. Coincidence? Maybe.

  8. (“For some 3-million people, paying the bills will be easier: Biden Signs Bill to Raise Social Security Payments for Millions of Pensioners | TIME.
    Snow, then?”)

    Will it.????
    the low income housing rent is more than what they make for low income..
    the e?early around here anyway head to southern Texas and Arizona and the Canadian border to get the majority of their medications and expensive medical procedures done now..the savings they tell me pays for their winter trip..
    I could go into the costs but everyone already knows that.. this will appear as a relief but seriously in a country that is already on borrowed time economically.. A broken supply chain and in an unending war ..this just buys them a little time so those in office can get the hell out if office before the country folds.. in the event Trump declaring the countries insolvency and starts us at square 1 again..then the democrats leave looking like they truly care..
    its just an appearance.. not a fix.. but it will only give a slight relief.. over half of our monthly just barely covers auto insurance and home taxes..nothing else..every year I struggle with budget..I don’t know how I did it..but dam if it doesn’t get juggled out.

    • I hate to inform everyone, but that Social Security extra that just passed only applies to those who are or were public employees!

      For the rest of us, all we have is that lousy COLA!

      • I was curious about that lol lol..
        the guy that was postmaster. he gets 4 retirement checks and the same with my sisters husband gets military retirement, he worked government so he gets a government check and social security from his public job sweeping a bar floor.. then they get the golden goose healthcare package total out pay is less than one lol lol they get what we get in six months every lol lol lol
        and I know elderly that get less than what we get.. one lady had to sell her home to pay for care..she didn’t even get enough to pay the taxes and insurance on her home..what you can learn at the meals on wheels luncheon..

    • Fear and Dependence

      The age old herd management technique since the the fallen first started their vile/evil ways for dealing with the puny Humans here on Earth.

    • Sorry LOOB, it’s not the retired CNA or check-out gal that’s going to see a bump in their SocSec. It is the retired government lifer that’s pulling down a $60k pension. IOW the guy who’s splitting time between his gated McMansion in Chevy Chase and his beachfront bungalow in Pensacola, and getting a $4700 SocSec check every month on top of his $5100 pension is the guy who’s getting that $390 — not you…

      • lol lol lol lol..OTFLMAO… I wondered about that… lol lol I know my sister and her husband get what we get every six months every month.. not whining here..but I had to make huge cuts with the increases in taxes and insurance alone.. a neighbor lady had to sell her home.. she gets six hundred a month to live on and still doesn’t qualify for any federal programs.. our home taxes are 1/4 woth what we pay insurance is over half..
        he’ll look at cell phone and then ask is it truly necessary to have that.. the 400 dollar computer is shot and needs to be replaced dumping computer.. I’ll keep the internet because the cost of internet and prime..was cheaper than having cable..Disney plus Netflix and all of that gone..the increase in utilities hitting this month did away with them..and more…there’s no shopping and no dinner out or staycation..the neighbor had to sell her house she has just about two years of rent.
        the gent that moved here from Seattle because of the crime.. no car seen him walking back from walmart..his daughter is sick..( my new hero) ok not a big deal.. but that’s a 70 plus round trip walk.. I told him to ask if he needed to go to the store for anything ..and I thought 12 was a shifty walk in winter..he doesn’t have a real winter coat his is more accurate for the weather in Seattle not the wastelands…im sure someone gave him a ride..because I looked for him on my return home from an appointment..
        the young family living in the camper ..yup still in it.. they moved out because low income housing was more than what they make in a low income wage..showers are still cheap at the truckstop.

      • (Sorry LOOB, it’s not the retired CNA or check-out gal that’s going to see a bump in their SocSec)

        glorified butt wipers and those that deal with rude drunks always get the shitty end of life.. Butt then i see the logic in what they are thinking…why see the unedjumificated laborer miss use it when there’s people with proper edjumification and illegal refugees that’s truly deserving a break that knows how to use it the way it was intended to be used properly lol lol lol..

      • Social Security is a government annuity pension, not a grant. Ordinary privately employed wage earners get back according to what they pay in. And no, I won’t be drawing $4700 a month (at least not if start my draw at 68 and some change). But people who only draw $1000 or so either paid in for a lot less than the full 35 years, and/or were earning at the poverty level.
        As to who foots the bill for the public service employees who are getting a bump in benefits, I haven’t seen the details yet. If an individual gets credit for income that wasn’t subject to the SS withholding tax, I don’t see how that could be permitted. And maybe I just don’t know what I think I do about the benefit calculation. I am not in favor of freebie grants.

      • Yeah.. dam its hard..I took rang for her nightly the library I see the young single mom and her kids .. I know what they are doing..forced to move out of low income housing because they didn’t make enough to pay the rent in low income I gin scamper on the back of a pickup..and I have a couple of bedrooms empty.. I know I know I promised the boss we wouldn’t take in homeless again.. but dam we have food, room and toilet facilities..
        that’s what’s hard for see someone in that situation and especially in winter time..
        my failures are those that I can give a hand up and fail to do it..

        • Sometimes imparting a little experience can be the best gift to someone down on their luck. A waitress I know had a husband who was slowly dying of heart problems, and they couldn’t afford healthcare. She was just miserable. I got her to stop and listen to me for 5 minutes, and explained to her what she needed to hear to get family Obamacare. Three days later, she had ’em in the hospital. Last I heard, he was doing a lot better.
          Do what you can to help, but have to look out for yourself and your significant other as well.

        • (“Do what you can to help, but have to look out for yourself and your significant other as well.”)

          Thanks N___ I know her situation.. low income housing more than what an employer can afford to pay.. and her income even though its low income still exceeds the low income for the good Samaritan laws.. food stamps heating assistance etc. since she doesn’t have a formal residence even if she qualified she couldn’t get any help..A camper isn’t an adequate form of housing..
          years ago I worked in cabinets.. we built a house out of cardboard for the national home show display.. it was beautiful.. people oogled and awed over the million dollars worth of cabinets on display. they should have oogled and awed over the display.. they gave us a keg for a plant picnic.. while there two officers on bicycles rode by..we joked about running back to the plant and making a small ginger bread cottage with mailbox then setting it up before they returned..later when I let the can man move into our spare room.. I had wished that we had in hopes that he would have found it..instead of living in the dumpster…
          when I went through it.. I dived into work.. my average work week was a hundred hours..she cannot..her kids are to small and daycare is as much as a wage hour job.
          her best effort is the mission..but they have time restraints..
          what I can do for her situation to lend a listening ear..

  9. re: “Tempests in a Tweet”
    feat: a Bard’s bank Folio

    Over the weekend Russian msm noted the interception of several missiles and at least one explosive arrival at the not-so-sleepy port of Ust-Luga (“Mouth of the Meadow”) in Leningrad Oblast. No insight was offered as to whether the projectiles originated from the Gulf of Finland or from 45 miles as the bird flies border of Estonia.

    At the time, the vesseltracker website showed busy port moorages occupied mostly by Panamanian and Liberian-flagged cargo carriers and tankers. Others waited offshore including one unnamed Bermudan-flagged tanker of the Russian ‘dark fleet’. The Bermudan Flag Registry of the UK’s Commonwealth nation of Bermuda began in 1789 when it’s town of St. George’s was already 160 years old. The Registry falls under Category 1 status of the REG (Red Ensign Group) whose ‘red duster’ was originally flown by the Royal Navy. A UK Department of Transport office building in Southampton houses the UK presence of the Bermudan Flag Registry.

    A Lloyd’s List tweet of late November rhetorically asked for dark fleet guidance. A mid-December UK sanctions update added 20 ships of the Russian dark fleet, but none were Bermudan flagged. As an aside, the Grade-1 designated hq “Inside-Out Building” of Lloyd’s on historic Finsbury Square, London was sold a dozen years ago for £260 million to Pen An Insurance of Shenzhen, China, which was headed by a billionaire. At the time, he was the Premier of China.

    Speaking of tweets, yesterday a Mr. Elon Musk tweeted while the Servant of the People Telegramed that President Zelensky had completed a three hour interview available on the YouTube platform. Interestingly the interviewer is a 40-something year old born in a Soviet ‘Stan. His science research methods have been critique by academic peers. However Mr. Musk appears pleased with his former employee’s work on the fsd self driving Tesla software in Texas. My mind is at peace not having watched the three hour online extravaganza.

    Since Vanguard became the largest shareholder of Twitter during 2024 with Black Rock and JP Morgan not far behind, one wonders what sort of devils are in the details of Mr. Musk’s mostly financed block of Twitter shares.

    Time to weigh anchor and fire up the boilers. Full steam ahead with DJ George in the studio! First released on “Revolver” in the UK and on “Yesterday and Today” with the infamous butcher cover in America, it’s the Fab 4 –

    “And Your Bird Can Sing”.

    • re: “Snow and Mo”
      feat: a childrens story from the Kremlin


      After yesterday’s missile attack on the port of Ust-Luga in Leningrad Oblast near Estonia, and today’s interruption of scheduled air services at Pulkovo Airport, St. Petersburg, due to incoming missile alerts, a heart-warming short story for frigid times has appeared in Russian media outlets. A citizen of St. Petersburg noted a seagull’s legs trapped in ice on the Neva River. Thankfully emergency services quickly responded and the bird is going to live to fly another day. Government-linked “Baza” news was able to offer more detail.

      Apparently the incident is believed to have occurred close to the retired Russian Imperial Navy cruiser “Aurora” (which fired the first shot on the Winter Palace in the Russian Revolution). The ice-locked seagull was being pecked at and made fun of by a maurauding black crow. Fortunately help was on the way.

      The “Aurora” was one of three ships along with Pallada and Diana of the Pallada class constructed according to “Wikipedia” to support Far East operations. Admiral Togo famously raised the Z flag against Aurora et al to start the Japanese won Battle of Tsushima in 1905 resulting in Russia losing the war. Apparently the Z flag also was raised by Vice-Admiral Nagumo to launch the Pearl Harbour Attack in 1941.

      Aurora is the Roman goddess of dawn and daughter of Pallada equivalent to the Greek goddess Pallas who in turn is a daughter of the spring war campaign god Triton. Pallas is step-sister of Athena, daughter of Zeus. According to the myths, Pallas and Athena were spear fighting. Zeus distracted Pallas with the Aegis, and she was accidentally killed by Athena.

      Old time fairy tale classics really do effectively break the ice and settle down squabbling children?

    • re: even the GCP is blue
      feat: not the Outlook Hotel


      A stranded journalist has sent word from England’s highest public house to the “Daily Mail”. It seems 32 guests have been snowed in at the remote North Yorkshire moors Tan Hill Inn formerly known as the King’s Pit since last Saturday night. The venue is situated at 528 meters above sea level otherwise described for American eyes as an imperial 1,732 feet asl per the UK Weights and Measures Act of 1824 and 1878.

      The proprieter assures that fuel onhand for an electricity generator and three wood fires is sufficient. In fact images were published of guests gathered around playing card and board games while imbibing what looked to be samples of adult beverage. A couple from Northern Territory, Australia were pictured beside their first snowman having a genuine carrot nose. Readers were advised that food stocks can last a month and alcohol supply for a fortnight.

      By the way, one rests assured that President Biden did award the Presidential Medal last May to each of global-warming expert and former VP Al Gore as well as past Climate Czar John Kerry.

      • Lol in two weeks I will be bottling the beet wine…brought it out for new years..pretty good stuff..

    • Over many years, it has ocured to me many times that a “missing planet” might have once been between Mars and Jupiter, and was a life & waterworld, much like Earth.

      That, Indeed, Earth, Mars, and Planet Five were ALL well within the “Goldilocks Zone,” and that since large solid planets usually have molton cores, over eons the heaviest elements would sink to the lowest depths in the core, and might include the heavy radioactive ones, which might acheive critcal density — and blow up Big Time, maybe blowing the planet to rubble — like the so-called asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. If #5 was a waterworld, then lots of asteroids and comets might contain a lot of water, and Mars would have taken a severe and long high-energy bombardment.

      Gas gaint Jupiter would not have shown much damage, but Mars, as a small rocky world with presummably moderate oceans, could have had the beejezuz blasted out of it over quite a long time.

      Maybe Venus took an unlucky large chunk or two, and maybe Earth simply got lucky, and was largely spared the worst.

      …and maybe Planet Five was once known as “Atlantis.”

      This might have all happened about 50,000 years ago — give or take a few millenia.

      …or something —

  10. (“Not that we can blame the Climateers because this further erodes the “climate exchange BS.” Which in turn will under-cut leftist bureaucrats anxious to kill gas appliances and such.”)

    The thing I see isn’t that its bull shit.. climate change is real.. the arguments against it is that its entirely mans fault and the business model…
    outlawing appliances is not the way to fix it..Embrace the changes that need to be made but incorporate them gradually.
    this is where I normally insert ..
    greenscape our cities.. the concrete and asphalt jungles.. put up CO 2 filters using activated clay filters ( way cheaper and recycled)
    put up solar towers with backup starting at the furthest point from the power plans and work back to the plant..hand out grid tie systems …
    I got a message the other day.. the tribes are going to do just that.. ( don’t know about a tower wished it was) and hand out grid tie systems with every tenth or fifth one with battery backup.. if the power goes out the backup tricks the system to stay on..
    the cost of 1 large turbine that has a power potential of 3 megawatt of power.. could set out 3 highs watts of power potential a fairly substantial towers depending on how much the cost of 1 large wind turbine could put in about the same 3 gigawatt power..and if they are erected at the substations no extra money would be needed..
    its a no brainer but it changes the business model.
    air wells in arid regions..water changes form ..
    its like the medical industry.. the usa has one of the worst medical systems in the world.. there again its the business model. enough money is invested in the insurance industry and the medical system on an annual basis that it could fix the problem. but instead the industry business model and insurance companies have millions of employees that depend on that business model to survive and shows huge profits monstrous bonuses for the amount of money they make ..
    to fix the problem could be as devastating as the problem itself..of course that what I see and who am I nothing special I’m at the bottom of the pyramid..

      • Exactly… stories from the 1600’s talks about mild Egypt the fall of the empire..

        I must be in some alternate universe or something.. twice in a decade some article worth while from preppy boys daddies school actually put out something worthy to read other than how to cannonball a god what’s this world coming to..
        lol it has to be some alternate reality.. lol
        civilization fall and people become nomad tribes..its all about the pyramid.. to have a strong top of a tower of blocks you have to have a strong base..every fallen empire can be attributed to climate, and failing the base of their civilization. the black plague..
        there’s a book and study called the two mile time machine.. great work here’s a good article to..
        the USA and the fiat currencies are about to collapse..
        huge changes are coming..

  11. To make the drastic changes for climate change.well they could have done that but it should have been done long before I was born..
    doing anything now is a waste of time.. the climate will continue to erode for what a hundred years from what we are doing today.. that doesn’t even consider the other things that will occur because of the climate changes..
    there are thousands of studies all basically say the same thing.. like the interest on our gets past the tipping point then its to late we have to adapt and work the problem change the business model. as long as there’s money in the business model will never be changed and we go through another extinction life event..
    great book I say its a must read book..I actually gave it out for Xmas one year.. loved it as much as the creature of Jekyll island..

  12. Morning George. You wrote:

    One other Musk note. While we’re not keen on going (back) to Mars, a client note from our consigliere suggests review of Classified CIA Experiment Claims Life Did Exist On Mars And They Built Pyramids.

    I followed the link to Zero Hedge and read the article. I have not downloaded the PDFs to see what is reported there.

    Here’s what I can do. That is provide this link to the History of Mar’s and Malona, and “why and how” and “when they were destroyed”.

  13. I just returned from a 9 day visit to Spokane to visit my daughter. I stopped in Dallas on my return flight. It seemed like a third of the passengers and maybe half of the gate employees were coughing. I overheard a supervisor reprimanding a gate employee for coming in sick. In Lawton OK airport I talked to a woman from an airforce base town about an hour west of here and she complained about the combination of flu, covid, and upper respiratory bug going around within her family all fall. She said she and her family rarely had more than 3 healthy days between bouts of illnesses for months. Christmas brake has been good for my family. Everyone is healthy right now but today they went back to school.

    On my return flight my seatmate was a man who read all the same books I read on his spiritual journey down the rabbit hole. I started with Gilgamesh and he started with Revelations but we read much of the same material. It was a delightful 4 hours discussing God, Jesus. aliens, origins of man, physics and warp drives, multiple universes, religious literature/holy books, predictions of the future, and Elyon Musk. I write this in the hope that he drops by Ure site as I recommended. It was not a romantic encounter but rather a quite enjoyable intellectual exchange. It’s quite rare for me to find someone who even knows who Enoch or Gilgamesh are, or are interested in discussing core beliefs without the typical dogma, except for this site. Thanks George for being here. I appreciate you and your commenters more than you realize.

  14. “Cold-n-Snow”

    The weather weapons were recharged a month or two back when we saw the aurora borealis as evidence.

    “10 States Could See Aurora Borealis Tonight” means the winter weather weapon are in full operation.

    “Markets Scream Higher”

    “Biden Signs Bill to Raise Social Security Payments”

    Think Trump will claw the moola back?

  15. a punny thing happened at Nebr US senator’s swearing in
    seems ole Deb’s husband has ‘balls’,,, to protect
    “Fischer declined the handshake and put his hands in his pockets.”
    I have to reconsider my opinion of Deb.
    I gave her a tour (part of my duties at the time) of our power station when she was a member of Nebr unicamel, had her undivided attention for close to an hr,,, just gave her the importance of water in the powerplant and the ability to produce electricity with a steam powered generator . access to cool water was the reason for the location of building the plant. I helped building it also, been a life time ago.
    she had an entourage of 4 men who followed her around that day visiting several water sites in Nebr

    • I watched Kammy smile too, just a little. Despite everything Obama tried to make her into, I believe she’s relieved to be away from the pressure and scrutiny of adulting…

  16. “Molokai Run Out Roulette”? Oh, hell no. I’m on the North side of the rift zone crack where the south flank of the island would crack and slide out. I know my geology here. It might get a bit bumpy here, but I’ve already ridden a 6.9 quake. I will not be sliding out to sea, though.

    Kilauea caldera has ceased fountaining as of Friday night. Pressure is released. Nothing but simmering lava overflow at the vent now. Looks to be slowing down, if not stopping completely. And it’s cold here, too. 58 degrees Sunday morning…. That’s 12-below “Hawaiian Freezing” at 70F.

    • Remember if part of the island falls into the sea the Tsunami will WRAP AROUND the island and climb up a considerable distance even on the “safe” side. A thousand feet vertical for sure, a couple of thousand feet vertical is not unreasonable to plan for.

      • Tsunamis DO ‘wrap around’, but they are MUCH higher along a coastal shoreline with a gradually sloping depth up to shore. In Mid-Ocean a tsunami is not nearly as high. Hawaii is a series of pop-up volcanoes from the sea floor. The channel between the Big Island and Maui descends some 13,000 ft to the mid ocean floor, for example. Therefore, the ‘slosh effect’ around the Big Island would be closer to a mid-ocean wave. Our ‘shorelines’ here are basically rocky cliffs underwater that drop precipitously down to 13,000 ft ocean floor. This considerably lessens the tsunami wave height coming ashore. I am 2.2 miles inland at an elevation of 300 feet. I’m not worried.

  17. Much evidence, from several fields of study, strongly suggest Earth has a constantly-changing climate due to several (many) driving sources.

    Some are long-term, some shorter, some are periodic, some irregular. Some are “saw-tooth,” others swing smoothly. Generaly they are not phase-locked, but mostly follow their own rhythms.

    One obvious one: The Sun may be a variable star. Variables are very common.

    Long delays and pauses may accompany some drivers: others may be always dynamic.

    By its nature, “it” probably can’t be managed.

  18. Here in S Indiana, we didn’t get a foot of snow, but what we got had a lot of ice mixed in. so much where I live, and that several large trees block the main road to my small neighborhood and another big one on my own driveway. After contracting a neighbor to help analyze the situation, he called the county to see about getting them to move those on their road and I’ve decided to tackle that tree — and all the other limbs downed by ice– tomorrow. It’ll still be freakishly cold, but my brain and body will be ready to deal with it then. Can’t wait to see how long it takes me and the young teen to saw it up to manageable pieces and drag them to the burn piles.

  19. As of this writing, two weeks remain till inauguration day.

    Two weeks. The nuttiness goes up a couple of clicks a day now. A-Grav and mysterious drones. Krazy Killins. Dogs of war chomping on the bit. Red lines being re-drawn daily.
    Financial chaos from impossibe, unmeetable goals. Tons of freelance weirdness and debasement.

    On has a sense of acceleration wih no limit.

    “They” are running out of time.
    “They” seemingly can’t stop him, yet
    the MUST stop him.

    Time is running out.

    My Irish grandma used to say,
    “May the road rise to meet you.
    May the wind be ever at your back;
    and may God hold you safe in the
    hollow of his hand, ’till we meet again.:


  20. (Sorry:)
    One Final Thought.

    While Cho-By-Den still has some residual venom in his stinger, he has entirely discredited himself and his party now. It will never be the same. The Bad Guys ARE defeated in the final reel. This doesn’t mean they don’t get one last “at bat;” but they’ve cooked themselves for the long term. They’ve revealed themselves as truly poor sports.

    in America, there is no greater shame.


  21. I grew up in Wisconsin and even without lake effect, we had plenty of snow most winters. If you left your car on the street, the plows would go around it, and then you were on your own to dig it out! We had an alleyway thru the middle of the block where our garages were, and were fortunate to have a neighbor with a plow on his pickup truck that kept the alley passable, so we could store our cars overnight off the street. The streets had snow piles much higher than the cars, and you couldn’t see a car coming at intersections. Drivers put fluorescent balls on their antennas so you could see them coming around the corner. You want lake effect? Look at Copper Harbor, Michigan, the northernmost tip sticking up into Lake Superior. Over 200 inches of snow a year. Maybe 25 people winter over in the village to maintain properties. They haul snow blowers inside, upstairs, to get them out a bedroom window onto the porch roof, and proceed to dig and tunnel down from there. My grandmother and mother were ‘yoopers’ from the Upper Peninsula.

    And Ure wonders why I ‘take my chances’ living on a nice, warm volcano now. ;-)

    • Friend went to Superior College in the Duluth Minn area and back in the 1970’s when he went there he tells me EVERY YEAR the snow got so high that they had TUNNELS UNDER THE SNOW between some of the buildings! (actually know several people who went to college there and everybody who went actually liked it … snow and cold notwithstanding)

      During the same time frame (late 60’s going into the early 70’s) a College sponsored by religious group, much like Liberty University and similar ones, was built on Mackinaw Island in the Channel between the upper and lower peninsula’s of Michigan.

      They built a beautiful small campus … but “surprisingly” had trouble getting kids to come since once winter hit they were basically stuck on the island since for much of the winter it was only accessible by single engine plane or by a “ice car” that could be used once the ice froze (a stripped down car with the doors and roof cut off so if it broke through the ice you could jump out!!). Today the buildings built for the college have become a popular hotel /conference center operation for the summer months though no longer used in mid winter even though built for the cold and snow.

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