2025’s Action Plan

This being a holiday, we will be focused mainly on the ChartPack. But we do have a few goodies…  This is the day of remembering what we’re doing and what Life is all about.

While it may sound a bit like Chairman Mao’s criticism-self-criticism, the modern student of management science will find many templates in the corporate world as well.

Our favored approach is pretty simple:  Review the data, compare these with last year, and – having identified gaps – work out a plan to close them in the coming year.

It’s not hard…until, that is, you get around to actually doing it.

Plus, we will share from recent videos we have been taking in that may improve other parts of your life.

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28 thoughts on “2025’s Action Plan”

  1. Greetings Homegamerz, Luddites and rest of you Good Citizens.

    4 da New Years: getting “piggy” wit it”.

    W in
    E Vehicle
    A rrest Traitors
    R ound Up Pedos
    E xecute Traitors
    Perform Exorcisms
    E xpell the MotherWEFers
    N ix B Gates
    N ix B Gates
    S end Evil joe down Frequency (scary/dark&heavy)
    T ake a lick of da Ice Cream
    A ttack DEI/Libetards
    T ake back Morality
    E vict Evil Elites

    The tired underwhelming tide rolls out as we await Roast Duck Dinner 2night. OhhowIhateohiostate!

    My apologies ahead of time for a “rules” violation.

    It is My sincere hope for a Happy and Prosperous New Years for US ALL!
    But alas HOPE IS Not a Strategy, a least not a good one.

    * “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” -FNietzsche

    • Folks,
      The webcams of history dutifully recorded the 1934 visit of Hitler to Weimar impressing a fuehrer’s kiss upon the hand of Nietzsche’s sister, Frau Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, an 1889 co-founder of Nueva Germania in Paraguay.

      This first day of New Year delivered wishes of joyous hope from Russian media site “Baza” for those inclined to imbibe the spirits of “cinema therapy”. The channel engaged the services of a psychologist who analyzes client travails after they watch movies of a therapeutic genre.

      “Baza” requested review of six movies in total of which the first was a 1981 Academy Award winner, “Moscow does not Believe in Tears”, (1980). The film includes the song “Dialogue by the New Year Tree”. Those not in lachrymose spirits might be encouraged to translate a seemingly tearful Russian noun into the internet slang, BAP. Coining of the ‘Bronze Age Pervert’ idiom was apparently anointed as a crowning for a Romanian-American of circa 1980 birth who leads up a posse of followers deemed rather far-right wing. His 2023 tome was released under the title “Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy”.

      Let’s join DJ George whose observations of our surrounding firmament are considered monolithic. Kick off today’s Happy Hour with more tot and less mix featuring a selection from the Tears for Fears well-received album of a yesteryear, “Songs from the Big Chair”-

      “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”.

    • re: honey vinaigrette
      feat: high table appies

      Wouldn’t you rather choose a caesar salad?
      Yesterday evening marked an anniversary of the then Circus Circus-owned Hacienda hotel implosion in Paradise, Nv. Apparently a crowd of 300,000 gathered to watch the televised 1996 “Sinbad’s Dynamite New Year’s Eve”. Subsequently the Mandalay Bay Resort was constructed on the site. Vegas’ oldest building, the Little Church of the West, was moved again to avoid demolition. It had previously shared a site where 1931’s the Pair ‘o Dice had morphed into The Frontier. The latter was eventually owned along the way by a Howard Hughes company. He had purchased the property following a bankruptcy. The prior owner descended from an early 19th century German industrialist family who had spent 3 years of the 1950’s in allied prison for being a primary supplier of slave labour-produced weaponry in WW2 to nazi Germany. Currently the property is a subsidiary of a multi-billionaire led Israeli petroleum holding company. The American owner prior to the Israeli purchase had partnered with a New York real estate developer. Thus did the Trump Towers Las Vegas rise upon the back parking lot of The Frontier.

      Across the street from Trump Towers, a Howard Hughes namesake company rules over a “Fashion Show” shopping mall whose air rights would appear to be under utilized. However that company looks to be a subsidiary of a huge commercial property holder that famously lost out in the World Trade Center sale bidding of April, 2001. Twelve years later their hq moved to Bermuda followed 6 months after by a share investment from the Qatari Investment Authority. It looks like the commercial property holder is subsidiary to a Toronto headquartered parent with roots to a 19th century partnership between a Canadian railroad baron and an American engineer.

      Speaking of coinkydoinks, it’s been publicly announced that both trucks used in the tragedies were rented via an app. According to a reading of “Wikipedia”, review of the executive suite of the app and the makeup of the board of the Mandalay Bay is not mutually exclusive.

  2. George I’m going to keep you honest in the new year. 1308 words today give or take. I’ll cut you a little slack since it’s the first day of the new year. But it won’t last long, to force you kicking and screaming into word retirement as you stated a few articles back! Losing word weights a bitch ain’t it!

  3. Your Ureness,

    Happy New 2025 to you, your Bride, and your fellows (inclusive of wimmin you may be sure).

    Action Plan? Nope. In Corp. world (which I just exited after 40) those were remedial. You, and your fellows (again, yadda) are past that stage. Do a business plan. This is the first year in decades I have not done so (the last 3-4 years one was required?). Right …

    Every business, including your personal business, profits from making a list / making a plan (OK, back to plans then, whatever). I am part owner in one web property that needs Principal discussion. My changing circumstances allow throwing a profit switch and I vote Aye. Then there are two ventures. I am inclined to launch one or both.

    The website will probably prove most fruitful. But, the other two are because my Padawan doesn’t see the potential or is just too busy to do more. I think to launch the part time (read: two weeks twice yearly) regardless then be a Gentleman Framer Partner with the young guy. Pencils out as a 10-bagger so net 95% in year one. Strangely, the other bidness will help his Mom. Stay tuned.

    A sad day. Sorry to hear about the vehicular attack in Nola. Being from South Bend, IN there are friends in town to watch the Sugar Bowl. Would you continue as planned, with extra whatever? Yah, don’t let the bad guys win. But, I don’t know what they know and, it’s The Feds running the show early on. RIP to those lost.

    Play Ball,

    ps – wordslinger: the “main Channel” in green, top ascending line at least, deserves a kiss. Bet it does, when being the unknown. Not FA / YMMV

  4. “UFO and drone reports”

    Recall the parrots. “U.S. military is sniffing for a box of radiation”.

    We’ve read some folks don’t have an inner dialogue. Perhaps the “sniffer’ parrots are a clue identifying people missing their dialogue. They’re simply repeaters.

    Was the box of radiation found, is it still out there or was the BoR an urban legend?

    Food additives is a repeater topic right now which overlaps dietary supplements. Even with product labeling many people seem to get confused thinking Apple Jacks is the same as a fruit market apple. Or Aunt Jemima syrup is somehow real maple syrup and not chemical soup. Nostalgia? Food ingredient labeling began in 1938.

    Perhaps people without inner dialogue simply look at product pictures and overlook ingredient label. An apple is on the label so the product must have the goodness of a fruit market apple or maple syrup goes with pancakes and a pancake is on the label so it must be….

    “DHEA… too much can trigger unwanted diseases.”

    Cite the food labeling. People may not be responsible enough to have supplements.

    A Soylent Green style cracker may be the answer. Everyone eats the same healthful, fortified cracker day in and day out without a need for labeling and the Western world is without supplements & variety. I think deep down in the cockle region most folks are commies.

    • Applying Occam to the UAP hysteria- the most plausible explanation is that the guilty party(s) figured out that their protection begins to melt the second week in January 2025, and evaporates completely the last week in January.

      • The most-plausible explanation is the “drones” belong, either to the U.S. Military or spooks, or they belong to a tech contractor and are on an extended test run…

        And in either case, are no big deal, outside the realm of the conspiranuts…

  5. Our New Year’s Eve, Thankful – “simple-dinner” went very well. Large lima beans and mesquite smoked ham soup – fresh bake herb-&-cheese bread and wine.
    We ended up going through two+ bottles of wine and nearly four hours of conversation., sitting at a small table in the candle light. The “after-dinner” talk usually lasts only a couple of hours, at most, but this time I had a few things to say [ I usually just listen and comment ].
    Review of last year went pretty fast., as we both had the same items that need work. [ Mostly me.]

    I am working at eliminating my digital-footprint – across the board. It is not as easy as it sounds. Kind of amazing just how much computers have taken hold and in some areas, control our everyday lives. I won’t be able to completely eliminate my involvement in the digital-hemisphere., but I can reduce it., greatly. [ The VA absolutely has me locked-in to the digital life., no way around that one. I have tried.] But throughout January I will work at becoming a lot less ‘computer oriented’., a lot less. Though loading up my new FireMax with as many books as I can will be my one and only expansion of the digital world.
    The Art Studio is complete – finally – and when the weather starts to warm a bit, I will start taking all the supplies and furniture out and get that all set-up and operational. Small, 8×12 stand alone studio on the back ’40.., but it will serve me well. I have missed the visual creativity and its time I got back into it. No computer art., no A.I. creations. Bristol boards, inks and watercolors. It will take a while to get back into the flow – but I am looking forward to that aspect also. Just how good my eye-hand coordination still is – to create the detail I like – will be interesting to discover.
    I am seriously considering stopping all my stock market trading after this current cycle – probably June/July. [Bond market dependent.] It has been a large portion of my life [ time ] for decades., but I tire of it. That is still an open debate [ with me/myself and I ] However, it does fit-in with my scaling back of computer usage and digital footprint.,[ which absolutely will happen ] and gives me a lot more time for my art studio.., “The Mrs” and vegetable gardening., pistol range time and “double-bourbon quiet moments” [ old man ‘stuff’ ] I had a great year trading., not one losing trade. [ over 80 trades ] My ‘worst’ was a 4.2% return. That will be hard to let go of. Is it doable? We’ll see…, we’ll see……………..
    [ I made nearly 27% on my stashed stack of ‘Rands that I earned in the 70’s & early 80’s and managed to hang on too. 27%., by doing nothing., not too bad.]
    Those were some of my ‘talking-points’ [ vastly increasing our ‘pantry’ was another., based on my paranoid notion of the bond market, Trump-ism and war disrupting supply-chains.] “The Mrs” had quite a few herself ! A couple were surprising. Thus, the four+ hours.
    Its a New Year. I don’t make predictions, nor resolutions.., and ‘things’ change. Sometimes whether you want them too, or not. Getting ahead of the curve and make things change the way “you” want, seems to be the better way to go. Identify the problem[s] close any gaps in the plan to solve those problems., be honest about any weaknesses., of yourself ‘and’ your plans. Then – step-up and work the plan. When you are closer to 80 then you are 70 there is no time to be wasted debating on who has the better nacho’s recipe. [Mine is far superior – get over it.]

    I do hope that you had a good year.., and that this coming year, though froth with “turning points”, and “WTH Changes”., does prove to be a very good year for you-&-yours.

    “Stay Frosty !” my computer friends.

      • I never share my trades., until well after I close them out. Financial advice., and trading advice are two areas that I try to avoid. Religion and chili recipes are two other discussions that I avoid.
        All but one of my trades this year were Options – and all but one of those were Puts.

      • I did turn down a game -scheduled for New Years – on the Big Island. But, I refuse to fly any more., so Hawaii will have to survive without my glorious self.
        – Right now, nothing has changed in that arena – invite only games – playing it day by day. I count it more as a hobby, then an income source. It really doesn’t fit into any ‘category’ of mine.

  6. Happy New Year from the green frog,,,kek
    both are symbols of those who follow “Q” the frog and the kek,,, well Elon has gone FULL KEK
    zippity do dah,,, you TDS diseased folks, full of sour buttermilk and ‘Buttermilk’ was full of horse shit, and why is a woman named Dale?

    “Q” is “MAGA” and we won 2024

    and brother George has his own woo woo,,, how cool is that? Is that starting the year with a “BANG” a “WOW”
    it keeps life,,, interesting
    green fog? green frog?

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