17 To Go – The Trump Casino – The Two Meanings of AoPR

We are just over two weeks out from having a new President.  But, it’s looking more and more like another Trump Casino as the crucial vote on Mike Johnson comes up today.  A preview in Could Trump face another early setback in House speaker’s race? Sets the tone.  Or you could roll with Mike Johnson’s speakership to be put to another test in 1st vote of new Congress and get to similar conclusions.

Markets Are a Gamble, Too

Early Futures were calling for an up opening (Dow futures up 56, for example).  But as our Aggregate Index view of life offers, yesterdays pre-opening hype was a Bust, so we’re not putting much stock in today’s session, either.

We could – based on some screaming news hype later today – potentially make it back up to one more kiss of the trend line, but not exactly holding our breath.  It’s a long way to Monday.

No particular clues from BTC prides; holding around $96,680 when checked a while back.  No shortage of hype, though.  And with options coming due (Bitcoin & Ethereum Price Outlook Amid $2.6 Billion Options Expiry) someone’s you-know-what’s will be in the vise – which is the whole point, we suppose.

Worth Knowing

Football marches on:  New Orleans Preps for Sugar Bowl with Super Bowl-Level Security After Tragedy [WATCH] No surprises in Army Colonel: No Doubt There are Sleeper Cells in USA, to speak of.

Inquiring Pilots want to know:  What kind of home-built plane was it? Plane Crash in Fullerton, California, Kills 2 and Injures 19 – The New York Times.  The AP was reporting it was a Vans RV-10 which in our view is a solid plane,  After looking at Aviation Safety Network > > ASN Aviation Safety Database results RV-10, they still look good. But as with any single engine, maintenance and recurrent pilot training is always key to safe operation.

Everyone has their own Truth, we assume:  Truthbombs of 2024: Media Is Over, Antisemitism Is Cool, DEI Is Kaput.

We may have to rethink being hermits: Social connections may boost immunity and reduce disease risk.

The Climate histrionics never end, do they? Already stung by reduced crop estimate, Florida citrus industry now faces polar vortex – UPI.com.  We prefer PolarTec, thanks. Out here in the Outback of East Texas there is a mention of snow showers next week about this time.  But we don’t call it a voertex.  To sane people, it’s “winter.”

Research Points

We’ll bet you were up all night wondering “Why was there Global Cooling in 1831?”  Fear not, fellow Inquisitors:  Has The Cause of the 1831 Global Cooling Event Been Found?.

Another Alzheimer’s suspect front-and-centerThe Link Between Herpes and Alzheimer’s Disease Uncovered.  Wait, didn’t we read somewhere:

“A study published in 2021 suggests vitamin B12 deficiency may increase the risk of reactivating the herpes virus in certain cases. B12, one of eight B vitamins, may boost your immune system to keep the herpes virus at bay. It also supports healthy cell growth, which is essential for healing during an active flare-up.”

Might this drive a future change to views in the paper https://www.aging-us.com/article/205788/pdf and similar?  Should we be paying attention there?

At the Ranch:  On the Two Meanings of AoPR

Here’s a little gift for you – one I didn’t have time to jot down over the holidays.

What is AoPR?

There are two definitions:

  • The Art of Personal Routine
  • and The Art of Personal Research

Ideally, they should be designed to compliment one-another.

Why a Personal Routine?

We have – as a species – largely detached from Nature’s clocks.  The two big ones – Sun and Moon – don’t figure into much of anyone’s life, anymore.  Instead, we exist as animals trying to “live to numbers.”  Digits; on clocks.

People are often forced by Life to “burn the candle at both ends.”  Lack of sleep is a major social ill. Weakens the mind and makes us all less-able to engage in critical thinking.  We need about eight-hours of sleep. But because blue light pollution is not under control, we often sail past normal bedtime just to finish watching some streaming program, or other.  Which cuts down sleep and continues the marginal sleep-deprivation behavior cluster.

There’s no need on our tree farm to “get up with the Sun.”  No need to “slop the pines” or, for that matter “lead the cedars out to pasture.”  We aren’t milking chickens, anymore, either. But that doesn’t stop a fierce loyalty to “The Schedule.”  Which for me begins at 4 AM daily.

There’s an hour before “reporting to the Chair” in my office, which ticks over at 5 Am.  The time is mostly event-driven: first reliable market futures pop at 5 AM Central. Updated weather models are being published.  Early editions of the major papers are out, and it’s easy to look at the daily “news budgets” and begin to set expectations about how Humankind will burn the latest Sun cycle. Which will be along shortly.

Our slavish devoting to Time may seem a bit silly as we sneak up on 76-82.  I mean, isn’t retirement about “f*ck the clock”, right?

Well, no.

In our moderately fact-based world, Aging and Circadian Rhythms – PMC are tightly correlated.  And even night lights can screw up the body’s hormonal cycling and feed into diseases like cancer.  A starting point might be Melatonin and cancer risk: does light at night compromise physiologic cancer protection by lowering serum melatonin levels? – PMC.

If you are trying to “live life based on data” there’s a reason to set an alarm clock.  Training of self (that incorrigible child) is difficult.  But try to remember who the adult is in your personal drama of Life. (Elaine’s mine, lol.)


The second meaning of AoPR is the Art of Personal Research.

That opening hour of Personal Routine is actually jam-packed with getting physical George ready for the daily game.  You know I use a combination of “subtle energy light medicine” (The Light Crown and also IR/NIR as part of Thymus recovery, plus eye treatment, foot and hand massages  and so forth.)

Thing is, this doesn’t give the Mind much to do other than deep relaxation and a dose of meditation.  The closer it gets to Starting Time, the more the mind begins to Question the World.  It’s a period where (in a relaxed state) you can ask questions that are normally trashed by the schedule and activities of middle-of-day thought. Noise over-ride effects.

Today, for example, I found myself pondering not just whether plants feel pain (they do, of course). But also, if there has been much research into helping plants cope better with pain and thus prepare to nourish us humans better.  Crazy, right?

Well EXCEPT, it’s already known that plants respond to music. But whether the effect is energetic (responding to beats and harmonics) or more closely related to physical vibration is something you’ll perhaps have insights into after a scan of Fact or Myth: Does Music Affect Plant Growth? – Bloomscape.

But this “pain of plants” line of inquiry?  Gee, would adding aspirin (diluted, of course) be beneficial to plants?  The A.I. answer to this was useful:

“Yes, aspirin can help plants grow:

  • Germination: Watering seeds with an aspirin solution can speed up germination and make seedlings stronger and more resistant to disease.
  • Plant size and yield: Regular aspirin treatments can help plants grow faster and produce more fruit or vegetables.
  • Disease resistance: Aspirin can help plants develop an immune response to disease and pests.
  • Cut flower longevity: Adding aspirin to a vase of water can help keep cut flowers fresh.

Aspirin’s active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid, which is derived from salicylic acid. Plants naturally produce small amounts of salicylic acid when they’re stressed by disease, insect attacks, or lack of water. Aspirin can help plants cope with these stresses by:

  • Triggering a plant’s natural defenses against disease
  • Causing plants to open pores in their leaves
  • Leaking nutrients from their roots
  • Growing leaves and sometimes flowers

You can use aspirin to treat plants by:

  • Watering seeds with an aspirin solution every three weeks
  • Spraying plants with aspirin and then drenching the soil with aspirin”

And this all gets to a final “thought of the week” here.

Putting an aspirin solution (very weak) on plants was something I’d never “gone deep” on before. But with a thoughtful Personal Routine there should always be time to make a note to follow up on any nagging Personal Research questions that enter a relaxed state of mind.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got” a dear friend once told me.  And so it is with people.

If you expect to have a widely productive life, then you need to “fertilize the noggin” with widely differing information.  Failure to do so stunts personal growth.

A Follow-Up Book Note

Routine is also a huge part of our health practices.  And one we have been on for a long time now is the addition of a small amount of lithium orotate four times weekly.  I covered this in several of my books (not as medical advise, more a Personal Research topic).  I’m sure some people thought I was nuts because I came to this after overlaying maps of lithium concentrations in ground water maps of the country and discovered there was an inverse correlation to vascular dementia/Alzheimer’s in the data.

Both Elaine and I carry  the APOE-4 genetic allele so our battle plans to maintain mental integrity have been evolving ever since we did the 23andme.com genetics test and found our “holes below the waterline” that we might want to do some patching on in advance.

Longish intro, but it all leads to a “Thank you!” to Reader Hank out on the Big Island at Volcano Ranch for flagging this which floated up to the top of the worth-sharing list today:  Make Lithium Great Again: Peer-Reviewed Study Reveals Whole-Body Benefits Of Supplementation | ZeroHedge.  The underlying paper (2023 – Beyond its Psychiatric Use: The Benefits of Low-dose Lithium Supplementation – PMC) is a bit dated by our standards.

BUT we are reminded of two things here.  The first being that great discernment must be used when tinkering with even low dose levels of lithium orotate.  Human brain 7Li-MRI following low-dose lithium dietary supplementation in healthy participants – PubMed.

The second is to give consideration – if you haven’t – to adding trace minerals into your vitamin and supplementation plans (if any).  The reason has everything to do with soil depletion and the way we are burning through the invisible (and often unmeasured) declining nutritional values in human foodstuffs.

When you get into it, you may find (as we did) that broad declines in trace elements within soils – including lithium salts – can reduce longevity.  Another to keep an eye on is Boron.  Effect of dietary boron on the aging process – PMC.  Yep, right there in a 1994 fruit fly study is the potential for a 9.5 percent increase in lifespan.

The takeaway from today’s Personal Research is simple.  It’s becoming clear that with many of the trace elements, a little (often very, very little) can do great things.  But there’s risk for the medically unaware of overdoing things.  I talked about why we dropped our DHEA use dramatically, after seeing the risk research on too much of a good thing.

You can set a sense of this optimization curve in that Boron paper, too.  This part – emphasis added:

“Newly emerged flies contained 35.5 ppm boron. During the adult stage the boron concentration increased by 52% by 9 weeks of age. Adding excess dietary boron during the adult stage decreased the median life span by 69% at 0.01 M sodium borate and by 21% at 0.001 M sodium borate. Lower concentrations gave small but significant increases in life span. Supplementing a very low boron diet with 0.00025 M sodium borate improved life span by 9.5%.”

Those are very low levels, and while the effects may not translate directly to humans, it’s worth considering the foods high in boron naturally.  Avocados, raisins, and apples would be a good start.

None of this is medical advice, of course.  Just a few things piling up on my “Research to mention that might be useful list” that I hope you will find useful in attempting to live your Optimized Life, as well.

Ham Radio Help Sought

Help?  Ure?  Extra class ham and broadcast engineer child Ure?

Yep.  Need some help on a research project.

I am looking to build a T2FD antenna.  Short for “tilted, terminated, folded dipole” antenna.  The reason for the help shout-out is that these antennas typically employ a non-inductive “terminating resistor” opposite the feedpoint.

HOWEVER I found some references to some UK hams who have replaced the non-inductivbe resistor with one (or more) inductors (coils).  Does anyone have any additional information on what this net was comprised of?  My interest is that this seems to be a clever work-around for the 35 percent rule for terminator resistor power-sizing.  Big (read: expensive) noninductive terminating resistors at the 500+ watt level ain’t free – and they are heavy and bulky.

So any help would be appreciated. Question arises because of the G3RKF post at Yaesu YA-30 Folded Dipole review on eHam.  “Update 2022. Replaced the terminating resistor with inductors. Still a decent vswr and better QSOs on the low bands. Now using an FTdx10 barefoot – great combination.”  But, no details of the specific values involved.

Inquiring minds want to know!

Write when you get rich,


53 thoughts on “17 To Go – The Trump Casino – The Two Meanings of AoPR”

  1. Dude G,

    You bee on to something very real and potent..the Ritual use of Plants.
    Whether its picking/harvesting certain plants during certain times of the season – Coccothrinax Palms on the full moon = thatch roof material, or proper “prayer” over plant you about to harvest.
    This is one of the main reasons I originally was in Guatemala/Belize, to meet up with last legit Maya Healer in western hemisphere – Elijo Panti and his apprentice Rosita Arvigo DN. Today there is an incredible nature preserve in the Cayo-BZE named after Panti.
    A copy of Culpepper’s Complete Herbal is considered essential building block for budding Herbalists, Dr Richard Alan Miller also has several books chock full of valuable plant info, like his Alternative Agriculture (4 the urban&semi-rural communities) book.

    How about Eating for Spirit ?
    Hear in Pennsyltucky, eating Pork and Sauerkraut on New Years is an annual ritual.
    “eating Pork on New Years day brings good luck because Pigs root around with their snouts in a forward motion. After all want to move in a forward, not backward , in new year. Sauerkraut is made from Cabbages- a Symbol of Money because its Leafy & Green.
    Asian ? Looooooooong Nooooodle on New Years = Longevity, you pervs!

  2. You are spot on with your note regarding the decline in soil minerals. This will only become worse as time goes on. Healthy soil = healthy food. Since going mostly hydroponic a few years ago I have been adding trace minerals to my stock nutrient solution. Back at the old ranch I put spent nutrient solution on exterior flower beds and fruit trees. The difference with the untreated areas was obvious. I have a blank slate to start with here at the new place.
    Stay safe. 73

  3. https://www.rt.com/news/610383-pfizer-covid-vaccine-contamination-dna/
    “those pesky Students”

    Color this “selfish prick” shocked, shocked I tell ya, SHOCKED!

    All I can say is if youse a Victim of covert19 vaxx psy op – Natto Kinase and C60 are Ure friends.

    It is/was the FA’s who took a vaxx and joined the “darkside” in their evil plots .

    -You “Shedders” are GUILTY of committing Crimes against Humanity as well. Once again the “Slaves” unwittingly doing the dirty work for their MASTERS..Brilliant.

  4. A tad bit remiss youse be, as Genesis Block Day is TODAY –

    Get Ure back up off the wall – https://youtu.be/f0EYpjMkgmU?si=RSB5p3rvyIPFqnE6

    On this day 16 years ago Bitcoin was Born.

    Satoshi mined the very first Bitcoin block and kick started a Revolution in money, freedom and sovereignty.

    This was not only a stunning technical achievement,it was a statement concerning the future of Humanity.

    Bitcoin was created to offer a better, fairer system – one that doesn’t rely on Bailouts/Ins, or central control. Today is also Proff of Keys Day..Yipee!

    Reason enough – to Celebrate..Bee kool -https://youtu.be/3GwjfUFyY6M?si=rQiRm4U62NZdAQNd


    • Obviously you are way ahead of me…. but how is it you’re bitcoin could possibly be a viable holder of worth when the only thing of value is the sweat from your brow???? Just wondering and anxiously awaiting your answer. If the power were to to go down, if the net was no longer here, where would your bit’s be then?? Just wondering, please enlighten… I am all for you BCN if you could but explain how a few numbers is our way out of this mess!! Thank you

  5. I have osteo-arthritis of the lower spine – have been taking turmeric and glucosamine chondroitin which has basically held it at bay and minimally helped. Started Collagen Peptides 3 weeks ago and have remarkable results – flexibility is returning and a massive decrease in pain. My question is does anyone use Boron as it seems to also aid in the treatment of osteo-arthritus?

  6. (“Well EXCEPT, it’s already known that plants respond to music. But whether the effect is energetic (responding to beats and harmonics)”)

    hmm frequency…hmm…
    mom talking to her plants…makes me wonder. 5g…cancer and plant growth..
    we have cell phones microwave transmissions …satellite transmissions..we are surrounded by frequencies being bombarded with sound and EMF transmissions..


    • The effects you seem to be questioning are ENERGETIC in Nature .

      I can confirm from personal experience.

      I used to “practice” (NRG exercises) on unopened Gladiolas stalks full of flower buds.
      I would focus my “NRG” using my both of my Palm centers to apply Qi to unopened buds..out of Order on the stalk..skip 2 open next, skip 1 open next in sequence. Really just “parlor-tricks” but very Reinforcing to confirm benefits.

      The real fun starts when you can “Bloom em” from a distance..wai qi.

  7. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1386142522010253

    great article that supports what I believe. people use brute force to separate water . but for a moment consider the magnet..north has to seek out the south.. proper placement of a magnetic field then hit the magnetic field with small frequency bursts. when you reach the proper frequency water breaks down.
    kids in remote regions are able to tap on a boulder ..o ce they reach the harmonic frequency of the stone it breaks in half.. tesla earthquake. aching a what 4 ounce weight.
    Its pretty simple concept and something i believe the theoretical principle linking frequency and nuclear energy lies in the concept of quantum mechanics, where the energy of a particle is directly proportional to its frequency, as described by the Planck relation (E = hv), my thought is that when a nucleus undergoes a transition between energy levels, it emits or absorbs electromagnetic radiation at a specific frequency corresponding to the energy difference between those levels; by mixing that frequency with agitation once reaching the resonant frequency if the substance it simply falls apart. this principle is crucial for understanding nuclear processes like nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of course I am just an old crackpot in the wastelands with a moronic frequency theory..

    • So to further this discussion -how you figure we can match a Light Frequency (Laser) to a Sound Frequency ?

      Lil bird mentioned something along these lines to me, once.

      Ley Lines..an intersection of them is point at which to apply specific Sound&Light Frequencies – outcome being Pliable Stone which can be easily shaped, cut and moved around.

      Problem is radiation emitting from soft stone spot quarry …hence need for an “UnAware” “Disposable” workforce..thankfully Humans were “made” aware of themselves prior to building of great pyramid (Mir) .

      Whats the Frequency..
      ..that unmasks the “repto elites” ?

      • Great thought on that….Light and sound operate on different principles, so directly matching their frequencies isn’t possible. However, hiwever i believe that both have wavelengths and frequencies that can be compared in a relative sense.
        Light Frequency (Laser):
        Light is an electromagnetic wave. Lasers emit light at very specific frequencies (or wavelengths) in the electromagnetic spectrum.
        The frequency of light is extremely high, in the range of terahertz or higher.

        Sound Frequency:

        Sound is a mechanical wave that travels through a medium like air or water.

        Sound frequencies are much lower than light frequencies, typically measured in hertz (Hz). For example, human hearing ranges from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
        Example Comparison:
        Red laser light has a wavelength of about 650 nanometers, which corresponds to a frequency of around 460 THz.
        A middle C note on a piano (a common sound frequency) is around 261.63 Hz.
        While you can’t match them directly due to their different natures, you can conceptually relate their energy levels using their frequencies. In practice, though, light and sound are used in very different applications due to their unique properties.Sound waves are mechanical and need a medium to travel through (like air or water), while light waves are electromagnetic and can travel through a vacuum.
        But Sound waves can modulate light waves. This is often done in telecommunications where sound (audio signals) modulates the amplitude, frequency, or phase of a light wave for transmission over optical fibers. I once came home from work and my wife said the neighbor was watching her through the window.. i didnt believe her until one night i see him looking in the bedroom window with binoculars from his house..i mooned him.. then decided ok two can play that game..I had a remote that was identical to his television and when he would go get a drink I would change the channel.
        the other thing I did was took a laser I got from radio shack and made a Laser listening device..simple just aim it on the window and it would pick up the vibrations of what was being said in their house.. then when there was an internal debate in their conversations ..in our neighborly chat I would take up the opposite opinion he had and agree with his spouse..no more spying on our bedroom window after that..A simple piece of masking tape or a sticker changes that..Moving objects with sound.. good concept but can it..
        Sound waves can create standing waves that generate acoustic pressure strong enough to counteract gravity, allowing small objects to levitate.Powerful laser beams can generate thrust by heating a material and causing it to expel gases or plasma, propelling the object.Plasma propulsion .. Ultrasonic waves can be used to manipulate tiny particles and droplets, and in some medical applications, they can affect tissues such as microwave oven.As for the pyramids..I an going with Joseph Davidovits he suggested that the blocks were made from a mixture of limestone, clay, lime, and water. This mixture would have been poured into wooden molds to create the blocks on-site. the corner stones were made by quarrying them. such as the cornerstones of the white house and Washington monument. The rest was bluestone gneiss that they used..About 30% plus of the world’s population still lives in buildings made from earth-based materials. These structures are prevalent in many parts of the world, especially in regions where traditional building techniques are still in use. Earth construction methods, such as rammed earth and adobe, have been used for thousands of years due to their cost-effectiveness, availability of materials, and environmental benefits.. the one I want to try is earthcrete.. 1 part Portland cement3 parts sand
        2 parts clay-rich soil, Water (as needed) make sure the clay is sifted.. I wonder if that was what the Egyptians did..Since there was an abundance of sea shells which has shown up in investigations by david.. the only thing missing was the ash. that type of building was popular back then.the great wall of China is but one example.. by using earthcrete then ICF forms could easily be used..
        of course these are just musings of an old unedjumicated ignoramus in the wastelands..

        • “the one I want to try is earthcrete.. 1 part Portland cement3 parts sand
          2 parts clay-rich soil, Water (as needed) make sure the clay is sifted.”

          I’ve used “soil cement” (one bag portland cement spread over 10 sq ft of earth), mixed with a tiller, then sprinkled with water and compacted by driving over it repeatedly. Makes a darn good parking area. Been there for about 30 years now, still in use.

  8. A problem with the internet is as follows:
    You receive an email from a certain so-called doctor who described in an overlong e-maiL (that makes sense to you !!) a natural fix for an ailment). You order the product for several hundreds with your credit card, but the product doesn’t get shipped in due time. After that you waist a large amount of time. Question: How to prevent that?

    • Great point, Choices. We onlty order most things from Amazon because if a product is really good – and not scammy, the Zon usually carries the good stuff. Otherwise, VitaCost and a few others.
      Good luck!!!

      • Swanson’s Vitamin is very competitive for some things. Swanson’s frequently runs 40% off on house brands, but not collagen peptide, or Magtein magnesium, alas.
        Vitacost is owned by Kroger, and they have interesting groceries like all sorts of decaf teas and reduced sugar treats which you can never find in the grocery stores, in addition to the supplements. They have interesting sales. Vitacost had muesli variants on sale, and tried out a bunch of different cereals I would never have tried otherwise. Watch their sales on upscale grocery items.

      • Indeed, if it’s available @ time in question ;((.
        The issue involved was “fixing a case of very annoying Peripheral Neuropathy by herbal nutricional means.” What would be your choice on Amazon, if I may ask?! Thank you!

        • I have neuropathy from having a broken back as a child.. I find acupuncture and massage therapy is the one thing that helps tremendously. for years I walked around and my toes just felt tingly..now they are still like that a little but I have regained some of the feeling.. the tens unit..who would have thought that..god I love the tens unit..

          there’s a pretty good article on tens unit therapy..
          once you find the right frequency of electric bursts.. mark it down on a note pad sheet and put it with the ubit.. the zon has a few choices.. from the twenty dollar unit from the pharmacy up to the expensive ones..

      • me too George. In fact, after avoiding such conveniences I brought the AMZN Dot Bot into our kitchen the other day. It was the last present for Mrs. E who used the Dots at DIL’s easily. Truly there are IoT toys which might make life easier so okey-dokey. But, Alexa is on double secret probation so …

        Sad day today. Saddled up in a blizzard to attend services for a lake friend. RIP. The roads for 6-7 miles are a crowned sheet of ice with snow (no plows, yet) on top. Funeral Home, Verizon store, errands in the last town, then home (roads worse as temps hover damp low-20s. It’s ouchy out of doors.

        The Mrs. is a Princess. She loves to go out to Friday at a bar / restaurant and, while in that last town I queried about late lunch at a swank spot. Nope. Rather go home. Me too.

        In closing, jow ’bout them Irish?
        South Bend is hung over.
        Party on, Egor

        • The arguments and Family fights have already begun here in Pennsyltucky..So looking forward to this instant classic..We Are..

    • I HATE those ‘come-on’ advertisements that hook your interest with something that sounds miraculously good. So you have to waste over a half hour of time listening to somebody extolling the virtues without revealing anything, until finally the sales pitch comes on. Sometimes you can examing the product label and see if equivalent ingredients and available that you can get cheaply elsewhere. Then you are offered a single bottle at outrageous cost, or three for a discount, or six bottles for an even bigger discount. THEN… after you have purchased something, they come back with another multi-bottle offer at HALF the price you just paid, and then… finally, a third offer for a two year supply of bottles at almost 20% of the price you already paid for the first ‘trial’ bottle. So of course I have to load up more at the ultra-cheap discounts. It is a copy-writers dream to keep you occupied for the first sales pitch. Then a marketer’s dream to hook you at ever-greater discounts after you have already made one purchase. “But Hurry! They may run out at any time!” And yes.. the stuff takes months to finally arrive.

    • Run a Google search for the product. Eventually, Google will get a hit from a known-legitimate vendor or merchant.

      Or not.

      If it doesn’t, no matter how good the product sounds, sit on your wallet.

      We’re living in the age where Moore’s Law has been augmented with methamphetamine and steroids. Within a few months, the seller will either become a known-good (or known-bad) vendor, and also, 3-4 supplement labs / manufacturers will have reverse-engineered the product, licensed the tech if it’s legit (like all the supplements which contain “Niagen”), and cloned the product, putting their own spin on it.

      Generally speaking, every “top shelf” manufacturer / marketer of supplements is legitimate. I have accounts at Piping Rock, Swanson, Vitacost (Kroger), Life Extension, Jarrow (Nestlè), and several others. Sometimes Amazon or Vitacost is the best place to purchase a supplement; sometimes the original source (Piping Rock and Bulk Supplements are often like this) is the best place. If YOU are not comfortable with a seller, use PayPal, Venmo, Shop, or some other such service. They won’t insulate the vendor from your name or address, but will shield you from giving the vendor your bank account or ccard particulars.

  9. “… to live your Optimized Life, as well.“

    While you go through the natural (non GMO) foods, supplements, herbal medicines and other natural remedies, you should also consider the mental and physical health benefits of Positive Thinking.

    Stress Kills. We take too much shit personally and carry negative beliefs for far too long, which results in stress of the mind and body creating blockages causing disease. (Dis-ease)

    Changing the way you think changes the way you feel. Change the way you feel and your body and mind, will in fact, heal.

    I’ve got a lot of references but to keep it simple, start here …

    “You Can Heal Your Life” ~ Louise Hay


      • Yes, to 90. – Long after having breast cancer at a much younger age. She healed herself with positive thinking and daily affirmations. Self Love, combined with forgiveness and gratitude. Amazing story.

        My wife knows a man who treated his stage 4 cancer in the same way. His family actually guarded him against people who might show sadness or say the wrong thing to him, until after he healed. Then, everyone was amazed by his recovery.

        Because of him, is how I found out about Ms. Hays. My wife knew the family and what they did.

  10. Chris recommended boron and melatonin to me for my Rhumatoid Arthritis a long time ago. Rhumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease and different from osteoarthritis so I was afraid to try it. But I do have 2 boxes of boron in my closet as backup meds, just in case.

  11. Apple knowingly and repeatedly violated their customers right to privacy., and continued to let Siri listen-in and record their customers conversations even after they were confronted with this violation.
    Apple was found guilty. And fined.
    The fine? Equates to approximately 9 hours of revenue for Apple. Apple walked away clean and virtually unscathed. [ How many billions do they hold in off-shore accounts?]
    To me.., this was a perfect time to let mega corps know that they can not overstep the rights of the people and that this ‘penalty’ is a very clear sign that the judicial process is biased and afraid of bitch-slapping giant tech., with a stern reminder to stay in their lanes.
    The court didn’t…., and we lost a great opportunity.

  12. The Middle East: The collapse of the Assad regime, Iran’s crumbling hold on the region, Iran’s proxies unraveling rapidly [ and now fighting among themselves] and why Israel might need to act soon. In recent months, the landscape has shifted dramatically in the Middle East, leaving Iran more vulnerable than it’s ever been in years. For Israel, this isn’t just a moment to observe—it’s their moment to ‘carpe diem’.
    – Will they ?
    – Just my opinion.

  13. I doubt this will help much, but for what use it may be in stimulating thoughts…

    I’m not a big fan of T2FDs. to me, it’s a leaky transmission line, radiating crappily in all directions. (“State” and “MIL” are big fans because they are tune-fuss free, and good enough. B&W sell lots of them to govDomes and MILS all over. There is no question: they work.)

    (I once accidentally made a CW QSO on 80 meters on a 100-watt light bulb dummy load. Halli HT-40K and a Halli SX-140K. So broadband essentially non-resonant is not a big thing it would seem.)

    Many years later I tried a B&W. After a year of RTTY and CW (50W) the termintor resistor was all fried and carbon-y. So, being cheap, I built one out of a bunch of 2K, 2W composition resistors soldered up bewteen two copper clad PC board blanks, wih many drilled holes. Think Resistor Sandwich, and you got it. I gave this several spray coats of spar varnish, and put it up. It was just as good, and lasted many years longer. The resistors were spread out a little bit to permit and promote some cooling air flow.

    The T2FD is a quiet antenna, pretty immune to rain and snow static, I do not believe it is
    a very good antenna. A regular dipole — even well off native resonance and tuned– beat it most of the time.

    I have no hankering to ever put up another one. It IS broadband. It IS quiet. It DOES work. It IS essentially non-directional, You do not need a tuner.

    Just not real efficient in my book. Perfect for non-radio-specialists. Office workers and other-skilled MILS.

    GovDome Loves them.

  14. Bird flu Vax info from AAAS:

    The U.S. already has three approved vaccines for avian flu, but these shots unfortunately only protect people against previous iterations of the virus. Now, the CDC has joined forces with Moderna to design an mRNA vaccine targeting the specific clade—called—that sparked this latest outbreak. The treatment, the researchers report, successfully protected ferrets from succumbing to the disease . While unvaccinated animals exposed to this highly pathogenic variant all died, those that received mRNA vaccines not only survived, but mounted strong immune responses and even managed to neutralize virus isolated from a Texas patient who contracted bird flu in March 2024. Human clinical trials for Moderna’s mRNA-based bird flu vaccine are ongoing, the scientists note, and while more traditional vaccines are also being developed, mRNA vaccines could be scaled up quickly in the event of a pandemic. Whether such a pandemic occurs, of course, remains to be seen.

  15. re: Neo’s Black Cat
    feat: a splice of matrix


    What’s wrong with Toto? Isn’t this just purrfect? Welcome to the yellow Bric road of li fung (“plentiful profit”) from Kansas to interesting times.

    Today’s travelogue begins with the opening seconds of a publicly released video on “X” at an unnamed Tesla charging station on a circuitous, scenic route from Colorado to Vegas. A tranquil scene emerges under cover of dark as a sole bearded figure adds juice to a Tesla Truck. His yellow t-shirt bears a Black Cat Fireworks logo.

    Thank a timely George Ure for reminding us today that “burning the candle at both ends” is perhaps not a profitable path. Speaking of profit, let’s make like two score and six bandits to the freeway onramp from a Pittsburgh, Pa bedroom community to Pittsburgh, Ks. The website of the Kansas-headquartered US distributor of Black Cat Fireworks offers a story from 1964 of two brothers sparking off a now 60 year old fireworks legacy.

    Apparently China was ringing in the Lunar New Year with predecessors to fireworks millennia before Westerners had a clue. It seems according to Kansas that Li & Fung, founded in Canton (Guangzhou) in 1906, introduced fireworks to the USA in 1940’s with the brand’s manufacture being solely in China since 1998. Corporate direction originates in the United Kingdom as it has done since 30 years after a close of The Second Opium War.

    It’s going to take all our Tencent dimes and waters of the Amazon to stop this firestorm if they get their way? According to folklore twitters, a bird can be a friend in the Year of the Dragon.

    Literature underpinning the “Matrix” series may be fertile tinder for thought- “Simulacra and Stimulation” from 1981 by Jean Baudrillard?

  16. After researching the T2FD antenna, I see that you need more than 50 ohms, non inductive. More like 800. I’m inclined to agree with WmORR that it’s not a great antenna. I see it’s usage onboard ship in limited space with multi-frequency needs, but why an amateur would want one when much better antenna designs are available. -10db down from a dipole on 80 meters? Fugettaboutit!

    • T2FDs tend to be a bit shorter than their lowest operating frequency would suggest.

      90 foot overall length takes you a bit below 3.5 mHz. I bought (at insane expense) an official Barker & Williamson for my AF MARS Radioteletype station, “:MARSCOM” It had a pimary winter night channel a whisker below 3.5, and a primary day channel a litte bit above 40 meters at 7.355. It was Old style RTTY automated traffic mailbox using “Super-RATT” software, running 50 watts out of an HF/KWM-380 by Collins. (Two key parms had to be “adjusted,” to make a KWM oprationally into an HF-380.)

      AF MARS Commanders (CONUS) HATED this op, and finally killed it off. It was simply well ahead of their procedural “book” on message handing. We did a LOT of MARSGRAMS in those days. (circa 1986)

      Among other things, we were required to hold a TEN Hertz frequency tolerance — which is why the official HF-380. Nothing else (remotely afforable) would do that. Then.

      It all worked pretty well when conditions were normal or better — most all the time.

      But, “cut to freq” dipoles were NOT “authorized,” while the B&W was. Go figure.”

  17. “When you get into it, you may find (as we did) that broad declines in trace elements within soils – including lithium salts – can reduce longevity. Another to keep an eye on is Boron. Effect of dietary boron on the aging process – PMC.”

    For boron, I take Life Extension’s “Only Trace Minerals”


    Its profile is:

    Zinc [as OptiZinc zinc monomethionine] 20mg
    Copper [as copper bisglycinate chelate] 2mg
    Manganese [as manganese sulfate] 2mg
    Chromium [as chromium nicotinate glycinate chelate] 400mcg
    Molybdenum [as molybdenum glycinate chelate 250mcg
    Boron [as boron citrate, aspartate, glycinate complex 3mg
    Vanadyl sulfate [providing 750mcg vanadium] 2.75mg

    If you know minerals, you know why I take this one.

    BTW, it’s currently a couple bucks cheaper from the Life Extension Foundation than it is from either Amazon or Vitacost…


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