We could title this morning’s remarks something generic. Oh, like “How the World really works.” We might do that because how many people would either read (or absorb) a report titled…
“Transactionally-linked, Dynamical Business Model Behavior Using Anomalous Technologies Under Semi-Hierarchical Social Constraints.”
Yeah, it’s a mouthful and a mind full.
Yet, strangely – and this does get strange, 2025 appears to be the year that enough subsections of Ground Truth are being released that a cohesive patchwork of “interlocking conspiracies” might reveal themselves to be operating.
Other than meaning “All the Decks are Stacked” for small “investors” there are lots of other considerations, as well.
A few headlines will warm us up, but these are necessary because they are the telemetry of the (hidden) Dynamical Business Models.
We present this as a “slow but short read.” Don’t be in a hurry to read through this morning’s report. Take your time and play with the concepts as we run through them.
Still too obtuse?
Well, how about something shorter? How’s this for a title, then: “Understanding Linked Conspiracies.”
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..vegas truck bullschiesse predictably spreading more leads/stories after the fact ..classic agency ops .
The drone mention is key..they ARE panicking&freaking the F out over the ongoing DISCLOSURE in the Skies overhead.
All Governmints involved in the bad ET abduction ops. When the The Good Citizens of this planet find out/realize..RUT ROW G.
Free Will baby – Free F-ing WILL!
“We could title this morning’s remarks something generic.” Like: just another day on the gravatron carnival ride!
As a young man growing up in Northern Palm beach country in the 1970’s I can tell you the smuggling was rife. Or should I say life. But, truth be told most of the “old men” were still doing the untaxed tobacco products and untaxed alcohol. Number of friends fathers had flat grey boats, no chrome. low to the surface and engine and gas tanks. As a good friend told me once. “Dad makes money like grapes, in bunches”
Frankness: them Dads. Good stuff. There was an ole fella related to dear fam. friends who was known as Pop. Word was his onion patch made him wealthy. Uhm, no. Pop ran machines in bars in league with mobs to East in NY and/or The Windy City (my guess). Whoever got Vigorish the net to onion farmers was good. Note: Pop gave away the onions :0)
“puzzle” tis a puzzlement. Pieces are moving on the board. We can chase endless bunny holes or buckle up and ride the ride. If predictability was, uhm, predictable, another thing entirely. Beam me up …
Watch for patterns, fomo, and separate momo from mojo. I see great opportunities as we peel at the onion of gov at large, inclusive. Let’s do it, surgically, with equal measures draconian / empathetic. Think severance. It’s math.
NY opportunities abound to shake the bones but smart guys, like Art Cashin would speak truth about having dropped the kimono. Get small.
IMO, which isn’t new, watch the bond market. The TNX lead down and now up. Msg to the Fed : show me. It’s math. Watch the DXY. Correlate to metals and crypto? Sleeper: the Widow Trade (NG). This is musing and certainly not financial advice. Just view from the Heartland.
ATL: still snowing, though a nothingburger to Michiganders. I have shoveled out front twice (for the TomCat) and once out back. Hopefully Mrs. E feels spunky and takes a turn (not bloody likely). Fire tomorrow, film at 11.
Bonus content : well, there isn’t any.
Have a fine weekend,
ps – resolutions should not be broken but instead allowed an extension. Bidness plans x2 done but the other? Extended. Not this day
You know..there’s an ad on your post..it says..
the letter you see tells your ADHT type…
I see all three letters…
should I start crying now .. since the adht test they have doesn’t cover the three letter observation option..
“conspiracy debunkers ”
Leaf back to Kam replacing Biden boxing Trump out triggering CW2. Or the 2024 west coast earthquake caused by strategically placed nuclear bombs.
Without any evidence people repeat the crazy and the repeaters never circle back but instead run to the next crazy trying to be first. And sometimes when the first conspiracy doesn’t pan a larger conspiracy is created – CERN changed the timeline.
A 2024 classic, drones are sniffing for a box of radiation.
A couple of days ago CA had a 4.7 EQ. That’s where the box of radiation ended up, but maybe not.
A green beret committing suicide with fireworks over anti-gravity technology. Could be. Not to give ideas but any layperson knows filling the Tesla with black powder and igniting it by gunshot to the head would get more attention.
It’s more likely Trump towers – buildings strategically placed all over the world – house antenna that broadcast mind control signals being used for Project Blue Beam and suicide-man was trying to stop the hoax. The claim of suicide over anti-gravity technology is the misdirection to cover up suicide over illusion technology.
” house antenna that broadcast mind control signals”
Creature with the Atom Brain (1955)
(A police scientist faces a deported gangster’s army of atomic zombies, created by an ex-Nazi.)
They will use the dead to continue the fight, when there are no more living. Think Ukraine.
“A hulking zombie breaks into a mansion and kills a gangster named Hennesy. The glowing bloodstains left behind at the crime scene are radioactive, as are the killer’s fingerprints –which are of a man who had died days before. The police are baffled, but begin their investigation.
They soon discover that the connection between Hennesy and subsequent murders is Frank Buchanan, a former crime boss who had been deported to Europe. While there, Buchanan funded the research of German scientist Wilhelm Steigg to reanimate the dead. Having returned (with Steigg still beholden to him for funding) to the States, Buchanan seeks revenge on all who had sent him to prison in the first place.
The zombies, although they move fairly slowly, obey their radioed commands explicitly. They have no initiative, but can readily navigate the city and perform fairly complex tasks. They can drive, speak on behalf of Buchanan (including over the phone), are impervious to bullets, including those fired at point-blank range, and can bend steel bars and tear off steering wheels with ease. They also all have large scars visible on their foreheads from their brain surgery.”
Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvY30GZfPjI
Good find.
(“”With estimates of $100 billion to $110 billion for heroin, $110 billion to $130 billion for cocaine, $75 billion for cannabis and $60 billion for synthetic drugs, the probable global figure for the total illicit drug industry would be approximately $360 billion.” )
I read Once that the sources pushing illegal drugs in the usa.. was paying lots of money to keep marijuana from being legalized.. could it be they fear their business model cutting their profits.. where if it was legalized tax revenues would increase both federally and state and farmers would have a new cash crop. plus all the thousands of products that can be gotten by that one plant..
Yep, can’t give people what they want. Though a few of us ungrateful bastards do question how that squares with the notion of being Free People… oddly, crickets…
I read just two, or three days ago that the illicit drug trade, world wide now tops over a trillion dollars annually. And despite our dubious ‘war on drugs’.., cocaine shipments world wide have increase over 10% in the past two years.
He was a combat vet suffering from PTSD and didn’t seek-out help. He fried. Building an over-sized flash-bang inside a truck – to commit suicide – is not a “statement”., or a “warning to the world”.., it was a troubled soul in the grips of desperation, seeking relief from his own personal demons. Take him off your conspiracy list and let him rest. To me., it seems that all he wanted was a little peace from his past. Let him now, have that.
So, this tells me you didn’t watch the video because they did read his emails…
Nope – my post tells you what I think.
You can interrupt his emails and letters however and anyway you want – and so will I.
Too bad no one in the community knows the guy..”Gravatic drones coming from Chyknees subs in Atlantic” frm perps email.
..Sure and Im a monkeys uncle.
G____: While we are on the subject of email content, there is one statement in Livelsberger’s email that seemed sort of odd and stood out to me: “So I don’t know if my abduction attempt is related to either”.
I suppose that could be explained away as a PTSD paranoia meme, but at least some of the other events discussed in the same paragraph seem to have historical basis, based on fact checking I have run across. Has anyone seen anything related to any verifiable real life attempted abduction incident ? Confirmation of an incident committed by parties unknown would change the spin on the narrative quite a bit. Been on the wrong end of professional gaslighting – the intent is usually to induce paranoia and self-destructive over-vigilance, which can be used to isolate and discredit the target, and worse. Livelsberger was employed in an industry where that sort of action is common. And total absence of any MSM stooge public commentary on that statement also raises a red flag. Move along, nothing to see here. Not suggesting that the suicide was staged, just wondering if there wasn’t a little steering by parties unnamed.
Why would the fbi let them release the email if the contents were true? I don’t doubt we have such tech but this whole mess has me wondering what their goals are allowing this to be released.
I’m not a psychiatrist dLynn but this seems to me much deeper and concerning than PTSD.
“Take him off your conspiracy list and let him rest.”
Can’t do that.
I can buy the premise he was a troubled soul.
However, it is WAY too coincidental, that he and Jabbar used the same app on the same day to rent high-end vehicles, to drive several hundred miles, to wreak havoc in really flamboyant, antisocial acts.
The dude was a major Trump supporter. Why did he employ an IED tactic (gasoline and fireworks) often employed by ISIL and Hamas to light up the front entrance of one of Trump’s buildings?
Could one (or both) of these fellows have been from Manchuria?
Tablo …. remember that name “TABLO” … “The Conspiracy of TABLO”
What is “The Conspiracy of Tablo”?
A conspiracy to keep money away from the greedy hands of Wall Street and the Bankers who rule over us … “TABLO”. To be freed from the demands of Wall Street and the Bankers that we pay them money, lots of money, every month by utilizing the almost secret “TABLO”.
It is a way for you to find information that is otherwise denied you. Obtain that information FOR FREE
OK … how do you find out about this “TABLO” stuff? What does it do and how does it work to keep YOUR money away from the Wall Street gang?
It is easy …
You buy a “TABLO” unit and effectively you now MINT MONEY MONTHLY by not paying it to Wall Street and the Bankers!
Tablo is an advanced DVR recorder that you buy once and record to your heart’s content both FREE Over the Air TV content and FREE Over the Internet TV content. NO monthly fees, EVER.
The thing that makes Tablo better than anything before it is it’s indexing system that forward looks for shows, or entire series that will be coming up which you can record (internet TV channels now have LOTS of GREAT history stuff plus lots of old movies in addition to all the OTA stuff).
It indexes virtually all the upcoming free stuff that is available via your OTA antenna OR via all the free channels that OTA TV carries via their subchannels, including those channels that YOUR local stations do NOT carry!! (it looks ahead 2 weeks for upcoming shows for it’s index system)
OK … how do you get this marvelous machine, how do you hook it up, and how much does it cost.
It costs $120.
It hooks up to a TV antenna and your home internet router. Your TV then get’s the output via your home router (either direct to the TV for some TV brands or via a ROKU box or the competing Amazon unit (my Samsungs and ONA Roku TV work fine without going through my ROKU boxes)
You can get the units via Amazon or direct from Scripts Media (yep the newspaper /TV broadcaster – which now owns the Tablo company) for $120. NO royalties or monthly fees ever.
I have now been running mine for about a month, biggest complaint being there is NO manual so you have to poke around a LOT to figure out how to use it (it needs a cell phone connected to YOUR home wireless network for setting up but after that you can use the TV or Roku boxes to do almost everything so you don’t have to leave your phone’s Tablo software turned on – NO spying via your phone!)
I have had a top of the line OTA DVR for years and this is in most respects heads and shoulders above it, because of it’s indexing system of upcoming shows (indexed by types and subtypes so you can easily see the types of movies or sporting events you might be interested in recording) though there are a couple of things I think my old style machine did better.
The machine itself will only store 50 hours or recordings. You can add a stand alone SELF POWERED hard drive if you want to store more ($50), I just switched over my 4 gb one from my old DVR which will provide 800+- additional hours of recording storage.
I have found one software error in the system, so far, but have an email off to Scripts so they can correct it (inserted ads get into a repeat loop … so I have to manually hit the forward button to move past them)
OK … how did you like, or HATE, my globbing onto the Conspiracy stuff so as to grab you attention? I know …. ME BAD …. but the machine is GREAT!! (I am finding stuff show up in it’s index for potential recording that I had no idea was available for free – particularly series where more shows in the series will be automatically added later)
Even more information in a sparse and slow media? Why would anyone want that? Even keeping up with normal non-entertainment information taxes the free hours in a day! Written information can be assimilated faster than video or audio info, though audio is good when driving. Video is good when demonstrating relationships between parts or techniques when building or repairing.
So, y’all DID notice this, right:
Biden will award Medal of Freedom to Soros, Ralph Lauren and others
The honorees include 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, billionaire donor George Soros, actor Michael J. Fox and Democratic political icons including Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968.
I flipped through the channels and happened to see. Biden was giving the medal to one of RFK’s kin who hates RFKjr. RFKjr was not in evidence.
As another formerly-prestigeous award becomes worthless…
Soros and Hillary get a “Medal of Freedom”, and Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize! Unfortunately, these are not actions that a future president can undo.
IMHO, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are far more deserving of the Medal of Freedom, and President Trump much more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. He’s the only president I can recall that avoided war during his first term. We can only hope for the second one to be as peaceful, though I’m not optimistic.
I think we’re all counting down the days until this treasonous administration can be legally removed and consigned to the dustbin of history!
In response to Friday’s health questions:
For Clawsy on Boron: I have ankylosing spondylitis in my entire spine from an accident 40+ yrs ago (vertebrae fusing together.) I started using Swansons triple boron, noticed a slight improvement, did more research & bought Calcium Fructoborate Boron by Vibrant Health. This is extracted from plants (broccoli?) & is more bio-available. Very noticeable improvement. It also dissolved the points of arthritis behind my kneecap, which prevented me from fully straightening the knee. Took the boron along with 2000mg daily MSM (NOW brand — it’s organic sulfur in powder or capsule form) and switched my Mg supplement to Magtein, also NOW brand. That’s Magnesium L-Threonate, which is most readily absorbed & bio-available. Some research I did on arthritis revealed that countries with high levels of sulfur & Boron in the soil have a low incidence of arthritis (from Turkey down through Israel, roughly), whereas the US with its depleted soil has a serious arthritis problem. As a bonus, these three minerals will rapidly heal & strengthen soft tissue injuries, including my (formerly) completely severed medial meniscus. Cartilage, tendons, etc. They’ve been a life-saver. I buy my supplements from iherb.com; excellent company, order ships same day, arrives 2 days later & has never been incorrect.
For Choices on Neuropathy:
When I completely destroyed my knee a while back I not only severed the meniscus, but the cartilage on both bone ends was broken away. Translated into the slightest bumping of my foot on a pebble or twig caused bone-on-bone contact & cattle-prod level pain. VA Ortho said I’d have to wait a couple of years for a new knee, during which time I presumably was to levitate everywhere I go. A friend recommended a homeopathic rubbing oil called Neuropathy, containing Frankincense & Myrrh. Took a few seconds, but the pain relief was like a miracle. It smells good too. Not sure how it works on numbness or tingling, but it definitely works for pain. You’ll find it at Walgreens, CVS, possibly still at Wal-Mart. Comes in a box, hanging from a peg.
And yes, red-light therapy & DMSO are still some of the best for healing.
Five yrs down the road, and no knee replacement needed. Can run (OK, short distance,) jump, climb, hike trails. Life is good.
Hope this is helpful.
Thank you for that information, particularly the Boron. My hip replacement surgery is next month, but I am also concerned about containing the arthritis in my knees and elsewhere so I don’t need further replacements.
You’re up on me… and you’re right.
Calcium Fructoborate is a highly-active form of boron. It was developed (and patented) by Futureceuticals.
Futureceuticals is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Van Drunen Farms — one of the oldest and largest organic farms in the Midwest. Neither company does retail sales, however Futureceuticals has a quite-interesting portfolio of supplements they market to vitamin and supplement manufacturers. BTW LOOB, they seem to do a lot with coffee extracts and derivatives.
I didn’t research Vibrant Health. They’re legit enough to pay Futureceuticals to license their product, instead of stealing it. That speaks highly in my book.
Although not directed at me, I took CtD’s recommendation and bought a bottle (I actually subscribed, which lopped another 5% off. This looks like really good stuff!) iHerb is currently sold out, but Vitacost has the current best price and it’s in stock, AND Vitacost also has a 25% off coupon valid through 1/6.
The low dose borate and collagen peptides sound interesting.
I’ve had some luck with other supplements to put out the fire and avoid over-reliance on NSAID’s, but fire prevention is more desirable. I try to avoid more than one dose of OTC NSAID’s in 48 to 72 hrs to avoid tearing up the digestive track, but staying off them is safer. The safety of the low dose borate and collagen peptides then becomes a comparison between them and managed OTC NSAID’s. There are other prescription NSAID’s out there, but they are high risk, and the physician is discouraging me from going that route. I haven’t discussed borate and collagen peptides with him, but I probably will in few months.
There has been quite a bit of research on calcium fructoborate; this is just a sample:
Thank you for the information and material references. Adding all that to the research pile and then onto the daily ‘stack’.
PS to Clawsy: I don’t know what your blood calcium level looks like, but I personally take MK-7 (Vit K-2) every day to direct calcium away from blood vessels & into bone. Also NOW brand, from either iHerb or AMZ.
Another amazing product I’ve used is from Ancestral Supplements, based in TX. In your case I would suggest maybe trying their Collagen supplement, available through AMZ. They source their products from New Zealand grass-fed cattle, probably the cleanest source available. Then freeze-dried, ground to powder & packed in capsules. Not cheap, but also not cheap.
Bonus: if you go to the company website, you can e-mail the company owner (Brian?) with a description of your condition, and he’ll email back some rather lengthy advice. It’s possible that the Bone & Marrow would be helpful for you, but my humble understanding leans toward Collagen.
OR, you could find your nearest county meat-packing place for local farmers & hunters. One near me gives away bones for free. Grab a bag full, drop some in a slow-cooker for 2-3 days, make your own bone broth. Best of luck & health to you.
Some opinions:
1) “Conspirecies” are competitive, and often collide. (Corollary: There is no Number One, gently stroking a fluffy cat with evil eyes. No Big Boss: No Capo d’ Capos.
This is a Good Thing, because they fight with each other, and burn rubber. (And are less effective.) There are probably temporary alliances and clumps, but such as may be are probably unstable and dangerous to both.
2) Einstein was probably right; traveking in a “space-like” manner (traversing all the intervening distance) is probably speed-limited to “c” for solid objects.
HOWEVER, “winking out” there, and “Popping up” here does NOT require “space-like” travel, as ”speed” through conventional “SpaceTimeEnergy” volumes is effectively zero. Call it warping, jumping, hyperspacing, worm-holing, tunneling, or whatever you like, it requires an understanding of Physics that is currently beyond us. Just don’t slog along through all the empty miles because it takes too long to be useful or financeable, even at space-normal maximum speed — “c.”
This may be how God limits contact between races to more advanced peoples, and keeps out the brutal, violent, junior riff-raff. (us)
Also, Truly Excellant and Complete Total Communications is EQUAL to “being” there, wihtout actually “going” there.
There may be some recent developments in a thing somewhat like Carl’s “Encyclopedia Galactica.” Where everybody has a channel, to strut, and nobody is in danger of becoming lunch or slaves. (More, later.)
If it, indeed, exists, it might have grown out of attempts at “Super-C” communications for more prosaic nasty applications.
One Word. “Tourmaline.”
I “LOVE NATURE” documentaries and I am amazed at the abundance of different live forms on our planet. ;-)
Not so GOOD being old male lion ;-((.
@choices. I found this poem for you
Ode To An Aging Lion
Once you roamed with the sun in your mane,
A king of the earth, untamed and unchained.
The winds bowed low to your thunderous roar,
Each step a decree, each breath a lore.
Now time, the hunter, has softened your stride,
The fire still flickers, though tempered inside.
Your gaze, though clouded, holds wisdom profound,
A history etched in the scars you’ve crowned.
Once the plains sang of your might and your glory,
Now the whispers of age tell a gentler story.
The cubs still gather to bask in your shade,
Their lives, a tribute to the path you’ve laid.
Oh, noble lion, though battles may cease,
Your spirit remains a beacon of peace.
For strength is not only in claws and might,
But in the wisdom to yield to the fading light.
Rest now, old guardian, your kingdom is vast,
Your legacy roars through the echoes of the past.
Though your mane may pale and your bones grow weak,
The heart of a lion is eternity’s peak.
Damn fine – who writ with such finnesse?
I cannot lie.
It wasn’t me.
Credit goes to ChatGPT
It doesn’t change the way we feel
Our respect for @choices
Is always real.
re: “Hidden in Plain Sight”
feat: Nebuchadnezzar’s Portals
Déjà-Vu, this way to the Tower of Babel? The special keys of the Google algo are working as designed? One can follow the Tesla Truck route past a prone figure of a street person sprawled upon sidewalk bench running parallel to the upscale Fashion Show Shopping Mall before drawing up to the golden tower main portal. Inquiring minds can even circumnavigate the edifice and locate a service portal around back where opposite a strip mall offers a spectrum of restricted-adult diversions. Stormy Daniels was not currently headlining the happy hour signage of the Seattle-founded national chain. However she has been their “official corporate spokeswoman” since 2018 according to KTNV 13, Las Vegas. Out at roadfront, a surprisingly unweathered construction sign dated with the year 2008 announces a future “Exodus Trust Museum” inviting dial of (702) ‘— dust’ for ‘quality control’. Likewise the venue’s signpost bearing number ‘327’ runs slightly askew of the 2012 documentary entitled “Room 237”.
Asking Google for the above museum offers a full page response from its “AI Overview” as follows: “There isn’t much info about an Exodus Trust Museum right now, but here’s some information about the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC…”. Let’s follow that line of inquiry tomorrow.
It seems the Exodus Museum progress stalled a dozen years ago as a bane of eager fundraisers demanded receipts of monies donated. The public record reflects that San Francisco-based Exodus Trust tax-exempt charitable foundation was founded in October 1973 by the late Rev. Dr. McIlvanny a half dozen years following his successful Concerts in the Park during San Fran’s Summer of Love. From 1976 to 2018, the Foundation oversaw its unaccredited graduate school beneath the aforementioned #327 sign in Vegas operating as IASHS (Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality). The most recent publicly filed I-990 form by the founder’s spouse as foundation trustee indicates that slightly under a million dollars remains in the bank account.
Accessing Fashion Show Drive can deposit one during nighttime at the mall beside second level glass elevator doors. To the right, a seated, indigent individual awaits donation from the few passerby on a walkway towards what once was Howard Hughes’ Desert Inn. To the left, a wall poster ad tells all that “their happily ever afters” start in a magic kingdom which starts with the letter ‘D’. Still further over, a billboard promotes a magic show duo whose resident venue’s parent holding company of dreamlike name is headed by a Bear Stearns alumnus. Eyes then dot up and with glance raised one can see the crossed T’s of the golden tower. With that, it looks like we’ve cycled full circle for the moment.
My last visit to ‘Vegas in 2014 featured a row of indigents lining a walkbridge over ‘the strip’. The most hilarious of these beggars was a fellow loudly pleading for donations “to save the camel-toes!” He got a lot of chuckles AND donations, apparently.
| 300 Beautiful Women… |
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| (and one ugly broad.) |
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| Déjà-Vu |
Everywhere there was a Déjà-Vu, the above billboard showed up about 50 miles out, along every major highway…
In the U.S. we don’t have a Federal ID, but is one hidden one hidden in plain sight?
We’re all going to need a “Real ID” soon or participation starts to become limited. Even though the ID is dispensed by local state DMV departments the Feds demand the ID, a Federal ID. Right? In the beginning lacking a Real ID limits access to “Military bases, Federal courthouses, and TSA airport security checkpoints.”
“Anyone interested in flying has until May 7, 2025, to obtain a state-issued identification card or driver’s license with a Real ID seal, per the Department of Homeland Security. (Unless you have a valid passport.)
Any state-issued identification document without the seal fails to adhere to the “minimum security standards” set by The Real ID Act of 2005, which prevents travelers from flying domestically and from entering certain federal facilities.”
“That means federal agencies, including the Transportation Security Administration, will not accept driver’s licenses and state-issued identification cards that are not Real ID-compliant.”
Wait, so If a feller was to declineto get a Real ID, and was called in to IRS for an audit – and could appear, could the penalties be assessed for no-showing an audit? Inquiring minds when it’s this cold, kinda thing…