Your Five-Day Future Map for a Three-Day Weekend

The Futuring game is always a fine one to play. Especially on a Long Weekend Friday.

We like to “ballpark” what life could be like a week from now, by assembling the already-known Future events and then guessing the more probable event pathing to most likely outcomes.  If you were to do this as a simple Excel chart, decision-matrix lookup tables for critical events, you could create three likely expectation bounds when confidence levels, over time, are plotted.

The central line is the “most likely future” while the upper outcome would be “most favorable” as the lower becomes “worst possible” future.

The median outlook today is? Ceasefire holds, Houthi’s continue, Ukraine’s a mess, Biden goes, Trump is anointed, and Tuesday morning we will have coffee in a basically unchanged world.  Or, WW III, aliens land, megaquakes, and overnight pandemics pop; only in the worst case.

As a news editor’s “thinking tool” this modeling helps to keep article selection focused on being most responsive to the ever-drifting future, respecting the information needs of the “news consumer.” Everyone walks around with a Future Model in their head, in one form, or another.

Because this is a three-day weekend for many people (Monday is the Federal day off for Martin Luther King Day, Inauguration, etc.), we can further refine our Future view by grouping high-probability Future events as “framers” (which will happen, more or less, no matter what) and “impacters” (the universe of bad outcomes, mainly from left field, Acts of God, etc.) that will impact “current dynamics” (which are) already seeded into the [quantum foam] in motion materializing.

Finally, we could add a cluster of “distractors” which might – in feed-forward fashion – modify our existing subordinate expectations based on probability outlooks in the three [core] dimensions of the model.

No speed or “lines” needed – just a good night’s sleep and some strong coffee to build it.

Examples of Major Framers:

  • Today, Options Expiration will occur.  Because a 3-day weekend is at hand, some late selling is possible as money comes off the table until after the Inauguration.
  • Weather continues cold with maps showing another cooling mass coming south. Cooling over the weekend?
  • Monday will be a Federal holiday, so mostly no banking or mail. Deets in a sec.
  • Schools will also be closed, so very light highway traffic. A longer shower or more coffee Monday.
  • Business deliveries will be “iffy” – depending on what you want to get done: UPS pickup and delivery services will be closed for MLK Day, and store locations may also be closed. FedEx, however, will have modified pickup and delivery services with open locations, the company’s website notes.
  • Toss in some “local weather” shoppers (we are expecting snow showers here in East Texas overnight into Tuesday) and a few of the “event pillars”  framers of the weekend are now in place.

Examples of Impacters

It’s here that we can line up coming possible events:

  • Israel could still slam Iran – before Trump is president.
  • Houthi’s aren’t signators to the ceasefire, so that could “impact.”
  • China could blitzkrieg Taiwan before Trump.
  • Rumored terrorist cells could attack Trump, his key nominees, or Congress.
  • The outlier of an attack on the Inauguration has to be keeping security forces up and worried.
  • Ukraine could “flash” any time ahead of Trump. Incidents like NATO fighter jets scrambled as Putin kamikaze drones hit port by Romanian border pump risk and give ammo to the war promoters, though Romania was clearly not the target.
  • Biden could send a last-minute tranche of resource to Ukraine.
  • Fires could explode again in the American west if winds pull off a surprise.
  • Unspecified terrorist event(s) could be done around Inauguration time.
  • (Fill in your own Sum of All Fears) operators in your own list…)

Examples of Current Dynamics:

Examples of Distractors:

This is not a comprehensive view of “Future think” around here, but it’s a shorthand view which you’re welcome to view as we sort “wheat from the chaff” around here.  We could add an another “future shape” called…

People Underperforming

Oh boy… To summarize, we can now set expectations about immediate Future.

Today:  Markets will be choppy – Options. We continue to see the rally “walking the line” on significant moving averages with results tomorrow on our Peoplenomics side for subscribers.

Saturday and Sunday: Lingering concerns about left-field events. Odds less than 30 percent, except Middle East and Ukraine where 40 percent predominates.

Monday: Slow news days with the Inauguration highlighting, left-field events watch odds less than 40 percent.

Benchmarking Future?

The whole purpose (of being a news consumer) is to update your own “model of expected future” that you use to plan and modify your own Life decisions going forward.  This is not very hard to do.  You listen to headlines once or twice a day – note if any expectations have moved, or – more importantly – if any new “left fielders” have shown up.

And take a glance at the Princeton Global Consciousness Projetct (GCP) and the REGS/EGGS (link on our home page) to see how global coherence is playing out. However, as ChatGPT explains *(if asked, just so), the predictive nature of this tool applied to Future-guidance is limited:

“The Princeton GCP provides fascinating data that suggest a potential link between global consciousness and random physical systems. However, its ability to predict globally impactful events is highly constrained by its methodological limitations and the non-specific nature of the signals. At best, the GCP might serve as an experimental tool to explore collective consciousness phenomena, but it does not yet function as a reliable warning system for major global events.”

Final note is to be aware of any feelings of unusual “tiredness or lethargy” on a holiday weekend. Because, as ChatGPT acknowledges, these feelings may be part of our human “survival alert” systems:

“Feeling tired before an earthquake is a phenomenon reported by some individuals, but it is not a scientifically validated or common predictor of seismic activity. If you experience unusual fatigue in earthquake-prone areas, it is worth staying informed about local seismic activity, but it’s more reliable to rely on established monitoring systems and preparedness plans rather than subjective physical sensations.”

So, while earthquakes are often named for “Events” on the calendar (“Good Friday” quake of 1964 in Alaska, for example) and MLK day is a somewhat novel calendar addition, the AI view is that “Earthquakes do not show any tendency to occur around named holidays or events. Any perceived pattern is likely coincidental or a result of psychological bias.”

Still…well, you know…

At the Ranch: The Calm Before the Spring

Even with skiffs of snow in the outlook, we’ve gotten into the “fixing to get ready” for Spring mode.

We’re working out the planting for hydroponic starts in the house, so (when we get to that part of the schedule)  things like tomatoes will be ready to harden-off and go into the ground by mid-March.

We will be planting another round of Romaine for outside deployment.  Tomatoes have been upscaled to some heat tolerant versions to get more summer yield.  Peppers and melons will follow as things move along.

A few days of dry weather will give me a chance to burn-out the garden.  Then greenhouse repairs and next thing you know, all the markers of Spring will show up: IRS filing day (already, folders are being populated) and annual lawnmower servicing. The fun stuff, of Life.

Between now and my birthday (middle of next month) main farm chore will be bush hogging brush so the place looks more like a park than a Jurassic diorama. Tomorrow, the plant food for the huge Magnolia blossoms will arrive, along with Gardenia food…

One objective over the three-dayer, will be solving the “Mystery of the Roof Cat.”  Not on the roof this morning…

But several nights now, the video alarms on one of the high-res network cameras has gone off and when I look, it has been one of the feral cats we feed. Up doing “roofing inspections” at 3 AM – aided by the full moon earlier this week.  We have no idea how the animal is getting up there; additional cams will be deployed to suspect locations (the BBQ deck and the rainwater barrel). But both of those jump points involve “claw-proof” landing zones, leaving no traction to pull itself up if misjudged.

Quite the puzzle, but that’s what you get living on the edge of civilization *(such as that‘s working for you, huh?)…

Write when you get rich – Peoplenomics tomorrow, ShopTalk Sunday and maybe Monday, too.

24 thoughts on “Your Five-Day Future Map for a Three-Day Weekend”

  1. I have read some noises about Fidelity Investments being in financial trouble. Please comment on that and if individual “safe” funds such as say a Treasury MM, would suffer if Fidelity were in trouble…

    • RandomMike: not a peep from “inside” though large firms are very good at “managing” news flow.

      George: my first TomCat used to scale a vertical cedar wall then chin-up onto roof to get in my BR window.

      Cats are uncanny …

    • Could you please elaborate on the ‘random noises’ you are hearing concerning Fidelity? The entity I work for has our paycheck DD through them as well as the 401K. I looked online for any media concerning issues and found nothing. If the information is coming from people who work for Fidelity, insiders, I wouldn’t discount that, but I’m just not seeing anything in the mainstream financial press. Being close to retirement, this would be concerning….

  2. Two things —

    First monkey wrench for the weekend’s events is the 3-5″ of snow expected in the DC area by Sunday evening. 1″ shuts everything down…

    Harbinger? 7 planet alignment next month? Astrologically, is this a time marker and if so, how so?

  3. “Mike Pence Backstabs Trump, Wants to Block RFK Jr’s Nomination. “

    I’m going to use a George Bush phrase as it’s fitting.”Your either with us or your against us. “

    Another deep state troll exposes themselves IMHO.

    • Pence isn’t in the US Senate so he can’t vote on the nomination.

      I doubt anyone will pay attention to him since ex VP’s disappear into irrelevance faster than a losing lottery ticket.

  4. George where did you get your 30 and 40% odds for Saturday and Sunday and 40% odds for Monday? Inquiring mind would like to know!

  5. Not long after we moved here, Diana looked out the window and saw Recon sitting on the barn’s roof peak. It is a 40×80 steel building, 24′ at the peak, with smooth steel all around, nothing to jump from or climb up on. After I searched the building Diana asked how he got up there. I told her by Catapult.

    Stay safe, 73

  6. “aliens land”

    Next week a lot of Day Ones happen.

    Along with the largest mass deportations in U.S. history huge 25% tariffs on Canada/Mexico along with 10% more tariff on Chinese goods will happen. The EV mandate ends too so maybe TM will bring back the 100% ICE Camry. Maybe.

    Circling back to aliens/drones –

    “The president-elect vowed to quickly release a report on the sightings next week….”

    Video of drones and orbs were recorded so this report could be juicy. Spin the wheel – space aliens/advanced hypersonic missile defense/Iranian illusion technology/no info released.

    Perhaps pace aliens abduct Trump. A craft lands, aliens hop out and grab Trump then the craft lifts off while cameras pan recording Trump whisked into outer space.

  7. Re: The lithium battery plant fire. Late reports say the fire department are letting it burn. This is the second fire at this facility, which has a water fire suppression system.
    Re: Sabotage of EV Charging Stations. All over CA, people are cutting off the charging cables to steel the copper wires. Plans are developing to replace all the existing cables with armoured cables.
    Charging EVs will only become more difficult with limited charging stations and much less stored energy capacity.

  8. re: Aid for Ukraine
    feat: lemon-aid for you & me

    President Zelensky thanked PM Starmer for dropping off $3.6 billion on this week’s visit with an annual $3 billion per year into the indefinite future vis-a-vis the 100 year deal. Oh, don’t tell anyone, but Pres Z. publicly shared that “there is also a secret, classified part of the agreement”.

    The forklift at the Bank of Ukraine was still on cool-down cycle when President Z. received two guests from the UN – The Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, and The High Commissioner for Refugees – bearing he said $3.3 billion. Apparently the pair had spent the last week touring Kyiv-held Ukraine while LA burned.

    The UN media webpage presently requests member nations contribute towards funding the just-donated $3.32 billion. The “Voice of America” Geneva bureau offered a helpful breakdown as to how the spoils will be divided.

    Overall, the UN figures there are 8.2 million displaced Ukrainians, with 2.2 million of those in Europe (beyond Europe is out of scope). $1.2 billion is allocated to Eastern European countries with an unnamed majority amount going to Poland and Moldova. Funding refugees in Western Europe is deemed a Western European problem not a UN problem. The remaining $2 billion is designated for refugees in Ukraine.

    One of the headscratcher elements of the goings-on is not all the refugees factored in for UN aid plan to abide the UN mandate refugees return to their original place of residence. The “VOA” quotes the UN estimating only slightly over 60% of Ukrainian refugees elsewhere in Europe and slightly over 70% of domestic Ukrainian refugees are willing to return to their pre-war place of origin. So one could well imagine that a quarter to a third of the UN aid will not be funding its intended purpose.

  9. Time to put a little Energy to work!

    What’s $60 million in bribes between friends when you are talking about making electricity with Nuclear Power Plants and getting $1 billion back (above the price paid for the electricity) for your efforts?

    “former CEO and one of his top executives with (FirstEnergy) at the center of a $60 million bribery scheme have been indicted on racketeering charges, federal prosecutors announced Friday.

    … ex-CEO Chuck Jones and Senior Vice President Michael Dowling — were accused of taking part in an enterprise to bribe state officials and secure a $1 billion bailout of the company’s nuclear plants.”

  10. The thing about Left Feild Events (LFE) is that they aren’t on anyone’s bingo card. If nothing happens next week I will be pleasantly surprised but if it does it will be big and you can guarantee it will be designed to make the new administration look bad. I’m going with a terrorist attack (wink wink) on the power grid that takes out the entire east coast, now that I said that it won’t happen so we can take that off the card. Sounds scary enough though. One thing for sure is the next 4 years will not be boring. What a great time to be alive.
    PS: Cats have mastered the dark arts millions of years ago, I thought everyone knew that already.

  11. If the DON plans to disclose alien truths with irrefutable proof the ets better wisk him away as that will be a red line for the secret holders and they will delete him. Thing is you can talk about aliens this and aliens that but you can not under any circumstances show undeniable proof, its just not allowed.
    They will never give up the technology, NEVER.


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