The Futuring game is always a fine one to play. Especially on a Long Weekend Friday.
We like to “ballpark” what life could be like a week from now, by assembling the already-known Future events and then guessing the more probable event pathing to most likely outcomes. If you were to do this as a simple Excel chart, decision-matrix lookup tables for critical events, you could create three likely expectation bounds when confidence levels, over time, are plotted.
The central line is the “most likely future” while the upper outcome would be “most favorable” as the lower becomes “worst possible” future.
The median outlook today is? Ceasefire holds, Houthi’s continue, Ukraine’s a mess, Biden goes, Trump is anointed, and Tuesday morning we will have coffee in a basically unchanged world. Or, WW III, aliens land, megaquakes, and overnight pandemics pop; only in the worst case.
As a news editor’s “thinking tool” this modeling helps to keep article selection focused on being most responsive to the ever-drifting future, respecting the information needs of the “news consumer.” Everyone walks around with a Future Model in their head, in one form, or another.
Because this is a three-day weekend for many people (Monday is the Federal day off for Martin Luther King Day, Inauguration, etc.), we can further refine our Future view by grouping high-probability Future events as “framers” (which will happen, more or less, no matter what) and “impacters” (the universe of bad outcomes, mainly from left field, Acts of God, etc.) that will impact “current dynamics” (which are) already seeded into the [quantum foam] in motion materializing.
Finally, we could add a cluster of “distractors” which might – in feed-forward fashion – modify our existing subordinate expectations based on probability outlooks in the three [core] dimensions of the model.
No speed or “lines” needed – just a good night’s sleep and some strong coffee to build it.
Examples of Major Framers:
- Today, Options Expiration will occur. Because a 3-day weekend is at hand, some late selling is possible as money comes off the table until after the Inauguration.
- Weather continues cold with maps showing another cooling mass coming south. Cooling over the weekend?
- Monday will be a Federal holiday, so mostly no banking or mail. Deets in a sec.
- Schools will also be closed, so very light highway traffic. A longer shower or more coffee Monday.
- Business deliveries will be “iffy” – depending on what you want to get done: UPS pickup and delivery services will be closed for MLK Day, and store locations may also be closed. FedEx, however, will have modified pickup and delivery services with open locations, the company’s website notes.
- Toss in some “local weather” shoppers (we are expecting snow showers here in East Texas overnight into Tuesday) and a few of the “event pillars” framers of the weekend are now in place.
Examples of Impacters
It’s here that we can line up coming possible events:
- Israel could still slam Iran – before Trump is president.
- Houthi’s aren’t signators to the ceasefire, so that could “impact.”
- China could blitzkrieg Taiwan before Trump.
- Rumored terrorist cells could attack Trump, his key nominees, or Congress.
- The outlier of an attack on the Inauguration has to be keeping security forces up and worried.
- Ukraine could “flash” any time ahead of Trump. Incidents like NATO fighter jets scrambled as Putin kamikaze drones hit port by Romanian border pump risk and give ammo to the war promoters, though Romania was clearly not the target.
- Biden could send a last-minute tranche of resource to Ukraine.
- Fires could explode again in the American west if winds pull off a surprise.
- Unspecified terrorist event(s) could be done around Inauguration time.
- (Fill in your own Sum of All Fears) operators in your own list…)
Examples of Current Dynamics:
- The “grill on the Hill” gives glitter and fill as Kristi Noem’s confirmation hearing for homeland security secretary set for today,
- Slow Joe is set to go with a cloudy review of his actions. Outgoing US President Joe Biden’s mixed legacy. Also on our “irrelevant soon” watchlist: Mike Pence Backstabs Trump, Wants to Block RFK Jr’s Nomination.
- The Fed is still trying to pour confidence into markets that rate cuts won’t end as Fed’s Waller signals multiple rate cuts in 2025 as Bitcoin holds steady near $100K.
- The California fires continue to chew into future product outlooks at many levels. World’s largest battery plant on fire in Central California.
- Housing Starts have just been announced by Census:
- Federal Reserve Industrial Production and Cap Utilization out shortly after we click-to-publish. Could impact markets, but fairly low probability.
- The final item under “current dynamics” would be future’s pricing up through click-time today:
Examples of Distractors:
- As Cal-Fire’s work continues, political hyperbole about speed of recovery continues to present unrealistic expectation setting. Econometer: Will California insurance reforms be enough to stop insurers from leaving? We are reminded this requires a working legislative session, and these take time, which SoCal home losers don’t have: They will be in go-no-go modes within months. Governmental reforms, especially when large piles of money are on the table, can take a year to several.
- If you believe California politicians are grandstanding ideologues, you aren’t alone: ‘This Is So Disgusting’: Joe Rogan Unloads On Gavin Newsom For ‘Creepy’ Behavior In Front Of Wildfire Wreckage.
- The good news, but in, we think, bordering on the danger of excessive optimism, is that we do have a real estate developer going into the Oval Monday. Donald Trump vows to help ‘troubled’ Hollywood with Mel Gibson, Jon Voight and Sylvester Stallone.
- Not on the table for action (right now) are still longer-term intractable financial issues like Social Security, so stories like Study: 54% of Retirees View 2025 Social Security COLA as Insufficient are lumped here (until they move to the action/dynamics) into “distracters.”
This is not a comprehensive view of “Future think” around here, but it’s a shorthand view which you’re welcome to view as we sort “wheat from the chaff” around here. We could add an another “future shape” called…
People Underperforming
- Fired? $1M Crisis Response Team Watches Wildfires from the Sidelines, No Activation Orders From Mayor Bass
- Disordered in Oz: Judge Rules Trans Pedophile Molested Five-Year-Old to Feel ‘Validated as a Woman.’
- Here, too: Worcester City Councilor Taking A Month Long Break Over Misgendering.
- And then there’s Democrats Propose Abolishing the Constitution,
Oh boy… To summarize, we can now set expectations about immediate Future.
Today: Markets will be choppy – Options. We continue to see the rally “walking the line” on significant moving averages with results tomorrow on our Peoplenomics side for subscribers.
Saturday and Sunday: Lingering concerns about left-field events. Odds less than 30 percent, except Middle East and Ukraine where 40 percent predominates.
Monday: Slow news days with the Inauguration highlighting, left-field events watch odds less than 40 percent.
Benchmarking Future?
The whole purpose (of being a news consumer) is to update your own “model of expected future” that you use to plan and modify your own Life decisions going forward. This is not very hard to do. You listen to headlines once or twice a day – note if any expectations have moved, or – more importantly – if any new “left fielders” have shown up.
And take a glance at the Princeton Global Consciousness Projetct (GCP) and the REGS/EGGS (link on our home page) to see how global coherence is playing out. However, as ChatGPT explains *(if asked, just so), the predictive nature of this tool applied to Future-guidance is limited:
“The Princeton GCP provides fascinating data that suggest a potential link between global consciousness and random physical systems. However, its ability to predict globally impactful events is highly constrained by its methodological limitations and the non-specific nature of the signals. At best, the GCP might serve as an experimental tool to explore collective consciousness phenomena, but it does not yet function as a reliable warning system for major global events.”
Final note is to be aware of any feelings of unusual “tiredness or lethargy” on a holiday weekend. Because, as ChatGPT acknowledges, these feelings may be part of our human “survival alert” systems:
“Feeling tired before an earthquake is a phenomenon reported by some individuals, but it is not a scientifically validated or common predictor of seismic activity. If you experience unusual fatigue in earthquake-prone areas, it is worth staying informed about local seismic activity, but it’s more reliable to rely on established monitoring systems and preparedness plans rather than subjective physical sensations.”
So, while earthquakes are often named for “Events” on the calendar (“Good Friday” quake of 1964 in Alaska, for example) and MLK day is a somewhat novel calendar addition, the AI view is that “Earthquakes do not show any tendency to occur around named holidays or events. Any perceived pattern is likely coincidental or a result of psychological bias.”
Still…well, you know…
At the Ranch: The Calm Before the Spring
Even with skiffs of snow in the outlook, we’ve gotten into the “fixing to get ready” for Spring mode.
We’re working out the planting for hydroponic starts in the house, so (when we get to that part of the schedule) things like tomatoes will be ready to harden-off and go into the ground by mid-March.
We will be planting another round of Romaine for outside deployment. Tomatoes have been upscaled to some heat tolerant versions to get more summer yield. Peppers and melons will follow as things move along.
A few days of dry weather will give me a chance to burn-out the garden. Then greenhouse repairs and next thing you know, all the markers of Spring will show up: IRS filing day (already, folders are being populated) and annual lawnmower servicing. The fun stuff, of Life.
Between now and my birthday (middle of next month) main farm chore will be bush hogging brush so the place looks more like a park than a Jurassic diorama. Tomorrow, the plant food for the huge Magnolia blossoms will arrive, along with Gardenia food…
One objective over the three-dayer, will be solving the “Mystery of the Roof Cat.” Not on the roof this morning…
But several nights now, the video alarms on one of the high-res network cameras has gone off and when I look, it has been one of the feral cats we feed. Up doing “roofing inspections” at 3 AM – aided by the full moon earlier this week. We have no idea how the animal is getting up there; additional cams will be deployed to suspect locations (the BBQ deck and the rainwater barrel). But both of those jump points involve “claw-proof” landing zones, leaving no traction to pull itself up if misjudged.
Quite the puzzle, but that’s what you get living on the edge of civilization *(such as that‘s working for you, huh?)…
Write when you get rich – Peoplenomics tomorrow, ShopTalk Sunday and maybe Monday, too.
I have read some noises about Fidelity Investments being in financial trouble. Please comment on that and if individual “safe” funds such as say a Treasury MM, would suffer if Fidelity were in trouble…
Got blockchain? On cold wallet?
RandomMike: not a peep from “inside” though large firms are very good at “managing” news flow.
George: my first TomCat used to scale a vertical cedar wall then chin-up onto roof to get in my BR window.
Cats are uncanny …
Could you please elaborate on the ‘random noises’ you are hearing concerning Fidelity? The entity I work for has our paycheck DD through them as well as the 401K. I looked online for any media concerning issues and found nothing. If the information is coming from people who work for Fidelity, insiders, I wouldn’t discount that, but I’m just not seeing anything in the mainstream financial press. Being close to retirement, this would be concerning….
Just read rumors on another website.
I have read some petty disturbing things.. the good news is its like the bank and insured..
the more disturbing thing I the.. What If.. our dollar is in some serious situation..
the story my father told of what his grandpa told him..Weimar, Zimbabwe, Argintina, Greece… etc. the dollar is unsustainable at the rate it is.. they are only pouring water on the table to float the noodle that is now starting to crumble..
those people went to bed rich and woke up poor.. the federal reserve can say what they WA t..the dollar isn’t backed by anything at all..the empowers new clothes ..
The dollar is crumbling and so far those on top of the pile still can’t see it..the numbers are still there what isn’t is value of the numbers..
when cash was worthless..
its like that joke cola increase they gave out this year.. yet they tossed bigger numbers at the mini m mansion owners…. some of the retirees had funds from their employers government workers I know have three or four retirement checks.. what’s happening to everyone else is happening to them to just not as dramatic yet…most employers don’t have those options so the majority don’t have that as a buffer.. what if fidelity or vanguard went bankrupt.. its similar to the people paying trillions a year for health coverage only to discover when its needed that its not there..or you wake up like the Weimar or the us bank failure to the money being gone.. or worthless..
my kids still think I an totally off but they are starting to feel it a little bit. until the top is hit then we are at a major changing point..
like I will cut another three hundred off of our spending.. everyone else is having to cut back the same..low income housing is more than what low income wage earners make..
you can believe the data or your feelings. the dxy is pretty high
although a brics basket would pose a challenge
Two things —
First monkey wrench for the weekend’s events is the 3-5″ of snow expected in the DC area by Sunday evening. 1″ shuts everything down…
Harbinger? 7 planet alignment next month? Astrologically, is this a time marker and if so, how so?
Monkey wrench?
Did you have a wind-up monkey toy when you were a kid?
“The Monkey” – Official Trailer (In theaters Feb 21)
Watch out for financial/economic upset – the dollar may tank, bitcoin may go belly up, etc.
You mean dance monkey…dance
Is anything more fun than a barrel of monkeys?
Lol lol lol nope… A household full of laughter love and the cries of kids playing..good food good wine ..
Cats can climb anything except steel siding. LOL
All CA homeowner insurance rates to increase?
Or only those homeowners in the LA area?
LA wildfires: Is insurance the next battlefront for California residents?
Insurers’ Rule Change Puts California Homeowners on the Hook for L.A. Fire. every other tragedy… do you really think k the companies will pop out with the kind of coin that will be needed?
lol.. a company that shows the best profits ever…gives multi million dollar bonuses to management for not paying claims lol…
Looks like bitcoin’s back over $100K. Sharing with you fellow home gamers as a reminder of the new complexion of the financial system rails coming this January 20th 2024. Europe is falling in line and digital € is eminent.
Got Trump.
(“Looks like bitcoin’s back over $100K. “)
I was in a cave once one really tight spot called the capital gateway..
one of the guys passed an exceptionally bad bubble dam it was rank..
three months later.. going up to the gateway.. that dam thing smelled as bad or worse three months later..
bitcoin is kind of like that gas bubble.. dam its there and it seems strong or stronger.. but in the end all you have is the bubble.. nothing but a number on a sheet of paper..
if the power goes out it would have the same results of a fan in the gateway.. and be gone..
“Mike Pence Backstabs Trump, Wants to Block RFK Jr’s Nomination. “
I’m going to use a George Bush phrase as it’s fitting.”Your either with us or your against us. “
Another deep state troll exposes themselves IMHO.
Pence isn’t in the US Senate so he can’t vote on the nomination.
I doubt anyone will pay attention to him since ex VP’s disappear into irrelevance faster than a losing lottery ticket.
Pence is as relevant as last year’s bird’s nest.
“you’re either with us or you are with the terrorists” GWB 9/20/2001. A little more than a week after 9/11 while the towers were still smoking and dead americans still being dug from the rubble. this was his call to action to invade iraq.
good choice to be with him and invade iraq? how’d that work out? i was against it then. the evidence did not support shock n’ awe, bombing a city of 5,000,000. how far does the collateral damage from a 1,000 pound bomb spread?
when you travel internationally you realize and understand that people are the same all over the world. parents want their kids to have a better life than they did. families loves one another. even if you don’t speak the language, just watching people in other countries you understand we are one human family. only made up stuff separates us – borders, religion, politics
George where did you get your 30 and 40% odds for Saturday and Sunday and 40% odds for Monday? Inquiring mind would like to know!
My personal estimates – every one gets to make their own. How they average out is the actual at the event horizon.
Not long after we moved here, Diana looked out the window and saw Recon sitting on the barn’s roof peak. It is a 40×80 steel building, 24′ at the peak, with smooth steel all around, nothing to jump from or climb up on. After I searched the building Diana asked how he got up there. I told her by Catapult.
Stay safe, 73
Swiss cheese and portals, Jim
Pun Police! Feline Farce enforcement.
Thing is…
Lots of adventurous cats don’t properly consider a way back down after they’ve satisfied their inner mountaineer.
We’ve had a few do that over the years. We always found way to get them down without involving any first responers. Once, I merelay propped up an extension ladder at a spread-wide angle to the roof, and then just went away After a couple of hours of yeowwing in distress, he finally figured it out.
He (“Ebbony”– all-black American Short-Hair) was a serial adventurer. Always landed safe…
Prefer pneumatic pellet gun in .25 cal “slug” – gets em DOWN everytime..
Just put the carcass out curbside with “Free Cat” sign next it..
That’s just mean… I wouldn’t ever do that to any animal.
the cat had its reasons for climbing up there..
our veterinarian got a chuckle out of our cow..there’s a reason why someone else raises it to be taken to the meat packers.. the vet started to laugh that’s because if I raised it it would die of old lol
my mini me is excited about archery … but I can bet he will be like my older mini mes.. they are good archers and gun shooters but do their hunting at the Local grocery store..
Of course it’s a CAT-apult…. so long as it doesn’t result in a cat-ass trophy being awarded.
“aliens land”
Next week a lot of Day Ones happen.
Along with the largest mass deportations in U.S. history huge 25% tariffs on Canada/Mexico along with 10% more tariff on Chinese goods will happen. The EV mandate ends too so maybe TM will bring back the 100% ICE Camry. Maybe.
Circling back to aliens/drones –
“The president-elect vowed to quickly release a report on the sightings next week….”
Video of drones and orbs were recorded so this report could be juicy. Spin the wheel – space aliens/advanced hypersonic missile defense/Iranian illusion technology/no info released.
Perhaps pace aliens abduct Trump. A craft lands, aliens hop out and grab Trump then the craft lifts off while cameras pan recording Trump whisked into outer space.
He’ll sell em a watch or sneakers.
We were already seeing stout tariff’s on some Canadian goods in the day job. It complicates evaluating bids.
“Shields UP!”
Trump Orders Inauguration Moved Indoors Due To ‘Dangerous Conditions’
Some people are out thousands of dollars — too late for refunds.
January 17, 2025
“The ICE man cometh.”
“Immigration and Customs Enforcement is preparing to launch a “big f–king operation” across sanctuary cities — including Chicago and New York — immediately after President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, multiple sources told The Post.”
March 6, 2020
G.A. STEWART: The Ice Man Cometh
Dam the password doesn’t work again lol..
“Is there a security threat other than extreme cold temperatures?”
The forecast is rain changing to ice, changing to snow on Sunday — accumulation of 3-6 inches by Monday morning, temp at noon ~16°, wind 15-20mph, gusting above 30.
Trump is attempting to rent the Capital One Arena for a Sunday rally. His inaugural committee has already rented it Monday, for his first Presidential rally. I’m guessing if there were a likelihood above the noise floor, of an issue with Mr. Trump’s safety, he wouldn’t be wading into crowds of 100,000 people on Sunday and Monday.
The last president to be sworn in indoors was Ronald Reagan in 1985, when noon temperature was around 19° with a windchill of -25.
William Henry Harrison was da Prez for 37 days, dying of pneumonia contracted at his inauguration ceremony. No President since has wanted to be William Henry Harrison…
I did hear Klatu plans to drop in and pick up Captain Valerian Thor, who has been here on TDY.
Gort will be watching the ship. He has a poorly developed sense of humour.
Will you wave to the Ships when they appear overhead? Signal a hearty Hello ! or better yet, Clear Ure mind, and “think” HELLO! as you consciously direct that “thought energy” AT the Ship ?
We are as caged, blindfolded animals. The blind folds are falling away/disappearing, the cage doors are unlocked and are slowly being opened..
Dive deeper into the DARKNESS.
The current probabilities are favoring a alltime first- “Goodguys” being IN Contact with President/Administration. Goodguys have never had an “opening” to any of the major Leaders previously until today..NOW.
BE Here NOW .
Re: The lithium battery plant fire. Late reports say the fire department are letting it burn. This is the second fire at this facility, which has a water fire suppression system.
Re: Sabotage of EV Charging Stations. All over CA, people are cutting off the charging cables to steel the copper wires. Plans are developing to replace all the existing cables with armoured cables.
Charging EVs will only become more difficult with limited charging stations and much less stored energy capacity.
AG got that covered .
Like with sodium and potassium, when you mix lithium and water, you get a lot of heat and a lot of hydrogen gas, which are generally closely followed by what can only be described as a “bad day…”
The charging cables are worth about $4/ft as scrap. If they are 12 ft long, that’s 48 bucks that’s there for the taking, and if they have breakaway connectors at the pump (like the hoses of all fuel filler pumps have), which they probably do, one jerk frees them for a toss into the back seat.
Putting in armored cables won’t do a damn’ thing if the cables are breakaway. If they’re not, eventually someone will leave a station while still plugged in, and either break his car or break the pump, resulting in a lawsuit, the settlement of which will demand that all EV cables be made breakaway…
The fire department here was told if they come across a lithium battery burning..they are to let it burn..
re: Aid for Ukraine
feat: lemon-aid for you & me
President Zelensky thanked PM Starmer for dropping off $3.6 billion on this week’s visit with an annual $3 billion per year into the indefinite future vis-a-vis the 100 year deal. Oh, don’t tell anyone, but Pres Z. publicly shared that “there is also a secret, classified part of the agreement”.
The forklift at the Bank of Ukraine was still on cool-down cycle when President Z. received two guests from the UN – The Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, and The High Commissioner for Refugees – bearing he said $3.3 billion. Apparently the pair had spent the last week touring Kyiv-held Ukraine while LA burned.
The UN media webpage presently requests member nations contribute towards funding the just-donated $3.32 billion. The “Voice of America” Geneva bureau offered a helpful breakdown as to how the spoils will be divided.
Overall, the UN figures there are 8.2 million displaced Ukrainians, with 2.2 million of those in Europe (beyond Europe is out of scope). $1.2 billion is allocated to Eastern European countries with an unnamed majority amount going to Poland and Moldova. Funding refugees in Western Europe is deemed a Western European problem not a UN problem. The remaining $2 billion is designated for refugees in Ukraine.
One of the headscratcher elements of the goings-on is not all the refugees factored in for UN aid plan to abide the UN mandate refugees return to their original place of residence. The “VOA” quotes the UN estimating only slightly over 60% of Ukrainian refugees elsewhere in Europe and slightly over 70% of domestic Ukrainian refugees are willing to return to their pre-war place of origin. So one could well imagine that a quarter to a third of the UN aid will not be funding its intended purpose.
re: “X” marks the spot
feat: 777-B, 13/8/2016
Oh, peachy, things are looking up? Guidestones are turning over like a 1?12 Hudson mile-a-minute roadster. As the Commerce Secretary’s son told us: “Be ready when opportunity comes. Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet”.
There have been strange tweets streaming. A week ago, VP-elect Vance tweeted a joke(?) about whether to attend the college football title game or the Inauguration. Our Lady is going up against the ‘Brotherhood? Captain Midnight reminded us all a few days ago about Marvel of a fictional universe. As coincidence would have it, so is one of DC?
I’m not sure if the peashooter meteorite dropping out of the heavens the other day was posted here already. The following is a link to the CBC video of the unexpected celestial delivery.
Wonder how many fluid ounces of Adrenochrome that $$ Purchased for von starmer and company ?
Time to put a little Energy to work!
What’s $60 million in bribes between friends when you are talking about making electricity with Nuclear Power Plants and getting $1 billion back (above the price paid for the electricity) for your efforts?
“former CEO and one of his top executives with (FirstEnergy) at the center of a $60 million bribery scheme have been indicted on racketeering charges, federal prosecutors announced Friday.
… ex-CEO Chuck Jones and Senior Vice President Michael Dowling — were accused of taking part in an enterprise to bribe state officials and secure a $1 billion bailout of the company’s nuclear plants.”
This is where I should pop in the and out grid tie systems to any home owner willing to have it installed and build solar towers..CO2 filters on every street lamp in cities and green scape air wells in arid regions and cisterns..
they won’t because how else could they get the 60 mil bribes and keep their multi million a year wages.. you have to keep it weak to keep the present business model.
CO2 filters ????
CO2 is essential to LIFE on this planet – a perfect SYSTEM.
another TruDope blinded by DEI to disguise sabotage as incompetency..?
(“CO2 is essential to LIFE on this planet – a perfect SYSTEM.”)
in small amounts.. its the same with water.. water is essential to life so is moderation.. our clear cutting what something like 2400 trees per minute and what is it 55 acre urban expansion per minute..the great concrete jungles asphalt and concrete.
as the lungs of the planet dwindle down something has to replace them.for every person we need seven trees and every car fourteen trees to process the CO2.. every CO2 filter per street lamp would replace approximately 100 trees depending on scaling the cities not only acts as a natural heat sink but replaces prime food producing farmland…air wells and cisterns.. water doesn’t vanish it changes shape..A spider doesn’t travel great distances its web acts as an air well and the mouse harvests TBE water off of its web. solar towers and handing out solar grid tie systems. every few miles the grid has to push electricity.. Texas a freak snowstorm almost took down the grid for what a third of the building solar towers starting at the furthest point.. handing out grid tie that secures the grid from failure by acting as a mini grid power plant .. reduces stress during a freak storm insuring everyone has power..
What’s the estimate attacked by emp the loss of the grid could take out an estimated 90 something of the countries population.. instead we do the opposite..we pile it all in one place instead of doing it the cheaper and more practical way we spend billions to do it the way to ensure profitability and control..
The thing about Left Feild Events (LFE) is that they aren’t on anyone’s bingo card. If nothing happens next week I will be pleasantly surprised but if it does it will be big and you can guarantee it will be designed to make the new administration look bad. I’m going with a terrorist attack (wink wink) on the power grid that takes out the entire east coast, now that I said that it won’t happen so we can take that off the card. Sounds scary enough though. One thing for sure is the next 4 years will not be boring. What a great time to be alive.
PS: Cats have mastered the dark arts millions of years ago, I thought everyone knew that already.
(“The thing about Left Feild Events (LFE) is that they aren’t on anyone’s bingo card. “)
exactly..until it affects them directly it won’t be on anyone’s bingo card!!!
big changes can be .are fast.. they won’t be made until its so obvious that it has to happen..then they will change the business model.
If the DON plans to disclose alien truths with irrefutable proof the ets better wisk him away as that will be a red line for the secret holders and they will delete him. Thing is you can talk about aliens this and aliens that but you can not under any circumstances show undeniable proof, its just not allowed.
They will never give up the technology, NEVER.
They didn’t give it up. They fumbled the ball, several times, it has been said.
(They never claimed to be a “safe” airline.)
Trump has said he will declassify and open all the files on the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, all UFO files, and all files pertaining to the 2016 Election, among others, in his first week as President.
I hope he manages to do so…
(“Not on the table for action (right now) are still longer-term intractable financial issues like Social Security, so stories like Study: 54% of Retirees View 2025 Social Security COLA as Insufficient are lumped here (until they move to the action/dynamics) into “distracters.””)
OTFLMAO……now that there’s funny..cola increase lol…Enough said..
“54% of Retirees View 2025 Social Security COLA as Insufficient”
You mean like a net decrease of $39 per month for my wife and me?
Sadly our net outcome was a whole lot lower than yours.. I originally assumed with the other increases it would be like two to three hundred..I have to reassess my budget and cut down a few of the luxury expenses..
its not just us..everyone is facing the same thing..its not a rescue event. this is a managing situation. do you need high speed internet or a cell phone.. or as much for cable television..and everyone is feeling it..
the only thing anyone can do is manage it with what you have.
just today I had three people ask if I had a few bucks I had to tell them no.. and that I would help with a new doesn’t have any food for three weeks yet didn’t know what to do..I will drop off a care box so they can make it..
The Bitcoin Act of 2024, proposed by Senator Cynthia Lummis, is expected to be developed in 2025. The legislation is expected to fuel BTC adoption in the US. The proposed regulation also suggests the government continue purchasing approximately 1 million BTC over the next 5 years. If passed, the regulation would allow the US government to offload its gold reserves to obtain more funds for BTC accumulation.
“If passed, the regulation would allow the US government to offload its gold reserves to obtain more funds for BTC accumulation.”
Institutional investors have likewise shown more interest in BTC since last year. Microstrategy led in BTC purchases, with the most recent purchase being 2,530 BTC earlier this week, bringing its holdings to 450,000. $45 billion dollars.
In January 2024 Microstrategy was trading at $48 a share – closed yesterday at $393. Microstrategy is currently working on dramatically increasing it’s company’s stock shares for the sole purpose of buying more bitcoin. Regulatory compliance should be met and shares offered by late March. Net income for Microstrategy in 2024 dropped by 137.15% .., a negative 340.17 million dollars. Profit margin dropped 293 % / Earnings per share dropped a staggering 9,354.55%
Stock symbol: MSTR / The intrinsic value of one MSTR stock under the Base Case scenario is 6.67 USD. Compared to the current market price of 390.62 USD, Microstrategy Inc is Overvalued by 98.3%. [ Yet, it is considered a ‘buy’ from five analysts.] With such horrendous income and profit losses, one has to wonder just where is Microstartegy is getting all the billions in cash for bitcoin purchases.
Hired in 2022, before the constant purchase of bitcoin – Phong Q. Le is now, the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director of MicroStrategy, Inc.
Total BTC in Existence 19,927,500 [ 21 million maximum.]
Bitcoins Left to Be Mined 1,072,500.0
% of Bitcoins Issued 94.893%
Approximately 900 bitcoins are ‘mined’ every day – that leaves a little over three years until all bitcoin have been mined and purchased. Pro-Bitcoin Trump will still be President when it reaches that milestone.
Bill Gates has stated [ several times] that he does not own any digital currencies.
Elon Musk has stated that he owns a “small fraction of one bitcoin”.
A math geek at C.I.T. announced that they have devised a way to double the number of bitcoin., and could do it, “about every three years”.
Cryptocurrency watchdog group says that approximately $38 million in bitcoins have been ‘lost’ due to the L.A. fires. [ How they would know this is somewhat questionable.] As individual home computer systems, along with their access and wallets, where destroyed.
2024 was a banner year for bitcoin high jacking. It has been reported that over 1.3 billion dollars in bitcoins alone were stolen from exchanges and individuals. To date, less than eight percent has been recovered and of that eight percent, less than 21% has been returned. [ $21.8 million returned out of $1.3 billion.] More than half of the bitcoin hacking has been directly linked to North Korea. [ ., and they are not going to stop any time soon.]
Once quantum computers evolve running sophisticated A.I. systems no system security encoding will stop ’em. One British A.I. developer stated that with a quantum computer he, “could feasibly steal and own every bitcoin on the planet in less than two weeks., collapsing how many governments that have jumped on-board? But then., how many quantum computers will be trying to steal them from me?”
19,9270,500 bitcoins x $104,000 + just over $2.07 trillion dollars. Just where is all that cash being stashed ?
re: Burnscoin vs. Frinkcoin
feat: The Simpsons, S31 E13
Are the powers that be nudging the world towards a digital global currency regime standard? Your mention of total bitcoin worth presently being around $2 trillion prompted me to look for historical annual global gdp values. Roughly speaking a $2.50 : 1BTC exchange rate takes us back to 1950 and an even $1:1BTC exchange rate winds the clock back to about 1900.
A webpage which lists those approximate global gdp datapoints was purged from The University of Groningen website 5 or 6 years ago and now appears on the following Archive link:
The above link appears within the GGDC (Groningen Growth and Development Centre) webpage dedicated to the late Prof. Angus Maddison. He researched the world economy between the years 1 and 2030. Here’s a link to his page.
The “Wikipedia” entry for the ‘Maddison Project’ notes a Mr. Bill Gates seems attentive to the project. My initial search result offered a global gdp graph utilizing the “Maddison Database”. Recent years of trajectory are inclining towards near-vertical. The next scheduled update is planned for May, 2025. At first I thought the page was from the World Bank. However “Our World in Data” turns out to be the public face of a UK-headquartered foundation called “Global Change Data Lab” based at the University of Oxford. It has a number of prominent supporters listed including the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation. Here is the ‘Our World in Data’ link:
Could the Simpson S31 E13 cartoon character Mr. Burns conceivably devalue Frinkcoin by destroying its security safeguards with a newest (quantum?) computer, and go forward with a new secured Burnscoin under a Global Fed?
that is interesting but why bitcoin?
the hardware and framework is already in place for.. Nut Bucks…
guarantee them with peanuts…
your banking is predominantly digital now..the same when the banks. loser in 29 people didn’t have any money left it was gone..
I visited with one old guy years ago that was reminiscent of the day before..the richest man in town…he had deposited ten thousand dollars at the bank.. ( when ten grand was considered a lot of money) woke up the next morning and he was poor.. people hid cash in books jars and buried them in the hog pen..or the walls..
my mother and father had money hidden in all kinds of places..
I am not sure how your bank works but lets take mine.. I get a digital statement once a month.. I log into the bank each morning..most transactions are digital..they don’t like paper checks many places won’t accept them its digital.. they ask for a card and what’s the secret number on the back..
all they have to do is outlaw the federal reserve shove the what five families that own that to the curb.. and change the rate to monkey farts.. say what is a bc ?? Hundred grand swap..why do a hundred do ten million for a monkey a slo Joe 1/10,000,000,000 a perve a different number.. so if you had lets say million dollars.. you’d have the bank convert the numbering sequence to 1 ten millianth.. to buy a two dollar loaf of bread and use federal reserve bucks you’d get your old wheel barrow out and head for the store just like the weimar, greece, argintina, Zimbabwe etc. the owners of the federal reserve and the thirty five trillion they’d get all lets go a trillion for arguments sake per monkey fart the oligarchs would get thirty five Slo’s Joes and toss on a perve as a tip..your bank statement would reflect the rate of exchange.
in reflecting the other currencies they to would fold or have to convert.. the oligarchs tossed to the side.. then make it illegal to bribe or toss money at our legislators.
reflecting on that process..that is how China cleaned up zimbabwe.. a loaf of bread a year ago was what 39 million.. today with their new currency its a hundred grand of the old currency….
in the end its still a f@#%&#g number ..
the other option would. boy this would get a rise.. claim insolvency dump the federal reserve then join the Bric’s.. industry and the supply chain is open the banks toss out or cash in the dollars back to the federal reserve and implement the new bric’s currency..some shopping sites are already converting dollars to the bric’s system..
the USA cannot pay the debt. we have pretty much dismantled our once vibrant I custodial superiority. and turned the country into a throw away industry.. thirty years ago the tv broke down you fixed you toss it out Ang get another.. a. appliance that use to be a once in a lifetime purchase is now a two year throw away..
we quit using the dish washer just because of that..wasn’t e an a year old and had to be fixed three times..
where it was built has workers making a dollar a month in deflationary us dollars engineers thirty scientists forty.. the parts in it made in china.. to live like a king in Taiwan or the Philippines is what four humans Dred deflated us dollars..their cost of living difference..there was a young lady from russia..worked at one place I did..the yearly income in Russia was a hundred dollars a year..
if you were the man in charge facing a national debt that there’s no way you could possibly raise taxes far enough to pay the debts interest.. spending trillions and trillions of dollars that you were forced to borrow from the very same people that you were going to war for them to reap the harvest in goods and materials..just to lay the cost of their success on the people.where the same people you were forced to borrow the numbers from were also suspected as being the very o ex responsible for trying to take your life to insure their prosperity.What would you supportive of their desires.. ( there will never be enough more for those that desire more)
Got a project in mind for the Spring / Summer ? Might want to get you lumber early.
How much lumber will it take to rebuild 12,400 homes, businesses, churches, schools.., ? There will be a time-lag., for certain., say, 6 month minimum – ? .., but that is one hell of a lot of lumber, roofing, drywall., windows…, ?? [ That’s today’s count – it will go up.] Lumber Futures are up 3% in the past two weeks – when Trumps hit’s Canada with the purposed tariffs ?
How many refrigerators, washers and dryers, ovens, microwaves, air conditioners [ HVAC], etc…??
Just how many construction crews are available ? Electricians? Plumbers?
How much City and County infrastructure was destroyed and will need to be rebuilt before any reconstruction can start-up ? [Power poles & transformers – ?]
Before the “rebuild” all of the burn-debris will have to cleared out., completely. [ which will delay all permits until a site inspector signs off.] Just where are they going to dump millions of tons of toxic ash and burn-debris ? Just how many dump trucks and loaders are available for such a massive, monumental task as this is going to be ??
How many will be able to rebuild ? Most did not have fire insurance, of any kind. Where are they going to get the money to build a new house? A new business? Mortgage the property value? Can you do that without fire insurance? Especially now ? Will the State start-up a fire insurance program? That’s a scary thought. Property values just plummeted, right along with property taxes. As soon as the first property tax bill is issued on a burned-out rubble., the media is going to be all over it !
This is not a simple., “Let’s clean this up and rebuild it, scenario.” This is massive nightmare for tens of thousands., and for how many frustrating years?
., and my guess is that many will not return, nor attempt to rebuild. “Time to move on.”
80,000 are still under mandatory evacuation., and it was announced that it will be another week before they are allowed back in. With another 240,000 on ‘stand-by’. How many of them are going to give it up and get out of the entire area, or possibly relocate out of California altogether ? These fires could be a very powerful incentive for a lot of people to make a life change.
When will California start issuing fines for not cleaning-up the fire debris? [ Wait for it.]
We have yet to see the 2nd act of this Horror show, Mudslides. Watch some of the aerial footage of all the burned out areas, count how many canyons and drainage washes that lead right down into populated areas. The ground in socal is as dry as it gets. Wait till LA gets a rain storm with 2 inches of rain, you ain’t seen nothing yet movie goers. We will soon see how many sandbags a Tesla can hold.
I have yet to see the fine leadership of LA discus the preparation for the next rain storm that will certainly destroy hundreds more homes, zero. They ain’t going to rebuild shit because nobody has a Trillion dollars to waist on a city that can’t manage how to flush a large turd down the drain.
Wonder how many burned out areas will magically become available to build Olympic venues sponsored by the World Olympic Committee.
Ding, ding, ding… Hence my post of a few days ago. After the fires ALWAYS come the mudslides. With no foliage to hold the earth and no buildings to check the progression, this year’s muck will be epic.
BTW, what happens when an all-electric firetruck runs out of juice? For bonus points, guess what idiot EV policy Newscum and the California Legislature decided was a good idea…?
Hint: It takes 10 hours to charge the battery in an electric firetruck.
Another thing is the fault line……
weight dispersion has changed.. what if An enemy dropped one in a crucial spot in the faultline..give it a little shove…
The man who saw tomorrow
re: Harry on the Quidditch pitch
feat: Hermione spikes the balls
Is there a broomstick fowl on the Quidditch pitch already? Day 2 in the Liberal leadership race and it’s “game on” between the Trumpsters and the Eureops!
According J.K. Rowling, the character of Hermione is based upon her Queen of Sicily namesake in Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale”. Msm are catching up with Chrystia Freeland who today threw her bonnet in the Liberal party leadership race (and possibly PM title to the winner) with a simple statement on “X”. The former Russian, Ukrainian, American, and Canadian journalist counts Italian amongst her five languages of fluency. More info on her leadership bid is to follow on Sunday, and she signed off “30”. Expect George to be reaching for the mole-wrench yet again on the next Tool Time!
Yesterday of course in Mrs. Freeland’s province of birth, Alberta, former Goldman Sachs grasshopper turned Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney announced he wants to be crowned party leader. This afternoon public broadcaster CBC had removed their video report of the Carney announcement. Here is the CBC link:
In lieu, the CBC offered a report of an unknown person noshowing after having ordered a stretch Indian Raj replica Rolls Royce limousine to the parking lot of the Edmonton venue Carney leadership announcement. Such a thing apparently can happen to a former Bank of England governor who shepherded the UK into Brexit while his opponent worked her way up to being a Trustee of the WEF?
As an aside, Mr. Carney announced he did resign from his position on the board of a $900 billion Toronto holding company. Its roots date to 1895 and founding of Canada’s second transcontinental railroad. The railway enjoys new ownership and apparently as of 2019, Bill and Melinda along with their Foundation comprised the largest shareholder block.
The Toronto holding company is understood to be several company layers above the one having ownership of a previously spoken of shopping centre in Las Vegas. It’s the shopping centre across from Trump Las Vegas as well as the Déjà Vu entertainment complex.
The quiet part… Said out loud….
Hal turner article..
Vultures love to sun on my roof. When I go out to break up the party, they all stand there shifting from one foot to another, looking down and away with this guilty/ bashful oversized black lab puppy with feathers look on their faces. Last week I had to throw a snowball to clear the last one off. They are a bit comical, but the bacteria they carry is just so damn dangerous that I can’t cut them any slack. The last thing you want to do is hurt one, or frighten them, and actually physically contact, even with the longest of sticks. Remind them that they are being uncomfortably scrutinized from a safe distance, and send them packing. Otherwise I leave them alone. A good climbing cat might be interesting, until one of them grabs the cat and conducts a cat bounce trial from altitude.
Maybe Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear facilities?
I’m blue………………..
I honestly thought all this guff about blue was absolute delusional bull**** but I stumbled across this on CNN today. Presumably verified if published on that site.
Strange that I’ve been buying blue clothes lately (indigo, peacock blue in the mail next week). I couldn’t work out why as I already have so much of it. Add to that surreal dreams of glancing into a mirror to see my green eyes now a deep other-worldly cobalt blue.
Great sound track for this strangeness
It sure is strange that there’s no smoke or soot on that bus, and that the tires didn’t melt when the asphalt of the roadway underneath them melted, isn’t it?
I kinda wonder how the bulldozers that plowed every other vehicle off of that street (including the one directly beside and slightly ahead of the van) to allow emergency vehicles to pass, somehow missed plowing that bus?
I guess its blue paint protected it from the space lasers… Oh, wait. It has a white top. Maybe that “blue” thing is as phony as the rest of this photo…?
Exactly. The whole photo is suspect, a weird lack of depth and perspective and yet it was published on a major news site and was actually highlighted on the main web page, at least the one presented to me. Why? Perhaps just lazy vetting or is there a devious algorithm that noticed my recent clothing purchases and flipped up this news story? Just find something blue – anything will do. I really don’t know which of those options is more disturbing. But to do that someone (or AI) had to contrive a “plausible” news story………..? What to believe?
As to the other – well my dream world barely makes sense to me, let alone anyone else. And blue is my new favourite colour.
You have to understand: You are on the other side of the world from us. We, and you, will each see things the other doesn’t, we’ll sometimes see the same things from a different perspective, and our respective PTB will try to program our brains in different manners, or impress different priorities upon us. You shouldn’t let the Aussie PTB muddle your thought, but you absolutely must not let the Americans or Europeans do so, if you wish to preserve your sanity and ability to see stuff for yourself.
This photo is both incongruous and impossible. Its significance isn’t that it exists, but that there are millions of people who will view it and accept it as real, and its narrative premise as fact. I hate getting political on something like this, but I’m without coffee and compelled to snag the low-hanging fruit to get my point across: Joe Biden is demonstrably the second-most racist American politician of his era. After he had been openly and publicly racist for 43 years, careful “programming” caused the vast majority of U.S. voters to “forget” this facet of his personality in less than three weeks.
Our “programmers” (propagandists) are amazing. They are like Bernays and Goebbels combined, on steroids, because they have a much-better idea of the outcome their social programming will elicit than either propaganda’s inventor or its turd-polisher. Thanks to AI they can now tweak the optics and project the outcome much faster than ever before.
The VW Bus is an experiment, to see how many people will buy its authenticity and how quickly a propagandist can throw something together that will resonate with a great many people…
re: Numbers 15:38
There may be tells which would suggest the picture is staged. However, I think the message viewed under blue skies is a positive one from higher ups. As an aside, isn’t the S?n white in colour, but seen as yellow on Earth; the blue and violet wavelengths are filtered by the atmosphere?
Today I had cause to review an early 2000’s C2C web recording originally broadcast from the City of Angels. A takeaway phrase was to the effect of “there are no coincidences”.
The Mark J. Terrill/AP photo published by CNN and introduced to the group by Winter is most interesting. The shadows cast by the blue van could suggest a different time of day than the shadows cast by the burned out chimney on the flat-looking lot beside the vehicle?
Coincidentally four msm outlets published a prequel van image published after the blaze featuring the parked van and its owner beside a hillside lot. The Macy DiCenso/AP credited photo suggested a January 5th capture and media pointed out the Getty Villa visible on the hilltop behind the parked, manual transmission van. The image appeared in ‘The Guardian’ and the ‘Seattle Times’ on January 14th, and the following day in the ‘Daily Mail’ and the ‘New York Post’. Surprisingly none of those media outlets greyed out the vehicle’s vanity license plate. By coincidence, the plate mimics reference to the FAM (Financial Audit Manual) of the US GAO with regards to immigration benefits. The specific paragraph in common would appear to address “records of checks deposited”. I don’t know if the documents are blue.
Thankfully it was separately reported that the structures upon the Getty Villa, Malibu property escaped the surrounding fires. “Wikipedia” offers that the Getty Villa was constructed in the mid-fifties by J. Paul Getty in replica of the Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum. The Villa is perhaps that of the father-in-law to Julius Ceasar and whose grandfather’s motto was “let justice be done, though the heavens fall”. The wealthy Roman town Herculaneum, adjacent to Pompeii, was likewise buried in the Vesuvius eruption of 79 ad and not rediscovered until the 18th century.
The Villa of the Papyri housed a huge repository of scrolls left charred following the eruption. Efforts apparently continue to preserve and hopefully translate the scrolls’ important messages. The Oxford-headquartered “Friends of Herculaneum Society” has a younger American sibling which can be viewed at the link following. There’s an onward link from there at the page bottom outlining “The Scroll Prize” contest. Complete Villa of Papyri scroll translations with AI and potentially win big dollar prizes. (Scholarly paid by the hour labour plus benefits need not apply?) The contest’s largest donor noted under the “Caesar” category is the Musk Foundation.
Thank you for following my meandering thoughts. I’d like to credit our Ray of sunshine falling upon Winter’s summer day.
Re: Back to the Future
feat: Marty’s hoverboard
Here are a couple of ramblings I missed on my last comment.
The msm-identified blue VW bus mechanical engineer previous owner has an upbeat website. He’s trying to launch a new line of space-age material surfboards that can outlast current boards of “planned-obsolescence”. He’s pictured scoping out a board, and his shoes are blue. The portal page notes that he spent four years collaborating with fabricators who now work for SpaceX.
His media-identified friend and business collaborator now owns the VW bus. Her surfboard/skateboard company website features a hand-painted blue surfboard and a couple of skateboards leaning against the blue VW bus image. The page links to her Malibu yoga colleague attired in a teal top offering respite for the 12 cranial nerves. Gen Xers and up who desire to “reset” Millennial-style may choose to avail themselves of the following Instagram link:
AP published an interesting story back in 2016 centred around AP photographer Mark Terrill of the future blue VW bus 2025 image. He snapped a remote picture from above of Mr. Trump then addressing the 2016 Republican National Convention. The teleprompter stream appears like a mirror-image selfie would. It reads as follows: “…me, which is why I alone can fix it.
I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens…”.
Here is the AP link: