46 thoughts on “Down Jumps 700? ViseGrips!!!!”

  1. Ouch! My lunch money puts I got into yesterday are not faring too well. At least I set expiration of tomorrow so maybe will get a bit of that back and limit the loss. If not, maybe next time. This market is just like the lotto, I am not going to put any money into it that I cannot lose.

  2. The indefatigable Dennis Kelleher, Co-Founder and CEO of the Wall Street watchdog, Better Markets, has just released his organization’s monthly newsletter for January 2025 and it’s a humdinger.

    Kelleher warns that the financial deregulators that incoming President Donald Trump has packed into his administration means “that the clock is ticking on a coming catastrophic financial crash that will likely be much worse than 2008.”

    Kelleher adds that this “is not hyperbole.” He cites evidence from past financial crashes, writing:


    • That isn’t a surprise!
      one look at what this administration has doe in the past 4 years is enough..
      the country was in a fragile state before trump got in before and he sure shocked me by making me believe it could be swung around.
      then the idiot parade .. millions of illegals ,failure to work on any domestic issues at home, throwing hundreds of billions of dollars away and putting g greater stress on the citizens..
      then Wars and Rumors of war.. relocated our emergency reserves even trucked over fire equipment .. from my point of view..there’s only a couple options. both of which h puts us in a situation the country cannot survive from as it is today.. both of those options leaves the dollar and all fiat currencies worthless..there is one other alternative from my perspective but then that would require the ones pulling the strings to give up a little of what they have demanded to flip it…
      then there’s war…. push it to global Annihilation.
      A decent short film on the rise and fall of empires..
      then considering the k wave..
      Here’s a short video of the antiluvian empire a Gaia video
      we have such a dire strategic position .. while people are thinking more numbers I need more they should be working the problem..
      what is it in the laws of god.. were they put there to help protect us from destroying ourselves..

      (“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.
      11 As goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what benefit are they to the owners except to feast their eyes on them?
      12 The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether they eat little or much, but as for the rich, their abundance permits them no sleep.
      13 I have seen a grievous evil under the sun: wealth hoarded to the harm of its owners,
      14 or wealth lost through some misfortune, so that when they have children there is nothing left for them to inherit.”)
      Ecclesiastes 5:10
      Lindsey Graham on face the nation said it all.. the quest for more.. sadly means the end of a Dynasty.. allowing the corruption of our legislators..there are books almost as big as a law bill sitting in front of congress explaining .. will they print.. ( my thought is push that noodle a little further across the table by floating it on a puddle of printed currencies) or scrape it all start new.. the consequences of that is detroit..
      that’s hard to watch Detroit once the hub of industry greed destroyed it..

  3. If the market is a forward looking mechanism it’s telegraphing Trump will be giving CA a Yuge! bailout.

    • I feel sad about the regular people..all you hear about revolves around the celebrities.. they should be thankful they are alive.. crap can be replaced..unlike the wage earners that struggle daily to just to eek out a bare existence. unlike the celebrities that have the resources to rebuild the vast majority do not have access to resources of that magnitude.or even has anyone in a legislative position to care enough to help them.
      my niece lost her home first in a tornado then a flood in Tennessee.. they were told that FEMA was there to help them recover..in the end the only ones that got the badly needed help were the upper social classes not the wage earners the assistance they got was basically a slap in the face and a good luck..
      the same thing happened in new Orleans after katrina. and in Florida etc.
      no one seriously cares about what someone with hundreds of millions in assets has lost a house when everything they owned was destroyed without anyone willing to even report on their struggles or give even a minute of time to report their struggles..

      I though Cali hated trump and was planning on succeeding from the usa.. or do you think there will be stipulations on them sending illegals back across the borders..

      • Fascinating LOOB a state were recall elections are only held if enough REGISTERED VOTERS have signed a petition that states they want the guberner out. I beleieve Newsome has miraculously beat all two or is it three ? Recall elections. Dominion LOL.

  4. Setting the record a bit straighter — I hope;

    I saw a “documentary” (small “D”) on some science-oriented channel last night. It featured that alien apologetic guy with the hair like Ambassador Londo Molari in “Babylon-5.”

    He was forwarding the oft-heard UFO guy theory of “we got it from the aliens” with regard to semiconductors — chips, transistors ‘n things.

    I’m old. (80) I wasn’t immediately there; but I WAS around as these things were being developed. I was a hobbyist, and I bought one of THE first transistors meant for the consumer market — the “CK-722,” made and sold by Raytheon (I think).

    I recall when LSICs were announced. (Large-Scale Integrated Circuits — lotsa krappe made very tiny, and squeezed onto one substrate.) LSICs were EVolutionary, not REVolutioary[ and we practitioners of the times knew the intervening logical steps. ( No aliens needed.)

    Since then, LSICs have grown vastly in complexity and capability — but it’s all logical and evolutionary. “Multi-layer photolithography” is what it is, and resolution gets better (smaller) all the time. The absolute limit is not clearly in sight quite yet, but some ultra-tiny quantum effects may limit density at some point. Untill such, more improvement and extension is still being sought. And will happen.

    So. There is no need for any alien magic technology. There is nothing there that our continuing developments and researchs in mathematics and physics will not eventually sus out.

    With all that, it would still be more than just interesting to disect and reverse-engineer a flying saucer. Bob’s Gravity Amplifiers would be nice to have…

    • If you recognize these, then you’ve been around through this same evolutionary period of a few decades, and you probably know the falicy of the “the aliens gave it to us.”

      1N34, 1N914, 1N4001 series, 2N1305, 2N1306. 2N3055, MPF-102, 6C4, 6055, 811, 813, 2E26, 6146, 6AU6, 12AX7, 50C5, 5763, 4CX1000, 3-125, 3-400, 3-500, 4-400, NE-555, NE-567, LM-741. “7400 series”.


      • I know, and have worked with, every single item on that list! Shocking! The Army also taught me how to build a computer out of discreet logic gates.. before there was such a thing as a microcomputer on a single chip. Then there were the UHF Klystron tubes… talk about a death-ray in a tube. Self-destructing if the focus magnet toroid failed. Then came digital television, where software compression wizards learned to pack 120 MHz (megabits, actually) into a 6MHz wide channel bag. It defied the laws of physics I learned in my youth.

        I’m waiting for the Star Trek ‘Transporter’ to become reality next.

    • LSICs then evolved to ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) , the bane of all hobbyists & DIYers. Available only from the OEM ( if you’re lucky) then evolved into unobtanium when the product inevitably reached EOL. Been burnt multiple times by failed high end audio gear. Grrrr

  5. We’re told the market is forward looking. As a forward looking mechanism the market is telegraphing Trump will be giving CA a Yuge! bailout.

    “Fire Aid” has started. By this time next week people will be falling over themselves championing Free to CA. Watch them fall in line.

  6. Footnote:
    Look up “selenium rectifier”
    “Photoelectric effect”and
    “William Schockley” for more.

    Bell Telephone Labs is sometimes credited with inventing the transtor, but it was more complex than that, and happening in several places as pure reserch science. Few work alone in basic science reaearch.

        • Phew… you know what fifteen or so years someone asked why in the hell I was here.. I said I was here to glean enough information so I could traverse the coming events.. I actually didn’t think we would make it past 2010… that when another poster here a realtor that seen only roses in a city where poverty level sits at a quarter mil a year income.. when I see him screaming the call to alarm then we know its only path is Hell and brimstone..the crying and wailing and gnashing of teeth..
          Sadly your most obviously in the same social class where your still unable to see the things unfolding.
          where I am at the bottom of the pyramid and its evident everywhere..
          I could debate your positive viewpoints all day .. but even though its hitting you it hasn’t reached the point that its negatively effecting your lifestyle.
          for us the new cola amount in social security will only negatively effect us by a couple hundred less spending capabilities.. the last cola left us with a buck seventy five gain..
          I made drastic cuts last month and after paying the essentials yesterday its now obvious I have to cut three hundred more per month off of the budget. I will Not sure where yet.. sadly the one thing I allow myself is going to be put on hold..
          one look at the LA fire Cali can’t sustain their budget. now what shooting half a trillion ..congress has to borrow another three plus trillion just to push the noodle till may or june.. then the illegal refugees.. over ten million and I had heard up to fifty million all on the public dime..interest on the deficit exceeds the income revenue..prices..I spent almost a hundred dollars just on bread milk eggs and a couple of other things..
          there isn’t one thing I can see positive in what this administration has done.our military is out on eight or nine fronts all the threat analysts say there’s a possible huge army that was allowed into the country and even supported financially by this administration..
          So now I just have to wait when Mr. T screams run for the hills..I will know its hit the top of the pile..

  7. Addendum:

    In those days, as a tiny youth, I was a regular reader of Scientific American, Popular Electronics, Popular Mechanics, and numerous others. I knew what was going on. As did millions of others.

    The British have always called amplifier vacuum tubes, “valves,” since that is a pretty good explanation of what they actually do. A smallish voltage appied to a control grid (mesh screen) controls or regulates a much larger voltage and current flowing through the tube from the cathode to the plate. Think of the control grid as a lever.

    Transistors sorta work the same way. A larger current flows between the “emitter” and the “collector,” regulated (“gated”) by a smaller signal applied to a middle layer called the “base.”

    Not magic. No aliens needed.

    • Was a time when I was into vintage (legacy?) radios from the 1930’s. Many had tiny carbon zinc button cells for grid voltage. Still haven’t figured out how the radios kept working when the cells were dead.

  8. Perhaps because of the cease-fire in Gaza that has just been agreed to. The news was “official” around noon EST, but probably leaked out a bit before that.

  9. re: “Down Jumps”


    What’s up? Comment elsewhere by Egor suggests “gapology” is not a study of designer fashion.

    Toolmaker Irwin Brands advises/offers advice that the word “visegrips” began in 1924 upon invention of the locking plier by a Danish immigrant in Nebraska, west of Iowa. Apparently visegrips’ manufacture moved from the USA to China in 2008. The “Oxford English Dictionary” traces a first usage of “visegrips” to 1878 in the “Burlington Hawkeye” of Iowa newspaper. (As an aside, the ‘Hawkeye State’ apparently bears its moniker following that Burlington newspaper’s recommendation to honour the great war chief Black Hawk.)

    Those domiciled outside the USA are will no doubt recognize a “vicegrip” tool when they see one. Again the “OED” indicates that the “vice” prefix dates to 1584. This is likely as good a time as any to stop digging. Discussion of spades and shovels can wait.

    • There is a notable difference between a ‘Vise’ , as George correctly uses the term, and a ‘Vice’. The correct tool name is ‘Visegrips’, alluding to the ‘vise’ bench tool for gripping and holding stuff.

      Whereas a ‘vice’ is something you habitually smoke or drink or…

        • Speaking about that..I got my button mushroom spores from the zon today didn’t get the lions mane or the Shitaki.. of course those are for cooking not anything else.. I have some tents coming to keep them all separate..
          the wife and I use to dine out quite often..we went to a fancy place they had a mushroom Swiss burger.. I was eating and it was delicious then I though ..where’s the mushrooms.. the mushrooms was the burger lol lol lol..great sandwich how they made a burger out of just the mushroom was besides me..I’d have it again but..that restaurant couldn’t stay open.
          people around the wastelands aren’t the gourmet type.. those that are aren’t as willing to support that..

    • Jester: fun read, thanks, surfing where my laptop was left-off. “vicegrip” are “wingnuts” of sorta modern toolism. I have a dufflebag full of ’em. Those and a monster adjustable end (Crescent) wrench can tag team into remarkable turning tools.

      Adjustable Wrenches

      “gapology” isn’t for everyone. Well, it is but no future seeing intended, just that being observant tendencies allows interpretation of charts and graphs. With luck this might allow being right more often than wrong. Or, being less wrong?

      Technical Analysis (TA) is thought hokum by plenty of folks and, more power to them. In life I find too much impossibility from some attempts to bend Fundamental Analysis into reality. Ex: Space Shuttle self destructs and the market goes up? Fails backtest.

      It is from observing cycles (in all things) one might make a better than average guess which is how they built Las Vegas. Better than random, better than 50-50 and, apply time? His Ure-ness was alive online in the big head brainiacs chatting about charts and channels and Kondratiev.

      Well met,


      • Say Mr Egor,

        my mind doth runeth wild cogitating on Gapology, been wondering exactly who’s Gap you been minding lately ? Does Mrs E know about Ure study of Gaps”?

        ATG – lo and behold HBAR done gapped UP today – a most beauteous Candle today. 2 moar cents to go and we ba talking 33% percent gain on block of HBAR’s that may or may not have been purchased a week ago at $.29 per.
        33% Gain or Loss is my MANDATORY take action level.

        I am currently in penalty box (again) for being a PIG, and ignoring above rule recently. Therefore Taking Profit is Mandatory..always an exception to above – in my case it would be accessing Fanduel account from Central America. Dirty scumbags who own ISP down here blocks my VPN from “connecting” – 2 Futures” of Da Burds to Win superbowl, and the early payoff on one will more than cover cost + .

        Might have to give BCN Jr access to account in order to Take Some Profits..

        • (“Say Mr Egor,
          my mind doth runeth wild cogitating on Gapology, been wondering exactly who’s Gap you been minding lately ? “)
          you know the boss an I had a laugh the other day.. and a sad note of sorrow for a worker that had the wrong client… a massage therapist lost his job..lost his license and the small business I’d being sued .. he’s being sued to not even to mention the legal issues.. a client came in with back and leg issues.. ( I’m no doctor but my wild guess is a sciatica nerve issue..that will cripple you faster than anything ) and in the process of his massage he touched her glutes and inner thighs.. both of us started laughing. yet it’s pretty serious as well.. im guessing he never gave it a second thought..it’s the job..reflecting on the tens of thousands of women all shapes sizes and ages that I have done personal cares on every income bracket and every station in society..
          I was just in for my massage therapist and we both were laughing about it.. she .. nice young lady maybe 24 ..said please don’t turn me in I need my job..
          in a job like that the human body is not reflective of sex.. it doesn’t even cross your mind..you literally don’t even consider it..and in all the years I volunteered and worked wage wise. there was only two that I had to force myself to take care if them..one they were disgusting .. not physically mentally..
          the sad thing is the massage therapy studio was a really good one.. they worked on my sciatica issue. thought they beat me up getting the nerves back aligned..that kind of legal issues will probably put the whole studio out of business

  10. Liars FIGURE, and Figures LIE.

    Tha being said..whats a matta, splatta?

    Yeah nobody likes splatter, specially the lil dude in rowboat paddling around toilet tank,Mr Tidy Bowl.

    One wonders how “splattered” dem long term Puts be now ? I can only imagine the pain, discomfort and outright distraction they bee causing youse Tex.

    Genius idea #1 – cover those Puts, and go a “little” long the market.

    This plan should insure the market turns down soonly and leaves youse standing in mud at low tide..sans the swim trunks.
    Beware whale watchers, as they be prone to holler “Thar she blows” upon sighting a big one, and I aint talkin Kami nor Moochele.

    Seriously – a Bearish Spread could be just the ticket, to fame and fortune..oh alright maybe not fame, but definitely a lil fortune.

    Better yet ? FBTC – fidelity BTC ETF, SMLR – get on the – https://youtu.be/8lD5bfqzr6E?si=baOvNdazi-LdVerR

    • re: Second Battle of Shuja’iyya, 2024
      feat: all aboard the Crazy Train

      “Al-Jazeera Arabic” quoted a Palestinian group that a Hamas leader, Khalil al-Hayya, was representing Hamas at the Doha negotiations. The public record says that he resides at Shuja’iyya located adjacent to Gaza City.

      The residential suburb, flattened yet again, is named after a famous emir Shuja al-Din Uthman al-Kurdi. He fell at the Battle of Gaza in 1239 against knights of the Baron’s Crusade led by King Theobald I of Navarre, Count of Champagne. He was a French great-grandson of Henry II of England. When Theobald wasn’t doing kingly things, he had a side gig as an amorous troubadour, being one of the Ozzy’s of his time.

      Pop the champagne corks and hop aboard DJ George’s Crazy Train into the sands of time with the Count! Still going almost 800 years strong with-
      “Lady, this your fine friend”
      “Sire, do not hide it from me”
      “Philippe, I ask you”
      at the following Youtube link.


  11. On Sept. 3, 1929, the Dow Jones Industrial Average swelled to a record high of 381.17, reaching the end of an eight-year growth period during which its value ballooned by a factor of six.
    we live in the land of the velocity of the flow…the dollar is only good if it’s moving..
    the time I believe that we need to start worrying is when the velocity of cash stops moving. we don’t repair anymore we replace..throw away world..when people only buy the essentials and quit buying crap then it will be effected. stock market is only an indicator that people are still buying crap..
    it doesn’t indicate how good that crap is or how dependable it is..
    we actually quit using a dishwasher.. the one built in turkey that had to have someone out three times before it was even a year old.. and having to replace them every two years says I’m dumping good money for crappy products one made in the USA is five times the cost.. like our washer and dryer hookup. so far we would have had to buy three new systems in the timeline of what we have owned this set..money well invested..rather than drag the dishwasher out and put in a new storage cabinet we decided to just do them by hand..
    that’s the dish rack we got..wow to say I love it isn’t enough .. got it on prime days .. twenty bucks on sale..the only think I wished it had was a larger silverware holder..

    • I don’t think 1929 economics applies anymore.

      Look to the L.A. fires. Some L.A. folk lost their places – including lux such as fridge and washer – to live along with their places to work. The banks underwriting their debts are bust but no banks have gone over the falls as far as I’m aware of.

      Overspent folks who don’t have a place to sleep or work don’t pay. To add since they lost most everything they’ll have to use their cash eating at restaurants and cleaning their stuff at the laundromat etc. because they have no place to store leftovers, etc.

      • Oh absolutely… and its mind boggling..that’s a state whose budget was Billions …with a capital .. B.. over what they took in.. the us budget was a half trillion every year now its flipping a trillion every three months. I read one article the other day that says if..the Ukraine war is lost ( I can’t see how it can even remotely be feasible to having a positive ending ) that we have to dig up another trillion.. Congress has to borrow three trillion next week isn’t it.. just for the USA to hobble till june..
        the USA debt reminds me when I had been tossed under the bus by an employer..not even making three bucks an hour and owning a half million.. the only option I had was to crawl out from underneath it..
        it’s unsustainable.. the sad part is..the top of the pile don’t feel it yet..my kids that thought I was a raving lunatic paranoid and all the things I feared was a result of fake news.. yup C and Mr. T are not the only ones living high on the hog..well the kids are just now beginning to feel some of what I have been feeling for a couple years now..
        my fear is when it hits the top it will be an instant what the hell just happened moment..
        Cali wow.. the rich celebrities will only feel a twinge..not a big deal..the guy working a low wage job..he won’t have resources the government can’t help and like my engineer that was a wealthy man that lost it all in a one two punch of fate.. ended up living in his car..when his car broke down in the wastelands he had a heart attack and ended up living in our spare room..instant poverty..
        from my perspective the logical way out would be to do something that would literally destroy the whole worlds economical outlook destroy all fiat currencies making the majority of the planets money worthless. placing the Bric’s at the top… if.. some of the puppeteers decided ok pay off the debt they would keep their position and status but have to give up a lot of what they value..tgat has to be a nightmare decision..its one thing if its the wave earners money.. quite another if its theirs.. tricky situation one I’m glad I don’t have to make..I’d say screw the oligarchs and start fresh..either way we lose our position at the top..the other alternative is.. WAR.. to the victor goes the spoils..they retain their status but the worlds civilization ends the way we know it today..

      • Seriously war isn’t the answer either.. those pulling the strings rolling out billions to buy our legislators..are not use to doing it themselves..years ago one of the drivers had to deliver a set of cabinets to the big R in NYC .. he was robbed.. didn’t have money to return home.. the Big R.. gave him fuel money to return to the plant.. anyway.. the driver was telling me that when he went to the big D’s office there was a bell.. and every minute or so the bell would ring..he asked what’s the bell for.. he said the big R.. told him every time that it rang he made another million dollars.. imagine if the USA had a bell that did that as interest is accumulating..you’d think the dam phone was ringing…

    • “Durable” goods are now defined as having a usable life of 3 years
      Used to 10, I’m not sure. Anyway they’re all a triumph of “value” engineering from the perspective of the mfr, most certainly not from that of the consumer. In my not so humble opinion the demand for low priced appliances has driven manufacturers to hire a new breed of employees – chimeras that are the progeny of MBAs & engineers

  12. “and another one down, and another one bites The Dust.

    Conspiracy that is, aint conspiracy no moar.

    okay repaet after moi – We Are, Agglutination Nation, now.

    Seems samples of the thick unusual Fog experienced around the World recently, were taken to Lab. They found it was saturated with Serratia Marcescens Bacteria..also considered a parasite.

    Releasing this scheisse into our Air is BIOLOGICAL WARFARE .

    Types of infections the above referenced bacteria causes in Humans ?

    Urinary tract infections
    Bloodstream infections
    Ocular Infections
    Respiratory Infections
    Wound Infections

    All of the above have been observed infecting Humans by way of the nasty lil bastards- Serrattia Marcescens.

    Yet another attack..Will you at least Defend Ureselve?

    • Tuc,
      King Theobald I was born in Troyes, France. The city is named after the Tricasse (latin: 3 braids) tribe which Julius Caesar conquered around 57 bc. Apparently Tricasse in the tribe’s Celtic dialect could mean ‘three battles’.

      Story outlines say the city Troyes features in “Book 6: The Doomsday Key” in the fictional “Sigma Force” series by American author James Rollins. A “fungus parasite” dating to ancient Egyptian times which also featured as a bioweapon in the Celtic era threatens the modern day. I’ll add it to my reading list. Thanks for the suggestion!

      As an aside, it seems French movie “The Fifth Element” starring Bruce Willis was a nominee for best film at the 1998 César Awards, France’s answer to the Oscars. However the winner was “Same Old Song” featuring French recording stars Julien Clerc, and Michel Sardou with his single “Déjà Vu”. The winning movie’s Wiki page received its most recent update six days ago. Russian-fluent editor ‘Moscow Connection’ added a hyperlink to “Ce n’est rien” (It’s nothing).

  13. Methinks The Donald doesn’t wanna be at the helm for a Big Bust. Not acceptable. Not good for The Brand.

    I do think he’s a genius. (Wether he may be a malevolent one is another disquisition.)

    Our national debt could be paid off (perhaps easily) if some sort of great unexpected source(s) of wealth or revenue to GovDome were to suddenly appear.

    Not impossible. Improbabe, maybe, but not impossible. (Maybe through several sudden sources all happening at about the same time — seemingly coincidentally.)

    There is a bunch of low-end cheap labor suddenly here, looking for work. (No, I’m not some misery-parasite — I’m just looking at turning systemic loads into sources of productivity and joy for all of us. Them, AND “us.”)

    How about taking over managing the Panama Canal and its transit fees, “finding” huge wealth in exotic minerals and petro under licence in Greenland or Canada, or U.S. spaces currently locked away? (You don’t have to own a place to dig or drill under a fee-paid license.) (Everybody, except the smelt, gets a slice and wins.) (Fuck the smelt. It just unfortunately got in the way of bigger things. Nothing personal — just business)

    Don’t hang the Blacke Crepe of depresssion just yet.
    (But do keep it in reserve just in case…)

    Life is often surprising. Terrible disasters sometimes don’t happen. Sometimes they do. That’s what makes it all such Fun.

    • I think the collective Wall StreeT (NYC just like the courts) Banksters, Fed, and other never-Trumper factions are trying to push this market up to a cliff and then do a Hoover on PDJT. PDJT can complain that “I just got here” but the MSM and the Deep State will be happy to put the crash in his lap. That’s why I expect it in the first 100 days, and that’s why my puts are all in April.
      I have been wishing they were out to May, but I think April will be long enough.

    • (“Our national debt could be paid off (perhaps easily) if some sort of great unexpected source(s) of wealth or revenue to GovDome were to suddenly appear.”)

      that’s kind of what I’m thinking.. the ones pulling the strings and buying our legislators that toss billions of dollars at them.. they have huge legal teams to write our laws .. make them so large and complicated that those working less than a month a year just don’t have any interest in actually getting involved in trying to read that crap …
      they know to keep the fiat currencies and their position of influence at the top secure..that the USA has only a couple of options.. they have the resources to bring us to solvency and keep their position of power..
      one way they lose their position and the other way they retain their position but have to contribute something they don’t want to lose..

      hardy says it good ..
      which will they chose back off and bail out or let things progress a roll of the dice.. a dart throw decision yes maybe no..

  14. Why? How ’bout this:

    Trump to establish External Revenue Service to collect tariffs

    President-elect Donald Trump announced on Tuesday plans to establish a new agency called the “External Revenue Service” to collect money from foreign countries owed to the United States.


    or maybe this:

    Canada’s Ambassador to the U.S. affirmed that the country is willing to boost American imports in the wake of President-elect Trump’s threats to increase tariffs.

    “We are happy to source what we can from the United States. And we have some big military procurements coming up, for example, replacing our entire submarine fleet,” Ambassador Kirsten Hillman told the Associated Press in an article published Monday.


    How about everyone gets off the conspiracy BS for a while and begins reading the fucking news again…? PN and US are awesome sites — and IMO too valuable to become a garbage can for posts that’re 8chan, GLP, and ATS rejects. I gave George the link to Whatfinger so y’all wouldn’t have to wade through Drudge’s propaganda links. Please use it…

    • R, Duh Homer, Trump is spoon feeding his base, Customs and Border Control already handles tariffs: This week, Trump announced his intention to create the new federal department on Truth Social, writing: “I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share.”

      But experts have told Newsweek that such a service essentially already exists, and is run by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which is overseen by the Department of Homeland Security.

      “This proposal appears to be part of Trump’s more extensive strategy to portray tariffs on foreign imports as a means of offsetting costs for his policy agenda and, at the same time, to appeal to his base with trade-related tough talk,” Fahey said.

  15. Did you see the light “blue” VW bus that survived the fire in Maibu, with everything around it burnt to a crisp? Got a blue roof?

  16. I posted a dream on this site, about 2 weeks ago, about a Great Earthquake, in the USA, and how I was shown in my dream that it shifted the river (or the earthquake caused the land to drop so that the river took the path of least resistance) near our home, so that the river now ran down the street in front of the house. I was told that electricity was out, but that our well would work because we have a generator that we can use for that, and we also have backup propane for cooking.

    However, we do not have a boat, and it was not revealed to me how long this disaster would last, nor how we would get our of our front yard. Evacuation would not be easy, unless a boat came by to pick us up.

    3 days ago, I had another very strange dream experience.

    Layer 1: Conscious life.
    Layer 2: In a dream.
    Layer 3. In a dream within a dream.

    or another way to explain it.

    Layer 3: Had a dream, woke up from the dream but actually in another dream.
    Layer 2: This other Dream, woke up from Layer 2 to Real Life Consciousness.
    Layer 1: Conscious life, real time.

    Dream 1; I walked out my front door, and noticed that there were black wild pigs, eating/rutting in the neighbors yard to my left, and also in our yard to my right, and the neighbor’s yard, more to the right.

    I had just put my small dog down to go out with him, then quickly called him back to me as I didn’t want him chasing the pigs as he might get hurt, as I scrambled to get him, I fell on my backside, so did just grab him and then I realized, it was such an awkward position, I couldn’t get up, so was just getting ready to call my husband to help me, and a little baby piglet ran up to us…then I woke up.

    Into Layer 2 dream, which felt just like real life consciousness, but it was not. It was the 2nd layer dream. In this dream, which for all intensive purposes, was exactly the same as real life, we have a gated front yard, so no one should just be able to come up to the front door unless they jump the fence.

    I was sitting in the chair in the living room, and I looked to my right, and I noticed the screen door had slightly moved. We keep the screen door, which has a cat door in it, locked, then we leave the front wooden door slightly ajar so that the cat can get in and out during the day.

    Anyway, I notice the movement of the screen door, then the front door opens all of the way, and 3 people walk in with guns. They are young people, twenty somethings. Two men and one woman. I immediately feel this terrible feeling that I am the one who did not lock the screen door, and that they are there to rob us.

    My husband immediately goes to the bedroom and locks the door, however, I know that there are no guns in the bedroom, nothing to defend ourselves with.

    Also, I have this awful feeling that they are here to rob us, search the whole house, and most likely kill us.

    I have diligently, and it has taken some years to set aside some cash for rainy days, and I have not hid it, it is just in a bag, easily found, I didn’t feel good about not securing it better, but the little home really has no secret hiding places, and there is no privacy in the neighborhood for burial sites, and I do not trust the safety deposit boxes, so I was caught out in my indecision to find a home for my rainy day fund.

    One of the men says outloud, “time to evacuate or time for you to evacuate.”

    Then, I wake up to my current life consciousness. FULLY AWAKE. With a startle, as every single layers seemed like REAL LIFE. (So, is this REALLY WAKING LIFE NOW, or am I in a dream all of the time, and do not know it?)

    I have never ever ever had a dream within a dream then real life consciousness…3 layers.

    As I was writing this, I put together the earthquake dream with no way to evacuate, to this 2nd set of dreams, where it appears people are there to help us evacuate, but they are not.

    IF there is a warning in here for anyone else but us, let it be heard and shared.

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